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Five yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones containing the human casein gene family were isolated and characterized to study the control mechanisms for the expression of these genes. Partial restriction analysis in conjunction with the chromosomal fragmentation method and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis were performed to construct a detailed physical map of the casein gene family and to determine the chromosomal localization of these genes. The isolated YAC clones 748F3, 750D11, 882G11, 886B3 and 960D2 were 1.2 Mb, 860 kb, 800 kb 1.5 Mb and 1.5 Mb in size, respectively. The clones 748F3, 882G11, 886B3 and 960D2 contained the entire casein gene family, while the κ-casein gene was absent in 750D11. The human αS1-, β- and κ-casein genes were found to be closely linked and arranged in the order αS1-β-κ. The distance between αS1 and β, and between αS1 and κ was approximately 10 and 300 kb, respectively. The β-casein gene was oriented in the opposite direction to the αS1- and κ-casein genes. The casein gene family was localized to chromosome 4q21.1 by FISH analysis. Received: 7 July 1996 / Revised: 29 October 1996  相似文献   

Sequence heterogeneity within the human alphoid repetitive DNA family.   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
We have cloned and determined the base-sequence and genome organization of two human chromosome-specific alphoid DNA fragments, designated L1.26, mapping principally to chromosomes 13 and 21, and L1.84, mapping to chromosome 18. Their copy number is estimated to be approximately 2,000 per haploid genome. L1.84 has a double-dimer organization, whereas L1.26 has a much less defined higher order tandem organization. Further, we present evidence that the restriction-site spacing within the alphoid DNA family is chromosome specific. From sequence analysis, clones L1.26 and L1.84 are found to consist of 5 and 4 tandemly duplicated 170 bp monomers. Cross-homology between the various monomers is 65-85%. The analysis suggests that the evolution of tandem-arrays does not take place via a defined 340 bp unit, as was inferred by others, but via circularly permutated monomers or multimers of the 170 bp unit.  相似文献   

A homologous family of UDP- N -acetylgalactosamine: polypeptide N - acetylgalactosaminyltransferases (GalNAc-transferases) initiate O- glycosylation. These transferases share overall amino acid sequence similarities of approximately 45-50%, but segments with higher similarities of approximately 80% are found in the putative catalytic domain. Here we have characterized the genomic organization of the coding regions of three GalNAc-transferase genes and determined their chromosomal localization. The coding regions of GALNT1 , -T2 , and -T3 were found to span 11, 16, and 10 exons, respectively. Several intron/exon boundaries were conserved within the three genes. One conserved boundary was shared in a homologous C. elegans GalNAc- transferase gene. Fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that GALNT1 , -T2 , and -T3 are localized at chromosomes 18q12-q21, 1q41-q42, and 2q24-q31, respectively. These results suggest that the members of the polypeptide GalNAc-transferase family diverged early in evolution from a common ancestral gene through gene duplication.   相似文献   

CD27 is a lymphocyte-specific member of a recently identified receptor family with at least 10 members that includes the receptors for nerve growth factor and TNF, CD40, and Fas. Several members of this family play a role in cell differentiation, proliferation, and survival. Within the amino terminal ligand binding domain of these receptors, repeat motifs have been identified. These repeats contain many cysteine residues in a conserved pattern, characteristic of this family. We have isolated and characterized the human CD27 gene to gain insight into the evolution of this type of receptor domain. The gene was localized on chromosome 12, band 12p13. Sequence analysis showed no correlation between the intron/exon organization and the subdivision of the protein into distinct domains. Structural information for the cysteine-rich domain is contained within three exons. In addition, the splice sites in the CD27 gene are located in a different position from those in the related nerve growth factor receptor gene. However, a comparison of the splice sites within the regions encoding the respective ligand-binding domains of the CD27 and nerve growth factor receptor genes identifies the archetypal cysteine-rich building blocks, from which the members of this family may have arisen during the course of evolution. From this observation, we propose a new organization of the repeat motifs.  相似文献   

A complete understanding of chromosomal disjunction during mitosis and meiosis in complex genomes such as the human genome awaits detailed characterization of both the molecular structure and genetic behavior of the centromeric regions of chromosomes. Such analyses in turn require knowledge of the organization and nature of DNA sequences associated with centromeres. The most prominent class of centromeric DNA sequences in the human genome is the alpha satellite family of tandemly repeated DNA, which is organized as distinct chromosomal subsets. Each subset is characterized by a particular multimeric higher-order repeat unit consisting of tandemly reiterated, diverged alpha satellite monomers of approximately 171 base pairs. The higher-order repeat units are themselves tandemly reiterated and represent the most recently amplified or fixed alphoid sequences. We present evidence that there are at least two independent domains of alpha satellite DNA on chromosome 7, each characterized by their own distinct higher-order repeat structure. We determined the complete nucleotide sequences of a 6-monomer higher-order repeat unit, which is present in approximately 500 copies per chromosome 7, as well as those of a less-abundant (approximately 10 copies) 16-monomer higher-order repeat unit. Sequence analysis indicated that these repeats are evolutionarily distinct. Genomic hybridization experiments established that each is maintained in relatively homogeneous tandem arrays with no detectable interspersion. We propose mechanisms by which multiple unrelated higher-order repeat domains may be formed and maintained within a single chromosomal subset.  相似文献   

Summary A cleavage map of bacteriophage P1 DNA was established by reciprocal double digestion with various restriction endonucleases. The enzymes used and, in parenthesis, the number of their cleavage sites on the P1clts genome are: PstI (1), HindIII (3), BglII (11), BamHI (14) and EcoRI (26). The relative order of the PstI, HindIII and BglII sites, as well as the order of 13 out of the 14 BamHI sites and of 17 out of the 26 EcoRI sites was determined. The P1 genome was divided into 100 map units and the PstI site was arbitrarily chosen as reference point at map unit 20.DNA packaging into phage heads starts preferentially at map unit 92 and it proceeds towards higher map units. The two inverted repeat sequences of P1 DNA map about at units 30 and 34.  相似文献   

1. 340 bp (dimer) and 680 bp (tetramer) fractions of the human alphoid satellite DNA (h alpha RI DNA) were isolated after complete cleavage of total human DNA with EcoR I and cloned in pBR 32.5. 2. Ten clones containing 340 bp inserts and one clone containing 680 bp insert were sequenced in order to investigate the sequence heterogeneity of this satellite DNA and the sequence data were compared with the consensus h alpha RI DNA sequence of Wu and Manuelidis (1980). 3. It was shown that in all clones studied the mutations are nonrandomly distributed along the human alphoid monomers forming distinct conservative and variable regions. 4. This mutation distribution pattern was compared with the nucleotide variations between the consensus sequences of different primate alphoid DNAs and it was found that the interspecies nucleotide divergency of this satellite DNA is quite similar to the intragenomic one. 5. The sequenced h alpha RI DNA clones were used for preparation of DNA-DNA hybrids with a known percentage of base pair mismatching. 6. These hybrids were melted on hydroxyapatite (HAP) and the results obtained were used to determine the relationship between the thermal stability (Tm) and the extent of base pair mismatching for naturally diverged DNA sequences. 7. A value of 0.7 degrees C decrease in Tm per 1% base pair mismatching was found.  相似文献   

Endothelin is a 21-amino acid vasoconstrictor synthesized and secreted by vascular endothelial cells. The human peptide is derived from a 212-amino acid precursor, preproendothelin. A nearly full length clone containing DNA complementary to human preproendothelin mRNA was isolated, and its nucleotide sequence was determined. Using this cDNA as a probe, the genomic organization of the human endothelin gene was determined and the promoter region delineated. The gene contains five exons and four intervening sequences. Nucleotide sequences encoding endothelin are contained within the second exon, and the third exon specifies a portion of preproendothelin that is homologous to endothelin. The second and third exons may represent descendants of a common progenitor exon. The 3'-untranslated portion of the gene contains a 250-base pair region that is highly conserved between human and porcine genomes and may have an important role in endothelin mRNA stability. On the basis of DNA isolated from human-mouse somatic hybrid cell lines, the endothelin gene was assigned to human chromosome 6.  相似文献   

A family of closely related genes, named the d4 family, has been previously identified in mammals. It comprises three genes encoding structurally related proteins. The hallmark of the family is D4 domain—a double-paired finger motif that consists of two tandemly arranged PHD finger domains. These genes are expressed in various tissues and at various developmental stages. Two of those, neuro-d4 and cer-d4, are strictly neurospecific and their expression is developmentally regulated. Another gene, ubi-d4/Requiem is ubiquitously expressed in all embryonic and adult tissues at the same levels. d4 family genes are evolutionary conserved. Human, mouse, rat, and chicken d4 genes have been cloned. The only d4-like gene was found in the genome of nematode C. elegans and hydra H. magnipapillata. The sole member of d4 family was identified also in the genome of D. melanogaster. However, d4 genes are not believed to be present in the genomes of prokaryotes and yeast. This review describes genomic organization and expression of d4 family genes in vertebrates.  相似文献   

A collection of human Y-derived cosmid clones was screened with a plasmid insert containing a member of the human X chromosome alphoid repeat family, DXZ1. Two positive cosmids were isolated and the repeats they contained were investigated by Southern blotting, in situ hybridization and sequence analysis. On hybridization to human genomic DNAs, the expected cross-hybridization characteristic of all alphoid sequences was seen and, in addition, a 5500 base EcoRI fragment was found to be characteristic of a Y-specific alphoid repeat. Dosage experiments demonstrated that there are about 100 copies of this 5500 base EcoRI alphoid fragment on the Y chromosome. Studies utilizing DNA from human-mouse hybrids containing only portions of the Y chromosome and in situ hybridizations to chromosome spreads demonstrated the Y centromeric localization of the 5500 base repeat. Cross-hybridization to autosomes 13, 14 and 15 was also seen; however, these chromosomes lacked detectable copies of the 5500 base EcoRI repeat sequence arrangement. Sequence analysis of portions of the Y repeat and portions of the DXZ1 repeat demonstrated about 70% homology to each other and of each to the human consensus alphoid sequence. The 5500 base EcoRI fragment was not seen in gorilla, orangutan or chimpanzee male DNA.  相似文献   

The human B lymphocyte activation antigen B7 provides regulatory signals for T lymphocytes as a consequence of binding to its ligands CD28 and CTLA-4. The cDNA for B7 has previously been isolated and predicted to encode a type I membrane protein. The predicted polypeptide has a secretory signal peptide followed by two contiguous Ig-like domains, a hydrophobic transmembrane region and a short cytoplasmic tail. Here we report the exon-intron genomic organization of human B7 and the chromosomal location. The gene has six exons that span approximately 32 kilobases of DNA. Exon 1 is not translated and the second exon contains the initiation ATG codon and encodes a predicted signal peptide. This gene structure is characteristic for several eukaryotic genes with tissue-specific expression. The third and fourth exons correspond to two Ig-like domains whereas the fifth and sixth exons encode respectively the trans-membrane portion and the cytoplasmic tail. This close relationship between exons and functional domains is a characteristic feature of genes of the Ig superfamily. Cell surface expression of the B7 gene product has previously been mapped to human chromosome 12 by antibody reactivity with the B7-specific monoclonal antibody BB-1. We here demonstrate that theB7 gene is located to theq21-qter region of chromosome 3 by DNA blot analysis of human × rodent somatic cell hybrids.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers M83071-M83075, M83077. Address correspondence and offprint requests to: B. Dupont, Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, 1275 York Avenue (Room S709), New York, NY 10021, USA.  相似文献   

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