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Reproductive success, copulation success, and mating success were measured for a population of male dragonflies,Orthetrum japonicum. Copulation success explained the greatest variation in reproductive success. The proportion of copulations followed by oviposition was positively correlated with the number of oviposited eggs per mating. Directional selection on four morphological characters was estimated. The effect of selection on correlated traits was comparable to that of direct selection. Directional selection varied between traits and between episodes in a single trait. The probability that the observed directional selection on the four morphological traits was expected under the condition of the selective neutrality of traits was not smaller than 5%.  相似文献   

1. Histological correlative studies on the cerebral neurosecretory cells, the corpora allata and the oocyte development strongly suggest the involvement of cerebral NSM mostly produced by the A cells of pars intercerebralis and the CA hormone in the vitellogenesis. 2. Biochemical studies reveal the incorporation of haemolymph proteins and lipids in the yolk during vitellogenesis. 3. Exogenous administration of the extract of the brain-CC and FME demonstrates, to some extent, the stimulation of protein synthesis during vitellogenesis in the haemolymph by the cerebral NSM and the CA hormone, while the lipid metabolism lies, mostly, under the control of juvenile hormone.  相似文献   

The reproductive behavior of the dragonfly,Orthetrum japonicum, is described. Behavioral processes of turnover of territorial males, simultaneous guarding of 2 females by a male, and copulation by non-territorial males are described. The males with longer hind wings won the territorial conflicts more frequently. The total duration of territorial residence of a given male was correlated with the number of his matings, but not correlated with the length of his abdomen or hind wings. The territorial site with the lower degree of vegetation cover was occupied by males more consistently. Males in more consistently occupied territorial sites did not have longer abdomen and hind wings than males in less consistently occupied sites. The territorial site where the larger number of copulations was observed was not occupied more consistently. Selection episode analysis using the method of Arnold & Wade (1984a, b) showed that direct selection on the hind wing length favored the short wing and that direct selection on the abdomen length favored the long abdomen during mating.  相似文献   

The ovaries consist of large number of panoistic ovarioles in the last instar nymph and the adult dragonfly Orthetrum chrysis (Selys). In the nymph the vitellaria are compactly filled with the primary oocytes and the vitellogenesis takes place only in the adult stage. During vitellogenesis oocytes change widely in their shape, size and cytological organisation and their developmental stages can be divided into pre-vitellogenic, early-vitellogenic, vitellogenic, late-vitellogenic and maturation age. PAS-positive material appears first around the germinal vesicle in the early-vitellogenic stage and lateron it migrates towards the periphery. Glycogen appears in the late-vitellogenic stage. DNA is abundantly present in the nuclei of the oocytes during the pre-vitellogenic and completely absent in early-vitellogenic, vitellogenic, late-vitellogenic and maturation stages. It is observed in the nuclei of follicular epithelial cells of all the stages. RNA is abundantly present in cytoplasm of the pre-vitellogenic oocytes but lateron is gradually decreases. During the early-vitellogenic and vitellogenic stages high concentration of RNA in the follicular epithelial cells has been observed. The protein bodies appear first in the interfollicular spaces and towards the periphery of the oocytes just near the enveloping follicular epithelial cells, during the early-vitellogenic stage suggesting the formation of yolk proteins from the haemolymph. In Orthetrum chrysis the sudanophilic bodies appear first in the follicular cells and then lie in the peripheral region of the oocytes suggesting the incorporation of yolk lipid either from the follicular epithelium or from the haemolymph through the follicular epithelium. The phospholipids are synthesised in pre-vitellogenic to the late-vitellogenic stages. In the late-vitellogenic stages the phospholipid granules are present abundantly in the follicular epithelium while in the maturation stage they disappear suggesting their utilisation in the formation of membranes like vitelline and chorion. The neutral fats are present in the form of large number of droplets in the oocytes during the maturation stage.  相似文献   

Summary The cerebral neurohemal area of Melanogryllus desertus is located posteriorly among the neurons of nervus corporis cardiaci I (NCCI) on the ventral median surface of the protocerebrum where axons penetrate the neural lamella and terminate on its outer surface. Numerous neurosecretory fibers containing three different types of granule occur within and on the outer surface of the neural lamella.The release of neurosecretory granules is accomplished by exocytosis and the formation of synaptoids. It can also take place as a mass release of granules into the stroma.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT An account of the structure of the secondary genitalia of male Orthetrum coerulescens (Fabricius) is given together with an outline of the internal genitalia of the female. Observations on the experimental inflation of the penis are described. No sperm was released during fast inflations and deflations of the penis, but sustained inflation of the penis led to the release of a clear fluid followed by the slow discharge of sperm. Examination of natural copulations in the field has shown that rapid rhythmic movements at up to 5 Hz take place in the male's third abdominal segment throughout most of copulation, but towards the end they cease though inflation is maintained. It is suggested that the rapid movements coincide with the removal of rival sperm from the female and that sperm is transferred to the female only during the maintained inflation. Possible mechanisms of sperm translocation, sperm removal and sperm transfer are discussed with reference to male and female genital structures and the action of relevant muscles.  相似文献   

Males of Brechmorhoga pertinax(Hagen) patrolled and competed for narrow strips of stream edge, 2–8 m long, containing a few barely submerged patches of sandy or fine gravel substrate. These scarce patches were used as oviposition sites by females that usually, but not always, mated with a patrolling male just prior to egg-laying. Females visited the oviposition sites evenly throughout the day from 0830 to 1430 but male activity rose until midday and then declined sharply after 1330. Some gravid females refused to mate in the midafternoon despite male efforts to copulate with them. The average patrolling bout by a male lasted less than 15 min, with defenders usually leaving immediately after one or two aggressive interactions with intruders or leaving voluntarily without apparent cause. Many individuals returned for additional bouts of patrolling at the same site, but the total daily period of patrolling for any one individual almost never exceeded 1 h.  相似文献   

Food intake, prey availability, and prey capture behavior at feeding areas were quantified in the dragonflyPachydiplax longipennis by observing focal individuals on artificial perches, where they exhibited marked short-term site fidelity. Prey capture success was high and relatively constant, but the frequency and duration of feeding flights depended on the time of day and season (at least in part because of associated variation in temperature and other physical factors), study site, sex, density of other dragonflies, and prey density. Individuals rapidly responded temporally and spatially to changes in prey availability, particularly to localized prey concentrations.  相似文献   

Summary The apposition eyes of the corduliid dragonfly Hemicordulia tau are each divided by pigment colour, facet size and facet arrangement into three regions: dorsal, ventral, and a posterior larval strip. Each ommatidium has two primary pigment cells, twenty-five secondary pigment cells, and eight receptor cells, all surrounded by tracheae which probably prevent light passing between ommatidia, and reduce the weight of the eye. Electron microscopy reveals that the receptor cells are of two types: small vestigial cells making virtually no contribution to the rhabdom, and full-size typical cells. The ventral ommatidia have a distal typical cell (oriented either horizontally or vertically), four medial typical cells, two proximal typical cells and one full-length vestigial cell. The dorsal ommatidia have only four full-length typical cells, and one distal and three vestigial full-length cells. The cross-section of dorsal rhabdoms is small and circular distally, but expands to a large three-pointed star medially and proximally. The tiered receptor arrangement in the ventral ommatidia is typical of other Odonata but the dorsal structure has not been fully described in other species. Specialised dorsal eye regions are typical of insects that detect others against the sky.  相似文献   

The mark-and-recapture method was used to study the lifetime movement of the Japanese skimmer,Orthetrum japonicum, in a forest-paddy field complex in the warmtemperate zone of Japan. The flight season was from mid April to late June. The age structure showed that the maiden flight occurred towards the forest from the emergence sites (paddy fields) for both sexes. The insects returned to the paddy fields after maturation. The total number of skimmers estimated in the whole survey area was about 1000–2000, of which about 200 males were found in the paddy fields. The average lengths of the immature and reproductive periods were about 10 and 20 days in both sexes, respectively. Most mature males tended to stay in the paddy fields and showed territorial behavior, while most mature females moved frequently between the forest and the paddy fields. The average extent of each territory was about 19 m2, being established mainly in the shady paddy fields. Few males were sneakers. The available habitat throughout the life span for the skimmers was both the paddy fields and the forest.  相似文献   

Adult dragonflies can be divided into two major groups, perchers and fliers, exhibiting notably different flight behaviour. Previous studies have yielded conflicting results regarding the link between the wing macro-morphology and flight style in these two groups. In this study, we present the first systematic investigation of the micro-morphological differences of wings of percher and flier dragonflies in four closely related species from the family Libellulidae. Our results suggest that the shape and material composition of wing microstructural components and, in particular, the nodus are adapted to facilitate the specific wing functioning in fliers and perchers. The findings further indicate a decreasing trend in the area proportion of the soft resilin-dominated cuticle in the nodus in the series of species from typical perchers to typical fliers. Such a reduction in the resilin proportion in the nodus of fliers is associated with an increase in the wing aspect ratio. The knot-shaped protrusion at the nodus of perchers, which becomes notably smaller in that of strong fliers, is likely to act as a mechanical stopper, avoiding large wing displacements. This study aims to develop a novel framework for future research on the relationship between wing morphology and flight behaviour in dragonflies.  相似文献   

Summary Three antisera were used to study the distribution and anatomy of bovine pancreatic polypeptide (BPP)-like/FMRFamide-like immunoreactive neurones within the unfused abdominal ganglia of the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria. All the antisera used stained two or more clusters of perikarya, localized anteriorly and posteriorly near the midline within each unfused abdominal ganglion. Double labelling experiments with intracellular dye injection, or differential backfilling, combined with subsequent immunostaining were carried out to identify these neurones. Two of the antisera (antisera 1 and 2, both raised against FMRFamide) stained three groups of midline neurones, located anterior dorsal, anterior ventral and posterior dorsal within the ganglion. Neurones of the former of these two clusters projected via the anterior median nerve to a neurohaemal organ. The posterior cluster of midline cells comprised immunopositive perikarya all but one of which also projected via the anterior median nerve to innervate the neurohaemal organ. Double labelling with Lucifer yellow and antisera 1 and 2 showed that the remaining neurone was the previously identified doral unpaired median (DUM)heart1 neurone. The third antiserum (AK141), also raised against FMRFamide, stained neurones within an anterior dorsal cluster, and in a posterior cluster. Double labelling with differential Co2+/Ni2+-backfilling and the antiserum 3 (AK141) demonstrated that the large neurones of both clusters belonged to the population of bilaterally projecting neurones (BPNs), including the DUMheart1 neurone. Since the antisera cross-react with BPP and fail to label neurones when preadsorped with BPP or FMRFamide, we conclude that the labelled neurones contain polypeptides of the FMRFamide/BPP-family.  相似文献   

Summary An investigation of the larval dragonfly fauna associated with the plant, Sagittaria platyphylla, was conducted in a small pond. Despite the presence of several larval anisopteran species in the pond, only Pachydiplax longipennis larvae were found on Sagittaria plants. A study of the microspatial distribution of P. longipennis larvae on S. platyphylla indicated that larvae use the various regions of a plant in a highly non-random fashion. Larvae show a strong preference for the leaf axil area. A generalized predator, the bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus), was allowed to selectively eat either of two larvae placed in various plant regions. This experiment indicated that larvae in a leaf axil area were significantly less susceptible to bluegill predation than larvae positioned in other plant regions. The microspatial distribution of starved larvae revealed that larvae with high hunger levels occupied the leaf axil area significantly less than well fed larvae, suggesting 1) larvae do not use these regions as feeding sites, and 2) high hunger levels may induce a behavioral shift in habitat use, with starved larvae forced into areas of high predation risk by the need to fulfill nutritional requirements.  相似文献   

Summary The ventral cord ganglia of the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, contains six distinct cell types: three appear to be ordinary neurons and three exhibit the staining affinities of neurosecretory cells.The presumed neurosecretory cells have been termed neurosecretory cell I (NSC I), NSC II and NSC III. NSC I cells contain a colloid-like inclusion which may occur as a single small vacuole or occupy more than one-half of the cell volume. Colloid inclusions occur with greater frequency toward the periphery, although small cells of similar staining affinity occur in cords extending to the fibrous core. The histochemical tests suggest that the cytoplasm is positive for proteins, but contains no strong acidic groups which may have been derived from S-S or S-H groups. The presence of carbohydrate is also indicated.NSC II cells exhibit distinct secretory cycles. Early in the cycle the cytoplasm becomes phloxinophilic and progresses to a distinct fuchsinophilic stage. Small homogeneous irregular inclusions are found in the axon hillock during the latter stages of the cycle. Histochemical tests suggest the presence of a carbohydrate and strong acidic groups which may have been derived from S-S or S-H groups. There are small cells present which appear to be immature neurosecretory cells.NSC III cells are characterized by a perinuclear ring of cytoplasm which is stained by chrome alum hematoxylin but not by paraldehyde fuchsin. A secretory cycle may also be present in this cell type.The three cell types presumed to be ordinary neurons exhibit no particular staining affinity for the stains or tests used in this study.This study was supported in part by a grant from the Central Fund for Research of the Pennsylvania State University.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that physical habitat conditions influence adult dragonfly (Odonata: Anisoptera) riparian site selection. In naturally treeless riparian areas of South Africa, invasive trees create shade and reduce native vegetation. We hypothesized that most breeding odonates select riparian areas (1) without shade, and (2) with high density and variety of understory perch structures. In two experiments at reservoir shorelines, we varied shade and perch structures. Dragonfly abundances (predominantly Trithemis species) were lower at sites with high (75%) or moderate (55%) shade cover than at sites with no shade, and lower at bare sand sites than sites containing stick perches. Perch density and variety (variety of heights and diameters) did not affect dragonfly abundance. These results indicate that shade alone directly reduces dragonfly habitat selection, isolating one aspect of habitat change that can alter insect behaviors.  相似文献   

Summary In the medulla terminalis ganglionic X-organ (MTGX) of the eyestalk of the freshwater prawn, Palaemon paucidens, six peptidergic neuro-secretory cell types (A-, B-, C-, D-, E-, and F-cells) are distinguishable on the basis of the different morphology of their elementary granules and rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER). All of these cell types seem to correspond to Type-IIIa cells or dispersing Type-IV cells, that have previously been differentiated at the light microscopic level (Hisano, 1974), as judged from the dimensions of their cell bodies and nuclei. Two other peptidergic neurosecretory cell types that are apparently comparable to the Type-II and Type-IIIb cells (Hisano, 1974), respectively, are recognized in parts of the optic ganglia other than MTGX, and these are now designated as Gand H-cells, respectively. All the remaining cell types, designated as Type-I, cluster-forming Type-IV, Type-V and Type-VI cells in our previous light microscopic study, have small cored-vesicles in their cytoplasm. It remains undecided whether these, possibly aminergic, neurons are neurosecretory or not.The author wishes to express his sincere appreciation to Prof. T. Aoto for his invaluable advice during the course of this study.  相似文献   

Summary The cerebral origins and axonal trajectories of neurons projecting to the retrocerebral complex of the cricket, Teleogryllus commodus, were examined in silver-intensified nickel preparations. Spatially separate groups of somata in the pars intercerebralis (PI) and in the pars lateralis (PL), commonly accepted as neurosecretory loci, were found to give rise to axons which terminate in the nervus corporis allati 2, the corpus allatum, or the corpus cardiacum. Additional findings demonstrated a distinct group of somata from the PI whose axons run in the esophageal nerve (stomatogastric nervous system), nine somata in the subesophageal ganglion with axons projecting into the nervus corporis allati 2, and also a small cluster of tritocerebral perikarya with axons terminating in the corpus cardiacum. Somata residing in the PI and PL were found to be compartmentally organized based upon the retrocerebral destinations of their axons. Possible functional consequences of these results with respect to the insect neurosecretory system are discussed.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(6):1781-1790
Territory formation by males of the dragonfly Sympetrum rubicundulum was studied at a shallow temporary pond in Pennsylvania. Most males arrived at the pond between 1100 and 1200 hours and sought unoccupied sites in which to land, which they immediately began defending against conspecific males. Incoming males were never observed to challenge previous residents for possession of territories. Most conflicts between males occurred in the mid-afternoon and involved occupants of adjacent territories; residents experienced a clear ownership advantage in these conflicts. Escalated contests for possession of territory sites did not occur, perhaps because unoccupied sites were continually becoming available due to territory abandonment. Certain regions of the pond were consistently favoured by both sexes and most mating occurred in them: the spatial distributions of copulating pairs, ovipositing females and unpaired females were in close agreement with the spatial distribution of territorial males. High density sites were also the first sites occupied in the morning by incoming males. Although most of the pond and the surrounding land was thickly vegetated, territorial males and ovipositing females were both significantly clumped along the water's edge. The spatial distribution of males may have resulted from a balance of factors: peripheral sites were better than central ones for encountering incoming females, but areas far from the water's edge were unsuitable for female oviposition.  相似文献   

Summary The aorta of Sympetrum danae possesses two dorsal diverticula: one in the mesothorax and one in the metathorax. They are very similar in form and position. Each diverticulum has a dorsal valve through which blood is pumped from the wings down into the aorta. The wall of the aortic diverticula consists of two simple cell layers: an outer epidermis-like layer and an inner muscle layer. The nuclei of the muscle cells are situated close to the lumen of the diverticula. The mitochondria are evenly dispersed between the myofibrils and are often paired up on either side of the Z-band. The Z-bands are thick and fragmented. The length of the sarcomeres varies from 3.3 to 6.1 . The A-band length is about 3 . The myofibrils consist of thick (250 Å) and thin (85 Å) filaments. Each thick filament is surrounded by 9–12 thin filaments. The sarcoplasmic reticulum is well developed and separates the myofibrils with one or two layers. The T-tubules are flattened and branch irregularly like a two-dimensional tree between the lamellar myofibrils. Intercalated discs are observed.The peculiarities of the muscle of aortic diverticula in S. danae are discussed in relation to various muscles of other insects and arthropods.  相似文献   

Frank Suhling 《Hydrobiologia》1995,302(2):113-118
The emergence of Onychogomphus uncatus from three stretches at two adjacent canals in Southern France was compared in 1993. Whereas 50% of annual emergence from the two stretches at one canal had occurred after 25 and 36 days, respectively, it had occurred after 5 days at the second, where emergence began 14 days earlier. At the second canal most of the larvae of one generation had overwintered in the final instar but at the first canal only half did so. These differences correlate with greater annual fluctuations of temperature at the second canal which are responsible for high temporal synchronisation. Other factors that may cause differences in seasonal regulation, such as drying up and density, are discussed. Differences exist also in sex ratio and abundance of emerging individuals, particularly between the two collection sites at the first canal.  相似文献   

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