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Synopsis We employed stable isotope analysis (δ13C, δ15N) to evaluate the sources of nutrients used by amphidromous gobiid fishes (Lentipes concolor, Sicyopterus stimpsoni, Awaous guamensis) caught migrating into and living in Hakalau Stream, Hawaii. Although considerable variation amongst the stable isotope values of stream items was noted across all 4 years of our study, the relationships between the fishes were relatively constant. Stable isotope values of recruiting gobies were consistently closer to those of both inshore plankton and freshwater adults than those of offshore plankton, suggesting that the larvae of these species derive much of their nutrition from inshore environments influenced by fresh water. Small differences between the stable values of these species further suggested that their larvae come from different inshore locations. After entering fresh water all species appear to swim rapidly upstream without feeding. Finally, once well upstream, adult L. concolor and A. guamensis appear to assume an omnivorous diet while adult S. stimpsoni rely upon autochthonous production within streams. We propose that freshwater food webs play an integral yet complex role in the lives of both larval and adult amphidromous Hawaiian fishes.  相似文献   

Synopsis Egg size, fecundity, nest site selection, and breeding structure of the amphidromous Hawaiian goby Lentipes concolor were studied to determine if there was any relationship between these aspects of the breeding biology of this fish and the very long larval period of Hawaiian stream gobies. To do this, these parameters were compared with those known for other gobioid fishes. While eggs were small and females were found to lay up to four nests in a season, reproductive biology and mating behavior of L. concolor were typical of many gobies in spite of its amphidromous life history pattern. Lentipes concolor nests were found from October to June with a spawning peak in February. Nests tended to be positioned closer to the stream bank, and under larger rocks than if they were situated randomly. Depth and mean water column velocity over nest sites did not differ from that at randomly selected points in the stream.  相似文献   

Field observations of markedRhinogobius sp. DA (Dark type) individuals and monthly sampling in the Kashiwa River, Shikoku Island, Japan, indicated the breeding season of the species to be from mid-April to early July, peaking in May. Mark-and-recapture data showed that at least half of the females spawned more than once in one breeding season. Although eggs in male-guarded nests were all at the same developmental stage, their mean number exceeded that of pre-spawning yolk stage oocytes per female, suggesting that at least some guarding males received eggs from more than one female. The physical condition of both sexes deteriorated considerably during the breeding season, the hepatosomatic index of guarding males decreasing concurrently with the development of eggs. The decline in physical condition of guarding males was attributed mainly to their restricted feeding opportunities.  相似文献   

We studied the reproductive biology of the endemic Iranian cichlid Iranocichla hormuzensis, a maternal mouthbrooder, in the Mehran River. Overall sex ratio was 1.44 M: 1F indicating a significant male bias. Monthly sex ratios did not differ from unity except in May and June when the sex ratios were strongly biased in favor of males. Four different reproductive indices and the high frequency of large oocytes, all suggest that the Iranian cichlid spawns at the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Mircoscopic gonadal maturation stages for both males and females were correlated to the gonadosomatic indices. The maximum number of larvae in the mouth of a female was 153.  相似文献   

Gonads of five lethrinids, viz., Lethrinus harak, L. miniatus, L. obsoletus, L. ornatus, and L. sp. 2, were collected monthly in waters off the Ryukyu Islands and observed histologically to reveal their spawning periods and size at sexual maturation and sexual transition. The spawning period was from April to November for L. harak, from April to July for L. miniatus, from April to October for L. obsoletus, from May to November for L. ornatus, and from April to October for L. sp. 2. Sexual patterns in the five species were determined by fork length at both sexual maturation and sexual transition. The body size (fork length, FL) and sex ratio (% of female) at 90% maturity in L. harak were 21.1 cm FL and 90%, respectively; those of L. miniatus were 42.2 cm FL and 80%; 25.7 cm FL and 60% for L. obsoletus; about 20 cm FL and 90% for L. ornatus; and about 26 cm FL and 90% for L. sp. 2. Because the sex ratios decreased to 0% at the maximum size classes in L. miniatus, L. ornatus, and L. sp. 2, the sexual patterns in these species were considered to be protogynous hermaphrodite. Although the sex ratio (% of female) once decreased to about 30% at 28 cm FL, rapid increase occurred in the larger size class in L. harak. However, the increase did not result from sexual transition. Hence, the sexual pattern of L. harak was considered to be protogynous hermaphrodite. Because the sex ratio (% of female) at body sizes larger than 23 cm FL was stable at about 60% in L. obsoletus, the sexual pattern was determined to be one of juvenile hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

Reproductive biology and morphology of eggs and early larvae of the sicydiine goby Stiphodon percnopterygionus were investigated on Okinawa Island, southern Japan. Spawning season was estimated as being from May to December. Standard length at maturity was approximately 20 mm in both sexes, and batch fecundity was approximately 1000–10 000 per female. The egg masses, guarded by the male, were laid on the undersurface of stones in freshwater. The pyriform eggs had long- and short-axis diameters of 0.54–0.58 mm and 0.49–0.50 mm, respectively. Newly hatched larvae (1.20–1.32 mm notochord length: NL) were poorly developed, with large yolk sacs and unopened mouths. Three days after hatching (1.87–2.05 mm NL), eyes were fully pigmented and mouths were opened. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Synopsis Monthly collections of clown goby,Microgobius gulosus, were made from March 1984 through February 1985 at two stations located at the head of the Banana River, Brevard County, Florida, as part of the long-term environmental monitoring program at the John F. Kennedy Space Center. A total of 18921 fishes comprising eight families and 12 genera was collected.M. gulosus represented 6.4% of the total catch. Populations ofM. gulosus exhibited aggregation behavior, which varied in intensity depending on densities of individuals m–2 and habitat characteristics. Capture data were best described by the negative binomial distribution. Mean estimates of individuals m–2 ranged from 0.0 to a high of 22.1 during periods of peak recruitment. The total length-weight regression for all individuals measured was log10 weight = –4.65 + 2.72 log10 length.M. gulosus obtained a size of 35–40 mm TL the first year and 50–60 mm TL the second year. Total lengths of all specimens ranged from 11 to 71 mm. Young of the year first appeared in May with smallest individuals collected in June and July. A protracted spawning period was observed. Stomach and gut analyses revealed that crustaceans and annelids combined represented 65% and 66% of the total diet forM. gulosus from stations 1 (open) and 2 (impounded), respectively. However, differences in proportions of the two groups were present between the two stations. Crustaceans represented 47.1% of the diet for gobies collected at station 1 and annelids 40.8% for specimens collected from station 2. Fecundity was low with the mean number of ova being 305 ± 77.5 for females between 35 and 49 mm TL. Estimated mortality rate was approximately 95% annually.  相似文献   

Synopsis Six Barbus species were sampled monthly in two river systems of SW-Sri Lanka, over a 15 month period. Sex ratio, size at maturity, maximum and modal sizes, distribution of egg sizes in mature ovaries and individual fecundities were measured. Seasonal changes in size distributions, sex ratio, frequency of female gonadal stages and the gonado-somatic index (GSI) were analysed on the basis of the monthly samples. Seasonal cycles in reproductive activity were assessed, using mainly the two last-mentioned parameters and the appearance of young in the populations. It was found that three of the species (B. bimaculatus, B. cumingi, B. vittatus) tend to concentrate their reproductive activities in certain months of the year, roughly coinciding with the seasonal peaks of precipitation. The other three (B. nigrofasciatus, B. dorsalis, B. titteya) spread their reproductive efforts more evenly through the year. Sexual dimorphism with females bigger, relatively early maturation of males, high maximum GSI values, a distinct final mode of large mature ova in the egg-diameter distribution, and a comparatively steep increase of fecundity with body weight or gonad weight were found to be more or less consistently associated with seasonal reproduction.  相似文献   

Gut contents of larval, juvenile, and adult specimens of the Hawaiian gobiid fish Sicyopterus stimpsoni were examined to catalog the algal flora ingested by this species. The developmental stages of S. stimpsoni examined represented hallmark points in the fish’s life cycle corresponding with major migratory and metamorphic transitions. The algal flora was dominated by diatom species and shifted from taxa representative of a marine, planktonic community in larval fish to a freshwater, benthic community in juvenile and adult fish. This change in diet corresponds with the migration of larval fish to freshwater streams just prior to juvenile development in which rapid modification in mouth anatomy makes ingestion of planktonic algal species difficult. Benthic diatoms from juvenile and adult fish assemblages represented multiple genera that live in a narrow set of environmental conditions. These algae grow during a specific period in the development of the benthic algal community in Hawaiian streams. This suggests a highly specialized dietary behavior that depends heavily on continually restarting the benthic algal successional pattern, which appears to be regulated by the hydrological cycles of streams on the island.  相似文献   

Dugesia sanchezi reproduces in nature both sexually and by fission. Laboratory cultures have shown that fissioning is controlled by genetic factors. From sexual specimens randomly mated, 105 sexual and five fissiparous offspring were obtained. The former produced almost exclusively sexual descendents while the latter gave rise to fissiparous individuals, although successively many of them became sexual. These ex-fissiparous specimens show a high fertility and their offspring were almost all fissiparous, with the same characteristics displayed by the preceeding fissiparous generation. Some hypotheses are advanced in order to attempt a genetical interpretation of these results.  相似文献   

West  John A.  Zuccarello  Giuseppe C.  Karsten  Ulf 《Hydrobiologia》1996,326(1):277-282
The red alga Stictosiphonia hookeri is epilithic in shaded habitats of the upper intertidal zone from 30 to 55° S. Thalli of this species from Argentina, Chile, South Africa and Australia, usually without reproductive structures when collected, all developed tetrasporangia in culture. Although good vegetative growth occurred in all nine isolates at 20–25 °C, 12:12 light: dark cycle, 10–30 µmol photons m–2 s–1, none reproduced in these conditions except one isolate from Australia. At 15 °C the four South African (34 °S) isolates developed tetrasporangial stichidia, and three completed a Polysiphonia-type life history. Gametophytes were unisexual or bisexual. At 15 °C one isolate from Chile (36 °S) formed tetrasporangia, but sporelings were not viable. At 10 °C isolates from Argentina and Chile (53 °S and 54 °S) formed tetrasporangia; however, only the Chile isolate completed a Polysiphonia-type life history with unisexual gametophytes. The temperature required to induce sporogenesis correlates with the range of water and air temperatures in the natural habitats of each isolate. In irradiances >50 µmol m–2 s–1 the thalli became yellow- brown within two weeks because of phycobiliprotein loss, but this did not impair growth or reproduction. The Argentina and Chile isolates were resistant to freezing in seawater for at least two days, showing no cell damage. The protein cuticle of the outer cell wall is repeatedly shed in culture. This may serve to minimize the attachment of epiphytes in the field.  相似文献   

The capability of egg-guarding maleTridentiger kuroiwae brevispinis to defend their own nests and egg masses, measured experimentally by matching them with conspecific male competitors of various body size, was almost total against competitors of body lengths ≦104% of defending male body length. Against competitors with body lengths >116% of defending male body length, nest and egg defence almost always failed, indicating an upper limit of competitor's relative body size (between 104% and 116%) against which successful nest and egg-guarding is possible. The specific growth rate of egg-guarding males was significantly lower than that of non-egg-guarding males, due to starvation and stress. The results suggested that male body size has a major influence on guarding males' reproductive success, through post-spawning male-male competition.  相似文献   

Emergence of adults of Edovum puttleri Grissell (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) has a diel periodicity: most emergence occurred within 2 h of lights on (16L:8D, 24±1°C). Males emerged 2.0±3.0 h prior to females, and soon thereafter mated with emerging females. Courtship behavior did not differ between the Colombian and Mexican biotypes and was similar to that of members of the eulophid subfamily Tetrastichinae. The preoviposition period and oviposition period did not differ between biotypes. Males and females of both biotypes were long-lived, with the longevity of females of the Mexican biotype being significantly longer than that of Colombian females. males of both biotypes lived equally long. Mexican females produced more offspring than Colombian females, although this difference was not significant. After approximately 3 weeks, production of female offspring declined in both biotypes. A single mating was sufficient for females to produce a full complement of female offspring. Head capsule width of females correlated positively with fecundity.
Résumé L'émergence des adultes de E. puttleri Grissell (Hymen.: Eulophidae) présente une périodicité quotidienne, la plupart de émergences ayant lieu dans les deux premières heures de la photophase (16L/8D, 24°±1°C). Les mâles apparaissent 2±3 h avant les femelles, et s'accouplant immédiatement avec les femelles émergentes. Les biotypes mexicains et columbiens ont le même comportement de cour, qui correspond à celui décrit pour les Tetrastichini et pour les Entedontinae. Il en est de même pour la durée, d'une part des périodes précédent la ponte (3,7 ±2,8 j), et d'autre part de la ponte elle-même (25,1 ±4,5 j). Les adults des deux biotypes vivent longtemps, mais les femelles mexicaines vivent plus longtemps (57,4±18 j) que les colombiennes (46,2±14,8 j); les longévités des mâles sont identiques (45,7 ±18 j). Les femelles mexicaines produisent apparemment plus d'oeufs (221,2±29,5) que les colombiennes (166,6±58,1), mais ces différences ne sont pas significatives. Après trois semaines environ la production de descendants régresse chez les deux types. Un seul accouplement suffit à produire le contingent total de filles. La largeur de la capsule céphalique des femelles est liée positivement à leur fécondité.

A new gobiid fish, Vanderhorstia papilio, is described based on a single specimen (40.9mm SL) captured from a sandy-mud bottom at a depth of 45m in a protected bay of Iriomote-jima Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. It is distinguished from congeners in having the following combination of characters: 11 segmented dorsal-fin rays; 11 segmented anal-fin rays; 27 longitudinal scales; 11 predorsal scales; third spine of first dorsal fin elongate, filamentous, and longer than preceding spine; fifth and ninth branched caudal-fin rays elongate, filamentous, and forming bifurcated caudal fin; fifth and ninth branched caudal-fin rays with a single branch in each; cephalic sensory-papillae row a comprises three widely-spaced papillae; when live or fresh, numerous small yellow spots scattered on head, body, and dorsal fins; dusky yellowish-brown vertical bar below eye; four dark gray-brown saddles on body, in addition to a similarly colored large blotch at midlateral caudal-fin base. The limits and diagnosis of the genus Vanderhorstia are discussed.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the fanray, Platyrhina sinensis, was examined in Ariake Bay, Japan, from May 2002 until December 2006. Females reached sexual maturity at a larger size than males [total length (TL) at 50% sexual maturity: male, 393 mm; female, 421 mm]. The present data support a distinct annual reproductive cycle for P. sinensis. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) for mature males showed a clear seasonal trend, declining from August to November. Histological observations showed that mature sperm in the testes occurred from August to November when monthly GSI declined. Concomitantly, pre-ovulatory ova were observed in females collected from August to November. These data indicate that mating, ovulation and fertilization occurred from August to November. Near-term embryos, neonates and recent post-partum females also occurred from August to November. Additionally, all post-partum females possessed large pre-ovulatory ova. Parturition occurred from August to November followed immediately by mating, ovulation and fertilization. Mature females become pregnant every year, and the gestation period is almost 1 year. Fertilized uterine eggs without macroscopic embryonic development were present throughout the annual reproductive cycle, indicating that P. sinensis utilizes embryonic diapause as its reproductive strategy. Both reproductive tracts of females were functional, and fecundity ranged from 1 to 12 with a mean of 6.0, increasing with TL.  相似文献   

Size at sexual maturity, reproductive cycle, and fecundity of the guitarfish, Rhinobatos hynnicephalus, were examined in Ariake Bay, Japan. Females reached sexual maturity at a larger size than males [total length (TL) at 50% sexual maturity: males, 431 mm; females, 476 mm]. Monthly gonadosomatic indices of males decreased abruptly from July to August. Histological examinations confirmed the presence of mature spermatozoa in the testes in July, with semen in seminal vesicles in July and August. Preovulatory ova were observed in females with near-term embryos in August. Parturition occurred in August, immediately followed by mating, ovulation, and fertilization. Gestation period is approximately 1 year. Fertilized uterine eggs without embryonic development were present throughout the annual reproductive cycle. Embryonic development began in June and ended in August, indicating that R. hynnicephalus undergoes embryonic diapause (9 months). Fecundity increased with TL and ranged from 1 to 9 (mean, 4.4) embryos per litter.  相似文献   

We studied reproductive behavior of free-ranging capped langurs (Trachypithecus pileatus) in the Pakhui Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh, India. Four species of primates —Trachypithecus pileatus, Macaca mulatta, M. assamensis, and Nycticebus bengalensis— live there. We studied the mating seasons, mating frequency, copulatory attempts, time spent in copulation, and interval between 2 successive copulations, gestation length, and interbirth interval of 4 groups of capped langurs during 2001–2003. We observed 2 mating seasons in a year. The first was larger, comprising 5 months (September–January), and the second was short, April and May. Mating was intensive in the morning session (0600–1000 h); 57% of total mating events occurred then. The average gestation period was 200 d. November was the most favorable month for breeding. In a year, 107 mating events occurred involving 5 adult females. Average time per mounting attempt is 12 s. Duration of mounting was the maximum in November. Interbirth interval was 23 months and 10 d. The birth season was 129 days, December–April; 53% of births occurred in February and March. Average birth rate is 0.386 birth/female/yr.  相似文献   

The effects of hypoxia (0.4 mg O2/L) for 2, 6 or 10 h and subsequent normoxic recovery on the levels of lipid peroxides, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, protein carbonyls (CP), free thiols, and the activities of six antioxidant and associated enzymes were measured in the brain, liver, and skeletal muscle of the rotan Perccottus glenii. Hypoxia increased CP content in the brain (5.0–7.4-fold), liver (2.2–3.3-fold) and muscle (3.2–61-fold) relative to controls and the levels remained elevated during recovery. Lipid peroxide content rose within 2 h of hypoxia in all tissues examined with the most marked increase (8.7-fold) in the liver, but decreased again during longer hypoxic exposure except in the muscle. Levels of low-molecular mass thiols were transiently lowered after 2 h hypoxia in all tissues, but were higher compared with controls after longer hypoxic exposure and recovery. Hypoxia decreased protein thiol content in the liver and muscle that return to control levels during recovery. Experimental conditions affected enzyme activities in a different manner. Superoxide dismutase activity rose two-fold in the liver of hypoxic fish, and a similar tendency was seen in muscle glutathione-S-transferase. Activities of other enzymes were decreased or unchanged during hypoxia and elevated in some cases during normoxic recovery. Taken together, these data show that hypoxia resulted in the development of oxidative stress and a compensatory changes of antioxidant enzymes in the tissues.  相似文献   

Behaviors associated with spawning by the halfmoon grouper, Epinephelus rivulatus, at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia, are described from in situ observations made each evening throughout most of a lunar cycle. Spawning occurred after sunset on six consecutive evenings during the full moon period. During this time males were particularly aggressive toward one another and maintained high levels of activity among the gravid females that rested within each of their territories. Spawning occurred when a male swam alongside a responsive female and the pair rose in a tight spiral 1–1.5 m into the water column before releasing gametes and returning to the seabed. Spawning activity was followed by a longer nonspawning period (ca. 20 days), when fewer intraspecific interactions were observed and gamete reserves were replenished. Histological and behavioral evidence suggests that this cycle of spawning and replenishment may occur on a monthly basis. Although individual fish, particularly females, moved into certain areas to spawn, E. rivulatus did not form spawning aggregations as do larger species of grouper.  相似文献   

Stigmatic exudate-eating chironomid flies (Smittia) and pollen-eating halodid beetles are the most common visitors to flowers ofPseudowintera colorata. Plants are self-incompatible. After selfing pollen tubes penetrate the nucellus; chase pollination experiments show that the incompatibility reaction occurs before fertilization. When pollen is applied to stigmas, the exudate dries rapidly and does not usually reappear. A review of anthophytes suggests that their common ancestor around 200 mya was bisexual and pollinated at least in part by nectar-seeking insects, possibly including flies. The angiosperm stigma appears to have evolved from a pollination drop mechanism via an adaxial stigmatic surface.Dedicated with pleasure to ProfessorW. R. Philipson on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

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