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The effects of head shape variation on growth and metamorphosis in larval salamander (Hynobius retardatus) were examined by a laboratory experiment and a field experiment. In the laboratory experiment, each larva was fed equal amounts and was prevented from accessing others in both the solitary and group treatments, although chemical cues could be transmitted through water in the group treatment. The relative head width of larvae became larger in the group treatment during the early periods but having a large head width did not finally influence growth rate and days for metamorphosis. In the field experiment, larvae were allowed to contact each other directly in two density conditions. The enlarged relative head width was linked to high growth rate in the high-density treatment but not in the low-density treatment. The larval body size distribution in the high-density condition tended to be smaller, and there was a small proportion of large-sized individuals with a broad head width. Moreover, the small number of large larvae metamorphosed much earlier than the others. The mortality of larvae in high-density conditions was much higher than that in the low-density treatments. This would be a consequence of cannibalism in the high-density condition. From the experimental results obtained, it is argued that for the larvae of H. retardatus having a large head is an adaptive tactic that maximizes fitness, particularly in temporary ponds with an unpredictable environment and in crowded conditions.  相似文献   

Body size at metamorphosis is a critical trait in the life history of amphibians. Despite the wide-spread use of amphibians as experimental model organisms, there is a limited understanding of how multiple abiotic and biotic factors affect the variation in metamorphic traits under natural conditions. The aim of our study was to quantify the effects of abiotic and biotic factors on spatial variation in the body size of tadpoles and size at metamorphosis of the European common toad (Bufo b. spinosus). Our study population was distributed over the riverbed (active tract) and the fringing riparian forest of a natural floodplain. The riverbed had warm ponds with variable hydroperiod and few predators, whereas the forest had ponds with the opposite characteristics. Spatial variation in body size at metamorphosis was governed by the interactive effects of abiotic and biotic factors. The particular form of the interaction between water temperature and intraspecific tadpole density suggests that abiotic factors laid the foundation for biotic factors: intraspecific density decreased growth only at high temperature. Predation and intraspecific density jointly reduced metamorphic size. Interspecific density had a negligible affect on body size at metamorphosis, suggesting weak inter-anuran interactions in the larval stage. Population density at metamorphosis was about one to two orders of magnitudes higher in the riverbed ponds than in the forest ponds, mainly because of lower tadpole mortality. Based on our results, we conclude that ponds in the riverbed appear to play a pivotal role for the population because tadpole growth and survival is best in this habitat.  相似文献   

Abstract. Seasonal variations in mosquito larval head capsule width and adult female wing length were investigated in a field population of Anopheles merus Donitz at Nceswana Lake, Ophansi, within the endemic malaria area of Natal, South Africa. An inverse relationship was detected between each of these morphological characters and seasonal fluctuations in air/water temperatures. Mean head capsule width in all larval instars decreased by 4.8-7.9% in summer, while mean wing length decreased by 19.6%. These changes are discussed in relation to the annual range in mean air temperature in southern Africa and the distribution of An. merus. Implications for the use of such morphological characteristics in existing taxonomic keys are discussed.  相似文献   

Anuran larvae exhibit high levels of phenotypic plasticity in growth and developmental rates in response to variation in temperature and food availability. We tested the hypothesis that alteration of developmental pathways during the aquatic larval stage should affect the postmetamorphic performance of the Iberian painted frog (Discoglossus galganoi). We exposed tadpoles to different temperatures and food types (animal- vs. plant-based diets) to induce variation in the length of the larval period and body size at metamorphosis. In this species, larval period varied with temperature but was unaffected by diet composition. In contrast, size at metamorphosis was shaped by the interaction between food quality and temperature; tadpoles fed on an animal-based diet became bulkier metamorphs than those fed on plant-based food at high (22°C) but not at low (12°C) temperature. Body condition of newly metamorphosed frogs was unrelated to the temperature or food type experienced during the premetamorphic stage. Frogs maintained at high temperature during the larval period showed reduced jumping ability, especially when fed on the plant-based diet. However, when considering size-independent jumping ability, cold-reared individuals exhibited the lowest performance, and herbivores reared at 17°C the highest. Cold-reared (12°C) frogs accumulated larger amounts of energy reserves than individuals raised at 17°C or 22°C. This was still the case after correction for differences in body mass, thus indicating some size-independent effect of developmental temperature. Despite the higher lipid content of the carnivorous diet, the differences in energy reserves between herbivores and carnivores were relatively weak and associated with differences in body size. These results suggest that the consequences of environmental variation in the larval habitat can extend to the terrestrial phase and influence juvenile growth and survival.  相似文献   

The effects of starvation on larval growth, survival, and metamorphosis of Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum at the temperature of 19.6–21.6 °C, the salinity of 34‰ and pH of 8.0 were investigated from May 18 to July 18, 2006. In this study, the early, middle and late umbo-veliger larvae with the shell lengths of 100, 140, and 190 μm were subject to temporary food deprivation for up to 4.5, 20, and 25d at 0.5, 4, 5d intervals, followed by refeeding for the remaining of a 24, 20, 25d period, respectively. The results suggested that the larvae should have shown considerable tolerance to starvation due to their endogenous and exterior nutrition material, for larvae and time to the point-of-no-return (PNR: the threshold point during starvation after which larvae could no longer metamorphose even if food is provided) were calculated to be 4.25, 17.54, and 22.17d. As the starvation period prolonged, the mean shell length of larvae starved got close to constants at 1.5, 4, and 15d after starvation, which were different for larvae at different stages when starvation began, survival of larvae decreased, and was lower in treatments starved earlier in development than those starved later, for the early, middle and late umbo-veliger larvae, after 4.5, 20 and 25d of starvation period, few larvaes were alive. After starvation period, the alive larvaes were able to metamorphose and had a capability of compensatory growth when refeeding was given. Starvation not only affected metamorphosis rate, but also caused the delay in the time to metamorphosis and the decrease in the metamorphosed sizes. For example, for the continuously-fed larvae, duration to metamorphosis was 20.7d, for larvae with a size of 100-μm starved for up to 4d, larvae with a size of 140-μm starved for up to 16d, larvae with a size of 190-μm starved for up to 20d, duration to metamorphosis were 29.7, 31.7, and 37.7d, the delay in duration to metamorphosis were 9, 11, and 17d, respectively. Furthermore, importance of nutrition material for maintaining larval survival during starvation and the compensatory growth on larvae at the same feeding time were discussed.  相似文献   

杨凤  张跃环  闫喜武  张国范 《生态学报》2008,28(5):2052-2052~2059
在温度18.2~20.6℃,盐度23~25,pH 7.96~8.14 的条件下,研究了饥饿和再投喂对青蛤幼虫生长、存活及变态的影响.结果表明:在饥饿状态下,幼虫具有生长现象,且随着饥饿时间的延长,壳长逐渐接近一个常值而不再生长;幼虫可以由面盘幼虫发育到足面盘幼虫.随饥饿时间延长存活率下降;且足面盘幼虫及其变态规格、单水管稚贝规格随着饥饿时间延长而减小;幼虫的不可逆点(PNR)为12.48d;延迟变态时间长达12.7d.饥饿后再投喂相同的时间,幼虫能够恢复生长,存活的幼虫能够变态;稚贝表现出补偿生长现象,以壳长作为衡量标准,完全补偿生长能力依次为:S10>S11>S12>S1>S2>S3;超补偿生长能力依次为:S9>S8>S7>S6>S5>S4.  相似文献   

Summary Skins from back and tail were dissected from tadpoles of Rana japonica prior to resorption of the tail and separated into epidermis and dermis by treatment with neutral protease. Homotypically and heterotypically recombined skins were constructed from the separated epidermis and dermis and transplanted into the tail of the original tadpole. Skin grafts using dermis from tail region degenerated simultaneously with resorption of the tail. However, skin grafts containing dermis from back region survived on the posterior part of the juvenile frog beyond metamorphosis. Furthermore, all epidermis underlaid with dermis from back region formed secretory glands and became flattened epithelia characteristic of adult back skin, regardless of region from which the epidermis came. Even when epidermis isolated from tail skin was cultured inside a back skin graft, the tail epidermis survived forming an epithelial cyst and developed secretory glands. These results suggest that regional specificities of anuran larval skin, i.e., development of back skin and even histolysis of tail skin, are determined by regionally specific dermis. The results also suggest that some of epidermal cells of tail skin are able to differentiate into epithelial cells similar to back skin of the adult under the influence of back dermis.  相似文献   

The effects of starvation on larval growth, survival, and metamorphosis of Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum at the temperature of 19.6–21.6 °C, the salinity of 34‰ and pH of 8.0 were investigated from May 18 to July 18, 2006. In this study, the early, middle and late umbo-veliger larvae with the shell lengths of 100, 140, and 190 μm were subject to temporary food deprivation for up to 4.5, 20, and 25d at 0.5, 4, 5d intervals, followed by refeeding for the remaining of a 24, 20, 25d period, respectively. The results suggested that the larvae should have shown considerable tolerance to starvation due to their endogenous and exterior nutrition material, for larvae and time to the point-of-no-return (PNR: the threshold point during starvation after which larvae could no longer metamorphose even if food is provided) were calculated to be 4.25, 17.54, and 22.17d. As the starvation period prolonged, the mean shell length of larvae starved got close to constants at 1.5, 4, and 15d after starvation, which were different for larvae at different stages when starvation began, survival of larvae decreased, and was lower in treatments starved earlier in development than those starved later, for the early, middle and late umbo-veliger larvae, after 4.5, 20 and 25d of starvation period, few larvaes were alive. After starvation period, the alive larvaes were able to metamorphose and had a capability of compensatory growth when refeeding was given. Starvation not only affected metamorphosis rate, but also caused the delay in the time to metamorphosis and the decrease in the metamorphosed sizes. For example, for the continuously-fed larvae, duration to metamorphosis was 20.7d, for larvae with a size of 100-μm starved for up to 4d, larvae with a size of 140-μm starved for up to 16d, larvae with a size of 190-μm starved for up to 20d, duration to metamorphosis were 29.7, 31.7, and 37.7d, the delay in duration to metamorphosis were 9, 11, and 17d, respectively. Furthermore, importance of nutrition material for maintaining larval survival during starvation and the compensatory growth on larvae at the same feeding time were discussed.  相似文献   

The utility of length and mass measurements to predict the larval metamorphosis of Pacific lamprey Entosphenus tridentatus was evaluated. During 2004–2008, larval E. tridentatus were collected from Cedar Creek (Washington, USA) in either the spring or autumn, measured for total length and total mass, reared in captivity and monitored for metamorphosis. The minimum total length, total mass and condition factor of larvae that were observed to go through metamorphosis were 102 mm, 2.0 g and 1.52, respectively. Logistic models indicated that total length and condition factor in both spring and autumn were the most significant variables for predicting metamorphosis of Pacific lamprey during the subsequent summer. Mass in the autumn also appeared important to predict whether metamorphosis occurred in the subsequent summer. Collectively, all models using specific minimums of total length, total mass or condition factor of larvae as criteria for them to metamorphose were sometimes (5 of 14 cases) able to predict the percentage of larvae that would metamorphose but rarely (1 of 12 cases) able to predict which individual larvae would metamorphose. Similar to other anadromous species of lampreys, the size and condition of larval E. tridentatus have utility for predicting metamorphic fate.  相似文献   

Identifying drivers of interspecific differences in trait plasticity is a major goal in ecology and evolution. For instance, understanding why species invest in constitutive or induced defenses against pathogens is critical for developing accurate models of host-parasite interactions. The adaptive plasticity hypothesis (APH) suggests that, due to costs associated with plasticity, species with greater heterogeneity in their association with an enemy should be more likely to exhibit a plastic (i.e., induced) defense. Here, I tested whether the APH can explain variation among eight co-occurring anuran species in a plastic defense (change in activity level after parasite exposure) against a common trematode parasite (Digenea: Echinostomatidae). The species examined vary in life history, habitat use and phenology—traits that influence the frequency of encounters with parasites in natural ponds. Laboratory experiments were used to measure the proportional change in species’ activity in response to parasites and infection levels, and experimental results were then coupled to data from a field survey. Consistent with the APH, the activity change was greatest for species that vary most in their association with parasites, even when accounting for species phylogeny. Habitat use may thus have influenced the evolution of parasite avoidance, comparable to a similar pattern in species’ defenses against predators. Infection levels, however, correlated with species’ baseline activity levels rather than the change in activity post-exposure. General activity levels may thus contribute more strongly to species-level differences in infection rates than plasticity. Overall, these findings suggest that the APH and consideration of behavior generally enhances understanding of interspecific variation in defenses and susceptibility to parasitism, with implications for community-scale interactions and amphibian conservation.  相似文献   

The effects of two methods of preservation (fixation and storage in 10% formalin, and fixation in 10% formalin followed by storage in 95% alcohol) on pigmentation and morphometric features used for identification of larval Ichthyomyzon lampreys were analysed. Both short‐term (3 weeks) and long‐term (6 months) studies were conducted using digital analysis of images of fresh and preserved lampreys. Six standard morphometric lengths and 10 areas of pigmentation were analysed. All measurements were significantly affected by preservation. Preservative type affected pigmentation and morphometric characteristics differently, and characters were affected to different degrees. Multiple measurements over time showed that almost all changes occurred within 3 weeks of preservation. Regression equations allowed for accurate correction of preservation effects on morphometric measurements, but the effects on pigmentation levels were less predictable. Effects of preservation on larval lampreys need to be considered when comparing fresh and preserved specimens because they influence critical identification features.  相似文献   

The ectodermic status of Amphibians explains their heavy dependence at ambient temperatures and thus their sensitivity to global warming. Temperature is likely the main factor regulating their physiology by acting on the endocrine system, with consequences on development, growth and size at metamorphosis. All these parameters control survival in the wild and performances in raniculture. This study is, to our knowledge, the first report on the effects of temperature, density and protein level in food on the rearing of the North African green Frog Pelophylax saharicus. Results show that a temperature of 26 °C is optimal for maximum weight gain. The maximum metamorphosis rate is obtained between 24 and 26 °C. The highest yields occur at low densities from 1 to 10 tadpoles l1. The best survival rate and accelerated metamorphosis are obtained at a level of 35% protein in food whose impact on food intake and weight gain is low. The maximum weight attained by tadpoles at metamorphosis, however, is obtained with a level of 40% protein. These results justify examination of this species in the light of climate change and suggest new techniques for aquaculture.  相似文献   

The feeding apparatus of Syngnathidae, with its elongate tubular snout and tiny, toothless jaws, is highly specialized for performing fast and powerful pivot feeding. In addition, the prolonged syngnathid parental care probably enables the juveniles to be provided with a feeding apparatus that resembles the one in adults, both in morphology and function. In this study, a landmark‐based geometric morphometric analysis was carried out on the head of syngnathid representatives in order to (1) examine to what degree pipefish shape variation is different from that of seahorses; (2) determine whether the high level of specialization reduces the amount of intraspecific morphological variation found within the family; and (3) elucidate whether or not important shape changes occur in the seahorse head during postrelease ontogeny. We found that (1) there is a significant shape difference between head shape of pipefish and seahorse: the main differences concern snout length and height, position and orientation of the pectoral fin base, and height of the head and opercular bone. We hypothesize that this might be related to different prey capture kinematics (long snout with little head rotation versus short snout with large head rotation) and to different body postures (in line with the head versus vertical with a tilted head) in pipefishes and seahorses; (2) both pipefishes and seahorses showed an inverse relation between relative snout length and intraspecific variation and although pipefishes show a large diversity in relative snout elongation, they are more constrained in terms of head shape; and (3) the head of juvenile Hippocampus reidi specimens still undergoes gradual shape changes after being expelled from the brood pouch. Ontogenetic changes include lowering of the snout and head but also differences in orientation of the preopercular bone and lowering of the snout tip. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A variety of early ontogenetic events of anuran species (growth, structural and biochemical diversification, metamorphosis) offers a unique opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness and application limits of mass spectrometry method for the analysis of metabolic and transformation events in developing organisms. The dynamics of relative carbon and nitrogen contents and stable isotopes of these elements during larval development in the period of metamorphosis climax and after its conclusion in moor frog specimens developing in their natural habitat and in vitro on a referent diet are traced. A decrease in C/N ratio and enrichment of the tissues with heavy stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen during embryonal and larval development (prior to the beginning of independent feeding) indicates the increase in the portion and variety of proteins, accompanied by consumption of yolk lipids. The relative nitrogen content increase and C/N ratio decreases with the growth and development of independently feeding tadpoles, which indicates surpassing increase of the portion of proteins in tissues. In growing tadpoles, the rates of tissue renewal in general and rates of protein metabolism in particular affect the kinetics of changes of tissue isotope composition, which approaches isotope composition of the consumed food. A decrease in С/N ratio in the bodies of metamorphs during mass tissue decomposition is indicative of continuing reconstruction of larval organs and growth of anlage of definitive organs. Significant increase of C/N ratio and depletion of liver samples by heavy carbon isotopes are associated with intensive synthesis and reservation of lipids within the organ. Strong enrichment of metamorphs’ tissues with heavy nitrogen isotope indicates the substitution of ammoniotelic type of nitrogen metabolism by urotelic type. Decrease in C/N ratio and enrichment of tissues by heavy carbon isotope may be connected to intensive oxidation of lipids, which supports the growing energy costs of terrestrial underyearlings. Relative contents of heavy nitrogen isotope in the tissues of underyearlings does not change compared to the tissues of metamorphs.  相似文献   

1. Some organisms under variable predator pressure show induced antipredator defences, whose development incurs costs and may be associated with changes to later performance. This may be of especial relevance to animals with complex life histories involving metamorphosis. 2. This study examines the effect of predation environment, experienced both during embryonic and larval stages, on palmate newt (Triturus helveticus) metamorphosis. Newt eggs were raised until hatching with or without exposure to chemical cues from brown trout (Salmo trutta), and larval development was monitored in the presence or absence of the cues. 3. Exposure to predator cues during the embryonic stage resulted in higher growth rates at the larval stage, reduced time to metamorphosis and size at metamorphosis. Metamorphs also had narrower heads and shorter forelimbs than those from predator‐free treatments. In contrast, exposure to predator cues during the larval stage did not affect metamorph characteristics. 4. These results indicate that developing embryos are sensitive to predator chemical cues and that the responses can extend to later stages. Reversion of induced defences when predation risk ceased was not detected. We discuss the possible adaptive significance of these responses.  相似文献   

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