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基于归1000密码子使用频次,从垂直和水平两个方向研究了不同进化阶层宿主-病毒密码子使用的若干统计特征及其协同进化规律。结果表明,病毒密码子和氨基酸多样性总体上高于相应宿主;细菌-噬菌体、真菌-真菌病毒、无脊椎动物-无脊椎动物病毒的密码子使用频次匹配较好,细菌-噬菌体、无脊椎动物-无脊椎动物病毒的氨基酸丰度匹配较好;病毒基因AU含量、AU3s含量总体上高于相应宿主;病毒和宿主密码子第一位碱基含量均GA>CU;密码子第二位碱基含量均A>U>C>G;病毒与宿主编码区碱基的相对分子量和相对π电子共振能总体上存在较明显的跟随现象。病毒和宿主基因在密码子使用频次等多个统计特征方面既呈现协同进化趋势,又有较明显的分化。  相似文献   

寄生虫及其宿主协同进化的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘汉生  陈智兵  胡朝晖  林小涛 《生态科学》2003,22(3):261-264,208
本文对寄生虫及其宿主协同进化的研究进行了回顾,将其发展分为三个阶段:1.寄生虫-宿主协同进化的初步认识;2.协同进化模式及其内在机制的探索;3.协同进化机制研究方法的发展。目前的研究主要集中于协同进化生物学意义的进一步深入探讨。同时,对协同进化的有关概念、方法和本学科的发展进行了简单阐述和讨论。  相似文献   

植食性哺乳动物与植物协同进化研究进展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
李俊年  刘季科 《生态学报》2002,22(12):2186-2193
从动物-植物协同进化模式,植物对动物采食反应及动物对植物防卫的适应对策等方面综述了以植物次生化合物为媒介的植食性哺乳动物-植物协同进化的研究进展,动物与植物的协同进化模式包括成对协同进化,扩散协同进化,躲避-辐射协同进化,多样性的协同进化,平行分枝进化,互惠进化等模式,植物不仅以超补偿反应,物理防卫作为对植食性动物采食的应答,延长植食性动物的觅食时间,降低植食性动物的觅食效率,更能以其派生的次生化合物抑制动物的摄食,进而影响其消化,代谢及生长等生理生态特征,动物通过改变觅食行为,调整对各食物项目的相对摄入量,减少次生化合物的摄入量,动物还通过氧化,还原,络合,改变消化道内环境,形成相应的降解酶,改变代谢率等途径降低次生化合物对其的负作用。  相似文献   

肠道微生态系统及其与宿主的协同进化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肠道微生态系统是寄生在宿主肠道内的微生物的总和。微生物进入肠道后,通过一个复杂的过程形成群落,与宿主之间相互作用,形成共生关系。宿主客观上为微生物提供生存和进化场所,微生态系统为宿主提供营养物质、刺激肠道组织的发育、刺激宿主肠道免疫系统的发育、影响宿主能量代谢、协助宿主降解有毒物质、影响宿主生殖活动和寿命等功能。作为一个进化的系统,微生态系统的物种多样性和丰富度对维持宿主正常生理功能具有重要作用,但同时又受宿主的影响,物种间相互作用和宿主-微生物间的相互作用是微生态系统进化的动力。进化主要表现在微生物和宿主基因组上发生适应性变化。因此,系统生态学的理论对理解肠道微生态系统的运行机制和临床应用具有重要指导作用。  相似文献   

建立稳定表达外源基因的哺乳动物细胞系是一项重要的生物技术,介绍了联合使用慢病毒载体和流式细胞仪分选技术来建立稳定表达绿色荧光蛋白的293T细胞系.结果表明,在1个月左右的时间里即可获得表达绿色荧光蛋白的293T细胞系,阳性细胞率高达96.5%,而且建立的细胞系能够稳定传代.因此,联合慢病毒载体和流式细胞仪分选技术的策略对于建立稳定表达外源基因的哺乳动物细胞系快捷和可靠.  相似文献   

以18S rDNA为分子标记,对碘泡虫属Myxobolus粘孢子虫的分子进化规律进行了系统研究。结果显示:碘泡虫属各物种18S rDNA的AT含量(53.2%)高于GC含量(46.8%),表现出一定的AT组成偏向性;各物种18S rDNA遗传距离在0.00~0.35;脑碘泡虫M.cerebralis保守区序列变异介于淡水物种和广盐性物种之间;碘泡虫属18S rDNA分子系统发育树呈现生境相同先聚枝,形态相似后聚枝的规律,并表现出一定的宿主特异性和组织向性。此外,以线粒体COⅠ基因为分子标记,对碘泡虫属相应宿主进行了系统进化分析,结果表明:淡水物种与广盐性物种分别聚在不同的分类枝系中,与寄生于宿主体内的碘泡虫所呈现的支序树有相同的进化趋势,并表现出一定的协同进化关系;海水起源的虹鳟Oncorhynchus mykiss在适应淡水过程中被脑碘泡虫寄生,两者经过长期的演化,最终适应淡水环境。  相似文献   

协同进化(一)——相互作用与进化理论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张树义 《生物学通报》1996,31(11):35-36
协同进化(一)──相互作用与进化理论张树义(中国科学院动物研究所北京100080)地球上所有的物种都是在过去的35亿年间产生、繁衍和进化的,其中一些物种之间在进化过程中相互作用。也正是这些相互作用使我们今天看到的自然界不仅是一个个彼此独立的物种,而且...  相似文献   

转座因子和宿主基因组的进化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金振华 《生命科学》2002,14(4):220-222
转座因子主要是一些“自在”或“无功能”的DNA,其对宿主进化无关紧要的观点受到了质疑。新近的报道指出,它们有增强宿主基因组自身进化,对环境变化作出反应的潜在能力,很可能是遗传多样性的主要源泉。  相似文献   

基因组学技术, 特别是宏基因组测序在未知病毒的鉴定与溯源中起到了重要作用。相较于传统的病毒分离培养方法, 宏基因组技术可以从混合样本中获得病毒的核酸序列, 极大加速了未知病毒的鉴定与溯源, 在针对高流行性、高致病性的病毒研究中发挥了重要作用。基于宏基因组技术对未知病毒进行鉴定和溯源, 其准确性很大程度上依赖于取样及已知宿主的病毒库的完整性。然而, 当前病毒多样性的基础研究相对薄弱, 病毒的宿主信息则更加匮乏。野生动物和畜禽是人畜共患病致病病毒的重要中间宿主, 构建广泛的动物-病毒关联数据库对于准确、快速地鉴定和预防致病性病毒具有重要意义。本综述以SARS-CoV-2为例, 总结了基因组学技术在病毒的鉴定与溯源上的应用, 并针对当前动物病毒库完整性低的现状, 对构建野生和家养动物携带病毒的关联数据库的可行性提出依据与建议。  相似文献   

哺乳动物经过长期进化,使其基因组在结构和功能上存在着明显的差异,构成了表型进化的基础。随着人类、部分哺乳动物基因组测序的完成,以比较基因组学为主要研究手段的哺乳动物进化研究应运而生,从而为在基因组水平上深入认识哺乳动物进化关系、揭示生命的起源和进化提供依据。对比较基因组学的主要研究方法进行了综述,进而探讨其在哺乳动物进化研究中的应用,并对哺乳动物比较基因组学的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

动物及其肠道菌群的协同进化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物自身合成一些关键营养物质的能力缺失,转而依赖体内的共生物来完成相应功能,如动物体内共生细菌能帮助宿主从食物中提取营养物质,并能合成一些关键代谢反应的化合物。结合国内外在动物及其肠道菌群的协同进化的研究进展,从三个方面进行了归纳:(1)动物及其肠道微生物组成与功能的协同进化研究;(2)动物行为与肠道微生物的关系;(3)共生肠道微生物在人类或动物自身消化食物、营养获取、健康和疾病方面发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   

Coevolution of compositional protocells and their environment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The coevolution of environment and living organisms is well known in nature. Here, it is suggested that similar processes can take place before the onset of life, where protocellular entities, rather than full-fledged living systems, coevolve along with their surroundings. Specifically, it is suggested that the chemical composition of the environment may have governed the chemical repertoire generated within molecular assemblies, compositional protocells, while compounds generated within these protocells altered the chemical composition of the environment. We present an extension of the graded autocatalysis replication domain (GARD) model--the environment exchange polymer GARD (EE-GARD) model. In the new model, molecules, which are formed in a protocellular assembly, may be exported to the environment that surrounds the protocell. Computer simulations of the model using an infinite-sized environment showed that EE-GARD assemblies may assume several distinct quasi-stationary compositions (composomes), similar to the observations in previous variants of the GARD model. A statistical analysis suggested that the repertoire of composomes manifested by the assemblies is independent of time. In simulations with a finite environment, this was not the case. Composomes, which were frequent in the early stages of the simulation disappeared, while others emerged. The change in the frequencies of composomes was found to be correlated with changes induced on the environment by the assembly. The EE-GARD model is the first GARD model to portray a possible time evolution of the composomes repertoire.  相似文献   

Molecular Phylogeny and Coevolution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Recent advances in molecular phylogenetic estimation in diverse organisms have improved our understanding of coevolution. From the phylogenies of interacting organisms, we can interpret the evolution of adaptive characters, and the history of interaction. Molecular approaches are generally more informative than these based solely on phenotypic characters. Molecular genetic method can be applied to organisms that have only simple morphological features and can be used for comparisons at any taxonomic level. Estimation of divergence time is also possible but still difficult because evolutionary rates of macromolecules are not always constant and suitable fossil records are often not available for calibrating rates of change. Here I review recent progress in the application of molecular techniques to the interpretation of coevolutionary relationships.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The single name Pneumocystis carinii consists of an heterogeneous group of specific fungal organisms that colonize a very wide range of mammalian hosts. In the present study, mitochondrial large subunit (mtLSU) and small subunit (mtSSU) rRNA sequences of P. carinii organisms from 24 different mammalian species were compared. The mammals were included in six major groups: Primates (12 species). Rodents (5 species). Carnivores (3 species). Bats (1 species), Lagomorphs (1 species), Marsupials (1 species) and Ungulates (1 species). Direct sequencing of PCR products demonstrated that specific mtSSU and mtLSU rRNA Pneumocystis sequence could be attributed to each mammalian species. No animal harbored P. carinii f. sp. hominis. Comparison of combined mtLSU and mtSSU aligned sequences confirmed cospeciation of P. carinii and corresponding mammalian hosts. P. carinii organisms isolated from mammals of the same zoological group systematically clustered together. Within each cluster, the genetic divergence between P. carinii organisms varied in terms of the phylogenetic divergence existing among the corresponding host species. However, the relative position of P. carinii groups (rodent, carnivore or primate-derived P. carinii) could not be clearly determined. Further resolution will require the integration of additional sequence data.  相似文献   

Glucosyltransferases (Gtfs) catalyze the synthesis of glucans from sucrose and are produced by several species of lactic-acid bacteria. The oral bacterium Streptococcus mutans produces large amounts of glucans through the action of three Gtfs. GtfD produces water-soluble glucan (WSG), GtfB synthesizes water-insoluble glucans (WIG) and GtfC produces mainly WIG but also WSG. These enzymes, especially those synthesizing WIG, are of particular interest because of their role in the formation of dental plaque, an environment where S. mutans can thrive and produce lactic acid, promoting the formation of dental caries. We sequenced the gtfB, gtfC and gtfD genes from several mutans streptococcal strains isolated from the oral cavity of humans and searched for their homologues in strains isolated from chimpanzees and macaque monkeys. The sequence data were analyzed in conjunction with the available Gtf sequences from other bacteria in the genera Streptococcus, Lactobacillus and Leuconostoc to gain insights into the evolutionary history of this family of enzymes, with a particular emphasis on S. mutans Gtfs. Our analyses indicate that streptococcal Gtfs arose from a common ancestral progenitor gene, and that they expanded to form two clades according to the type of glucan they synthesize. We also show that the clade of streptococcal Gtfs synthesizing WIG appeared shortly after the divergence of viviparous, dentate mammals, which potentially contributed to the formation of dental plaque and the establishment of several streptococci in the oral cavity. The two S. mutans Gtfs capable of WIG synthesis, GtfB and GtfC, are likely the product of a gene duplication event. We dated this event to coincide with the divergence of the genomes of ancestral early primates. Thus, the acquisition and diversification of S. mutans Gtfs predates modern humans and is unrelated to the increase in dietary sucrose consumption.  相似文献   

Blatrix R  Herbers JM 《Molecular ecology》2003,12(10):2809-2816
We explored the impact of a slave-making ant, Protomognathus americanus, on two of its hosts, Leptothorax longispinosus and L. ambiguus. We showed that, on average, slave-maker colonies conduct raids on 2.7 L. longispinosus and 1.4 L. ambiguus nests in a single year. The more common host, L. longispinosus, survives raiding and colony-founding events in a third of the cases, but the less common host rarely survives attacks from the slave-makers. We compare our results, collected in Vermont, to a study conducted in New York where the slave-maker pressure is much stronger. Our results suggest that in Vermont the slave-maker has a sparing strategy when raiding L. longispinosus, but not when raiding L. ambiguus. Thus coevolution between slave-making ants and their hosts shows host specificity and geographical variation.  相似文献   

An SIS epidemic transmitted by two similar strains of parasite acting on a host population of three genotypes which differ in their reaction to the disease is modelled and analyzed. Singular perturbation techniques are used to reduce the original system of nine differential equations to a coupled system of two equations describing the slowtime coevolution of gene frequency and parasite strain frequency.Karen Christine Beck died June 25, 1983 at home.Born February 8, 1952 in Madison, Wisconsin, She received a B.A. degree in 1974 from Luther College, Decorah, Iowa and a Ph.D. in mathematics in 1980 from the University of Iowa. Since that time she has been an instructor in the Mathematics Department at the University of Utah. She was to become an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas, Arlington, beginning Autumn, 1983. Dr. Beck's areas of specialization in mathematics were Mathematical Analysis and Mathematical Biology. She published numerous research articles that resolved various problems in these areas.  相似文献   

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