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In the wild, female chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) are subject to male aggression that at times can be prolonged or particularly violent. There are no reports of cooperative retaliation to such aggression, a strategy observed in the congeneric Pan paniscus, from the wild despite >4 decades of detailed behavioral study across a number of populations and its occurrence among captive female chimpanzees. If the reports from captivity represent an inherent capacity, then the absence of similar reports from wild populations suggests that females may be able to form coalitions only under appropriate ecological and demographic conditions. During a study of male and female aggressive interactions among chimpanzees of the Budongo Forest, Uganda, wild adult female chimpanzees sometimes formed coalitions with one another to retaliate against male aggression. This may be possible because these females tend to be more gregarious than in other populations of East African chimpanzees, as other studies of the same population have suggested; the extent and variation of female chimpanzee social strategies may, therefore, need reconsideration. Further, my observations strengthen the argument that at least some of the differences between chimpanzees and bonobos may be more of degree than of kind.  相似文献   

We present a new method to assess the personalities of captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Using individually generated bipolar constructs, experienced observers rated the personalities of chimpanzees on a five-point scale. Each observer chose a subset of his/her own constructs and we performed a separate factor analysis on each set of ratings. The analyses indicate four factors: dominance, sociability, machiavellianism, and anxiety. We propose that this factor structure will be useful in the development of a single rating instrument with which to assess the personalities of captive chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Affiliative postconflict reunions—reconciliations—of former opponents were first demonstrated in the chimpanzees at the Arnhem Zoo. Since then methods have been considerably refined, and reconciliation has been demonstrated in a large number of primates and also some gregarious nonprimates. This study, conducted with a different captive group, is the first to use the revised methodology with chimpanzees. We analyzed a total of 297 agonistic conflicts with the PC–MC method: we observed focal individuals for 15 min after a conflict and during matched control observations the next day. The mean conciliatory tendency of the 16 chimpanzees was 41%, with a range in different age-sex classes of 58% (among adult females) to 19% (among adult vs. immature males). After conflicts, former opponents were selectively attracted to one another. Preferential contact with previous opponents persisted when activity level during matched controls was controlled for statistically. Opponents that were frequent grooming partners reconciled more frequently, but the frequency of agonistic support had no such effect. Our findings thus confirm the existence of reconciliation in chimpanzees, which show one of the highest conciliatory tendencies among primate species.  相似文献   

Some tool use in wild chimpanzees is seasonal because they follow the patterns of availability of resources. The type and abundance of vegetation affect the selection of materials used for tools. Besides triggering, does seasonality also shape tool use? We tested the tool performance of 2 chimpanzee groups in a large outdoor compound, enriched with hundreds of plants. We conducted the experiments in 4 seasons to test their behavioural adaptation to the environmental changes. Initially the groups showed preference for different tool materials, one group using grass, abundant in summer, the other using twigs. While twigs were constant through the year, the availability of grass fluctuated greatly, affecting the number of insertions and success of the individuals that used it. Therefore, seasonality did not affect the performance of the group that preferred twigs (less abundant but constant) as it affected the performance of the group that preferred grass (plentiful in certain seasons and scarce in others). We recorded several cases of observation, which may have biased the choices of material. Analysis of the episodes and first insertions of some subjects suggests social transmission, which might explain the initial intergroup difference in tool preference.  相似文献   

Wild chimpanzees form temporary parties that vary in size and composition. Previous studies have revealed considerable intraspecific variation in party compositions. We examined patterns of association among age, sex, and reproductive classes of chimpanzees at Ngogo in the Kibale National Park, Uganda. We employed a class-based association index and a randomization procedure to control for confounding factors and to test for differences between classes. Results indicate that males associated with other males significantly more than expected if all classes behaved equivalently, while females generally associated with individuals of the same sex less than expected. To interpret these patterns we used two additional indices that separate associations into two components: general gregariousness and preference for particular classes of associates. Males and estrous females were more gregarious than other classes, while anestrous females were less so. After controlling for general gregariousness, adult males as a class showed no specific preference for associating with each other. Anestrous females preferred each other as party members, and estrous females avoided each other. These results are consistent with previous findings that adult males are more gregarious than females. They diverge from the standard picture of chimpanzee society, however, by suggesting a mutual affinity among anestrous females, but not among adult males as a class.  相似文献   

Four chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) monitored the movement of hidden items in arrays of opaque cups. A chocolate candy was hidden in an array of four cups and temporarily presented paper markers indicated the location of the candy (which otherwise was not visible). These markers were either non-symbolic or symbolic (lexigram) stimuli that in other contexts acted as a label for the hidden candy, and the array was either rotated 180° after the marker was removed or the array remained in the same location. For three of four chimpanzees, performance was better than chance in all conditions and there was no effect of the type of marker. These experiments indicate that chimpanzees can track the movement of a hidden item in an array of identical cups even when they never see the item itself, but only see a temporarily presented marker for the location of that item. However, there was no benefit to the use of symbolic as opposed to non-symbolic stimuli in this performance.  相似文献   

Many studies have focused on the responses of primates to changes in population density, but little is known about the responses to more subtle changes in the physical environment. Studies on primate responses to high density supported the use of various coping strategies depending on the circumstances. We investigated which strategy was adopted by a large group of captive chimpanzees in response to a special case of space restriction: the temporary reduction of escape opportunities. Due to work on the outdoor enclosure, the chimpanzees at Chester Zoological Gardens were confined to their indoor quarters for 1 mo. As it was winter, the chimpanzees spent most of their time indoors also during the 7-week control period, but had the option to go outside. Therefore, there was no major difference in the actual density between the two conditions, but by being confined indoors the chimpanzees had reduced escape opportunities. Under this condition they would be expected not to alter their behavior dramatically but to adjust it in ways to avoid conflict and to reduce tension. The chimpanzees did not change their overall aggression rates during the period with a reduction of escape opportunities versus the control period. The patterns of allogrooming and submissive greetings also did not differ between the two periods. However, they appeared to refrain from joining ongoing aggressive interactions during the period with reduced escape opportunities, whereas no change in counteraggression occurred between the two periods. Our findings suggest that the chimpanzees may adopt a selective inhibition strategy when escape opportunities are limited. Further support for such selectivity comes from the analysis of different types of aggressor-target dyads. During the period with reduced escape opportunities, aggression rates decreased in dyads characterized by high aggression rates at baseline, i.e., high aggressor-target dyads, whereas the same individuals did not change their aggressive tendencies in low aggressor-target dyads. Ours is among the few studies showing a decrease, albeit selective, in aggressive behavior during a situation of space restriction. The ability to rapidly adopt an appropriate strategy and to inhibit aggression during such restriction seems to confirm findings of chimpanzees under high density conditions. The inhibition of aggressive tendency may be especially developed in chimpanzees and may be related to the natural challenges posed by the routine changes in subgroup membership characteristic of their fission-fusion social organization.  相似文献   

Via a field study of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) and gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei) in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda, we found that their diets are seasonally similar, but diverge during lean seasons. Bwindi chimpanzees fed heavily on fruits of Ficus sp., which were largely ignored by the gorillas. Bwindi gorilla diet was overall more folivorous than chimpanzee diet, but was markedly more frugivorous than that of gorillas in the nearby Virunga Volcanoes. During 4 mo of the year Bwindi gorilla diet included more food species than that of the chimpanzees. Three factors in particular—seasonal consumption of fibrous foods by gorillas, interspecific differences in preferred fruit species, and meat consumption by chimpanzees—contributed to dietary divergence between the two species. When feeding on fruits, gorillas ate Myrianthus holstii more frequently than chimpanzees did, while chimpanzees included more figs in their annual diet. Chimpanzee diet included meat of duikers and monkeys; gorilla frequently consumed decaying wood.  相似文献   

Several populations of wild chimpanzees use tools to raid bee nests, but preliminary observations of chimpanzees in the Congo Basin indicate that they may have developed sophisticated technical solutions to gather honey that differ from those of apes in other regions. Despite the lack of habituated groups within the range of the central subspecies, there have been several reports of different types of tools used by chimpanzees to open beehives and gather honey. Researchers have observed some of these behaviors (honey dipping) in populations of western and eastern chimpanzees, whereas others (hive pounding) may be limited to this region. Toward evaluating hypotheses of regional tool using patterns, we provide the first repeated direct observations and systematic documentation of tool use in honey-gathering by a population of Pan troglodytes troglodytes. Between 2002 and 2006, we observed 40 episodes of tool use in honey-gathering by chimpanzees in the Goualougo Triangle, Republic of Congo. Pounding was the most common and successful strategy to open beehives. Chimpanzees at this site used several tools in a single tool-using episode and could also attribute multiple functions to a single tool. They exhibited flexibility in responses toward progress in opening a hive and hierarchical structuring of tool sequences. Our results support suggestions of regional tool using traditions in honey-gathering, which could be shaped by variation in bee ecology across the chimpanzee range. Further, we suggest that these chimpanzees may have an enhanced propensity to use tool sets that could be related to other aspects of their tool repertoire. Clearly, there is still much to be learned about the behavioral diversity of chimpanzees residing within the Congo Basin.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) sometimes help both humans and conspecifics in experimental situations in which immediate selfish benefits can be ruled out. However, in several experiments, chimpanzees have not provided food to a conspecific even when it would cost them nothing, leading to the hypothesis that prosociality in the food-provisioning context is a derived trait in humans. Here, we show that chimpanzees help conspecifics obtain both food and non-food items--given that the donor cannot get the food herself. Furthermore, we show that the key factor eliciting chimpanzees' targeted helping is the recipients' attempts to either get the food or get the attention of the potential donor. The current findings add to the accumulating body of evidence that humans and chimpanzees share the motivation and skills necessary to help others in situations in which they cannot selfishly benefit. Humans, however, show prosocial motives more readily and in a wider range of contexts.  相似文献   

Mating and consequently reproductive success in male vertebrates are predominantly determined by intermale competition and female mate choice. Their relative importance however, is still poorly understood. We investigated the interrelationship between male dominance rank — a formal indicator of male competitive ability — female mate choice, and male mating success in a multimale-multifemale group of captive chimpanzees. In addition, we examined the relationship between male dominance rank and reproductive success determined by genetic paternity analysis over a 13-yr period in the same captive population. We related the frequencies of sociosexual behaviors to the female anogenital swelling stage and female fertile phase as determined by urinary and fecal progestogen analysis. Rates of behaviors in both sexes increased with increasing intensity of female swelling, but they were not influenced by the timing of the fertile phase. Male mating success was clearly related to male dominance rank, with high-ranking males performing the overwhelming majority of copulations. This was mainly due to both rank-related rates of male soliciting behavior and intermale aggressiveness during the period of well-developed female anogenital swelling. Although females solicited copulations mainly from the high-ranking males and thus expressed a mate choice based on rank, their overall contribution in initiating copulations and thus influencing male mating success was low. The data on paternity from the population, which always contained 4 adult males, revealed that -males sired the majority (65%) of offspring. We conclude, that male dominance rank is an important determinant of male mating and reproductive success in captive (and presumably wild) chimpanzees and that female mate choice is of minor importance in modulating male reproductive outcome.  相似文献   

It is unknown whether animals, like humans, can employ behavioural strategies to cope with impulsivity. To examine this question, we tested whether chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) would use self-distraction as a coping strategy in a situation in which they had to continually inhibit responses to accumulating candies in order to earn a greater amount of those rewards. We tested animals in three conditions in which they were sometimes given a set of toys and were sometimes allowed physical access to the accumulating candies. Chimpanzees allowed the rewards to accumulate longer before responding when they could divert their attention to the toys, and they manipulated the toys more when the candies were physically accessible. Thus, chimpanzees engaged in self-distraction with the toys when such behaviour was most beneficial as a coping mechanism.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees produce numerous species-atypical signals when raised in captivity. Here we report contextual elements of the use of two captivity-specific vocal signals, the "raspberry" and the extended grunt. Results demonstrate that these vocalizations are not elicited by the presence of food; rather the data suggest that these vocalizations function as attention-getting signals. These findings demonstrate a heretofore underappreciated category of animal signals: novel signals invented in novel environmental circumstances. The invention and use of species-atypical signals, considered in relation to group differences in signaling repertoires in apes in their natural habitats, may index a generative capacity in these hominoid species without obvious corollary in other primate species.  相似文献   

为探讨多花地宝兰(Geodorum recurvum)胚胎发育的系统分类学意义,采用石蜡制片法对多花地宝兰胚囊和胚的发育进行解剖学观察。结果表明,在开花前,多花地宝兰胚珠原基发育缓慢,开花授粉后胚珠原基快速发育成"树状二杈分枝结构",随后在"分枝结构"末端形成孢原细胞,开始胚囊发育。多花地宝兰的胚囊发育属于单孢蓼型胚囊,胚珠具有双层珠被。孢原细胞形成后,经过细胞膨大延长发育形成胚囊母细胞,胚囊母细胞经过减数分裂形成线性四分体,在珠孔端形成1个功能大孢子,功能大孢子经过3次有丝分裂形成8核胚囊。多花地宝兰的胚发育具有藜型和紫苑型两种方式。双受精完成后,多花地宝兰合子进行一次橫裂后形成基细胞和顶细胞;基细胞经过多次分裂形成细胞团,细胞团中的细胞向不同方向膨大延长形成多个胚柄细胞;顶细胞有两种分裂方式,一种是横裂形成藜型胚,一种是纵裂形成紫苑型胚。因此,推测多花地宝兰在兰科植物系统分类学上属于较为原始种。  相似文献   

Savanna chimpanzees are useful as referential models for early hominins, and here potential differences between chimpanzee and early hominin ecology is the focus. Whereas chimpanzees inhabit only a handful of modern African savannas, there is evidence that early hominins occupied relatively more open and arid savannas than those in which chimpanzees live. In order to help expand potential models of early hominin palaeoecology beyond savanna chimpanzee-like scenarios, and to provide a basis for future modeling and testing of actual hominin diets, this study compares the types of plant foods available in modern semi-arid savannas of northern Tanzania to plant foods at savanna chimpanzee sites. The semi-arid savannas are not occupied by modern chimpanzees, but are potentially similar to environments occupied by some early hominins. Compared to savanna chimpanzee habitats, the northern Tanzania semi-arid savanna has a lower density and fewer species of trees that produce fleshy fruits. Additionally, the most abundant potential hominin plant foods are seasonally available Acacia seeds/pods and flowers, grass seeds, and the underground parts of marsh plants, as evidenced by vegetation surveys and by studies of the diets of baboons that forage in similar areas. The information from this study should be useful for framing hypotheses about hominin diets for sites with palaeoenvironmental contexts similar to those of the northern Tanzania semi-arid savannas and for contextualising tests of actual hominin diets (e.g., those based on dental microwear or isotopes).  相似文献   

In this study we provide new data on the duration of the inter-menstrual intervals of six captive female bonobos (Pan paniscus). We found that the mean duration of the inter-menstrual interval was about 34 days. This lies close to the average value of 37 days that has been reported for common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes).  相似文献   

We tested whether chimpanzee handedness could be characterized as either unidimensional or multidimensional when considered across multiple measures of hand use. We determined for each of 6 different tasks in a sample of 105 captive chimpanzees hand preferences, and subjected the individual hand preference scores to a factor analysis. Five of the 6 tasks loaded on two separate factors that accounted for 54% of the variance. To assess population-level handedness, we calculated handedness indices for the loadings on each factor, for the item loadings across all factors, and for all tasks including ones that did not load on any factor. There is significant population-level right handedness for all 4 indices, which suggests that chimpanzee handedness is multidimensional and not task specific.  相似文献   

Recent research has revealed substantial diversity in the behavior of wild chimpanzees. Understanding the sources of this variation has become a central focus of investigation. While genetic, ecological, and cultural factors are often invoked to explain behavioral variation in chimpanzees, the demographic context is sometimes overlooked as a contributing factor. Observations of chimpanzees at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda, reveal that the size and structure of the unit group or community can both facilitate and constrain the manifestation of behavior. With approximately 150 individuals, the Ngogo community is much larger than others that have been studied in the wild. We have taken advantage of the unusual demographic structure of this community to document new and intriguing patterns of chimpanzee behavior with respect to hunting, territoriality, and male social relationships. Chimpanzees at Ngogo hunt often and with a considerable degree of success. In addition, male chimpanzees there frequently patrol the boundary of their territory and engage in repeated bouts of lethal intergroup aggression. By forming two distinct subgroups, male chimpanzees at Ngogo also develop social bonds above the level of dyadic pairs. While the sheer number of chimpanzees contributes to differences in hunting, patrolling, mating, and subgrouping at Ngogo, the demographic situation may also constrain behavioral interactions. At Ngogo, male chimpanzees who are closely related genetically through the maternal line do not appear to affiliate or cooperate with each other. Demographic constraints may be responsible for this finding. In this paper, I use these examples to illustrate how the demographic context affects the possible range of behavioral options open to individuals and ultimately contributes to the explanation of behavioral diversity in chimpanzees.  相似文献   

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