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We previously showed that Caenorhabditis elegans APN-1, the only metazoan apurinic/apyrimidinc (AP) endonuclease belonging to the endonuclease IV family, can functionally rescue the DNA repair defects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants completely lacking AP endonuclease/3′-diesterase activities. While this complementation study provided the first evidence that APN-1 possesses the ability to act on DNA lesions that are processed by AP endonucleases/3′-diesterase activities, no former studies were conducted to examine its biological importance in vivo. Herein, we show that C. elegans knockdown for apn-1 by RNAi displayed phenotypes that are directly linked with a defect in maintaining the integrity of the genome. apn-1(RNAi) animals exhibited a 5-fold increase in the frequency of mutations at a gfp-lacZ reporter and showed sensitivities to DNA damaging agents such as methyl methane sulfonate and hydrogen peroxide that produce AP site lesions and strand breaks with blocked 3′-ends. The apn-1(RNAi) worms also displayed a delay in the division of the P1 blastomere, a defect that is consistent with the accumulation of unrepaired lesions. Longevity was only compromised, if the apn-1(RNAi) animals were challenged with the DNA damaging agents. We showed that apn-1(RNAi) knockdown suppressed formation of apoptotic corpses in the germline caused by an overburden of AP sites generated from uracil DNA glycosylase mediated removal of misincorporated uracil. Finally, we showed that depletion of APN-1 by RNAi partially rescued the lethality resulting from uracil misincorporation, suggesting that APN-1 is an important AP endonuclease for repair of misincorporated uracil.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death, or apoptosis, is a genetically controlled process of cell suicide that is a common fate during an animal's life. In metazoans, apoptotic cells are rapidly removed from the body through the process of phagocytosis. Genetic analyses probing the mechanisms controlling the engulfment of apoptotic cells were pioneered in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. So far, at least seven genes have been identified that are required for the recognition and engulfment of apoptotic cells and have been shown to function in two partially redundant signaling pathways. Molecular characterization of their gene products has lead to the finding that similar genes act to control the same processes in other organisms, including mammals. In this paper, we review these exciting findings in C. elegans and discuss their implications in understanding the clearance of apoptotic cells in mammals.  相似文献   

Many cases of autosomal dominant early onset familial Alzheimer's disease result from mutations in presenilin-1 (PS1). In this study, we examined the role of the PS1 homologue gene sel-12 of Caenorhabditis elegans under oxidative stress and clarified the sel-12-induced apoptosis. A genetic null allele mutant, sel-12(ar171), showed resistance to oxidative stress and prevented mitochondrial dysfunction-induced apoptosis. On the other hand, another allele mutant, sel-12(ar131), that carries a missense mutation showed a proapoptotic activity, which may be the result of a gain of function property. Also, sel-12(ar131)-induced apoptosis was ced-3- and ced-4-dependent. Dantrolene, which specifically inhibits Ca(2+) release from endoplasmic reticulum stores, prevents sel-12(ar131)-induced apoptosis. SEL-12, which is localized in the endoplasmic reticulum, may induce apoptosis through abnormal calcium release from the endoplasmic reticulum. Together, with the previous finding that human PS1 could substitute for SEL-12, these results suggest the similar involvement of PS1-inducing apoptosis under oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in the Alzheimer's Disease brain.  相似文献   

We have identified and characterized a monoclonal antibody, F2-P3E3, that recognizes a Caenorhabditis elegans apoptotic epitope expressed within phagocytic cells, which is conserved in four other nematode species. In C. elegans, F2-P3E3 staining requires both programmed cell death and phagocytosis. We show that the F2-P3E3 epitope is expressed within embryonic intestinal cells, which act as phagocytes but do not undergo programmed cell death. F2-P3E3 staining is present within LMP-1::GFP labeled organelles in the intestinal primordium and is coincident with persistent DNA that has been phagocytosed in nuc-1(-) embryos, suggesting that it labels phagosomes. While apoptotic events are typically isolated in C. elegans, F2-P3E3 staining is commonly found within adjacent cells. This observation suggests that F2-P3E3 might recognize an epitope expressed in multiple cells in response to signals from a single corpse. F2-P3E3 represents a new tool for studying cell death in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Endonuclease G (EndoG) is a mitochondrial protein that traverses to the nucleus and participates in chromosomal DNA degradation during apoptosis in yeast, worms, flies, and mammals. However, it remains unclear how EndoG binds and digests DNA. Here we show that the Caenorhabditis elegans CPS-6, a homolog of EndoG, is a homodimeric Mg2+-dependent nuclease, binding preferentially to G-tract DNA in the optimum low salt buffer at pH 7. The crystal structure of CPS-6 was determined at 1.8 Å resolution, revealing a mixed αβ topology with the two ββα-metal finger nuclease motifs located distantly at the two sides of the dimeric enzyme. A structural model of the CPS-6-DNA complex suggested a positively charged DNA-binding groove near the Mg2+-bound active site. Mutations of four aromatic and basic residues: Phe122, Arg146, Arg156, and Phe166, in the protein-DNA interface significantly reduced the DNA binding and cleavage activity of CPS-6, confirming that these residues are critical for CPS-6-DNA interactions. In vivo transformation rescue experiments further showed that the reduced DNase activity of CPS-6 mutants was positively correlated with its diminished cell killing activity in C. elegans. Taken together, these biochemical, structural, mutagenesis, and in vivo data reveal a molecular basis of how CPS-6 binds and hydrolyzes DNA to promote cell death.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAPs) suppress apoptotic cell death in several model systems and are highly conserved between insects and mammals. All IAPs contain at least one copy of the approximately 70 amino-acid baculovirus IAP repeat (BIR), and this domain is essential for the anti-apoptotic activity of the IAPs. Both the marked structural diversity of IAPs and the identification of BIR-containing proteins (BIRPs) in yeast, however, have led to the suggestion that BIRPs might play roles in other, as yet unidentified, cellular processes besides apoptosis. Survivin, a human BIRP, is upregulated 40-fold at G2-M phase and binds to mitotic spindles, although its role at the spindle is still unclear. RESULTS: We have identified and characterised two Caenorhabditis elegans BIRPs,BIR-1 and BIR-2; these proteins are the only BIRPs in C. elegans. The bir-1 gene is highly expressed during embryogenesis with detectable expression throughout other stages of development; bir-2 expression is detectable only in adults and embryos. Overexpression of bir-1 was unable to inhibit developmentally occurring cell death in C. elegans and inhibition of bir-1 expression did not increase cell death. Instead, embryos lacking bir-1 were unable to complete cytokinesis and they became multinucleate. This cytokinesis defect could be partially suppressed by transgenic expression of survivin, the mammalian BIRP most structurally related to BIR-1, suggesting a conserved role for BIRPs in the regulation of cytokinesis. CONCLUSIONS: BIR-1, a C. elegans BIRP, is probably not involved in the general regulation of apoptosis but is required for embryonic cytokinesis. We suggest that BIRPs may regulate cytoskeletal changes in diverse biological processes including cytokinesis and apoptosis.  相似文献   

Appropriate clearance of apoptotic cells (cell corpses) is an important step of programmed cell death. Although genetic and biochemical studies have identified several genes that regulate the engulfment of cell corpses, how these are degraded after being internalized in engulfing cell remains elusive. Here, we show that VPS-18, the Caenorhabditis elegans homologue of yeast Vps18p, is critical to cell corpse degradation. VPS-18 is expressed and functions in engulfing cells. Deletion of vps-18 leads to significant accumulation of cell corpses that are not degraded properly. Furthermore, vps-18 mutation causes strong defects in the biogenesis of endosomes and lysosomes, thus affecting endosomal/lysosomal protein degradation. Importantly, we demonstrate that phagosomes containing internalized cell corpses are unable to fuse with lysosomes in vps-18 mutants. Our findings thus provide direct evidence for the important role of endosomal/lysosomal degradation in proper clearance of apoptotic cells during programmed cell death.  相似文献   

The intestinal cells of Caenorhabditis elegans embryos contain prominent, birefringent gut granules that we show are lysosome-related organelles. Gut granules are labeled by lysosomal markers, and their formation is disrupted in embryos depleted of AP-3 subunits, VPS-16, and VPS-41. We define a class of gut granule loss (glo) mutants that are defective in gut granule biogenesis. We show that the glo-1 gene encodes a predicted Rab GTPase that localizes to lysosome-related gut granules in the intestine and that glo-4 encodes a possible GLO-1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor. These and other glo genes are homologous to genes implicated in the biogenesis of specialized, lysosome-related organelles such as melanosomes in mammals and pigment granules in Drosophila. The glo mutants thus provide a simple model system for the analysis of lysosome-related organelle biogenesis in animal cells.  相似文献   

We identify here a novel class of loss-of-function alleles of uncoordinated locomotion(unc)-108, which encodes the Caenorhabditis elegans homologue of the mammalian small guanosine triphosphatase Rab2. Like the previously isolated dominant-negative mutants, unc-108 loss-of-function mutant animals are defective in locomotion. In addition, they display unique defects in the removal of apoptotic cells, revealing a previously uncharacterized function for Rab2. unc-108 acts in neurons and engulfing cells to control locomotion and cell corpse removal, respectively, indicating that unc-108 has distinct functions in different cell types. Using time-lapse microscopy, we find that unc-108 promotes the degradation of engulfed cell corpses. It is required for the efficient recruitment and fusion of lysosomes to phagosomes and the acidification of the phagosomal lumen. In engulfing cells, UNC-108 is enriched on the surface of phagosomes. We propose that UNC-108 acts on phagosomal surfaces to promote phagosome maturation and suggest that mammalian Rab2 may have a similar function in the degradation of apoptotic cells.  相似文献   

A key feature of the process of programmed cell death (apoptosis) is the efficiency with which the dying cells are recognized and engulfed by phagocytes [1]. Apoptotic cells are rapidly cleared either by neighbouring cells acting as semi-professional phagocytes or by experts of the macrophage line, so that an inflammatory response is avoided [2]. The Caenorhabditis elegans gene ced-6 is required for efficient engulfment of apoptotic cells [3] and is one of a group of genes that define two partially redundant parallel pathways for the engulfment process [4] [5]. These pathways may be conserved across evolution, as two other engulfment genes have human homologues. A CED-5 homologue is part of a human CrkII-DOCK180-Rac signaling pathway proposed to mediate cytoskeletal reorganization [6] [7] [8] and a CED-7 homologue is similar to the ABC transporters [9] [10]. Here, we report the cloning and characterization of human CED-6, a human homologue of C. elegans CED-6. The 34 kDa hCED-6 protein is expressed in most tissues, some human cancer cells, and in primary human macrophages. We developed an assay that quantitates the phagocytic activity of mammalian macrophages: the number of apoptotic cells that have been internalized is measured by the uptake of lacZ-positive apoptotic cells by adherent transgenic macrophages. The results of this assay demonstrate that overexpression of hCED-6 promotes phagocytosis only of apoptotic cells and suggest that hCED-6 is the mammalian orthologue of C. elegans CED-6 and is a part of a highly conserved pathway that specifically mediates the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells.  相似文献   

Parrish JZ  Yang C  Shen B  Xue D 《The EMBO journal》2003,22(13):3451-3460
Oligonucleosomal fragmentation of chromosomes in dying cells is a hallmark of apoptosis. Little is known about how it is executed or what cellular components are involved. We show that crn-1, a Caenorhabditis elegans homologue of human flap endonuclease-1 (FEN-1) that is normally involved in DNA replication and repair, is also important for apoptosis. Reduction of crn-1 activity by RNA interference resulted in cell death phenotypes similar to those displayed by a mutant lacking the mitochondrial endonuclease CPS-6/endonuclease G. CRN-1 localizes to nuclei and can associate and cooperate with CPS-6 to promote stepwise DNA fragmentation, utilizing the endonuclease activity of CPS-6 and both the 5'-3' exonuclease activity and a previously uncharacterized gap-dependent endonuclease activity of CRN-1. Our results suggest that CRN-1/FEN-1 may play a critical role in switching the state of cells from DNA replication/repair to DNA degradation during apoptosis.  相似文献   

Protein degradation mediated by the ubiquitin/proteasome system is essential for the elimination of misfolded proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to adapt to ER stress. It has been reported that the AAA ATPase p97/VCP/CDC48 is required in this pathway for protein dislocation across the ER membrane and subsequent ubiquitin dependent degradation by the 26S proteasome in the cytosol. Throughout ER-associated protein degradation, p97 cooperates with a binary Ufd1/Npl4-complex. In Caenorhabditis elegans two homologs of p97, designated CDC-48.1 and CDC-48.2, exist. Our results indicate that both p97 homologs interact with UFD-1/NPL-4 in a similar CDC-48(UFD-1/NPL-4) complex. RNAi mediated depletion of the corresponding genes induces ER stress resulting in hypersensitivity to conditions which induce increased levels of unfolded proteins in the ER lumen. Together, these data suggest an evolutionarily conserved retro-translocation machinery at the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

A cystatin alpha-sensitive cysteine proteinase that plays an important role in the lysosomal inactivation and degradation of L-lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was purified by column chromatography from an ammonium sulfate precipitate of lysosome extract prepared from rat livers. It was eluted with marked delay from cathepsins B and H in a Sephacryl S-200 column by its specific interaction with the gel, and then effectively separated from cathepsins B and H and other proteins. It was eluted with 0.5 M NaCl after washing with 0.2 M NaCl in a CM-Sephadex column, indicating that it showed the same elution behavior as cathepsin L from the CM-Sephadex column. It had activity to hydrolyze z-Phe-Arg-NH-Mec, a synthetic substrate for cysteine proteinases, including cathepsins B and L. The N-terminal sequences of the final preparation of LDH-inactivating enzyme were identical with those of rat cathepsin L. Inactivation and degradation of LDH by the final preparation were observed and effectively inhibited by a low level of cystatin alpha as well as a general cysteine proteinase inhibitor, leupeptin or (L-3-trans-carboxyoxirane-2-carbonyl)-L-leucine (3-methylbutyl)amide (E-64-c). From these results, it is concluded that cathepsin L plays a critical role in the lysosomal degradation of native LDH.  相似文献   

Genome duplication is tightly controlled in multicellular organisms to ensure the genome stability. Studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Xenopus show that minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins are essential for genome duplication. However, the development role of MCM proteins in multicellular organisms is not well known. MCM5 encodes a member of the MCM2-7 protein family involved in the initiation of DNA replication. The sequences of all Mcm5 homologues from yeast to human are highly conserved and suggest that their functions are also conserved. Here, we isolated the first mutant allele of mcm-5 (fw7) in Caenorhabditis elegans. Homozygous mcm-5 (fw7) mutants from heterozygous parents exhibited variable larval lethality and adult sterility. The postembryonically born neuron number was decreased and also showed aberrant axon morphology. Our study revealed that the losses of neurons in mcm-5 (fw7) mutants were caused by cell cycle defects not by programmed cell death. The examination showed that mcm-5 was widely used for postembryonic development in multiple cells such as seam cells, gonad and intestinal cells. Knockdown of mcm-5 by RNAi caused 98.1% embryonic arrest, suggesting that mcm-5 was also required for embryonic development. After RNAi treatment of the other MCM2-7 family members, we found that they all exhibited similar phenotypes as mcm-5, suggesting that the MCM2-7 family in C. elegans might function associated with cell division as its homologues in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The potential prostate cancer susceptibility gene ELAC2 has a Caenorhabditis elegans homolog (which we call hoe-1, for homolog of ELAC2). We have explored the biological role of this gene using RNAi to reduce gene activity. We found that worms subjected to hoe-1 RNAi are slow-growing and sterile. The sterility results from a drastic reduction in germline proliferation and cell-cycle arrest of germline nuclei. We found that hoe-1 is required for hyperproliferation phenotypes seen with mutations in three different genes, suggesting hoe-1 may be generally required for germline proliferation. We also found that reduction of hoe-1 by RNAi suppresses the multivulva (Muv) phenotype resulting from activating mutations in ras and that this suppression is likely to be indirect. This is the first demonstration of a biological role for this class of proteins in a complex eukaryote and adds important information when considering the role of ELAC2 in prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Smith JR  Stanfield GM 《PLoS genetics》2011,7(11):e1002375
Seminal fluid proteins have been shown to play important roles in male reproductive success, but the mechanisms for this regulation remain largely unknown. In Caenorhabditis elegans, sperm differentiate from immature spermatids into mature, motile spermatozoa during a process termed sperm activation. For C. elegans males, sperm activation occurs during insemination of the hermaphrodite and is thought to be mediated by seminal fluid, but the molecular nature of this activity has not been previously identified. Here we show that TRY-5 is a seminal fluid protease that is required in C. elegans for male-mediated sperm activation. We observed that TRY-5::GFP is expressed in the male somatic gonad and is transferred along with sperm to hermaphrodites during mating. In the absence of TRY-5, male seminal fluid loses its potency to transactivate hermaphrodite sperm. However, TRY-5 is not required for either hermaphrodite or male fertility, suggesting that hermaphrodite sperm are normally activated by a distinct hermaphrodite-specific activator to which male sperm are also competent to respond. Within males, TRY-5::GFP localization within the seminal vesicle is antagonized by the protease inhibitor SWM-1. Together, these data suggest that TRY-5 functions as an extracellular activator of C. elegans sperm. The presence of TRY-5 within the seminal fluid couples the timing of sperm activation to that of transfer of sperm into the hermaphrodite uterus, where motility must be rapidly acquired. Our results provide insight into how C. elegans has adopted sex-specific regulation of sperm motility to accommodate its male-hermaphrodite mode of reproduction.  相似文献   

<正>Dear Editor,Neuronal apoptosis is considered to be essential for brain development and neurodegenerative disorders and has been a major focus in cell biological and neuroscientific studies since its first recognition a century ago[1].Remarkable progress has been made in defining the molecular and cel-  相似文献   

Although apoptotic cells are recognized and engulfed by macrophages via a number of membrane receptors, little is known about the fate of apoptotic cells after the engulfment. We observed in this study that nucleosomal DNA fragments of apoptotic cells disappeared when they were engulfed by the macrophage cell line J774.1 at 37 degrees C. Pretreatment of J774.1 cells with chloroquine inhibited intensive DNA degradation, indicating that the cleavage of nucleosomal DNA fragments of apoptotic cells may take place in the lysosomes of J774. 1. When apoptotic cells were exposed to a lysosome-rich fraction derived from J774.1 cells under an acidic condition, nucleosomal DNA fragments of apoptotic cells were no longer detectable by agarose gel electrophoresis. Additionally, we found that the lysosome-rich fraction of J774.1 cells contained an acid DNase that is similar to DNase II with respect to its m.w., optimal pH, and sensitivity to the inhibitors of DNase II. By exposure of apoptotic cells to the lysosomal-rich fraction, nucleosomal core histones of apoptotic cells were hydrolyzed along with degradation of nucleosomal DNA fragments. Addition of pepstatin A to the reaction buffer resulted in accumulation of approximately 180-bp DNA fragments and inhibition of hydrolysis of nucleosomal core histones. Leupeptin or CA-074 partially inhibited the degradation of nucleosomal DNA fragments and core histones. These findings suggest that lysosomal enzymes of macrophages, e.g., DNase II-like acid DNase and cathepsins, are responsible for the degradation of nucleosomes of apoptotic cells.  相似文献   

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