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Evidence accumulated over the last decade has shown that allopolyploid genomes may undergo drastic reorganization. However, timing and mechanisms of structural diploidization over evolutionary timescales are still poorly known. As transposable elements (TEs) represent major and labile components of plant genomes, they likely play a pivotal role in fuelling genome changes leading to long-term diploidization. Here, we exploit the 4.5 MY old allopolyploid Nicotiana section Repandae to investigate the impact of TEs on the evolutionary dynamics of genomes. Sequence-specific amplified polymorphisms (SSAP) on seven TEs with expected contrasted dynamics were used to survey genome-wide TE insertion polymorphisms. Comparisons of TE insertions in the four allopolyploid species and descendents of the diploid species most closely related to their actual progenitors revealed that the polyploids showed considerable departure from predicted additivity of the diploids. Large numbers of new SSAP bands were observed in polyploids for two TEs, but restructuring for most TE families involved substantial loss of fragments relative to the genome of the diploid representing the paternal progenitor, which could be due to changes in allopolyploids, diploid progenitor lineages or both. The majority of non-additive bands were shared by all polyploid species, suggesting that significant restructuring occurred early after the allopolyploid event that gave rise to their common ancestor. Furthermore, several gains and losses of SSAP fragments were restricted to N. repanda, suggesting a unique evolutionary trajectory. This pattern of diploidization in TE genome fractions supports the hypothesis that TEs are central to long-term genome turnover and depends on both TE and the polyploid lineage considered.  相似文献   

Genomes hold a treasure trove of protein fossils: Fragments of formerly protein-coding DNA, which mainly come from transposable elements (TEs) or host genes. These fossils reveal ancient evolution of TEs and genomes, and many fossils have been exapted to perform diverse functions important for the host’s fitness. However, old and highly degraded fossils are hard to identify, standard methods (e.g. BLAST) are not optimized for this task, and few Paleozoic protein fossils have been found. Here, a recently optimized method is used to find protein fossils in vertebrate genomes. It finds Paleozoic fossils predating the amphibian/amniote divergence from most major TE categories, including virus-related Polinton and Gypsy elements. It finds 10 fossils in the human genome (eight from TEs and two from host genes) that predate the last common ancestor of all jawed vertebrates, probably from the Ordovician period. It also finds types of transposon and retrotransposon not found in human before. These fossils have extreme sequence conservation, indicating exaptation: some have evidence of gene-regulatory function, and they tend to lie nearest to developmental genes. Some ancient fossils suggest “genome tectonics,” where two fragments of one TE have drifted apart by up to megabases, possibly explaining gene deserts and large introns. This paints a picture of great TE diversity in our aquatic ancestors, with patchy TE inheritance by later vertebrates, producing new genes and regulatory elements on the way. Host-gene fossils too have contributed anciently conserved DNA segments. This paves the way to further studies of ancient protein fossils.  相似文献   

Plant genomes are massively invaded by transposable elements (TEs), many of which are located near host genes and can thus impact gene expression. In flowering plants, TE expression can be activated (de-repressed) under certain stressful conditions, both biotic and abiotic, as well as by genome stress caused by hybridization. In this study, we examined the effects of these stress agents on TE expression in two diploid species of coffee, Coffea canephora and C. eugenioides, and their allotetraploid hybrid C. arabica. We also explored the relationship of TE repression mechanisms to host gene regulation via the effects of exonized TE sequences. Similar to what has been seen for other plants, overall TE expression levels are low in Coffea plant cultivars, consistent with the existence of effective TE repression mechanisms. TE expression patterns are highly dynamic across the species and conditions assayed here are unrelated to their classification at the level of TE class or family. In contrast to previous results, cell culture conditions per se do not lead to the de-repression of TE expression in C. arabica. Results obtained here indicate that differing plant drought stress levels relate strongly to TE repression mechanisms. TEs tend to be expressed at significantly higher levels in non-irrigated samples for the drought tolerant cultivars but in drought sensitive cultivars the opposite pattern was shown with irrigated samples showing significantly higher TE expression. Thus, TE genome repression mechanisms may be finely tuned to the ideal growth and/or regulatory conditions of the specific plant cultivars in which they are active. Analysis of TE expression levels in cell culture conditions underscored the importance of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathways in the repression of Coffea TEs. These same NMD mechanisms can also regulate plant host gene expression via the repression of genes that bear exonized TE sequences.  相似文献   

Data on transposable elements in fungal genomes are reviewed. Possible role of transposons in the pathogenetic processes and regulation of mating compatibility are discussed. The transposition-inducing factors and mechanisms responsible for transposition within the genome are considered.  相似文献   

It is universally true in ecological communities, terrestrial or aquatic, temperate or tropical, that some species are very abundant, others are moderately common, and the majority are rare. Likewise, eukaryotic genomes also contain classes or “species” of genetic elements that vary greatly in abundance: DNA transposons, retrotransposons, satellite sequences, simple repeats and their less abundant functional sequences such as RNA or genes. Are the patterns of relative species abundance and diversity similar among ecological communities and genomes? Previous dynamical models of genomic diversity have focused on the selective forces shaping the abundance and diversity of transposable elements (TEs). However, ideally, models of genome dynamics should consider not only TEs, but also the diversity of all genetic classes or “species” populating eukaryotic genomes. Here, in an analysis of the diversity and abundance of genetic elements in >500 eukaryotic chromosomes, we show that the patterns are consistent with a neutral hypothesis of genome assembly in virtually all chromosomes tested. The distributions of relative abundance of genetic elements are quite precisely predicted by the dynamics of an ecological model for which the principle of functional equivalence is the main assumption. We hypothesize that at large temporal scales an overarching neutral or nearly neutral process governs the evolution of abundance and diversity of genetic elements in eukaryotic genomes.  相似文献   

A fundamental problem in fungal pathogenesis is to elucidate the evolutionary forces responsible for genomic rearrangements leading to races with fitter genotypes. Understanding the adaptive evolutionary mechanisms requires identification of genomic components and environmental factors reshaping the genome of fungal pathogens to adapt. Herein, Magnaporthe oryzae, a model fungal plant pathogen is used to demonstrate the impact of environmental cues on transposable elements (TE) based genome dynamics. For heat shock and copper stress exposed samples, eight TEs belonging to class I and II family were employed to obtain DNA profiles. Stress induced mutant bands showed a positive correlation with dose/duration of stress and provided evidences of TEs role in stress adaptiveness. Further, we demonstrate that genome dynamics differ for the type/family of TEs upon stress exposition and previous reports of stress induced MAGGY transposition has underestimated the role of TEs in M. oryzae. Here, we identified Pyret, MAGGY, Pot3, MINE, Mg-SINE, Grasshopper and MGLR3 as contributors of high genomic instability in M. oryzae in respective order. Sequencing of mutated bands led to the identification of LTR-retrotransposon sequences within regulatory regions of psuedogenes. DNA transposon Pot3 was identified in the coding regions of chromatin remodelling protein containing tyrosinase copper-binding and PWWP domains. LTR-retrotransposons Pyret and MAGGY are identified as key components responsible for the high genomic instability and perhaps these TEs are utilized by M. oryzae for its acclimatization to adverse environmental conditions. Our results demonstrate how common field stresses change genome dynamics of pathogen and provide perspective to explore the role of TEs in genome adaptability, signalling network and its impact on the virulence of fungal pathogens.  相似文献   

The recent availability of genome sequences of four different Fusarium species offers the opportunity to perform extensive comparative analyses, in particular of repeated sequences. In a recent work, the overall content of such sequences in the genomes of three phylogenetically related Fusarium species, F. graminearum, F. verticillioides, and F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici has been estimated. In this study, we present an exhaustive characterization of pogo-like elements, named Fots, in four Fusarium genomes. Overall 10 Fot and two Fot-related miniature inverted-repeat transposable element families were identified, revealing a diversification of multiple lineages of pogo-like elements, some of which accompanied by a gain of introns. This analysis also showed that such elements are present in an unusual high proportion in the genomes of F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici and Nectria haematococca (anamorph F. solani f. sp. pisi) in contrast with most other fungal genomes in which retroelements are the most represented. Interestingly, our analysis showed that the most numerous Fot families all contain potentially active or mobilisable copies, thus conferring a mutagenic potential of these transposable elements and consequently a role in strain adaptation and genome evolution. This role is strongly reinforced when examining their genomic distribution which is clearly biased with a high proportion (more than 80%) located on strain- or species-specific regions enriched in genes involved in pathogenicity and/or adaptation. Finally, the different reproductive characteristics of the four Fusarium species allowed us to investigate the impact of the process of repeat-induced point mutations on the expansion and diversification of Fot elements.  相似文献   

We have performed a phylogenetic analysis of 59 mariner elements in 14 Drosophilidae species that are related to the active Drosophila mauritiana Mos1 element. This includes 38 previously described sequences and 21 new sequences amplified by PCR from 10 species. Most of the elements detected are nonfunctional due to several frameshifts and deletions. They have been subdivided into four groups according to specific signatures in the nucleotidic and amino acid sequences. The mean nucleotide diversity is 4.8 ± 0.1% and reflects mainly the divergence of inactive elements over different periods. Although this probably gives rise to occasional homoplasies between distantly related taxa, the elements of each species remain grouped together. Horizontal transfer, reported previously between D. mauritiana and Zaprionus tuberculatus, can be extended to Z. verruca, while the Mos1-like element of Z. indianus belongs to another group. Interpretation of the phylogeny leads to a comparison of the influence of common ancestral sequences and putative horizontal transfers. Received: 31 May 1999 / Accepted: 28 June 1999  相似文献   

Plasmid and phage deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) harboring bacterial insertion sequence (IS) elements IS1, IS2, and IS5 were characterized and used as probes to detect homologous sequences in various procaryotic and eucaryotic genomes. The hybridization method used permits the detection of sequences partially homologous to the elements. Hybridization of the IS-containing probes to each other revealed a region of limited homology between IS1 and IS2. Homologous sequences were then detected by computer analysis of the published IS1 and IS2 nucleotide sequences. The homologous sequence contains a tandemly repeated tetranucleotide sequence which resembles the repeated sequence at the hot spot for spontaneous mutations in the lacI gene (P. J. Farabaugh, U. Schmeissner, M. Hofer, and J. Miller, J. Mol. Biol. 126:847-863, 1978). Homology between the IS elements and various genomes was determined by hybridizing labeled DNA containing IS1, IS2, and IS5 sequences to Southern blots of chromosomal DNA cleaved with restriction endonucleases. IS1 and IS5 appear limited to the enteric bacteria, whereas IS2 sequences can also be detected in Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Serratia marcescens. Bacteria which appear not to possess extrachromosomal elements, e.g., Caulobacter crescentus, did not show homology with any insertion sequences tested. In addition, sequences homologous to IS1, IS2, or IS5 were not detected in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Dictyostelium discoideum, or calf thymus DNA.  相似文献   

Retrovirus-like sequences and their solitary (solo) long terminal repeats (LTRs) are common repetitive elements in eukaryotic genomes. We reported previously that the tandemly arrayed genes encoding U2 snRNA (the RNU2 locus) in humans and apes contain a solo LTR (U2-LTR) which was presumably generated by homologous recombination between the two LTRs of an ancestral provirus that is retained in the orthologous baboon RNU2 locus. We have now sequenced the orthologous U2-LTRs in human, chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, and baboon and examined numerous homologs of the U2-LTR that are dispersed throughout the human genome. Although these U2-LTR homologs have been collectively referred to as LTR13 in the literature, they do not display sequence similarity to any known retroviral LTRs; however, the structure of LTR13 closely resembles that of other retroviral LTRs with a putative promoter, polyadenylation signal, and a tandemly repeated 53-bp enhancer-like element. Genomic blotting indicates that LTR13 is primate-specific; based on sequence analysis, we estimate there are about 2,500 LTR13 elements in the human genome. Comparison of the primate U2-LTR sequences suggests that the homologous recombination event that gave rise to the solo U2-LTR occurred soon after insertion of the ancestral provirus into the ancestral U2 tandem array. Phylogenetic analysis of the LTR13 family confirms that it is diverse, but the orthologous U2-LTRs form a coherent group in which chimpanzee is closest to the humans; orangutan is a clear outgroup of human, chimpanzee, and gorilla; and baboon is a distant relative of human, chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan. We compare the LTR13 family with other known LTRs and consider whether these LTRs might play a role in concerted evolution of the primate RNU2 locus. Received: 29 September 1997 / Accepted: 16 January 1998  相似文献   

Not only are transposable elements profuse in the bacterial endosymbiont of maize weevils, but we found that their quantities also vary ~10-fold among individual weevils. Because multicopy elements can facilitate homologous recombination, this insertion sequence (IS) load variability suggests that these essentially asexual bacteria may exhibit substantial intraspecific genomic variation.  相似文献   

The piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNA) are small RNAs that target selfish transposable elements (TEs) in many animal genomes. Until now, piRNAs’ role in TE population dynamics has only been discussed in the context of their suppression of TE transposition, which alone is not sufficient to account for the skewed frequency spectrum and stable containment of TEs. On the other hand, euchromatic TEs can be epigenetically silenced via piRNA-dependent heterochromatin formation and, similar to the widely known “Position-effect variegation”, heterochromatin induced by TEs can “spread” into nearby genes. We hypothesized that the piRNA-mediated spread of heterochromatin from TEs into adjacent genes has deleterious functional effects and leads to selection against individual TEs. Unlike previously identified deleterious effects of TEs due to the physical disruption of DNA, the functional effect we investigated here is mediated through the epigenetic influences of TEs. We found that the repressive chromatin mark, H3K9me, is elevated in sequences adjacent to euchromatic TEs at multiple developmental stages in Drosophila melanogaster. Furthermore, the heterochromatic states of genes depend not only on the number of and distance from adjacent TEs, but also on the likelihood that their nearest TEs are targeted by piRNAs. These variations in chromatin status probably have functional consequences, causing genes near TEs to have lower expression. Importantly, we found stronger selection against TEs that lead to higher H3K9me enrichment of adjacent genes, demonstrating the pervasive evolutionary consequences of TE-induced epigenetic silencing. Because of the intrinsic biological mechanism of piRNA amplification, spread of TE heterochromatin could result in the theoretically required synergistic deleterious effects of TE insertions for stable containment of TE copy number. The indirect deleterious impact of piRNA-mediated epigenetic silencing of TEs is a previously unexplored, yet important, element for the evolutionary dynamics of TEs.  相似文献   

Coelacanths are lobe-finned fish represented by two extant species, Latimeria chalumnae in South Africa and Comoros and L. menadoensis in Indonesia. Due to their intermediate phylogenetic position between ray-finned fish and tetrapods in the vertebrate lineage, they are of great interest from an evolutionary point of view. In addition, extant specimens look similar to 300 million-year-old fossils; because of their apparent slowly evolving morphology, coelacanths have been often described as « living fossils ». As an underlying cause of such a morphological stasis, several authors have proposed a slow evolution of the coelacanth genome. Accordingly, sequencing of the L. chalumnae genome has revealed a globally low substitution rate for protein-coding regions compared to other vertebrates. However, genome and gene evolution can also be influenced by transposable elements, which form a major and dynamic part of vertebrate genomes through their ability to move, duplicate and recombine. In this work, we have searched for evidence of transposition activity in coelacanth genomes through the comparative analysis of orthologous genomic regions from both Latimeria species. Comparison of 5.7 Mb (0.2%) of the L. chalumnae genome with orthologous Bacterial Artificial Chromosome clones from L. menadoensis allowed the identification of 27 species-specific transposable element insertions, with a strong relative contribution of CR1 non-LTR retrotransposons. Species-specific homologous recombination between the long terminal repeats of a new coelacanth endogenous retrovirus was also detected. Our analysis suggests that transposon activity is responsible for at least 0.6% of genome divergence between both Latimeria species. Taken together, this study demonstrates that coelacanth genomes are not evolutionary inert: they contain recently active transposable elements, which have significantly contributed to post-speciation genome divergence in Latimeria.  相似文献   

Sea lice are common parasites of both farmed and wild salmon. Salmon farming constitutes an important economic market in North America, South America, and Northern Europe. Infections with sea lice can result in significant production losses. A compilation of genomic information on different genera of sea lice is an important resource for understanding their biology as well as for the study of population genetics and control strategies. We report on over 150,000 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from five different species (Pacific Lepeophtheirus salmonis (49,672 new ESTs in addition to 14,994 previously reported ESTs), Atlantic L. salmonis (57,349 ESTs), Caligus clemensi (14,821 ESTs), Caligus rogercresseyi (32,135 ESTs), and Lernaeocera branchialis (16,441 ESTs)). For each species, ESTs were assembled into complete or partial genes and annotated by comparisons to known proteins in public databases. In addition, whole mitochondrial (mt) genome sequences of C. clemensi (13,440 bp) and C. rogercresseyi (13,468 bp) were determined and compared to L. salmonis. Both nuclear and mtDNA genes show very high levels of sequence divergence between these ectoparastic copepods suggesting that the different species of sea lice have been in existence for 37–113 million years and that parasitic association with salmonids is also quite ancient. Our ESTs and mtDNA data provide a novel resource for the study of sea louse biology, population genetics, and control strategies. This genomic information provides the material basis for the development of a 38K sea louse microarray that can be used in conjunction with our existing 44K salmon microarray to study host–parasite interactions at the molecular level. This report represents the largest genomic resource for any copepod species to date.  相似文献   

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