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Jiang  Shuangying  Tang  Yuanwei  Xiang  Liang  Zhu  Xinlu  Cai  Zelin  Li  Ling  Chen  Yingxi  Chen  Peishuang  Feng  Yuge  Lin  Xin  Li  Guoqiang  Sharif  Jafar  Dai  Junbiao 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2022,65(7):1445-1455
Science China Life Sciences - Synthetic genomics has provided new bottom-up platforms for the functional study of viral and microbial genomes. The construction of the large, gigabase (Gb)-sized...  相似文献   

Whole genome amplification by the multiple displacement amplification (MDA) method allows sequencing of DNA from single cells of bacteria that cannot be cultured. Assembling a genome is challenging, however, because MDA generates highly nonuniform coverage of the genome. Here we describe an algorithm tailored for short-read data from single cells that improves assembly through the use of a progressively increasing coverage cutoff. Assembly of reads from single Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus cells captures >91% of genes within contigs, approaching the 95% captured from an assembly based on many E. coli cells. We apply this method to assemble a genome from a single cell of an uncultivated SAR324 clade of Deltaproteobacteria, a cosmopolitan bacterial lineage in the global ocean. Metabolic reconstruction suggests that SAR324 is aerobic, motile and chemotaxic. Our approach enables acquisition of genome assemblies for individual uncultivated bacteria using only short reads, providing cell-specific genetic information absent from metagenomic studies.  相似文献   

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) approaches rapidly produce millions to billions of short reads, which allow pathogen detection and discovery in human clinical, animal and environmental samples. A major limitation of sequence homology-based identification for highly divergent microorganisms is the short length of reads generated by most highly parallel sequencing technologies. Short reads require a high level of sequence similarities to annotated genes to confidently predict gene function or homology. Such recognition of highly divergent homologues can be improved by reference-free (de novo) assembly of short overlapping sequence reads into larger contigs. We describe an ensemble strategy that integrates the sequential use of various de Bruijn graph and overlap-layout-consensus assemblers with a novel partitioned sub-assembly approach. We also proposed new quality metrics that are suitable for evaluating metagenome de novo assembly. We demonstrate that this new ensemble strategy tested using in silico spike-in, clinical and environmental NGS datasets achieved significantly better contigs than current approaches.  相似文献   

Massively Parallel Sequencing (MPS) allows sequencing of entire exomes and genomes to now be done at reasonable cost, and its utility for identifying genes responsible for rare Mendelian disorders has been demonstrated. However, for a complex disease, study designs need to accommodate substantial degrees of locus, allelic, and phenotypic heterogeneity, as well as complex relationships between genotype and phenotype. Such considerations include careful selection of samples for sequencing and a well-developed strategy for identifying the few "true" disease susceptibility genes from among the many irrelevant genes that will be found to harbor rare variants. To examine these issues we have performed simulation-based analyses in order to compare several strategies for MPS sequencing in complex disease. Factors examined include genetic architecture, sample size, number and relationship of individuals selected for sequencing, and a variety of filters based on variant type, multiple observations of genes and concordance of genetic variants within pedigrees. A two-stage design was assumed where genes from the MPS analysis of high-risk families are evaluated in a secondary screening phase of a larger set of probands with more modest family histories. Designs were evaluated using a cost function that assumes the cost of sequencing the whole exome is 400 times that of sequencing a single candidate gene. Results indicate that while requiring variants to be identified in multiple pedigrees and/or in multiple individuals in the same pedigree are effective strategies for reducing false positives, there is a danger of over-filtering so that most true susceptibility genes are missed. In most cases, sequencing more than two individuals per pedigree results in reduced power without any benefit in terms of reduced overall cost. Further, our results suggest that although no single strategy is optimal, simulations can provide important guidelines for study design.  相似文献   



Mycoheterotrophic plants are considered to associate very specifically with fungi. Mycoheterotrophic orchids are mostly associated with ectomycorrhizal fungi in temperate regions, or with saprobes or parasites in tropical regions. Although most mycoheterotrophic orchids occur in the tropics, few studies have been devoted to them, and the main conclusions about their specificity have hitherto been drawn from their association with ectomycorrhizal fungi in temperate regions.


We investigated three Asiatic Neottieae species from ectomycorrhizal forests in Thailand. We found that all were associated with ectomycorrhizal fungi, such as Thelephoraceae, Russulaceae and Sebacinales. Based on 13C enrichment of their biomass, they probably received their organic carbon from these fungi, as do mycoheterotrophic Neottieae from temperate regions. Moreover, 13C enrichment suggested that some nearby green orchids received part of their carbon from fungi too. Nevertheless, two of the three orchids presented a unique feature for mycoheterotrophic plants: they were not specifically associated with a narrow clade of fungi. Some orchid individuals were even associated with up to nine different fungi.


Our results demonstrate that some green and mycoheterotrophic orchids in tropical regions can receive carbon from ectomycorrhizal fungi, and thus from trees. Our results reveal the absence of specificity in two mycoheterotrophic orchid-fungus associations in tropical regions, in contrast to most previous studies of mycoheterotrophic plants, which have been mainly focused on temperate orchids.  相似文献   



Molecular evolutionary studies share the common goal of elucidating historical relationships, and the common challenge of adequately sampling taxa and characters. Particularly at low taxonomic levels, recent divergence, rapid radiations, and conservative genome evolution yield limited sequence variation, and dense taxon sampling is often desirable. Recent advances in massively parallel sequencing make it possible to rapidly obtain large amounts of sequence data, and multiplexing makes extensive sampling of megabase sequences feasible. Is it possible to efficiently apply massively parallel sequencing to increase phylogenetic resolution at low taxonomic levels?  相似文献   

We present Quip, a lossless compression algorithm for next-generation sequencing data in the FASTQ and SAM/BAM formats. In addition to implementing reference-based compression, we have developed, to our knowledge, the first assembly-based compressor, using a novel de novo assembly algorithm. A probabilistic data structure is used to dramatically reduce the memory required by traditional de Bruijn graph assemblers, allowing millions of reads to be assembled very efficiently. Read sequences are then stored as positions within the assembled contigs. This is combined with statistical compression of read identifiers, quality scores, alignment information and sequences, effectively collapsing very large data sets to <15% of their original size with no loss of information. Availability: Quip is freely available under the 3-clause BSD license from http://cs.washington.edu/homes/dcjones/quip.  相似文献   

Current challenges in de novo plant genome sequencing and assembly   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genome sequencing is now affordable, but assembling plant genomes de novo remains challenging. We assess the state of the art of assembly and review the best practices for the community.  相似文献   

Since the development of technologies that can determine the base-pair sequence of DNA, the ability to sequence genes has contributed much to science and medicine. However, it has remained a relatively costly and laborious process, hindering its use as a routine biomedical tool. Recent times are seeing rapid developments in this field, both in the availability of novel sequencing platforms, as well as supporting technologies involved in processes such as targeting and data analysis. This is leading to significant reductions in the cost of sequencing a human genome and the potential for its use as a routine biomedical tool. This review is a snapshot of this rapidly moving field examining the current state of the art, forthcoming developments and some of the issues still to be resolved prior to the use of new sequencing technologies in routine clinical diagnosis.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Several new de novo assembly tools have been developed recently to assemble short sequencing reads generated by next-generation sequencing platforms. However, the performance of these tools under various conditions has not been fully investigated, and sufficient information is not currently available for informed decisions to be made regarding the tool that would be most likely to produce the best performance under a specific set of conditions. RESULTS: We studied and compared the performance of commonly used de novo assembly tools specifically designed for next-generation sequencing data, including SSAKE, VCAKE, Euler-sr, Edena, Velvet, ABySS and SOAPdenovo. Tools were compared using several performance criteria, including N50 length, sequence coverage and assembly accuracy. Various properties of read data, including single-end/paired-end, sequence GC content, depth of coverage and base calling error rates, were investigated for their effects on the performance of different assembly tools. We also compared the computation time and memory usage of these seven tools. Based on the results of our comparison, the relative performance of individual tools are summarized and tentative guidelines for optimal selection of different assembly tools, under different conditions, are provided.  相似文献   

Annotated genomes can provide new perspectives on the biology of species. We present the first de novo whole genome sequencing for the pink-footed goose. In order to obtain a high-quality de novo assembly the strategy used was to combine one short insert paired-end library with two mate-pair libraries. The pink-footed goose genome was assembled de novo using three different assemblers and an assembly evaluation was subsequently performed in order to choose the best assembler. For our data, ALLPATHS-LG performed the best, since the assembly produced covers most of the genome, while introducing the fewest errors. A total of 26,134 genes were annotated, with bird species accounting for virtually all BLAST hits. We also estimated the substitution rate in the pink-footed goose, which can be of use in future demographic studies, by using a comparative approach with the genome of the chicken, the mallard and the swan goose. A substitution rate of 1.38 × 10? 7 per nucleotide per generation was obtained when comparing the genomes of the two closely-related goose species (the pink-footed and the swan goose). Altogether, we provide a valuable tool for future genomic studies aiming at particular genes and regions of the pink-footed goose genome as well as other bird species.  相似文献   

YM Lo 《Open biology》2012,2(6):120086
The presence of foetal DNA in the plasma of pregnant women has opened up new possibilities for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis. The use of circulating foetal DNA for the non-invasive prenatal detection of foetal chromosomal aneuploidies is challenging as foetal DNA represents a minor fraction of maternal plasma DNA. In 2007, it was shown that single molecule counting methods would allow the detection of the presence of a trisomic foetus, as long as enough molecules were counted. With the advent of massively parallel sequencing, millions or billions of DNA molecules can be readily counted. Using massively parallel sequencing, foetal trisomies 21, 13 and 18 have been detected from maternal plasma. Recently, large-scale clinical studies have validated the robustness of this approach for the prenatal detection of foetal chromosomal aneuploidies. A proof-of-concept study has also shown that a genome-wide genetic and mutational map of a foetus can be constructed from the maternal plasma DNA sequencing data. These developments suggest that the analysis of foetal DNA in maternal plasma would play an increasingly important role in future obstetrics practice. It is thus a priority that the ethical, social and legal issues regarding this technology be systematically studied.  相似文献   

Dan S  Chen F  Choy KW  Jiang F  Lin J  Xuan Z  Wang W  Chen S  Li X  Jiang H  Leung TY  Lau TK  Su Y  Zhang W  Zhang X 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e27835
Fetal chromosomal abnormalities are the most common reasons for invasive prenatal testing. Currently, G-band karyotyping and several molecular genetic methods have been established for diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities. Although these testing methods are highly reliable, the major limitation remains restricted resolutions or can only achieve limited coverage on the human genome at one time. The massively parallel sequencing (MPS) technologies which can reach single base pair resolution allows detection of genome-wide intragenic deletions and duplication challenging karyotyping and microarrays as the tool for prenatal diagnosis. Here we reported a novel and robust MPS-based method to detect aneuploidy and imbalanced chromosomal arrangements in amniotic fluid (AF) samples. We sequenced 62 AF samples on Illumina GAIIx platform and with averagely 0.01× whole genome sequencing data we detected 13 samples with numerical chromosomal abnormalities by z-test. With up to 2× whole genome sequencing data we were able to detect microdeletion/microduplication (ranged from 1.4 Mb to 37.3 Mb of 5 samples from chorionic villus sampling (CVS) using SeqSeq algorithm. Our work demonstrated MPS is a robust and accurate approach to detect aneuploidy and imbalanced chromosomal arrangements in prenatal samples.  相似文献   

Despite the power of massively parallel sequencing platforms, a drawback is the short length of the sequence reads produced. We demonstrate that short reads can be locally assembled into longer contigs using paired-end sequencing of restriction-site associated DNA (RAD-PE) fragments. We use this RAD-PE contig approach to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and determine haplotype structure in threespine stickleback and to sequence E. coli and stickleback genomic DNA with overlapping contigs of several hundred nucleotides. We also demonstrate that adding a circularization step allows the local assembly of contigs up to 5 kilobases (kb) in length. The ease of assembly and accuracy of the individual contigs produced from each RAD site sequence suggests RAD-PE sequencing is a useful way to convert genome-wide short reads into individually-assembled sequences hundreds or thousands of nucleotides long.  相似文献   

LC-MS/MS analysis on a linear ion trap LTQ mass spectrometer, combined with data processing, stringent, and sequence-similarity database searching tools, was employed in a layered manner to identify proteins in organisms with unsequenced genomes. Highly specific stringent searches (MASCOT) were applied as a first layer screen to identify either known (i.e. present in a database) proteins, or unknown proteins sharing identical peptides with related database sequences. Once the confidently matched spectra were removed, the remainder was filtered against a nonannotated library of background spectra that cleaned up the dataset from spectra of common protein and chemical contaminants. The rectified spectral dataset was further subjected to rapid batch de novo interpretation by PepNovo software, followed by the MS BLAST sequence-similarity search that used multiple redundant and partially accurate candidate peptide sequences. Importantly, a single dataset was acquired at the uncompromised sensitivity with no need of manual selection of MS/MS spectra for subsequent de novo interpretation. This approach enabled a completely automated identification of novel proteins that were, otherwise, missed by conventional database searches.  相似文献   

Here we use whole-genome de novo assembly of second-generation sequencing reads to map structural variation (SV) in an Asian genome and an African genome. Our approach identifies small- and intermediate-size homozygous variants (1-50 kb) including insertions, deletions, inversions and their precise breakpoints, and in contrast to other methods, can resolve complex rearrangements. In total, we identified 277,243 SVs ranging in length from 1-23 kb. Validation using computational and experimental methods suggests that we achieve overall <6% false-positive rate and <10% false-negative rate in genomic regions that can be assembled, which outperforms other methods. Analysis of the SVs in the genomes of 106 individuals sequenced as part of the 1000 Genomes Project suggests that SVs account for a greater fraction of the diversity between individuals than do single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). These findings demonstrate that whole-genome de novo assembly is a feasible approach to deriving more comprehensive maps of genetic variation.  相似文献   

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