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Major disparities are recognized between molecular divergence dates and fossil ages for critical nodes in the Tree of Life, but broad patterns and underlying drivers remain elusive. We harvested 458 molecular age estimates for the stem and crown divergences of 67 avian clades to explore empirical patterns between these alternate sources of temporal information. These divergence estimates were, on average, over twice the age of the oldest fossil in these clades. Mitochondrial studies yielded older ages than nuclear studies for the vast majority of clades. Unexpectedly, disparity between molecular estimates and the fossil record was higher for divergences within major clades (crown divergences) than divergences between major clades (stem divergences). Comparisons of dates from studies classed by analytical methods revealed few significant differences. Because true divergence ages can never be known with certainty, our study does not answer the question of whether fossil gaps or molecular dating error account for a greater proportion of observed disparity. However, empirical patterns observed here suggest systemic overestimates for shallow nodes in existing molecular divergence dates for birds. We discuss underlying biases that may drive these patterns.  相似文献   

Whole genome duplication (polyploidization) is a mechanism of “instantaneous” species formation that has played a major role in the evolutionary history of plants. Much of what we know about the early evolution of polyploids is based upon studies of a handful of recently formed species. A new polyploid hybrid (allopolyploid) species Mimulus peregrinus, formed within the last 140 years, was recently discovered on the Scottish mainland and corroborated by chromosome counts. Here, using targeted, high‐depth sequencing of 1200 genic regions, we confirm the parental origins of this new species from M. x robertsii, a sterile triploid hybrid between the two introduced species M. guttatus and M. luteus that are naturalized and widespread in the United Kingdom. We also report a new population of M. peregrinus on the Orkney Islands and demonstrate that populations on the Scottish mainland and Orkney Islands arose independently via genome duplication from local populations of M. x robertsii. Our data raise the possibility that some alleles are already being lost in the evolving M. peregrinus genomes. The recent origins of a new species of the ecological model genus Mimulus via allopolyploidization provide a powerful opportunity to explore the early stages of hybridization and genome duplication in naturally evolved lineages.  相似文献   

Recent studies investigating the evolution of genome size diversity in ferns have shown that they have a distinctive genome profile compared with other land plants. Ferns are typically characterized by possessing medium‐sized genomes, although a few lineages have evolved very large genomes. Ferns are different from other vascular plant lineages as they are the only group to show evidence for a correlation between genome size and chromosome number. In this study, we aim to explore whether the evolution of fern genome sizes is not only shaped by chromosome number changes arising from polyploidy but also by constraints on the average amount of DNA per chromosome. We selected the genus Asplenium L. as a model genus to study the question because of the unique combination of a highly conserved base chromosome number and a high frequency of polyploidy. New genome size data for Asplenium taxa were combined with existing data and analyzed within a phylogenetic framework. Genome size varied substantially between diploid species, resulting in overlapping genome sizes among diploid and tetraploid spleenworts. The observed additive pattern indicates the absence of genome downsizing following polyploidy. The genome size of diploids varied non‐randomly and we found evidence for clade‐specific trends towards larger or smaller genomes. The 578‐fold range of fern genome sizes have arisen not only from repeated cycles of polyploidy but also through clade‐specific constraints governing accumulation and/or elimination of DNA.  相似文献   

BackgroundMost, if not all, green plant (Virdiplantae) species including angiosperms and ferns are polyploids themselves or have ancient polyploid or whole genome duplication signatures in their genomes. Polyploids are not only restricted to our major crop species such as wheat, maize, potato and the brassicas, but also occur frequently in wild species and natural habitats. Polyploidy has thus been viewed as a major driver in evolution, and its influence on genome and chromosome evolution has been at the centre of many investigations. Mechanistic models of the newly structured genomes are being developed that incorporate aspects of sequence evolution or turnover (low-copy genes and regulatory sequences, as well as repetitive DNAs), modification of gene functions, the re-establishment of control of genes with multiple copies, and often meiotic chromosome pairing, recombination and restoration of fertility.ScopeWorld-wide interest in how green plants have evolved under different conditions – whether in small, isolated populations, or globally – suggests that gaining further insight into the contribution of polyploidy to plant speciation and adaptation to environmental changes is greatly needed. Forward-looking research and modelling, based on cytogenetics, expression studies, and genomics or genome sequencing analyses, discussed in this Special Issue of the Annals of Botany, consider how new polyploids behave and the pathways available for genome evolution. They address fundamental questions about the advantages and disadvantages of polyploidy, the consequences for evolution and speciation, and applied questions regarding the spread of polyploids in the environment and challenges in breeding and exploitation of wild relatives through introgression or resynthesis of polyploids.ConclusionChromosome number, genome size, repetitive DNA sequences, genes and regulatory sequences and their expression evolve following polyploidy – generating diversity and possible novel traits and enabling species diversification. There is the potential for ever more polyploids in natural, managed and disturbed environments under changing climates and new stresses.  相似文献   

Six overlapping BAC clones covering the Hv-eIF4E gene region in barley were sequenced in their entire length, resulting in a 439.7 kb contiguous sequence. The contig contains only two genes, Hv-eIF4E and Hv-MLL, which are located in a small gene island and more than 88% of the sequence is composed of transposable elements. A detailed analysis of the repetitive component revealed that this chromosomal region was affected by multiple major duplication and deletion events as well as the insertion of numerous transposable elements, resulting in a complete reshuffling of genomic DNA. Resolving this highly complex pattern resulted in a model unraveling evolutionary events that shaped this region over an estimated 7 million years. Duplications and deletions caused by illegitimate recombination and unequal crossing over were major driving forces in the evolution of the Hv-eIF4E region, equaling or exceeding the effects of transposable element activities. In addition to a dramatic reshuffling of the repetitive portion of the sequence, we also found evidence for important contributions of illegitimate recombination and transposable elements to the sequence organization of the gene island containing Hv-eIF4E and Hv-MLL.  相似文献   

Dawn Anne Thompson 《FEBS letters》2009,583(24):3959-16698
Regulatory divergence is likely a major driving force in evolution. Comparative genomics is being increasingly used to infer the evolution of gene regulation. Ascomycota fungi are uniquely suited among eukaryotes for regulatory evolution studies, due to broad phylogenetic scope, many sequenced genomes, and tractability of genomic analysis. Here we review recent advances in the identification of the contribution of cis- and trans-factors to expression divergence. Whereas current strategies have led to the discovery of surprising signatures and mechanisms, we still understand very little about the adaptive role of regulatory evolution. Empirical studies including experimental evolution, comparative functional genomics and hybrid and engineered strains are showing early promise toward deciphering the contribution of regulatory divergence to adaptation.  相似文献   

The discovery of a new dyrosaurid crocodylomorph from the well-dated Palaeocene deposits of northeastern Brazil sheds new light on the evolutionary history of this extinct group of marine crocodylomorphs that have survived the Cretaceous-Palaeogene (K-P) extinction crisis. Guarinisuchus munizi, the most complete member of this group collected in South America so far, is closely related to the African forms, and this fact suggests that dyrosaurids had crossed the Atlantic Ocean before the K-P boundary and dispersed from there to North America and other parts of South America. This discovery also suggests that on the coast of northeastern Brazil, dyrosaurids replaced the pre-existing Late Cretaceous fauna of diversified mosasaurs, a group of marine lizards, after the K-P extinction event, becoming the main predators, together with sharks, in shallow marine Palaeocene environments. More detailed stratigraphic records and detailed dating of the deposits with dyrosaurids are necessary to correlate this particular pattern found in the ancient northeastern Brazilian coast within the evolution of the group, especially in Africa.  相似文献   

One important mechanism for functional innovation during evolution is the duplication of genes and entire genomes. Evidence is accumulating that during the evolution of vertebrates from early deuterostome ancestors entire genomes were duplicated through two rounds of duplications (the 'one-to-two-to-four' rule). The first genome duplication in chordate evolution might predate the Cambrian explosion. The second genome duplication possibly dates back to the early Devonian. Recent data suggest that later in the Devonian, the fish genome was duplicated for a third time to produce up to eight copies of the original deuterostome genome. This last duplication took place after the two major radiations of jawed vertebrate life, the ray-finned fish (Actinopterygia) and the sarcopterygian lineage, diverged. Therefore the sarcopterygian fish, which includes the coelacanth, lungfish and all land vertebrates such as amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, tend to have only half the number of genes compared with actinopterygian fish. Although many duplicated genes turned into pseudogenes, or even 'junk' DNA, many others evolved new functions particularly during development. The increased genetic complexity of fish might reflect their evolutionary success and diversity.  相似文献   

Background and AimsGenome size is an important plant trait, with substantial interspecies variation. The mechanisms and selective pressures underlying genome size evolution are important topics in evolutionary biology. There is considerable diversity in Allium from the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, where genome size variation and related evolutionary mechanisms are poorly understood.MethodsWe reconstructed the Allium phylogeny using DNA sequences from 71 species. We also estimated genome sizes of 62 species, and determined chromosome numbers in 65 species. We examined the phylogenetic signal associated with genome size variation, and tested how well the data fit different evolutionary models. Correlations between genome size variations and seed mass, altitude and 19 bioclimatic factors were determined.Key Results Allium genome sizes differed substantially between species and within diploids, triploids, tetraploids, hexaploids and octaploids. Size per monoploid genome (1Cx) tended to decrease with increasing ploidy levels. Allium polyploids tended to grow at a higher altitude than diploids. The phylogenetic tree was divided into three evolutionary branches. The genomes in Clade I were mostly close to the ancestral genome (18.781 pg) while those in Clades II and III tended to expand and contract, respectively. A weak phylogenetic signal was detected for Allium genome size. Furthermore, significant positive correlations were detected between genome size and seed mass, as well as between genome size and altitude. However, genome size was not correlated with 19 bioclimatic variables.Conclusions Allium genome size shows gradual evolution, followed by subsequent adaptive radiation. The three well-supported Allium clades are consistent with previous studies. The evolutionary patterns in different Allium clades revealed genome contraction, expansion and relative stasis. The Allium species in Clade II may follow adaptive radiation. The genome contraction in Clade III may be due to DNA loss after polyploidization. Allium genome size might be influenced by selective pressure due to the conditions on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (low temperature, high UV irradiation and abundant phosphate in the soil).  相似文献   



Genome restructuring is an ongoing process in natural plant populations. The influence of environmental changes on the genome is crucial, especially during periods of extreme climatic fluctuations. Interactions between the environment and the organism manifest to the greatest extent at the limits of the species'' ecological niche. Thus, marginal populations are expected to exhibit lower genetic diversity and higher genetic differentiation than central populations, and some models assume that marginal populations play an important role in the maintenance and generation of biological diversity.


In this review, long-term data on the cytogenetic characteristics of diploid Aegilops speltoides Tauch populations are summarized and discussed. This species is distributed in and around the Fertile Crescent and is proposed to be the wild progenitor of a number of diploid and polyploid wheat species. In marginal populations of Ae. speltoides, numerical chromosomal aberrations, spontaneous aneuploidy, B-chromosomes, rDNA cluster repatterning and reduction in the species-specific and tribe-specific tandem repeats have been detected. Significant changes were observed and occurred in parallel with changes in plant morphology and physiology.


Considerable genomic variation at the chromosomal level was found in the marginal populations of Ae. speltoides. It is likely that a specific combination of gene mutations and chromosomal repatterning has produced the evolutionary trend in each specific case, i.e. for a particular species or group of related species in a given period of time and in a certain habitat. The appearance of a new chromosomal pattern is considered an important factor in promoting the emergence of interbreeding barriers.  相似文献   

Large scale changes in nuclear DNA amount accompany the evolution of species of higher plants. Much of the nuclear DNA accrued during the evolution of species does not encode genetic information and is selectively neutral. Nonetheless, the pattern of distribution of the excess DNA within and between chromosome complements suggests that there are rigid constraints underlying evolutionary changes in genome organisation. A five-fold increase in the amount of nuclear DNA has occurred in the evolution ofLathyrus species. Not withstanding this massive DNA variation, species show consistently similar patterns in base sequence proliferation, divergence and DNA distribution within and between chromosome complements. Within chromosome complements, the excess DNA is distributed evenly in all chromosomes irrespective of the large differences in chromosome size and, between complements, DNA distribution is discontinuous; species cluster into DNA groups with remarkably regular intervals. Similar constraints govern the frequency and distribution of chiasmata in the chromosome complements. Between species chiasma frequency and nuclear DNA amounts are not correlated but within complements it is positively correlated with the amount of DNA contained in each chromosome.  相似文献   

Gene duplication occurs repeatedly in the evolution of genomes, and the rearrangement of genomic segments has also occurred repeatedly over the evolution of eukaryotes. We studied the interaction of these two factors in mammalian evolution by comparing the chromosomal distribution of multigene families in human and mouse. In both species, gene families tended to be confined to a single chromosome to a greater extent than expected by chance. The average number of families shared between chromosomes was nearly 60% higher in mouse than in human, and human chromosomes rarely shared large numbers of gene families with more than one or two other chromosomes, whereas mouse chromosomes frequently did so. A higher proportion of duplicate gene pairs on the same chromosome originated from recent duplications in human than in mouse, whereas a higher proportion of duplicate gene pairs on separate chromosomes arose from ancient duplications in human than in mouse. These observations are most easily explained by the hypotheses that (1) most gene duplications arise in tandem and are subsequently separated by segmental rearrangement events, and (2) that the process of segmental rearrangement has occurred at a higher rate in the lineage of mouse than in that of human.  相似文献   

MethodsNuclear genome sizes were measured from cultivated plant material for a comprehensive sampling of taxa, including nearly half of all species of Genlisea and representing all major lineages. Flow cytometric measurements were conducted in parallel in two laboratories in order to compare the consistency of different methods and controls. Chromosome counts were performed for the majority of taxa, comparing different staining techniques for the ultrasmall chromosomes.ConclusionsGenlisea is an ideal candidate model organism for the understanding of genome reduction as the genus includes species with both relatively large (∼1700 Mbp) and ultrasmall (∼61 Mbp) genomes. This comparative, phylogeny-based analysis of genome sizes and karyotypes in Genlisea provides essential data for selection of suitable species for comparative whole-genome analyses, as well as for further studies on both the molecular and cytogenetic basis of genome reduction in plants.  相似文献   

Intact maize plants prime for defensive action against herbivory in response to herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) emitted from caterpillar-infested conspecific plants. The recent research showed that the primed defense in receiver plants that had been exposed to HIPVs was maintained for at least 5 d after exposure. Herbivory triggered the receiver plants to enhance the expression of a defense gene for trypsin inhibitor (TI). At the upstream sequence of a TI gene, non-methylated cytosine residues were observed in the genome of HIPV-exposed plants more frequently than in that of healthy plant volatile-exposed plants. These findings provide an innovative mechanism for the memory of HIPV-mediated habituation for plant defense. This mechanism and further innovations for priming of defenses via plant communications will contribute to the development of plant volatile-based pest management methods in agriculture and horticulture.  相似文献   

Background Plants are hotbeds for parasites such as arthropod herbivores, which acquire nutrients and energy from their hosts in order to grow and reproduce. Hence plants are selected to evolve resistance, which in turn selects for herbivores that can cope with this resistance. To preserve their fitness when attacked by herbivores, plants can employ complex strategies that include reallocation of resources and the production of defensive metabolites and structures. Plant defences can be either prefabricated or be produced only upon attack. Those that are ready-made are referred to as constitutive defences. Some constitutive defences are operational at any time while others require activation. Defences produced only when herbivores are present are referred to as induced defences. These can be established via de novo biosynthesis of defensive substances or via modifications of prefabricated substances and consequently these are active only when needed. Inducibility of defence may serve to save energy and to prevent self-intoxication but also implies that there is a delay in these defences becoming operational. Induced defences can be characterized by alterations in plant morphology and molecular chemistry and are associated with a decrease in herbivore performance. These alterations are set in motion by signals generated by herbivores. Finally, a subset of induced metabolites are released into the air as volatiles and function as a beacon for foraging natural enemies searching for prey, and this is referred to as induced indirect defence.Scope The objective of this review is to evaluate (1) which strategies plants have evolved to cope with herbivores and (2) which traits herbivores have evolved that enable them to counter these defences. The primary focus is on the induction and suppression of plant defences and the review outlines how the palette of traits that determine induction/suppression of, and resistance/susceptibility of herbivores to, plant defences can give rise to exploitative competition and facilitation within ecological communities “inhabiting” a plant.Conclusions Herbivores have evolved diverse strategies, which are not mutually exclusive, to decrease the negative effects of plant defences in order to maximize the conversion of plant material into offspring. Numerous adaptations have been found in herbivores, enabling them to dismantle or bypass defensive barriers, to avoid tissues with relatively high levels of defensive chemicals or to metabolize these chemicals once ingested. In addition, some herbivores interfere with the onset or completion of induced plant defences, resulting in the plant’s resistance being partly or fully suppressed. The ability to suppress induced plant defences appears to occur across plant parasites from different kingdoms, including herbivorous arthropods, and there is remarkable diversity in suppression mechanisms. Suppression may strongly affect the structure of the food web, because the ability to suppress the activation of defences of a communal host may facilitate competitors, whereas the ability of a herbivore to cope with activated plant defences will not. Further characterization of the mechanisms and traits that give rise to suppression of plant defences will enable us to determine their role in shaping direct and indirect interactions in food webs and the extent to which these determine the coexistence and persistence of species.  相似文献   

Long‐term biodiversity experiments have shown increasing strengths of biodiversity effects on plant productivity over time. However, little is known about rapid evolutionary processes in response to plant community diversity, which could contribute to explaining the strengthening positive relationship. To address this issue, we performed a transplant experiment with offspring of seeds collected from four grass species in a 14‐year‐old biodiversity experiment (Jena Experiment). We used two‐ and six‐species communities and removed the vegetation of the study plots to exclude plant–plant interactions. In a reciprocal design, we transplanted five “home” phytometers (same origin and actual environment), five “away‐same” phytometers (same species richness of origin and actual environment, but different plant composition), and five “away‐different” phytometers (different species richness of origin and actual environment) of the same species in the study plots. In the establishment year, plants transplanted in home soil produced more shoots than plants in away soil indicating that plant populations at low and high diversity developed differently over time depending on their associated soil community and/or conditions. In the second year, offspring of individuals selected at high diversity generally had a higher performance (biomass production and fitness) than offspring of individuals selected at low diversity, regardless of the transplant environment. This suggests that plants at low and high diversity showed rapid evolutionary responses measurable in their phenotype. Our findings provide first empirical evidence that loss of productivity at low diversity is not only caused by changes in abiotic and biotic conditions but also that plants respond to this by a change in their micro‐evolution. Thus, we conclude that eco‐evolutionary feedbacks of plants at low and high diversity are critical to fully understand why the positive influence of diversity on plant productivity is strengthening through time.  相似文献   

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