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To what extent are the left and right visual hemifields spatially coded in the dorsal frontoparietal attention network? In many experiments with neglect patients, the left hemisphere shows a contralateral hemifield preference, whereas the right hemisphere represents both hemifields. This pattern of spatial coding is often used to explain the right-hemispheric dominance of lesions causing hemispatial neglect. However, pathophysiological mechanisms of hemispatial neglect are controversial because recent experiments on healthy subjects produced conflicting results regarding the spatial coding of visual hemifields. We used an fMRI paradigm that allowed us to distinguish two attentional subprocesses during a visual search task. Either within the left or right hemifield subjects first attended to stationary locations (spatial orienting) and then shifted their attentional focus to search for a target line. Dynamic changes in spatial coding of the left and right hemifields were observed within subregions of the dorsal front-parietal network: During stationary spatial orienting, we found the well-known spatial pattern described above, with a bilateral hemifield representation in the right hemisphere and a contralateral preference in the left hemisphere. However, during search, the right hemisphere had a contralateral preference and the left hemisphere equally represented both hemifields. This finding leads to novel perspectives regarding models of visuospatial attention and hemispatial neglect.  相似文献   

People of all ages display the ability to detect and learn from patterns in seemingly random stimuli. Referred to as statistical learning (SL), this process is particularly critical when learning a spoken language, helping in the identification of discrete words within a spoken phrase. Here, by considering individual differences in speech auditory–motor synchronization, we demonstrate that recruitment of a specific neural network supports behavioral differences in SL from speech. While independent component analysis (ICA) of fMRI data revealed that a network of auditory and superior pre/motor regions is universally activated in the process of learning, a frontoparietal network is additionally and selectively engaged by only some individuals (high auditory–motor synchronizers). Importantly, activation of this frontoparietal network is related to a boost in learning performance, and interference with this network via articulatory suppression (AS; i.e., producing irrelevant speech during learning) normalizes performance across the entire sample. Our work provides novel insights on SL from speech and reconciles previous contrasting findings. These findings also highlight a more general need to factor in fundamental individual differences for a precise characterization of cognitive phenomena.

In the context of speech, statistical learning is thought to be an important mechanism for language acquisition. This study shows that language statistical learning is boosted by the recruitment of a fronto-parietal brain network related to auditory-motor synchronization and its interplay with a mandatory auditory-motor learning system.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to explore developmental and individual differences in the working memory that was assessed by performance of the A-not-B task in 7- to 12-month-old infant twins. The sample included 150 infant twins participating in genetic project, 18 of them were tested at 8 and 11 months of age. Information concerning birth weight and gestational age was collected from birth records. All infants were tested using Bayley Scales of Mental and Psychomotor Development. The infant's working memory (WM) was tested during A-not-B task performance, which was shown to depend on the maturity of the prefrontal cortex. The behavioral data were analyzed off-line using videotape records. The one-way ANOVA revealed that the AB performance improves with age. A highly significant improvement of the ability to tolerate the delay in A-not-B task was observed between 9 and 10 months of life. There was no longitudinal stability in individual infant performance of A-not-B across the period of 7-12 months of age. The AB delay was significantly correlated with psychomotor and mental development only after the crucial period of the rapid increase in the AB delay (9-10 months). The analysis of intraclass mono- and dizygotic correlations showed that individual differences in the WM (tolerance to AB delay) at 7-9 months and at 10-12 months are of different nature. There was a significant effect of shared environment on AB delay variance in 10-12-month-old group, whereas down to this age no systematic influence on individual variability was observed. These findings suggest that the ability to tolerate the AB delay can be provided by different brain mechanisms in 7-9 and 10-12-month-old infants.  相似文献   

Spatial neglect is a syndrome following stroke manifesting attentional deficits in perceiving and responding to stimuli in the contralesional field. We examined brain network integrity in patients with neglect by measuring coherent fluctuations of fMRI signals (functional connectivity). Connectivity in two largely separate attention networks located in dorsal and ventral frontoparietal areas was assessed at both acute and chronic stages of recovery. Connectivity in the ventral network, part of which directly lesioned, was diffusely disrupted and showed no recovery. In the structurally intact dorsal network, interhemispheric connectivity in posterior parietal cortex was acutely disrupted but fully recovered. This acute disruption, and disrupted connectivity in specific pathways in the ventral network, strongly correlated with impaired attentional processing across subjects. Lastly, disconnection of the white matter tracts connecting frontal and parietal cortices was associated with more severe neglect and more disrupted functional connectivity. These findings support a network view in understanding neglect.  相似文献   

In 15 healthy subjects, during accomplishment of an intellectual task spatial-temporal organization of potentials (PSTO) of the left and right cerebral hemispheres was studied by the method of quantitative evaluation of successive topograms (momentary values of potentials under leading electrodes). It was found that the time of absence of resemblance (TAR) in the cortical PSTO during intellectual activity occupied totally 10-30% of the recording time what is considerably less than in the state of calm alertness where this time varied within 4-57%. Productivity of task accomplishment apparently is connected to a greater extent with TAR than with the character of intrahemispheric reconstructions of the PSTO.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of arousal in men and women on the moment-to-moment performance of a simple motor task. We examined the control of a precision task in the presence and absence of imposed stressors. Twenty-nine subjects (14 men, 15 women; 18--44 yr) were randomly assigned to either a control group or one of two stressor groups, Mental Math or Electric Shock. Subjects presented with Math and Shock stressors, which lasted 10 min, experienced significant increases in cognitive and physiological arousal compared with baseline and control subjects. Heart rate, systolic blood pressure, and electrodermal activity were elevated 5--80% with presentation of the stressors, whereas diastolic blood pressure and salivary cortisol were unchanged. The greater levels of cognitive and physiological arousal were associated with reductions in steadiness of a pinch grip for the Shock subjects (approximately 130% reduction from baseline) but not for the subjects in the Math group, who experienced heightened arousal but no change in steadiness (10% reduction from baseline). Although women exhibited more of a reduction in steadiness than men, the effect was largely unrelated to the magnitude of the change in arousal.  相似文献   

Attentional mechanisms are a crucial prerequisite to organize behavior. Most situations may be characterized by a 'competition' between salient, but irrelevant stimuli and less salient, relevant stimuli. In such situations top-down and bottom-up mechanisms interact with each other. In the present fMRI study, we examined how interindividual differences in resolving situations of perceptual conflict are reflected in brain networks mediating attentional selection. Doing so, we employed a change detection task in which subjects had to detect luminance changes in the presence and absence of competing distractors. The results show that good performers presented increased activation in the orbitofrontal cortex (BA 11), anterior cingulate (BA 25), inferior parietal lobule (BA 40) and visual areas V2 and V3 but decreased activation in BA 39. This suggests that areas mediating top-down attentional control are stronger activated in this group. Increased activity in visual areas reflects distinct neuronal enhancement relating to selective attentional mechanisms in order to solve the perceptual conflict. Opposed to good performers, brain areas activated by poor performers comprised the left inferior parietal lobule (BA 39) and fronto-parietal and visual regions were continuously deactivated, suggesting that poor performers perceive stronger conflict than good performers. Moreover, the suppression of neural activation in visual areas might indicate a strategy of poor performers to inhibit the processing of the irrelevant non-target feature. These results indicate that high sensitivity in perceptual areas and increased attentional control led to less conflict in stimulus processing and consequently to higher performance in competitive attentional selection.  相似文献   

The social brain hypothesis, an explanation for the unusually large brains of primates, posits that the size of social group typical of a species is directly related to the volume of its neocortex. To test whether this hypothesis also applies at the within-species level, we applied the Cavalieri method of stereology in conjunction with point counting on magnetic resonance images to determine the volume of prefrontal cortex (PFC) subfields, including dorsal and orbital regions. Path analysis in a sample of 40 healthy adult humans revealed a significant linear relationship between orbital (but not dorsal) PFC volume and the size of subjects' social networks that was mediated by individual intentionality (mentalizing) competences. The results support the social brain hypothesis by indicating a relationship between PFC volume and social network size that applies within species, and, more importantly, indicates that the relationship is mediated by social cognitive skills.  相似文献   

Performance of cognitive tests and EEG spectral power were evaluated in 39 students aged from 19-21 years in two conditions: during common educational process and immediately before examination (stress condition). Before examination, the performance was better in subjects with low level of spectral density in the delta band (in the occipital, parietal, central and frontal cortical areas) and high level of the alpha-rhythm spectral density in all the cortical areas, A decrease in performance scores before examination was correlated with an increase in the delta activity (in the right frontal and temporal cortical areas) and rise of the anxiety level (tested by Spielberger).  相似文献   

Mathematical learning deficits are defined as a neurodevelopmental disorder (dyscalculia) in the International Classification of Diseases. It is not known, however, how such deficits emerge in the course of early brain development. Here, we conducted functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) experiments in 3- to 6-year-old children without formal mathematical learning experience. We followed this sample until the age of 7 to 9 years, identified individuals who developed deficits, and matched them to a typically developing control group using comprehensive behavioral assessments. Multivariate pattern classification distinguished future cases from controls with up to 87% accuracy based on the regional functional activity of the right posterior parietal cortex (PPC), the network-level functional activity of the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), and the effective functional and structural connectivity of these regions. Our results indicate that mathematical learning deficits originate from atypical development of a frontoparietal network that is already detectable in early childhood.

Longitudinal neuroimaging of 3-6-year-old children reveals a predisposition for dyscalculia in early childhood originating from altered spontaneous activity, functional interaction and structural connectivity of a frontoparietal brain network.  相似文献   

The degree of task complexity and bimanual complementarity have been proposed as factors affecting lateralization strength in humans. However, a large number of studies have demonstrated group-level lateral hand bias for different manual activities in numerous non-human primate species. However, no study has tested the effects that a variety of tasks may have in inducing differences in hand preference. Here, we aim to test if 3 adult gorillas exhibited a greater hand preference bias performing 4 tasks of varying complexity: grasping small versus large foods, proto-tool use task and tool use task involving greater visuospatial requirements. We found that (1) the complexity of the task does not necessarily induce a right-handed bias and (2) a subject can be right-handed for a complex task and left-handed for another one. These results, complemented by many publications on hand preference in non-human primates, reveal a great variability in hand preference, which makes it very difficult to deduce any details of hominin handedness with artefacts.  相似文献   



Several molecular and cellular processes in the vertebrate brain exhibit differences between males and females, leading to sexual dimorphism in the formation of neural circuits and brain organization. While studies on large-scale brain networks provide ample evidence for both structural and functional sex differences, smaller-scale local networks have remained largely unexplored. In the current study, we investigate sexual dimorphism in cortical dynamics by means of spontaneous Up/Down states, a type of network activity that is exhibited during slow-wave sleep, quiet wakefulness, and anesthesia and is thought to represent the default activity of the cortex.


Up state activity was monitored by local field potential recordings in coronal brain slices of male and female mice across three ages with distinct secretion profiles of sex hormones: (i) pre-puberty (17–21 days old), (ii) 3–9 adult (months old), and (iii) old (19–24 months old).


Female mice of all ages exhibited longer and more frequent Up states compared to aged-matched male mice. Power spectrum analysis revealed sex differences in the relative power of Up state events, with female mice showing reduced power in the delta range (1–4 Hz) and increased power in the theta range (4–8 Hz) compared to male mice. No sex differences were found in the characteristics of Up state peak voltage and latency.


The present study revealed for the first time sex differences in intracortical network activity, using an ex vivo paradigm of spontaneously occurring Up/Down states. We report significant sex differences in Up state properties that are already present in pre-puberty animals and are maintained through adulthood and old age.

Two experiments examined the effect of the presentation of an irregular, moderate intensity auditory stimulus ('noise') on the performance of rats in an operant discrimination task. In Experiment 1, rats first learned to press a lever in the presence of a visual stimulus but not in its absence. Discrimination performance was impaired during subsequent exposure to noise. In Experiment 2, different groups of rats learned the discrimination task under a noise or a no-noise condition. Thereafter, all rats were tested under each noise condition. Discrimination performance was best when the noise condition at test was identical to the noise condition at training. These results were discussed in the framework of arousal, distraction, generalization decrement, and contextual occasion setting. They point to the necessity of using a 2x2 factorial design in human and animal research on noise effects, with noise condition at training (noise present or absent) and noise condition at test (noise present or absent) as factors.  相似文献   

Frankel J 《Genetics》1980,94(3):607-623
Progeny clones were derived from crosses arranged so that the number of ciliary meridians (corticotype) was unusually high in one partner, and normal in the other. An analysis of the propagation of corticotypes during maintenance of these clones for up to 1,000 fissions indicated that corticotypes above 21 undergo a rapid downward shift, while corticotypes in the range of 18 to 21 change slowly. Although these observations are consistent with Nanney's earlier deduction of a "stability center" at corticotype 19, there appears to be little if any difference in the stability of perpetuation of corticotypes 18, 19 and 20. Within this "stability range," the inertia of maintenance of pre-existing corticotypes is sufficiently strong that sister clones derived from an exconjugant pair can remain different for 1,000 fissions. These findings are consistent with observations made earlier, and those in the present study, indicating that cells in stock cultures express a substantial range of corticotypes even when maintained with frequent transfer. The results suggest that mechanisms of spatially ordered structural assembly within the cell can show sufficient fidelity to allow long-term vegetative perpetuation of phenotypic differences without artificial selection.  相似文献   

In this paper, the oscillations and synchronization status of two different network connectivity patterns based on Izhikevich model are studied. One of the connectivity patterns is a randomly connected neuronal network, the other one is a small-world neuronal network. This Izhikevich model is a simple model which can not only reproduce the rich behaviors of biological neurons but also has only two equations and one nonlinear term. Detailed investigations reveal that by varying some key parameters, such as the connection weights of neurons, the external current injection, the noise of intensity and the neuron number, this neuronal network will exhibit various collective behaviors in randomly coupled neuronal network. In addition, we show that by changing the number of nearest neighbor and connection probability in small-world topology can also affect the collective dynamics of neuronal activity. These results may be instructive in understanding the collective dynamics of mammalian cortex.  相似文献   

Formation of the ribbon-like membrane network of the Golgi apparatus depends on GM130 and GRASP65, but the mechanism is unknown. We developed an in vivo organelle tethering assaying in which GRASP65 was targeted to the mitochondrial outer membrane either directly or via binding to GM130. Mitochondria bearing GRASP65 became tethered to one another, and this depended on a GRASP65 PDZ domain that was also required for GRASP65 self-interaction. Point mutation within the predicted binding groove of the GRASP65 PDZ domain blocked both tethering and, in a gene replacement assay, Golgi ribbon formation. Tethering also required proximate membrane anchoring of the PDZ domain, suggesting a mechanism that orientates the PDZ binding groove to favor interactions in trans. Thus, a homotypic PDZ interaction mediates organelle tethering in living cells.  相似文献   

Spike activity of 95 neurons in the rabbit basal forebrain forebrain magnocellular nucleus was recorded during spontaneous behavior and instrumental conditioned performance. Almost half of the neurons (48.4%) displayed a significant (p > 0.05) negative correlation between their spontaneous discharge rate and the power of the delta rhythm in the EEG of the frontal cortex; most of these cells can be classified as projection cholinergic neurons. During instrumental conditioned performance, neurons of this subgroup responded with excitation to the conditioned stimulus, whereas presumably noncholinergic nonprojection neurons responded to the conditioned stimulus with inhibition. Excitatory response of cells in the basal forebrain magnocellular nucleus was significantly more intense as compared to trials without the conditioned reaction. On the whole, our data testify that the basal forebrain magnocellular nucleus maintains the level of arousal and attention required for the instrumental conditioned performance.  相似文献   

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