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Assessing the drivers of survival across the annual cycle is important for understanding when and how population limitation occurs in migratory animals. Density‐dependent population regulation can occur during breeding and nonbreeding periods, and large‐scale climate cycles can also affect survival throughout the annual cycle via their effects on local weather and vegetation productivity. Most studies of survival use mark–recapture techniques to estimate apparent survival, but true survival rates remain obscured due to unknown rates of permanent emigration. This is especially problematic when assessing annual survival of migratory birds, whose movement between breeding attempts, or breeding dispersal, can be substantial. We used a multistate approach to examine drivers of annual survival and one component of breeding dispersal (habitat‐specific movements) in a population of American redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla) over 11 years in two adjacent habitat types. Annual survival displayed a curvilinear relation to the Southern Oscillation Index, with lower survival during La Niña and El Niño conditions. Although redstart density had no impact on survival, habitat‐specific density influenced local movements between habitat types, with redstarts being less likely to disperse from their previous year's breeding habitat as density within that habitat increased. This finding was strongest in males and may be explained by conspecific attraction influencing settlement decisions. Survival was lowest in young males, but movement was highest in this group, indicating that apparent survival rates were likely biased low due to permanent emigration. Our findings demonstrate the utility of examining breeding dispersal in mark–recapture studies and complement recent work using spatially explicit models of dispersal probability to obtain greater accuracy in survival estimates.  相似文献   

Climate change has advanced the phenology of many organisms. Migratory animals face particular problems because climate change in the breeding and the wintering range may be asynchronous, preventing rapid response to changing conditions. Advancement in timing of spring migration may have carry-over effects to other parts of the annual cycle, simply because advancement of one event in the annual cycle also advances subsequent events, gradually causing a general shift in the timing of the entire annual cycle. Such a phenotypic shift could generate accumulating effects over the years for individuals, but also across generations. Here we test this novel hypothesis of phenotypic response to climate change by using long-term data on the Arctic tern Sterna paradisaea. Mean breeding date advanced by almost three weeks during the last 70 years. Annual arrival date at the breeding grounds during a period of 47 years was predicted by environmental conditions in the winter quarters in the Southern Ocean near the Antarctic and by mean breeding date the previous year. Annual mean breeding date was only marginally determined by timing of arrival the current year, but to a larger extent by arrival date and breeding date the previous year. Learning affected arrival date as shown by a positive correlation between arrival date in year (i+1) relative to breeding date in year (i) and the selective advantage of early breeding in year (i). This provides a mechanism for changes in arrival date being adjusted to changing environmental conditions. This study suggests that adaptation to changing climatic conditions can be achieved through learning from year to year[Current Zoology 55(2):92-101,2009].  相似文献   

Many migratory birds start prebreeding moult and premigratory fuelling some months before the breeding season and face severe time constraints, while travelling up to 15,000 km between non-breeding and breeding grounds. Shorebirds typically leave Southern Hemisphere non-breeding areas over a 3-4 week period, but whether they benefit from interannually consistent timing of departure is unknown. Here, I show that individual bar-tailed godwits (Limosa limosa baueri) from New Zealand are highly consistent in their migratory scheduling. Most birds left within the same week each year (between-year repeatability, r, of 0.83) and adult males, which moult into a bright breeding plumage, were also highly repeatable in the extent of their prebreeding moult (r=0.86). This is consistent with the hypothesis that birds have individually optimized migration schedules. Within adult males, but not females, smaller birds tended to migrate earlier than large birds. Whether this reflects differences in size-related migration speed, optimal breeding time at different sites or size-related natural or sexual selection pressures, remains unknown.  相似文献   

Evidence for extensive interspecific hybridization among speciesof the genus Daphnia has been accumulating on a global scale.Although there is evidence for limited gene flow between taxavia hybridization, many species still maintain discrete morphologicaland molecular characteristics. We studied temporal and spatialpatterns of sexual reproduction within the Daphnia galeata–hyalina–cucullatahybrid species complex in a lake (Plußsee), located innorthern Germany. Allozyme electrophoresis allowed us to trackseasonal changes in taxon composition as well as the quantificationof back-crosses. Sexually-reproducing animals (ephippial femalesand males) were mainly found in autumn. The simultaneous presenceof sexual morphs of D. galeata and D. galeata x hyalina withthe dominant D. hyalina taxa makes recent hybridization, aswell as back-crossing, plausible. Males and ephippial femalesof D. hyalina were not back-crossed as were the parthenogeneticfemales. The low number of sexual clones of the hybrid D. galeatax hyalina might reflect its reduced fertility, although thesefew clones were detected in high densities. Only hybrid-clonesthat had a back-cross genotype (towards D. hyalina) exhibitedephippial females and males. This indicates that male and ephippialfemale production within the Daphnia taxa is not random, whichmight increase the chance for the parental Daphnia species toremain distinct.  相似文献   

Little is understood about how environmental heterogeneity influences the spatial dynamics of sexual selection. Within human-dominated systems, habitat modification creates environmental heterogeneity that could influence the adaptive value of individual phenotypes. Here, we used the gray catbird to examine if the ecological conditions experienced in the suburban matrix (SM) and embedded suburban parks (SP) influence reproductive strategies and the strength of sexual selection. Our results show that these habitats varied in a key ecological factor, breeding density. Moreover, this ecological factor was closely tied to reproductive strategies such that local breeding density predicted the probability that a nest would contain extra-pair offspring. Partitioning reproductive variance showed that while within-pair success was more important in both habitats, extra-pair success increased the opportunity for sexual selection by 39% at higher breeding densities. Body size was a strong predictor of relative reproductive success and was under directional selection in both habitats. Importantly, our results show that the strength of sexual selection did not differ among habitats at the landscape scale but rather that fine-scale variation in an ecological factor, breeding density, influenced sexual selection on male phenotypes. Here, we document density-dependent sexual selection in a migratory bird and hypothesize that coarse-scale environmental heterogeneity, in this case generated by anthropogenic habitat modification, changed the fine-scale ecological conditions that drove the spatial dynamics of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Reproductive patterns are analysed in annual legumes of west Asia, and their relationships to increasing aridity determined by multivariate analysis. Dormancy, seed size, dispersal and fecundity are shown to be partially substitutable in terms of their effect on survival and population growth.The range of patterns show greatest diversity under mesic conditions in coastal, mediterranean areas with high winter rainfall, low incidence of frost and long growing season. Increasing aridity leads to increasing reproductive homogeneity, in which a subset of patterns-those composed of high levels of seed dormancy, high seed to pod ratios, restricted dispersal capabilities and early flowering-become predominant. These findings corroborate earlier theoretical and empirical evidence concerning desert annuals.The majority of widespread species are shown to possess arid-type patterns. This exerts considerable influence on both the type and degree of ecotypic differentiation within species. The only feature that responds consistently to climatic change is flowering time, particularly among species characterized by high seed dormancy. In the few widespread species that do not display arid-type characteristics, ecotypic differentiation appears more frequently in a larger suite of traits.The unequal environmental demands made on species showing different levels of dormancy (e.g. variation in length of growing season from year to year and place to place) leads to strong asymmetries governing the relationships between reproduction and ecological amplitude. In this respect arid-type strategists with high seed dormancy appear to have greater chances of expansion than others. This has implications when choosing pasture legumes to improve mediterranean grasslands.  相似文献   

The loss of foundational tree species to non-native pests can have far reaching consequences for forest composition and function, yet little is known about the impacts on other ecosystem components such as wildlife. We had the opportunity to observe how the loss of eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), due to the invasive hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae), influenced the population ecology of the Black-throated Blue Warbler (Setophaga caerulescens) over a 7 year period. We followed the process of adelgid infestation and subsequent hemlock loss, which allowed us to investigate the patterns and mechanisms of population change. We document a precipitous decline in breeding pairs at one site where hemlock was most abundant in the understory, but not at our other two sites. We observed no changes in reproductive output or apparent survival, yet territory size increased dramatically at the most affected site, suggesting that the decline was due to a lack of colonization by new breeders. Our results demonstrate how an invasive insect pest can indirectly influence wildlife species not believed to be vulnerable and in ways not typically investigated.  相似文献   

1. Biparental care is stabilised if parents perform different tasks during care. Specialised parental roles may require different time and energy budgets that in turn are expected to influence the activity and space use of sexes. 2. Here we investigate movement patterns of the biparental Lethrus apterus beetle using a grid of pitfall traps in their natural habitat. 3. Sexes of the burrow building L. apterus perform different roles during caregiving, as females collect most of the leaves, which serve as food for the offspring while paired males stay mostly in the burrow. We hypothesised that sex differences in mate search and parental activities are reflected in movement patterns. 4. We found that females frequently travelled short distances, whereas males were detected less often but when detected, they travelled significantly longer distances than females. 5. Our results are consistent with the notion that efficient parental food provisioning requires more localised movement and activity patterns. Furthermore, the long distance movements of some males may indicate active mate searching behaviour.  相似文献   

Human psychophysical studies have provided evidence of a short duration time constant associated with perceptual tasks. This time constant is approximately 3 s in duration, and evidence suggests that it represents a central neural mechanism that functions to integrate “successive events into a Gestalt” in order to create a “subjective present.” Recent studies have found a 3 s time constant in human and chimpanzee movement patterns, suggesting that a similar mechanism subserves both human perceptual and primate motor skills. These studies have focused exclusively on humans and chimpanzees; therefore, it is unclear whether this time constant represents a characteristic derived in the primate order or an ancestral characteristic found in many different mammalian orders. The current study looked for evidence of a 3 s time constant associated with movement patterns in six mammalian species representing three non-primate orders. The results showed that all six species' movement pattern event durations averaged about 3 s, and that there were no significant differences in the mean event durations among the species. Thus, the 3 s time constant originally found in human perceptual and primate motor skills is common among many mammalian orders and probably represents the operation of an ancestral neural mechanism.  相似文献   

Linking isotopic and migratory patterns in a pelagic seabird   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The value of stable isotope analysis in tracking animal migrations in marine environments is poorly understood, mainly due to insufficient knowledge of isotopic integration into animal tissues within distinct water masses. We investigated isotopic and moult patterns in Cory’s shearwaters to assess the integration of different stable isotopes into feathers in relation to the birds’ transoceanic movements. Specimens of Mediterranean Cory’s shearwater Calonectris diomedea diomedea caught accidentally by Catalan longliners were collected and the signatures of stable isotopes of C (δ13C), N (δ15N) and S (δ34S) were analysed in 11 wing and two tail feathers from 20 birds, and in some breast feathers. Based on isotopic signatures and moult patterns, the feathers segregated into two groups (breeding and wintering), corresponding to those grown in the Mediterranean or Atlantic regions, respectively. In addition, feathers grown during winter, i.e. moulted in Atlantic waters, were grouped into two isotopically distinct profiles, presumably corresponding to the two main wintering areas previously identified for Mediterranean Cory’s shearwater in tracking studies. N signatures mainly indicated the Mediterranean-to-Atlantic migration, whereas C and S signatures differed according to the Atlantic wintering area. Our results indicate that isotopic signatures from distant oceanic regions can integrate the feathers of a given bird and can indicate the region in which each feather was grown. This study thus underscores how stable isotope analysis can link marine animals to specific breeding and wintering areas, and thereby shed new light on studies involving assignment, migratory connectivity and carry-over effects in the marine environment. Xavier Ruiz deceased 27 April 2008.  相似文献   

Predicting climate change impacts on population size requires detailed understanding of how climate influences key demographic rates, such as survival. This knowledge is frequently unavailable, even in well‐studied taxa such as birds. In temperate regions, most research into climatic effects on annual survival in resident passerines has focussed on winter temperature. Few studies have investigated potential precipitation effects and most assume little impact of breeding season weather. We use a 19‐year capture–mark–recapture study to provide a rare empirical analysis of how variation in temperature and precipitation throughout the entire year influences adult annual survival in a temperate passerine, the long‐tailed tit Aegithalos caudatus. We use model averaging to predict longer‐term historical survival rates, and future survival until the year 2100. Our model explains 73% of the interannual variation in survival rates. In contrast to current theory, we find a strong precipitation effect and no effect of variation in winter weather on adult annual survival, which is correlated most strongly to breeding season (spring) weather. Warm springs and autumns increase annual survival, but wet springs reduce survival and alter the form of the relationship between spring temperature and annual survival. There is little evidence for density dependence across the observed variation in population size. Using our model to estimate historical survival rates indicates that recent spring warming has led to an upward trend in survival rates, which has probably contributed to the observed long‐term increase in the UK long‐tailed tit population. Future climate change is predicted to further increase survival, under a broad range of carbon emissions scenarios and probabilistic climate change outcomes, even if precipitation increases substantially. We demonstrate the importance of considering weather over the entire annual cycle, and of considering precipitation and temperature in combination, in order to develop robust predictive models of demographic responses to climate change. Synthesis Prediction of climate change impacts demands understanding of how climate influences key demographic rates. In our 19‐year mark‐recapture study of long‐tailed tits Aegithalos caudatus, weather explained 73% of the inter‐annual variation in adult survival; warm springs and autumns increased survival, wet springs reduced survival, but winter weather had little effect. Robust predictions thus require consideration of the entire annual cycle and should not focus solely on temperature. Unexpectedly, survival appeared not to be strongly density‐dependent, so we use historical climate data to infer that recent climate change has enhanced survival over the four decades in which the UK long‐tailed tit population has more than doubled. Furthermore, survival rates in this species are predicted to further increase under a wide range of future climate scenarios.  相似文献   

We present experimental data on the reproduction patterns of three sympatric sibling rotifer species, belonging to the Brachionus plicatilis complex, as they compete for food. Variation existed in the amount and pattern of sexual reproduction among the three cyclical parthenogenetic species. Competitive exclusion between the three Brachionus species was related to a higher investment in sexual reproduction by the inferior competitor. In general, no correlation was found between sexual reproduction and population density in a given species. However, when pairs of competing species were compared, a negative relationship between sexual investment differences (between species) and average population density differences was frequently found. From the results we conclude that: (1) the characteristic sexual pattern of each species has some implications for the competitive outcome; (2) allocation of resources into sexual reproduction does not mediate coexistence; and (3) the response of sexual reproduction to competitive interaction is unlikely to determine competition outcome. Nevertheless, our results suggest that the competitively inferior species invests more in sexual reproduction, as a response to resource limitation, which would accelerate its exclusion.  相似文献   

The demography and dynamics of migratory bird populations depend on patterns of movement and habitat quality across the annual cycle. We leveraged archival GPS‐tagging data, climate data, remote‐sensed vegetation data, and bird‐banding data to better understand the dynamics of black‐headed grosbeak (Pheucticus melanocephalus) populations in two breeding regions, the coast and Central Valley of California (Coastal California) and the Sierra Nevada mountain range (Sierra Nevada), over 28 years (1992–2019). Drought conditions across the annual cycle and rainfall timing on the molting grounds influenced seasonal habitat characteristics, including vegetation greenness and phenology (maturity dates). We developed a novel integrated population model with population state informed by adult capture data, recruitment rates informed by age‐specific capture data and climate covariates, and survival rates informed by adult capture–mark–recapture data and climate covariates. Population size was relatively variable among years for Coastal California, where numbers of recruits and survivors were positively correlated, and years of population increase were largely driven by recruitment. In the Sierra Nevada, population size was more consistent and showed stronger evidence of population regulation (numbers of recruits and survivors negatively correlated). Neither region showed evidence of long‐term population trend. We found only weak support for most climate–demographic rate relationships. However, recruitment rates for the Coastal California region were higher when rainfall was relatively early on the molting grounds and when wintering grounds were relatively cool and wet. We suggest that our approach of integrating movement, climate, and demographic data within a novel modeling framework can provide a useful method for better understanding the dynamics of broadly distributed migratory species.  相似文献   

Protandry and sexual dimorphism in trans-Saharan migratory birds   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Earlier arrival to reproductive sites of males relative to females(protandry) is widespread among migratory organisms. Diversemechanisms have been proposed that may select for protandry,including competition for limiting resources (e.g., territories)or mates. In species with large variation in male reproductivesuccess, such as polygamous species and those with intense spermcompetition, early arriving males may accrue a fitness advantagebecause they acquire more mates or have larger chances of paternity.Comparative studies of birds have shown that sexual size dimorphism(SSD) is positively associated with the level of polygyny, whereasintense sperm competition is associated with sexual dichromatism(SD). Positive correlations between protandry and SSD or SDcan therefore be expected to exist across avian species. Becauselarge males are predicted to be better able to cope with adverseecological conditions early in the breeding season, selectionfor protandry, in turn, may have a correlated response on SSDamong migratory species breeding in boreal latitudes. Althoughprevious studies of birds have analyzed the association betweenSSD and protandry, none has analyzed SD in relation to protandry.Here we analyze the association between protandry during springmigration, SSD, and SD in 21 trans-Saharan monogamous migratorybird species. The difference in median migration dates betweenfemales and males, reflecting protandry, was positively associatedwith SD but not with SSD. Because dichromatism is positivelyrelated to sperm competition across species, present resultsare consistent with predictions derived from sexual selectionhypotheses for the evolution of protandry mediated by spermcompetition.  相似文献   

A small fraction of HIV-infected individuals (<1%), referred to as elite controllers (EC), are able to maintain undetectable viral loads indefinitely without treatment. The role of the maturational phenotype of T cells in the control of HIV infection in these individuals is not well described. We compared the maturational and functional phenotypes of Gag-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells from EC, who maintain undetectable viral loads without treatment; relative controllers (RC), who maintain viral loads of <1,000 copies/ml without treatment; and noncontrollers (NC), who fail to control viral replication. EC maintained higher frequencies of HIV-specific CD4 T cells, less mature polyfunctional Gag-specific CD4 T cells (CD27(+) CD57(-) CD45RO(+)), and Gag-specific polyfunctional CD4 T cells than those observed in NC. In EC, the frequency of polyfunctional Gag-specific CD8 T cells was higher than that observed in RC and NC. RC had a similar functional phenotype to that observed in NC, despite consistently lower viral loads. Finally, we found a direct correlation between the frequency of Gag-specific CD27(+) CD57(-) CD45RO(+) CD4(+) T cells and the frequency of mature HIV-specific CD8 T cells. Altogether, our data suggest that immature Gag-specific interleukin-2 (IL-2)-producing CD4(+) T cells may play an important role in spontaneous control of HIV viremia by effectively supporting HIV-specific CD8 T lymphocytes. This difference appears to differentiate EC from RC.  相似文献   

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