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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Runs of homozygosity (ROH) are contiguous lengths of homozygous genotypes that are present in an individual due to parents transmitting identical haplotypes to their offspring. The extent and frequency of ROHs may inform on the ancestry of an individual and its population. Here we use high density (n = 777,962) bi-allelic SNPs in a range of cattle breed samples to correlate ROH with the pedigree-based inbreeding coefficients and to validate subsequent analyses using 54,001 SNP genotypes. This study provides a first testing of the inference drawn from ROH through comparison with estimates of inbreeding from calculations based on the detailed pedigree data available for several breeds. RESULTS: All animals genotyped on the HD panel displayed at least one ROH that was between 1--5 Mb in length with certain regions of the genome more likely to be involved in a ROH than others. Strong correlations (r = 0.75, p < 0.0001) existed between the pedigree-based inbreeding coefficient and a statistic based on sum of ROH of length > 0.5 KB and suggests that in the absence of an animal's pedigree data, the extent of a genome under ROH may be used to infer aspects of recent population history even from relatively few samples. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that ROH are frequent across all breeds but differing patterns of ROH length and burden illustrate variations in breed origins and recent management.  相似文献   

This review presents a broader approach to the implementation and study of runs of homozygosity (ROH) in animal populations, focusing on identifying and characterizing ROH and their practical implications. ROH are continuous homozygous segments that are common in individuals and populations. The ability of these homozygous segments to give insight into a population's genetic events makes them a useful tool that can provide information about the demographic evolution of a population over time. Furthermore, ROH provide useful information about the genetic relatedness among individuals, helping to minimize the inbreeding rate and also helping to expose deleterious variants in the genome. The frequency, size and distribution of ROH in the genome are influenced by factors such as natural and artificial selection, recombination, linkage disequilibrium, population structure, mutation rate and inbreeding level. Calculating the inbreeding coefficient from molecular information from ROH (FROH) is more accurate for estimating autozygosity and for detecting both past and more recent inbreeding effects than are estimates from pedigree data (FPED). The better results of FROH suggest that FROH can be used to infer information about the history and inbreeding levels of a population in the absence of genealogical information. The selection of superior animals has produced large phenotypic changes and has reshaped the ROH patterns in various regions of the genome. Additionally, selection increases homozygosity around the target locus, and deleterious variants are seen to occur more frequently in ROH regions. Studies involving ROH are increasingly common and provide valuable information about how the genome's architecture can disclose a population's genetic background. By revealing the molecular changes in populations over time, genome‐wide information is crucial to understanding antecedent genome architecture and, therefore, to maintaining diversity and fitness in endangered livestock breeds.  相似文献   

Autozygosity occurs when two chromosomal segments that are identical from a common ancestor are inherited from each parent. This occurs at high rates in the offspring of mates who are closely related (inbreeding), but also occurs at lower levels among the offspring of distantly related mates. Here, we use runs of homozygosity in genome-wide SNP data to estimate the proportion of the autosome that exists in autozygous tracts in 9,388 cases with schizophrenia and 12,456 controls. We estimate that the odds of schizophrenia increase by ~17% for every 1% increase in genome-wide autozygosity. This association is not due to one or a few regions, but results from many autozygous segments spread throughout the genome, and is consistent with a role for multiple recessive or partially recessive alleles in the etiology of schizophrenia. Such a bias towards recessivity suggests that alleles that increase the risk of schizophrenia have been selected against over evolutionary time.  相似文献   

Runs of homozygosity (ROHs) arise due the transmission from parents to offspring of segments that are either identical by decent (IBD) or identical by state (IBS). The former is due to consanguineous matings whereas the latter is due to demographic processes. ROHs reduce individual nucleotide diversity (θ) as a function of homozygosity, and thus ROH distributions and θ are expected to vary among species because inbreeding levels, recombination rates, and demographic histories vary widely. To help interpret genetic diversity within and among species, we utilized genome sequence data from 78 mammalian species to compare θ and ROH burden (i.e., number and length of ROHs in the genome) among groups of mammals to assess genomic signatures of inbreeding. We compared θ and ROHs: (i) among threatened and non-threatened mammals to determine the significance of contemporary conservation status; (ii) among carnivorous and non-carnivorous mammals to determine the relevance of trophic effects; (iii) relative to body size because mutation rates generally vary with body mass; and (iv) across mammals from different latitudes to test for gradients in genomic diversity (e.g., due to effects of historic climatic regimes). Our results illustrate the considerable variance in genomic diversity across mammals, and that trophic level, body mass, and latitude have significant effects on θ and ROH burden. However, conservation status was not a reliable indicator of genomic diversity. We argue that genetic or genomic diversity should be an explicit component of conservation status, as such diversity is critical to the long-term sustainability of populations, and anticipate that ROHs will become more commonly used to estimate inbreeding in wild animals.  相似文献   



Recent developments in sequencing technology have facilitated widespread investigations of genomic variants, including continuous stretches of homozygous genomic regions. For cattle, a large proportion of these runs of homozygosity (ROH) are likely the result of inbreeding due to the accumulation of elite alleles from long-term selective breeding programs. In the present study, ROH were characterized in four cattle breeds with whole genome sequence data and the distribution of predicted functional variants was detected in ROH regions and across different ROH length classes.


On average, 19.5 % of the genome was located in ROH across four cattle breeds. There were an average of 715.5 ROH per genome with an average size of ~750 kbp, ranging from 10 (minimum size considered) to 49,290 kbp. There was a significant correlation between shared short ROH regions and regions putatively under selection (p < 0.001). By investigating the relationship between ROH and the predicted deleterious and non-deleterious variants, we gained insight into the distribution of functional variation in inbred (ROH) regions. Predicted deleterious variants were more enriched in ROH regions than predicted non-deleterious variants, which is consistent with observations in the human genome. We also found that increased enrichment of deleterious variants was significantly higher in short (<100 kbp) and medium (0.1 to 3 Mbp) ROH regions compared with long (>3 Mbp) ROH regions (P < 0.001), which is different than what has been observed in the human genome.


This study illustrates the distribution of ROH and functional variants within ROH in cattle populations. These patterns are different from those in the human genome but consistent with the natural history of cattle populations, which is confirmed by the significant correlation between shared short ROH regions and regions putatively under selection. These findings contribute to understanding the effects of inbreeding and probably selection in shaping the distribution of functional variants in the cattle genome.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1715-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The availability of dense single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) assays allows for the determination of autozygous segments based on runs of consecutive homozygous genotypes (ROH). The aim of the present study was to investigate the occurrence and distribution of ROH in 21 Italian sheep breeds using medium‐density SNP genotypes in order to characterize autozygosity and identify genomic regions that frequently appeared in ROH within individuals, namely ROH islands. After filtering, the final number of animals and SNPs retained for analyses were 502 and 46 277 respectively. A total of 12 302 ROH were identified. The mean number of ROH per breed ranged from 10.58 (Comisana) to 44.54 (Valle del Belice). The average length of ROH across breeds was 4.55 Mb and ranged from 3.85 Mb (Biellese) to 5.51 Mb (Leccese). Valle del Belice showed the highest value of inbreeding on the basis of ROH (FROH = 0.099), whereas Comisana showed the lowest (FROH = 0.016), and high standard deviation values revealed high variability in autozygosity levels within each breed. Differences also existed in the length of ROH. Analysis of the distribution of ROH according to their size showed that, for all breeds, the majority of the detected ROH were <10 Mb in length, with a few long ROH >25 Mb. The levels of ROH that we estimated here reflect the inbreeding history of the investigated sheep breeds. These results also highlight that ancient and recent inbreeding have had an impact on the genome of the Italian sheep breeds and suggest that several animals have experienced recent autozygosity events. Comisana and Bergamasca appeared as the less consanguineous breeds, whereas Barbaresca, Leccese and Valle del Belice showed ROH patterns typically produced by recent inbreeding. Moreover, within the genomic regions most commonly associated with ROH, several candidate genes were detected.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We aimed to investigate the influence of the genetic variability of candidate genes on survival at old age in good health. METHODS: First, on the basis of a synthetic survival curve constructed using historic mortality data taken from the Italian population from 1890 onward, we defined three age classes ranging from 18 to 106 years. Second, we assembled a multinomial logistic regression model to evaluate the effect of dichotomous variables (genotypes) on the probability to be assigned to a specific category (age class). Third, we applied the regression model to a cross-sectional dataset (10 genes; 972 subjects selected for healthy status) categorized according to age and sex. RESULTS: We found that genetic factors influence survival at advanced age in good health in a sex- and age-specific way. Furthermore, we found that genetic variability plays a stronger role in males than in females and that, in both genders, its impact is especially important at very old ages. CONCLUSIONS: The analyses presented here underline the age-specific effect of the gene network in modulating survival at advanced age in good health.  相似文献   

  1. Cereal aphids, including the bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi, and the grain aphid, Sitobion avenae, can transmit viruses that significantly reduce crop yields. To mitigate against yield losses, insecticides are routinely used to manage aphid populations.
  2. Aphids can form relationships with endosymbionts that confer fitness benefits or consequences to the aphid. Recent artificial inoculation experiments indicate that endosymbionts could increase aphid susceptibility to insecticides, but this has not been explored using aphid populations naturally infected with endosymbionts.
  3. Here, we sampled aphids from an important cereal production region in Lower Saxony, Germany. We characterized the endosymbiont profile of these aphid populations and conducted pyrethroid dose–response assays to test the hypothesis that facultative endosymbionts increase aphid susceptibility to insecticides.
  4. We find that the level of insecticide susceptibility is highly variable in S. avenae and we identify populations that are sensitive and tolerant to pyrethroids, including populations collected from the same field. For R. padi, we find evidence for decreased sensitivity to pyrethroids, representing the first report of reduced sensitivity to pyrethroids in R. padi sampled from Central Europe.
  5. We detected high endosymbiont infection frequencies in the aphid populations. 84% of aphids carry one facultative endosymbiont and 9% of aphids carry two facultative endosymbionts. We detected associations with Regiella insecticola, Fukatsia symbiotica, and Hamiltonella defensa. However, we do not identify a link between endosymbiont infection and insecticide susceptibility, indicating that other factors may govern the development of insecticide resistance and the need for alternative management strategies.

An inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy occurs in 30% of Chagas' disease patients, chronically infected by Trypanosoma cruzi, while the remaining infected individuals are asymptomatic. Studies have indicated a role for genetic factors in the susceptibility to Chagas' disease cardiomyopathy. In an attempt to identify the genetic factors influencing the development and outcome of Chagas' cardiomyopathy, we compared the frequencies of alleles from two candidate gene loci, class II HLA and a microsatellite marker for the human cardiac beta-myosin heavy chain gene in different clinical groups. Patients were grouped as asymptomatic or with severe or mild cardiomyopathy. The results indicate that the HLA and myosin microsatellite allele profiles in all cardiomyopathy and in asymptomatic groups are similar. In conclusion, these results establish that polymorphism of HLA-DR and -DQ molecules, as well as beta-cardiac myosin, do not influence the susceptibility to different clinical forms of Chagas' disease or the progression to severe Chagas' cardiomyopathy. On the other hand, male sex was identified as a risk factor for progression to the more severe forms of cardiomyopathy (relative risk = 8.75).  相似文献   

According to the antagonistic pleiotropy theory of ageing, natural selection has favoured genes conferring short-term benefits to the organism at the cost of deterioration in later life. The 'disposable soma' theory expresses this as a life-history strategy in which somatic maintenance is below the level required to prevent ageing, thus enabling higher immediate fertility. It has been argued that a non-ageing strategy will always be bettered by a low but non-zero rate of ageing, because the costs of such ageing will be felt only in the distant future when they are of negligible importance. Here, we examine this argument critically. We find that a non-ageing strategy will be locally optimal if, in the presence of ageing, the onset of deterioration is sufficiently rapid or early. Conversely, ageing will be optimal if deterioration is sufficiently slow or late. As the temporal profile of ageing changes from one of steady deterioration to one involving a sudden loss of vitality after a period of little or no decline, the conditions for a non-ageing strategy to be locally optimal become progressively more stringent. But for all forms of profile considered, conditions can be found for which a strategy involving no ageing is locally optimal.  相似文献   

A dataset consisting of 787 animals with high‐density SNP chip genotypes (346 774 SNPs) and 939 animals with medium‐density SNP chip genotypes (33 828 SNPs) from eight indigenous Swiss sheep breeds was analyzed to characterize population structure, quantify genomic inbreeding based on runs of homozygosity and identify selection signatures. In concordance with the recent known history of these breeds, the highest genetic diversity was observed in Engadine Red sheep and the lowest in Valais Blacknose sheep. Correlation between FPED and FROH was around 0.50 and thereby lower than that found in similar studies in cattle. Mean FROH estimates from medium‐density data and HD data were highly correlated (0.95). Signatures of selection and candidate gene analysis revealed that the most prominent signatures of selection were found in the proximity of genes associated with body size (NCAPG, LCORL, LAP3, SPP1, PLAG1, ALOX12, TP53), litter size (SPP1), milk production (ABCG2, SPP1), coat color (KIT, ASIP, TBX3) and horn status (RXFP2). For the Valais Blacknose sheep, the private signatures in proximity of genes/QTL influencing body size, coat color and fatty acid composition were confirmed based on runs of homozygosity analysis. These private signatures underline the genetic uniqueness of the Valais Blacknose sheep breed. In conclusion, we identified differences in the genetic make‐up of Swiss sheep breeds, and we present relevant candidate genes responsible for breed differentiation in locally adapted breeds.  相似文献   

Brown-headed cowbirds, Molothrus ater, frequently parasitize red-winged blackbirds,Agelaius phoeniceus . The presence of a brood parasite, unrelated to both host nestlings and parents, has provoked speculation regarding within-brood food allocation and parental provisioning. This study is the first to compare directly the effect of brood parasitism on host parent and offspring behaviour in younger and older broods. We videotaped 28 unparasitized red-winged blackbird broods and compared them to 22 parasitized broods. Red-winged blackbird nestling begging appears largely unaffected by cowbird parasitism. The presence of the cowbird in the nest affected neither the latency nor duration of host nestling begging, but stimulated more frequent begging by red-winged blackbird nestlings following food distribution. Begging by cowbirds was unique in two ways: (1) cowbirds maintained a consistent begging effort throughout the nestling period (but did not receive a consistent food share); and (2) cowbirds begged longer and more frequently following the allocation of food. Persistent begging by the cowbird following the allocation of food has implications for the division of parental care, if by doing so the brood parasite is able to provoke the foster parent to increase provisioning, at the expense of brooding. We found no evidence for the adjustment of parental care. Neither the foraging rates nor the lengths of the parental feeding visits differed markedly between parasitized and unparasitized broods. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Ants have been widely used as bioindicators for various terrestrial monitoring and assessment programs but are seldom considered in evaluation of nontarget pesticide effect. Much chemical assessment has been biased toward laboratory and bioassay testing for control of specific pest ant species. Several field studies that did explore the nontarget impacts of pesticides on ants have reported contradictory findings. To address the impact of chemical applications on ants, we tested the response of epigeal ant assemblages and community structure to three pesticide gradients (cumulative International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control toxicity rating, chlorpyrifos use rate, and sulfur use rate) in 19 vineyards. Ordination analyses using nonmetric multidimensional scaling detected community structures at species and genus levels, but the structures were not explained by any pesticide variables. There was no consistent pattern in species and genus percentage complementarities and ant assemblages along pesticide gradients. In contrast, ant community structure was influenced by the presence of shelterbelts near the sampling area. Reasons for the resilience of ants to pesticides are given and assessment at the colony level instead of workers abundance is suggested. The presence of Linepithema humile (Mayr) is emphasized.  相似文献   

The practice of radiocollaring is increasingly being used in the study of wild animal populations. However, methods of tracking and monitoring are known to affect some species negatively. On a wild population of habituated meerkats Suricata suricatta , we investigated the potential costs and consequences of carrying a radiocollar for small carnivores, focusing on detailed aspects of foraging behaviour and survival. Radiocollared individuals were no more likely to be predated than non-collared individuals in the same social group. We also found that collaring did not affect foraging efficiency, with collared individuals being equally efficient foragers (four measures) while wearing a collar compared with the pre-collaring period. To control for group-specific events, changes in foraging efficiency after collaring were compared with the behaviour of control individuals from the same group and no significant differences were found. In conclusion, we found no evidence to suggest radiocollars impact negatively on the bearer's welfare, survival or foraging ability.  相似文献   

For more than a century oxygen has been known to be one of the most powerful radiosensitizers. However, despite decades of preclinical and clinical research aimed at overcoming tumor hypoxia, little clinical progress has been made so far. Ionizing radiation damages DNA through generation of free radicals. In the presence of oxygen these lesions are chemically modified, and thus harder to repair while hypoxia protects cells from radiation (Oxygen enhancement ratio (OER)). Breast cancer stem cells (BSCSs) are protected from radiation by high levels of free radical scavengers even in the presence of oxygen. This led us to hypothesize that BCSCs exhibit an OER of 1. Using four established breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7, T47D, MDA-MB-231, SUM159PT) and primary breast cancer samples, we determined the number of BCSCs using cancer stem cell markers (ALDH1, low proteasome activity), compared radiation clonogenic survival and mammosphere formation under normoxic and hypoxic conditions, and correlated these results to the expression levels of key members of the free radical scavenging systems. The number of BCSCs increased with increased aggressiveness of the cancer. This correlated with increased radioresistance (SF(8Gy)), and decreasing OERs. When cultured as mammospheres, breast cancer cell lines and primary samples were highly radioresistant and not further protected by hypoxia (OER~1).We conclude that because BCSCs are protected from radiation through high expression levels of free radical scavengers, hypoxia does not lead to additional radioprotection of BCSCs.  相似文献   

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