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Potassium efflux from single skinned skeletal muscle fibers.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The efflux of 42K from single, skinned (sarcolemma removed) skeletal muscle fibers has been determined. Isotope washout curves are kinetically complex and can be fit as the sum of three exponentials, including a fast component (k = 0.25 s-1) with a pool size equivalent to 91% of the fiber volume, an intermediate component (k = 0.08 s-1) equivalent to 6% of the fiber volume, and a slow component (k = 0.008 s-1) equivalent to 0.5% of fiber volume. Only the intermediate kinetic component is significantly affected by pretreatment of fibers with detergent. Efflux curves from detergent-treated fibers could be fit as the sum of two exponentials with coefficients and rate constants comparable to those of the fast and slow component of washout of untreated controls. Similarly the washout of [14C]sucrose can be described as the sum of two exponentials. We conclude that the intermediate component of 42K washout results from the movement of ions from a membrane bound space within the skinned fiber. Because of its relative volume, the sarcoplasmic reticulum seems to be a reasonable choice as a structural correlate for this component. Our estimate of the potassium permeability for the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) based on the efflux data is 10(-7) cm/s. This value is less than previous estimates from isolated preparations.  相似文献   

Strophanthidin-sensitive and insensitive unidirectional fluxes of Na were measured in fog sartorius muscles whose internal Na levels were elevated by overnight storage in the cold. ATP levels were lowered, and ADP levels raised, by metabolic poisoning with either 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene or iodoacetamide. Strophanthidin-sensitive Na efflux and influx both increased after poisoning, while strophanthidin-insensitives fluxes did not. The increase in efflux did not require the presence of external K but was greatly attenuated when Li replaced Na as the major external cation. Membrane potential was not markedly altered by 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene. These observations indicate that the sodium pump of frog skeletal muscle resembles that of squid giant axon and human erythrocyte in its ability to catalyze Na-Na exchange to an extent determined by intracellular ATP/ADP levels.  相似文献   

A theory of blood flow in skeletal muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A theoretical analysis of blood flow in the microcirculation of skeletal muscle is provided. The flow in the microvessels of this organ is quasi steady and has a very low Reynolds number. The blood is non-Newtonian and the blood vessels are distensible with viscoelastic properties. A formulation of the problem is provided using a viscoelastic model for the vessel wall which was recently derived from measurements in the rat spinotrapezius muscle (Skalak and Schmid-Sch?nbein, 1986b). Closed form solutions are derived for several physiologically important cases, such as perfusion at steady state, transient and oscillatory flows. The results show that resting skeletal muscle has, over a wide range of perfusion pressures an almost linear pressure-flow curve. At low flow it exhibits nonlinearities. Vessel distensibility and the non-Newtonian properties of blood both have a strong influence on the shape of the pressure-flow curve. During oscillatory flow the muscle exhibits hysteresis. The theoretical results are in qualitative agreement with experimental observations.  相似文献   

Investigation of the ionic behavior of glycerinated muscle fibers showed that the residual structures of this biologic cellular material, lacking functional membranes, are able to discriminate between alkaline ions. The characteristics of the ionic selectivity of the glycerinated fibers change with their functional state and with the presence in the medium of certain nonionic substances. Among the more important features of ionic distribution between the membrane-free fibers and the medium are the following: (1) There is evident adsorption of potassium on the fibers, in the absence of ATP. (2) This adsorption increases in contraction and decreases in relaxation. (3) At high ionic concentrations, in contrast to what occurs at low potassium concentrations, the glycerinated muscle prefers sodium to potassium, but even under these conditions both ions are accumulated in the fibers to far greater levels than in the medium. This strongly suggests a Donnan ionic equilibrium developing parallel to the adsorption process. (4) Nonionic substances of the general anesthetic group markedly alter the ionic selectivity of the glycerinated fibers, probably by their action on the water's physical state. A mechanism is proposed for the observed ionic adsorption specific of the muscle-a mechanism in which actin-myosin coupling plays the cardinal adsorption role. In the general interpretation of the data a synthetic concept is advanced according to which an entire set of processes and factors concurs with the distribution of ions between the muscle and the medium.  相似文献   

Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a highly potent neurotoxin that blocks the action potential by selectively binding to voltage-gated sodium channels (Na(v)). The skeletal muscle Na(v) (Na(v)1.4) channels in most pufferfish species and certain North American garter snakes are resistant to TTX, whereas in most mammals they are TTX-sensitive. It still remains unclear as to whether the difference in this sensitivity among the various vertebrate species can be associated with adaptive evolution. In this study, we investigated the adaptive evolution of the vertebrate Na(v)1.4 channels. By means of the CODEML program of the PAML 4.3 package, the lineages of both garter snakes and pufferfishes were denoted to be under positive selection. The positively selected sites identified in the p-loop regions indicated their involvement in Na(v)1.4 channel sensitivity to TTX. Most of these sites were located in the intracellular regions of the Na(v)1.4 channel, thereby implying the possible association of these regions with the regulation of voltage-sensor movement.  相似文献   

When a frog's sartorius is immersed in sodium-free lithium-substituted solution at 0 degree C, the tissue sodium content declines in two distinct phases. The rate of the slow phase has a temperature dependence expected for a process dependent on metabolism (Q10, ca. 3), and sodium content (51.5 mmol/kg dry weight) equal to that measured by others using electron microprobe microanalysis. The rate of the rapid phase has a temperature dependence (Q10, 0.3-1) expected for a passive process, and a sodium content equal to that in the sorbitol space. It was concluded that incubation of a muscle at 0 degree C for 45 min in sodium-free solution will wash out almost all of the sodium in the extracellular space but will leave almost all the sodium in the intracellular space. The unidirectional sodium influx was measured by incubating a muscle in 22Na-containing Ringer's solution for a timed interval at 23 degrees C, then in sodium-free lithium-substituted solution at 0 degree C for 45 min, before analysis for ion content and radioactivity. The ratio of the specific activity of sodium in the muscle to that in the radioactive bathing solution was calculated, and the time course of its rise was used to calculate an influx rate coefficient. The use of the specific activity minimizes the error due to the loss of intracellular sodium and radiosodium which occurs during the wash in cold solution. It was found that the rate of the radiosodium uptake varied as the uptake proceeded, in a manner similar to that previously shown for the rate of the radiosodium efflux and attributed to the existence of a diversity of cell size in this muscle.  相似文献   

The primary voltage sensor of the sodium channel is comprised of four positively charged S4 segments that mainly differ in the number of charged residues and are expected to contribute differentially to the gating process. To understand their kinetic and steady-state behavior, the fluorescence signals from the sites proximal to each of the four S4 segments of a rat skeletal muscle sodium channel were monitored simultaneously with either gating or ionic currents. At least one of the kinetic components of fluorescence from every S4 segment correlates with movement of gating charge. The fast kinetic component of fluorescence from sites S216C (S4 domain I), S660C (S4 domain II), and L1115C (S4 domain III) is comparable to the fast component of gating currents. In contrast, the fast component of fluorescence from the site S1436C (S4 domain IV) correlates with the slow component of gating. In all the cases, the slow component of fluorescence does not have any apparent correlation with charge movement. The fluorescence signals from sites reflecting the movement of S4s in the first three domains initiate simultaneously, whereas the fluorescence signals from the site S1436C exhibit a lag phase. These results suggest that the voltage-dependent movement of S4 domain IV is a later step in the activation sequence. Analysis of equilibrium and kinetic properties of fluorescence over activation voltage range indicate that S4 domain III is likely to move at most hyperpolarized potentials, whereas the S4s in domain I and domain II move at more depolarized potentials. The kinetics of fluorescence changes from sites near S4-DIV are slower than the activation time constants, suggesting that the voltage-dependent movement of S4-DIV may not be a prerequisite for channel opening. These experiments allow us to map structural features onto the kinetic landscape of a sodium channel during activation.  相似文献   

Myostatin is a negative regulator of muscle mass and has been reported to be upregulated in several conditions characterized by muscle atrophy. The influence of sepsis on myostatin expression and activity is poorly understood. Here, we tested the hypothesis that sepsis upregulates the expression and downstream signaling of myostatin in skeletal muscle. Because sepsis‐induced muscle wasting is at least in part regulated by glucocorticoids, we also determined the influence of glucocorticoids on myostatin expression. Sepsis was induced in rats by cecal ligation and puncture and control rats were sham‐operated. In other experiments, rats were injected intraperitoneally with dexamethasone (10 mg/kg) or corresponding volume of vehicle. Surprisingly, myostatin mRNA levels were reduced and myostatin protein levels were unchanged in muscles from septic rats. Muscle levels of activin A, follistatin, and total and phosphorylated Smad2 (p‐Smad2) were not influenced by sepsis, suggesting that myostatin downstream signaling was not altered during sepsis. Interestingly, total and p‐Smad3 levels were increased in septic muscle, possibly reflecting altered signaling through pathways other than myostatin. Similar to sepsis, treatment of rats with dexamethasone reduced myostatin mRNA levels and did not alter myostatin protein levels. Fasting, an additional condition characterized by muscle wasting, reduced myostatin mRNA and activin A protein levels, increased myostatin protein, and did not influence follistatin and p‐Smad2 levels. Of note, total and p‐Smad3 levels were reduced in muscle during fasting. The results suggest that sepsis and glucocorticoids do not upregulate the expression and activity of myostatin in skeletal muscle. The role of myostatin may vary between different conditions characterized by muscle wasting. Downstream signaling through Smad2 and 3 is probably regulated not only by myostatin but by other mechanisms as well. J. Cell. Biochem. 111: 1059–1073, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ionic selectivity of the sodium channel of frog skeletal muscle   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The ionic selectivity of the Na channel to a variety of metal and organic cations is studied in frog semitendinosus muscle. Na channel currents are measured under voltage clamp conditions in fibers bathed in solutions with all Na+ replaced by a test ion. Permeability ratios are calculated from measured reversal potentials using the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation. The permeability sequence was Na+ approximately Li+ approximately hydroxylammonium greater than hydrazinium greater than ammonium greater than guanidinium greater than K+ greater than aminoguanidinium in the ratios 1:0.96:0.94:0.31:0.11:0.093:0.048:0.031. No inward currents were observed for Ca++, methylammonium, methylguanidinium, tetraethylammonium, and tetramethylammonium. The results are consistent with the Hille model of the Na channel selectivity filter of the node of Ranvier and suggest that the selectivity filter of the two channels is the same.  相似文献   

Sodium outward currents were measured in human myoballs with the whole-cell recording method. The electro-chemical gradient of the sodium ions across the cell membrane was modified over a wide range by variations of the clamped membrane potential and of the internal and external soidum concentration. Up to 50 mV positive to the sodium equilibrium potential, ENa, the current-voltage relation is linear. At a potential 80 mV positive to ENa the sodium outward current has a maximum and decreases with a further increase in electrochemical gradient. Investigating the instantaneous current change in experiments in which the membrane potential was changed while the channels were already open we could exclude the possibility that the gates of activation or inactivation are responsible for this effect. Therefore we postulate that the sodium channel has a valve-like mechanism producing a negative slope conductance at highly positive membrane potentials, a current saturation with self-inhibition by the intracellular sodium concentration, and a blockade of the channel on reduction of the extracellular sodium concentration.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ru 138/15-1, 15-2)  相似文献   

J B Patlak  M Ortiz    R Horn 《Biophysical journal》1986,49(3):773-777
Single voltage-activated Na+ channel currents were obtained from membrane patches on internally dialyzed skeletal muscle segments of adult frogs. The high channel density in these membranes permitted frequent observation of the "bursting mode" of individual Na+ channels during 400-ms records. We examined the opentimes within and between bursts on individual membrane patches. We used a new nonparametric statistical procedure to test for heterogeneity in the opentime distributions. We found that although 80% of all bursts consisted of opentimes drawn from a single distribution, the opentime distribution varied significantly from burst to burst. Significant heterogeneity was also detected within the remaining 20% of individual bursts. Our results indicate that the gating kinetics of individual Na+ channels are heterogeneous, and that they may occasionally change in a single channel.  相似文献   

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