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Plant phenotypic plasticity describes altered phenotypic performance of an individual when grown in different environments. Exploring genetic architecture underlying plant plasticity variation may help mitigate the detrimental effects of a rapidly changing climate on agriculture, but little research has been done in this area to date. In the present study, we established a population of 976 maize F1 hybrids by crossing 488 diverse inbred lines with two elite testers. Genome-wide association study identified hundreds of quantitative trait loci associated with phenotypic plasticity variation across diverse F1 hybrids, the majority of which contributed very little variance, in accordance with the polygenic nature of these traits. We identified several quantitative trait locus regions that may have been selected during the tropical-temperate adaptation process. We also observed heterosis in terms of phenotypic plasticity, in addition to the traditional genetic value differences measured between hybrid and inbred lines, and the pattern of which was affected by genetic background. Our results demonstrate a landscape of phenotypic plasticity in maize, which will aid in the understanding of its genetic architecture, its contribution to adaptation and heterosis, and how it may be exploited for future maize breeding in a rapidly changing environment.  相似文献   

报道了在自然条件下太行隆肛蛙(Feirana taihangnicus)早期胚胎发育的过程。根据胚胎外部形态变化、主要生理特征及行为的出现,其早期胚胎发育过程可划分为25个时期。在水温11.0~18.0℃下,从受精卵形成至蝌蚪两侧鳃盖完全闭合、出水管形成为止,共历时470.18 h。卵裂开始时集中在动物极顶端,直到囊胚早期植物极才出现分割线;胚体的出膜时间集中在右侧鳃盖闭合期,出膜后即具备主动取食的能力,属于晚出膜类型;隐蔽的产卵环境、特殊的卵群附着方式以及大卵径、高卵黄量,是太行隆肛蛙对低温条件下早期胚胎发育时程长的生态适应。  相似文献   

鸟鸣及其鸣唱控制系统发育可塑性研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鸟类的鸣唱控制系统已成为研究神经系统与学习、行为和发育相关的一个重要模型。鸣禽鸣唱学习行为的神经基础为脊椎动物复杂习得行为的解剖学功能定位提供了一个范例。它也可为我们研究人类语言学习记忆提供借鉴,对近年来在鸟类鸣唱及其呜唱控制系统发育可塑性方面的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

Despite decades of research on the interactions between ecology and evolution, opportunities still remain to further integrate the two disciplines, especially when considering multispecies systems. Here, we discuss two such opportunities. First, the traditional emphasis on the distinction between evolutionary and ecological processes should be further relaxed as it is particularly unhelpful in the study of microbial communities, where the very notion of species is hard to define. Second, key processes of evolutionary theory such as adaptation should be exported to hierarchical levels higher than populations to make sense of biodiversity dynamics. Together, we argue that broadening our perspective of eco-evolutionary dynamics to be more inclusive of all biodiversity, both phylogenetically and hierarchically, will open up fertile new research directions and help us to address one of the major scientific challenges of our time, that is, to understand and predict changes in biodiversity in the face of rapid environmental change.  相似文献   

2006~2011年采用野外调查和访问调查相结合的方法,对广东鼎湖山国家级自然保护区爬行动物进行了专项调查研究。迄今,该保护区已记录爬行动物2目12科54种,其中6种为本次调查发现的新纪录,分别是截趾虎Gehyra mutilata、丽棘蜥Acanthosaura lepidogaster、棕黑腹链蛇Amphiesma sauteri、黑领剑蛇Sibynophis collaris、细白环蛇Lycodon subcinctus和乌龟Mauremys reevesii。本次调查野外发现爬行动物共38种,其中包括珍稀濒危物种平胸龟Platysternon megacephalum,16种文献有记载的爬行动物在本次调查中未发现。访问调查发现6只四眼斑水龟Sacalia quadriocellata,很可能来自鼎湖山。基于调查结果,对该保护区爬行动物多样性及受胁因素进行了探讨,并提出了4点保护管理建议。  相似文献   

Previous research on developmentally plastic responses by reptile embryos has paid relatively little attention to tropical species, or to possible interactions between the effects of thermal and hydric regimes. In the present study, eggs of keelback snakes ( Tropidonophis mairii ), from a tropical area with strong temporal and spatial variation in soil temperatures and moisture levels, were incubated. The phenotypic traits of hatchling snakes (body size, shape, muscular strength) were affected by moisture content of the incubation medium (vermiculite plus 100% vs. 50% water by mass), by mean incubation temperatures (25.7 vs. 27.9 °C) and by diel thermal variation (diel range 6.0 vs. 8.4 °C). Interactions between these factors were negligible. Cooler, more thermostable, moister conditions resulted in larger offspring, a trait under strong selection in this population. Thermal and hydric conditions covary in potential nest-sites (e.g. deeper nests are more thermostable as well as moister). This covariation may influence the evolution of reaction norms for embryogenesis. For example, if moister nests enhance offspring fitness and are cooler, then selection will favour the ability to develop in cool as well as moist conditions. Thus, the evolution of optimal incubation conditions with respect to one variable (e.g. temperature) may be driven by patterns of association with another variable (e.g. soil moisture) among natural nest-sites. Perhaps for this reason, the thermal optimum for incubation is surprisingly low in this tropical species.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 89 , 159–168.  相似文献   

Under global change, populations have four possible responses: ‘migrate, acclimate, adapt or die’ (Gienapp et al. 2008 Climate change and evolution: disentangling environmental and genetic response. Mol. Ecol. 17, 167–178. (doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2007.03413.x)). The challenge is to predict how much migration, acclimatization or adaptation populations are capable of. We have previously shown that populations from more variable environments are more plastic (Schaum et al. 2013 Variation in plastic responses of a globally distributed picoplankton species to ocean acidification. Nature 3, 298–230. (doi:10.1038/nclimate1774)), and here we use experimental evolution with a marine microbe to learn that plastic responses predict the extent of adaptation in the face of elevated partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2). Specifically, plastic populations evolve more, and plastic responses in traits other than growth can predict changes in growth in a marine microbe. The relationship between plasticity and evolution is strongest when populations evolve in fluctuating environments, which favour the evolution and maintenance of plasticity. Strikingly, plasticity predicts the extent, but not direction of phenotypic evolution. The plastic response to elevated pCO2 in green algae is to increase cell division rates, but the evolutionary response here is to decrease cell division rates over 400 generations until cells are dividing at the same rate their ancestors did in ambient CO2. Slow-growing cells have higher mitochondrial potential and withstand further environmental change better than faster growing cells. Based on this, we hypothesize that slow growth is adaptive under CO2 enrichment when associated with the production of higher quality daughter cells.  相似文献   

Rapid environmental changes are putting numerous species at risk of extinction. For migration-limited species, persistence depends on either phenotypic plasticity or evolutionary adaptation (evolutionary rescue). Current theory on evolutionary rescue typically assumes linear environmental change. Yet accelerating environmental change may pose a bigger threat. Here, we present a model of a species encountering an environment with accelerating or decelerating change, to which it can adapt through evolution or phenotypic plasticity (within-generational or transgenerational). We show that unless either form of plasticity is sufficiently strong or adaptive genetic variation is sufficiently plentiful, accelerating or decelerating environmental change increases extinction risk compared to linear environmental change for the same mean rate of environmental change.  相似文献   

The extent to which phenotypic plasticity, or the ability of a single genotype to produce different phenotypes in different environments, impedes or promotes genetic divergence has been a matter of debate within evolutionary biology for many decades (see, for example, Ghalambor et al. 2007 ; Pfennig et al. 2010 ). Similarly, the role of evolution in shaping phenotypic plasticity remains poorly understood (Pigliucci 2005 ). In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Dayan et al. ( 2015 ) provide empirical data relevant to these questions by assessing the extent of plasticity and divergence in the expression levels of 2272 genes in muscle tissue from killifish (genus Fundulus) exposed to different temperatures. F. heteroclitus (Fig.  1 A) and F. grandis are minnows that inhabit estuarine marshes (Fig.  1 B) along the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico in North America. These habitats undergo large variations in temperature both daily and seasonally, and these fish are known to demonstrate substantial phenotypic plasticity in response to temperature change (e.g. Fangue et al. 2006 ). Furthermore, the range of F. heteroclitus spans a large latitudinal gradient of temperatures, such that northern populations experience temperatures that are on average ~10°C colder than do southern populations (Schulte 2007 ). By comparing gene expression patterns between populations of these fish from different thermal habitats held in the laboratory at three different temperatures, Dayan et al. ( 2015 ) address two important questions regarding the interacting effects of plasticity and evolution: (i) How does phenotypic plasticity affect adaptive divergence? and (ii) How does adaptive divergence affect plasticity?  相似文献   

植物的表型可塑性、异速生长及其入侵能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
表型可塑性是指同一个基因型对不同环境响应产生不同表型的特性,特定性状的可塑性本身可以遗传,也可以接受选择而发生进化。植物个体的异速生长是指生物体某一特征的相对生长速率不等于第二种特征的相对生长速率的特性,该特性是由物种的遗传性决定的一种固定特征,植物往往朝着最佳的异速生长曲线进化。植物特定基因型在不同环境下,诸如生物量分配和种群几何学上的一些表型差异,既可由异速生长造成,也可由表型可塑性造成。植物本身的异速生长是一种"外观可塑性",而异速生长曲线的改变才是真正的可塑性。植物的表型可塑性、异速生长对于入侵植物的适应具有重要意义。干扰等异质性生境下表型可塑性成为物种生存扩散的有利性状,表型可塑性强的物种更有可能成为广布种。植物本身的异速生长特性或其异速生长曲线的改变都能影响其入侵能力。  相似文献   

植物表型可塑性研究进展   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
王姝  周道玮 《生态学报》2017,37(24):8161-8169
表型可塑性已成为生态进化发育生物学的核心概念,很大程度上由于植物可塑性研究的主要贡献,但人们仍远未完全了解表型可塑性的原因和结果。从整体角度理出表型可塑性研究发展的基本脉络,介绍研究内容、途径和简史,聚焦于几个主要方面的研究进展及发展方向。现代可塑性研究的兴盛始于关于可塑性的进化学重要性的一篇综述,从现象的描述、对其遗传基础和可塑性本身进化的讨论,发展到探索其背后的发育机制、植物生长与适应策略、生态学影响等。未来可塑性研究应在重新理解和评价表型可塑性及其适应性的基础上,更关注自然条件下环境因子和可塑响应的复杂性。表型可塑性的生态-进化学意义仍将是未来研究的重点。  相似文献   

李成  顾海军  阳华  刘志君 《四川动物》2006,25(2):305-307
采用编目法调查了四川省汶川县草坡自然保护区和若尔盖县包座自然保护区的两栖爬行动物概况.调查表明,草坡自然保护区有两栖爬行动物17种,隶7科3目;包座自然保护区有两栖爬行动物5种,隶5科3目.  相似文献   

沼水蛙早期胚胎发育的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
报道了沼水蛙的早期胚胎发育过程。根据胚胎发育过程中的形态变化规律将胚胎发育过程分为2 5个时期 ,在室温 (2 4± 1 )℃的条件下 ,胚胎发育历时 1 87h 5 4min ;在室外不控制温度 ,气温为 1 8~ 2 5℃的条件下 ,历时 2 1 5h 3 0min。本文还描述了各时期的形态特征 ,并讨论了发育中的一些现象。  相似文献   

重庆市爬行动物物种多样性研究及保护   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
罗键  高红英  周元媛 《四川动物》2004,23(3):249-256
1996~2004年对重庆市35个县(区、市)进行野外调查采集,结合有关资料记载,重庆市共有爬行动物2目12科38属58种,其中龟鳖目4种,有鳞目蜥蜴亚目12种、蛇亚目42种(含重庆市蛇类新记录3属4种)。建议加强对该市爬行动物物种多样性及其生境的保护,合理利用爬行动物资源。  相似文献   

The sensitivity of kelps to elevated temperatures has been linked to recent declines in some kelp populations, with cascading impacts on marine communities. However, it remains unclear how thermal stress affects the ability of kelps to respond to other environmental factors, which could influence their vulnerability to climate change. We investigated the effect of thermal stress on the ability of the bull kelp Nereocystis luetkeana to acclimate to its surrounding hydrodynamic environment through tension-regulated plasticity in blade morphology. We first determined optimal and stressful temperatures for N. luetkeana by measuring growth over nine temperatures from 5°C to 22°C. We then exposed N. luetkeana blades to a factorial combination of temperature (13°C and 20°C) and tension (0.5 N and 2.0 N) simulating different flow conditions, and measured changes in blade length and width after 7 days. The temperature at which N. luetkeana exhibited maximum growth was estimated to be ~11.9°C, though growth was high over a relatively wide temperature range. When thermally stressed, N. luetkeana maintained morphological responses to simulated high flow, but were inhibited from acclimating to low flow, indicated by an inability of blades to widen. Our results suggest that N. luetkeana in sheltered habitats may be particularly vulnerable to climate warming, where an inability to adjust blade morphology to local hydrodynamic conditions could drive declines at sublethal levels of warming. As ecologically important foundation species, declines in sheltered kelp populations could result in major biodiversity loss and disrupt ecosystem function.  相似文献   

披针叶茴香对变化光环境的表型可塑性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物对变化光环境的表型可塑性大小影响其在林下生境中分布、生长和更新。为探讨披针叶茴香在不同光环境下的整体表型可塑性及其适应机制,采用遮荫试验模拟5种光照条件(100%、52%、33%、15%和6%相对光照强度),研究了不同光环境下披针叶茴香叶片形态、生理、解剖结构、根系形态以及生物量分配等的变化。结果表明:叶生物量在5种光照处理之间差异不显著,但叶面积和比叶面积均随光照强度减弱显著增加。遮荫处理增加了叶绿素a、叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素的含量,但叶绿素a/b比值随光照强度减弱而降低。遮荫降低了非结构性碳水化合物(淀粉和可溶性糖)和可溶性蛋白的含量,增加了叶片氮和磷含量,对叶片氮/磷比影响较小。在52%和33%相对光照处理下,叶片中硝酸盐含量最低,而在100%和6%相对光照处理下硝酸盐积累较多。根生物量、细根和粗根的长度、表面积以及比根长和比根表面积在5种光照处理之间均没有显著差异,根系氮含量在低光环境(15%和6%相对光照处理)中显著降低。随光照强度减弱,披针叶茴香采取保守生存策略,并没有增加叶生物量的分配,而是分配较多的生物量给枝条和树干,储存能量。综合来看,披针叶茴香具有较宽的光生态幅,在6%—100%光照强度下均能正常生长,遮荫有利于披针叶茴香地上和总生物量的积累,52%的相对光照条件下生长最佳。变化光环境下根系性状和整体结构的可塑性相对较低,叶片生理性状的可塑性在披针叶茴香适应光环境变化过程中发挥了主要作用。  相似文献   

We investigated how adult growth in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) was affected by changing embryonic temperature from fertilization until the completion of eye pigmentation. Fertilized eggs from several hundred families were divided between four temperature treatments (2, 5, 8 or 10 degrees C) and subsequently reared in identical conditions in replicated tanks. Fish exposed to 2 and 5 degrees C treatments were significantly smaller at smoltification than groups at higher temperatures, but showed substantial compensatory catch-up growth. Remarkably, temperature during this short window of embryogenesis dictated adult myogenic phenotype three years later with significant treatment effects on the muscle fibre final number (FFN), maximum diameter, nuclear density and size distribution. FFN was highest for the 5 degrees C treatment and was reduced at higher and lower treatment temperatures. Our results require direct temperature effects on embryonic tissues, such as the stem cell-containing external cell layer, in order to produce persistent effects on juvenile and adult growth.  相似文献   

张东来  张玲  葛文志 《植物研究》2017,37(5):658-663
为了探求不同光环境对胡桃楸幼苗生长的影响,对全光照(100%光照)、中光照(60%光照)、低光照(30%光照)3种光环境下胡桃楸幼苗的生长、形态特征、生物量分配和水分特征开展研究。结果表明:胡桃楸幼苗的形态在不同光环境下存在明显的可塑性变化,生物量分配和水分特征均表现出不同程度的差异。低光照条件下,胡桃楸幼苗生长快,株高、地径分别为全光照的1.14、1.18倍;冠幅大,是全光照的1.40倍;叶片宽大,叶长和叶宽分别是全光照的1.25和1.36倍;分枝数明显少于全光照。3种光环境下胡桃楸幼苗地上部分生物量存在显著差异,地下部分差异不显著。叶片相对含水量随着光照的降低呈现逐渐增加的趋势;全光照条件下叶片饱和持水量与叶片干鲜比明显大于遮阴条件;3种光照条件下叶绿素含量差异显著。胡桃楸幼苗为适应不同光环境,在形态和生理方面都做出适应性调整,适当的遮阴处理有利于胡桃楸幼苗生长。  相似文献   

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