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A new species, Leptolalax laui sp. nov. is described based on specimens collected from Hong Kong and Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China. The new species can be distinguished from other known congeners by morphological and molecular data. The new species is characterized by the following characters: 1) small size (adult males SVL 24.8.1 mm-26.7 mm); 2) near immaculate creamy white chest and belly; 3) broad lateral fringes on toes; 4) head longer or as long as wide; 5) distinct dark brown spots in flank; 6) moderate dermal fringes on fingers; 7) brown or reddish-brown dorsum with fine round scattered tubercles; 8) thin traverse brownish-grey bars on the dorsal surface of tibia and lower arms; 9) longitudinal ridges under toes not interrupted at the articulations.  相似文献   

2020年5月在洛阳市嵩县白云山国家森林公园玉皇顶林场(33°38′37″N,111°50′01″E,海拔1 882 m)采集到齿突蟾属(Scutiger)物种9号标本,经形态特征比较及线粒体COI和Cyt b基因联合构建的齿突蟾属部分物种系统发育树显示,采集到的齿突蟾标本系一新种,命名为华夏齿突蟾Scutiger feiliangi Zhou, Guan and Shi, sp. nov.。其主要鉴别特征为:1)体型中等,雄性体长45.7~50.2 mm,雌性体长48.9~51.5 mm;2)头宽略大于头长,鼓膜不显;3)前臂及手长略超过体长之半,后肢较短;4)背面粗糙,布满疣粒;5)指间无蹼,趾间微蹼;6)具两对胸腺,外侧者略小于内侧;7)背部有4行断续排列的纵行肤褶;8)肛周有多个近圆形腺体。同时,对新种华夏齿突蟾的生物学特性进行描述。  相似文献   

Three new megophryid species, Leptolalax melanoleucus, L. fuliginosus, and L. solus, are described from southwestern and southern Thailand on the bases of acoustic and morphological characteristics. Leptolalax melanoleucus and L. fuliginosus are similar to L. pelodytoides from northern Thailand, but differ from it completely in advertisement call characteristics and ventral color. Leptolalax solus is similar to L. heteropus from peninsular Malaysia, but differs from it by advertisement call, as well as by some body proportions. The distributional pattern of Leptolalax within Thailand is discussed.  相似文献   

经核查和鉴定中国云南等地原定名为大头蛙[Limnonectes kuhlii(=Rana kuhlii Tschudi,1838)]的标本及相关文献资料,并与产地为印度尼西亚的爪哇大头蛙(Limnonectes kuhlii)模式标本的有关描述相对比,两者在其形态、染色体及线粒体基因分化等特征上均有明显区别,因此将云南、广西等地标本的种名改订为新种,即版纳大头蛙(Limnonectes bannaensis,sp.nov.)。其主要鉴别特征是:1)背面较光滑,具少数细肤棱,体后部有小圆疣;2)体背面浅褐色或灰褐色,肤褶上有黑纹;3)蝌蚪尾部具深色斑纹,但尾后半段不呈黑色;4)其染色体组型为2n=22(20m 2st)。而爪哇产大头蛙:1)背面粗糙,体背部、胫部和肛部周围满布圆形疣粒;2)体背面为黑大理石色或为黑色;3)蝌蚪尾部后半段为黑色;4)染色体组型为2n=26,5对大染色体,8对小染色体,除第8对为亚端部着丝粒外,其余均为中部和亚中部着丝粒。  相似文献   

We describe a new species of megophryid frog from Phu Yen Province in southern Vietnam. Leptolalax macrops sp. nov. is distinguished from its congeners by a combination of the following morphological attributes:(1) body size medium(SVL 28.0–29.3 mm in three adult males, 30.3 mm in single adult female);(2) supra-axillary glands present, creamy white; ventrolateral glands indistinct;(3) tympanum externally distinct;(4) dorsal skin roughly granular with larger tubercles, dermal ridges on dorsum absent;(5) rudimentary webbing present between fingers Ⅰ–Ⅱ and Ⅱ–Ⅲ; rudimentary webbing between all toes; fingers and toes without dermal fringes;(6) in life ventral surface greyish-violet with white speckling;(7) supratympanic fold distinct, dark brown in life;(8) iris bicolored, typically golden in upper half, fading to golden green in lower half;(9) tibia short(TbL/SVL 0.44–0.45 in males); and(10) eyes large and protuberant(ED/SVL 0.15–0.16 in males).From all congeners for which comparable sequences are available, the new species differs markedly in the 16 S rRNA mitochondrial gene sequence(P-distance5.7%). The new species is currently known only from montane evergreen tropical forests of Song Hinh District, Phu Yen Province, and M'Drak District of Dak Lak Province at elevations of 470–630 m a.s.l.. We suggest the new species should be considered as Data Deficient following the IUCN's Red List categories. We also report a previously unknown Leptolalax mt DNA lineage from an evergreen tropical forest in the Hoa Thinh District of Phu Yen Province,which may also represent an undescribed species.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Xenophrys is described from a karst cave environment of Libo County, Guizhou Province, Southern China. The new species, Xenophrys liboensis sp. nov., is distinguished from its congeners by a combination of the following characters: 1) tympanum distinct; 2) vomerine teeth present; 3) the length of lower arm and hand larger than the half of snout-vent; 4) heels overlapped slightly when the flexed legs are held at right angles to the body axis; 5) toe tips with rudimentary webs and without grooves; 6) dermal fringes moderate; 7) tubercles on the dorsum forming an X-shaped weak ridge; 8) horn-like tubercle at the edge of the upper eyelid distinct; 9) color of the iris in life is brown. In Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of 22 species of Xenophrys, all the individuals of X. liboensis sp. nov. clustered into a monophyletic clade with high posterior probabilities. In addition, the ranges of genetic divergences of X. liboensis sp. nov. with other species were interspecific rather than intraspecific. Based on the above evidences, we consider that X. liboensis sp. nov. is a valid species in Xenophrys.  相似文献   

本文讨论了华球角[虫兆]属并描述江苏1新种:五齿华球角[虫兆]Chinogastrura quinidentis,sp.nov.。该种与分布在中国和日本的Ch.duplwispinosa(Yosii),1954最为接近,如具4个臀刺、相似的角后器和弹器的端节等,但在握弹器、弹器基和齿节以及触角上的毛序等方面有别于后者。 正模:♂,江苏南京南京大学校园,1990-Ⅱ-26,采集号8118,KennethA.Christiansen采;副模:2多♂♂和2♀♀,同正模。模式标本保存在南京大学生物科学与技术系。  相似文献   

根据形态特征比较,浙江丽水所采集的异角蟾标本应属一新种——丽水异角蟾Xenophrys lishuiensis Wang,LiuJiang,sp.nov.。正模标本:WYF00164,雄性成体,2016年5月20日采于浙江省丽水市莲都区葑垟林场附近(28°11′51.72″N,119°49′2.28″E,海拔1 100 m);配模标本:WYF00169,雌性成体;副模标本:12♂♂(WYF00165~WYF00168,WYF00171~WYF00178),2♀♀(WYF00170和WYF11011),均与正模同时、同地采集。正模和配模标本,以及8号副模标本(WYF00165~WYF00168,WYF00171~WYF00173,WYF11011)保存于中国科学院成都生物研究所两栖爬行动物标本馆,其余6号副模标本(WYF00170,WYF00174~WYF00178)保存于浙江自然博物馆。丽水异角蟾主要鉴别特征为:1)体型小,雄性体长30.7~34.7 mm,雌性体长36.9~40.4 mm;2)头长略大于头宽;3)无犁骨棱,无犁骨齿;4)舌游离端无缺刻;5)掌突2个;6)胫长不及体长之半;7)趾间无蹼,趾侧无缘膜;8)背部具"X"形斑块,或"X"形斑中间断开,色斑粗,边缘清晰且镶浅色边;9)头背三角形斑与体背斑块不相连;10)雄性肩部具不显著的浅色半圆斑;11)雄性第一、二指背面具婚垫和极小而密集的婚刺,第二指婚刺较少。依据线粒体基因16S r RNA共397 bp序列以贝叶斯法构建异角蟾属14个物种间的系统发育关系。包括新种丽水异角蟾在内的10个异角蟾属物种,以高支持率(后验概率98%)形成一个单系(支系B),其中,该种3个个体以高支持率(后验概率100%)形成一个单独的支系,与其近缘种淡肩异角蟾(X.boettgeri)之间的遗传距离为3.9%,大于同属部分物种间遗传距离。  相似文献   

记述了中国湖南省肖蛸科楚蛛属一新种:保靖楚蛛Zygiella baojingensis sp.nov..模式标本保存于湖南师范大学生命科学学院,文中量度单位为mm。  相似文献   

20 0 4年 1月在海南省进行了两栖爬行动物调查 ,共获得 2 0种和l新种。在吊罗山采到小树蛙成体 ,与眼斑小树蛙P .ocellatusLiuandHu的体形、体色、鼓膜等特征相近 ,但有以下主要区别 :胫跗关节前伸超过吻端 ,额部有 2~ 3个银白色小斑点 ,背中部有一极明显的浅棕色椭圆形斑 ,腹面黄白色 ,前臂背侧具有 2~ 3条横纹 ,故将该蛙定为新种。  相似文献   

We describe a new species of the genus Megophr ys from Guizhou Province, China. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA sequences all strongly supported the new species as an independent clade nested into the Megophrys clade and sister to M. minor. On morphology,the new species is distinguished from its congeners by a combination of the following characters:(1) small body size with SVL 39.2 mm in male and SVL 40.4 mm in female;(2) vomerine teeth absent;(3) tongue not notched behind;(4) a small horn-like tubercle at the edge of each upper eyelid;(5) tympanum distinctly visible, rounded;(6) two or three metacarpal tubercles in hand;(7) relative finger lengths: Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅴ Ⅲ;(8) toes without webbing;(9) heels overlapped when thighs are positioned at right angles to the body;(10) tibiotarsal articulation reaching tympanum to eye when leg stretched forward;(11) an internal single subgular vocal sac in male;(12) in breeding male, the nuptial pads with black nuptial spines on the dorsal bases of the first and second fingers.  相似文献   

本文记述中国狡蛛属1新种,命名为掌形狡蛛Dolomedes palmatus sp.nov..模式标本保存在河北大学博物馆和广西大学农学院.文中测量单位为mm.  相似文献   

领蚊属一新种(双翅目:蚊科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述采自云南省西双版纳勐腊县境内竹筒积水领蚊亚属1新种,讨论了新种与近缘种的鉴别特征。模式标本存于云南省寄生虫防治所。  相似文献   

蝠蛾属Hepialus一新种记述(鳞翅目:蝙蝠蛾科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述蝙蝠蛾科Hepialidae蝠蛾属Hepialus 1新种:小金蝠蛾Hepialus xiaojinensis, sp. nov.,模式标本分别保存在西南大学和重庆市中药研究院.  相似文献   

记述中国片盾蚧属1新种——勐仑片盾蚧Parlatoria menglunensis,sp.nov.。模式标本保存于西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

记述采自贵州省雷公山的大属1新种:铲形大Magalestes palaceus,sp.nov.,模式标本保存于浙江自然博物馆昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述采自浙江省的齿铗瘿蚊属1新种:大齿铗瘿蚊Dentifibula magna Mo et Liu,sp.nov.。模式标本保存于山东农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

马丽  李强 《昆虫分类学报》2006,28(4):311-314
记述方头泥蜂科三室短柄泥蜂属1新种——排刺三室短柄泥蜂Psenseriatispinosus,sp.nov.。模式标本保存于浙江大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

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