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One model for the timing of cytokinesis is based on findings that p34(cdc2) can phosphorylate myosin regulatory light chain (LC20) on inhibitory sites (serines 1 and 2) in vitro (Satterwhite, L.L., M.H. Lohka, K.L. Wilson, T.Y. Scherson, L.J. Cisek, J.L. Corden, and T.D. Pollard. 1992. J. Cell Biol. 118:595-605), and this inhibition is proposed to delay cytokinesis until p34(cdc2) activity falls at anaphase. We have characterized previously several kinase activities associated with the isolated cortical cytoskeleton of dividing sea urchin embryos (Walker, G.R., C.B. Shuster, and D.R. Burgess. 1997. J. Cell Sci. 110:1373-1386). Among these kinases and substrates is p34(cdc2) and LC20. In comparison with whole cell activity, cortical H1 kinase activity is delayed, with maximum levels in cortices prepared from late anaphase/telophase embryos. To determine whether cortical-associated p34(cdc2) influences cortical myosin II activity during cytokinesis, we labeled eggs in vivo with [(32)P]orthophosphate, prepared cortices, and mapped LC20 phosphorylation through the first cell division. We found no evidence of serine 1,2 phosphorylation at any time during mitosis on LC20 from cortically associated myosin. Instead, we observed a sharp rise in serine 19 phosphorylation during anaphase and telophase, consistent with an activating phosphorylation by myosin light chain kinase. However, serine 1,2 phosphorylation was detected on light chains from detergent-soluble myosin II. Furthermore, cells arrested in mitosis by microinjection of nondegradable cyclin B could be induced to form cleavage furrows if the spindle poles were physically placed in close proximity to the cortex. These results suggest that factors independent of myosin II inactivation, such as the delivery of the cleavage stimulus to the cortex, determine the timing of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Murine embryonic stem cells (mESC) are capable of unlimiting proliferation with maintenance of pluripotency during long-term cultivation. Signaling pathways regulating the cell cycle of mESC are of the great interest for further investigation. This review concerns to the cell cycle regulation of mESC through different signaling pathways (LIF-STAT3, PI3K-Akt, Wnt-beta-catenin) and to the mechanisms of unlimited proliferation of mESC and their inability to undergo long-term block of proliferation in response to DNA-damaging and stress factors. The functioning of negative cell cycle regulators (cyclin-kinase inhibitors and Rb) and positive cell cycle regulators (cyclin-kinase complexes and E2F factors) are also topics of this review. It is considered that, permanent mitogenic stimuli are needed to prevent induction of apoptosis. Therefore, the agents which cause prolonged halt of proliferation without ongoing onset of differentiation or induction of apoptosis are currently unknown. The main focus is given to the role of the Wnt signaling pathway in sustaining the pluripotent state of mESC. The cell cycle regulation by downstream targets of LIF-STAT3, PI3-kinase and Wnt-beta-catenin pathways is discussed in light of cooperative action of these pathways for maintenance of undifferentiated state of mESC.  相似文献   

Mouse embryonic stem (MES) cells possess joint abilities for unlimited proliferation and maintenance of pluripotency during long-term cultivation. The regulation of the cell cycle of these cells is of great interest. This review is focused on the regulation of the cell cycle of these cells via different signaling pathways (LIF-STAT3, PI3K-Akt, Wnt-β-catenin). The mechanisms underlying the unlimited proliferation of MES cells and their inability to long-term block of proliferation in response to DNA-damaging and stress factors are discussed. The functioning of negative (cyclin-kinase inhibitors and Rb) and positive (cyclin-kinase complexes and E2F factors) cell cycle regulators are also the topics of this survey. Permanent mitogenic stimuli are thought to prevent the induction of apoptosis; in any case, agents which cause a prolonged halt to proliferation without stimulating the onset of differentiation or the induction of apoptosis are currently unknown. Special concern is given to the role of the Wnt signaling pathway in sustaining the pluripotent state of MES cells. Cell cycle regulation by downstream targets of LIF-STAT3, PI3-kinase and Wnt-β-catenin pathways is discussed in light of the cooperative action of these pathways in the maintenance of undifferentiated states of MES cells.  相似文献   

在构巢曲霉Aspergillusnidulans的细胞隔膜开始网(septation initiation network,SIN)的信号途径中,sepH基因对胞质分裂起着关键的正调节作用,但对该途径中同样起着十分重要作用的有关反向调节子(suppressors)的研究目前还不清楚。本课题采用UV诱导点突变法成功筛选到sepH突变株的反向调节子116株,这些突变株共分为三类。通过对突变株进行杂交和回交等遗传学分析,排除了sepH回复突变菌株,获得了能使sepH胞质分裂恢复正常的温度敏感菌株Sin110,证实了SIN途径具有对应反向的旁路途径(bypass)的存在。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cytokinesis occurs just as chromosomes complete segregation and reform nuclei. It has been proposed that cyclin/Cdk kinase inhibits cytokinesis until exit from mitosis; however, the timer of cytokinesis has not been experimentally defined. Whereas expression of a stable version of Drosophila cyclin B blocks cytokinesis along with numerous events of mitotic exit, stable cyclin B3 allows cytokinesis even though it blocks late events of mitotic exit. We examined the interface between mitotic cyclin destruction and the timing of cytokinesis. RESULTS: In embryonic mitosis 14, the cytokinesis furrow appeared 60 s after the metaphase/anaphase transition and closed 90 s later during telophase. In cyclin B or cyclin B3 mutant cells, the cytokinesis furrow appeared at an earlier stage of mitosis. Expression of stable cyclin B3 delayed and prolonged furrow invagination; nonetheless, cytokinesis completed during the extended mitosis. Reduced function of Pebble, a Rho GEF required for cytokinesis, also delayed and slowed furrow invagination, but incomplete furrows were aborted at the time of mitotic exit. In functional and genetic tests, cyclin B and cyclin B3 inhibited Pebble contributions to cytokinesis. CONCLUSIONS: Temporal coordination of mitotic events involves inhibition of cytokinesis by cyclin B and cyclin B3 and punctual relief of the inhibition by destruction of these cyclins. Both cyclins inhibit Pebble-dependent activation of cytokinesis, whereas cyclin B can inhibit cytokinesis by additional modes. Stable cyclin B3 also blocks the later return to interphase that otherwise appears to impose a deadline for the completion of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

On the mechanisms of cytokinesis in animal cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We present a model that attempts to explain some aspects of cytokinesis in animal cells. We propose two separate phases of cytokinesis. The first is not dependent on the presence of the mitotic apparatus and involves a general activation of cortical contractile elements resulting in the development of a surface tension. In the second phase the asters of the mitotic apparatus interact and modulate the activities of the tension generating elements in the cortex to produce gradients of surface tension with the highest values being at the equator. Tension generating elements are assumed to be free to move in the plane of the cortex so that they will consequently move up the gradient of tension and accumulate as an equatorial belt of oriented elements i.e. the contractile ring. The model was simulated on a computer and is capable of reproducing some of the wide variety of cleavage configurations that are observed.  相似文献   

On the biomechanics of cytokinesis in animal cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The material properties of the cell membrane are discussed. Various theories concerning the mechanism of cytokinesis in animal cells are presented. The currently accepted mechanism is that of active muscle-like contraction of the furrow base itself. A mathematical model is developed based on this theory. The cell membrane is modelled as a spherical membrane of nonlinear, elastic material. The membrane undergoes large deformations under the action of a contractile ring force in its equatorial plane. The numerical procedure employed in the solution of the governing equations is explained. The numerical results are compared with the experimental observations available in the literature. It is concluded that the cell membrane stiffness increases during the early stages of cleavage and it, later, decreases. The cell membrane division is a biomechanical instability problem. The factors that may facilitate or block cleavage are discussed. The experimental evidences that support the conjectures of the model are pointed out.  相似文献   



The time of locus replication during S-phase is tightly regulated and correlates with chromatin state. Embryonic stem (ES) cells have an unusual chromatin profile where many developmental regulator genes that are not yet expressed are marked by both active and repressive histone modifications. This poised or bivalent state is also characterized by locus replication in early S-phase in ES cells, while replication timing is delayed in cells with restricted developmental options.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis must be initiated only after chromosomes have been segregated in anaphase and must be terminated once cleavage is completed. We show that the fission yeast protein Etd1 plays a central role in both of these processes. Etd1 activates the guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) Spg1 to trigger signaling through the septum initiation network (SIN) pathway and onset of cytokinesis. Spg1 is activated in late anaphase when spindle elongation brings spindle pole body (SPB)–localized Spg1 into proximity with its activator Etd1 at cell tips, ensuring that cytokinesis is only initiated when the spindle is fully elongated. Spg1 is active at just one of the two SPBs during cytokinesis. When the actomyosin ring finishes constriction, the SIN triggers disappearance of Etd1 from the half of the cell with active Spg1, which then triggers Spg1 inactivation. Asymmetric activation of Spg1 is crucial for timely inactivation of the SIN. Together, these results suggest a mechanism whereby cell asymmetry is used to monitor cytoplasmic partitioning to turn off cytokinesis signaling.  相似文献   

Spatial aspects of cytokinesis in plant cells   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Plant cytokinesis in a particular orientation and location can be viewed as having several component stages, often beginning with the establishment of division polarity before karyokinesis occurs. Improved methods for preserving the in situ distribution of actin microfilaments and observations of individual live cells during treatment with cytoskeleton-disrupting drugs are making it possible to elucidate the roles of microtubules and microfilaments in cytokinesis. Current evidence points to involvement of the cytoskeleton throughout the stages of preparation for, and execution of, cytokinesis in many types of plant cell division.  相似文献   

The embryonal carcinoma P19 cells provide a model to study neuronal differentiation. Cells that are exposed to retinoic acid become mature neurons within a few days with a pronounced axonal and dendritic polarity. Notably, an accelerated rate of neurite extension characterizes densely but not sparsely plated cells. DNA microarray experiments show maximal differences in gene expression of the dense compared to sparse plated cultures at 18 h after plating. The differentially expressed genes are enriched by functions of cell adhesion and cytoskeletal regulation. Doublecortin, Lis1, Reelin, Map2 and dozens of proteins that regulate cytoskeleton dynamics increase in concordance with a rapid neurite extension. A brief elevation in intracellular cAMP via PKA is sufficient to instigate the phenotype of accelerated neurite extension with no effect on P19 cell fate. Furthermore, we show that the cAMP dependent changes in the expression of cytoskeleton regulators such as doublecortin are restricted to a short time window prior to the establishment of functional neurons. We propose that the wave of gene expression of cytoskeletal regulators that is accompanied by accelerated neurite extension acts in remodeling young developing neurons in the CNS.  相似文献   

High-throughput screening (HTS) of chemical libraries has become a critical tool in basic biology and drug discovery. However, its implementation and the adaptation of high-content assays to human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) have been hampered by multiple technical challenges. Here we present a strategy to adapt hESCs to HTS conditions, resulting in an assay suitable for the discovery of small molecules that drive hESC self-renewal or differentiation. Use of this new assay has led to the identification of several marketed drugs and natural compounds promoting short-term hESC maintenance and compounds directing early lineage choice during differentiation. Global gene expression analysis upon drug treatment defines known and novel pathways correlated to hESC self-renewal and differentiation. Our results demonstrate feasibility of hESC-based HTS and enhance the repertoire of chemical compounds for manipulating hESC fate. The availability of high-content assays should accelerate progress in basic and translational hESC biology.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that p190RhoGAP (p190), a GTPase activating protein (GAP) specific for Rho, plays a role in cytokinesis. First, ectopic expression of p190 induces a multinucleated cellular phenotype. Second, endogenous p190 localizes to the cleavage furrow of dividing cells. Lastly, its levels are reduced in late mitosis by ubiquitin-mediated proteasomal degradation, consistent with the idea that low levels of p190 and high levels of active Rho are required for completion of cytokinesis. As with p190, RhoA and the RhoGEF, ECT2, have been localized to the cleavage furrow. These findings raise the question of whether p190 and ECT2 cooperate antagonistically to regulate the activity of Rho and contraction of the actomyosin ring during cytokinesis. Here we demonstrate ECT2 can, in a dose-dependent manner, reduce multinucleation induced by p190. Furthermore, endogenous p190 and ECT2 colocalize at the cleavage furrow of dividing cells and stably associate with one another in co-immunoprecipitation assays. Functional and physical interactions between p190 and ECT2 are reflected in the levels of Rho activity, as assessed by Rho pull-down assays. Together, these results suggest that co-regulation of Rho activity by p190RhoGAP and ECT2 in the cleavage furrow determines whether cells properly complete cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Genes regulating embryonic and fetal survival   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cross JC 《Theriogenology》2001,55(1):193-207
Embryonic mortality in both farm animals and humans occurs most frequently during the first few weeks after conception. It can be attributed to abnormalities in the earliest developmental processes during embryogenesis that include implantation, maternal recognition of pregnancy, and formation of the placenta and cardiovascular system. The molecular mechanisms that are essential for all of these early processes are being elucidated at a rapid pace using transgenic and gene knockout approaches in mice. Two important general conclusions have emerged from this work. First, placental defects can occur by a number of different molecular mechanisms and can result from defects in the development or function of its trophoblast, mesenchymal or vascular components. Second, placental and cardiovascular functions are intimately linked. Cells of the placenta, for example, produce hormones that have profound effects on maternal and fetal cardiac and vascular function. In addition, development of the two is linked mechanistically through the use of some genes that are essential for development of both. Understanding the molecular basis of these processes should help to address the major limits to the success of embryo transfer, IVF and embryo cloning practices in livestock species.  相似文献   

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