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圆穗蓼中的新黄酮甙成分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从圆穗蓼(Polygonum sphaerostachyum Meisn.)中分离得到2个新黄酮甙,经光谱分析和化学方法鉴定为:3'-羟基-5,4'-二甲氧基-6,7-二氧亚甲基黄酮-3-O-「β-D-吡喃木糖基(1→6)」-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖甙⑴和5,4'-二甲氧基-3'-异丙烯基乙酰基-6,7-二氧亚甲基黄酮-3-O-「β-D-吡喃木糖基(1→6)-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖甙⑵,分别命名为圆穗蓼素A  相似文献   

应用解剖镜和电子扫描显微镜对中国产蓼属萹蓄组Polygonum sect.Polygonum 16种1变种及1变型植物的果实形态进行了研究。发现该组5种一年生植物的果实具有两型性,即有长、短两种果实类型。短果类型为卵形,具三棱,包于宿存花被内或与花被近等长,呈黑褐色。在解剖镜下观察到其表面具小点、无光泽,而在电子扫描显微镜下观察到其表面具有散乱分布或排列成行的瘤状颗粒;长果类型为狭卵形,具三棱,长于宿存花被,黄褐色或淡黄绿色,在解剖镜下观察到其表面平滑、有光泽,而在电子扫描显微镜下观察到其表面上部具有散乱分布的瘤状颗粒,中、下部则具不规则洼点、星花状褶皱或浅波纹状。果实具两型性的植物有萹蓄P.aviculare、乌鲁木齐萹蓄P.urumqiense、展枝萹蓄P.patulum、直立萹蓄P.avicularef.erectum和尖果萹蓄P.rigidum。果实微形态可分为两种类型:1.果实表面无瘤状颗粒或疣状突起、有光泽,此类型又可以分为2种亚类型:(1)果实表面平滑、浅波纹状,如岩萹蓄P.cognatum、松叶萹蓄P.acerosum和帚萹蓄P.argyrocoleum;(2)果实表面具浅洼点或洼点,如铁马鞭P.plebeium和针叶萹蓄P.polycnemoides。2.果实表面有瘤状颗粒或疣状突起,无或具微光泽,此类型又可分为4种亚类型:(1)果实表面具疣状突起,如圆叶萹蓄P.intramongolicum.;(2)果实表面具散乱分布的瘤状颗粒,如普通萹蓄P.humifusum和展枝萹蓄的短果;(3)果实表面具有纵行排列的瘤状颗粒,如萹蓄和乌鲁木齐萹蓄的短果;(4)果实表面上部具散乱分布的瘤状颗粒,中、下部具不规则洼点、星花状褶皱或浅波纹状,如萹蓄、展枝萹蓄、直立萹蓄和尖果萹蓄的长果。因此果实两型性和果实微形态特征对蓼属萹蓄组种、变种的鉴定具有较大的分类学价值。基于果实微形态特征以及其他形态特征,确定了新种晖春萹蓄Polygonum huichunense F.Z.Li,Y.T.Hou&C.Y.Qu,同时恢复褐鞘萹蓄Polygonum aviculareL.var.fusco-ochreatum(Kom.)A.J.Li为原种,即Polygonum fusco-ochreatum Kom.。  相似文献   

Three new species in Polygonum section Polygonum (Polygonaceae) from Xinjiang, China, are described and illustrated. Polygonum urumqiense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou & F. J. Lu is similar to P. aviculare L. in habit, but differs by having flowers densely clustered and spicate in the upper part of branches, stamens 5–6, and two types of achenes (the longer one densely and irregularly granulate on surface). Polygonum tachengense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou & F. J. Lu is similar to P. aviculare in the flowers not forming a raceme in the upper part of branches, the stamens 8, and the achenes striate-granulate on surface, but differs by the leaf blades linear-lanceolate, the midvein and lateral veins conspicuously raising abaxially, the ochreae longer, up to 1.1 cm, 15–20-veined, the flowers 3–6 clustered together in the upper axils of branches. This species is also similar to P. patulum M. Bieb. in the erect stem, and the flowers 3–6 clustered together in the axils of the upper part of branches, but differs by the midvein and lateral veins of leaves conspicuously raising abaxially, the ochreae longer, up to 1.1 cm, 15–20-veined, the leaves in the upper part of branches not becoming smaller gradually, and the flowers clustered in the upper axils of branches not forming a raceme, and the achenes striate-granulate on surface. Polygonum shiheziense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou & F. J. Lu is similar to P. argyrocoleon Steud. ex Kunze in the erect stem, the 3–6 flowers clustered in the upper axils of branches, the stamens 8, and the slightly smooth achenes, but differs by the midvein and lateral veins of leaves conspicuously raising abaxially, the ochreae longer, up to 1.1 cm, 15–20-veined, and the flowers clustered in the upper axils of branches not forming a raceme. This species is also similar to P. tachengense in habit, but differs in the leaves borne in the upper part of branches becoming smaller gradually and the smooth, slightly shiny achenes. The pollen morphology, leaf epidermal characters and achene micromorphology of the three new species and their relatives were comparatively observed under the scanning electron microscope (SEM).  相似文献   

报道了中国蓼属两新种。蜀蓼(Polygonum shuense)与大理蓼(P.subscapsum)相似,但基生叶的基部渐狭,沿叶柄下延,边缘具圆齿,花白色,花柱3,离生,瘦果长卵形,无光泽可以区别。察隅蓼(P.chayuum)产西藏,这个新种的茎不分枝,自基部至中部无叶,仅有托叶鞘,叶着生于茎的上部,这些特征奇特,明显不同于其它种类。  相似文献   

描述了中国新疆蓼科Polygonaceae蓼属萹蓄组Polygonum section Polygonum 3新种。乌鲁木齐萹蓄P. urumqiense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou &; F. J. Lu在体态上与萹蓄P. aviculare L.很相近, 但花在枝上部叶腋簇生成穗状花序, 雄蕊5–6枚, 瘦果两型, 长果表面密具不规则排列的小点, 易于区别。塔城萹蓄P. tachengense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou &; F. J. Lu在枝上部的花不形成总状花序, 雄蕊8枚, 瘦果表面具成行的小点等方面与萹蓄近缘, 其区别在于3–6花仅簇生于枝上部叶腋, 叶片条状披针形, 背面主、侧脉极其隆起, 托叶鞘较长, 约达1.1 cm, 具15–20条纵脉; 又因其茎直立, 花簇生于枝上部叶腋而与展枝萹蓄P. patulum M. Bieb.相近, 其区别在于叶背面中脉和侧脉极其隆起, 托叶鞘较长, 达1.1 cm, 具15–20条纵脉, 枝上部的叶不渐小, 花在枝上部叶腋簇生, 不形成总状花序, 瘦果表面具成行的小点。石河子萹蓄Polygonum shiheziense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou &; F. J. Lu茎直立, 花3–6朵簇生于枝上部叶腋, 雄蕊8枚, 瘦果表面光滑, 略具光泽, 与帚萹蓄P. argyrocoleon Steud. ex Kunze相近, 区别在于叶背面中脉和侧脉极其隆起, 托叶鞘长, 达1.1 cm, 具15–20条纵脉, 花在枝上部叶腋簇生, 不形成总状花序; 同时在体态上又与塔城萹蓄十分相近, 但其枝上部的叶逐渐变小,瘦果表面光滑, 略具光泽,易于区别。对3个新种及其近缘种的花粉形态、叶表皮特征和瘦果微形态进行了光镜和扫描电镜比较观察。  相似文献   

采自海南省文昌市文昌镇一个蓼科蓼属植物新变种,与火炭母(Polygonum chinenseLinn.var.chinense)相比较,其主要特点是茎匍匐,叶具大斑点,命名为铺地火炭母(Polygonum chinenseLinn.var.procumbensZ.E.Zhao et J.R.Zhao)。  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the Polygonum douglasii complex is revised. A summary of relevant taxonomic information is provided, along with a key to the species and subspecies, plus typification, synonymy, discussion, distribution, and ecology. Morphology and micromorphology of stems, leaves, perianth, pollen, and achenes are analyzed and illustrated. Based on these data, 12 species and two subspecies are recognized. A new species, P. gabrielae, is described and illustrated from Oregon.  相似文献   

头花蓼化学成分研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
从苗药头花蓼(Polygonum capitatumBuch.-Ham.ex D.Don)乙酸乙酯部位中分离得到9个化合物,根据理化性质结合波谱学技术分别鉴定为槲皮素-3-O-(4″-O-乙酰基)-α-L-鼠李糖苷(1)、槲皮素(2)、槲皮苷(3)、杨梅苷(4)、槲皮素-3-O-(2″-没食子酰基)-鼠李糖苷(5)、原儿茶酸(6)、胡萝卜苷(7)、没食子酸(8)、没食子酸乙酯(9)。其中化合物1为首次从该属植物中分得,化合物4为首次从该植物中分得。同时,对黄酮苷类化合物中鼠李糖不同位置乙酰基取代后的1HNMR和13C NMR波谱数据进行了归纳总结。  相似文献   

Pallenis spinosa was investigated for its flavonoid content. Two mono- and diglycosides of patuletin, a quercetin monoglycoside, two tricin monoglycosides, and four methoxylated flavonols were reported.  相似文献   

 Root systems of the herbaceous species Polygonum viviparum and Kobresia bellardii were excavated from an alpine site in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado, and processed for microscopic examination. Several ectomycorrhizal morphotypes were present on root systems of both species;K. bellardii often had complex clusters of mycorrhizal roots present. A mantle and Hartig net were present on all mycorrhizal root tips processed. The Hartig net was confined to the epidermis, and the parenchyma cells of this layer were radially elongated, vacuolated and contained densely staining inclusions. Intracellular hyphae and structures typical for vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas were never observed. Both herbaceous species, therefore, had ectomycorrhizal associations comparable to those described for woody angiosperm species. Accepted: 14 February 1998  相似文献   

The homoisoflavanone 5,7-dihydroxy-6-methoxy-3-(9-hydroxy-phenylmethyl)-chroman-4-one (1) and its structurally related 2',4',6'-trihydroxy-3'-methoxy-alpha-hydroxymethyl-beta-hydroxy-dihydrochalcone (2) along with the known pashanone (3), flavokawin B (4) and cardamonin or alpinetin chalcone (5) pinostrobin (6) and 5,8-dimethoxy-7-hydroxychroman-4-one (7) were isolated from dry leaves of Polygonum ferrugineum (Polygonaceae). To our knowledge, this is the first report of the isolation of a homoisoflavanone from the Polygonum genus and the Polygonaceae family, and could be an important chemotaxonomic finding. In addition, the pattern of substitution of this homoisoflavanone is different from others previously reported.  相似文献   

通过对广义蓼属及近缘属共32个代表种内转录间隔区ITS序列的分子系统学分析,尝试研究备受争议的广义蓼属及近缘属的物种族、属、组级的划分问题,结果显示,广义蓼属在系统发育树上并不能形成一个单系类群,这些物种共聚为3大支,分别对应春蓼族、蓼族及荞麦族,其中荞麦属与翅果蓼属形成了一支独立于春蓼族及蓼族之外的类群。在春蓼族中,冰岛蓼属与分叉蓼组形成一个单系类群。  相似文献   

Extraction of the leaves of chicory, Cichoriumintybus , revealed the presence for the first time of the 3-glucuronides of kaempferol, quercetin and isorhamnetin, the 3-glucoside of kaempferol and the 7-glucuronide of luteolin. The same compounds appear to occur throughout the genus. An aglycone survey of the leaves of 240 other members of the Lactuceae failed to reveal any other source of isorhamnetin, although quercetin and kaempferol were found as occasional constituents in 12 other genera. In Lactuca , a survey of 12 species showed eight with quercetin present. In general, though, flavonols are more uncommon than flavones and thus have more potential as taxonomic markers within the tribe. The coumarins cichoriin and aesculin and the caffeoyl-tartaric acid ester, chicoric acid, were also found to be present widely in the tribe.  相似文献   

Six single‐locus, polymorphic microsatellite markers in a perennial herbaceous plant, Polygonum cuspidatum, were developed. Tests to amplify these six loci in another Polygonum species failed, suggesting that the six markers are specific to P. cuspidatum.  相似文献   

选用叶绿体基因trnL-F,rbc-L序列和核核糖体ITS序列对蓼属头状蓼组的分类和系统发育进行了分析。以药用大黄为外类群,用最大简约法对3个片段的单独和联合矩阵分别构建系统发育树。结果表明,头状蓼组是一个较自然的类群,与春蓼组、刺蓼组和金线草属的亲缘关系较近;支持头状蓼组作为一组放在春蓼属,细茎蓼和蓝药蓼从头状蓼组转移至冰岛蓼属;不支持将刺蓼组并入头状蓼组;对于小叶蓼的系统学位置有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

Mayaca is an aquatic monocot of the monogeneric family Mayacaceae. The flavonol glycosides quercetin 3-O-glucoside, quercetin 3-O-rutinoside, and kaempferol 3-O-glucoside, and the flavone luteolin 5-O-glucoside were found in methanolic leaf extracts. The presence of flavonol and flavone O-glycosides sets the Mayacaceae apart from the Commelinaceae, which accumulates predominantly flavone C-glycosides.  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜研究了中国萹蓄属(Polygonum) 13种、1变种、1变型植物的花粉形态.结果表明,中国萹蓄属植物的花粉粒为长球形或超长球形,具三孔沟,外壁纹饰可分为4种类型(1)花粉粒表面具细网状纹饰;(2)花粉粒表面具颗粒纹饰;(3)花粉粒表面仅两端具颗粒纹饰,其余部分光滑;(4)花粉粒表面仅沟间区两端肩部光滑,其余部分具颗粒纹饰.根据花粉形态类型,结合该属植物的习性、叶柄基部及花柄上关节的有无、花柱和柱头的数目以及瘦果形态等特征,参照前人的研究处理意见,将中国萹蓄属植物划分为4个组,即小灌木组section Fruticulosae (Boiss.) F.Z.Li et Y.T.Hou,stat.& comb.nov.、萹蓄组section Polygonum、丝茎萹蓄组section Pseudomollia Boiss.和铁马鞭组section Plebeia Tzvel..  相似文献   

From the pods of Tephrosia fulvinervis, a new Ethiopian species, a new flavanone, fulvinervin A, and a new flavone, fulvinervin B, have been isolated and their structures elucidated from their chemical properties and spectral data.  相似文献   

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