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Previous studies have shown that the cholesteryl ester core of plasma low density lipoprotein (LDL) can be extracted with heptane and replaced with a variety of hydrophobic molecules. In the present report we use this reconstitution technique to incorporate two fluorescent probes, 3-pyrenemethyl-23, 24-dinor-5-cholen-22-oate-3β-yl oleate (PMCA oleate) and dioleyl fluorescein, into heptane-extracted LDL. Both fluorescent lipoprotein preparations were shown to be useful probes for visualizing the receptor-mediated endocytosis of LDL in cultured human fibroblasts. When normal fibroblasts were incubated at 37°C with either of the fluorescent LDL preparations, fluorescent granules accumulated in the perinuclear region of the cell. In contrast, fibroblasts from patients with the homozygous form of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) that lack functional LDL receptors did not accumulate visible fluorescent granules when incubated with the fluorescent reconstituted LDL. A fluorescence-activated cell sorter was used to quantify the fluorescence intensity of individual cells that had been incubated with LDL reconstituted with dioleyl fluorescein. With this technique a population of normal fibroblasts could be distinguished from a population of FH fibroblasts. The current studies demonstrate the feasibility of using fluorescent reconstituted LDL in conjunction with the cell sorter to isolate mutant cells lacking functional LDL receptors.  相似文献   

The suitability of the recently described red fluorescent protein dsRED from reef corals for use as a reporter in plant molecular biology was investigated. Based on the clone pDSRED (Clontech), plant expression vectors were constructed for constitutive dsRED expression in the cytosol, the endoplasmic reticulum and the vacuole. Fluorescence microscopy of tobacco BY2 suspension culture cells transiently expressing the plant vectors generated proved that cytosolic expression of the dsRED gives rise to readily detectable levels of red fluorescence, whereas expression in the ER was poor. Vacuolar dsRED expression did not result in any significant fluorescence. dsRED transgenic tobacco SR1 plants were generated to test the sensitivity of dsRED as a reporter in an autofluorescent background, and to identify the possible impact of the introduced fluorescent protein on morphogenesis, plant development and fertility. During the transformation and regeneration phase plants did not show any abnormalities, indicating that dsRED is not interfering with plant development and morphogenesis. Regenerated plants were analysed by PCR, Western blot and fluorescence microscopy for the presence and expression of the transferred genes. The filter sets chosen for fluorescence microscopy proved to be able to block the red chlorophyll fluorescence completely, allowing specific dsRED detection. Best expression levels were obtained with dsRED targeted to the cytosol or chloroplasts. ER-targeted expression of dsRED also gave rise to readily detectable fluorescence levels, whereas vacuolar expression yielded no fluorescence. dsRED transgenic plant lines expressing the protein in the cytosol, ER or chloroplast proved to be fertile. Seed set and germination were normal, except that the seeds and seedlings maintained the red fluorescence phenotype.  相似文献   

New sandwich hybridization assay (SHA) probes for detecting Pseudo-nitzschia species (P. arenysensis, P. fraudulenta, P. hasleana, P. pungens) are presented, along with updated cross-reactivity information on historical probes (SHA and FISH; fluorescence in situ hybridization) targeting P. australis and P. multiseries. Pseudo-nitzschia species are a cosmopolitan group of diatoms that produce varying levels of domoic acid (DA), a neurotoxin that can accumulate in finfish and shellfish and transfer throughout the food web. Consumption of infected food sources can lead to illness in humans (amnesic shellfish poisoning; ASP) and marine wildlife (domoic acid poisoning; DAP). The threat of human illness, along with economic loss from fishery closures has resulted in the implementation of monitoring protocols and intensive ecological studies. SHA probes have been instrumental in some of these efforts, as the technique performs well in complex heterogeneous sample matrices and has been adapted to benchtop and deployable (Environmental Sample Processor) platforms. The expanded probe set will enhance future efforts towards understanding spatial, temporal and successional patterns in species during bloom and non-bloom periods.  相似文献   

We evaluated the use of fluorescent powders for tracking dispersal by the emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), of Beauveria bassiana isolates from an autocontamination device. Neither of the two DayGlow powders tested (Arc Yellow and Aurora Pink) interfered with fungal germination or growth, nor did they affect survival of beetles in the laboratory, or affect virulence of the fungus. The powders persisted at least 10 days out-of-doors on dead beetles in sticky band traps, and at least 14 days on pouches inside autocontamination traps. During field trials of autocontamination traps with powder-dusted fungal pouches in southwestern Ontario, 8.0% of the 4010 beetles captured in green prism and sticky-band traps were positive for fluorescent powders. Only half (46.2–57.8%) of the powder-positive beetles actually carried viable fungal conidia, as determined by plating of beetle rinses, possibly as a result of patchy growth of fungal isolates and reduced conidia production on pouch surfaces during the 16-day trapping experiment. The presence of viable conidia (either one or both isolates) on about 10% of beetles that did not carry any visible powder particles may be an indication of horizontal transmission of the fungus by beetles that had visited the autocontamination traps.  相似文献   

A new method was developed to determine the mutagenic efficacy of a suspected mutagen by employing green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a direct biosensor for mutation detection. Alterations in target gene (AcGFP1) expression after mutagen [(±)-7p,8a-dihydroxy-9a,10a-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (BPDE)] treatment were measured to detect the mutagenic efficacy of the carcinogen. In contrast to mutagen treatment of the entire plasmid or cell culture, the target AcGFP1gene devoid of the plasmid backbone was exposed to BPDE (10–500 μM) to eliminate the need for an additional fusion gene. Shuttle vectors (pAcGFP-N1) were religated to the AcGFP1 gene with BPDE adducts (0–8.59 μM) and replicated in the eukaryotic host. This approach eliminated false-negative errors in target gene expression that arose from BPDE adduct formation in the residual plasmid backbone rather than in the AcGFP1 gene. Determination of the BPDE–AcGFP1 adducts allowed the quantitative mutagenic effect of the BPDE adducts on AcGFP1 gene expression to be monitored. The results obtained with flow cytometry and confocal microscopy validate our method and demonstrate efficient and direct use of GFP as a biosensor for mutation detection.  相似文献   

Based on the fluorescence quenching of Terbium (III)‐sodium hexametaphosphate (Tb/SHMP) chelates in the presence chromate (III), a sensitive fluorimetric method was developed for the determination of trace amounts of chromium (III) in aqueous solutions. Under the optimum conditions, the linear calibration graph was obtained (R = 0.996). The linear range and detection limit of Cr (III) were 7.69 × 10?7 to 1.15 × 10?4 mol L?1 and 4.50 × 10?7 mol L?1, respectively. The proposed method had a wider linear range and was proved to be very sensitive, rapid and simple. The method was applied successfully to the determination of chromium (III) in the synthetic samples and real water samples. Moreover, the reaction mechanism was discussed through the fluorescence lifetime and proved to be dynamic quenching behavior. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Treatment of MCl2(PP) or MCl2(PnPr3)2 with two equivalents of ArCOSeK readily yields cis-[M(SeCOAr)2(PP)] and trans-[M(SeCOAr)2(PnPr3)2], respectively (M = Pd or Pt; Ar = Ph or 4-MeC6H4; PP = dppm, dppe, dppp). The reaction of Pd(SeCOAr)2(dppe) with PdCl2(dppe) in the presence of NaBPh4 in methanol gave a tri-nuclear ionic complex, [Pd33-Se)2(dppe)3][BPh4]2. These complexes were characterized by UV-Vis, IR and NMR spectroscopy. The complex [Pt(SeCOPh)2(dppp)] has been structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. The coordination environment around square planar platinum atom is defined by chelating dppp ligand and two unidentate selenocarboxylates bonded through selenium atoms. Pyrolysis of [Pd(SeCOAr)2(PnPr3)2] either in tri-n-butylphosphate (TBP) (at 200 °C) or in the solid state (furnace heating at 350 °C) gave Pd17Se15.  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopic techniques have been used to construct phase diagrams for the binary phospholipid systems, DPPC-d62/DPPE and DPPC/DPPE (DPPC, dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine; DPPE, dipalmitoyl phosphatidylethanolamine). For the former, the half-width of the C-2H stretching modes of the deuterated component near 2100 cm?1 serves as an indicator of phospholipid fluidity. The phase behavior is described semi-quantitatively using regular solution theory with the following non-ideality parameters:
ρ0(1)=0.75kcal/mol and ρ0(s)=1.05 kcal/mol
The use of deuterated phospholipids as one component of a binary mixture permits direct evaluation of the conformation of a particular component in the mixture throughout the phase separation region. The approach is demonstrated with the help of a simple model correlating the half-width of the symmetric C-2H stretching mode with the fraction of DPPC-d62 hydrocarbon chains in the liquid crystalline state.The effect of chain perdeuteration on the phase behavior of DPPC with DPPE is evaluated by comparison of the phase diagram of the DPPC-d62/DPPE system with that of DPPC-DPPE. The latter has been constructed previously from both probe and calorimetric techniques, and is created from the Raman spectroscopic data using the I(11301100) ratio to characterize the transgauche population ratio in non-deuterated hydrocarbon chains. A reasonable fit to the phase behavior is obtained using:
ρ0(1)=0.85kcal/mol and ρ0(s)=0.90 kcal/mol
The similarities of the non-ideality parameters in the two phase diagrams indicate that the effect of perdeuteration on the phase behavior of DPPC is not extensive. The use of deuterated phospholipids as essentially unperturbed components of a model membrane system is justified.  相似文献   

Prions are self-propagating, infectious protein conformations. The mammalian prion, PrP(Sc), responsible for neurodegenerative diseases like bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE; "mad cow" disease) and Creutzfeldt-Jakob's disease, appears to be a beta-sheet-rich amyloid conformation of PrP(c) that converts PrP(c) into PrP(Sc). However, an unequivocal demonstration of "protein-only" infection by PrP(Sc) is still lacking. So far, protein only infection has been proven for three prions, [PSI(+)], [URE3] and [Het-s], all of fungal origin. Considerable evidence supports the hypothesis that another protein, the yeast Rnq1p, can form a prion, [PIN(+)]. While Rnq1p does not lose any known function upon prionization, [PIN(+)] has interesting positive phenotypes: facilitating the appearance and destabilization of other prions as well as the aggregation of polyglutamine extensions of the Huntingtin protein. Here, we polymerize a Gln/Asn-rich recombinant fragment of Rnq1p into beta-sheet-rich amyloid-like aggregates. While the method used for [PSI(+)] and [URE3] infectivity assays did not yield protein-only infection for the Rnq1p aggregates, we did successfully obtain protein-only infection by modifying the protocol. This work proves that [PIN(+)] is a prion mediated by amyloid-like aggregates of Rnq1p, and supports the hypothesis that heterologous prions affect each other's appearance and propagation through interaction of their amyloid-like regions.  相似文献   

The castration-induced atrophy of the rat prostate was used as a model for the validation of a sensitive technique allowing the quantitation of total mRNA in polyribosomes. Electron micrographs of polyribosome samples showed a decrease in polyribosomes length 7 days after castration (GDX). Specificity of labeled oligo(dt) probe for poly(A) was demonstrated and the technique was successfully applied to demonstrate that GDX is associated with a decrease in poly(A) mRNA content of polyribosomes. Provided that normalization of the hybridization signal for mRNA is achieved with a rRNA cDNA probe, the assay therefore represents a suitable tool for further studies regarding the translational regulation of total and/or specific mRNAs.  相似文献   

The VP1 capsid protein of foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV) is highly polymorphic and contains several of the major immunogenic sites important to effective antibody neutralization and subsequent viral clearance by the immune system. Whether this high level of polymorphism is of adaptive value to the virus remains unknown. In this study we examined sequence data from a set of 55 isolates in order to establish the nature of selective pressures acting on this gene. Using the known molecular structure of VP1, the rates and ratios of different types of nonsynonymous and synonymous changes were compared between different parts of the protein. All parts of the protein are subject to purifying selection, but this is greatest amongst those amino acid residues within β-strands and is significantly reduced at residues exposed on the capsid surface, which include those residues demonstrated by previous mutational analyses to permit the virus to escape from monoclonal antibody binding. The ratios of nonsynonymous substitution resulting in various forms of physicochemically radical and conserved amino acid change were shown to be largely equal throughout these different parts of the protein. There was a consistently higher level of nonsynonymous and charge radical sites in those regions of the gene coding for residues exposed on the outer surface of the capsid and a marked difference in the use of amino acids between surface and nonsurface regions of the protein. However, the analysis is consistent with the hypothesis that the observed sequence variation arises where it is least likely to be disruptive to the higher-order structure of the protein and is not necessarily due to positive Darwinian selection. Received: 8 March 1997 / Accepted: 12 August 1997  相似文献   

We assessed the utility of the sulfhydryl reductant Tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine (TCEP) for both nucleic acid and thiophosphate chemistry, including its effects on organomercurial gel electrophoresis, RNA catalysis, RNA backbone stability, and the intrinsic stability of TCEP. The sulfhydryls of dithiothreitol (DTT) compete with thiophosphates for binding to the mercury within [(N-acryloylamino)phenyl] mercuric chloride (APM) polyacrylamide gels, whereas millimolar concentrations of TCEP gave no difference in the fraction of thiophosphorylated RNA retained on the APM interface relative to samples containing no reductant. Ribozyme activity in TCEP, assessed by the self-thiophosphorylating Kin.46 ribozyme, was unaffected by the presence of DTT or TCEP or by the absence of reductant, as measured on APM gels and evaluated by Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Unexpectedly, TCEP more than doubled the half-life of full-length RNA at 50 and 70 degrees C, whether in 5 or 50mM MgCl(2), relative to DTT and the absence of reductant. Under these same conditions, the 5(')-thiophosphate showed negligible decay, and TCEP was more stable than DTT. TCEP thermostability was equivalent in the presence of 5 or 50mM MgCl(2) and 10mM adenosine or ATP.  相似文献   

To improve the management and protection strategies of Emmenopterys henryi, the effect of sprouting on the population and spatial distribution pattern was explored. Environmental conditions of the community, tree diameter at breast height (DBH), and height of each individual tree were obtained using a contiguous grid quadrate method in four plots of deciduous and evergreen broad-leaved forests in Dapan Mountain National Nature Research in Zhejiang, China with the largest distribution area of E. henryi. The principal components analysis (PCA) showed that the sprouting ability of E. henryi is strongly related to the degrees of rock bareness, altitude, and slope. The analysis of the population structures showed that the population of group A only with parental trees was in decline due to a lack of seedlings and saplings, whereas the population of group B with both parental trees and sprouts (group B) was increasing. Groups A and B differed in their spatial distribution patterns in the plot 2, with group A showing a random distribution and group B displaying an aggregated distribution. Because the optimum block scale was between 16?m2 and 32?m2, analyses of the spatial pattern and dynamics of the spatial pattern at 25?m2 could accurately reflect the true distribution. The population of E. henryi is small, and the spatial patterns of the population indicated an aggregated distribution with the exception of plot 2 of group A. Plot 2 showed significant environmental deterioration from nearby rocks and ravines, and as a result, a number of small trees died from root exposure, which led to a random distribution of plot 2. The effects of sprouting should be considered when studying the population and spatial patterns of plants.  相似文献   

A series of Group 12 metal complexes with bis(N,N-disubstituted amino)carbeniumdithiocarboxylates (RL) have prepared by the reaction of metal perchlorate with RL in EtOH or CH2Cl2, and characterized by the X-ray structural analysis, IR spectrum, and electrochemical measurements. The composition of metal and RL and the coordination mode, such as monodentate, chelate, and bridging or capping, depend on both the central metal ion and the substituent on the diaminocarbenium moiety. The useful criteria for the coordination mode are found to be the wavenumber of the -CS2 asymmetric stretching vibration in the solid state, and the ligand-based reduction potential in solution.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses against influenza A virus in C57BL/6 mice are dominated by a small number of viral peptides among many that are capable of binding to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. The basis of this limited immune recognition is unknown. Here, we present X-ray structures of MHC class I molecules in complex with two immunodominant epitopes (PA(224-233)/D(b) and PB1(703-711)/K(b)) and one non-immunogenic epitope (HA(468-477)/D(b)) of the influenza A virus. The immunodominant peptides are each characterized by a bulge at the C terminus, lifting P6 and P7 residues out of the MHC groove, presenting featured structural elements to T-cell receptors (TCRs). Immune recognition of PA(224-233)/D(b) will focus largely on the exposed P7 arginine residue. In contrast, the non-immunogenic HA(468-477) peptide lacks prominent features in this C-terminal bulge. In the K(b)-bound PB1(703-711) epitope, the bulge results from a non-canonical binding motif, such that the mode of presentation of this peptide strongly resembles that of D(b)-bound peptides. Given that PA(224-233)/D(b), PB1(703-711)/K(b) and the previously defined NP(366-374)/D(b) epitopes dominate the primary response to influenza A virus in C57BL/6 mice, our findings indicate that residues of the C-terminal bulge are important in selection of the immunodominant CTL repertoire.  相似文献   

Guanine-containing mono- and dinucleotides bind to the active site of ribonuclease A in a nonproductive mode (retro-binding) (Aguilar CF, Thomas PJ, Mills A, Moss DS, Palmer RA. 1992. J Mol Biol 224:265-267). Guanine binds to the highly specific pyrimidine site by forming hydrogen bonds with Thr45 and with the sulfate anion located in the P1 site. To investigate the influence of the anion present in the P1 site on retro-binding, we determined the structure of two new complexes of RNase A with uridylyl(2',5')guanosine obtained by soaking two different forms of pre-grown RNase A crystals. In one case, RNase A was crystallized without removing the sulfate anion strongly bound to the active site; in the other, the protein was first equilibrated with a basic solution to displace the anion from the P1 site. The X-ray structures of the complexes with and without sulfate in P1 were refined using diffraction data up to 1.8 A (R-factor 0.192) and 2.0 A (R-factor 0.178), respectively. The binding mode of the substrate analogue to the protein differs markedly in the two complexes. When the sulfate is located in P1, we observe retro-binding; whereas when the anion is removed from the active site, the uridine is productively bound at the B1 site. In the productive complex, the electron density is very well defined for the uridine moiety, whereas the downstream guanine is disordered. This finding indicates that the interactions of guanine in the B2 site are rather weak and that this site is essentially adenine preferring. In this crystal form, there are two molecules per asymmetric unit, and due to crystal packing, only the active site of one molecule is accessible to the ligand. Thus, in the same crystal we have a ligand-bound and a ligand-free RNase A molecule. The comparison of these two structures furnishes a detailed and reliable picture of the structural alterations induced by the binding of the substrate. These results provide structural information to support the hypotheses on the role of RNase A active site residues that have recently emerged from site-directed mutagenesis studies.  相似文献   

Nickel Superoxide Dismutase (NiSOD) and the A-cluster of Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenase/Acetyl Coenzyme A Synthase (CODH/ACS) both feature active sites with Ni coordinated by thiolate and amide donors. It is likely that the particular set of donors is important in tuning the redox potential of the Ni center(s). We report herein an expansion of our efforts involving the use of 2,2′-dithiodibenzaldehyde (DTDB) as a synthon for metal-thiolate complexes to reactions with Ni complexes of N,N-dimethylethylenediamine (dmen). In the presence of coordinating counterions, these reactions result in monomeric square-planar complexes of the tridentate N2S donor ligand derived from the Schiff-base condensation of dmen and DTDB. In the absence of a coordinating counterion, we have isolated a Ni(II) complex with an asymmetric N2S2 donor set involving one amine and one imine N donor in addition to two thiolate donors. This latter complex is discussed with respect to its relevance to the active site of NiSOD.  相似文献   

Four new mononuclear iron(III) complexes with the substituted-salicylaldimine ligands, [Fe(L1)(TCC)] (1), [Fe(L2)(TBC)] (2), [Fe(L3)(TBC)] (3) and [Fe(L4)(TCC)](CH3CN) (4) (HL1 = N′-(5-OH-salicylaldimine)-diethylenetriamine, HL2 = (N′-(5-Cl-salicylaldimine)-diethylenetriamine, HL3 N′-(5-Br-salicyl-aldimine)-dipropylenetriamine, HL4 = (N′-3,5-Br-salicylaldimine)-dipropylenetriamine, H2TCC = tetrachlorocatechol, and H2TBC = tetrabromocatechol), were prepared and characterized by XRD, EPR, and Mössbauer spectroscopy. The coordination sphere of the Fe(III) in complexes 1-4 is a distorted octahedral with N3O3 donors set which constructed by the Schiff-base ligands and the catecholate substrates of TBC or TCC. The in situ prepared Fe(III) complexes [Fe(L1)Cl2], [Fe(L2)Cl2], [Fe(L3)(Cl2)], and [Fe(L4)Cl2] in absence of TBC or TCC show a high catecholase-like activity for the oxidation of 3,5-DTBC to the corresponding quinone 3,5-DTBQ.  相似文献   

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