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Résumé L'ultrastructure des plaquettes a été étudiée à l'aide de différentes techniques de fixation, d'inclusion et de coloration.L'association de la fixation au permanganate de potassium, à l'inclusion à l' Araldite et à la coloration à l'acétate d'uranyl s'est montrée très utile pour l'étude de ces éléments du sang.Avec cette méthode nous avons mis en évidence le glycogène des plaquettes. Cette substance se présente sous l'aspect de grains de 180 à 200 Å, très denses, très abondants, dispersés ou formant des agrégats de plusieurs centaines de grains dans la substance fondamentale.Selon les observations réalisées, la membrane des plaquettes est identique aux membranes cellulaires. Nous n'avons reconnu á l'aide des différentes techniques employées, aucune couche que l'on puisse identifier á l'atmosphère plasmatique périplaquettaire de Roskam. Nous avons admis que certains phénomènes dont l'explication reposait sur l'existence de cette atmosphére peuvent être expliqués par la capacité phagocytaire des plaquettes.Dans le granulomére des plaquettes de sang humain normal nous avons observé des granules en baguette de tambour que nous admettons pouvoir être des constituants normaux des plaquettes.Boursier du Centre d'Études d'Histologie et Embryologie Celestino da Costa de l'Institut de Haute Culture.  相似文献   

Les criquets représentent un taxon central dans les chaînes alimentaires et sont de bons indicateurs à la fois des caractéristiques des milieux et des perturbations de leurs habitats. Associés exclusivement aux habitats herbacés pérennes, ils sont menacés dans les zones d’agriculture intensive. Du fait de leur importance dans les réseaux trophiques, notamment comme ressources alimentaires pour un grand nombre d’espèces aviaires, ils font l’objet d’une attention croissante des écologistes et des gestionnaires des milieux dans le cadre d’études de conservation pour évaluer quantitativement leurs populations. L’objectif de cette étude est de décrire une technique d’échantillonnage et un plan d’échantillonnage destinés à estimer la densité de criquets dans les milieux prairiaux. Cette étude se base sur 7 années d’observations de terrain, menées sur un vaste site d’étude en plaine agricole intensive. Nous montrons que le biocénomètre d’1 m2 de base est une technique robuste vis-à-vis des conditions de température durant l’échantillonnage. L’étude établit pour l’ensemble des espèces et pour deux espèces particulières, Pezotettix giornae et Calliptamus italicus, la relation qui lie la variance et la moyenne des effectifs par m2. C’est grâce à cette relation qu’on peut établir les tailles d’échantillons qui permettent d’atteindre des objectifs de précision choisis pour les estimateurs de la densité. Nous montrons que la réalisation de 15 lancers aléatoirement par parcelle permet d’obtenir des estimations de la densité de criquets/m2 dont la précision, définie par l’intervalle de confiance, varie selon la densité de 50% pour les densités inférieures à 1/m2 à 30% pour les densités de 2 à 7/m2 et à 20% pour les densités supérieures à 7/m2.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for dynamic successions in the Provence on the basis of a multivariate analysis, of a very large sample. Different phases in the Quercus suber series on silicious substrate are shown. Also the evolution of the vegetation groupings on Ventoux and Sainte-Baume mountains on calcareous substrate and at different levels in the zonation is specified. The succession of the grasslands is as follows: Isoetes and Nasturtium groupings, Serapias, Lotus and Trifolium, then Vulpia and Aira groupings, and finally Helianthemum guttatum grasslands, preceding the shrub groupings: Cistus ladaniferus, then Cistus albidus and Cistus monspeliensis. Then follow either Erica and Calluna maquis or Quercus suber formations. On Mont Ventoux, the stages of degradation of the Quercus pubescens forests are Aphyllantes and Thymus vulgaris grasslands, and Buxus sempervirens and Genista scorpius scrubs. On the oromediterranean level, the transition from Avena setacea and Galium villarsii grasslands, then Ononis caenisia grasslands to Pinus uncinata forests is demonstrated. The development of reforestation is predicted on the basis of the floristic composition of the previous stages. On Sainte-Baume Mountain, the Quercus pubescens supramediterranean series is formed by the following stages: low scrubs of the Lavandulo-Astragaletum, and Prunus mahaleb and Phillyrea media, Acer monspessulanum groves, and forests with prevailing Quercus pubescens. The succession on rocky traverses and crests is slightly different. The first stages are Sesleria grasslands and the later ones are woodland groupings of Tilia platyphyllos, Acer opalus and Ilex aquifolium.  相似文献   

The study of the intertidal benthic population dynamics in three estuaries of the English Channel (Baie des Veys, Seine estuary, Baie de Somme:France) brings to light two types of species:


  • key-species which directly respond to the local disturbance of the environmental conditions in their densities (Spionidae, Capitellidae) and in their growth rates (Cerastoderma edule);
  • target-species such as Macoma balthica which can endure brief changes in the environmental factors and shows no sign of long-lasting consequences on its population dynamics; yet, it fully integrates long-term changes through its numbers and productivity.
  • The parallel between such a regular study of the seasonal variations on selected sites and various base line surveys allows the authors to discuss the COST 647 sampling programm in order to selectrms, range of temperature) from human disturbances (embankments, chemical pollution, eutrophication). Diverse hypothesis are suggested which bring about several research topics to be developed within a european cooperation.  相似文献   

    The present note introduces the scientific achievements of André Maublanc (1880–1958) through a comprehensive biography, a yet unpublished list of his publications and of taxa he introduced grouped following localities of origin. Over one hundred titles pertaining to the fields of phytopathology and mycology were located. These notes of fundamental research are accompanied by titles of several basic and popular books that have been edited several times. These documents consider diseases of cultivated plants grown in temperate or tropical climates, the taxonomy of their fungal agents and of some other saprotrophs. The significant scientific production of André Maublanc and his marked teaching and popular treatises are behind the long established international status of this French naturalist of the first half of the 20th century.  相似文献   

    Résumé Les auteurs ont étudié la biréfringence du mucus du côlon chez le rat, le cobaye et le lapin, au moyen des colorations métachromatiques au bleu de toluidine et aux acridines. Ils démontrent une biréfringence positive du mucus extracellulaire. Les granulations des mastocytes, dans le même matériel, sont anisotropes. L'anisotropie du mucus et des granulations des mastocytes est présente après fixation-coloration simultanée au bleu Alcian et au vert Alcian. La biréfringence du mucus extracellulaire reste également positive avec les phtalocyanines. En microscopie électronique, les auteurs démontrent, à l'aide du bleu Alcian, une structure filamenteuse parallèle du mucus s'échappant de la cellule. Un aspect hétérogène des granulations des mastocytes est aussi mis en évidence par cette méthode. Ils discutent l'aspect de la réaction métachromatique en fonction de l'anisotropie d'une structure.
    Ultrastructure of mucus in goblet cells and of granules of mastocytes in colonAnisotropy, metachromasia and electron microscopy
    Summary The authors have investigated the birefringence of the colic mucus in the guinea pig, the rat and the rabbit before and after of metachromatical staining with toluidine blue and with acridines. They demonstrate a positive birefringence of the extracellular mucus. The granulations of the mast cells in the same animals are anisotropic. The anisotropy can be seen in the mucus and in the granulations of the mast cells after a combined fixation and staining with a mixture of glutaraldehyde and Alcian blue or Alcian green. The birefringence of the extracellular mucus also remains positive with these phtalocyanin dyes. Using the electron microscope, the authors demonstrate, by means of Alcian blue, a filamentous structure with a parallel orientation in the mucus while it flows out of the cells. The same method allows the vizualisation of a heterogenous aspect in the granulations of the mast cells. They discuss the theoretical aspects of the metachromatical reaction in relation with the anisotropy of a structure.

    Nous remercions vivement le Prof. G. Romhányi de l'Université de Pecs (Hongrie) d'avoir bien voulu examiner nos préparations et de nous avoir conseillé dans l'élaboration de ce travail.Nous remercions sincèrement le Dr. J. E. Scott du Canadian Red Cross Memorial Hospital, Taplow, Maidenhead, Berks (Angleterre) d'avoir examiné nos courbes spectrophotométriques du bleu Alcian-héparine et de nous avoir donné son avis.Ce travail a été partiellement réalisé grâce au crédit no 3. 141. 69 du Fonds National Suisse pour le Développement de la Recherche Scientifique.  相似文献   

    In publications on Brazilian prehistory, the Itaparica tradition corresponds to the first relatively dense human occupation in central and northeast Brazil, during the Pleistocene–Holocene transition and early Holocene. It is characterized in typological terms by the presence of unifacially shaped stone tools, traditionally called lesmas. We present here a critical review of the concept of Itaparica tradition, testing, beyond these typological similarities, its technological coherence. For this, we rely on the techno-functional analysis of lithic collections from reference site GO-JA-01, in State of Goiás, compared to those of sites Boqueirão da Pedra Furada and Pica-Pau, in State of Piauí. The results of this study demonstrate the existence of a technical system based on the design of an original tool blank, the unifacially shaped artifact, and a complementarity between these and the associated tool flakes. The comparative approach between the different sites shows a strong technical relationship. Consequently, we can talk about the existence of an “Itaparica technocomplex”. This implies a cultural link between human groups that participated in this first dense peopling of central and northeast Brazil.  相似文献   

    Indole glucosinolates are plant secondary metabolites derived from the amino acid tryptophan. They are part of a large group of sulfur-containing molecules almost exclusively found among Brassicales, which include the mustard family (Brassicaceae) with many edible plant species of major nutritional importance. These compounds mediate numerous interactions between these plants and their natural enemies and are therefore of major biological and economical interest. This literature review aims at taking stock of recent advances of our knowledge about the biosynthetic pathways of indole glucosinolates, but also about the defense strategies and ecological processes involving these metabolites.  相似文献   

    Phytoplanktonic populations were studied in Tazenat lake by three methods:
    –  Primary production using 14C technic
    –  Standing crop estimation
    –  Amount of chlorophyll a
    A comparison of the results obtained gives an insight into the utilisation and transformation of energy by the biota of the lake  相似文献   

    North Africa, and in particular the Maghreb, is a key region for African prehistory in that it contains sites whose chronology covers the entire Pleistocene period from 2.5 Ma to the Holocene. In terms of culture, it fits into the general pattern of the Stone Age, but it has particularities that make it a region apart with its own cultures. Due to its climate and geographical position, between the desert regions of the south and the Mediterranean Sea to the north, it has offered mankind a diversity of landscapes and environments that are quite unique and favorable to the development of human evolution. Finally, this region gives access to Europe through several maritime passages (Gibraltar, Sicily), which were probably used during the Pleistocene, thus reinforcing the interest in studying this northern part of Africa. The recent development of numerous dating methods has made it possible to reinforce and consolidate the chronostratigraphic framework, which for many years had been based solely on radiocarbon dating. These methods have sometimes even contributed to the confirmation of ‘new’ ideas that have dusted off the existing framework of prehistory. This article presents a chronology of the main ancient sites of the Maghreb dated by different methods whose ages compared to the results obtained by other disciplines participate and contribute to a better understanding of the environmental and cultural framework of prehistoric Man.  相似文献   

    Under the name Diastopora are grouped tubularspecies hitherto assigned to the genera Diastopora and Entalophora. The diameter of the axial canal, a character used to separate the two genera, is partly correlated with the diameter of the stems and often with environmental factors. This character appears too variable; sometimes the stems of one colony would be placed two genera. The affinity of Diastopora with Mesentéripores is proved by the similarity of the three principal types of ovicells. The acknowledgement of three types of ovicells involve the distribution of the species in three groups. Perhaps, this is a first step towards the dismemberment of the genus Diastopora.Six species of Diastopora were found in the Neocomianof the Jura. Two are new: D. alata and D. compacta. The predominance of these species changes with stratigraphical position, paralleling lithofacies. D. tubulosa is dominant in the Lower Valanginian (hard or sandy bottom in agitated water?), but decreases in the Upper Valanginian (chiefly Calcaires à Alectryonia and marls rich in fragments of bivalve shells; shelly, sandy bottom with little mud) where D. alata becomes dominant. Finally, Diastopora with perforated ovicells (D. brunsvicensis, D. canaliculata, D. salevensis appear and replace the previous species during the Upper Valanginian and Lower Hauterivian, with expansion of the grey marl facies (muddy and deeper bottom?).  相似文献   

    Gehu  Jean-Marie 《Plant Ecology》1977,34(2):117-125
    Résumé Le concept de sigmassociation (sensu Tüxen 1973–1976) est discuté dans une première partie. Il dérive de la notion des complexes de groupements, progressivement développée par Braun-Blanquet dans les éditions successives de sa Pflanzensoziologie (1928, 1951, 1964). Le Tableau 1 résume les différences essentielles entre sigmassociation et complexe de groupements.Dans la deuxième partie de l'exposé, des examples de sigmassociations sont étudiés sur les côtes atlantiques françaises: ceux, notamment, des falaises cristallines armoricaines et des falaises crétaciques normandes. Le tableau 2 explicite bien les variations dans la combinaison des groupements pour chaque cas. A une combinaison différente des groupements constitutifs des sigmassociations correspond une physionomic totalement autre du paysage. Quelques problèmes concernant les sigmasystèmes sont présentés en conclusion.Parce que le concept de sigmassociation paraît spécialement fructueux pour le développement d'une science chère et tout particulièrement utile dans l'approche scientifique des problèmes de l'environnement végétal, j'ose dédier, très amicalement et à l'occasion de son 60ème anniversaire, cette modeste note, au Professeur V. Westhoff, éminent spécialiste de la végétation néerlandaise et inlassable protecteur de la Nature.

    Pollen analysis of Pliocene marine clays in coastal Alps paleogulfs is supported by biostratigraphic records according to foraminifers and accessorily to nannoplankton. From the seashore up to elevated areas, the region was occupied by forests mostly constituted by Gymnosperms (Taxodiaceae particularly). The Lower Pliocene vegetation was also characterized by local differences related to the substratum. Pollen assemblages changed in the Earliest Piacenzian; this event is probably to be related to a climatic fluctuation already evidenced in the Northwestern Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

    The first Vanuatu archaeological site discovery dates back to the 1960s, then the scientific and archaeological knowledge of this archipelago have increased. Nevertheless, the human activities–palaeoenvironmental changes relation in Vanuatu is still a matter of debate. In order to better determine this relation, reviewing the literature on past and actual environment is needed. This paper presents here a state of knowledge on Vanuatu geology, climate, biodiversity and archaeology, from the mid-Holocene to our present-day. The young archipelago results from strong volcanic and tectonic activity, due to the active subduction zone between Australian and Pacific plates. The atmosphere–ocean interactions determine the wet and dry seasons. Fauna and flora are principally derived from Southeast Asia. The occurrence of several species and subspecies endemic to the archipelago, if not to some islands, is probably due to the Vanuatu isolated location, the size of the islands and the climatic gradient between north and south. The first human populations reached the archipelago around 3200 yr BP. The Lapita culture, characterized by decorated potteries, is shared across the whole Vanuatu between 3200 and 2900 yr BP. After 2900 yr BP, cultures differ from one island to another. After 600 yr BP, the Polynesian culture dominates in Vanuatu.  相似文献   

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