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The life span of Lithophaga lithophaga was found to be >54 years when the annual growth lines in longitudinal shellsections were counted. The age determination was confirmed bya) length frequency histograms, b) the time taken for the formationof annual and reproduction rings and c) by determining the agein different parts of the shell. The age of individuals of thesame length varies, for example, individuals with a length of5.0 ± 0.2 cm range in age from 18–36 years. Theoldest individuals were found at depths of 1–5 m. Maximumgrowth (75%) was observed from the end of spring to the beginningof summer. The increase in length of the borehole, which was1.5 times greater than the length of L. lithophaga, was continuousand occurred at a faster rate in winter. Parameters, such as,shell length, age, axes, the occurrence of abnormal, white andpearlcontaining forms and wetflesh weight varied significantlywith depth. There was no variation in the ratio of boreholevolume/shell volume. On the basis of the above parameters, andalso the population density, each depth at which samples werecollected, was graded. Depths of 2–4 m were found to bethe most suitable for growth and habitation. Depths of 0–1m were most inhospitable due to strong wave action and the directeffect of the atmosphere. (Received 15 August 1994; accepted 17 March 1995)  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle and sexuality of the green mussel Pernaviridis (L.) in Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong, were investigatedfrom July 1982 to May 1984. Histological studies showed thatthe cyde could be divided into 4 stages occurring in a highlyseasonal pattern. The very low (<0.1%) occurrence of functionalhermaphrodites indicates that P. viridis is gonochoristic. Pastreports of protandric rhythmic hermaphroditism may have resultedfrom reliance on fluctuations in sex ratio and sex identificationby gonad colour. These criteria are, however, considered invalidfor P. viridis because differences exist between the developmentalpatterns of the male and female gonads and, further, colourof the female gonad at the early proliferation stage resemblesthe male. Temperature was found to correlate positively withgonad development and with the lower threshold at 24°C.Temperature was not, however, limiting at some sites in HongKong. A joint Principal Component Analysis-Stepwise multipleregression procedure suggested that hypertrophication mightinhibit gonadal development in Victoria Harbour (Received 2 November 1987; accepted 30 December 1987)  相似文献   

The Atlantic species of the marine bivalve genus Dacrydium arereviewed, with particular emphasis on their hinge and protoconchcharacters. The basic groundplan of a Dacrydium comprises afunctional primary ligament, a paired series of primary teeth,and a posterior row of secondary teeth separated from the latterby a secondary ligament; this can be transformed into a singleseries either by loss of the secondary ligament and mergingprimary and secondary teeth, or by loss of secondary teeth andligament through paedomorphosis. Twelve species are recognized, of which eleven are illustrated.One abyssal species is not separable morphologically from theIndian Ocean D. speculum Poutiers, 1989 and is new to the Atlantic;four new species (D. wareni, D. dauvini, D. filiferum and D.balgimi) are described; a Caribbean form which is hardly distinctfrom the Eastern Pacific D. elegantu-lum Soot-Ryen, 1955, isdescribed as a new subspecies D. e. hendersoni. The larvae are brooded in D. hyalinum (Mon-terosato, 1875),D. viviparum Ockelmann, 1983 and D. balgimi. The brooding specieshave larger larvae (protoconch 210 to 315 µm long) thanthe non-brooding (protoconch 120 to 150 µm long), andreach a smaller adult size (1.4 to 3 mm instead of 4.5–5mm). A phylogenetic reconstruction is attempted using parsimonyanalysis of hinge and shell characters as well as the brooding/nonbrooding character. (Received 22 October 1996; accepted 28 November 1996)  相似文献   

Although infaunal associates of living reef building coralsindude numerous phyla, initial settlement on the coral hosthas never been described. Experiments described here includedraising the larvae of a common Caribbean coral-boring mussel,Lithophaga bisulcata to observe their behaviour in the presenceof a variety of settlement substrates. On Stephanocoenia michelini,the most common host, larvae moved about the coral surface withimpunity, exploring the surface with the foot. On this coralspecies, competent pedi-veligers were ingested by the coralbut not necessarily digested. Penetration of the coral is initiatedby entering the coelenteron, where metamorphosis will presumablytake place. On species which L. bisulcata rarely inhabits, thelarvae appeared to be stung by nematocysts and withdrew thefoot rapidly from contact with the tissue Habitation of a living coral substrate appeared to be beneficialto the bivalve. Although L. bisulcata inhabits both riving anddead coral, there is evidence that survival, longevity and reproductiveoutput are enhanced when the mussel is surrounded by livingcoral tissue (Received 9 June 1987;  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of a population of Paxyodon syrmatophorus(Meuschen, 1781), a mussel exploited for its shells in the lowerTocantins River, Brazil, was studied between September 1997and August 1998. Monthly examination of gonad sections and inspectionof the demibranchs of females showed that gametogenesis takesplace all year round and that spawning occurs during the months ofthe dry season. Gravid females were found throughout the period betweenFebruary and September. Sexually mature mussels as small as 23mm in length were found and the smallest gravid female was 32mm in length. The implications of the findings are discussedin relation to the conservation and management of exploitedfreshwater mussel populations in the region. 3 Author for correspondence. Telefax: +55-91-8251209. Email: beasley{at}eletronet.com.br 4 Current address: UPIS, Sep/Sul EQ. 712/912 Conjunto "A" Brasília70390-125, DF Brazil (Received 20 September 1999; accepted 13 January 2000)  相似文献   

Effects of temperature (15°, 20° and 25°C), O2 partialpressure (PO2=0, 1, 2, 4, and 6 kPa), and individual size(12–79 mm shell length; SL) on survivorship of specimensof the non-indigenous, marine, brown mussel, Perna perna, fromTexas were investigated to assess its potential distributionin North America. Its hypoxia tolerance was temperature-dependent,survivorship being significantly extended at lower temperaturesunder all tested lethal PO2. Incipient tolerated PO2 was 4 and6 kPa at 15 and 20°C, respectively, with >50% mortalityoccurring at 25°C at all tested levels of hypoxia. PO2 hadless of an effect on survival of hypoxia than temperature. At25°C, survivorship was not different over a PO2 range of0–2 kPa and increased only at 4 and 6 kPa. Survivorshipwas size-dependent. Median survival times increased with increasingSL in anoxia and PO2=1 kPa, but at 2, 4 and 6 kPa,smaller individuals survived longer than larger individuals.With tolerance levels similar to other estuarine bivalve species,P. perna should withstand hypoxia encountered in estuarine environments.Thus, its restriction to intertidal rocky shores may be dueto other parameters, particularly its relatively low temperaturetolerance. (Received 26 January 2004; accepted 31 March 2005)  相似文献   

Lithophaga bisulcata is the most common Caribbean and Atlanticlithophagine and is the only species of the genus known to occurfrequently in both living and dead coral. The abundance in livingcorals is non-random and variable. Most common hosts are Siderastereasiderea and Stephanocoenia michelini. The bivalves are moreabundant in their preferred hosts than in dead coral. Individualsfrom the two habitats are indistinguishable in shell shape,musculature and size of boring and posterior pallia! glands,indicating a single population. Boreholes differ in the twohabitats with respect to size and lining. Linings are formedat the "inactive" end of the burrow; therefore living coralinhabitants line the anterior end of the burrow and dead coralborers line the posterior end. Recruitment rates are unknownin dead coral but were very low in living coral (Received 9 June 1987;  相似文献   

A new species of Lithophaga is described as a small lithophaginemussel exclusively boring Madracis mir-abilis, M. decactis andM. formosa in Jamaica. The shell, musculature and pallial glandsshow modifications for live coral boring similar to those ofIndo-Pacific species of the genus. However, both the boringand posterior pallial glands are more primitive than other speciesexamined to date, interpreted as indicative of a more recentadaptation to life in a living coral habitat by this species. *Contribution No.359 of the Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory,University of the West Indies (Received 23 April 1985;  相似文献   

The life cycle of the trochid snail Diloma suavis (Philippi, 1849),was studied on an intertidal rocky shore at Shirahama, Wakayama Prefecture,where two mytilid bivalves, Septifer virgatus (Wiegmann) andHormomya mutabilis (Gould), formed vertically contiguous musselbeds in the upper-middle and lower zones, respectively. At lowtide in April, the snail density increased with decreasing shoreheight and was greatest at the middle level of the H. mutabilisbed. Then, the density decreased towards the lower littoralfringe. Newly settled juveniles smaller than 2 mm in shell heightappeared abundantly in late summer and autumn within algal turfon the lower shore. As snails grew larger than 2 mm, they appearedwithin the gaps of the H. mutabilis bed and the S. virgatusbed. They increased in size monotonically towards the next summer,but rate of growth in shell height tended to be great in autumnand small in winter. Seasonal change in the density of snailsfound within the gaps of the mussel beds was remarkable during athree year period, increasing from autumn to winter and then decreasingtowards next summer. Reproduction occurred in summer, and adultsnails disappeared by September. It is thus suggested that this specieshas a one year lifespan and shows a habitat shift from algal turfto the gaps of the mussel beds with growth. (Received 12 October 1998; accepted 2 March 1999)  相似文献   

The shell of Solemya exhibits considerable flexibility which is further enhanced by the marked extension of the periostracum beyond the calcareous portions of the valves. This fcature, more than any other, has made possible the habit, unique among bivalves, of burrowing deep within the substrate without direct contact with the water above. The inner calcareous layer of tho valves is restricted to a small area near the umbones while the outer calcareous layer is thin and contains a high proportion of organic material. The shell conchiolin consists mainly of protein, varying in composition, but much of it strengthcned by quinone-tanning, and in ccrtain regions probably by the presence of appreciable quantities of chitin. The ligament, although superficially resembling an amphidetic structure, is opisthodetic, the extcnsion anterior to the umbones consisting of anterior outer layer only.
The mantle is characterized by an extension of the outer fold of the mantle margin which has effected equally both the inner and outer surfaces of this fold. The secretory epithelium and the modified pallial musculature, contraction of which results in the intucking and plaiting of the periostracum, is dcscribed. Simple tubular oil glands open at the mantlo margin and are responsible for the water-repellent nature of the periostracum.
The form of the mantlelshell and that of the enclosed body are discussed and compared with those of other bivalves in which elongation of the mantle/shell is achieved in a different way. It is concluded that the mantlelshell of Solemya is of little value in determining its relationships, and that the greatly elongatod ligament, the edentulous hinge and the flexible shell are all adaptations to a specialized mode of life.  相似文献   

Abstract: The annual reproductive cycle is described for the adult female Hawaiian monk seal ( Monachus schauinslandi ) from data collected at Laysan Island (1982–1991) and Lisianski Island (1982–1983) in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Pupping, lactation, weaning, and molting were directly observed, while mating was rarely observed and was, therefore, inferred from the occurrence of mounting injuries and from adult male and female association patterns. Pooled birth rates during the study period were 0.544 for all adult-sized females and 0.675 for females parous in earlier years. For parturient females, pupping peaked in late March and early April, weaning in May, mounting injuries in May and June, and molting in July. For non-parturient females, the median mounting injury and molting dates occurred 17 and 28 days earlier, respectively. Pupping date set the timing of subsequent events in the annual cycle, but the timing of those events was adjusted by loss of the pup or poor physical condition of the female. Individual pupping patterns varied widely. The mean interval for births in consecutive years was 381 days; females that pupped in consecutive years gave birth later each season. Conversely, females who skipped a year or more gave birth earlier their next pupping season.  相似文献   

It is proposed that the incorporation of a unique parasitic stage in the life-cycle of unionaceans which involves an obligate relationship between a vertebrate host, usually a fish, and a highly modified larval stage, the glochidium, has had far-reaching consequences with respect to overall morphology, extent of species' geographic ranges, and rate of speciation in the group. Glochidia are separable into three main types with respect to overall shape and attachment features, and are retained in variously modified brood pouches. When mature, glochidia are released in several different ways which reflect various adaptations involved in either attracting the fish host and/or increasing the probability of attachment. Glochidia do not seem capable of host selection, and the reaction of the host to the parasite seems to be the main factor in determining specificity. Release of glochidia is synchronized to correspond to periods of predictable host availability, such as during spawing migrations and nesting behaviour. Other adaptations include modifications of glochidial conglutinates to mimic host food items, and modifications of the unionacean mantle edges to attract hosts. In all cases, a good correlation exists between the type of lure used and host food preferences, but, despite these adaptations, host specificity among unionaceans seems low. Parasitism among unionaceans is postulated to be mainly advantageous in terms of predictability of dispersal by habitat-specific hosts, but parasitism is hypothesized to entail constraints in terms of the degree to which shell shape and life-habit can be diversified among unionaceans. The type of host parasitized is considered to affect the rate of diversification among populations and speciation among unionaceans: those that parasitize strictly freshwater hosts are more likely to exhibit highly individualistic populations in different drainages with respect to molecular genetic and soft-part characters, while those that parasitize anadromous or saltwater-tolerant hosts show little differentiation among widely distributed populations.  相似文献   

Callocardia hungerfordi (Veneridae: Pitarinae) lives in subtidalmuds (220 to 240m C.D.) and is covered by a dense mat of mudthat, effectively, camouflages the shell. The periostracum is two layered. The inner layer is thick andpleated, the outer thin and perforated. From the outer surfaceof the inner layer develop numerous, delicate (0.5 mm in diameter),calcified, periostracal needles. These penetrate the outer periostracum.Mucus produced from sub-epithelial glands in the inner surfaceof the mantle, slides over the cuticle-covered epithelium ofthe inner and outer surfaces of the inner fold and the innersurface of the middle mantle fold to coat the outer surfaceof the periostracum and its calcified needles. Increased productionat some times produces solidified strands of mucus which bindmud and detrital material into their fabric to create the shellcamouflage. Calcified periostracal needles have been identified in othervenerids, including some members of the Pitarinae, but how theyare secreted and how the covering they attract is producedand, thus, how the whole structure functions, has not been explained. (Received 7 December 1998; accepted 5 February 1999)  相似文献   

The suspension feeding Astartacea appear to be among the earliestheterodonts. These organisms may have given rise to the Carditaceaand the rest of the heterodonts including the Tellinacea. Paleontological evidence indicates that the earliest Tellinaceawere suspension feeders with members that lived vertically ina burrow in shifting sand. These conditions resemble those foundin species of modern Donax in the Donacidae. From a Donax-likestate of suspension feeding evolution most likely proceededto non-selective feeders. Extant organisms that resemble thisstage are found in the Solecurtidae. A later stage resemblessome of the extant Psammobiidae. The final stage in tellinaceanevolution is the acquisition of deposit feeding with its associatedmorphology. These stages are observed in the Scrobiculariidae,Tellinidae and a few members of the Semelidae. (Received 27 April 1981;  相似文献   

双须叶须鱼Ptychobarbus dipogon隶属裂腹鱼亚科, 叶须鱼属, 是西藏特有经济鱼类, 研究通过对其繁殖力和繁殖策略的研究, 旨在为双须叶须鱼的科学保护和合理开发提供理论依据。于2013年2月至3月以及2014年2月中旬至6月中旬, 在雅鲁藏布江中游区段采集到1030尾双须叶须鱼, 雄鱼体长主要集中在325—400 mm, 雌鱼体长主要集中在375 mm以上, 其中Ⅳ期、Ⅴ期的雌鱼65尾, 体长为320—500 mm, 体重为411.6—1328.0 g。采用SL50%的方法, 雌鱼初次性成熟体长为360.90 mm, 初次性成熟年龄为13.0龄; 雄鱼初次性成熟体长为354.53 mm, 初次性成熟年龄为13.5龄。从不同月份不同性腺发育期所占比例, 不同月份的性体指数变化以及不同月份卵径分布图, 可以看出双须叶须鱼属于同步产卵类型, 集中在2—4月份。双须叶须鱼平均绝对繁殖力为3487粒, 平均相对体长繁殖力为7.2粒/mm, 平均相对体重繁殖力为4.3粒/g, 绝对繁殖力与体长、体重呈正相关, 与年龄无显著相关性。群体性比为1.23 鲶1。综上所述, 双须叶须鱼是繁殖力较低、性成熟较晚和繁殖期较短的鱼类, 我们针对其繁殖特性提出了一些保护性建议。  相似文献   

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