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Recent anthropogenic climate change is strongly associated with average shifts toward earlier seasonal timing of activity (phenology) in temperate-zone species. Shifts in phenology have the potential to alter ecological interactions, to the detriment of one or more interacting species. Recent models predict that detrimental phenological mismatch may increasingly occur between plants and their pollinators. One way to test this prediction is to examine data from ecological communities that experience large annual weather fluctuations. Taking this approach, we analyzed interactions over a four-year period among 132 plant species and 665 pollinating insect species within a Mediterranean community. For each plant species we recorded onset and duration of flowering and number of pollinator species. Flowering onset varied among years, and a year of earlier flowering of a species tended to be a year of fewer species pollinating its flowers. This relationship was attributable principally to early-flowering species, suggesting that shifts toward earlier phenology driven by climate change may reduce pollination services due to phenological mismatch. Earlier flowering onset of a species also was associated with prolonged flowering duration, but it is not certain that this will counterbalance any negative effects of lower pollinator species richness on plant reproductive success. Among plants with different life histories, annuals were more severely affected by flowering–pollinator mismatches than perennials. Specialized plant species (those attracting a smaller number of pollinator species) did not experience disproportionate interannual fluctuations in phenology. Thus they do not appear to be faced with disproportionate fluctuations in pollinator species richness, contrary to the expectation that specialists are at greatest risk of losing mutualistic interactions because of climate change.  相似文献   

Aim Floristic blocks and areas of endemism resulting from a parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) using raw floristic data versus data generated from distributional modelling for 130 species in the genus Senecio Tourn. ex L. distributed in the Mediterranean‐type climate area of Central Chile were compared, and the results were used to identify conservation priorities for the flora of the region. Location Central Chile, between 30° and 38° S. Methods Using herbarium records, a species × area matrix consisting of presence/absence data was constructed from a 0.5° × 0.5° grid. Distributional modelling techniques incorporating vegetation formations, elevation and the contagion index were used to interpolate floristic composition of poorly known areas. Parsimony analysis of endemicity was used to identify floristic blocks and areas of endemism. Results Using the number of most parsimonious trees as an index, distributional modelling greatly optimized the results of the PAE analysis. Three floristic blocks and four areas of endemism were suggested based on the PAE results using potential distribution data not incorporating the contagion index, while four blocks and two areas of endemism were suggested from the PAE results using potential distribution data incorporating the contagion index. Floristic blocks for the northern coast, southern Andes, and northern/central Andes were found, with some blocks showing divisions within them representing distinct geographic subunits. Major breaks between and within floristic blocks were identified at 32.5°–33° S and 34.5°–35° S. Main conclusions The floristic blocks identified with the distributional modelling and PAE correspond well to results from some previous studies and support hypothesized biogeographic divisions within Central Chile. The results were similar to those obtained from parallel analysis of the entire tree flora of Central Chile. The vegetative formation‐based distributional modelling produced robust and reproducible results when used along with PAE, especially when the contagion index was incorporated, and is a useful technique for area classification. The results demonstrate the utility of Senecio as an indicator genus for biogeography and conservation in southern South America.  相似文献   

The flowering period and flower colour spectrum of 170 aromatic plant species are studied in 18 representative regions in Greece. The duration of the early to late flowering of the species is recorded for each region and for Greece as a whole. The basic flower colours (green, yellow, red and violet) are defined and the colour spectra for each region and for the whole country are given by converting absolute to relative values. The Sørensen similarity coefficient is applied to compare regions and the relationship among them as well as with a control region (Athos peninsula). Conclusions are drawn as to the time of maximum flowering and the decrease in the proportion of flowering species from north to south. In addition, interpretations are given for the symmetrical flowering curve of Greece as a whole, compared to the skewed curves of the islands.Nomenclature follows T. G. Tutin et al. (eds.) 1964–1980. Flora Europaea 1-5, Cambridge.  相似文献   

Phenological responses of butterflies to temperature have been demonstrated in several European countries by using data from standardized butterfly monitoring schemes. Recently, phenological networks have enabled volunteers to record phenological observations at project websites. In this study, the quality of the first appearance data of butterflies from the Dutch phenological network ‘De Natuurkalender’ was examined and these data were then used to analyze trends in butterfly appearance between 2001 and 2013, the effects of climatic factors on appearance of butterflies as well as the phenological interaction of one butterfly species, Anthocharis cardamines, and its two major host plants. Although phenological networks are relatively unstructured, this study shows that data from De Natuurkalender were highly comparable to more standardized data collected by the Dutch Butterfly Monitoring Scheme. No trend in first appearance of any butterfly species was found during the time period 2001–2013. The first appearance dates of most butterflies showed, however, a clear relationship with spring temperature. Higher temperatures, especially in March and April, advanced the first appearance of butterflies. Therefore, with climatic warming in the future, earlier appearance of butterflies is expected. Although climate warming is a potential threat for phenological mismatches between different trophic levels, this study shows a similar temperature response of A. cardamines and its main host plants in the Netherlands. However, as only few phenological interactions between species are examined, further research including rarer monophagous butterfly species and their host plants is needed.  相似文献   

Vocal activity was studied in a Colombian highland-frog community, consisting of five frog species belonging to three families with three different reproductive modes, which reproduced simultaneously in the area. We encountered one diurnal and four nocturnal species. Each species had a distinct call structure, and the 24-hour patterns of calling activity differed significantly between all but two species. Interspecific differences in dominant call frequencies corresponded inversely to differences in male snout-vent length. Only one species called in ponds, whereas all other species used terrestrial sites. Among the terrestrial callers there seemed to be interspecific differences in plant use as calling sites. Our results indicate that despite the low number of species, interspecific vocal partitioning is pronounced, and probably important for reliable vocal communication.  相似文献   

A knowledge of fern phenology promotes understanding of the biology and ecology of ferns. In this study, the phenology of 16 fern species in a subtropical broadleaf forest (N24°46′, E121°34′) in northeastern Taiwan was monitored from August 1997 to August 2001. Every fern produced both fertile and sterile leaves in each year of the study. Most fertile leaves emerged in February and March, whereas most sterile leaves emerged from May to September. Most leaves reached full expansion during April–July and died during April–August. The average life span of leaves ranged from 4.4 months to 30.3 months. In seven species, fertile leaves lived longer than sterile leaves, but this difference was significant only in Pteris wallichiana. In the other nine species, sterile leaves lived longer than fertile leaves, but the difference was significant only in Cyathea spinulosa, Plagiogyria dunnii, and Plagiogyria adanata. The ephemeral fertile leaves of the two dimorphic species died soon after releasing their spores, at only 5 months of age. However, their sterile leaves survived for over 22 months. The fertile leaves of the other 14 species remained green for almost 2 years after releasing their spores. Sterile leaves remained sterile throughout their lives. Spores matured in May–July and were released in June–August. After spore release, the sporangia detached. No leaf produced a second cohort of sori. Several phenological events, including sterile leaf emergence, leaf expansion and senescence, and spore maturation and release, were significantly positively correlated with temperature but not with precipitation, whereas the emergence of fertile leaves was weakly negatively correlated with temperature and precipitation. However, those correlations varied among different species. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

According to the global latitudinal diversity gradient, a decrease in animal and plant species richness exists from the tropics towards higher latitudes. The aim of this study was to describe the latitudinal distribution patterns of Chilean continental flora and delineate biogeographic regions along a 4270‐km north–south gradient. We reviewed plant lists for each of the 39 parallels of continental Chile to build a database of the geographical distribution of vascular plant species comprising 184 families, 957 genera and 3787 species, which corresponded to 100%, 94.9% and 74.2% of the richness previously defined for Chile, respectively. Using this latitudinal presence–absence species matrix, we identified areas with high plant richness and endemism and performed a Cluster analysis using Jaccard index to delineate biogeographic regions. This study found that richness at family, genus and species levels follow a unimodal 4270‐km latitudinal distribution curve, with a concentration of richness in central Chile (31–42°S). The 37th parallel south (central Chile) presented the highest richness for all taxonomic levels and in specific zones the endemism (22–37°S) was especially high. This unimodal pattern contrasts the global latitudinal diversity gradient shown by other studies in the Northern hemisphere. Seven floristic regions were identified in this latitudinal gradient: tropical (18–22°S), north Mediterranean (23–28°S), central Mediterranean (29–32°S), south Mediterranean (33–37°S), north temperate (38–42°S), south temperate (43–52°S) and Austral (53–56°S). This regionalization coincides with previous bioclimatic classifications and illustrates the high heterogeneity of the biodiversity in Chile and the need for a reconsideration of governmental conservation strategies to protect this diversity throughout Chile.  相似文献   

The nematodes Parasitylenchus diplogenus and Howardula aoronymphium (Allantonematidae) are parasites of drosophilids (Diptera). Nematodes were found in 3/14 drosophilid species sampled in Danish woodlands: Drosophila phalerata Meigen (3.5% parasitism) was parasitized by H. aoronymphium and D. obscura Fallén (0.5%) and D. subobscura Collin (2.1%) by P. diplogenus. Parasitism was generally rare, and few drosophilid species parasitized, compared to elsewhere in Europe. Parasitism was positively correlated with relative host abundance both within Denmark and across communities, suggesting that species diversity is promoted by a disproportionately high parasitism of more common host species. The prevalence of H. aoronymphium, but not P. diplogenus, parasitism is positively related to temperature across communities.  相似文献   

Trexler JC  Loftus WF  Perry S 《Oecologia》2005,145(1):140-152
Models of community regulation commonly incorporate gradients of disturbance inversely related to the role of biotic interactions in regulating intermediate trophic levels. Higher trophic-level organisms are predicted to be more strongly limited by intermediate levels of disturbance than are the organisms they consume. We used a manipulation of the frequency of hydrological disturbance in an intervention analysis to examine its effects on small-fish communities in the Everglades, USA. From 1978 to 2002, we monitored fishes at one long-hydroperiod (average 350 days) and at one short-hydroperiod (average 259 days; monitoring started here in 1985) site. At a third site, managers intervened in 1985 to diminish the frequency and duration of marsh drying. By the late 1990s, the successional dynamics of density and relative abundance at the intervention site converged on those of the long-hydroperiod site. Community change was manifested over 3 to 5 years following a dry-down if a site remained inundated; the number of days since the most recent drying event and length of the preceding dry period were useful for predicting population dynamics. Community dissimilarity was positively correlated with the time since last dry. Community dynamics resulted from change in the relative abundance of three groups of species linked by life-history responses to drought. Drought frequency and intensity covaried in response to hydrological manipulation at the landscape scale; community-level successional dynamics converged on a relatively small range of species compositions when drought return-time extended beyond 4 years. The density of small fishes increased with diminution of drought frequency, consistent with disturbance-limited community structure; less-frequent drying than experienced in this study (i.e., longer return times) yields predator-dominated regulation of small-fish communities in some parts of the Everglades. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Synopsis Seasonality was investigated in an intertidal ichthyofaunal community on the west coast of South Africa. Fishes were collected monthly from 12 to 16 intertidal pools between May 1992 and May 1993, using the ichthyocide rotenone. On each occasion sampling effort was divided equally between four biologically determined shore zones, namely the cochlear, lower and upper balanoid and littorina zones. A total of 5 409 fishes belonging to 20 species and five families was collected. All fishes were intertidal residents. No seasonal trend could be found in the total density of fishes during the year, the densities of individual species, species diversity or evenness. Thus species composition remained stable over the year. The proportion of mature individuals of each species decreased in summer as a result of recruitment of juveniles at this time. This almost complete lack of seasonality was attributed to the absence of transient species from this community.  相似文献   

Cell abundances and distributions of Alexandrium catenella resting cysts in recent sediments were studied along time at two locations in the Chilean Inland Sea exposed to different oceanographic conditions: Low Bay, which is much more open to the ocean than the more interior and protected Ovalada Island. The bloom began in interior areas but maximum cyst concentrations were recorded in locations more open to the ocean, at the end of the Moraleda channel. Our results showed a time lapse of around 3 months from the bloom peak (planktonic population) until the number of resting cysts in the sediments reached a maximum. Three months later, less than 10% of the A. catenella cysts remained in the sediments. Maximum cyst numbers in the water column occurred one month after the planktonic peak, when no cells were present. The dinoflagellate assemblage at both study sites was dominated by heterotrophic cysts, except during the A. catenella bloom. CCA analyses of species composition and environmental factors indicated that the frequency of A. catenella blooms was associated with low temperatures, but not with salinity, chlorophyll a concentration, and predator presence (measured as clam biomass). However, resting cyst distribution was only related to cell abundance and location. The occurrence of A. catenella cysts was also associated with that of cysts from the toxic species Protoceratium reticulatum. By shedding light on the ecological requirements of A. catenella blooms, our observations support the relevance of encystment as a mechanism of bloom termination and show a very fast depletion of cysts from the sediments (<3 months), which suggest a small role for resting cyst deposits in the recurrence of A. catenella blooms in this area.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the population average blood glucose level of diabetes patients shows seasonal variation, with higher levels in the winter than summer. However, seasonality in the population averages could be due to a tendency in the individual to seasonal variation, or alternatively due to occasional high winter readings (spiking), with different individuals showing this increase in different winters. A method was developed to rule out spiking as the dominant pattern underlying the seasonal variation in the population averages. Three years of data from three community-serving laboratories in Israel were retrieved. Diabetes patients (N?=?3243) with a blood glucose result every winter and summer over the study period were selected. For each individual, the following were calculated: seasonal average glucose for all winters and summers over the period of study (2006–2009), winter-summer difference for each adjacent winter-summer pair, and average of these five differences, an index of the degree of spikiness in the pattern of the six seasonal levels, and number of times out of five that each winter-summer difference was positive. Seasonal population averages were examined. The distribution of the individual's differences between adjacent seasons (winter minus summer) was examined and compared between subgroups. Seasonal population averages were reexamined in groups divided according to the index of the degree of spikiness in the individual's glucose pattern over the series of seasons. Seasonal population averages showed higher winter than summer levels. The overall median winter-summer difference on the individual level was 8?mg/dL (0.4?mmol/L). In 16.9% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 15.6–18.2%) of the population, all five winter-summer differences were positive versus 3.6% (95% CI: 3.0–4.2%) where all five winter-summer differences were negative. Seasonal variation in the population averages was not attenuated in the group having the lowest spikiness index; comparison of the distributions of the winter-summer differences in the high-, medium-, and low-spikiness groups showed no significant difference (p?=?.213). Therefore, seasonality in the population average blood glucose in diabetes patients is not just the result of occasional high measurements in different individuals in different winters, but presumably reflects a general periodic tendency in individuals for winter glucose levels to be higher than summer levels. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Vegetation phenology has a strong effect on terrestrial carbon cycles, local weather, and global radiation partitioning between sensible and latent heat fluxes. Based on phenological data that were collected from a typical steppe ecosystem at Xilingol Grazing and Meteorological Station from 1985 to 2003, we studied the phenological characteristics of Leymus chinensis and Stipa krylovii. We found that the dates for budburst of L. chinensis and S. krylovii were delayed with increasing temperature during winter and spring seasons; these results differed from existing research in which earlier spring events were attributed to the changes in increasing air temperature in winter and spring. The results also suggested that water availability was an important controlling factor for phenology in addition to temperature in grassland plants. The classical cumulative temperature model simulated the phenology well in wet years, but not in the beginning of growing season in all years from 1985 to 2003. The disparity between the simulation and the observation appeared to be related to soil water. Based on our research findings, a water-heat-based phenological model was developed for simulating the beginning of growing season for these two grass species. The simulated results of the new model showed a significant correlation with the observation of beginning date of the growing season, and both mean values of the absolute error were less than 6 days.  相似文献   

Summary Animal census data from Lake Manyara National Park in northern Tanzania are presented. The data refer to large mammalian herbivores, that is individually heavier than twenty kg, of which the numbers were counted in nine different years between 1959 and 1984. The total biomass of these herbivores was comprised mainly of African buffalo and African elephant. Five functional groups of herbivores were distinguished (buffalo, elephant-as-grazer, elephant-as-browser, other grazers, and other browsers). The pressures of all these groups were constant over time with the exception of that by buffalo. Buffalo numbers increased since the last outbreak of rinderpest in 1959. There was no correlation between herbivore biomass and rainfall fluctuations. Individual species showed large fluctuations in their numbers but within the total herbivore assemblage the different species compensated the fluctuations of the other species. This resulted in an overall constancy of herbivore biomass, and, thus, the carrying capacity of the system has to be viewed on the level of all species combined and not on that of the individual species. This view is supported by the result that size of the stability index showed that the system of herbivore species was stable.  相似文献   

Question: Are differences in microhabitat preferences of co‐occurring epiphytic Hymenophyllaceae species (filmy ferns) correlated with differences in ecophysiological responses to light availability and humidity in the host tree? Location: The Andean foothills in south‐central Chile. Methods: We evaluated the distribution pattern of nine filmy fern species in microhabitats that differ in light availability and humidity in four host tree species. A DCA was developed to assess Hymenophyllaceae species microhabitat preference in terms of canopy openness (CO) and relative humidity. We assessed whether differences in chlorophyll content, maximum photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm), photosynthetic capacity (Amax), evapotranspiration (E) and instantaneous water use efficiency (WUE) are consistent with any pattern. Results: CO and relative humidity differed significantly with height in the host trees. While CO increased with height in a host tree, relative humidity decreased. DCA analysis showed that filmy fern species distribution within and among trees was mainly explained by the relative humidity of the microhabitat. Chlorophyll content, chlorophyll a/b ratio, Amax and E differed significantly among filmy fern species. Amax and E were correlated with axis 1 scores from the DCA analysis. Conclusions: The vertical distribution and abundance of filmy fern species in Chilean temperate rain forest seems to be closely related to the different microhabitats offered by host trees. This pattern may reflect interspecific differences in ecophysiological traits related both to light availability and humidity. Our results suggest that humidity is the main environmental factor driving functional responses and habitat preferences of these filmy fern species.  相似文献   

Satoyama is a traditional land management system in Japan that emphasizes the importance of a harmonious relationship between humans and their environment. It has been in a state of abandonment and destruction since the late 1960s. In 2000, the Japanese government initiated a new environment policy encouraging the use of Satoyama in biodiversity reservation areas. Before the initiation of active restoration works, an assessment of the potential of the Satoyama system is needed. To assess this potential, a study that focused on the foraging ecology of wild bees in a small abandoned Satoyama terraced paddy was carried out from June to October 2003. A total of 372 foraging bees belonging to 35 species in nine families was collected: two species of social bee ( Apis cerana and Bombus diversus ) and two of solitary bee ( Lasioglossum japonicum and Lasioglossum ohei ) dominated. The foraging activities of wild bees were highly influenced by the requirement of food for the colony and the active time of solitary bees. In the study, most wild bees showed a strong preference for abundant flowering plant species that produced a large number of flowers ( Achyranthes japonica and Polygonum thunbergii ). The results showed that an abandoned Satoyama system was an agricultural system that benefited pollinating bees. Careful and planned restoration practices to increase the diversity of foraging resources, microenvironment diversity and potential nesting areas for wild bees are needed to improve the ability of the Satoyama system to support more diverse and abundant wild bee populations.  相似文献   

In Chile, the Hispanic dual surname system is used. To describe the isonymic structure of this country, the distribution of 16,277,255 surnames of 8,178,209 persons was studied in the 15 regions, the 54 provinces, and the 346 communes of the nation. The number of different surnames found was 72,667. Effective surname number (Fisher's α) for the entire country was 309.0, the average for regions was 240.8 ± 17.6, for provinces 209.2 ± 8.9, and for communes 178.7 ± 4.7. These values display a variation of inbreeding between administrative levels in the Chilean population, which can be attributed to the 'Prefecture effect' of Nei and Imaizumi. Matrices of isonymic distances between units within administrative levels were tested for correlation with geographic distance. The correlations were highest for provinces (r = 0.630 ± 0.019 for Euclidean distance) and lowest for communes (r = 0.366 ± 0.009 for Lasker's). The geographical distribution of the first three-dimensions of the Euclidean distance matrix suggests that population diffusion may have taken place from the north of the country toward the center and south. The prevalence of European plus European-Amerindian (95.4%) over Amerindian ethnicity (4.6%, CIA World Factbook) is compatible with diffusion of Caucasian groups over a low-density area populated by indigenous groups. The significant excess of maternal over paternal indigenous surnames indicates some asymmetric mating between nonAmerindian and Amerindian Chileans. The available studies of Y-markers and mt-markers are in agreement with this asymmetry. In the present work, we investigate the Chilean population with the aim of detecting its structure through the study of isonymy (Crow and Mange,1965) in the three administrative levels of the nation, namely 15 regions, 54 provinces, and 346 communes.  相似文献   

In a host–parasitoid system comprising mycophagous drosophilids and their parasitoids, the drosophilid and parasitoid species assemblages, host use, and the prevalence of parasitism were assessed, and the “disproportionate parasitism hypothesis” was examined with consideration given to yearly variations. The mycophagous drosophilids, their fungal food resources and parasitoids were studied by carrying out an intensive census throughout the activity seasons of 4 years (2000–2003) in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Five hymenopterous parasitoid species, four braconids and one eucoilid, were found. Parasitoids of mycophagous drosophilids are reported for the first time from Asia. Most parasitism (99.2%) was by braconids, in contrast to the dominance of eucoilids in Europe. Parasitism was restricted to the summer, and the rate was high from early July to early August every year. There was considerable yearly variation in the composition of abundant fungus, drosophilid and parasitoid species, especially between 2000 and 2001. The alternation of dominant host species was coupled with the alternation of dominant parasitoid species that differed in host use. Despite the yearly variation in the system, the most dominant host species suffered disproportionately heavy parasitism by the correspondingly dominant parasitoid species every year. The parasitism rate was positively correlated with the relative host abundance. This thus indicates that the disproportionate parasitism mechanism may operate, via which species coexistence is promoted by a higher rate of parasitism of the dominant species.  相似文献   

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