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This series of experiments investigated the relationship between various treatments consisting of estradiol benzoate (EB) and progesterone (P) on sexual receptivity and on concentrations of nuclear estrogen receptors (NER) and cytosolic progestin receptors (CPR) in the hypothalamus-preoptic area in female hamsters. The injection of 1 microgram EB at 0 and 24 hr resulted in higher levels of receptivity (after 0.25 or 0.5 mg P), NER and CPR compared to those obtained after a single injection of 2 micrograms EB. Animals treated with 5 micrograms EB at 0 and 24 hr displayed greater levels of receptivity (after 0.5 mg P) and had higher NER concentrations than animals given a single injection of 10 micrograms EB. Groups treated with either 1 microgram EB at 0 hr or 0.5 microgram EB at 0 and 24 hr did not differ and showed low levels of receptivity, NER and CPR, NER and CPR were also measured on each day of the estrous cycle. NER levels rose between Days 1 and 2, again between Days 2 and 3, and remained elevated on Day 4. CPR levels increased between Days 2 and 3, and there was no difference between Days 3 and 4. Taken together, these data suggest that receptivity in hamsters after estrogen exposure is correlated with the accumulation and maintenance of relatively high NER levels and on the induction of CPR. This can be accomplished by a single large injection of EB or by smaller split doses.  相似文献   

Ovariectomized female rats were treated in turn over several weeks with estradiol benzoate (EB), testosterone (T), 19-hydroxytestosterone (19HT), dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and 5α-19-hydroxytestosterone (5α19HT). EB was given as a single dose, the androgens were given over 3 days, and progesterone (P) was given 48 hr after the last injection. Each week, rats were tested for lordosis behavior 4–6 hr after P. High levels of receptivity were seen after EB + P, 19HT + P and T + P. Rats treated with DHT + P or 5α19HT + P were unreceptive. Four groups of castrated male rats were treated with T, 19HT, DHT and 5α19HT for 4 weeks starting from castration. In weekly sexual behavior tests, only T and 19HT maintained normal copulatory performance throughout the experiment. 19HT and 5α19HT had negligible effects on peripheral androgen target organs. The failure of 5α19HT to stimulate sexual behavior in rats of either sex supports the view that this steroid does not undergo central aromatization.  相似文献   

Attempts were made to find out whether hyperprolactinemia has an effect on the hypothalamo-pituitary response to estrogen feedback and LHRH stimulation. Adult female rats of Wistar strain were ovariectomized and received subcutaneous injection of 20 micrograms estradiol benzoate (EB) 3-4 weeks later (day-0). A second injection of 20 micrograms EB, when administered at noon on day-3, induced a highly significant increase in serum LH (p less than 0.001 vs. basal values), but not FSH, estimated at 1800 h on the same day. This EB-promoted LH release was not altered by pretreatment with rat PRL (5 micrograms/day), which was administered subcutaneously daily in the morning (1100 h) between day-1 and day-3. No statistical difference in the serum LH concentration was found when compared with the values for the control animals pretreated with 0.9% saline alone. Serum gonadotropins 15 min after LHRH administration (100 ng/100 g BW) in 32-day-old female rats were not statistically different between the animals pretreated with 5 micrograms PRL, which was given subcutaneously daily (at 0800 h) for 3 days, and the controls pretreated with 0.9% saline. These results suggest that an acute increase in serum PRL may not exert a negative effect on the gonadotropin release induced by estrogen feedback and LHRH stimulation.  相似文献   

Daily behavioral testing revealed that there is a latency period of at least 48 hr from the administration of a single injection of estradiol benzoate (EB) to the first significant increase in female sexual receptivity in the ovariectomized female lizard, Anolis carolinensis. This latency period did not vary with dosage of EB used in these experiments (i.e., 0.8, 1.4, and 4.0 μg) nor with method of injection (subcutaneous vs intraperitoneal for dose of 1.4 μg EB). Following a single EB injection, female sexual receptivity increased after the 48-hr latency period, reached an observed peak from Day 3 to Day 6, and thereafter declined to pretreatment levels by Day 19. Although both 1.4 and 4.0 μg of EB produced higher levels of female sexual receptivity than did treatment with 0.8 μg of EB, results obtained with 4.0 μg EB did not differ from those obtained with 1.4 μg EB. Administration of the nonsteroidal antiestrogen CI-628 (80 μg) at either 4 or 24 hr following a single subcutaneous injection of 1.4 μg EB significantly reduced subsequent female sexual receptivity. These results suggest that there is a critical length of time during which estrogen must act on the brain and support the concept of an estrogen “maintenance” effect during this priming period.  相似文献   

We investigated whether serum growth hormone (GH) concentration changes in association with the rise in serum prolactin (PRL) concentration known to occur during the early morning hours in the pregnant rat. Animals were kept in a room with the lights on from 0500 to 1900 hours (hr) daily and decapitated for the collection of trunk blood at 2200 or 2400 hr on Day 6 of pregnancy or at 0200, 0400, 0800 or 1000 hr on Day 6 of pregnancy. Serum GH concentration rose more than 4-fold from low levels at 2200 and 2400 hr to higher levels at 0400 and 0800 hr and then declined by 1000 hr. Serum prolactin (PRL) concentration followed a similar pattern except that it returned to low levels earlier, by 0800 hr. Serum luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and thyroid-stimulating hormone concentrations showed no significant changes. Serum GH levels at 0800 hr in pregnant rats were higher than those observed in cyclic rats (13 time periods sampled). The results demonstrate that serum GH concentration is elevated during a circumscribed period in the 6- to 7-day pregnant rat. The time of onset of the rise is similar to that for serum PRL but the elevation in GH levels persists longer than that for PRL.  相似文献   

Cycloheximide(Cyclo), an inhibitor of protein synthesis by a direct action on protein synthesis at the ribosomal level, was used to reversibly inhibit estrogen-induced sexual receptivity. Cyclo (100 μg per rat) was infused into the preoptic area(POA) of ovariectomized rats at varying times before, simultaneously with, and after 3 μg of subcutaneous estradiol benzoate (EB). All animals received 0.5 mg progesterone (P) 36 hr after EB, and were tested for sexual receptivity 4–6 hr after P. The females were placed with stud males and a lordosis quotient was computed for each female (lordosis quotient = number of lordosis responses/20 mounts by the male × 100). Females receiving Cyclo 6 hr before, simultaneously with, or 12 hr after EB showed significantly lower levels of sexual receptivity when compared to females receiving Cyclo 36 hr before and 18 and 24 hr after EB. When those animals that showed low levels of sexual behavior after Cyclo infusion were reprimed with EB and P 7 days later and presented with a male they showed high levels of sexual receptivity. Thus, the effect of Cyclo was reversible. Only Cyclo infusions into the POA (bilateral) and third ventricle were effective in suppressing sexual behavior. Caudate nucleus, lateral ventricle, and unilateral POA infusions were without effect.The data presented are in agreement with earlier work that utilized actinomycin D to inhibit steroid-induced sexual behavior. Cyclo was found to be less toxic than actinomycin D. All of the available evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that estrogen stimulates RNA and/or protein synthesis in its facilitation of sexual behavior in the female rat.  相似文献   

The time course effects of pargyline on hypothalamic biogenic amines and serum prolactin (PRL), LH and TSH were studied in adult male rats. The rats were killed at intervals of 1–6 hrs after pargyline injection. Hypothalamic dopamine (DA) rose 79% by 1 hr and was 41% above “0” time by 6 hrs. Norepinephrine (NE) increased 31% by 1 hr and remained at about this level through 6 hrs, whereas serotonin (5HT) increased from 42% by 1 hr and to 95% by 6 hrs. Serum PRL LH and TSH fell significantly during the first 2 hrs, but all had returned to pretreatment values by 4 hrs. Serum PRL was about 4-fold above pretreatment values by 6 hrs, but LH and TSH remained at pretreatment levels. Stimulation by pargyline of PRL release was potentiated by Lilly compound 110140, a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, and blocked by parachlorophenylalanine, a serotonin synthesis inhibitor. These results suggest that the inhibitory effects of pargyline on PRL, LH, and TSH release during the first 2 hrs were associated mainly with a rapid increase in DA, and subsequent elevation of PRL release was related to the increase in 5HT. Return of serum LH and TSH to pretreatment levels at 4 and 6 hrs appeared to be associated mainly with the decrease in DA and perhaps to elevated NE levels. These results suggest that changes in relative concentrations of hypothalamic amines are related to differential release of PRL, LH and TSH.  相似文献   

The effects of naltrexone, a specific opiate antagonist, on stimulation by estradiol benzoate (EB) of prolactin (PRL) release and anterior pituitary (AP) weight, were studied in gonadectomized female and male Sprague-Dawley rats. One week after castration, rats were injected for 10 days once daily with 2 μg EB alone, or together with twice daily injections of 2 mg naltrexone/kg body weight (BW). Blood was collected for radioimmunoassay of PRL by orbital sinus puncture on days 0 and 6, and by decapitation on day 11, at which time the AP was quickly removed, weighed and assayed for PRL.Serum PRL concentrations and AP weights were significantly increased by EB administration. These effects of EB were partially but significantly inhibited by naltrexone. These results suggest that endegenous opiates may be involved in the estrogen-induced rise in serum PRL and increase in pituatary weight.  相似文献   

Immunoreactive beta-endorphin (IR-BE) was significantly decreased and luteinizing hormone (LH) significantly increased in female rats castrated for four weeks. Forty eight hours after a single injection of estradiol benzoate (EB), IR-BE levels increased, and LH levels were reduced. On the afternoon following the administration of a second injection of EB given six hours earlier, IR-BE levels were reduced below control values, whereas LH levels were significantly elevated. There was no change in IR-BE levels during the remainder of that afternoon whereas LH levels decreased over time. Similar to female rats, IR-BE was diminished and LH increased in castrated male rats. IR-BE was increased significantly above those values observed in intact animals 24 hr after a single injection of TP and returned to control levels by 48 hr after administration of TP. Injection of TP reduced LH to levels observed prior to castration. These findings suggest that gonadal steroids exert a feedback on the release of IR-BE from the pituitary of female and male rats opposite to their feedback effect on the release of pituitary gonadotropins.  相似文献   

The effect on prolactin (PRL) secretion of acute administration of new octapeptide analogs of somatostatin (SS) with an enhanced and prolonged growth hormone inhibitory activity was investigated in rats under various pretreatment conditions with estrogen and antidopaminergic drugs. Analog D-Phe-Cys-Tyr-D-Trp-Lys-Val-Cys-Thr-NH2 (RC-121), at a dose of 5 micrograms/100 g body wt, did not decrease basal PRL levels in thiopental-anesthetized female rats, untreated or treated with estrogen benzoate (EB) (8 micrograms/rat) for 5 days. When haloperidol was used to elevate PRL level, a single injection of RC-121 inhibited PRL release in EB-pretreated female rats or untreated female and male rats. Analog D-Phe-Cys-Trp-D-Trp-Lys-Val-Cys-Trp-NH2 (RC-160), which has a potency similar to RC-121 in the tests on inhibition of GH, in a dose of 0.2 microgram/100 g body wt, did not lower the elevated PRL level induced by alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine and/or pretreatment with EB (100 micrograms/rat, 3 and 6 days before) in pentobarbital-anesthetized male rats. However, both analogs RC-121 and RC-160, in doses of 0.2 microgram/100 g body wt, decreased the PRL levels elevated by prolonged pretreatment with EB (100 micrograms/rat, twice a week for 3 weeks) in male rats. These results indicate that acute administration of these SS analogs can induce a prolonged inhibition of PRL release when PRL is acutely elevated by haloperidol or chronically elevated by 3 weeks of estrogen administration. Future additional studies are required to investigate the effects of chronic administration of these SS analogs on PRL levels.  相似文献   

The effect of some aromatase inhibitors (aminoglutethimide, 1,4,6-androstatrien-3, 17-dione, and 4-hydroxy-androstenedione) on testosterone propionate (TP)-induced copulatory behavior was tested in sexually inexperienced castrated male rats. A single injection of 6 mg of TP induced mounting in 48% and ejaculatory pattern in 19% of the rats within 120 hr. Treatment with the aromatase inhibitors (injections every 12 hr for 108 hr) suppressed ejaculation in all but one rat and significantly reduced the number of rats mounting and intromitting. Concurrent administration of estradiol benzoate (EB, 1 or 3 μg every 12 hr) prevented the inhibitory effect of aromatase blockers. No inhibitory effect of the aromatization blockers was observed in rats in which sexual behavior was induced by dihydrotestosterone (1 mg/day) and EB (2.5 μg/day) for 20 days. The results support the concept that aromatization is an essential step for the induction of male sexual behavior by androgen in the rat.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effect of hysterectomy on hormone-induced lordosis behavior. Lordosis quotients (LQ) were measured in hysterectomized-ovariectomized (HO) and ovariectomized-sham hysterectomized (OSH) rats after several treatments including either estradiol benzoate (EB) alone or EB plus progesterone (P) 44 hr later. Testing consisted of placing the females with sexually active males 48 hr after EB. In Experiment 1, HO animals treated with 5 μg/kg EB and 0.5 mg P had significantly higher LQs than OSH animals; groups treated with 10 μg/kg plus P were not different. Experiment 2 showed that a single injection of 50 μg/kg EB resulted in equally high levels of receptivity in both groups. The LQs of HO animals injected with 3 μg/kg for 4 days did not differ from those of OSH animals; however, the administration of 0.5 mg P 24 hr after the fourth EB injection resulted in significantly higher LQs in the HO group (Experiment 3). In Experiment 4, HO rats injected with 5 μg/kg EB and 0.1 mg P 44 hr later displayed higher levels of lordosis behavior than OSH animals. It was concluded that hysterectomy facilitated the lordosis behavior of ovariectomized rats injected with both EB and P and that the mechanism for this potentiation remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Antiestrogens were used to test the hypothesis that estrogen exerts a “maintenance,” as well as a “priming,” effect on rat and hamster sexual receptivity as it apparently does for guinea pigs. MER-25 (75 or 150 mg/kg) significantly reduced rat LQ when given ?2 hr or 8 hr after EB injection. MER-25 given at 34 hr (2 hr prior to P) failed to diminish rat LQ. With hamsters, MER-25 in large doses (750 mg/kg) given either at ?2 hr or 34 hr reduced lordosis duration to 40% of controls, but this effect was confounded by severe illness among the MER-25 injected animals. Lower doses failed to block behavior, but still produced some toxicity. CI 628 (50 mg/kg) greatly reduced hamster lordosis duration and increased lordosis latency when given 0 hr, but not 34 hr, after EB. The results are consistent with similar previous work on rats and do not support the concept of estrogen “maintenance” in either rats or hamsters.  相似文献   

Validity of a radioimmunoassay for rat prolactin (PRL) in serum and pituitary is analysed in adult male rats. Data are presented bearing on the accuracy, precision and sensitivity of the method. Serum levels and pituitary content are respectively ranged from 2.56 to 28.03 ng PRL RP2 ml-1 and from 7.36 to 21.44 microgram PRL RP2 per gland in intact animals. Treatment with bromocriptine (10 days) results in a decrease of serum PRL levels and pituitary PRL contents. In progesterone-estradiol benzoate pretreated rats, serum PRL levels are increased 20 min after the injection of TRH.  相似文献   

The duration of the effectiveness of estradiol benzoate (EB) on the latency to the onset of maternal behavior was measured in 16-day pregnant rats that were hysterectomized-ovariectomized (HO). Eight groups of HO animals were treated with either a single SC injection of 5 μg/kg of EB or oil at surgery and were initially presented with foster pups at either 24, 48, 72, or 96 hr postoperatively. Compared to their respective controls, EB-treated animals showed singificantly shorter latencies when testing began at 48 and 72 hr but not 24 or 96 hr. In the second experiment, 16-day HO rats were treated with 5 μg/kg of EB at surgery and either oil or 0.5 mg of progesterone at 0, 24, or 44 hr postoperatively. Additional groups received either progesterone or oil at surgery (instead of EB) and a second injection of oil 44 hr later. Testing began 48 hr following surgery for all groups, and the results showed that only the groups injected with EB alone or EB plus progesterone at 44 hr displayed short-latency maternal behavior. It was concluded that a significant reduction in the latency to the onset of maternal behavior can be obtained between 24 and 72 hr after EB treatment and that progesterone when injected concurrently or 24 hr later can inhibit the effectiveness of EB.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to study possible relationships between mating-induced and steroid-induced luteinizing hormone (LH) release in spayed Long-Evans rats. Large amounts of LH were released approximately 7 hr following progesterone injection in rats primed with estradiol benzoate (EB). The amount of LH release varied widely depending on (1) the interval between the time of the progesterone injection and the EB priming; (2) the progesterone dose; and (3) the time of day when blood samples were collected. These findings provided confirmation of those of Caligaris, Astrada and Taleisnik (1971a). Females, prepared with estrogen-progesterone treatment in a variety of schedules in which the three above-mentioned variables were altered systematically, were allowed to mate with vigorous males. Mating under these various conditions did not significantly increase plasma LH levels even when the females showed high degrees of sexual receptivity. Sodium pentobarbital prevented the afternoon LH rise resulting from progesterone treatment 3 days after EB priming. Pituitary sensitivity to LRF was not enhanced in the afternoon and the mating did not significantly increase plasma LH in these barbiturate-blocked rats. Following administration of 5 large daily doses of EB without progesterone, however, significant increases in LH were produced by mating on the sixth day. Postcopulatory LH release in these circumstances was dependent on a diurnal factor since the effect of mating was greater in the afternoon than in the morning. Thus, although major LH release can be readily induced by mating in estrogen-treated spayed rats, this effect could not be obtained under conditions of progesterone administration to estrogen primed rats.  相似文献   

These experiments examined the effects of hysterectomy on heat duration and on the reinduction of estrous behavior by progesterone (P) following the termination of spontaneous heat in 4-day cycling rats. Hysterectomy did not affect the onset of estrus but prolonged heat duration. The average duration of sexual receptivity for hysterectomized (H) and sham-hysterectomized (SH) rats was 18.2 and 13.0 hr, respectively. Furthermore, H animals injected with either 0.5 mg P within 2 hr, or 4.0 mg P 24 hr following the termination of natural estrus showed significantly higher lordosis and solicitation responses than SH rats similarly treated. These behavioral findings were correlated with the level of hypothalamic progestin receptors. That is, H animals had a significantly higher concentration of progestin receptors than SH rats immediately following the termination of spontaneous heat and also 24 hr later. Both in estrous-cycling rats and in gonadectomized animals treated with estradiol benzoate (EB), hysterectomy resulted in higher serum estradiol (E2) levels. The results of these experiments suggest that prolongation of the period of sexual receptivity and the facilitated behavioral responses to P following the cessation of estrus in hysterectomized animals may be due to a lowered clearance rate of circulating estradiol which presumably enhances the estrogen conditioning of the neural substrates.  相似文献   

Two estrogen antagonists, CI-628 (CI) and tamoxifen (TX), were used to examine the relationship between estrogen priming of lordosis behavior and progestin receptor induction in the hypothalamus-preoptic area (HPOA) of ovariectomized female rats. Lordosis behavior was assessed by measuring lordosis quotients (LQ) in response to injection of 2 micrograms of estradiol benzoate (EB) followed 48 hr later by 500 micrograms of progesterone (P). Behavior testing began 4 hr after P injection. The effects of antiestrogens were assessed by injecting CI and TX (1-2 mg) from 0 to 48 hr prior to EB. Levels of cytosol progestin receptor in the HPOA were determined by quantifying the specific binding of 0.5 nM [3H]R5020 to cytosols from animals receiving the same EB and antiestrogen treatments used in behavioral testing. TX given concurrently with or CI given 2 hr before EB abolished both lordosis behavior and induction of HPOA progestin receptors. In contrast, CI given 12 hr prior to EB abolished lordosis but permitted a 95% elevation in the concentration of progestin binding sites in the HPOA. TX or CI given 48 hr before EB resulted in moderate levels of lordosis (mean LQs from 56 to 69) and induction of HPOA progestin receptors from 85 to 130% above noninjected controls. However, CI given 24 hr prior to EB produced less than a 40% increase in brain R5020 binding even though lordosis behavior was equivalent to that seen in the 48-hr animals (mean LQ = 53). These data indicate that the effects of antiestrogens on female sexual behavior and on the synthesis of brain progestin receptors depend on which antiestrogen is used and the time interval between administration of estrogen and antiestrogen. They also demonstrate that under some conditions estrogen induction of cytosol progestin receptors in the HPOA can be dissociated from estrogen priming of lordosis behavior in rats.  相似文献   

The development of estrogen feedback system on gonadotropin release during sexual maturation in female rats was studied. Animals (Wistar strain rats) were divided into 6 groups according to their ages; 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 days. Both LH and FSH levels in serum increased significantly in response to ovariectomy in all age-groups studied when measured one week postoperatively, though in the rats aged 10-15 days the increase in FSH following castration was only slight. In rats older than 25 days, the postcastration gonadotropin rise, calculated as a percent increase from the basal figure, decreased gradually with increasing age. Ovariectomized rats injected with estradiol benzoate (EB, 5 micrograms/100 g BW) showed significantly lower levels of both LH and FSH than those in castrated controls. However, the inhibitory action of EB on postcastration gonadotropin output was found to be relatively less effective in rats older than 25 days. Ovariectomized rats primed with EB were again injected with a 2nd dose of EB (5 micrograms/100 g BW) at noon 3 days after priming. The 2nd EB injection induced a significant rise in LH 6 h later in 30- and 35-day-old, though not in younger, animals. On the other hand, the FSH response to EB was markedly enhanced during days 15-25 of age. These results indicate that the estrogen negative feedback action on gonadotropin release is already operating in female rats at a very early age, and that the brain sensitivity to estrogen decreases slightly during the late prepubertal phase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Diabetic male rat has low serum levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone (T), which are accompanied by atrophy of the testes and accessory glands. The present study investigated changes in the serum levels of LH, prolactin (PRL) and glucose, following diabetes induction by streptozotocin. In addition, involvement of the opiate system in the control of LH and PRL secretion was evaluated. There was no difference in PRL levels between diabetic and control animals, except at 8 hours after streptozotocin injection. In contrast, the diabetic animals had consistently lower levels of LH, starting on the second day of diabetes. Blockade of the opiate system by naltrexone caused a sharp increase of LH levels in normoglycemic rats, while only a gradual decrease was observed in hyperglycemic animals. PRL secretion was inhibited by naltrexone, both in diabetic and control groups. It is concluded that, unlike normoglycemic rats, inhibition of LH secretion in diabetes is not under the control of the opiate system, probably as a result of T deficiency. In contrast, PRL secretion in diabetic rats, as in the control group, is under the influence of endogenous opiates.  相似文献   

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