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Recessive lethal germline and specific locus somatic mutations were induced efficiently in the zebrafish by exposure of mature sperm to UV light. Mutagenesis of sperm yielded mosaic individuals: clones bearing novel mutations represented approximately 12-25% of the haploid germ cells and 25-50% of the somatic tissue. Simple methods are described for the reliable identification and propagation of newly arising developmental mutations in zebrafish.  相似文献   

Male mice were X-irradiated with 3.0 + 3.0 Gy or 5.1 + 5.1 Gy (fractionation interval 24 h). The offspring were screened for dominant cataract and recessive specific locus mutations. In the 3.0 + 3.0-Gy spermatogonial treatment group, 3 dominant cataract mutations were confirmed in 15 551 offspring examined and 29 specific locus mutations were recovered in 18 139 offspring. In the post-spermatogonial treatment group, 1 dominant cataract mutation was obtained in 1120 offspring and 1 recessive specific locus mutation was recovered in 1127 offspring. The induced mutation rate per locus, per gamete, per Gy calculated for recessive specific locus mutations is 2.0 X 10(-5) in post-spermatogonial stages and 3.7 X 10(-5) in spermatogonia. For dominant cataract mutations, assuming 30 loci, the induced mutation rate is 5.0 X 10(-6) in the post-spermatogonial stages and 1.1 X 10(-6) in spermatogonia. In the 5.1 + 5.1-Gy spermatogonial treatment group, 3 dominant cataract mutations were obtained in 11 205 offspring, whereas in 13 201 offspring 27 recessive specific locus mutations were detected in the spermatogonial group. In the post-spermatogonial treatment group no dominant cataract mutation was observed in 425 offspring and 2 recessive specific locus mutations were detected in 445 offspring. The induced mutation rate per locus, gamete and Gy in spermatogonia for recessive specific locus mutations is 2.8 X 10(-5) and for dominant cataract mutations 0.9 X 10(-6). In post-spermatogonial stages, the mutation rate for recessive specific locus alleles is 6.2 X 10(-5). In the concurrent untreated control group, in 11 036 offspring no dominant cataract mutation and in 23 518 offspring no recessive specific locus mutation was observed. Litter size and the number of carriers at weaning have been determined in the confirmation crosses of the obtained dominant cataract mutants as indicators of viability and penetrance effects. Two mutants had a statistically significantly reduced litter size and one mutant had a statistically significantly reduced penetrance.  相似文献   

The frequency of recessive lethals in the 2nd chromosome was examined in two mutator stocks of Drosophila ananassae, ca and ca; px. They are characterized respectively by possessing an extrachromosomal clastogenic mutator in males, and by the retrotransposon "tom", which induces Om mutability only in females. The frequencies of recessive lethal mutations in the 2nd chromosome among progenies from males and females of the ca; px stock are 0.35 and 0.34 percent, respectively. Similarity of these frequencies indicates that tom does not induce recessive lethals in females. In contrast to the ca; px stock, the frequency of recessive lethals in males of the ca mutator stock was estimated to be 1.54 percent for the 2nd chromosome. No visible mutants except Minutes were recovered. Some recessive lethals derived from ca stock males were associated with chromosomal rearrangements. Being consistent with its high rate of Minute mutation it was demonstrated that the ca clastogenic mutator also induced recessive lethals.  相似文献   

In the ‘doubling-dose’ method currently used in genetic risk evaluation, two principle assumptions are made and these are: (1) there is proportionality between spontaneous and induced mutations and (2) the lesions that lead to spontaneous and induced mutations are essentially similar. The studies reported in this paper were directed at examining the validity of these two assumptions in Drosophila. An analysis was made of the distribution of sex-linked recessive lethals induced by MR, one of the well-studied mutator systems in Drosophila.

Appropriate genetic complementation tests with 15 defined X-chromosome duplications showed that MR-induced lethals occurred at many sites along the X-chromosome (in contrast to the known locus specificity of MR-induced visible-mutations); some, but not all these sites at which recessive lethals arose in the MR-system are the same as those known to be hot-spots for X-ray-induced lethals. With in situ hybridization we were able to demonstrate that a majority of MR-induced lethals is associated with a particular mobile DNA sequence, the P-element, i.e. they arose as a result of transposition.

The differences between the profiles of MR-induced and X-ray-induced recessive lethals, and the nature of MR-induced and X-ray-induced mutations, thus raise questions about the validity of the assumptions involved in the use of the ‘doubling-dose’ method.  相似文献   

We have studied frequencies of mutations induced at the b locus of the fish, Medaka Oryzias latipes, after gamma-irradiation. Homozygotes for the b locus have colorless melanophores whose phenotypic expression can be distinguished from that of the wild type. An advantage of the use of oviparous fish for detection of skin color mutations is that the mutant phenotype can be confirmed as early as 1.5 days after fertilization because of the transparent egg membrane of the embryo. Wild-type (B/B) male fish were exposed to 4.75 or 9.5 Gy of 137Cs gamma-rays at a dose rate of 0.95 Gy/min and then mated with the female testers (b/b). A total of 77,761 F1 offspring were examined for mutation and other abnormalities. In the control, we had 1 mutant among 22,068 offspring, resulting in a mutation rate of 4.53 X 10(-5)/locus/gamete. However, this mutant embryo died before hatching. Therefore, in an attempt to present specific-locus mutation frequencies in the fish, the frequencies of color mutants that survived more than 4 days after hatching were used as frequencies of viable mutants; (number of viable color mutants)/(number of hatched fry that survived more than 4 days after hatching). In the 4.75 Gy-irradiated group the viable mutant frequencies were 45.0 X 10(-5), 69.7 X 10(-5) and 0/locus/gamete, while exposure to 9.5 Gy resulted in mutation rates of 217 X 10(-5), 130 X 10(-5) and 8.06 X 10(-5), respectively, for sperm, spermatids and spermatogonia. In comparison with viable color mutant frequencies those of the total color mutants, which include such mutants as ones that died before hatching (defined as number of total color mutants/number of fertilized eggs minus number of early deaths), were considerably higher. For sperm, spermatids, and spermatogonia after exposure to 4.75 Gy, the frequencies were 1180 X 10(-5), 629 X 10(-5) and 9.90 X 10(-5)/locus/gamete, respectively, and in 9.5-Gy-irradiated fish, the frequencies were 1940 X 10(-5), 953 X 10(-5) and 55.5 X 10(-5). Although our data are incomplete, the present results were compared with mutation induction in mice. We concluded that the frequencies of viable color mutants in the fish can be compared with those in mice.  相似文献   

Data that demonstrate how the biology of spermatogenesis plays an important role in determining the yield of genetic damage from ionizing radiation are briefly reviewed. It is suggested that for valid extrapolations of data from mouse mutation experiments to man detailed knowledge of the spermatogonial stem cell systems in the two species is required. Two new sets of mouse specific mutation data are presented. (1) When a 2 mg/kg dose of triethylenemelamine (TEM) was used as a conditioning dose and followed 24 h later by 6 Gy X-rays, the mutation yield from spermatogonial stem cells was over twice as high (30.20 X 10(-5)/locus/gamete) as that when the X-ray dose was given alone (13.75 X 10(-5)/locus/gamete). No such effect was found when the TEM was given only 3 h prior to the X-irradiation. Since TEM at the dose used is inefficient at inducing specific-locus mutations, an augmentation of the X-ray response is indicated. It has therefore been concluded that the augmented mutation responses obtained with equal 24 h X-ray fractionations at high doses are attributable to mutation induction by the second dose. The responsive cells would be the formerly resistant component of the stem cell population that had survived the TEM treatment and that had been 'triggered' into a radiosensitive phase by the population depletion. (2) When 2 doses of 500 mg/kg hydroxyurea (HU) were given 3 h apart 3 h prior to 6 Gy X-rays to reduce the numbers of stem cells in the S and G2 phases of the cell cycle exposed to the radiation, the mutation responses was greatly enhanced to a level that is the highest yet recorded per unit X-ray dose (7.10 X 10(-5)/locus/gamete/Gy). No such effect was obtained when the intervals between the HU and X-ray treatments were either shorter (less than 0.5 h) or longer (24 h). It was concluded that X-ray-induced specific-locus mutations derive principally from stem cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. The reasons why the X-ray-induced mutation-yields from repopulating stem cells (with a short cell cycle and, hence, short G1 phase) are similar to those from undamaged stem cell populations, in contrast to translocation yields, therefore remains unresolved.  相似文献   

Chemical dosimetry of ethyl nitrosourea in the mouse testis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[3H-Et]Nitrosourea was administered to male (101 X C3H) mice by i.p. injection at exposure levels of 10 mg/kg or 100 mg/kg. At intervals from 1 h to 6 days following treatment, the ratio of O6-ethylguanine to N7-ethylguanine in testis DNA averaged 1.13 following the 100 mg/kg exposure and 0.72 following the 10 mg/kg exposure. The amount of O6-ethylguanine recovered after the 100 mg/kg exposure was 40% greater than predicted from a linear extrapolation of the amount of O6-ethylguanine recovered after the 10 mg/kg exposure. We suggest that the high (100 mg/kg) exposure to ethyl nitrosourea results in depletion of the O6-alkylguanine acceptor protein within the testis and permits O6-ethylguanine to persist at higher levels than would be predicted from lower exposure data. W.L. Russell et al. (1982), W.L. Russell (1984) have found that specific-locus mutation frequencies induced in mouse spermatogonial stem cells are 5.8-fold greater after a single 100 mg/kg exposure to ethyl nitrosourea than after 10 weekly exposures to 10 mg/kg. The finding that the corresponding ratio for O6-ethylguanine formed in the testis is only 1.4 may be interpreted in a number of possible ways. If O6-ethylguanine is an important lesion for producing specific-locus mutations, then its formation in the stem cells must be at least 4-fold greater than that for the whole testis as the ENU exposure goes from 10 to 100 mg/kg: alternatively, the rate of repair of this lesion by the stem cells must decrease at least 4-fold relative to the average testicular cell. Other explanations for the difference in mutation response of the stem cells to acute vs. chronic ethyl nitrosourea-exposures include the possibility that other DNA lesions may be responsible for many of the mutations or that two hits on the DNA may be required to produce an effect.  相似文献   

A combined dominant cataract-recessive specific locus mutation experiment for fractionated exposure to ethylnitrosourea (2 X 80 mg/kg, 24-h fractionation interval) was designed to determine if lower doses of ethylnitrosourea are more effective in inducing dominant cataract mutations as suggested by previous results. This observation was not confirmed by the present experiment. The extensive, statistically more reliable specific locus results indicate an additive effect of fractionated ethylnitrosourea treatment. A saturable repair system for ethylnitrosourea-induced DNA damage has been previously documented (Karran et al., 1979; Sega et al., 1986; Van Zeeland et al., 1985). Two parameters inherent to a saturable system, the minimal time required for the saturated system to recover and the minimal dose to saturate the system are important, and results of experiments employing a fractionation exposure protocol must be interpreted relative to these two parameters. Longer fractionation intervals or smaller doses result in a reduced mutagenic effect. Due to the inherently lower experimental variability of the specific locus mutation assay as compared to the dominant cataract assay, the specific locus assay is the test of choice to determine factors affecting the mammalian germ cell mutation rate. The dominant cataract test requires a larger investment of experimental resources to achieve a comparable degree of accuracy. The dominant cataract mutation test is important in assessing the mutation rate to dominant alleles in germ cells of mammals. Due to the immediate expression of the mutant phenotype in newly occurring dominant mutations, a dominant mutation assay screens a genetically relevant endpoint in an assessment of the mutagenic hazard for man in mouse experiments. A multi-endpoint design screening specific locus, dominant cataract, and biochemical mutational endpoints (Ehling et al., 1985) allows a systematic comparison of mutagenic results for different classes of mutations in the same animals.  相似文献   

Ether-permeabilized (nucleotide-permeable) cells of Escherichia coli show excision repair of their DNA after having been exposed to the carcinogens N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MeNOUr), N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (EtNOUr) and methyl methanesulfonate (MeSO2OMe) which are known to bind covalently to DNA. Defect mutations in genes uvrA, uvrB, uvrC, recA, recB, recC and rep did not inhibit this excision repair. Enzymic activities involved in this repair were identified by measuring size reduction of DNA, DNA degradation to acid-soluble nucleotides and repair polymerization. 1. In permeabilized cells methyl and ethyl nitrosourea induced endonucleolytic cleavage of endogenous DNA, as determined by size reduction of denatured DNA in neutral and alkaline sucrose gradients. An enzymic activity from E. coli K-12 cell extracts was purified (greater than 2000-fold) and was found to cleave preferentially methyl-nitrosourea-treated DNA and to convert the methylated supercoiled DNA duplex (RFI) of phage phiX 174 into the nicked circular form. 2. Degradation of alkylated cellular DNA to acid solubility was diminished in a mutant lacking the 5' leads to 3' exonucleolytic activity of DNA polymerase I but was not affected in a mutant which lacked the DNA polymerizing but retained the 5' leads 3' exonucleolytic activity of DNA polymerase I. 3. An easily measurable effect is carcinogen-induced repair polymerization, making it suitable for detection of covalent binding of carcinogens and potentially carcinogenic compounds.  相似文献   

L A Mamon  L V Barabanova 《Genetika》1991,27(9):1541-1546
Frequency and localization of spontaneous and induced by high temperature (37 degrees C) recessive lethal mutations in X-chromosome of females belonging to the 1(1) ts 403 strain defective in synthesis of heat-shock proteins (HSP) were studied. No differences in frequencies of both spontaneous and induced lethals between 1(1) ts 403 and control strain were found, thus implying that the disturbances in HSP synthesis have no effect on this process in oocytes of Drosophila melanogaster females. Surprisingly, distribution of spontaneous and induced lethals along the X-chromosome of 1(1) ts 403 strain appeared to be non-random: they primarily are located in its distal portion (1-44 cM of genetic map or in I-II sections of the Bridges cytogenetic map). This correlates with non-random distribution of mobile elements in the X-chromosome of D. melanogaster (Leibovich, 1990).  相似文献   

24 nitroheterocyclic compounds were investigated for their capacity to induce sex-linked recessive lethals in Drosophila, by the adult feeding technique, and in some cases injection or larval-feeding methods. Out of 9 5-nitroimidazoles, ZK 26.173 and ZK 25.095 (moxnidazole) were clearly active whereas nimorazole and ronidazole were marginally mutagenic. Out of 10 5-nitrofurans, nitrovin, furazolidone and furaltadone were unambiguously mutagenic, whereas nitrofurantoin was a borderline case. Nitrofurans were active at lower molar concentrations than nitroimidazoles. Out of a group of 5 related nitro compounds (2 nitrothiophenes, picrolonic acid, niridazole and 4-NQO), only 4-NQO was clearly mutagenic, when fed to larvae. Experiments with germ-free flies showed that, for ZK 26.173 and furazolidone, the gut flora of Drosophila do not play a role in the activation of the compounds to mutagenic metabolites. Furazolidone, 4-NAO, ZK 26.173, ZK 25.095 and furaltadone were tested in mal and cin strains, both of which lack xanthine dehydrogenase and aldehyde oxidase. The latter enzyme and xanthine oxidase are known to carry out nitro reduction in mammalian tissues. For ZK 26.173, the mutation frequencies were drastically reduced in the enzyme-deficient strains, indicating the involvement of one of these enzymes in the activation of this substance.  相似文献   

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