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Disease mapping of a single disease has been widely studied in the public health setup. Simultaneous modeling of related diseases can also be a valuable tool both from the epidemiological and from the statistical point of view. In particular, when we have several measurements recorded at each spatial location, we need to consider multivariate models in order to handle the dependence among the multivariate components as well as the spatial dependence between locations. It is then customary to use multivariate spatial models assuming the same distribution through the entire population density. However, in many circumstances, it is a very strong assumption to have the same distribution for all the areas of population density. To overcome this issue, we propose a hierarchical multivariate mixture generalized linear model to simultaneously analyze spatial Normal and non‐Normal outcomes. As an application of our proposed approach, esophageal and lung cancer deaths in Minnesota are used to show the outperformance of assuming different distributions for different counties of Minnesota rather than assuming a single distribution for the population density. Performance of the proposed approach is also evaluated through a simulation study.  相似文献   

Extensions of linear models are very commonly used in the analysis of biological data. Whereas goodness of fit measures such as the coefficient of determination (R2) or the adjusted R2 are well established for linear models, it is not obvious how such measures should be defined for generalized linear and mixed models. There are by now several proposals but no consensus has yet emerged as to the best unified approach in these settings. In particular, it is an open question how to best account for heteroscedasticity and for covariance among observations present in residual error or induced by random effects. This paper proposes a new approach that addresses this issue and is universally applicable for arbitrary variance‐covariance structures including spatial models and repeated measures. It is exemplified using three biological examples.  相似文献   

Nonlinear mixed effects models allow investigating individual differences in drug concentration profiles (pharmacokinetics) and responses. Pharmacogenetics focuses on the genetic component of this variability. Two tests often used to detect a gene effect on a pharmacokinetic parameter are (1) the Wald test, assessing whether estimates for the gene effect are significantly different from 0 and (2) the likelihood ratio test comparing models with and without the genetic effect. Because those asymptotic tests show inflated type I error on small sample size and/or with unevenly distributed genotypes, we develop two alternatives and evaluate them by means of a simulation study. First, we assess the performance of the permutation test using the Wald and the likelihood ratio statistics. Second, for the Wald test we propose the use of the F-distribution with four different values for the denominator degrees of freedom. We also explore the influence of the estimation algorithm using both the first-order conditional estimation with interaction linearization-based algorithm and the stochastic approximation expectation maximization algorithm. We apply these methods to the analysis of the pharmacogenetics of indinavir in HIV patients recruited in the COPHAR2-ANRS 111 trial. Results of the simulation study show that the permutation test seems appropriate but at the cost of an additional computational burden. One of the four F-distribution-based approaches provides a correct type I error estimate for the Wald test and should be further investigated.  相似文献   

Often in biomedical studies, the routine use of linear mixed‐effects models (based on Gaussian assumptions) can be questionable when the longitudinal responses are skewed in nature. Skew‐normal/elliptical models are widely used in those situations. Often, those skewed responses might also be subjected to some upper and lower quantification limits (QLs; viz., longitudinal viral‐load measures in HIV studies), beyond which they are not measurable. In this paper, we develop a Bayesian analysis of censored linear mixed models replacing the Gaussian assumptions with skew‐normal/independent (SNI) distributions. The SNI is an attractive class of asymmetric heavy‐tailed distributions that includes the skew‐normal, skew‐t, skew‐slash, and skew‐contaminated normal distributions as special cases. The proposed model provides flexibility in capturing the effects of skewness and heavy tail for responses that are either left‐ or right‐censored. For our analysis, we adopt a Bayesian framework and develop a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to carry out the posterior analyses. The marginal likelihood is tractable, and utilized to compute not only some Bayesian model selection measures but also case‐deletion influence diagnostics based on the Kullback–Leibler divergence. The newly developed procedures are illustrated with a simulation study as well as an HIV case study involving analysis of longitudinal viral loads.  相似文献   

Generalized linear models (GLM) with a canonical logit link function are the primary modeling technique used to relate a binary outcome to predictor variables. However, noncanonical links can offer more flexibility, producing convenient analytical quantities (e.g., probit GLMs in toxicology) and desired measures of effect (e.g., relative risk from log GLMs). Many summary goodness‐of‐fit (GOF) statistics exist for logistic GLM. Their properties make the development of GOF statistics relatively straightforward, but it can be more difficult under noncanonical links. Although GOF tests for logistic GLM with continuous covariates (GLMCC) have been applied to GLMCCs with log links, we know of no GOF tests in the literature specifically developed for GLMCCs that can be applied regardless of link function chosen. We generalize the Tsiatis GOF statistic originally developed for logistic GLMCCs, (), so that it can be applied under any link function. Further, we show that the algebraically related Hosmer–Lemeshow () and Pigeon–Heyse (J2) statistics can be applied directly. In a simulation study, , , and J2 were used to evaluate the fit of probit, log–log, complementary log–log, and log models, all calculated with a common grouping method. The statistic consistently maintained Type I error rates, while those of and J2 were often lower than expected if terms with little influence were included. Generally, the statistics had similar power to detect an incorrect model. An exception occurred when a log GLMCC was incorrectly fit to data generated from a logistic GLMCC. In this case, had more power than or J2.  相似文献   

Neutral models of community dynamics are a powerful tool for ecological research, but their applications are currently limited to unrealistically simple types of dynamics and ignore much of the complexity that characterize natural ecosystems. Here, we present a new analytical framework for neutral models that unifies existing models of neutral communities and extends the applicability of existing models to a much wider spectrum of ecological phenomena. The new framework extends the concept of neutrality to fitness equivalence and in spite of its simplicity explains a wide spectrum of empirical patterns of species diversity including positive, negative and unimodal productivity–diversity relationships; gradual and highly delayed declines in species diversity with habitat loss; and positive and negative responses of species diversity to habitat heterogeneity. Surprisingly, the abundance distribution in all of these cases is given by the dispersal limited multinomial (DLM), the abundance distribution in Hubbell's zero-sum model, showing DLM's robustness and demonstrating that it cannot be used to infer the underlying community dynamics. These results support the hypothesis that ecological communities are regulated by a limited set of fundamental mechanisms much simpler than could be expected from their immense complexity.  相似文献   

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