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Wang R  Compton SG  Chen XY 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(21):4421-4432
Fragmentation reduces population sizes, increases isolation between habitats and can result in restricted dispersal of pollen and seeds. Given that diploid seed dispersal contributes more to shaping fine-scale spatial genetic structure (SGS) than haploid pollen flow, we tested whether fine-scale SGS can be sensitive to fragmentation even if extensive pollen dispersal is maintained. Castanopsis sclerophylla (Lindley & Paxton) Schottky (Fagaceae), a wind-pollinated and gravity seed-dispersed tree, was studied in an area of southeast China where its populations have been fragmented to varying extents by human activity. Using different age classes of trees in areas subject to varying extents of fragmentation, we found no significant difference in genetic diversity between prefragmentation vs. postfragmentation C. sclerophylla subpopulations. Genetic differentiation among postfragmentation subpopulations was also only slightly lower than among prefragmentation subpopulations. In the most fragmented habitat, selfing rates were significantly higher than zero in prefragmentation, but not postfragmentation, cohorts. These results suggest that fragmentation had not decreased gene flow among these populations and that pollen flow remains extensive. However, significantly greater fine-scale SGS was found in postfragmentation subpopulations in the most fragmented habitat, but not in less fragmented habitats. This alteration in SGS reflected more restricted seed dispersal, induced by changes in the physical environments and the prevention of secondary seed dispersal by rodents. An increase in SGS can therefore result from more restricted seed dispersal, even in the face of extensive pollen flow, making it a sensitive indicator of the negative consequences of population fragmentation.  相似文献   

Forest fragmentation alters plant-animal interactions, including herbivory. Relying manipulative experiments, we test if the reduction in insect herbivory associated with forest fragmentation translates into increased seedling growth and survival of three tree common species (Aristotelia chilensis, Cryptocarya alba and Persea lingue) in forest fragments and continuous forests in coastal Maulino forest, central Chile. Furthermore, we test if after protecting seedlings from herbivorous insects, plant performance is increased regardless of forest fragmentation. Nursery grown seedlings were transplanted into four forest fragments and a continuous forest during 2002. Insects, important herbivores in this forest, were excluded from half the seedlings by repeated applications of insecticides. Compared to continuous forests, in forest fragments, herbivory was reduced in all three species, seedling growth was greater in A. chilensis and C. alba but not in P. lingue, and survivorship was unaffected by herbivory or fragmentation in all three species. Protecting seedlings from insects reduced herbivory in the continuous forest to similar levels attained in the forest fragments. No change in herbivory results from by protecting seedlings in forest fragments. These results confirm that insects are important herbivores in the Maulino forest and also support the hypothesis that fragmentation can have strong indirect effects on plant communities as mediated through trophic interactions.  相似文献   

Climate changes can shift species’ ranges. Knowledge on genetic variation of the leading-edge populations provides critical information to understand responses and adaptation of plants to projected climate warming. To date, the research into genetic variation of leading-edge populations has been limited, particularly in the role of wind-mediated pollen flow in maintaining high genetic variation. Castanopsis sclerophylla (Fagaceae) is a wind-pollinated and gravity-dispersed tree. In the present study, we used seven polymorphic microsatellites to genotype 482 samples from five leading-edge and 12 non-edge populations. Significant effects of recent population bottleneck events were found in three of the five leading-edge populations, indicating that the leading-edge populations might have been recolonized after the Last Glacial Maximum. Genetic diversity was higher, though not significantly, in leading-edge than in non-edge populations. Relationship between genetic diversity and latitude indicated an increasing trend of genetic diversity towards leading-edge populations. No significant difference in genetic differentiation was found between leading-edge and non-edge populations. The inconsistence with the general predictions by leading-edge colonization model could be explained by high gene flow via pollen grains. Pollen-mediated gene flow could maintain high genetic diversity within and low differentiation among leading-edge populations. In response to climate warming, high genetic variation may provide leading-edge populations raw materials for evolutionary adaptation to future environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Plant species in fragmented populations are affected by landscape structure because persistence within and migration among inhabited patches may be influenced by the identity and configuration of surrounding habitat elements. This may also be true for species of the semi-natural vegetation in agricultural landscapes. To determine the effect of landscape elements we analyzed Wood Avens (Geum urbanum L.) populations within three 4×4 km2 agricultural landscapes in Germany, Switzerland and Estonia, which differ in levels of land use intensity and habitat fragmentation. Genetic variation was determined in 15 randomly selected populations in each landscape using 10 microsatellite loci. The landscape structure was assessed at two circles around each population, with radii defined by the range limits of spatial genetic autocorrelation. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the influence of landscape structure variables for inter- and intrapopulation genetic diversity. Gene diversity was equally high in Germany (He=0.27) and Switzerland (He=0.26) but lower in Estonia (He=0.16). A high overall inbreeding coefficient (FIS=0.89) was found, as expected for a selfing breeding system in G. urbanum. Genetic differentiation among populations was high (overall FST=0.43, 0.48, and 0.45 in Estonia, Switzerland and Germany, respectively), and did not differ among the three landscapes. Only a moderate influence of individual land use types on genetic diversity within and among populations was found with some idiosyncratic relationships. Genetic variation within populations was correlated to the amount of hedgerows positively in Estonia but negatively in Switzerland. The study demonstrates that the distribution of individual land use types affects the genetic pattern of a common plant species. However, different variables were identified to influence the genetic structure in three different landscapes. This indicates a major influence of landscape-specific land use history and stochastic processes determining gene flow and plant population structure.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation can disrupt communities of interacting species even if only some of the species are directly affected by fragmentation. For instance, if parasitoids disperse less well than their herbivorous hosts, habitat fragmentation may lead to higher herbivory in isolated plant patches due to the absence of the third trophic level. Community-level studies suggest that parasitoids tend to have limited dispersal abilities, on the order of tens of metres, much smaller than that of their hosts, while species-oriented studies document dispersal by parasitoids on the scale of kilometres. In this study the distribution patterns of three parasitoid species with different life histories and their moth host, Hadena bicruris, a specialist herbivore of Silene latifolia, were compared in a large-scale network of natural fragmented plant patches along the rivers Rhine and Waal in the Netherlands. We examined how patch size and isolation affect the presence of each species. Additionally, experimental plots were used to study the colonisation abilities of the species at different distances from source populations.In the natural plant patches the presence of the herbivore and two of the parasitoids, the gregarious specialist Microplitis tristis and the gregarious generalist Bracon variator were not affected by patch isolation at the scale of the study, while the solitary specialist Eurylabus tristis was. In contrast to the herbivore, the presence of all parasitoid species declined with plant patch size. The colonisation experiment confirmed that the herbivore and M. tristis are good dispersers, able to travel at least 2 km within a season. B. variator showed intermediate colonisation ability and E. tristis showed very limited colonisation ability at this spatial scale. Characteristics of parasitoid species that may contribute to differences in their dispersal abilities are discussed.  相似文献   

Marine habitats are naturally patchy and anthropogenic disturbance can further fragment them. Many marine animals are sessile as adults or obligate inhabitants of particular habitats, so populations living in isolated patches of habitat are linked largely by dispersal of planktonic larvae. Theoretically, larvae are more likely to find and settle into large patches of habitat than small patches, thus small habitat patches may experience a more discontinuous supply of recruits resulting in small populations with unusual size- or age-structures or odd sex ratios — conditions where Allee effects on reproductive success are likely. We tested this hypothesis for the Caribbean spotted spiny lobster (Panulirus guttatus), an obligate inhabitant of coral patch reefs whose mating dynamics are size-dependent. We found that P. guttatus were less abundant on small reefs where their size structure and per capita reproductive success were significantly more variable, particularly among large females that are susceptible to sperm limitation that diminishes fertilization rates. These results are indicative of Allee effects and provide a mechanistic understanding of how size-dependent mating dynamics influence reproductive success in ways that alter population dynamics in patchy habitats.  相似文献   

We analyzed sequences of two mitochondrial DNA gene regions (control region and ND2) from 186 specimens obtained from 17 Eurasian localities covering most of the distribution of the common rosefinch to assess phylogeographic structure. Populations possessed a high level of nucleotide diversity relative to many other Palearctic species, suggesting that rosefinch populations are relatively old and possess high effective sizes. Mismatch distributions suggested that many localities experienced past population expansions, which are older than those expected for post-Pleistocene climate warming and reforestation of Eurasia. Our Phi(st) analysis revealed that 12.4% of total genetic variation was distributed among localities owing in part to the existence of three incompletely isolated groups: southwestern (subspecies C. e. kubanensis), northeastern (subspecies C. e. grebnitskii), and northwestern (subspecies C. e. erythrinus and C. e. ferghanensis). The three groups are not reciprocally monophyletic which suggests that they were formed relatively recently. Gene flow among groups is restricted. Coalescence analysis indicated dispersal asymmetry.  相似文献   

This study examines the predictive accuracy of the population viability analysis package, ALEX (Analysis of the Likelihood of EXtinction). ALEX was used to predict the probability of patch occupancy for two species of small native Australian mammals (Antechinus agilis and Rattus fuscipes) among 13 patches of suitable habitat in a matrix of plantation pines (Pinus radiata). The study was retrospective, running each simulation from 1900 until 1997, and the model parameterised without knowledge of the 1997 observed field data of patch occupancy. Predictions were made over eight scenarios for each species, allowing for variation in the amount of dispersal between patches, level of environmental stochasticity, and size of habitat patches. Predicted occupancies were compared to the 1997 field data of patch occupancy using logistic regression, testing H random, that there was no relationship between observed and predicted occupancy, and H perfect, that there was a perfect, 1:1 relationship between observed and predicted occupancies. Rejection of H random and failure to reject H perfect was taken as a good match between observed and predicted occupancies. Such a match was found for one scenario with R. fuscipes, and no scenarios with A. agilis. In general, patch occupancy was underestimated, with field surveys finding that 9 of the 13 patches were occupied by R. fuscipes and 10 by A. agilis. Nonetheless, PVA predictions were in the right direction, whereby patches predicted to have a high probability of occupancy were generally occupied, and vice versa. A post hoc search over additional scenarios found few scenarios with a better match than the original eight. The results of this study support the notion that PVA is best thought of as a relative, rather than absolute predictor of the consequences of management actions in threatened populations.  相似文献   

Pollen movement plays a critical role in the distribution of genetic variation within and among plant populations. Direct measures of pollen movement in the large, continuous populations that characterize many herbaceous plant species are often technically difficult and biologically unreliable. Here, we studied contemporary pollen movement in four large populations of Trillium cuneatum. Three populations, located in the Georgia Piedmont, are exposed to strong anthropogenic disturbances, while the fourth population, located in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, is relatively undisturbed. Using the recently developed TwoGener analysis, we extracted estimates of the effective number of pollen donors (N(ep)), effective mating neighbourhood size (A(ep)) and the average distance of pollen movement (delta) for each population. We extended the TwoGener method by developing inference on the paternal gametic contribution to the embryo in situations where offspring genotypes are inferred from seeds and elaiosomes of species with bisporic megagametogenesis. Our estimates indicate that maternal plants do not sample pollen randomly from a global pool; rather, pollen movement in all four populations is highly restricted. Although the effective number of pollen donors per maternal plant is low (1.22-1.66) and pollen movement is highly localized in all populations, N(ep) in the disturbed Piedmont populations is higher and there is more pollen movement than in the mountains. The distance pollen moves is greater in disturbed sites and fragmented populations, possibly due to edge effects in Trillium habitats.  相似文献   

Information on genetic connectivity and structure of populations in the tropical Pacific is critical for making inferences about the origins and maintenance of diversity in this region. Sequences of the mitochondrial COI gene from 92 individuals of the trans-Pacific gastropod Conus ebraeus from eight localities spanning the tropical Pacific were analyzed to determine whether populations in the western, central, and eastern Pacific exhibit genetic structure, to examine the demographic histories of populations, and to infer patterns of gene flow. A total of 43 unique haplotypes were recovered, including a common haplotype that occurred in six of the eight populations examined. AMOVA and pairwise F-statistics showed that populations in the western and central Pacific were significantly differentiated from populations in the eastern Pacific, but no other evidence of structure. Bayesian isolation–migration (IM) analysis suggested that populations in the western and central Pacific separated from those in eastern Pacific during the Pleistocene. Examination of mismatch distributions and results from IM revealed that populations in the western and central Pacific expanded during the Pleistocene. Gene flow across the East Pacific Barrier appears to occur predominantly westward.  相似文献   

Reduced habitat quality after fragmentation can significantly affect population viability, but the effects of differing quality of the remaining habitat on population fitness are rarely evaluated. Here, I compared fragmented populations of the cycad Zamia melanorrhachis from habitats with different history and subject to contrasting levels of disturbance to explore potential demographic differences in populations across habitat patches that could differ in habitat quality. Secondary-forest fragments had a lower canopy cover and soil moisture than remnant-forest fragments, which may represent a harsh environment for this cycad. A smaller average plant size and lower population density in the secondary-forest fragments support the hypothesis that these fragments may be of lower quality, e.g., if plants have reduced survival and/or fecundity in these habitats. However, variation in the stage-structure of populations (i.e., the relative proportions of non-reproductive and reproductive plants) was associated with the area of the forest fragments rather than the type of habitat (remnant versus secondary forest). These results suggest that different demographic parameters may respond differently to habitat fragmentation, which may be explained if processes like adult survival and recruitment depend on different characteristics of the habitat, e.g., average light/water availability versus suitable area for plant establishment. This study shows that forest fragments may differ drastically in environmental conditions and can sustain populations that can vary in their demography. Understanding how forest fragments may represent different habitat types is relevant for evaluating population viability in a heterogeneous landscape and for designing conservation programs that account for this heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Populations of Sinojackia rehderiana are highly threatened and have small and scattered distribution due to habitat fragmentation and human activities. Understanding changes in genetic diversity, the fine-scale spatial genetic structure (SGS) at different life stages and gene flow of S. rehderiana is critical for developing successful conservation strategies for fragmented populations of this endangered species. In this study, 208 adults, 114 juveniles and 136 seedlings in a 50 × 100-m transect within an old-growth forest were mapped and genotyped using eight microsatellite makers to investigate the genetic diversity and SGS of this species. No significant differences in genetic diversity among different life-history stages were found. However, a significant heterozygote deficiency in adults and seedlings may result from substantial biparental inbreeding. Significant fine-scale spatial structure was found in different life-history stages within 19 m, suggesting that seed dispersal mainly occurred near a mother tree. Both historical and contemporary estimates of gene flow (13.06 and 16.77 m) indicated short-distance gene dispersal in isolated populations of S. rehderiana. The consistent spatial structure revealed in different life stages is most likely the result of limited gene flow. Our results have important implications for conservation of extant populations of S. rehderiana. Measures for promoting pollen flow should be taken for in situ conservation. The presence of a SGS in fragmented populations implies that seeds for ex situ conservation should be collected from trees at least 19-m apart to reduce genetic similarity between neighbouring individuals.  相似文献   

Populations of the Asian black bear (Ursus thibetanus) are relatively large and continuous in central Honshu, the main island of Japan, but they are isolated in western Honshu. To clarify the degree of genetic isolation of the populations in western Honshu, we compared the genetic diversities of four populations in western Honshu with that of one of the continuous populations of central Honshu. Three of the four western Honshu populations were isolated and the other was continuous with the central Honshu populations on a geographical distribution basis. The genotypes at 10 microsatellite loci of the sampled individuals were determined and the genetic structures of the populations examined. Genetic diversities were significantly lower in the isolated populations than in the continuous populations. The continuous population in central Honshu had high levels of genetic diversity, comparable to those in populations of the American black bear (Ursus americanus) and the brown bear (Ursus arctos). The genetic distances between the two continuous populations were smallest, even though their geographic distance was largest (>200 km) among all the pairs of neighboring populations examined. Low genetic diversity within the isolated populations suggested genetic drift due to the small population size; the genetic differentiation among the populations indicated low rates of gene flow among them.  相似文献   

The water relations of two evergreen tree species in a karst savanna   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Schwinning S 《Oecologia》2008,158(3):373-383
The ecohydrology of karst has not received much attention, despite the disproportionally large contribution of karst aquifers to freshwater supplies. Karst savannas, like many savannas elsewhere, are encroached by woody plants, with possibly negative consequences on aquifer recharge. However, the role of savanna tree species in hydrological processes remains unclear, not least because the location and water absorption zones of tree roots in the spatially complex subsurface strata are unknown. This study examined the water sources and water relations of two savanna trees, Quercus fusiformis (Small) and Juniperus ashei (Buchholz) in the karst region of the eastern Edwards Plateau, Texas (USA). Stable isotope analysis of stem water revealed that both species took up evaporatively enriched water during the warm season, suggesting a relatively shallow water source in the epikarst, the transition zone between soil and bedrock. Q. fusiformis had consistently higher predawn water potentials than J. ashei during drought, and thus was probably deeper-rooted and less capable of maintaining gas exchange at low water potentials. Although the water potential of both species recovered after drought-breaking spring and summer rain events, associated shifts in stem water isotope ratios did not indicate significant uptake of rainwater from the shallow soil. A hypothesis is developed to explain this phenomenon invoking a piston-flow mechanism that pushes water stored in macropores into the active root zones of the trees. Epikarst structure varied greatly with parent material and topography, and had strong effects on seasonal fluctuations in plant water status. The study suggests that tree species of the Edwards Plateau do not commonly reduce aquifer recharge by tapping directly into perched water tables, but more likely by reducing water storage in the epikarst. A more general conclusion is that models of savanna water relations based on Walter's two-layer model may not apply unequivocally to karst savannas.  相似文献   

The sheepshead minnow, Cyprinodon variegatus, is a widespread fish species that typically inhabits coastal tidal marsh and mangrove swamp environments, ranging from Cape Cod, Massaschusetts to northern Mexico and into the Caribbean. This wide range crosses several biogeographic boundaries which are coincident with genetic structuring within numerous species originating in the Pleistocene. In addition, the more northerly reaches of this species range have been further subject to the evolutionary consequences of Pleistocene glaciation due to local extinction and recolonization of formerly glaciated sites. C. variegatus thus provides an excellent vertebrate model system within which to test the extent of genetic differentiation among populations in a dominant coastal ecosystem and examine patterns of historical demography in populations distributed along a latitudinal gradient. Using mitochondrial control region and ND2 sequence data, we discovered monophyletic clades within C. variegatus with divergence times within the Pleistocene, and very low gene flow between most sites. Intraspecific genetic breaks appear to correspond broadly to biogeographic or oceanic boundaries. Pleistocene climate change appears to have had dramatic impacts on the size and distribution of populations within and near the glacial margins, but has also affected populations far from formerly glaciated regions.  相似文献   

Yao X  Ye Q  Kang M  Huang H 《The New phytologist》2007,176(2):472-480
Polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to investigate the impact of habitat fragmentation on the population structure and gene flow of Changiostyrax dolichocarpa, a critically endangered tree in central China. Intrapopulation genetic diversity, population structure and gene flow in the five extant populations of this species were analysed by eight SSR markers. Intrapopulation genetic diversity results suggest that C. dolichocarpa remnants maintained a relatively high degree of genetic diversity despite severe fragmentation. Low genetic differentiation among populations was found based on Wright's F(ST) and amova analysis. Both the F(ST)-based estimate and private allele method revealed high historical gene flow among the remnant populations. Recent immigrants, detected by assignment tests, tend to decrease from the grandparent generation to the current generation. The potentially highly restricted current gene flow among fragments may render the fragmented populations of C. dolichocarpa at a higher risk of local extinction several generations after fragmentation. Both in situ and ex situ conservation management for the remnant populations of C. dolichocarpa are therefore urgently needed to rescue remaining genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Changes in agricultural practices and forest fragmentation can have a dramatic effect on landscape connectivity and the dispersal of animals, potentially reducing gene flow within populations. In this study, we assessed the influence of woodland connectivity on gene flow in a traditionally forest-dwelling species--the European roe deer--in a fragmented landscape. From a sample of 648 roe deer spatially referenced within a study area of 55 x 40 km, interindividual genetic distances were calculated from genotypes at 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci. We calculated two geographical distances between each pair of individuals: the Euclidean distance (straight line) and the 'least cost distance' (the trajectory that maximizes the use of wooded corridors). We tested the correlation between genetic pairwise distances and the two types of geographical pairwise distance using Mantel tests. The correlation was better using the least cost distance, which takes into account the distribution of wooded patches, especially for females (the correlation was stronger but not significant for males). These results suggest that in a fragmented woodland area roe deer dispersal is strongly linked to wooded structures and hence that gene flow within the roe deer population is influenced by the connectivity of the landscape.  相似文献   

We analyzed the genotypes of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) from three populations in the westernmost part of the species main range. One population was situated at the distribution edge (NE Poland) and the two other (Latvia and Estonia) were located within the main, contiguous range of the species. The aim was to determine if the genetic composition varied among these populations and if there was evidence of isolation among them. Based on microsatellite allele frequencies, we found the allelic richness in Polish lynx to be lower than that in lynx from Latvia and Estonia. We also found significant differentiation among the lynx populations, with the NE Poland population forming a distinct genetic group relative to the two other populations (R ST = 0.15 and 0.22, P < 0.0001). We suggest that genetic differentiation among lynx populations is the result of habitat insularisation that limits gene flow. This finding emphasizes the necessity to consider the lynx genetic differentiation in conservation planning of this species in Poland.  相似文献   

Sex allocation of a cosexual wind-pollinated species, Quercus dentata (Fagaceae), was analyzed using biomass, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus as currencies based on data accumulated for 61 individuals from 1997–2004. Strongly female-biased sex allocation was indicated when measured in terms of biomass and carbon, but no significant bias was detected when measured in terms of nitrogen or phosphorus. From an adaptive viewpoint, there is little support for strong female-biased sex allocation, suggesting that sex allocation in terms of nitrogen or phosphorus is closer to the real picture. The relative sex allocation considerably varied from year to year, but the relative femaleness of individuals in the population was rather constant across years. No significant correlation was observed between relative sex allocation and fecundity or tree height, but individuals that showed very low fecundity tended to produce only acorns.  相似文献   

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