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中国石龙子雄性生殖腺的年周期变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
胡健饶  杜继曾  计翔 《动物学报》2004,50(1):103-110
20 0 1年 3月至 2 0 0 2年 2月期间 ,通过每月捕捉浙江丽水中国石龙子 (Eumeceschinensis)雄性成体 ,解剖动物、观测性腺的形态和组织学特征 ,研究雄性生殖周期。睾丸重量和体积、附睾重、输精管重和曲细精管直径有显著的季节变化。睾丸 3月份最重 ,5-9月最轻。睾丸体积和重量的年周期变化规律一致。附睾 3月份最重 ,8-9月份最轻。输精管 4月最重 ,8-10月最轻。生精活动始于 9月下旬 ,翌年 4月最为活跃。 3月下旬曲细精管直径达全年最大值 ,管腔中开始出现呈穗状排列的精子。从基膜到管腔 ,各级生精细胞依次排列。 4月份生精上皮的生精活动最为活跃 ,5月下旬生精活动已近停止 ,7-8月份曲细精管管壁仅由精原细胞 (其间夹有支持细胞 )构成。根据曲细精管生精上皮的年周期变化规律 ,中国石龙子 8月份睾丸生精活动处于第Ⅰ期 ,9月至次年 2月份第Ⅱ期 ,3月上、中旬为Ⅲ期 ,3月底至 4月为Ⅳ期 ,5-6月份为Ⅴ期 ,7月份为Ⅵ期。 4月下旬附睾管腔中有大量的成熟精子 ,7月附睾管腔中已无精子。中国石龙子属于关联型繁殖周期  相似文献   

三种波段电磁辐射致大鼠睾丸损伤的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的对比性探讨电磁脉冲(EMP)、S带高功率微波(S-HPM)和X带高功率微波(X-HPM)三种波段电磁辐射致睾丸组织受损的近期和远期效应及其相关敏感指标。方法雄性Wistar大鼠192只,随机分为EMP组、S-HPM组、X-HPM组和对照组,于照后不同时间点采集睾丸组织称重,光镜观察睾丸损伤,并用图像分析技术对曲细精管病变进行定量分析。结果三种波段电磁波辐照后睾丸结构和生精细胞形态损伤基本相似:早期睾丸重及睾丸重/体重比值呈下降趋势;曲细精管生精上皮变薄,生精细胞排列紊乱,精原细胞变性坏死并由管壁脱落,精母细胞和精子数量减少并团聚于管腔中央,支持细胞和间质细胞不同程度变性;曲细精管受损百分率显示EMP组最重,S-HPM最轻,生精细胞受损数量与程度显著增加(P0.05)。结论三种波段电磁辐射对睾丸生精细胞的损伤,具有速发性、时相性、分布不均一性特点;损伤程度呈EMPX-HPMS-HPM;睾丸曲细精管受损百分率可定量反映其损伤程度,可望成为评估电磁辐射致睾丸损伤的敏感指标之一。  相似文献   

通常认为古腭型鸟类处在现生鸟类系统进化树的基部,最近的分子水平研究则认为今腭型鸟类中雀形目种类构成了现生鸟类中一个最古老的支系.本研究通过对现生鸟类中21目39种核c-mos基因和线粒体12S rRNA基因部分序列的分析,从分子角度对现生鸟类的早期进化及三趾鹑鸟类的系统发生进行了探讨.研究结果表明,鸡雁类是现生鸟类最古老的一个支系,现生鸟类的祖先并不是经白垩纪到第三纪大灭绝后残留下来的一些过渡性水鸟(transitional shorebirds).在现生鸟类中,今腭型鸟类为并系发生,古腭型鸟类为单系发生.三趾鹑类在系统发生中晚于鸡雁类和古腭型鸟类,早于今腭型鸟类中非鸡雁类鸟类与鹤形目鸟类的亲缘关系较远.建议将现生鸟类分为初鸟下纲和新鸟下纲2个下纲,三趾鹑类属新鸟下纲的三趾鹑目(Turniciformes).  相似文献   

三趾鸦雀的鸣叫型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1995年5月四川卧龙国家自然保护区,观察和录制了中国特有种三趾鸦雀的鸣声,获得的鸣声信号,经语图分析,研究了可分为:雌鸟和雄鸟叫声,雄鸟歌声,繁殖季节配对雌雄鸟的二种二重唱。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯高原库布齐沙地三趾跳鼠静止代谢率的季节变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
三趾跳鼠的代谢率存在季节性变化 ,春季的静止代谢率最低 (0 75mlO2 /h .g) ,仅为期望值的 6 4% ,热中性区最窄 (2 9~ 31℃ ) ;夏季的代谢率 (1 17mlO2 /h .g)与期望值一致 ,热中性区最宽 (2 8~ 37℃ ) ;秋季的代谢率 (1 31mlO2 /h .g)高于期望值 10 % ,热中性区向低温偏移 (2 6~ 30℃ )。三趾跳鼠各季节的体温从春季到秋季逐渐降低 ,并且在环境温度为 30℃以下时基本维持恒定 ,高温时动物以耐受一定程度的高体温和分泌唾液防止致死性过热。三趾跳鼠的能量代谢特征不仅与季节性食物和环境温度变化有关 ,而且与该鼠种的冬眠特性也有一定联系  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯高原库布剂沙地三趾跳鼠静止代谢率的季节变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

2009年2月11日,在云南省昆明市滇池海埂大坝进行鸟类环志工作时,捕获到一只三趾鸥Rissa tridactyla,这是云南省首次发现三趾鸥.该鸟戴上金属脚环后在原地放飞,环号为H04-1583.  相似文献   

哺乳动物的年龄划分始终是动物种群生态学研究的基础内容之一,同时鼠类年龄划分方法在害鼠的预测和控制实践中具有十分重要的意义。国内外对于三趾跳鼠的生态、疫病、进化等方面进行过一些研究,但有关该鼠种年龄鉴定的研究和鼠类年龄组划分与鼠种的实际年龄对应的研究尚属空白。2002年到2003年间,我们在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟浑善达克沙地,采用常规夹线方法对三趾跳鼠(Dipus sagitta)的种群年龄进行调查,对每只捕获的三趾跳鼠样本进行了体长、体重、胴体重、繁殖特征进行记录,利用胴体重为标准,参考样本出现的时间(月份)及繁殖特征,将三趾跳鼠划分年龄组。结果表明,捕获到的三趾跳鼠可划分为3个自然年龄组,1龄组(胴体重≤71 g),2龄组(71<胴体重≤90 g),3龄组及以上(胴体重>90 g),三趾跳鼠最大年龄至少3龄。鉴定三趾跳鼠年龄运用胴体重法相对简便准确。  相似文献   

浑善达克沙地三趾跳鼠的食性与繁殖特征的初步分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用夹捕取样法对内蒙古浑善达克沙地三趾跳鼠(Dipus sagitta)种群进行逐月调查,根据捕获样本的繁殖器官特征及胃内容物组成分析三趾跳鼠的食性与繁殖的季节动态。结果表明,本地区三趾跳鼠主要取食植物茎叶,4、5、6、9、10月植物茎叶占其食物组成的95%以上,7~8月达60%~75%;三趾跳鼠还取食少量的植物种子;7~8月,嫩绿的植物种子占35%,但很少取食成熟种子。此外,也捕食少量昆虫。在浑善达克沙地,三趾跳鼠每年只繁殖1胎,繁殖期为5~7月,5月下旬至6月中旬为交配期,6下旬至7月中旬为幼鼠出生期。三趾跳鼠的胎仔数稳定,每胎产仔2~3只,平均胎仔数为2·8。6月份成体雌鼠的妊娠率为43%;7月份雌鼠的妊娠率为48%;其他月份妊娠率为0%。雄鼠睾丸下降时间为5~8月,6月雄性成体睾丸下降率达到最高峰,为100%。  相似文献   

棕尾别麻蝇雄性附腺分泌物的生理功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棕尾别麻蝇Boettcherisca peregrina Robinean-Desvoidy雄性附腺的分泌物中包含许多生物活性分子,将成熟的雄性附腺分泌物注射到未交配的雌虫体内,发现其能影响雌虫生殖活性的很多方面:如降低雌虫的再次交配率;增加卵巢内的含卵量;缩短交配后雌虫的寿命。另外,还证明附腺分泌物中存在有可抑制革兰氏阳性菌的物质的存在。  相似文献   

乌梢蛇精巢显微结构的年周期变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用光镜观察了乌梢蛇(Zaocys dhumnades)精巢显微结构的年周期变化,并结合精巢重量、精巢体积及精巢系数的年周期变化探讨了其生殖规律。结果表明,乌梢蛇精巢重量、精巢体积、精巢系数、曲细精管直径、生精上皮厚度及组成均具有明显的季节性变化。据此将乌梢蛇精巢的年周期活动划分为6个时期,其精子发生属于非连续型,生殖周期的类型属于交配后型。用精巢系数的年周期变化作为参数来判定精子发生进程是可靠的。  相似文献   

秦岭北坡中国林蛙精巢显微结构的年周期变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用光镜观察了秦岭北坡中国林蛙(Ranachensinensis)精巢显微结构的年周期变化,结合精巢系数的变化探讨其生殖规律。结果显示,秦岭北坡中国林蛙的生精周期属于非连续型。精巢系数的变化与精子发生的活动周期相一致。精子发生从每年5月开始,翌年4月结束,历时1年。生精周期可划分为5个时期。Ⅰ期,精原细胞增殖期,5~7月,精巢系数最小,精原细胞进行有丝分裂;Ⅱ期,精母细胞成熟分裂期,8~9月,精巢系数最大,精原细胞、精母细胞和精子细胞在生精小管内共存;Ⅲ期,精子形成期,9~1 0月,精子细胞变态形成精子;Ⅳ期,成熟精子贮存越冬期,1 1月至翌年2月,成熟精子贮存在生精小管中;V期,精子排放期,翌年3~5月,精巢系数显著下降,成熟精子从生精小管脱离,通过输精管道排出体外。  相似文献   

Summary The structure of the seminiferous tubules in neonate harp seals, Pagophilus groenlandicus, was essentially similar in one-, five and ten-day old animals. The tubules were small in diameter, devoid of lumina and contained predominantly supportive cells. The interstitial cells in the neonates were large, numerous and highly vacuolated. They became smaller and appeared less active in the ten-day old animals compared with the one-day old seals, although they were still considerably more numerous and vacuolated than in testes taken from adult harp seals.The work was supported by grants from the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (J.F.L. and K.R.) and from the Donner (Canadian) Foundation (K.R.)  相似文献   

乌梢蛇卵巢显微结构的年周期变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用光学显微镜观察了乌梢蛇卵巢结构的年周期变化,并结合卵巢形态及卵巢系数的年周期变化探讨了其生殖规律.结果 表明,乌梢蛇的卵巢形态、卵巢系数及卵泡发育均具有较为明显的季节变化.据此认为,乌梢蛇在陕南地区的排卵时间在6月中下旬到7月上旬;乌梢蛇卵泡在不同发育阶段会产生闭锁卵泡或闭锁黄体,其意义可能在于使得体内合成的有限卵黄首先保证少量卵泡得到充分发育并排卵,最终达到延续种族的目的 .  相似文献   

The present study characterizes constitutively expressed rat testicular interleukin-1α (IL-1α) proteins. IL-1 bioactivity of crude testis protein was completely neutralized by IL-1α antiserum, IL-1 receptor antagonist, and soluble type I IL-1 receptor. Upon non-denaturating gel permeation chromatography, bioactive IL-1 eluted at molecular sizes of 45, 31, and 17 kDa and at charges of pH 5.7 and 6.0 after chromatofocusing. SDS-PAGE/Western blot analysis of proteins extracted from whole testis, seminiferous tubules, interstitial, and seminiferous tubule fluids all demonstrated IL-1α immunoreactivity at 45, 24, and 19 kDa. Activated macrophages and tissue proteins from endotoxin treated rats showed immunoreactive 31 and 19 kDa IL-1α. The results indicate that the testis produces three isoforms of IL-1α proteins that are secreted into the interstitial compartment and tubular lumen where they may exert paracrine functions. The testicular IL-1α isoforms may represent posttranslationally modified precursor, mature IL-1α, and a 24-kDa alternate splice form.  相似文献   

In many social species, competition and cooperation between group members may lead to a large variance in reproductive success among individuals, especially for adult male. From April to August 2002, we studied the adult male reproductive success of plateau pikas in Haibei Alpine Meadow Ecosystem Research Station, Chinese Academy of Science, using microsatellite analysis of paternity, mark-recapture and behavioral observations. Our result indicated that the reproductive success of adult males had a large variance. Its average was 6 individuals and range was from 0 to 13 individuals. One-third of males sired 63.22% offspring. There was a hierarchy system in polygynandrous families. Although the reproductive success of dominant males was higher than that of subordinate males, subordinate males still play an important role in the reproductive success of the population.  相似文献   

Kinetics of spermatogonia as well as localization in niches have been described in rodents, but rarely in large animals or in species of economical interest. In this regard, and envisioning the possibility of spermatogonial transplantation from donkeys (Equus asinus) to mules (Equus mulus mulus), many variables that may contribute for an enhanced understanding of the spermatogonial biology in donkeys were investigated. Testes from five adult donkeys were routinely processed for high-resolution light microscopy. Donkey seminiferous epithelium can be divided in XII stages based on the development of the acrosomal system. In addition, spermatogonial morphology and morphometric analysis were performed allowing the characterization of two groups of spermatogonia: undifferentiated (Aund) and differentiating (A1, A2, A3, B1 and B2). Aund spermatogonia were present along all XII stages of the seminiferous epithelium cycle of this species, whereas differentiating spermatogonia were only at specific stages. Number of differentiating spermatogonia gradually increased as the cycle progressed, despite the apparent rigid regulation of the balance between mitosis and apoptosis throughout the spermatogenic process. Understanding of spermatogonial biology and kinetics in donkeys, revealed that type Aund spermatogonia are located in specific microenvironments, the spermatogonial niches. The present results enhance understanding of spermatogonial biology in donkeys providing information about subtypes, morphology, number and mitosis/apoptosis along the seminiferous epithelium cycle.  相似文献   

Summary Two variants of a method for determining the quantitative structure of the human seminiferous epithelium are described. Both versions (counting cells in whole tubules and in CA's) utilize specific criteria for the identification of cells, tubules and /or CA's. Both methods utilize the Sertoli cell as a constant with the cell types expressed as numbers of cells per Sertoli cell. One hundred biopsies were quantitated by the tubular method and 100 by the CA method. Counts were found to be reproducible and consistent. Comparisons were made between the two methods, different individuals doing the quantitation, quantitations of the right and left testes of the same subject and between biopsies from the same subject taken at different times. No difference was found between the right and left testes or biopsies from the same subject taken at different times. Quantitation of biopsies from one individual before and after testicular X-ray irradiation show how the method can be applied.This investigation was supported in part by U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Contract AT(45-1)1780 and Grant No. 680-0806 from The Ford Foundation.The authors wish to express their thanks and appreciation to Dr. Yves Clermont (Montreal) and Dr. Eugene Oakberg (Oak Ridge) for their aid in the conception of the project and the general outline of the protocol, and again to the latter for personally performing some of the tubular counts once the method had been established, to Mr. Malcom Hobbs for assistance with the subjects, to Dr. Daniel DiIaconi for performing the biopsy technique and to Dr. Kathleen O'Keefe for the statistical analysis.  相似文献   

雄性不育对布氏田鼠交配行为和繁殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用雄性结扎不育方法研究雄性结扎不育对布氏田鼠交配行为和繁殖的影响。结果表明:雄性结扎不育后不影响布氏田鼠雌雄两性的交配行为;不育雄性的存在对雌性的正常交配产生了干扰,降低了雌性的有效交配次数,并导致雌性怀孕率和产仔数的下降。结果一方面说明结扎不育雄性方法可用于布氏田鼠的不育控制研究,另一方面为不育后的竞争性繁殖干扰假设提供了实验证据。  相似文献   

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