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Hox genes are known key regulators of embryonic segmental identity, but little is known about the mechanisms of their action. To address this issue, we have analyzed how Hoxa2 specifies segmental identity in the second branchial arch. Using a subtraction approach, we found that Ptx1 was upregulated in the second arch mesenchyme of Hoxa2 mutants. This upregulation has functional significance because, in Hoxa2(-/-);Ptx1(-/-) embryos, the Hoxa2(-/-) phenotype is partially reversed. Hoxa2 interferes with the Ptx1 activating process, which is dependent on Fgf signals from the epithelium. Consistently, Lhx6, another target of Fgf8 signaling, is also upregulated in the Hoxa2(-/-) second arch mesenchyme. Our findings have important implications for the understanding of developmental processes in the branchial area and suggest a novel mechanism for mesenchymal patterning by Hox genes that acts to define the competence of mesenchymal cells to respond to skeletogenic signals.  相似文献   

Ptx1 belongs to an expanding family of bicoid-related vertebrate homeobox genes. These genes, like their Drosophila homolog, seem to play a role in the development of anterior structures and, in particular, the brain and facies. We report the chromosomal localization of mouse Ptx1, and the cloning, sequencing, and chromosomal localization of the human homolog PTX1. The putative encoded proteins share 100% homology in the homeodomain and are 88% and 97% conserved in the N- and C-termini respectively. Intron/exon boundaries are also conserved. Murine Ptx1 was localized, by interspecific backcrossing, to Chr 13 within 2.6 cM of Caml. The gene resides centrally on Chromosome (Chr) 13 in a region syntenic with human Chr 5q. Subsequent analysis by fluorescent in situ hybridization places the human gene, PTX1, on 5q31, a region associated with Treacher Collins Franceschetti Syndrome. Taken together with the craniofacial expression pattern of Ptx1 during early development, the localization of the gene in this chromosomal area is consistent with an involvement in Treacher Collins Franceschetti Syndrome. Received: 3 May 1997 / Accepted: 1 July 1997  相似文献   

Protein kinase CK1 is a ser/thr protein kinase family which has been identified in the cytosol cell fraction, associated with membranes as well as in the nucleus. Several isoforms of this gene family have been described in various organisms: CK1alpha, CK1beta, CK1delta, CK1epsilon and CK1gamma. Over the last decade, several members of this family have been involved in development processes related to wnt and sonic hedgehog signalling pathways. However, there is no detailed temporal information on the CK1 family in embryonic stages, even though orthologous genes have been described in several different vertebrate species. In this study, we describe for the first time the cloning and detailed expression pattern of five CK1 zebrafish genes. Sequence analysis revealed that zebrafish CK1 proteins are highly homologous to other vertebrate orthologues. Zebrafish CK1 genes are expressed throughout development in common and different territories. All the genes studied in development show maternal and zygotic expression with the exception of CK1epsilon. This last gene presents only a zygotic component of expression. In early stages of development CK1 genes are ubiquitously expressed with the exception of CK1epsilon. In later stages the five CK1 genes are expressed in the brain but not in the same way. This observation probably implicates the CK1 family genes in different and also in redundant functions. This is the first time that a detailed comparison of the expression of CK1 family genes is directly assessed in a vertebrate system throughout development.  相似文献   

Stomatal development and patterning in Arabidopsis leaves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The functional unit for gas exchange between plants and the atmosphere is the stomatal complex, an epidermal structure composed of two guard cells, which delimit a stomatal pore, and their subsidiary cells. In the present work, we define the basic structural unit formed in Arabidopsis thaliana during leaf development, the anisocytic stomatal complex. We perform a cell lineage analysis by transposon excision founding that at least a small percentage of stomatal complexes are unequivocally non-clonal. We also describe the three-dimensional pattern of stomata in the Arabidopsis leaf. In the epidermal plane, subsidiary cells of most stomatal complexes contact the subsidiary cells of immediately adjacent complexes. This minimal distance between stomatal complexes allows each stoma to be circled by a full complement of subsidiary cells, with which guard cells can exchange water and ions in order to open or to close the pore. In the radial plane, stomata (and their precursors, the meristemoids) are located at the junctions of several mesophyll cells. This meristemoid patterning may be a consequence of signals that operate along the radial axis of the leaf, which establish meristemoid differentiation precisely at these places. Since stomatal development is basipetal, these radially propagated signals may be transmitted in the axial direction, thus guiding stomatal development through the basal end of the leaf.  相似文献   

Pathways regulating apoptosis during patterning and development   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The patterning and development of multicellular organisms require a precisely controlled balance between cell proliferation, differentiation and death. The regulation of apoptosis is an important aspect to achieve this balance, by eliminating unnecessary or mis-specified cells which, otherwise, may have harmful effects on the whole organism. Apoptosis is also important for the morphogenetic processes that occur during development and that lead to the sculpting of organs and other body structures. Here, we review recent progress in understanding how apoptosis is regulated during development, focusing on studies using Drosophila or Caenorhabditis elegans as model organisms.  相似文献   

Nucleolin is a major nucleolar protein implicated in many aspects of ribosomal biogenesis, including early events such as processing of the large 35S preribosomal RNA. We found that the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) parallel1 (parl1) mutant, originally identified by its aberrant leaf venation, corresponds to the Arabidopsis nucleolin gene. parl1 mutants display parallel leaf venation, aberrant localization of the provascular marker Athb8:beta-glucuronidase, the auxin-sensitive reporter DR5:beta-glucuronidase, and auxin-dependent growth defects. PARL1 is highly similar to the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) nucleolin NUCLEAR SIGNAL RECOGNITION 1 (NSR1) multifunctional protein; the Arabidopsis PARL1 gene can rescue growth defects of yeast nsr1 null mutants. This suggests that PARL1 protein may have roles similar to those of the yeast nucleolin in nuclear signal recognition, ribosomal processing, and ribosomal subunit accumulation. Based on the range of auxin-related defects in parl1 mutants, we propose that auxin-dependent organ growth and patterning is highly sensitive to the efficiency of nucleolin-dependent ribosomal processing.  相似文献   

In vitro data suggest that the human RbAp46 and RbAp48 genes encode proteins involved in multiple chromatin remodeling complexes and are likely to play important roles in development and tumor suppression. However, to date, our understanding of the role of RbAp46/RbAp48 and its homologs in metazoan development and disease has been hampered by a lack of insect and mammalian mutant models, as well as redundancy due to multiple orthologs in most organisms studied. Here, we report the first mutations in the single Drosophila RbAp46/RbAp48 homolog Caf1, identified as strong suppressors of a senseless overexpression phenotype. Reduced levels of Caf1 expression result in flies with phenotypes reminiscent of Hox gene misregulation. Additionally, analysis of Caf1 mutant tissue suggests that Caf1 plays important roles in cell survival and segment identity, and loss of Caf1 is associated with a reduction in the Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2)-specific histone methylation mark H3K27me3. Taken together, our results suggest suppression of senseless overexpression by mutations in Caf1 is mediated by participation of Caf1 in PRC2-mediated silencing. More importantly, our mutant phenotypes confirm that Caf1-mediated silencing is vital to Drosophila development. These studies underscore the importance of Caf1 and its mammalian homologs in development and disease.  相似文献   

Joint and skeletal development is highly regulated by extracellular matrix (ECM) proteoglycans, of which chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) are a major class. Despite the requirement of joint CSPGs for skeletal flexibility and structure, relatively little is understood regarding their role in establishing joint positioning or in modulating signaling and cell behavior during joint formation. Chondroitin sulfate synthase 1 (Chsy1) is one of a family of enzymes that catalyze the extension of chondroitin and dermatan sulfate glycosaminoglycans. Recently, human syndromic brachydactylies have been described to have loss-of-function mutations at the CHSY1 locus. In concordance with these observations, we demonstrate that mice lacking Chsy1, though viable, display chondrodysplasia and decreased bone density. Notably, Chsy1(-/-) mice show a profound limb patterning defect in which orthogonally shifted ectopic joints form in the distal digits. Associated with the digit-patterning defect is a shift in cell orientation and an imbalance in chondroitin sulfation. Our results place Chsy1 as an essential regulator of joint patterning and provide a mouse model of human brachydactylies caused by mutations in CHSY1.  相似文献   

Mice with a targeted mutation of the foxj1 gene demonstrate either D- or L-looping of the embryonic cardiac tube. Foxj1 is expressed in ventral cells of the embryonic node prior to asymmetric, left-right expression of other genes. Despite an absence of 9+2 cilia in foxj1(-/-) mice, 9+0 cilia are present in the node of foxj1(-/-) embryos. In foxj1(-/-) embryos, the patterns of expression of the TGF-beta family member nodal and the homeobox family member pitx2 are randomized. No expression of the TGF-beta family member lefty-2 is observed in any foxj1(-/-) early somite stage embryos. Foxj1 thus acts early in left-right axis patterning and regulates asymmetric gene expression. This regulation does not appear to be the result of a direct interaction between Foxj1 and the genes examined.  相似文献   

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