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A specimen of juvenile gorilla was found that had the premaxillary-maxillary suture coursing between the lateral deciduous incisor and deciduous canine on one side of the jaw, but between the central and lateral deciduous incisors on the other; in the latter, the suture also separates the alveolus of the lateral deciduous incisor from the crypt of the growing successional lateral incisor. Rather than dismiss this exception to the traditional dictum of tooth identification--which is based on the position to teeth relative to this suture--as some inconsequential anomaly, an attempt is made to understand how this can occur within the confines of present understanding of dentofacial growth and development and developmental theory. An hypothesis relating tooth and tooth class identification is presented in the context of ectomesenchymally predifferentiated stem progenitors and subsequent tooth class proliferation.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional sample of 151 skulls from Macaca mulatta of known age and similar rearing in U.S. Primate Centers was analyzed to determine age-related "norms" of stages of development and size of teeth. The stages of development from the follicle of a deciduous incisor in the fetus to completion of the root with apex closed of the permanent third molar were related to age. The age range observed for eruption of each tooth was noted and related to its stage of development. The crown of each erupted tooth was found to be completely developed, but growth of its root continued for a longer, indeterminate period. When a deciduous tooth was exfoliated, the crown of the permanent successor was found to be completed and root growth had begun. Measurements of both mesiodistal and faciolingual diameters and of crown length of the teeth in situ and of total length and root length on roentgenograms were examined for sexual dimorphism. The faciolingual diameter of the deciduous mandibular second incisor and of both second molars showed the greatest sexual dimorphism among both diameters of all deciduous teeth. The mesiodistal and faciolingual diameters of the mandibular premolars were found to be the best dimensions in discriminant functions for identifying sex in the absence of permanent canines.  相似文献   

The fragmented pathological skull of a young child was discovered in a Magdalenian level in the Rochereil cave, Dordogne, France, in 1939. The bony fragments were extracted along with the surrounding soil, and completely cleaned in a laboratory. The mandible has been wrongly reconstructed. Among the nine teeth that are present on the mandible, three deciduous molars are human teeth at their correct places. Only one tooth in the incisor–canine block (the right deciduous lateral incisor) is a human tooth, but it is incorrectly positioned on the left side. The other incisors and canines implanted in this child's mandible originated from one or several young adult reindeer. These small animal teeth were probably mistaken for human pathological teeth because the child's skull and mandible showed several pathological lesions. The possibility of faulty reconstitution must be systematically considered when dealing with for all human fossils which have been discovered in the past.  相似文献   

Analysis of ungulate bones recovered from a number of Upper and Middle Palaeolithic sites in southern Italy revealed differences in the presence of anatomical elements. There is a lack of clear evidence of carnivore activities, and differences can be attributed to human activity. Indeed, these differences were probably due to different patterns of skeletal exploitation between Homo neanderthalensis and H. sapiens. Small limb bones (carpals, tarsals, sesamoids, long bone epiphyses and especially phalanges) are rarely found in Middle Palaeolithic deposits, but are abundant in the Upper Palaeolithic. The observation of unidentified bone fragments at these sites indicates that during the middle Palaeolithic, marrow extraction regarded essentially the treatment of long bones. First and second phalanges were not frequently used for this practice, but they were often fragmented by H. sapiens. Lack of these bones among the remains of meals of Neanderthal suggests that these bones were probably destroyed by their utilisation as fuel.  相似文献   

The uppermost Middle Stone Age (MSA) layers at Blombos Cave contain high densities of Still Bay bifacial points. Information from other regional sites places the Still Bay prior to the Howiesons Poort industry, which has been dated at 65-70 ka. The Blombos Cave MSA strata have yielded nine human teeth or dental fragments. Four that were recovered during the 1997-1998 excavations have been published elsewhere. The remaining five were discovered during the 1999-2000 field seasons; these are described here. Three of the new specimens are deciduous teeth, and two are permanent premolar and molar crown fragments. The entire dental sample probably represents at least five and as many as seven individuals. The deciduous teeth from the upper MSA levels are likely to have been exfoliated in the cave. One deciduous tooth and the permanent tooth fragments from the lower MSA levels probably represent three individuals who died in or near the cave. The Blombos Cave premolars preserve horizontal circum-cervical striae suggestive of palliative tooth pick use. Approximately half of the permanent and deciduous crown diameters exceed those of recent Africans; for the remainder, the fossil values fall among modern African sample means. The Blombos Cave tooth crowns tend to be smaller than the majority of penecontemporaneous Neandertal teeth. The morphology of the Blombos Cave di is comparable to MSA homologues from the nearby, and presumably somewhat younger site of Die Kelders Cave 1.  相似文献   

This study reconstructs incremental enamel development for a sample of modern human deciduous mandibular (n = 42) and maxillary (n = 42) anterior (incisors and canines) teeth. Results are compared between anterior teeth, and with previous research for deciduous molars (Mahoney: Am J Phys Anthropol 144 (2011) 204-214) to identify developmental differences along the tooth row. Two hypotheses are tested: Retzius line periodicity will remain constant in teeth from the same jaw and range from 6 to 12 days among individuals, as in human permanent teeth; daily enamel secretion rates (DSRs) will not vary between deciduous teeth, as in some human permanent tooth types. A further aim is to search for links between deciduous incremental enamel development and the previously reported eruptionsequence. Retzius line periodicity in anterior teeth ranged between 5 and 6 days, but did not differ between an incisor and molar of one individual. Intradian line periodicity was 12 h. Mean cuspal DSRs varied slightly between equivalent regions along the tooth row. Mandibular incisors initiated enamel formation first, had the fastest mean DSRs, the greatest prenatal formation time, and based upon prior studies are the first deciduous tooth to erupt. Relatively rapid development in mandibular incisors in advance of early eruption may explain some of the variation in DSRs along the tooth row that cannot be explained by birth. Links between DSRs, enamel initiation times, and the deciduous eruption sequence are proposed. Anterior crown formation times presented here can contribute toward human infant age-at-death estimates. Regression equations for reconstructing formation time in worn incisors are given.  相似文献   

A human lower right deciduous second molar was discovered in 1984 at the entrance of Trou de l'Abîme at Couvin (Belgium). In subsequent years the interpretation of this fossil remained difficult for various reasons: (1) the lack of taxonomically diagnostic elements which would support its attribution to either Homo (sapiens) neanderthalensis or H. s. sapiens; (2) the absence of any reliable chronostratigraphic interpretation of the sedimentary sequence of the site; (3) the contradiction between archaeological interpretations, which attributed the lithic industry to a transitional facies between the Middle and Early Upper Palaeolithic, and the radiocarbon date of 46,820 ± 3,290 BP obtained from animal bone remains associated with the tooth and the flint tools.Thanks to recent progress regarding these three aspects, the tooth from Trou de l'Abîme may now be studied in detail. Analyses of the morphology and enamel thickness of the fossil yielded diagnostic characters consistent with an attribution to Neandertals. Re-examination of the lithic industry of Couvin shows that it corresponds to the late Middle Palaeolithic rather than a transitional facies. Furthermore, a new analysis of the site stratigraphy indicates that the unit situated above the archaeological layer in which the tooth was found is probably a palaeosol of brown soil type. Comparison with the regional cave sequences as well as with the reference sequence from the Belgian loess belt tends to show that the most recent palaeosol of this type is dated between 42,000 and 40,000 BP. This is consistent with both a recently obtained AMS result at 44,500 BP and the published conventional date.  相似文献   

The study of juvenile remains of Paedotherium Burmeister from Cerro Azul Formation (La Pampa Province, Argentina; late Miocene) is presented. Upper and lower deciduous dentition (or permanent molars supposed to be associated with non-preserved deciduous teeth) are recognised. Several ontogenetic stages are distinguished among juveniles, according to the degree of wear and the replaced deciduous teeth. Besides, some morphological and metrical differences are observed along the crown height. Deciduous cheek teeth are high-crowned and placed covering the apex of the corresponding permanent tooth. The height of the crown and the degree of wear allow establishing the pattern of dental replacement of deciduous and permanent premolars in a posterior–anterior direction (DP/dp4–2 and P/p4–2), as well as the eruption of M/m3 before DP/dp4 is replaced. Some of the studied remains are recognised as young individuals of Tremacyllus Ameghino, but with complete permanent dentition, which leads to propose a different timing in the dental replacement with respect to Paedotherium; they also allow the establishment of an opposite premolar eruption pattern, from P/p2 to P/p4. This knowledge of the deciduous dentition of Paedotherium suggests the need of revising the morphological and metrical characters previously used for defining species within this taxon.  相似文献   

A former clay quarry near Schöningen in Lower Saxony exposes deposits dating from the upper half of the Ladinian. There are several bone beds in this quarry, which differ partly in their faunal composition and in the preservation of the fossils. One of these bone beds contains many morphologically different teeth of mainly terrestrial tetrapods and a variety of remains of actinopterygians, chondrichthyans and dipnoans. The tetrapod teeth are described in this paper. A precise taxonomic determination is not possible, but the material appears to contain two temnospondyls, a synapsid and several species of archosaurs. Some tooth morphotypes can not be assigned, even at a high taxonomic level. The tooth assemblage, which is described in this paper, is briefly compared with published and unpublished data on teeth from the Middle and Upper Keuper of Central Europe.  相似文献   

Except for the front end of the dental arch, tooth size remained at approximately the same level throughout the Middle Pleistocene. The Krapina Neanderthals at the end of the last interglacial differed from Homo erectus only in having larger front teeth. From that time on, tooth size in populations at the northern edge of the area of human occupation in the Old World has reduced approximately in proportion to the time elapsed. The “Classic” Neanderthals of western Europe, in fact, have teeth that are 15% smaller than those of the earlier Krapina Neanderthals and only 5% larger than the early Upper Palaeolithic. Reduction since the early Upper Palaeolithic has proceeded another full 20%. It is suggested that the development of heated stone cooking in the Mousterian, originally for the purpose of thawing frozen food, reduced the forces of selection that had previously maintained tooth size during the Middle Pleistocene. The operation of the Probable Mutation Effect, then produced the observed reductions.  相似文献   

A radiological study of the developing dentition of the domestic albino ferret has revealed the presence of four upper and three lower deciduous functionless incisor teeth in each half of the jaw. The presence of the additional upper incisor tooth can only be accounted for in two ways:
(1) It arose as the result of a gene mutation within the closed colony.
(2) It is indicative of the fact that at some early date in the evolution of the Carnivora, four deciduous incisors were functional in each half of the jaw.  相似文献   

Systematic excavations, begun in 1987, at the Valdegoba cave site in northern Spain have yielded the remains of five individuals associated with a Middle Paleolithic stone tool technology and Pleistocene fauna. A fragmentary mandible of an adolescent (VB1), preserving nearly a full set of teeth, exhibits a symphyseal tubercle and slight incurvatio mandibulae anterior on the external symphysis. Both the superior and inferior transverse tori are present on the internal aspect. A second individual (VB2) is represented by a set of ten deciduous teeth consistent with an age at death of 6-9 months. A proximal manual phalanx (VB3) displays a relatively broad head, a characteristic which is found in both Neandertals, as well as European Middle Pleistocene hominids. VB4 is a fourth metatarsal that lacks the distal epiphysis, indicating it comes from an adolescent individual, and has a relatively high robusticity index. Finally, VB5 is a fifth metatarsal of an adult. The VB1 mandible shows a combination of archaic characteristics as well as more specific Neandertal morphological traits. The VB2 deciduous teeth are very small, and both the metrics and morphology seem more consistent with a modern human classification. The postcranial elements are undiagnostic, U-Th dating has provided an age of >350 ka for the base of the sequence and a date of <73.2+/-5 ka for level 7, near the top. Faunal analysis and radiometric dates from other nearby Mousterian sites suggests that the Valdegoba site is correlative with oxygen isotope stages 3-6 on the Iberian peninsula, and an Upper Pleistocene age for the Valdegoba hominids seems most reasonable.  相似文献   

Formation of deciduous and permanent maxillary incisors and canines was studied in 361 children with cleft lip and palate. Altogether, 704 occlusal X rays of the children aged from 2 weeks to 41 months were assessed using a 13-stage scale. The early timing of tooth development was in both dentitions close to that reported for healthy children. However, developmental asymmetry was noted between contralateral teeth on the cleft and noncleft sides. In the unilateral cleft lip and palate group, every tenth cleft-side deciduous central incisor, deciduous canine, and permanent central incisor was delayed compared to the corresponding contralateral tooth. The formation timing was also compared within 11 prenatal and hereditary variables. Risk factors for delayed development were low placental weight, short gestation, mother's use of drugs during pregnancy, first in birth order, cleft with multiple additional malformations, and relatives having malformations other than oral clefts. However, the associations between a risk factor and tooth development were weak.  相似文献   

中国与日本旧石器时代晚期人类的关系   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
吴新智 《人类学学报》1988,7(3):235-238
按照歧异系数,柳江人与港川人很接近,其程度和港川人二女性之间或山顶洞二女性之间接近的程度相似,柳江人与山顶洞人相去较远,山顶洞人与港川人相去较远,身材的比较也支持这些看法。  相似文献   

Original data for mesiodistal diameter of deciduous anterior teeth on 180 White children show: (1) mean size is smallest for the lower central incisor and largest for the upper canine, (2) means from combining widths on the left anterior teeth of each arch are larger in the maxilla than the mandible by 4.0 mm, (3) individual differences for widths of the upper central and lateral incisors extend from one child with these teeth of similar size to another child with the central incisor larger than the lateral by 2.3 mm, and (4) anterior tooth correlations are positive, varying from r = 0.4 for upper canine width with width of lower central incisor, to r = 0.8 for combined widths of left anterior teeth in the maxilla with combined widths of their antagonists. Comparative findings are drawn from investigations on Australian aborigines, South African Bushmen, Liberian Negroes, Tristan da Cunha islanders, Japanese, Japanese-Negro admixtures, Japanese-White admixtures, White groups living in several parts of Europe, and North American Whites. Among these ethnic groups, Australian aborigines have the largest deciduous anterior teeth. Composite means on each sex for North American Whites show boys to have slightly larger anterior deciduous teeth than girls.  相似文献   

Mean values and variances of deciduous and permanent tooth dimensions were compared between 121 45,X (Turner syndrome) females and 171 control subjects to clarify the role of the X chromosome on dental development. Although deciduous molars tended to be smaller than normal in 45,X females, there was no evidence of a reduction in tooth size for deciduous anterior teeth. In the permanent dentition, all mesiodistal dimensions were significantly smaller in 45,X females but only some of the buccolingual dimensions were smaller. The findings for deciduous tooth-size may reflect a sampling effect related to the extremely high frequency of spontaneous abortion in 45,X individuals. Results for permanent teeth are consistent with the concept of a decrease in enamel thickness in 45,X females.  相似文献   

Deciduous tooth size in Native Americans of the Ohio Valley area is fairly stable from the terminal Late Archaic (3200 BP) through the Late Prehistoric (350 BP) periods. Some fluctuation in average size did occur during this time. These fluctuations most likely reflect random changes due to gene drift. However, no difference in the pattern of interactions among the sizes of teeth (covariance structures) can be demonstrated during this period. Principal components analysis of the buccolingual and mesiodistal dimensions in the total sample indicate that the major axis of deciduous tooth size in the Ohio Valley population shows an allometric relationship, with the dimensions of the anterior teeth increasing (or decreasing) as the 1.33 power of the dimension of m1(1) and as the 2.0 power of the dimension of m2(2). Comparison of the Ohio Valley samples with other samples from the Eastern Woodlands suggests that geography may have played a minor role in structuring deciduous tooth size variation. For the most part, however, widely separated Eastern Woodlands populations appear to have been evolving independently with respect to deciduous tooth size.  相似文献   

In spite of a resurgence of interest in the interpretation of the sequences of dental development and eruption in various Plio-Pleistocene hominoids as being either “modern human” or “ape-like,” the body of comparative material on the extant hominoids remains deficient in critical areas. In concert with recent attempts to rectify this situation, we present the results of our studies on dental morphogenesis in the orangutan. We have focused on the growth and eruption of the deciduous dentition as well as early stages of permanent tooth formation and have found that 1) many permanent teeth develop earlier than was thought, 2) differences exist between development in the upper and in the lower jaw, and 3) states of tooth formation can vary significantly among individuals of similar chronological age or tooth eruption status.  相似文献   

Recent studies have reported that supernumerary teeth were observed in the maxillary incisor area in several Pax6 homozygous mutant mouse and rat strains. To date, it remains unknown whether Pax6 is expressed during tooth development in any species. The study aimed to analyze the expression of Pax6 during mouse incisor and molar development. C57BL/6J mouse embryos on days E12.5, E13.5, E14.5, E16.5 and E18.5 were produced. Heads from these embryos, as well as from P1.5 mice, were processed for paraffin wax embedding (N ≥ 3 for each stage) and prepared for immunohistochemistry. Pax6 immunostaining was found in all tooth germs examined. At the E12.5 dental placode, E13.5 bud stage, E14.5 cap stage and E16.5 early bell stage, Pax6 was expressed in ectodermally derived tissues of tooth germs and oral epithelia adjacent to the tooth germs. Cells in the underlying dental ectomesenchyme that showed Pax9 expression were Pax6 negative. At E18.5 and P1.5, Pax6 was expressed in more differentiated ameloblasts and cells of the stratum intermedium and stellate reticulum that were derived from the oral epithelium, as well as in mesenchyme-derived differentiated odontoblasts. Pax6 expression was also observed in the submandibular gland, tongue filiform papilla and hair follicle at E16.5 and P1.5. The present study demonstrated that Pax6 was expressed in incisor and molar germs during mouse tooth development. The results provide a basis for exploring the function of Pax6 during tooth development.  相似文献   

Human remains associated with the earliest Upper Paleolithic industries are sparse. What is preserved is often fragmentary, making it difficult to accurately assign them to a particular species. For some time it has been generally accepted that Neandertals were responsible for the Chatelperronian and anatomically modern humans for the early Aurignacian industries. However, the recent re-dating of several of the more-complete modern human fossils associated with the early Aurignacian (e.g., Vogelherd) has led some to question the identity of the makers and the context of these early Upper Paleolithic industries. The Grotte du Renne at Arcy-sur-Cure, France has yielded many hominin remains, from Mousterian, Chatelperronian, Aurignacian, and Gravettian layers. Previously, a child's temporal bone from the Chatelperronian Layer Xb was recognized as belonging to a Neandertal; however, most of the teeth from Chatelperronian layers VIII-X remain unpublished. We describe the dental remains from the Chatelperronian layers, place them in a comparative (Mousterian Neandertal and Upper Paleolithic modern human) context, and evaluate their taxonomic status. The teeth (n = 29) represent a minimum of six individuals aged from birth to adult. The permanent dental sample (n = 15) from the Chatelperronian layers of Arcy-sur-Cure exhibits traits (e.g., lower molar mid-trigonid crest) that occur more frequently in Neandertals than in Upper Paleolithic modern humans. Furthermore, several teeth show trait combinations, including Cusp 6/mid-trigonid crest/anterior fovea in the lower second molar, that are rare or absent in Upper Paleolithic modern humans. The deciduous teeth (n = 14) significantly increase the sample of known deciduous hominin teeth and are more similar to Mousterian Neandertals from Europe and Asia than to Upper Paleolithic modern humans. Thus, the preponderance of dental evidence from the Grotte du Renne strongly supports that Neandertals were responsible for the Chatelperronian industry at Arcy-sur-Cure.  相似文献   

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