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日本血吸虫尾蚴在钻穿7种哺乳动物宿主皮肤而转变为童虫时,均发生了自然死亡,而且童虫的死亡率依宿主种类或同一种类的不同品系而异。它们皮肤内平均童虫死亡率分别为:小鼠3.7—7.2%、大鼠6.3%、金黄仑鼠7.0%、长爪沙鼠5.1%、豚鼠6.9%、兔4.9%、恒河猴12.8%。实验证明日本血吸虫尾蚴亦能钻入不易感的鸟类——鸽的皮肤,虽有1/4童虫立即在其皮肤内发生死亡,但部分童虫可移行至肺,然后在肺中消亡。  相似文献   

日本血吸虫尾蚴及童虫的生理学比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了经0.05%中性红-氢氧化钾染色确定为活的血吸虫尾蚴和童虫的生理学比较结果。与尾蚴相比,童虫体表对PAS及Alcian蓝阳性反应消失,与抗血清接触不再产生套膜反应;对水不能耐受,在淡水中6小时内已全部死亡,而在生理盐水中仍有92.7%存活;钻腺内含物排空,童虫不能再经皮肤感染,但越过皮肤屏障若被注入皮下或腹腔则分别有45.4—46.5%及56.9—64.9%发育为成虫。  相似文献   

本文报道应用透射电镜观察并比较0.5、3和12小时龄的日本血吸虫皮肤型童虫的超徽结构特征。结果表明,除了外质膜外,其他的超微结构,如体被、肌层、体被下细胞、胞质桥、头腺、钻腺和食道等结构在尾蚴感染后3小时均未见再有明显的变化。  相似文献   

本文报告日本血吸虫皮肤型、肺型、肝门型童虫的体被用扫描电镜观察其超微结构的变化,其目的在于寻求日本血吸虫童虫的体被在实验动物体内变化的规律,提供血吸虫病在免疫学上和预防化学药物上的研究参考。其图版Ⅰ—Ⅲ的1—4为日本血吸虫尾蚴,5—7为0.5小时龄皮肤型童虫,8—13为10日龄肺型童虫,14—22为15日龄肝门型雄性童虫。  相似文献   

王薇  周述龙 《水生生物学报》1987,11(1):i005-i006
本文报道日本血吸虫尾蚴经注射器推压和血清孵育两种人工方法转变的童虫与载体皮肤型童虫的透射及扫描电镜的观察结果。描述了三种童虫在转变后3小时至12小时其糖膜、外质膜、体被内包含体及腺体的超微结构的变化。  相似文献   

本文报告日本血吸虫皮肤型、肺型、肝门型童虫的体被用扫描电镜观察其超微结构的变化,其目的在于寻求日本血吸虫童虫的体被在实验动物体内变化的规律,提供血吸虫病在免疫学上和预防化学药物上的研究参考。其图版Ⅰ—Ⅲ的1—4为日本血吸虫尾蚴,5—7为0.5小时龄皮肤型童虫,8—13为10日龄肺型童虫,14—22为15日龄肝门型雄性童虫。  相似文献   

本文报道应用组织化学反应方法初步观察了腔阔盘吸虫(Eurytrema coelomaticum)尾蚴及后蚴体中单细胞腺的组织化学成分及其生理功能。尾蚴的5对大单细胞腺主要分泌粘蛋白、酸性粘多糖及微量碱性蛋白质,当子胞蚴被排到外界时,此腺体物质分泌出充满子胞蚴内囊腔并包被着各尾蚴。尾蚴在此腺体分泌物保护下渡过其在外界生存的时间。尾蚴的4对小单细胞腺主要包含中性糖蛋白及结合氨基的蛋白质(可能是含酶物质),此腺体物质可能是在尾蚴进入昆虫宿主(草螽)体内穿钻其胃壁进入血腔时分泌出能溶解胃壁组织帮助尾蚴的穿钻行为。成熟后蚴的穿刺腺对PAS反应呈强阳性,其分泌物可以溶解囊蚴的囊壁,使后蚴迅速脱囊。各幼虫期其他器官组织的组化成分也经观察。  相似文献   

日本血吸虫尾蚴头器、腺体及体被超微结构的观察   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文报告用扫描与透射电镜观察大陆品系日本血吸虫(Schistosoma japonicum)尾蚴的头器、膆体及体被的超微结构。 从不同角度扫描电镜观察日本血吸虫的尾蚴头器前端,见有5对钻腺的开口,开口的周围有围褶,围褶的外侧分布有7对无鞘单纤毛的感觉乳突,这些结构靠近头器的腹侧围成马蹄形,顶端为无棘区。作者综合有关图像重建日本血吸虫尾蚴头器表面结构的示意图,供参考。 日本血吸虫尾蚴的体被、头腺及钻腺与曼氏血吸虫尾蚴基本相似,但在前钻腺分泌小体我们另见有连续性条索状透明物,对它的形成及其性质进行了讨论。  相似文献   

日本血吸虫尾蚴的组织化学及扫描电镜观察   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
日本血吸虫尾蚴具有一个头腺、2对前钻腺及3对后钻腺,其解剖学位置、构造、化学成分及功能均有区别。钻腺分泌物含有多糖酶及蛋白酶。尾蚴的前端系特化的头器结构,它具有半月形嵴、钻腺开口及乳突。  相似文献   

血吸虫体外培养研究工作经过了半个世纪的努力,取得了很大的进展,其中较突出的有 Clegg[1]从童虫培养至成虫; Basch[2]使尾蚴人工转变童虫后继续体外培养达到童虫发育,雌雄合抱,雌虫产卵,但卵为异常卵.目前为止,无论在曼氏或日本血吸虫均在体外培养成功,但两种血吸虫所产的卵均为异常卵,而血吸虫的生殖生理研究是寻找血吸虫体外培养不育的关键.  相似文献   

无尾两栖类动物的呼吸方式为肺呼吸和皮肤辅助呼吸,为探究两种呼吸器官的显微结构,本文采用解剖学和组织学的方法,对大蹼铃蟾(Bombina maxima)、腺角蟾(Megophrys glandulosa)、中华蟾蜍(Bufo gargarizans)、华西雨蛙(Hyla gongshanensis)、昭觉林蛙(Rana chaochiaoensis)、滇蛙(Dianrana pleuraden)、双团棘胸蛙(Gynandropaa yunnanensis)、贡山树蛙(Rhacophorus gongshanensis)、斑腿泛树蛙(Polypedates megacephalus)、饰纹姬蛙(Microhyla fissipes)、多疣狭口蛙(Kaloula verrucosa)的皮肤和肺的形态及显微结构进行观察。结果显示,背部和腹部皮下可见血管交错成网状,皮肤由表皮层和真皮层构成。除华西雨蛙外,其余10种均有分布于真皮疏松层与致密层间的钙化层;色素细胞位于疏松层上层,体背色素层较发达。肺囊状,中空密布血管,分为大小相当的左右肺叶,两肺叶相通并与心粘连,无气管和支气管。肺由肺囊壁、隔膜、毛细血管、肺泡细胞等结构组成。肺囊壁分为胸膜层、中间层和内层:胸膜层由扁平细胞构成,中间层由结缔组织构成,内层由肺细胞和毛细血管组成,隔膜由毛细血管和结缔组织构成,游离隔膜向中部靠拢可形成半封闭腔室,结合隔膜与肺囊壁形成封闭小腔室。在这11个物种中,肺较发达的个体,其皮肤结构中黏液腺的数量就会相对较少,组织形态学特征表现出与环境适应性关系较大,而受到系统发育关系影响较小。  相似文献   

The morphological characteristics of the dorsal skin of trunk in two species of hynobiid salamanders, Batrachuperus pinchonii and Hynobius chinensis were examined by light microscopy. The basic structures of the skin in the two species are similar and consist of two layers: epidermis and dermis. The epidermis consists of stratum corneum, stratum intermedium and stratum germinativum, while the dermis is composed of a stratum spongiosum and stratum compactum. However, some species-specific variation has been identified(e.g., the distribution of capillary vessels and gland cells, and the thickness of skin). H. chinensis is a terrestrial species and only lives in water during breeding period, but B. pinchonii is aquatic and remains aquatic throughout its lifetime. The differences in the distribution of capillary vessels and gland cells are related to their different habitats, and show a morphological adaptation.  相似文献   

Host identification by Schistosoma japonicum cercariae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Attachment, the first phase of host identification by Schistosoma japonicum cercariae, can occur in 2 different ways. Cercariae clinging to the water surface simply swing around and transfer to the host skin. Free-swimming cercariae behave like S. mansoni: upon touching a substrate, they switch from tailward to forward movement, swim in an arc, and attach to it with the penetration organ. Neither type of attachment is influenced by chemical, thermal, or specific mechanical stimuli from the host. The second phase, remaining on the host, requires a solid hydrophobic surface and seems to depend only on the cercaria's ability to cling to it. This phase is not influenced by chemical or thermal stimuli. The third phase, creeping across the host surface, is independent of chemical and mechanical stimuli. Cercariae migrate in thermal gradients to a preferred temperature of 37 +/- 3 C and then attempt to penetrate. Penetration, the fourth phase, was evoked by human skin surface lipids. The free fatty acid (FA) fraction was identified as exclusively stimulating components. Saturated FA's were effective at chain lengths between 10 and 14 carbon atoms (pH 7.0), and unsaturated FA's were effective at longer chains and their activity increased with increasing number of double bonds. Dog skin surface components did not stimulate cercarial penetration, which can be attributed to the lack of free FA's. A temperature of 32-40 C also stimulated penetration responses, which might be the main stimulus in animal hosts, whose skin surfaces contain no or only a few free FA's. FA's and heat evoked a transformation of cercarial tegument simultaneous with penetration behavior, making the organisms osmotically sensitive. The host identification of S. japonicum cercariae is very nonspecific compared with the differentiated host recognition of S. mansoni.  相似文献   

采用光镜和扫描电镜对金佛拟小鲵(Pseudohynobius jinfo)幼体皮肤进行组织学和形态学观察。金佛拟小鲵幼体皮肤由表皮和真皮构成。不同部位皮肤厚度不同,头部背侧皮肤最薄,其厚度为(45.99±12.77)μm,尾部腹侧的皮肤最厚,其厚度为(95.21±42.72)μm。表皮角质层仅躯干背部和尾部明显,由仍具有一定生理活性的复层扁平上皮细胞构成。皮肤腺体包括黏液腺和颗粒腺。黏液腺广泛分布于身体各个部位的皮肤,颗粒腺呈区域性分布,仅见躯干部和尾部皮肤,其体积大于黏液腺。毛细血管多分布于真皮疏松层腺体周围,与表皮层紧密接触并凸向表皮。色素细胞主要分布于表皮和疏松层的交界处,呈多细胞聚集的状态,形成厚度不一的色素层。  相似文献   

Wang T  Fang ZM  Lei JH  Guan F  Liu WQ  Bartlett A  Whitfield P  Li YL 《Parasitology》2012,139(2):244-247
A traditional assumption is that schistosome cercariae lose their tails at the onset of penetration. It has, however, recently been demonstrated that, for Schistosoma mansoni, cercarial tails were not invariably being shed as penetration took place and a high proportion of tails entered human skin under experimental conditions. This phenomenon was termed delayed tail loss (DTL). In this paper, we report that DTL also happens with S. japonicum cercariae during penetration of mouse skin. It occurred at all cercarial densities tested, from as few as 10 cercariae/2·25 cm(2) of mouse skin up to 200 cercariae. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that there was a density-dependent increase in DTL as cercarial densities increased. No such density-dependent enhancement was shown for percentage attachment over the same cercarial density range.  相似文献   

Migratory pattern of schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni, S. haematobium, and S. japonicum through human skin were analyzed in skin organ cultures. These studies showed that the schistosomula of S. mansoni and S. haematobium has similar migratory patterns through human skin. During the first 24h after infection nearly 90% of S. mansoni and S. haematobium schistosomula were present only in the epidermis. Majority of the schistosomula were found in the dermis only after 48h and they appear to reach the dermal vessels around 72h after infection. Migratory pattern of S. japonicum on the other hand was significantly different from the other two species in that over 90% of the parasites had already reached the dermis within the first 24h and schistosomula were present in the dermal vessels within 2h after infection. Analysis of the cytokine pattern at 8h after infection by a macro gene array and RT-PCR analysis showed that out of 24 different cytokines analyzed only IL-1ra, IL-10, and TNF-alpha were increased in the human skin following infections with S. mansoni and S. haematobium, whereas, after infection with S. japonicum there was significant increases in IL-1beta, IL-1ra, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-15, IL-18, and TNF-alpha. Immunohistochemical analysis of epidermal sheets showed focal accumulation of HLA-DR(+) cells in areas where schistosomula of S. mansoni had entered the human skin.  相似文献   

Skin invasion by schistosome cercariae was recently discussed in Trends in Parasitology. However, only Schistosoma mansoni was considered, possibly because this species predominates in laboratory studies (at least outside China). One may be tempted to extrapolate from the "model" S. mansoni to other schistosomes, but Schistosoma japonicum must not be neglected. This schistosome is distinguishable from others (particularly S. mansoni) by virtue of its remarkable speed and success of migration, as well as by specific biochemical and immunological features. This leads to the hypothesis that S. japonicum is atypical with respect to the enzymes that facilitate skin penetration.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to identify the normal morphologic, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural features of skin of the turbot (Psetta maxima L.). In the turbot skin, three morphologically distinct layers were identified: epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. The epidermis was non-keratinizing, stratified squamous epithelium that varies in thickness from 5 to 14 cells and 60 to 100 μm in size. Goblet cells were seen randomly distributed between malpighian cells in the epidermal layer. These mucous cells were mainly located in the upper third of the epidermis and displayed a spherical to elongated morphology. Dermis was divided in two well-differentiated layers, the superficial stratum laxum and the deeper stratum compactum. Hypodermis was a loose layer mainly composed by adipocytes but we could observe variable amounts of fibroblast, collagen and blood vessels. In turbot two pigmentary layers could be identified: the pigmentary layer of dermis was located between basement membrane and dermis and the pigmentary layer of hypodermis immediately above the muscular layer. Three different types of chromatophores were present: melanophores, iridophores and xanthophores. The main differences observed between groups of fish with different colouration were in the amount of melanophores and xanthophores. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of normal cutaneous biology prior to consideration of specific cutaneous alterations and diseases in turbot.  相似文献   

The elastic behaviors of stratum corneum, viable epidermis, dermis, and whole skin were investigated by nano/microindentation techniques. Insignificant differences in reduced elastic modulus of skin samples obtained from three different porcine breeds revealed breed type independent measurements. The reduced elastic modulus of stratum corneum is shown to be about three orders of magnitude higher than that of dermis. As a result, for relatively shallow and deep indentations, skin elasticity is controlled by that of stratum corneum and dermis, respectively. Skin deformation is interpreted in the context of a layered structure model consisting of a stiff and hard surface layer on a compliant and soft substrate, supported by microscopy observations and indentation measurements.  相似文献   

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