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Saturated as well as total lecithins recovered by lung lavage are linearly correlated with the species body weight and with their respiratory rate. The value of the ratio:amount of saturated lecithins recovered by lung lavage to theoretical minimum amount needed to form a monomolecular film over the alveolar surface at functional residual capacity decreases linearly according to the respiratory rate of the species examined. In man this ratio is lower than 1 (0.45 +/- 0.11) and suggests the possible existence of a discontinuous mono molecular film of lipidic surfactant.  相似文献   

We describe a competitive, solid-phase radioimmunoassay for metallothionein, which employs a rabbit antiserum directed against rat MT-2 to detect metallothionein (MT) from several different species (rabbit, mouse, rat, Chinese hamster, and human). The lower limit of detection of the assay for rat MT-2 was 0.7 ng; for rabbit MT-2 it was 2 ng. The method is capable of measuring both isoforms of MT (MT-1 and MT-2). When MT levels in rat and mouse tissues were estimated with this RIA and the silver-saturation method, both assays gave the same pattern of MT induction in control and cadmium-treated animals. Both methods measured high levels of MT in human liver samples. Chinese hamster ovary cells induced with cadmium also showed elevated MT expression. The detectability of MTs from a broad range of species is facilitated by the use of solid-phase MT, which has an avidity for the antiserum similar to that of the MT in the tested sample.  相似文献   

Abstract. Epithelia of embryonic urogenital sinuses (UGE) or embryonic or adult urinary bladders (BLE) were associated heterospecifically with mesenchyme of the embryonic urogenital sinus (UGM). The resultant chimeric tissue recombinants prepared with mouse, rat, rabbit, and human tissues were grown for 2 to 14 weeks in male athymic nude mice. For almost all categories of permissive (UGM + UGE) or instructive (UGM + BLE) inductions, prostatic epithelial development occurred. In recombinations of mouse UGM and human fetal BLE, the bladder epithelium was induced to form glandular structures. The morphogenetic process observed was similar to that normally expressed during human prostatic development. We conclude that the mechanism of prostatic development is similar in these mammalian species.  相似文献   

We compared the radiosensitivity of human, rat and mouse peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) by analyzing micronuclei (MN) in cytochalasin B-induced binucleated (BN) cells. For each species and dose 4-ml aliquots of whole blood were X-irradiated to obtain doses of 38, 75, 150 or 300 cGy. Controls were sham-irradiated. After exposure to X-rays, mononuclear leukocytes were isolated using density gradients and cultured in RPMI 1640 medium containing phytohemagglutinin to stimulate mitogenesis. At 21 h cytochalasin B was added to produce BN PBLs, and all cultures were harvested at 52 h post-initiation using a cytocentrifuge. Significant dose-dependent increases in the percentage of micronucleated cells and the number of MN per BN cell were observed in all three species. The linear-quadratic regression curves for the total percentage of micronucleated cells for the three species were similar; however, the curve for the mouse PBLs had a larger quadratic component than either of the curves for the rat or human PBLs. Although the correlation between the percentage of cells with MN and those with chromosome aberrations was high (r2 greater than 0.95), the mouse and rat PBLs were over twice as efficient as human PBLs in forming MN from presumed acentric fragments. These data indicate that the induction of MN in BN cells following ionizing radiation is similar in human, rat and mouse PBLs, but care must be taken in using the MN results to predict frequencies of cells with chromosomal aberrations.  相似文献   

The smooth-muscle cells of the testicular capsule (tunica albuginea) of man, rat, and mouse were examined by electron microscopy. They were characteristically flattened, elongated, branching cells and diffusely incorporated into the collagenous matrix and did not form a compact muscle layer. Contractile and synthetic smooth-muscle cell phenotypes were identified. Nerve varicosities in close apposition to smooth muscle were seen in human tissue. Contractions induced by adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP), alpha, beta-methylene ATP, noradrenaline (NA), acetylcholine (ACh), and electrical field stimulation (EFS) of autonomic nerves were investigated. Nerve-mediated responses of the rabbit and human tunica albuginea were recorded. The EFS-induced human responses were completely abolished by prazosin. In the rabbit, EFS-induced contractile responses were reduced by pyridoxalphosphate-6-azophenyl-2',4'-disulphonic acid by 36% and by prazosin by 77%. Both antagonists together almost completely abolished all EFS-induced contractions. The human tunica albuginea was contracted by NA, ATP, and alpha, beta-methylene ATP, but not by ACh. The rabbit and rat tunica albuginea were contracted by NA, ATP, alpha, beta-methylene ATP, and ACh. The mouse tunica albuginea was contracted by ACh, ATP, and alpha, beta-methylene ATP, but relaxed to NA. Immunohistochemical studies showed that P2X1 (also known as P2RX1) and P2X2 (also known as P2RX2) receptors were expressed on the smooth muscle of the rodent testicular capsule, expression being less pronounced in man. The testicular capsule of the rat, mouse, rabbit, and man all contain contractile smooth muscle. ATP, released as a cotransmitter from sympathetic nerves, can stimulate the contraction of rabbit smooth muscle. Human, rat, and mouse testicular smooth muscle demonstrated purinergic responsiveness, probably mediated through the P2X1 and/or P2X2 receptors.  相似文献   

Myosin was prepared from the leg muscle of the rabbit, rat, and mouse. The preparations from the different species were found to be practically indistinguishable in yield, electrophoretic mobility, sedimentation rate, specific refractive increment, and viscosity. They were found to contain actomyosin and γ-myosin in addition to myosin proper. The identification and correlation of the three components in the electrophoretic and sedimentation diagrams were worked out.  相似文献   

Interferons of human, mouse, and rabbit origin bind to straight chain hydrocarbons immobilized on agarose. The hydrophobic nature of binding is established by the following observations: (a) a positive correlation between the length of hydrocarbon ligand and the strength of interaction; (b) a stronger interaction with hydrocarbon ligands terminated with apolar rather than polar head groups; (c) a lack of dependence of binding on ionic strength and pH of the solvent; (d) a reversal of binding by ethylene glycol, a hydrophobic solute; (e) an increasing eluting efficacy of tetraalkylammonium ions with the length of their alkyl substituents. The hydrophobic interactions of human interferon underlie the efficiency of two-step chromatographic procedures. For example, human embryo kidney interferon can be purified about 3,600-fold by sequential chromatography on (a) concanavalin A-agarose, (b) octyl-agarose. Another two-step procedure: (a) concanavalin A-agarose, (b) L-tryptophan-agarose, gives about 10,000-fold purification. The overall recovery of interferon in both cases in close to 90%.  相似文献   

Human fibroblasts totally deficient in β-glucuronidase acquired high levels of enzyme activity when co-cultured with mouse or rabbit lymphocytes. Direct cell-to-cell contact was obligatory for this process. The enzyme acquired by the fibroblasts was shown to be identical to β-glucuronidase from donor lymphocytes by its position of elution from DEAE-cellulose, thermal stability, mobility on polyacrylamide gels and by its antigenic determinants. The enzyme extracted from deficient fibroblasts after co-culture with lymphocytes showed no evidence of any hybridisation between human and mouse or rabbit sub-units. It is concluded that during direct cell interaction, enzymically active β-glucuronidase is transferred directly from donor lymphocytes to deficient fibroblasts by a mechanism, previously shown not to involve normal receptor mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

An affinity purification system based on elution of cytosolic epoxide hydrolase from a methoxycitronellyl thiol ligand with 4-azidochalcone oxide was applied to a variety of samples including liver from human, monkey, baboon, rabbit, rat and mouse as well as mammary gland from mouse. Hepatic tissues yielded a major 58 kDa band on SDS-PAGE, but the system had to be modified slightly to remove a 33 kDa band for rat. All of the affinity purified hydrolases showed similar properties with regard to substrate selectivity, pH dependence and mobilities on SDS-PAGE.  相似文献   

Summary DNA sequences of the human, mouse, and rabbit immunoglobulin kappa-gene (J-C regions) are compared with respect to various DNA patterns, including dyad symmetry pairings, runs of nucleotides, repeat clusters, and repeats that occur with unusually high frequency. The significant dyad symmetry pairings within each of the sequences emphasize the two control-enhancer elements of the J5-C intron. Dyad symmetry pairs between the J-C region and a number of kappa variable (V)-gene domains suggest differences in the affinities between the V and J segments. It is the consensus heptamer rather than the consensus nonamer that embodies the longest V-J dyad symmetry combinations. In the rabbit there are long runs and repeat clusters of the sequences that identify regions of high duplication; these regions are absent in the human and mouse sequences. High-frequency oligonucleotides feature the consensus nonamer 5 to the J segments, especially in the mouse sequence.  相似文献   

Recombinant human interleukin 2 (rH IL-2) in the presence or absence of additional stimuli, was found to be able to induce and support the proliferation of human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs). These proliferative effects were observed at low doses (less than or equal to 10 U/ml) of interleukin 2 (IL-2) only when additional signals (antigen, mitogen) were provided. However, higher doses (greater than or equal to 100 U/ml) of rH IL-2 significantly stimulated the proliferation of PBL even in the absence of exogenous lectin, antigen, or allogeneic serum. The subpopulation of lymphocytes most responsive to these higher doses of rH IL-2 was the large granular lymphocyte (LGL), the morphologic homologue of natural killer activity. After the separation of human PBLs on discontinuous Percoll gradients, cells from fraction 2 (greater than 90% LGLs) responded in a dose-dependent manner to rH IL-2 alone, whereas cells from fraction 6 (greater than 90% T cells) were only slightly responsive to rH IL-2 alone. A portion of the proliferation of cells from fraction 2 was dependent on the expression of the TAC receptor, because the prior removal of TAC-positive cells significantly reduced IL-2-induced lymphocyte proliferation. These results demonstrate that human LGL that have not been exogenously stimulated can proliferate in direct response to IL-2, and suggest that LGL are the major cellular phenotype in the proliferative response that has been observed clinically.  相似文献   

The comparative study of different types of conjugates (antirabbit, antimouse and antihuman) has shown that gamma globulin fractions actively interact not only with homologous peroxidase-labelled antibodies, but also with heterologous ones. Cross reactions were most pronounced between antimouse conjugates and the preparations of human gamma globulin and, vice versa, between antihuman conjugate and mouse gamma globulin. The study has shown that the main cause of cross reactions is the presence of common antigenic determinants in the preparations of mouse and human gamma globulin.  相似文献   

Stretch activation kinetics were investigated in skinned mouse skeletal muscle fibers of known myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform content to assess kinetic properties of different myosin heads while generating force. The time to peak of stretch-induced delayed force increase (t3) was strongly correlated with MHC isoforms [t3 given in ms for fiber types containing specified isoforms; means ± SD with n in parentheses: MHCI 680 ± 108 (13), MHCIIa 110.5 ± 10.7 (23), MHCIIx(d) 46.2 ± 5.2 (20), MHCIIb 23.5 ± 3.3 (76)]. This strong correlation suggests different kinetics of force generation of different MHC isoforms in the following order:MHCIIb > MHCIIx(d) > MHCIIa >> MHCI. For rat, rabbit, and human skeletal muscles the same type of correlation was found previously. The kinetics decreases slightly with increasing body mass. Available amino acid sequences were aligned to quantify the structural variability of MHC isoforms of different animal species. The variation in t3 showed a correlation with the structural variability of specific actin-binding loops (so-called loop 2 and loop 3) of myosin heads (r = 0.74). This suggests that alterations of amino acids in these loops contribute to the different kinetics of myosin heads of various MHC isoforms. isoform structure-function relationship; stretch activation; muscle mechanics  相似文献   

A thymic lymphoblastoid cell line derived from a New Zealand Black mouse produces murine leukemia virus (MuLV) and was used as a target in model systems for the in vitro study of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). Several human lymphoblastoid cell lines were investigated as potential effector cells. The most promising (Raji cells) bound to antibody-coated target cells but caused only modest levels of ADCC at 25:1 effector-to-target cell ratio with substantial lysis in the absence of antiserum. Human peripheral lymphocytes were active as effector cells in ADCC at a 5:1 ratio and produced no lysis in the absence of antibody. These cells were used to demonstrate that high dilutions of rabbit antisera to MuLV antigens p30, p15, p12, and p10 were capable of mediating lysis of MuLV-producing target cells but not of a virus-negative murine cell line. A murine antiserum to Thy 1.2 and three caprine antisera to MuLV antigens that were active in complement-mediated cytotoxicity functioned poorly in inducing ADCC; however, rabbit antisera to similar antigens were 16- to 512-fold more efficient in cell-mediated than in complement lysis. The inefficiency of goat antisera was not due to shedding of cell surface antigens or generation of blocking factors but rather to lack of lytic interaction of antibody-coated targets with the effector cells.  相似文献   

Highly purified sheep anti-rat lymphocyte membrane IgD (mIgD) was used to detect cross-reactivity with the putative murine-delta chain on mouse lymphocytes. Cross-reactivity is demonstrated by indirect immunofluorescent staining and by immunoprecipitation of 125I-labeled lymphocyte membrane extracts followed by electrophoresis on 10% polyacrylamide gels. In addition, cross-reactivity of anti-rat-delta with human IgD is shown by gel diffusion analysis. The anti-rat-delta reagent stained both Ig5a+ and Ig5b+ lymphocytes. Preincubation of Ig5b+ (but not Ig5a+) cells with monoclonal allotype-specific antibodies (anti-Ig5b) under capping conditions caused inhibition of staining by the sheep anti-rat-delta reagent, indicating that it is the delta-chain that is recognized on mouse lymphocytes and that the anti-rat-delta reagents does not distinguish between mouse-delta allotypes. Furthermore, absorption of the sheep anti-rat-delta serum with purified human IgD reduced subsequent staining of mouse lymphocytes by approximately 50%; staining was not affected by absorption with human IgM. This xenogeneic anti-delta antiserum appears to detect determinants on the delta-heavy chain, which are shared by at least three species of mammals, suggesting that these determinants represent important molecular features conserved during evolution.  相似文献   

A substantial fraction of human cord blood and peripheral blood lymphocytes have recently been shown to bear IgD. Although IgD has not been identified in mice, it has been suggested that it is also a major surface immunoglobulin of murine lymphocytes. Thus, lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination of surface immunoglobulin of mouse spleen and lymph node cells reveals the existence of an IgH chain differing from mu, gamma, and alpha-chain both antigenically and by mobility on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This new H chain class has been previously proposed to be the mouse homologue of delta-chain. In this paper, we analyzed human, mouse, guinea pig, and rabbit lymphoid cell membrane Ig by lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination, extraction with non-ionic detergent precipitation with a variety of specific anti-Ig sera, and electrophoresis of dissolved reduced precipitates on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. Our studies confirm the previous reports of a new mouse cell membrane H chain with a mobility more rapid than that of mu-chain. However, we fail to detect a molecule with this electrophoretic mobility on the surface of guinea pig or rabbit lymph node and spleen cells. Moreover, neither anti-kappa nor anti-delta antibody precipitates a molecule with an H chain of this mobility from labeled extracts of human cord blood or peripheral blood lymphocytes. Cell surface delta was identified on both human cord blood and peripheral blood lymphocytes, but it proved to have mobility similar to human and mouse mu-chain. This result indicates either that mouse delta-chain has an electrophoretic mobility on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels which differs appreciably from that of human membrane delta-chain or that the newly described mouse H chain is not the homologue of human delta-chain.  相似文献   

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