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Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy using spin-labeled ATP was used to study nucleotide binding to and structural transitions within the multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein, P-gp. Spin-labeled ATP (SL-ATP) with the spin label attached to the ribose, was observed to be an excellent substrate analogue for P-gp. SL-ATP was hydrolyzed in a drug-stimulated fashion at about 14% of the rate for normal ATP and allowed reversible trapping of the enzyme in transition and ground states. Equilibrium binding of a total of two nucleotides per P-gp was observed with a binding affinity of 366 microM in the presence of Mg2+ but in the absence of transport substrates such as verapamil. Binding of SL-ATP to wild-type P-gp in the presence of verapamil resulted in reduction of the protein-bound spin-label moiety, most likely due to a conformational transition within P-gp that positioned cysteines in close proximity to the spin label to allow chemical reduction of the radical. We circumvented this problem by using a mutant of P-gp in which all naturally occurring cysteines were substituted for alanines. Equilibrium binding of SL-ATP to this mutant P-gp resulted in maximum binding of two nucleotides; the binding affinity was 223 microM in the absence and 180 microM in the presence of verapamil. The corresponding ESR spectra of wild-type and Cys-less P-gp in the presence of SL-ATP indicate that a cysteine side chain of P-gp is located close to the ribose of the bound nucleotide. Trapping SL-ATP as an AlF(x)-adduct resulted in ESR spectra that showed strong immobilization of the radical, supporting the formation of a closed conformation of P-gp in its transition state. This study is the first to employ ESR spectroscopy with the use of spin-labeled nucleotide analogues to study P-glycoprotein. The study shows that SL-ATP is an excellent substrate analogue that will allow further exploration of structure and dynamics within the nucleotide binding domains of this important enzyme.  相似文献   

Biologically important protein complexes often involve molecular interactions that are low affinity or transient. We apply pulsed dipolar electron spin resonance spectroscopy and site-directed spin labeling in what to our knowledge is a new approach to study aggregation and to identify regions on protein surfaces that participate in weak, but specific molecular interactions. As a test case, we have probed the self-association of the chemotaxis kinase CheA, which forms signaling clusters with chemoreceptors and the coupling protein CheW at the poles of bacterial cells. By measuring the intermolecular dipolar interactions sensed by spin-labels distributed over the protein surface, we show that the soluble CheA kinase aggregates to a small extent through interactions mediated by its regulatory (P5) domain. Direct dipolar distance measurements confirm that a hydrophobic surface at the periphery of P5 subdomain 2 associates CheA dimers in solution. This result is further supported by differential disulfide cross-linking from engineered cysteine reporter sites. We suggest that the periphery of P5 is an interaction site on CheA for other similar hydrophobic surfaces and plays an important role in structuring the signaling particle.  相似文献   

The backbone conformation of the two opioid pentapeptides Leu5-enkephalin and Met5-enkephalin was studied by the technique of resolution-enhanced infrared spectroscopy. In aqueous solution, the conformation-sensitive amide I bands of the two peptides are identical. The positions of these bands are consistent with the view that in aqueous solution both enkephalins exist as an ensemble of largely unfolded conformers. Interaction of Leu5- and Met5-enkephalins with bilayer membranes of ditetradecylphosphatidylcholine results in a substantial refolding of the peptide backbones. The conformation stabilized by the membrane environment is a hydrogen-bonded turn structure. Conformational transitions in enkephalins induced by a lipid environment may play a role in the specific interactions between these hormones and their receptor sites.  相似文献   

The solution conformations of uridine diphosphoglucose (UDP-Glc) under a variety of conditions (solvent, ionic strength, various mono- and divalent cations) have been studied by NMR spectroscopy (1H, 13C, 31P, and 25Mg). In the case of divalent cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+) the phosphate oxygens are the preferred coordination sites and analysis of the 25Mg linewidths of solutions with various [Mg2+]/[UDP-Glc] ratios, indicates that the 1:1 Mg2+ UDP-Glc complex is the major species. From 13C relaxation data and hydrodynamic theory, it has been demonstrated that under all conditions UDP-Glc adopts a fairly extended overall shape and that magnesium ions lead to a significant increase in the average length of the UDP-Glc molecule as compared to monovalent cations. Thus, one of the roles of the metal ion in enzymic reactions involving nucleotide sugars may be to preorganize the nucleotide sugar.  相似文献   

A Otter  G Kotovych  P G Scott 《Biochemistry》1989,28(20):8003-8010
The solution conformation of the type I collagen alpha-1 chain N-telopeptide has been studied by CD and 1H NMR spectroscopy at 600 MHz in CD3OH/H2O (60/40 v/v) and H2O solutions. The 19 amino acids form the N-terminal end of the alpha-1 polypeptide chain. By the combined application of several two-dimensional, phase-sensitive NMR techniques (COSY, RELAY, ROESY), a complete assignment of all proton resonances was achieved, and the conformation of the backbone could be established on the basis of the coupling constant and NOE data. In CD3OH/H2O solutions the spectroscopic evidence clearly indicates that two sections of the molecule (pE1-Y6 and T11-M19) are extended and that the D7-S10 segment forms a beta-turn, stabilized by a hydrogen bond between NH(S10) and CO(D7). The data suggest that the turn is of the type I kind (minor) and that it coexists with an extended structure (major conformer). Interactions between the two extended parts of the peptide were not observed, thus excluding the existence of a beta-sheet. In H2O solution the conformation is significantly different, with no beta-turn, but a completely extended structure is observed.  相似文献   

Veiga MP  Goñi FM  Alonso A  Marsh D 《Biochemistry》2000,39(32):9876-9883
The temperature dependences of the ESR spectra from different positional isomers of sphingomyelin and of phosphatidylcholine spin-labeled in their acyl chain have been compared in mixed membranes composed of sphingolipids and glycerolipids. The purpose of the study was to identify the possible formation of sphingolipid-rich in-plane membrane domains. The principal mixtures that were studied contained sphingomyelin and the corresponding glycerolipid phosphatidylcholine, both from egg yolk. Other sphingolipids that were investigated were brain cerebrosides and brain gangliosides, in addition to sphingomyelins from brain and milk. The outer hyperfine splittings in the ESR spectra of sphingomyelin and of phosphatidylcholine spin-labeled on C-5 of the acyl chain were consistent with mixing of the sphingolipid and glycerolipid components, in fluid-phase membranes. In the gel phase of egg sphingomyelin and its mixtures with phosphatidylcholine, the outer hyperfine splittings of sphingomyelin spin-labeled at C-14 of the acyl chain of sphingomyelin are smaller than those of the corresponding sn-2 chain spin-labeled phosphatidylcholine. This is in contrast to the situation with sphingomyelin and phosphatidylcholine spin-labeled at C-5, for which the outer hyperfine splitting is always greater for the spin-labeled sphingomyelin. The behavior of the C-14 spin-labels is attributed to a different geometry of the acyl chain attachments of the sphingolipids and glycerolipids that is consistent with their respective crystal structures. The two-component ESR spectra of sphingomyelin and phosphatidylcholine spin-labeled at C-14 of the acyl chain directly demonstrate a broad two-phase region with coexisting gel and fluid domains in sphingolipid mixtures with phosphatidylcholine. Domain formation in membranes composed of sphingolipids and glycerolipids alone is related primarily to the higher chain-melting transition temperature of the sphingolipid component.  相似文献   

The binding of ANS to apolactate dehydrogenase (apo-LDH) is accompanied by a 300-fold increase in dye fluorescence with a shift of the emission maximum from 515 to 479 nm, as well as by quenching of intrinsic protein fluorescence. A tetrameric LDH molecule has 6.4 +/- 1.6 non-interacting dye-binding sites with an association constant equal to (4.3 +/- 1.6) X 10(3) M-1. NAD+ added at saturating concentrations does not alter the number of ANS binding sites or the association constant value. The formation of binary LDH.NAD+, LDH.NADH, LDH.AMP and LDH.pyruvate complexes causes the quenching of fluorescence of the enzyme-bound ANS. The extent of quenching observed at ligand saturating concentrations differs for each ligand. Pyruvate added to the binary LDH.AMP complex exerts no effect on the fluorescence of protein-bound ANS; this indicates that the binding of AMP causes some alterations in the microenvironment of the substrate-binding site. Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) can act as a coenzyme in the LDH-catalyzed reaction. AMP added together with NMN displays an inhibitory effect. The cationic (auramine O) and anionic (ANS) fluorescent probes bound to LDH exhibit different responses to conformational changes accompanying the transition from the apoenzyme to the LDH X NAD-pyruvate complex.  相似文献   

The thermal unfolding pathway for dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (LipDH) isolated from Bacillus stearothermophilus was investigated focusing on the transient intermediate state characterized through time-resolved fluorescence studies. The decrease in ellipticity in the far UV region in the CD spectrum, the fluorescence spectral change of Trp-91 and FAD, and the thermal enzymatic inactivation curve consistently demonstrated that LipDH unfolded irreversibly on heat treatment at higher than 65 degrees C. LipDH took a transient intermediate state during the thermal unfolding process which could refold back into the native state. In this state, the internal rotation of FAD was activated in the polypeptide cage and correspondingly LipDH showed a peculiar conformation. The transient intermediate state of LipDH characterized in time-resolved fluorescence depolarization studies showed very similar properties to the molten-globule state, which has been confirmed in many studies on protein folding.  相似文献   

The formation of ternary inhibitor and 'dead end' complexes of pig heart lactate dehydrogenase (L-lactate:NAD+ oxidoreductase, EC was studied by means of two NAD derivatives, spin-labelled at N6 and C-8 of the adenine ring. Dissociation constants calculated for the inhibitors oxamate and oxalate from their corresponding ternary complexes are in excellent agreement with data from literature derived from sedimentation experiments. However, the recently postulated enzyme-NADH-sulfite complex was not observed. The mobility of the spin-label, i.e. the protein conformation near the adenine binding pocket in various ternary complexes depends on the type of inhibition or substrate employed.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional NMR techniques were utilized to determine the secondary structural elements of endothelin-1 (ET-1), a potent vasoconstrictor peptide, and two of its point mutants, Met-7 to Ala-7 (ETM7A), and Asp-8 to Ala-8 (ETD8A) in acetic acid-d3/water solution. Sequence specific NMR assignments were determined for all three peptides, as well as chemical shifts and NOE connectivity patterns. The chemical shifts of ET-1 and ETM7A are identical (+/- 0.05 ppm) except for the site of substitution, whereas marked shift changes were detected between ET-1 and ETD8A. These chemical shift differences imply that the Asp-8 to Ala-8 mutation has induced a conformational change relative to the parent conformation. All three molecules show the same basic nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) pattern, which suggests that the gross conformation of all three molecules is the same. Small changes in sequential NOE intensities and changes in medium-range NOE patterns indicate that there are subtle conformational differences between ET-1 and ETD8A.  相似文献   

Protein/phospholipid interactions in the solubilized mitochondrial ubihydroquinone:cytochrome-c oxidoreductase (bc1 complex) were studied by spin-label electron-spin resonance and by 31P-NMR spectroscopy. Spin-labelled phospholipids were employed to probe the relative binding affinities of a number of phospholipids with regard to the significance of phospholipids for the activity and stability of this multisubunit complex. The protein was titrated with spin-labelled cardiolipin (1,3-bisphosphatidyl-sn-glycerol) and with the spin-labelled analogues of PtdCho and PtdEtn, both of which have been shown recently to elicit a substantial increase in electron-transport activity [Sch?gger, H., Hagen, T., Roth, B., Brandt, U., Link, T. A. & von Jagow, G. (1990) Eur. J. Biochem. 190, 123-130]. A simplified distribution model showed that neutral phospholipids have much lower protein affinity than cardiolipin. In contrast to the transient weak lipid binding detected by spin-label electron-spin resonance, 31P NMR revealed a tightly bound cardiolipin portion, even after careful delipidation of the complex. Considerable line narrowing was observed after phospholipase A2 digestion of the bound cardiolipin, whereas addition of SDS resulted in complete release. Relative proportions and line widths of mobile and immobilized lipids were obtained by deconvoluting the partially overlapping signals. The current results are discussed with reference to similar findings with other mitochondrial membrane proteins. It is assumed that activation by neutral phospholipids reflects a generalized effect on the protein conformation. Cardiolipin binding is believed to be important for the structural integrity of the mitochondrial protein complexes.  相似文献   

An investigation into the effect of alpha-tocopherol on phospholipid model membranes has been carried out by electron spin resonance (ESR) and saturation transfer ESR. The use of stearic acid and of perdeutero -di-t-butyl nitroxide spin probes has allowed us to monitor, in particular, the effect of alpha-tocopherol on both the phospholipid chain order and the phospholipid chain mobility. The results obtained are mainly consistent with a differing action of alpha-tocopherol in the gel and in the liquid crystalline phases: in the former it induces a decrease of order and an increase in fluidity; while in the latter phase an indication of a slight increase in ordering and a clear decrease in fluidity are registered.  相似文献   

The high-field 1H and 13C NMR studies of the N- and C-terminal telopeptides of the alpha-2 chain of collagen were carried out in CD3OH/H2O solutions. All proton assignments are based on two-dimensional phase-sensitive COSY and ROESY experiments. The conformation of the N-telopeptide (nonamer) is predominantly extended with a small proportion of the molecules existing in a type I beta turn. The four residues involved in this turn are D3-A4-K5-G6 which is stabilized by a C = O(D3)-NH(G6) hydrogen bond. The C-terminal telopeptide is extended throughout. A model is proposed involving charge-charge and hydrophobic interactions between the extended alpha-2 chain N-telopeptide and the adjacent segments of triple-helix. A similar model is proposed for the C-telopeptide.  相似文献   

T Fujisawa  M Kato  Y Inoko 《Biochemistry》1999,38(20):6411-6418
The effect of high pressure on lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was studied using small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The SAXS results are interpreted in terms of the dissociation and association of LDH within a compression and decompression cycle and its temperature dependence. LDH consists of four identical subunits. At 120 MPa and 25 degrees C, 50% of the LDH dissociates into subunits, while at 10 degrees C, this occurs at 78 MPa. The hysteresis in the dissociation and association under pressure was confirmed in terms of the radius of gyration and was seen to be more conspicuous at low temperature. Forward scattering, I(0)/C, which is proportional to molecular weight, showed that LDH dissociated into dimer (not monomer) subunits under pressure. The application of high pressure to dissociated dimers induced irreversible aggregation. This result is in sharp contrast with the result of fluorescence spectroscopy suggesting a dissociated monomer [King, L., and Weber, G. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 3637-3640]. As for structural change after reassociation, there was little structural difference between native and drifted LDH. The difference was smaller than the structure change by ligand binding. At 200 MPa, the presence of five scattering peaks in the medium-angle region indicates that the dissociated dimer does not have a molten globule-like structure but a core structure. We propose a model of the dissociated dimer, based on the SAXS profile, in which the volume is reduced without disrupting the core structure.  相似文献   

The dynamic nature of the interconversion of pyruvate to lactate as catalyzed by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is characterized by laser-induced temperature jump relaxation spectroscopy with a resolution of 20 ns. An equilibrium system of LDH·NADH plus pyruvate and LDH·NAD+ plus lactate is perturbed by a sudden T-jump, and the relaxation of the system is monitored by NADH emission and absorption changes. The substrate binding pathway is observed to be similar, although not identical, to previous work on substrate mimics: an encounter complex is formed between LDH·NADH and pyruvate, which collapses to the active Michaelis complex. The previously unresolved hydride transfer event is characterized and separated from other unimolecular isomerizations of the protein important for the catalytic mechanism, such as loop closure, a slower step, and faster events on the nanosecond-microsecond timescales whose structural basis is not understood. The results of this study show that this approach can be applied quite generally to enzyme systems and report on the dynamic nature of proteins over a very wide time range.  相似文献   

Decay of the hypervalent muscle pigment ferrylmyoglobin, formed by activation of metmyoglobin by hydrogen peroxide, was found, when studied by a combination of ESR and UV/VIS spectroscopy in aqueous solution at physiological pH, to proceed by parallel second- and first-order kinetics. At pH below 6.5 a sharp ESR signal (g = 2.003) with an increasing intensity for decreasing pH were observed in solutions frozen in liquid nitrogen, and a broad signal (g = 2.005) was seen throughout the studied pH range also in frozen solutions. The g = 2.005 signal is suggested to arise from an intermediate formed in an intramolecular rate-determining electron-transfer in ferrylmyoglobin, whereas the g = 2.003 signal is caused by a radical formed in a proton-assisted electron-transfer initiating the specific acid-catalysed autoreduction.  相似文献   

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