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The use of a set of new end points derived from ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), in addition to the blood pressure (BP) values themselves, has been advocated to improve the sensitivity and specificity in diagnosing hypertension and to evaluate a person's response to treatment. An adequate estimation of rhythmic parameters depends, however, on the ability to describe properly the circadian pattern of BP variability. The purpose of this study was to identify a simple model that could characterize sufficiently well the circadian pattern of BP in normotensive healthy volunteers sampled by ambulatory monitoring. We studied 278 clinically healthy Spanish adults (184 men), 22.7±3.3 yr of age, without medical history of hypertension and mean BP from ambulatory profiles always below 135/85 mmHg for systolic/diastolic BP, who underwent sequential ABPM providing a total of 1115 series of BPs and heart rates (HRs), sampled on each occasion at 0.5h intervals for 48 h. Subjects were assessed while adhering to their usual diurnal activity and nocturnal sleep routine, without restrictions but avoiding the use of medication. The circadian rhythm in BP and HR for each subject was established by multiple-component analysis. A statistically significant 24h component is documented for 97% of the BP profiles, with a significant second (12h) harmonic documented in 65% of the profiles. Other ultradian harmonic components were significant in less than 20% of the profiles. A statistically significant increase in the coefficient of determination (percent of overall variability explained by the function fitted to the data) was only obtained after including the periods of 24 and 12 h for BP, and periods of 24, 12, and 6 h for HR in the model components. Although other ultradian components can be demonstrated as statistically significant in a small percent of subjects, a rather simple model including only the two first harmonics of the 24h period describes sufficiently well, at the specified sampling rate, the circadian pattern of BP in normotensive subjects. Departure from this model could characterize overt pathology, as recently demonstrated in the diagnosis of preeclampsia.  相似文献   

The construction of time-specified reference limits requires systematic sampling in clinical health, particularly for those variables characterized by a circadian rhythm of large amplitude, as it is the case for blood pressure (BP). For the detection of false negatives, tolerance intervals (limits that will include at least a specified proportion of the population with a stated confidence) are important and should substitute when possible for prediction limits. We have previously described a nonparametric method for the computation of model-independent tolerance intervals that are constructed by first dividing the sampling range in several time spans in which no appreciable changes in population characteristics (namely, mean and variance) take place. The tolerance interval is then computed for each of the time spans. The limits thus computed, as well as results of any comparison of a given individual's profile against such tolerance intervals, are highly dependent on the sampling scheme of both the reference individuals and the test subject. To avoid this problem, we have developed an alternative method that allows the computation of model-dependent tolerance bands for hybrid time series. Assuming that a set X of longitudinal series monitored from a given group of reference individuals can be fitted with the same individual model, a population model C(X,t) can be also determined, as well as the deviation S(X,t) of each individual curve from the population model. The tolerance band will then have the form C(X,t) ± kS(X,t), where k is here estimated following a nonparametric approach based on bootstrap techniques. Alternatively, two different values of k can be estimated (for the lower and upper limits of the tolerance interval, respectively) in cases for which we cannot assume symmetry. The method is generally applicable for any population model describing the reference population (including the fit of multiple significant components, nonsinusoidal waveforms, and/or trends). The method was used to establish time-specified tolerance bands for time series of blood pressure monitored automatically in healthy individuals of both genders. Model-dependent intervals are preferred to the model-independent limits when reliance on a specified sampling rate needs to be avoided. These limits may serve for an objective and positive definition of health, for the screening and diagnosis of disease, and for gauging the subject's response to treatment. (Chronobiology International, 17(4), 567-582, 2000)  相似文献   

The construction of time-specified reference limits requires systematic sampling in clinical health, particularly for those variables characterized by a circadian rhythm of large amplitude, as it is the case for blood pressure (BP). For the detection of false negatives, tolerance intervals (limits that will include at least a specified proportion of the population with a stated confidence) are important and should substitute when possible for prediction limits. We have previously described a nonparametric method for the computation of model-independent tolerance intervals that are constructed by first dividing the sampling range in several time spans in which no appreciable changes in population characteristics (namely, mean and variance) take place. The tolerance interval is then computed for each of the time spans. The limits thus computed, as well as results of any comparison of a given individual's profile against such tolerance intervals, are highly dependent on the sampling scheme of both the reference individuals and the test subject. To avoid this problem, we have developed an alternative method that allows the computation of model-dependent tolerance bands for hybrid time series. Assuming that a set X of longitudinal series monitored from a given group of reference individuals can be fitted with the same individual model, a population model C(X,t) can be also determined, as well as the deviation S(X,t) of each individual curve from the population model. The tolerance band will then have the form C(X,t) ± kS(X,t), where k is here estimated following a nonparametric approach based on bootstrap techniques. Alternatively, two different values of k can be estimated (for the lower and upper limits of the tolerance interval, respectively) in cases for which we cannot assume symmetry. The method is generally applicable for any population model describing the reference population (including the fit of multiple significant components, nonsinusoidal waveforms, and/or trends). The method was used to establish time-specified tolerance bands for time series of blood pressure monitored automatically in healthy individuals of both genders. Model-dependent intervals are preferred to the model-independent limits when reliance on a specified sampling rate needs to be avoided. These limits may serve for an objective and positive definition of health, for the screening and diagnosis of disease, and for gauging the subject's response to treatment. (Chronobiology International, 17(4), 567–582, 2000)  相似文献   

The large-amplitude circadian pattern in blood pressure of healthy subjects of both genders suggests that the constant threshold currently used to diagnose hypertension should be replaced by a time-specified reference limit reflecting the mostly predictable blood pressure variability during the 24 h. Accordingly, we derived circadian time-specified reference standards for blood pressure as a function of gender. We studied 743 normotensive Caucasian volunteers (400 men and 343 women), 45.7 ± 16.5 (mean ± SD) years of age. Blood pressure was measured by ambulatory monitoring at 20-min intervals during the day and at 30-min intervals at night for 48 consecutive hours. Data from each blood pressure series were synchronized according to the rest-activity cycle of each individual in order to avoid differences among subjects in actual times of daily activity. Data were then used to compute 90% circadian tolerance intervals for each gender separately. The method, derived on the basis of bootstrap techniques, does not need to assume normality or symmetry in the data and, therefore, it is highly appropriate to describe the circadian pattern of blood pressure variability. Results reflect expected changes in the tolerance limits as a function of gender and circadian sampling time, as well as upper blood pressure limits below the thresholds currently used for diagnosing hypertension, especially for women. The use of these time-dependent tolerance limits for the computation of a hyperbaric index as a measure of blood pressure excess has already been shown to provide a reproducible and high-sensitivity test for the diagnosis of hypertension, which can also be used to evaluate treatment efficacy.  相似文献   

目的应用植入式遥测技术观察自发性高血压大鼠在清醒无束缚状态下血压昼夜波动变化。方法取8只SPF级3月龄雄性SHR大鼠,进行C50-PXT植入子植入手术,恢复7 d后,用遥测系统进行24 h连续清醒无束缚的血压监测,并用EMKA分析软件对动态血压心率均值、24 h血压心率趋势等指标进行分析。结果 3月龄的SHR大鼠血压和心律呈昼夜节律性变化,白昼阶段血压明显低于夜间阶段(P<0.01),血压在1∶30~2∶30和20∶30~21∶30时出现两个高峰期,14∶00~14∶30时出现一低谷期。其中夜间阶段平均收缩压为166.02 mmHg,两个收缩压峰值分别为172.13 mmHg和171.38 mmHg;白昼平均收缩压是162.73 mmHg,收缩压谷底值为155.73mmHg。而心率两个高峰期出现在1∶30~2∶00和20∶00~21∶00,高峰值分别为375.00次/分和373.26次/分;心率低谷出现在11∶00左右,谷底值为310.91次/分,白昼和夜间的平均心率分别为328.85次/分和346.05次/分。结论 3月龄的SHR大鼠血压和心律呈昼夜节律性变化,血压和心率在夜间出现两个高峰,白昼出现一个低谷,且夜间的平均血压和心率要高于白昼,SHR大鼠的血压和心率的节律变化与其活动有关。植入式遥测技术可准确反映SHR大鼠血压昼夜的节律性变化,有助于正确评价抗高血压药物的作用和高血压的生理机制研究。  相似文献   

24 h and ultradian rhythms of blood pressure (BP) have been previously shown to be disorganized in nocturnal hypertensive subjects. The present study was undertaken to further analyze the ultradian and circadian BP rhythm structure in sleep-time hypertensive subjects with normal or elevated awake-time BP levels. Fourier analysis was used to fit 24, 12, 8, and 6 h curves to mean BP as well as heart rate (HR) time series data derived from 24 h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Awake and sleep periods were defined according to individual sleep diaries. Awake-time hypertension was defined as diurnal systolic (SBP) and/or diastolic BP (DBP) means ≥135/85 mmHg. Sleep-time hypertension was defined as nocturnal SBP and/or DBP means ≥120/70 mmHg. The sample included 240 awake-time normotensive subjects (180 sleep-time normotensives and 60 sleep-time hypertensives) and 138 untreated awake-time hypertensive subjects (31 sleep-time normotensives and 107 sleep-time hypertensives). The amplitude and integrity (i.e., percent rhythm) of the 24 and 12 h BP rhythms were lower in the sleep-time hypertensive subjects and higher in the awake-time hypertensive subjects. However, no differences were detected when the integrity and amplitude of the 6 and 8 h mean BP rhythms were analyzed. The sleep-time hypertensive group showed significantly higher 24 h BP rhythm acrophase variability. No differences could be found in any of the HR rhythm parameters. Altogether, the findings suggest a disorganization of the BP circadian rhythm in sleep-time hypertensives that results in reduced 24 h rhythm amplitude and integrity that could be related to cardiovascular risk.  相似文献   

The double product (DP), systolic blood pressure multiplied by heart rate, is a surrogate measure of myocardial oxygen demand and cardiac workload used increasingly today in medicine. The double product is more strongly correlated with left ventricular mass than the daily blood pressure mean. The purpose of this study was to describe the normative circadian pattern of the double product in healthy normotensive young adults. We studied 125 men and 75 women, 23.0 ± 3.3 (mean ± SD) years of age, without medical history of hypertension and 24h ambulatory systolic/diastolic blood pressure mean consistently below 135/85 mm Hg. Subjects underwent ambulatory blood pressure monitoring at 30-minute intervals for 48 consecutive hours once each season of the year, yielding 930 protocol-correct blood pressure and heart rate time series. Subjects maintained their usual routine of diurnal activity and nocturnal sleep and avoided use of over-the-counter and other medication. Circadian rhythmicity in the double product was established by population multiple-component analysis. The double product rose rapidly from the lowest value, attained 3h before awaking from sleep at night, to a markedly elevated level at the commencement of morning activity. The double product was highest in the afternoon, roughly 7h after the commencement of diurnal activity. In both men and women, the shape of the highamplitude circadian rhythm in the double product was best described by a complex model composed of three cosine curves having periods of 24h, 12h, and 6h. The 24h mean in the double product of 8092.51 ±42.76 (mean ±SD) in men was significantly lower than that of 8353.17 ±37.48 in women (P <.001). The circadian double amplitude of the rhythm was statistically significantly greater (P <.001) in men (50% of the 24h mean) than women (44% of the 24h mean). The double product did not differ between seasons in women, but it did in men (P =.017) due to reduced heart rate in summer. The circadian pattern of large amplitude in the double product and its gender differences must be taken into account when using this variable to assess cardiac workload, risk of left ventricular hypertrophy, and efficiency of antihypertensive therapy. (Chronobiology International, 18(3), 475–489, 2001)  相似文献   

The large-amplitude circadian pattern in blood pressure of healthy subjects of both genders suggests that the constant threshold currently used to diagnose hypertension should be replaced by a time-specified reference limit reflecting the mostly predictable blood pressure variability during the 24 h. Accordingly, we derived circadian time-specified reference standards for blood pressure as a function of gender. We studied 743 normotensive Caucasian volunteers (400 men and 343 women), 45.7 ± 16.5 (mean ± SD) years of age. Blood pressure was measured by ambulatory monitoring at 20-min intervals during the day and at 30-min intervals at night for 48 consecutive hours. Data from each blood pressure series were synchronized according to the rest-activity cycle of each individual in order to avoid differences among subjects in actual times of daily activity. Data were then used to compute 90% circadian tolerance intervals for each gender separately. The method, derived on the basis of bootstrap techniques, does not need to assume normality or symmetry in the data and, therefore, it is highly appropriate to describe the circadian pattern of blood pressure variability. Results reflect expected changes in the tolerance limits as a function of gender and circadian sampling time, as well as upper blood pressure limits below the thresholds currently used for diagnosing hypertension, especially for women. The use of these time-dependent tolerance limits for the computation of a hyperbaric index as a measure of blood pressure excess has already been shown to provide a reproducible and high-sensitivity test for the diagnosis of hypertension, which can also be used to evaluate treatment efficacy.  相似文献   

Congestive heart failure is associated with a loss of circadian and short-term variability in blood pressure and heart rate. In order to assess the contribution of elevated cardiac sympathetic activity to the disturbed cardiovascular regulation, we monitored blood pressure and heart rate in mice with cardiac overexpression of the β1-adrenoceptor prior to the development of overt heart failure. Telemetry transmitters for continuous monitoring of blood pressure and heart rate were implanted in 8 to 9-week-old wildtype and transgenic mice, derived from crosses of heterozygous transgenic (line β1TG4) and wildtype mice. Cardiovascular circadian patterns were analyzed under baseline conditions and during treatment with propranolol (500 mg/L in drinking water). Short-term variability was assessed by spectral analysis of beat-to-beat data sampled for 30 min at four circadian times. Transgenic β1TG4 mice showed an increase in 24 h heart rate, while blood pressure was not different from wildtype controls. Circadian patterns in blood pressure and heart were preserved in β1TG4 mice. Addition of propranolol to the animals' drinking water led to a reduction in heart rate and its 24 h variation in both strains of mice. Short-term variability in blood pressure was not different between wildtype and β1TG4 mice, but heart rate variability in the transgenic animals showed a rightward shift of the high-frequency component in the nocturnal activity period, suggesting an increase in respiratory frequency. In conclusion, the present study shows that both the circadian and the short-term regulation of blood pressure and heart rate are largely preserved in young, nonfailing β1-transgenic mice. This finding suggests that the loss of blood pressure and heart rate variability observed in human congestive heart failure cannot be attributed solely to sympathetic overactivity but reflects the loss of adrenergic responsiveness to changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the natural history of the circadian rhythm of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) in 10 patients with heart failure (class IV of the New York Heart Association), who underwent heart transplantation because of primary congestive cardiomyopathy. The control group was 10 age-matched clinically healthy subjects. The BP and HR monitor-ings were performed before and after transplantation. Preoperatively, analysis of variance and cosinor methods validated the occurrence of a statistically significant BP and HR circadian rhythm in cardiopathic patients. Over the 4 days after surgery, both the cosinor method and serial section analysis were unable to validate a 24-h periodicity for BP and HR in patients with heart transplants. Six months after surgery, the BP and HR circadian rhythm was not detected as well. One year after transplantation. the BP and HR circadian rhythm was statistically validated. The recovery of the BP and HR circadian rhythm 1 year after heart transplantation can be regarded as a clinical sign of a reacquired susceptibility to neurovegetative chronoregulation.  相似文献   

The exercise-related response of the rate-pressure-product (RPP) is a prognostic marker of autonomic imbalance, cardiovascular mortality, and silent myocardial ischemia in hypertension. In view of the well-known 24 h variation in out-of-hospital sudden cardiac events, our aim was to investigate whether the reactivity of RPP to everyday physical activities varies over the 24 h. Ambulatory measurements of systolic blood pressure (BP) and heart rate were recorded every 20 min for 24 h in 440 diurnally active patients attending a hypertension clinic. Wrist activity counts were summed over the 15 min that preceded a BP measurement. An RPP reactivity index was derived for each of twelve 2 h data bins by regressing the change in RPP against the change in logged activity counts. The RPP showed 24 h variation (p?<?0.0005), with a peak of 11,004 (95% CI?=?10,757 to 11,250) beat?·?min?1?·?mmHg occurring at 10:00 h (2 h after mean wake-time). The overall 24 h mean of RPP reactivity was 477 beat?·?min?1?·?mmHg?·?logged activity counts?1 (95% CI?=?426 to 529). The largest increase in RPP reactivity occurred within the first 2 h after waking (p?<?0.0005). There were no subsequent significant differences in RPP reactivity up to 14 h after waking. The lowest RPP reactivity was found 18–20 h after waking, with a peak-to-trough variation of 593 beat?·?min?1?·?mmHg?·?logged activity counts?1 (95% CI?=?394 to 791, p?<?0.0005). Although this variation was not moderated by BP status, age, or sex, less variability in RPP reactivity was found for the medicated individuals during the waking hours. These data suggest that under conditions of normal living, the reactivity of RPP to a given change in physical activity increases markedly during the first 2 h after waking from nocturnal sleep, the time when out-of-hospital sudden cardiac events are also most common. Therefore, these data add weight to the notion that reactivity of RPP to physical activity could be a prognostic marker of autonomic imbalance and cardiovascular mortality, although more research is needed to assess the specific prognostic value of 24 h ambulatory measurements of RPP and physical activity.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial blood pressure (SBP, DBP, and MAP), heart rate (HR), double-product (DP: SBP×HR), and activity levels and their 24h pattern in liver glycogen storage disease (LGSD) patients. A case series of 12 (11 pediatric and one adult) diurnally active LGSD (seven type I, three type III, and two type IX) subjects were simultaneously assessed by 24h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and wrist actigraphy. Nine subjects were judged to be hypertensive based on the criterion of an elevated 24h mean SBP and/or DBP being elevated beyond reference standards or the SBP and/or DBP load (percentage of time BP exceeds normal values) being greater than 25%. Two of the three other subjects, not viewed as hypertensive based on their 24h average SBP or DBP, exhibited daytime or nighttime SBP and/or DBP load hypertension. Each study variables displayed statistically significant (p<0.001) group circadian rhythmicity. The SBP, DBP, and MAP displayed comparable 24h patterns of appreciable amplitude (total peak–trough variation equal to 17.7, 23.6, and 19.6%, respectively, of the 24h mean) with highest values (orthophase) occurring ~11 h after the commencement of daytime activity. The sleep-time trough (bathyphase) occurred ~4.5 h before morning awakening. The statistically significant (p<0.006) circadian rhythms of HR (amplitude equal to 33.2% of the 24h mean) and DP (amplitude equal to 49.4% of the 24h mean) peaked earlier, ~7.4 h into the daytime activity span. The sleep-time trough occurred ~3 h before morning awakening. The 24h pattern in the cardiovascular variables was correlated with the 24h pattern of activity, with r ranging from 0.50 for DBP to 0.39 for HR.  相似文献   

Recently, we reported that circadian variation exists in the response of blood pressure (BP) following a bout of uninterrupted exercise. The usual phenomenon of post‐exercise hypotension was absent or reversed when such exercise was performed between 04:00–08:00 h. Nevertheless, research examining BP changes following bouts of intermittent exercise at different times of the day is scarce, even though this type of activity is probably more popular. Therefore, we aimed to compare post‐exercise BP reductions of continuous (CONT) and intermittent (INT) exercise protocols performed at 08:00 h and 16:00 h. At both of these times of day, eight normotensive males completed 30 min of continuous cycling in the CONT and three 10 min bouts of cycling separated by 10 min of rest in the INT protocol. The exercise intensity was set at 70% V˙O2peak during both protocols. Heart rate, systolic (S) and diastolic (D) BP, and mean arterial pressure (MAP) were measured 5 min before and 20 min after exercise. Changes from pre‐exercise baseline were analyzed using linear mixed modeling. MAP was 8±1 mm Hg lower following INT compared with CONT exercise (p<0.05). SBP and DBP were also significantly lower following INT compared with CONT exercise (p<0.05). Diurnal variation in MAP was evident, with attenuated hypotension being observed after morning exercise (p<0.05), although this diurnal variation was less marked following INT compared with CONT exercise (p<0.05). We conclude that intermittent exercise mediates greater post‐exercise hypotension compared with a single continuous bout of equivalent work and that this protocol‐dependent difference is greatest in the afternoon. Therefore, a bout of afternoon exercise that is occasionally interrupted with short rest periods is recommended for lowering BP acutely.  相似文献   

The impact of environmental and behavioral factors on the 24-h profile of blood pressure (BP) has been well established. Various attempts have been made to control these exogenous factors, in order to investigate a possible endogenous circadian variation of BP. Recently, we reported the results of the first environmentally and behaviorally controlled laboratory study with 24-h recordings of BP and heart rate (HR) during maintained wakefulness. In this constant-routine study, a pronounced endogenous circadian rhythm of HR was found, but circadian variation of BP was absent. This result suggested that the circadian rhythm of BP observed in earlier controlled studies, with sleep allowed, was evoked by the sleep-wake cycle as opposed to the endogenous circadian pacemaker. In order to verify our previous finding during maintained wakefulness, we repeated the experiment five times with six normotensive, healthy young subjects. Statistical analyses of the hourly measurements of BP and HR confirmed the replicable presence of an endogenous circadian rhythm of HR, as well as the consistent absence of an endogenous circadian variation of BP. Thus, this study provided additional evidence that the 24-h profile of BP—as observed under normal circumstances—is the sole result of environmental and behavioral factors such as the occurrence of sleep, and has no endogenous circadian component. (Chronobiology International, 18(1), 85-98, 2001)  相似文献   

This study investigated (i) blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), and their relation to urinary NOx and eNOS protein expression in male and female spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), as well as (ii) gender-dependent cardiovascular effects of nebivolol (NEB) in comparison to metoprolol (MET) in SHR. BP and HR were measured telemetrically after a single intraperitoneal application of NEB or MET at 07.00 and 19.00 h in male rats and at 19.00 h in proestrus female rats. The two β-blockers varied in time of decreasing BP and HR and also in duration. In males, MET decreased BP and HR for few hours exclusively when applied at the onset of the activity phase (i.e., at 19.00 h), while after its application at 07.00 h, BP and HR were unchanged. In females, MET also caused a short-lasting BP and HR reduction, with the effect being more pronounced than in males. In males, NEB at either dosing time decreased HR and BP to a greater extent than did MET. This effect was evident both during the activity and rest periods and persisted for at least five days. In females, NEB provoked a similar, but more pronounced, effect on BP and HR in comparison to males. These findings demonstrate that significant gender-dependent differences in the circadian profile of BP and HR exist. BP and urinary NOx as well as eNOS expression are inversely correlated, and the cardiovascular effects of NEB and MET vary, depending on the time of application as well as gender.  相似文献   

We examined the response to exercise of selected physiological variables in horses performing the identical routine for eight days, in the morning (a.m.) or in the afternoon (p.m.). Heart rate (HR), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP), and body temperature (BT) were all consistently greater in the p.m. For BP and BT, the absolute increase above the a.m. values was the same at rest and during exercise. For HR, the absolute increase was greater during exercise, but the percent increase was the same as during rest. During exercise, blood glucose decreased, while blood lactate and skin temperature increased; these changes were the same during the a.m. and p.m. sessions. We conclude that there is no indication in horses of a difference in the responses of HR, BP, and BT to exercise between the a.m. and p.m. The circadian oscillations, however, alter the absolute values of these variables both at rest and during exercise, raising the possibility that the safety margins against hyperthermia and hypertension may decrease during p.m. exercise.  相似文献   

Diurnal blood pressure (BP) fluctuations are superimposed by a 24-h rhythm with usually lower levels during the night and higher levels during the day. In contrast to other rhythmic bioparameters, the diurnal BP rhythm is largely dependent on activity and sleep rather than on clock time. This has been demonstrated by the BP characteristics after shifted sleeping and working phases, during transition from sleep to wakefulness, and by the influence of sleep and activities on the 24-h BP curve during normal daily routines. Whereas the circadian rhythm of BP is predominantly governed by external time triggers, endogenous rhythmic-ity can only be detected by time microscopic analysis or in conditions where effects of external time triggers are almost excluded.  相似文献   

Congestive heart failure is associated with a loss of circadian and short-term variability in blood pressure and heart rate. In order to assess the contribution of elevated cardiac sympathetic activity to the disturbed cardiovascular regulation, we monitored blood pressure and heart rate in mice with cardiac overexpression of the β1-adrenoceptor prior to the development of overt heart failure. Telemetry transmitters for continuous monitoring of blood pressure and heart rate were implanted in 8 to 9-week-old wildtype and transgenic mice, derived from crosses of heterozygous transgenic (line β1TG4) and wildtype mice. Cardiovascular circadian patterns were analyzed under baseline conditions and during treatment with propranolol (500 mg/L in drinking water). Short-term variability was assessed by spectral analysis of beat-to-beat data sampled for 30 min at four circadian times. Transgenic β1TG4 mice showed an increase in 24 h heart rate, while blood pressure was not different from wildtype controls. Circadian patterns in blood pressure and heart were preserved in β1TG4 mice. Addition of propranolol to the animals’ drinking water led to a reduction in heart rate and its 24 h variation in both strains of mice. Short-term variability in blood pressure was not different between wildtype and β1TG4 mice, but heart rate variability in the transgenic animals showed a rightward shift of the high-frequency component in the nocturnal activity period, suggesting an increase in respiratory frequency. In conclusion, the present study shows that both the circadian and the short-term regulation of blood pressure and heart rate are largely preserved in young, nonfailing β1-transgenic mice. This finding suggests that the loss of blood pressure and heart rate variability observed in human congestive heart failure cannot be attributed solely to sympathetic overactivity but reflects the loss of adrenergic responsiveness to changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(1-2):207-220
Hypertension is defined as resistant to treatment when a therapeutic plan including ≥3 hypertension medications failed to sufficiently lower systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressures (BPs). Most individuals, including those under hypertension therapy, show a “white-coat” effect that could cause an overestimation of their real BP. The prevalence and clinical characteristics of “white-coat” or isolated-office resistant hypertension (RH) has always been evaluated by comparing clinic BP values with either daytime home BP measurements or the awake BP mean obtained from ambulatory monitoring (ABPM), therefore including patients with either normal or elevated asleep BP mean. Here, we investigated the impact of including asleep BP mean as a requirement for the definition of hypertension on the prevalence, clinical characteristics, and estimated cardiovascular (CVD) risk of isolated-office RH. This cross-sectional study evaluated 3042 patients treated with ≥3 hypertension medications and evaluated by 48-h ABPM (1707 men/1335 women), 64.2?±?11.6 (mean?±?SD) yrs of age, enrolled in the Hygia Project. Among the participants, 522 (17.2%) had true isolated-office RH (elevated clinic BP and controlled awake and asleep ambulatory BPs while treated with 3 hypertension medications), 260 (8.6%) had false isolated-office RH (elevated clinic BP, controlled awake SBP/DBP means, but elevated asleep SBP or DBP mean while treated with 3 hypertension medications), and the remaining 2260 (74.3%) had true RH (elevated awake or asleep SBP/DBP means while treated with 3 medications, or any patient treated with ≥4 medications). Patients with false, relative to those with true, isolated-office RH had higher prevalence of microalbuminuria and chronic kidney disease (CKD), significantly higher albumin/creatinine ratio (p <?.001), significantly higher 48-h SBP/DBP means by 9.6/5.3?mm Hg (p?<?.001), significantly lower sleep-time relative SBP and DBP decline (p?<?.001), and significantly greater prevalence of a non-dipper BP profile (96.9% vs. 38.9%; p?<?.001). Additionally, the prevalence of the riser BP pattern, which is associated with highest CVD risk, was much greater, 40.4% vs. 5.0% (p?<?.001), among patients with false isolated-office RH. The estimated hazard ratio of CVD events, using a fully adjusted model including the significant confounding variables of sex, age, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, asleep SBP mean, and sleep-time relative SBP decline, was significantly greater for patients with false compared with those with true isolated-office RH (2.13 [95% confidence interval: 1.95–2.32]; p?<?.001). Patients with false isolated-office hypertension and true RH, however, were equivalent for the prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea, metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, microalbuminuria, and chronic kidney disease, and they had an equivalent estimated hazard ratio of CVD events (1.04 [95% confidence interval: .97–1.12]; p?=?.265). Our findings document a significantly elevated prevalence of a blunted nighttime BP decline in patients here categorized as either false isolated-office RH and true RH, jointly accounting for 82.8% of the studied sample. Previous reports of much lower prevalence of true RH plus a nonsignificant increased CVD risk of this condition compared with isolated-office RH are misleading by disregarding asleep BP mean for classification. Our results further indicate that classification of RH patients into categories of isolated-office RH, masked RH, and true RH cannot be based on the comparison of clinic BP with either daytime home BP measurements or awake BP mean from ABPM, as so far customary in the available literature, totally disregarding the highly significant prognostic value of nighttime BP. Accordingly, ABPM should be regarded as a clinical requirement for proper diagnosis of true RH. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore the 24-h patterns of stroke volume, cardiac output, and peripheral vascular resistance along with other correlated variables, such as left ventricular ejection time, ejection velocity index, thoracic fluid index, heart rate, and blood pressure. The study was performed on 12 clinically healthy subjects by means of a noninvasive beat-to-beat monitoring using the thoracic electric bioimpedance technique associated with the automated sphygmomano-metric recording. Time data series were analyzed by means of chronobiological procedures. The results documented the occurrence of a circadian rhythm for all the variables investigated, giving relevance to the beat-to-beat bioperiodicity of cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance. Temporal quantification of the investigated variables may be useful for a better insight of the chronophysiology of the cardiovascular apparatus.  相似文献   

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