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: Repeated electroconvulsive shock (ECS) administered on alternate days for 10 days produced no changes in rat striatal [3H]spiroperidol binding measured 24 h after the last shock compared to anaesthetised controls. Similarly, there was no change in whole brain specific [3H]5-HT binding. Sodiumdependent high affinity [3H]choline uptake (HAUC) and ChAT were also unaltered in striatal and hippocampal samples following repeated ECS. Acute administration of Pentylenetetrazol did produce an increase in hippocampal HAUC immediately postictally. However, ECS (XI) did not change HAUC measured 1 h postictally. An effect of halothane on HAUC was noted in these experiments indicating the importance of an evaluation of anaesthetic effects in ECS studies.  相似文献   

Ammonia Inhibits Protein Synthesis in Slices from Young Rat Brain   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Ammonium chloride, widely used as an inhibitor of lysosomal protein degradation, was shown to inhibit strongly protein synthesis in neocortical slices from 10-day-old rats at a concentration of 10 mmol/L. Its usefulness in experiments with brain tissue is doubted. The possible meaning of the finding with respect to ammonia toxicity is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis in vivo was studied in whole brain of rat fetuses using continuous intravenous infusion of L-[U-14C]tyrosine into unrestrained pregnant rats at 19 and 21 days gestation. Protein degradation (KD) was calculated by subtracting fractional growth rate of brain protein (KG) from the fractional synthesis rate (KS). KS was high at both gestational ages (0.42 +/- 0.03 days-1 at day 19, 0.47 +/- 0.029 days-1 at 21 days), comparable to values previously reported for newborn rat cerebral hemispheres, and threefold higher than is seen in adult animals. KD was similar at both 19 and 21 days gestation (0.19-0.24) and lower than that reported in neonatal rat brain using similar techniques. Protein accretion during the most rapid phase of brain growth (fetus) is accomplished by similar rates of protein synthesis, but decreased rates of degradation when compared with a slower growth phase (newborn). KD in the brain of the rapidly growing fetus is slightly higher than in adult cerebral hemispheres.  相似文献   

Abstract: The synthesis of protein by brain microvessels prepared from rats 4, 15, and 21 months of age was examined in organ culture. The rate of [35S]methionine incorporation into trichloroacetic acid-insoluble protein was lower in the vessels from older animals. These decreases were not dependent on the concentration of added methionine. Differences in protein synthesis could not be accounted for by specific peptidases in the incubation mixture. Polypeptide bands corresponding to actin and to the heavy and light chains of myosin were observed among the newly synthesized proteins following electrophoresis and autoradiography of the incubation mixture on polyacrylamide gels. The pattern of proteins synthesized, however, did not appear to vary significantly between young and old animals. Age-related decreases in the synthesis of vascular proteins may contribute, in part, to some of the changes in the mechanical and functional properties of blood vessels during aging.  相似文献   

Phencyclidine and Analogues: Effects on Brain Protein Synthesis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract: Phencyclidine and four analogues were tested for their capacity to inhibit total protein synthesis in a brain homogenate. At 1.0 m M they were all found to be potent inhibitors with values ranging from 36% to 96% inhibition. At this high concentration two of the analogues were equal to or more effective than the classic protein synthesis inhibitors cycloheximide and emetine. At lower concentrations the inhibition dropped off sharply to 18% at 1.0 × 10−4 M and 9% at 1.0 × 10−5 M for phencyclidine. If the inhibition observed in the brain homogenate occurs in vivo it may account for the high incidence of memory loss reported with phencyclidine use.  相似文献   

Regulation of Prenatal and Postnatal Protein Synthesis in Mouse Brain   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Abstract: Regulation of protein synthesis during prenatal and postnatal brain development was examined using postmitochondrial supernatant (PMS) fractions and isolated ribosome-pH 5 enzyme systems from fetal, neonatal, and adult neural tissue. The rate of polyuridylic acid (poly-U)-dependent protein synthetic activity was inversely proportional to the endogenous rate of protein synthesis in either the PMS fractions or ribosomal preparations. A careful analysis of the kinetics of the poly-U-dependent polypeptide synthesis revealed that there was a lag in the time at which certain of the PMS preparations could begin to utilize the poly-U template as sole source of mRNA. The lag period was dependent upon the developmental age of the neural tissue used and the Mg2+ concentration of the protein synthesis reaction. Since previous work reported that the observed developmental decrease in the rate of polypeptide synthesis utilizing a poly-U template could not be measured in a purified ribosomal-pH 5 enzyme system, ribosomes were obtained by several isolation techniques to determine if the purification procedure might have affected the ribosomes in some manner by removing a specific protein(s) involved in ribosome-cytosol interactions. At 6 mM-Mg2+ the rate of poly-U-dependent protein synthesis was inversely proportional to the rate of endogenous synthesis and depended upon the method used to isolate the ribosomes: microsomes ∼Triton X-100-treated < DOC-treated < KCl-treated. However, there was no age-dependent effect with any of the ribosomal preparations. The data suggest that there is a developmental modulating effect of ribosomal activity in PMS preparations which is not found in association with the isolated ribosome-pH 5 enzyme protein synthesizing system.  相似文献   

The concentration of most amino acids was higher in the brains of 19- and 21-day rat fetuses than in their respective mothers. After an intraperitoneal load of tryptophan to the mother, the intracerebral concentration of several amino acids (including leucine) decreased not only in the mothers, but also in their fetuses. The in vitro incorporation of pHJleucine into proteins in brain postmitochondrial supernatant fractions was enhanced in both the mothers and fetuses after tryptophan administration, but this effect disappeared when protein synthesis was calculated by using specific activities corrected for the amount of unlabeled leucine in the preparation. By this criterion, protein synthesis activity appeared similar in the brains of 19- and 21-day pregnant rats but was higher in their fetuses, especially in the 21-day subjects. Thus, protein synthesis in the brain was not altered by marked changes in the amino acid pool and more profound and prolonged metabolic disturbances must occur to cause permanent damage in the developing brain.  相似文献   

The influence of membrane depolarization on somatostatin secretion and protein synthesis by fetal and neonatal cerebrocortical neurons was studied. Cortical cells obtained by mechanical dispersion were maintained as monolayer cultures for 8 days. The ability of fetal cerebrocortical and hypothalamic cells to release immunoreactive somatostatin (IR-SRIF) was confirmed. Total protein synthesis was determined by the incorporation of [3H]phenylalanine into trichloroacetic acid-precipitable proteins. To study the effect of acute depolarization on protein synthesis, cells were incubated for 30 min with [3H]phenylalanine or [3H]leucine and the depolarizing agent. In fetal cerebrocortical cells, potassium (30 and 56 mM) decreased protein synthesis and RNA levels and increased IR-SRIF release. Depolarization by veratridine, a sodium channel activator, induced a similar effect. The effect of veratridine on IR-SRIF and protein synthesis was reversed by tetrodotoxin, a sodium channel blocker, or verapamil, a calcium channel blocker. These findings suggest that protein synthesis by cerebrocortical cells is decreased in fetal brain cells by membrane depolarization and is dependent on Na+ and Ca2+ entry into cells. In postnatal (day 7) cerebrocortical cells, depolarization induced by high potassium concentrations led to a concomitant increase in protein synthesis, RNA content, and somatostatin release. These findings indicate that depolarization of the cellular membrane is coupled to an increase in protein synthesis in neonatal, but not in fetal, dispersed brain cells.  相似文献   

Protein Synthesis and Axonal Transport During Nerve Regeneration   总被引:11,自引:10,他引:1  
Abstract— Protein synthesis and axonal transport have been studied in regenerating peripheral nerves. Sciatic nerves of bullfrogs were unilaterally crushed or cut. The animals were killed 1, 2, or 4 weeks later, and 8th and 9th dorsal root ganglia removed together with sciatic nerves and dorsal roots. The ganglia were selectively labeled in vitro with [35S]-methionine. Labeled proteins, in dorsal root ganglia and rapidly transported to ligatures placed on the sciatic nerves and dorsal roots, were analyzed by two-dimensional polyacryl-amide gel electrophoresis. Qualitative analysis of protein patterns revealed no totally new proteins synthesized or rapidly transported in regenerating nerves. However, quantitative comparison of regenerating and contralateral control nerves revealed significant differences in abundance for some of the proteins synthesized in dorsal root ganglia, and for a few of the rapidly transported proteins. Quantitative analysis of rapidly transported proteins in both the peripheral processes (spinal nerves) and central processes (dorsal roots) revealed similar changes despite the fact that the roots were undamaged. The overall lack of drastic changes seen in protein synthesis and transport suggests that the neuron in its program of normal maintenance synthesizes and supplies most of the materials required for axon regrowth.  相似文献   

Protein Turnover and Growth of the Rat Brain from the Foetus to Old Age   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Growth of the rat brain was studied between 16 days of foetal life and old age (105 weeks). Developmental changes in cerebral RNA, DNA, and protein contents are described. The age-related decline in brain growth rates correlates with progressive decreases in the fractional rates of protein synthesis (from 58 to 6.8% per day) and breakdown (from 36.4 to 4.1% per day).  相似文献   

Qualitative aspects of protein synthesis in organelles and intact cultured cells of brain origin were compared to clarify the distinction between synaptosomal and mitochondrial protein synthesis. Brain mitochondria and synaptosomes were isolated either on a traditional Ficoll-sucrose gradient or by a new Percoll gradient procedure, and were incubated in an amino acid incorporation system containing [35S]methionine, then electrophoresed on gradient slab gels. Autoradiography of the gels revealed that in the presence of cycloheximide both mitochondria and synaptosomes synthesized at least 17 proteins in the 6,000-50,000 MW range, and that incubation with chloramphenicol reduced or eliminated these bands. With minor variation these patterns in the low-molecular-weight region also resembled patterns obtained from cycloheximide-inhibited rat liver mitochondria and intact brain cells (cultured glia, glioma, and neuroblastoma). In the higher molecular weight region of the gels (greater than 50,000) banding patterns were more complex and tended to differ between organelles and intact cells. These polypeptides probably reflect nonmitochondrial protein synthesis, and their variable response to inhibitors may account for confusion in the literature with regard to the effects of inhibitors of protein synthesis in brain mitochondria and synaptosomes.  相似文献   

Abstract: Protein synthesis in the brain is known to be affected by a wide range of treatments. The detailed analysis of the mechanisms that are involved would be facilitated by the development of cell-free translation systems derived from brain tissue. To date, brain cell-free systems have not been fully characterized to demonstrate a capacity for initiation of translation. The following criteria were utilized to demonstrate that a cell-free protein synthesis system derived from rabbit brain was capable of initiation in vitro : (a) sensitivity of cell-free translation to the initiation inhibitor aurintricarboxylic acid (ATA); (b) binding of [35S]Met-tRNAf to 40S and 80S initiation complexes; (c) incorporation of labeled initiation methionine into high-molecular-weight proteins; and (d) the association of labeled exogenous mRNA with polysomes. The optimum conditions for amino acid incorporation in this system were 4 mM-Mg2+, 140 mM-K+, and pH 7.55. Incorporation was dependent on the addition of ATP, GTP, and an energy-generating system. Cell-free protein synthesis reflected the normal process, since a similar spectrum of proteins was synthesized in vitro and in vivo. This initiating cell-free translation system should have wide application in the analysis of the mechanisms whereby various treatments affect protein synthesis in the brain.  相似文献   

Stressors such as tissue slicing, toxic chemicals, and heat shock applied to cultured cells, organ tissues, or whole animals in vivo induce the synthesis of a 71,000-kilodalton stress protein (SP71) that is not normally present in most organ tissues. In the present experiment, an attempt was made to inhibit selectively the synthesis of SP71 in rat brain tissue slices. Of several manipulations to the brain slice incubation medium that were examined, only addition of very high concentrations of certain polyhydroxyl alcohols, i.e., 1.0 M glycerol, selectively inhibited SP71 synthesis. Glycerol also selectively inhibited SP71 synthesis in heat-shocked cerebral microvascular cells in culture but failed to inhibit SP71 synthesis in anesthetized rats in vivo in response to heat shock. The effects of glycerol on SP71 synthesis are discussed in relationship to current hypotheses concerning the function of SP71.  相似文献   

Induction of Rat Brain Tubulin Following Ammonium Ingestion   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
The effect of oral administration of ammonium acetate for 2, 15, 30, and 100 days on protein synthesis in rat brain was investigated. Although protein synthesis changes were modest, i.e., maximal increase of 24%, there was induction of synthesis and accumulation of a protein with an Mr of 55,000. We show, on the basis of its position on two-dimensional electrophoresis and its immunological reactivity, that this protein is tubulin. Its content increased by 33% as determined by isolation of tubulin after 15 days of oral administration of ammonium and to 49% after 100 days as determined by quantitative immunoblotting.  相似文献   

Abstract: Protein synthesis was measured using a cell-free system obtained from subcortical rat brain tissue. The concentrations of Mg2+ and K+ and the amount of tissue, during both the preparation and the final assay, were critical to the incorporation of amino acids as expressed per milligram protein. Even under optimal conditions mainly elongation of growing peptide chains was measured. Behaviorally active fragments of ACTH modulated the activity of the system in a biphasic manner; i.e., at a low concentration (10−8 M) of ACTH a stimulation of between 10 and 70% was found; a high concentration (10−4 M) was inhibitory (50 to 70%). Structure-activity studies revealed that the stimulatory effect was confined to the N-terminus of the peptide (1–24), whereas the C-terminal sequence was responsible for the inhibition. The stimulation by ACTH1–24 was dependent on Ca2+ and Mg2+. Cyclic AMP (10−5 M) stimulated the amino acid incorporation too. When a similar cell-free extract was prepared from brain tissue of hypophysectomized rats, the lower in vivo protein synthesis in these animals was preserved in the present cell-free system. The data are discussed in terms of a possible direct intracellular effect of ACTH on brain protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Abstract: In adult mice cerebral puncture results in an inhibition of brain protein synthesis, as suggested previously by Dunn (1975). The inhibition is apparent within a few minutes but subsides by 15 min after puncture. The percent inhibition therefore depends on the length of time between the puncture and the measurement. Mice receiving a puncture were less active than controls, and a decrease in brain temperature was observed in these animals. The decrement is, however, too small to account for the inhibition of synthesis. Diphenylhydantoin had no effect on the inhibition. Cerebral puncture of young mouse (7-day-oId) or rat (8-day-old) brain induced no inhibition of brain protein synthesis.  相似文献   

: Corticosterone significantly increases the incorporation of [3H]leucine into specific cytosol protein(s) isolated from in vitro hippocampal slices prepared from adult male albino rats. The present study showed that in slices coincubated with glucocorticoid plus a protein synthesis inhibitor (1 mm -cycloheximide), no such enhancement of amino acid incorporation was observed, suggesting that the hormone acts in the hippocampus to increase de novo protein synthesis. Further experiments demonstrated that the steroid-induced protein synthesis was first detectable (+ 5.7%) following a 30-min exposure of slices to corticosterone; slices incubated for 1 or 2 h both showed a 12% increase in synthesis of the affected protein(s) when compared with controls. In an attempt to determine whether the glucocorticoid alteration of protein metabolism was receptor-mediated, hippocampal slices were also incubated with 10 nm -progesterone, a steroid known to compete for corticosterone binding to its cytosol receptor. Progesterone alone, which does not translocate cytoplasmic receptors to the nucleus, did not alter hippocampal protein metabolism and effectively blocked the induction by corticosterone of the 54K protein(s). These studies provide evidence that in the rat hippocampus corticosterone interacts with high-affinity steroid receptors to regulate the synthesis of specific protein(s).  相似文献   

: Uptake of adenosine, a putative inhibitory transmitter or modulator, was investigated in rat cerebral cortical synaptosomes. The accumulation of [3H]adenosine into synaptosomes, using an adenosine concentration of 10 μ.m , was linear for 30 min at 37°C. The uptake appeared to be mediated by kinetically saturable processes with apparent Km's of 1 μam (“high-affinity A”) and 5 μm (“high-affinity B”), both of which were partially sensitive to the presence of external sodium and calcium ions. Both uptake processes were partially inhibited by 2,4-dinitrophenol, implying the presence of active uptake and diffusional components. A study of the metabolites of adenosine taken up by the two uptake systems indicates that the major metabolites were adenosine and nucleotides. However, adenosine incorporated by the high-affinity A uptake system is more likely to form deaminated metabolites, such as hypoxanthine and inosine, indicating a possible functional difference between the two uptake processes. A detailed comparison of the inhibitory properties of certain adenosine analogues and other pharmacological agents has revealed differences between the two adenosine uptake systems. Since the glial contamination in synaptosomal preparations is well established, one of the uptake systems we observed in the present study might be of glial origin. This notion is supported by the findings that the Km values and kinetic properties of papaverine action in the synaptosomal high-affinity A uptake system are similar to those of astrocytes reported in the literature. In conclusion, the uptake processes of synaptosomal preparations show that accumulation of adenosine into neuronal (and possibly glial) elements may play a major role in regulating the extracellular adenosine concentration. Uptake inhibitors, such as diazepam, may exert, at least in part, their pharmacological actions by interfering with the regulation of extracellular adenosine concentrations.  相似文献   

Abstract: A chronic hyperphenylalanemia was effectively produced in developing mice by daily administrations of phenylalanine (2 mg/g body wt) and a phenylalanine hydroxylase inhibitor α-methyl-D, L-phenylalanine (0.43 mg/g body wt). The presence of α-methylphenylalanine in newborn mice inhibited 65–70% of hepatic phenylalanine hydroxylase activity within 12 h. Since this maximum inhibition persisted for 24 h or longer, decreased enzyme activity was maintained by daily administrations. Whereas concentrations of phenylalanine increased approximately 40-fold in both plasma and brain following injection of α-methylphenylalanine and phenylalanine, plasma levels of tyrosine were not altered significantly. Concomitant with changes in phenylalanine concentrations we observed the brain polyribosomes' disaggregation, which reached a maximum 3 h after injection and persisted as long as 18 h. Polyribosomes did not become refractory to as many as 10 daily injections of α-methylphenylalanine and phenylalanine. In addition to polyribosome disaggregation, chronic hyperphenylalanemia reduced the rates of polypeptide chain elongation on polyribosomes isolated from brain homogenates.  相似文献   

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