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We measured N1m and P2m components of the magnetic field responses that were elicited by random series of a tone burst given to the left ear and a monosyllabic speech sound given to the right ear. The magnetic responses had smaller amplitudes and/or longer peak latencies of the N1m and the P2m when the stimulus was preceded by a stimulus at the same ear than when preceded by a stimulus at the different ear. This reduction of the response by preceding stimulation of the same ear was significant over the hemisphere contralateral, but not ipsilateral, to the ear stimulated. The peak latencies of N1m and P2m were significantly longer in the response over the hemisphere contralateral than ipsilateral to the stimulated ear.  相似文献   

Hemodynamic mismatch responses can be elicited by deviant stimuli in a sequence of standard stimuli even during cognitive demanding tasks. Emotional context is known to modulate lateralized processing. Right-hemispheric negative emotion processing may bias attention to the right and enhance processing of right-ear stimuli. The present study examined the influence of induced mood on lateralized pre-attentive auditory processing of dichotic stimuli using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Faces expressing emotions (sad/happy/neutral) were presented in a blocked design while a dichotic oddball sequence with consonant-vowel (CV) syllables in an event-related design was simultaneously administered. Twenty healthy participants were instructed to feel the emotion perceived on the images and to ignore the syllables. Deviant sounds reliably activated bilateral auditory cortices and confirmed attention effects by modulation of visual activity. Sad mood induction activated visual, limbic and right prefrontal areas. A lateralization effect of emotion-attention interaction was reflected in a stronger response to right-ear deviants in the right auditory cortex during sad mood. This imbalance of resources may be a neurophysiological correlate of laterality in sad mood and depression. Conceivably, the compensatory right-hemispheric enhancement of resources elicits increased ipsilateral processing.  相似文献   

The results of recent experiments have thrown new light on the neuronal connections underlying orientation-selective responses in the primary visual cortex of adult animals. The pattern of afferent input from the lateral geniculate nucleus to the cortex appears to be specific for orientation, while intracortical inhibitory connections appear to be non-specific in this respect. Experimental and theoretical studies have suggested that the development of cortical cell orientation tuning is an activity-dependent process.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of different thalamic nuclei in the relaying of afferent signals into the anterior section of the coronary gyrus and into the orbital gyrus, using the evoked-potentials method, in delicate experiments on cats under Nembutal or Nembutal-chloralose narcosis, and also in experiments on cats not anesthetized but immobilized by injection of succinyl choline. Specific projection zones of the lingual, vagus, and glosso-pharyngeal nerves have been charted in the anterior coronary gyrus. The thalamic relay for that region is the medial pole of the ventral posterior nucleus. The orbital gyrus contains associative projections of both somatic and visceral nature. The relay for signal transmission in this region is also located in the ventral posterior nucleus. Relaying takes place, however, not in the central parts of the nucleus, where projections of the corresponding receptor zones have been charted, but nearer its lower medial surface. There is also an indirect route for associative projections, passing through the medial center and the intralaminar nuclei. That route emerges into the cortex through the ventral anterior and reticular nuclei. A feature of the projections of the vagus nerve in the orbital cortex is the existence of a supplementary region that exhibits responses, lying along the sulcus rhinalis. It was found that relaying for that region takes place in the ventral medial and submedial nuclei of the thalamus.N. I. Pirogov Vinnitsa Medical Institute. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 65–72, July–August, 1969.  相似文献   

In experiments on anaesthetized cats, studies have been made of intracellular and extracellular responses of single units in the auditory cortex during dichotic stimulation simulating sound source motion. Responses of some cortical units exhibit strong dependence on the signal parameters related to spatial and directional characteristics of simulated sound source motion. Profound inhibition was invariably revealed at the beginning of sonic stimulation as well as during certain moments of its movement. The role of inhibition in formation of cortical reactions to sound source motion is discussed.  相似文献   

The identification of the networks connecting brain areas and the understanding of their role in executing complex tasks is a crucial issue in cognitive neuroscience. In this study, specific visuomotor tasks were devised to reveal the functional network underlying the cooperation process between visual and motor regions. Electroencephalography (EEG) data were recorded from twelve healthy subjects during a combined visuomotor task, which integrated precise grip motor commands with sensory visual feedback (VM). This condition was compared with control tasks involving pure motor action (M), pure visual perception (V) and visuomotor performance without feedback (V + M). Multivariate parametric cross-spectral analysis was applied to ten EEG derivations in each subject to assess changes in the oscillatory activity of the involved cortical regions and quantify their coupling. Spectral decomposition was applied to precisely and objectively determine the power associated with each oscillatory component of the spectrum, while surrogate data analysis was performed to assess the statistical significance of estimated coherence values. A significant decrease of the alpha and/or beta power in EEG spectra with respect to rest values was assumed as indicative of specific cortical area activation during task execution. Indeed alpha band coherence increased in proximity of task-involved areas, while it was suppressed or remained unchanged in other regions, suggesting the activation of a specific network for each task. According to our coherence analysis, a direct link between visual and motor areas was activated during V + M and VM tasks. The effect of visual feedback was evident in the beta band, where the increase of coherence was observed only during the VM task. Multivariate analysis suggested the presence of a functional link between motor and visual cortex subserving sensorimotor integration. Furthermore, network activation was related to the sum of single task (M and V) local effects in the alpha band, and to the presence of visual feedback in the beta band.  相似文献   

Adaptation-induced plasticity of orientation tuning in adult visual cortex   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Dragoi V  Sharma J  Sur M 《Neuron》2000,28(1):287-298
A key emergent property of the primary visual cortex (V1) is the orientation selectivity of its neurons. The extent to which adult visual cortical neurons can exhibit changes in orientation selectivity is unknown. Here we use single-unit recording and intrinsic signal imaging in V1 of adult cats to demonstrate systematic repulsive shifts in orientation preference following short-term exposure (adaptation) to one stimulus orientation. In contrast to the common view of adaptation as a passive process by which responses around the adapting orientation are reduced, we show that changes in orientation tuning also occur due to response increases at orientations away from the adapting stimulus. Adaptation-induced orientation plasticity is thus an active time-dependent process that involves network interactions and includes both response depression and enhancement.  相似文献   

Orientation tuning (OT) of 68 visual cortex neurons (field 17) was studied in cats under conditions of a GABA-ergic inhibition blockade by microiontophoretic bicuculline applications; the neuronal responses were evoked by flashing light strips. All characteristics of orientational detection in most neurons got worse after the applications. The OT became wider in 76.3% of cases: its mean value increased from 52.7±2.8° to 85.2±4.6°. In 63.6% of cases OT selectivity decreased by one-third, and in 68.5% of neurons the detection quality decreased by 60%, on average. The threshold dose of bicuculline causing the OT extension was injected by the phoretic current of 31.0±4.5 nA, and the optimum effect was reached at 67.1±6.0 nA. The background activity and the response magnitude increased under the bicuculline influence 3.0 and 4.4 times, respectively, compared with the control. A few minutes after the iontophoresis termination, the frequency of neuronal discharges and OT characteristics returned to their initial values. We conclude that the local blocking of intracortical inhibition, which causes disinhibition of afferent inputs from the neighboring cells with different (compared with the recorded cell) preferred orientations, considerably worsens orientational specificity of visual cortex neurons, or even results in a complete loss of such specificity. These data are consistent with the concept that intracortical inhibition plays a leading role in the formation and sharpening of OT in the visual cortex neurons.Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 54–62, January–February, 1995.  相似文献   

Previous experience with left ventrolateral thalamic (VL) stimulation during visually presented language and verbal memory tasks has shown that stimulation at the time information enters memory increases the accuracy of subsequent recall. The present study investigated the effects of VL stimulation on an auditory dichotic listening task. A similar effect was identified with significantly more words presented during left VL stimulation subsequently correctly reported, compared to words presented in the absence of stimulation, or with right VL stimulation. No significant effects on the ratios of correct responses from opposite ears were observed.  相似文献   

We administered tests commonly used in the diagnosis of auditory processing disorders (APDs) to twins recruited from the general population. We observed significant correlations in test scores between co-twins. Our analyses of test score correlations among 106 MZ and 33 DZ twin pairs indicate that dichotic listening ability is a highly heritable trait. Dichotic listening is the ability to identify and distinguish different stimuli presented simultaneously to each ear. Deficits in dichotic listening skills indicate a lesion or defect in interhemispheric information processing. Such defects or lesions can be prominent in elderly listeners, language-impaired children, stroke victims, and individuals with PAX6 mutations. Our data indicates that other auditory processing abilities are influenced by shared environment. These findings should help illuminate the etiology of APDs, and help to clarify the relationships between auditory processing abilities and learning/language disorders associated with APDs. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Changed orientational tuning (OT) in 58 visual cortex units was investigated during acute experiments on immobilized cats under light short-lasting sombrevine-induced anesthesia. A 47.6±5.6° alteration in the preferred orientation of 60% of cells occurred following sombrevine injection but no change occurred at any stage of anesthesia in the remainder. The latter group showed a preference for horizontal and vertical orientations, less pronounced in the former category. "Stable" neurons also displayed less acute tuning and more selective detection in comparison with "unstable" units. Breadth of orientational tuning consistently changed by an average of 65.2±6.7° in 55% of neurons, while tuning deteriorated in 31% and sharpened in 24% of cells. No regular change in tuning band occurred in the remainder. Background firing rate and evoked spike activity declined by 58% and 35%, respectively under anesthesia in 2/3 of the cells tested. Tuning bandwidth of unit firing rate had generally recovered within 20–40 min after administering the anesthetic (i.e., as the anesthesia wore off).Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology Research Institute. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 812–820, November–December, 1989.  相似文献   

The cortical activation was estimated by the event-related potential (ERPs) methods during selection tasks of lateralized visual stimuli requiring different forms of attention: 1) form of stimuli, 2) stimuli position, 3) combined attention of form and position. The ERPs were recorded in 15 young healthy adults in 6 leads P3, P4, T3, T4, T5, T6, and endogenous ERPs components: CNV (contingent negative variation), N1, P3 and the complex [N1-P3]. Differences between the ERPs at "attended" and "non-attended" stimuli were considered as indices of selection attention of particular feature of visual stimuli. Such indices of form and position were revealed selectivity in parietal leads. The most eminent ERPs components, the pronounced activation gradient during increase of attention demands were revealed in parietal regions (vs. temporal ones). In our opinion, parietal cortex has a high priority in selection attention system.  相似文献   

Thalamic afferent inputs of the motor cortex (area 4) were studied in cats by retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). The main concentration of HRP-labeled neurons was found in rostral zones of the relay nuclei (of the ventrolateral and ventrobasal complex). A few labeled neurons were found in the mediodorsal association nucleus, where their distribution is quite local. HRP-labeled neurons of nonspecific intralaminar nuclei, projecting into the motor cortex, are present only in single numbers and show no tendency toward grouping in any parts of these nuclei. The results are evidence that the motor cortex receives heterogeneous afferentation from various thalamic nuclei, and it is evidently this which guarantees the reliability of transmission of incoming information.L. A. Orbeli Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR, Erevan. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 250–255, March–April, 1985.  相似文献   

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