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Reported improvements in the muskellunge angling fishery on Lake of the Woods, Ontario over the last two decades have paralleled an increase in the practice of catch and release angling, and an increase in minimum size regulations for this species. The overall status of muskellunge populations in this large, complex lake has proven difficult to monitor using standard assessment methods. A volunteer muskellunge angler diary program, established in 1988, has provided a cost effective method of gathering a large amount of information with which to track this fishery and associated populations. Results from angling diaries indicated increased angling effort, catch and success rates for muskellunge on Lake of the Woods since the early 1990s. Although the month of July accounted for the majority of angling effort and catch, angling success rates and sizes of fish reported in diaries improved monthly into the late fall. Angling success rates were consistently higher in angling diaries than from creel surveys, but both survey types showed similar long-term trends in the fishery. Angler diary data, incorporating both the numbers of fish caught and/or seen by anglers, were used to calculate catch equality indices which proved to be sensitive to changes in population abundance. Increased minimum length regulations for muskellunge during 1987–2001 have been largely responsible for a decline in harvest rates from an estimated 36% in 1986 to 0% since 1999. Although higher size limits have yet to produce more quality-sized fish in angler catches, diary survey data, supported by recent improvements in catch rates from assessment gill nets, would indicate that muskellunge recruitment has increased. This article concludes with a brief review of how muskellunge angler diary data has been used in the past, including recommendations to minimize biases associated with this survey method.  相似文献   

The selection of an appropriate source population may be crucial to the long-term success of reintroduction programs. Appropriate source populations often are those that originate from the same genetic lineage as native populations. However, source populations also should exhibit high levels of genetic diversity to maximize their capacity to adapt to variable environmental conditions. Finally, it is preferable if source populations are genetically representative of historical lineages with little or no contamination from non-native or domesticated stocks. Here, we use nuclear (microsatellite) and cytoplasmic (mitochondrial control region) markers to assess the genetic suitability of a potential source population inhabiting the White River in Indiana: the last extant lake sturgeon population in the Ohio River drainage. The White River population exhibited slightly lower levels of genetic diversity than other lake sturgeon populations. However, the population’s two private microsatellite alleles and three private haplotypes suggest a unique evolutionary trajectory. Population assignment tests revealed only two putative migrants in the White River, indicating the population has almost completely maintained its genetic integrity. Additionally, pairwise F ST estimates indicated significant levels of genetic divergence between the White River and seven additional lake sturgeon populations, suggesting its genetic distinctiveness. These data indicate that the White River population may be the most suitable source population for future lake sturgeon reintroductions throughout the Ohio River drainage. Furthermore, the White River population appears to be a reservoir of unique genetic information and reintroduction may be a necessary strategy to ensure the persistence of this important genetic lineage.  相似文献   

The genetic variations—and the time dependence of such variations—of natural populations of the white-spotted charr ,Salvelinus leucomaenis, in the Lake Biwa water system as well as those of a hatchery-reared population were inferred from AFLP. Upon the application of principal coordinate analysis using 118 polymorphic AFLP fragments based on the Jaccard similarity index, specimens of each of six natural local populations from the inlet rivers of Lake Biwa grouped roughly together, suggesting that each local population was genetically differentiated. The hatchery-reared population was shown to be closely related to the local population in the Seri River, suggesting that the Seri River population originated from hatchery-reared charr due to extensive stocking. Furthermore, specimens of the Yasu River grouped in a somewhat different position from the other natural populations, agreeing well with its geographic distance from the other populations. The nucleotide diversities of six natural populations (Harihata River, Ishida River, two reaches of the Takatoki River, Ane River, and Yasu River) in 2002 or 2003 were relatively low (π = 0.067–0.146%) compared with that of the Seri River (0.278%) and the hatchery-reared charr (0.316%). The nucleotide diversity in the five local populations (Ishida River, two reaches of the Takatoki River, Ane River, and Yasu River) remained at a low level from 1994 to 2002/2003, but only the nucleotide diversity in the Harihata River actually decreased. From 1994 to 2002/2003, the nucleotide diversity in the Seri River remained at a higher level among the natural populations from 1994 to 2002/2003; it was enhanced by the artificial release of hatchery-reared charr before 1994. In order to conserve the genetic diversity of the white-spotted charr in the Lake Biwa water system, it is necessary to prevent the stocking of hatchery-reared charr in reaches where hatchery-reared charr have not previously been stocked.  相似文献   

In this study, animal‐borne telemetry with temperature sensors was coupled with extensive habitat temperature monitoring in a dimictic reservoir, to test the following hypotheses: behavioural thermoregulation occurs throughout the year and temperature selection varies on a diel and seasonal basis, in a winter‐specialist diel‐migrating fish. Burbot Lota lota demonstrated nightly behavioural thermoregulation throughout the year, with a large seasonal shift between selection for very cold temperatures (<2° C) optimal for reproduction during the spawning period and selection for warmer temperatures (12–14° C) optimal for hunting and feeding during non‐reproductive periods. During daylight hours, while L. lota avoided habitats warmer than optimal for reproduction and feeding during the spawning and non‐reproductive periods, respectively, active selection was limited to selection for 4–6° C habitat during the prespawning period. Although behavioural thermoregulation explained the night‐time migration, behavioural thermoregulation only partially explained daytime behaviour, indicating that diel migration is best explained by a combination of factors. Thus, thermal‐habitat selection was a good predictor of night‐time habitat occupancy in a diel‐migrating species. Together, these results show that thermal‐habitat selection by fishes may be important throughout the year and a more seasonally plastic behaviour than previously recognized.  相似文献   

The relationship between seasonal variation and the effect of several different environmental factors on chromophore composition was investigated in the eye of the Japanese dace, Tribolodon hakonensis which lives either in rivers or in the sea. Eyes obtained from river and sea populations had both retinal (A1) and 3,4-didehydroretinal (A2) all through the year but the ratio of these chromophores showed seasonal variation the relative amount of A2 was higher in winter and lower in summer. Besides seasonal variation, A2 showed marked differences depending on habitat: the highest proportion of A2 was 67% in January and the lowest 13% in July, in the river population, whereas in the sea population the highest and the lowest values were only 30 and 6%, respectively, during the same months. The seasonal variation in gonadosomatic index showed no correlation to variations in A2 proportion, and the maximum difference in water temperature between summer and winter was ca. 15°C for both habitats. Because spectral conditions at the locations of capture of both river and sea populations were similar, we conclude that Japanese dace eyes are affected by exogenous factors related to differences between freshwater and seawater environments.  相似文献   

Temperature requirements for the breaking of seed dormancy and germination inPrimula sieboldii E. Morren and the annual surface-soil temperature regime in one of its natural habitats were investigated in order to clarify the germination responses determining the seedling emergence seasonality of the species. In a grassland nature reserve in an abandoned flood plain of the Arakawa River, natural seedling emergence of the species was shown to be restricted to mid- to late-spring before the closure of seasonal vegetational gaps, when the daily mean soil surface temperature reached about 15°C, accompanied by large daily fluctuations of about 10°C. Mature seeds collected in late June were never able to germinate at any constant temperature in the range of 8–40°C unless they had been previously subjected to moist-chilling treatment. The proportion of seeds which were released from dormancy increased with increasing duration of the moist-chilling treatment at 2°C, 70–85% of seeds becoming germinable at 16–28°C after 12 weeks of pretreatment at 2°C. The thermal time required for the germination of the thus-pretreated seed population was 905–1690 Kh with a base temperature of around 5°C. Fluctuating temperatures between 24°C and 16 or 12°C had a remarkable dormancy-breaking effect, inducing considerably quick germination in most of the seeds previously subjected to 2°C moist-chilling for 8 weeks.  相似文献   

The astigmatid mite Tyrophagus neiswanderi Johnston and Bruce is mainly considered a pest of ornamental and horticultural crops. However, this mite has been found infesting Cabrales cheese in Spain, though its population density is low compared to Acarus farris, the prevalent species of astigmatid mite encountered in Cabrales cheese maturing caves. One of the factors that might be influencing this differential abundance is temperature. In the present study the effect of temperature on reproductive parameters and longevity of T. neiswanderi was examined at six constant temperatures, ranging from 10 to 31°C, and a relative humidity of 90 ± 5%. Preoviposition period, fecundity and daily fecundity were adversely affected by extreme temperatures while the oviposition period increased as temperature was reduced. Male and female longevity increased as temperature decreased, but males showed significantly greater longevity than females. Additionally, this difference was greater as temperature decreased. The effect of temperature on the intrinsic rate of natural increase of T. neiswanderi populations was described by the non-linear Lactin model. The optimum temperature for development was predicted at 26.6°C. At this temperature, the population doubling time is 2.8 days. The lower and upper thresholds for T. neiswanderi populations were calculated at 7.4 and 31.7°C, respectively. According to these results, the influence of temperature on the low population density of this mite found in Cabrales maturing caves compared with A. farris is discussed.  相似文献   

The marcoalga Ulva pertusa was cultured under (20 ± 2)°C, (20 ± 4)°C, (20 ± 6)°C, (20 ± 8)°C and (20 ± 10)°C circadian rhythms of fluctuating temperature conditions, and constant temperature of 20°C was used as the control. The growth rate of macroalga at (20 ± 2)°C, (20 ± 4)°C and (20 ± 6)°C were significantly higher than that at constant temperature of 20°C, while growth rate at (20 ± 8)°C and (20 ± 10)°C were significantly lower than that at constant temperature of 20°C. The growth rate of macroalga was a quadratic function of the thermal amplitude. Such a growth model can be described by G = β 0 + β 1(TA) + β 2(TA)2, where G represents the relative growth rate, TA is thermal amplitude in degree Celsius, β 0 is the intercept on the G axis, and β 1 and β 2 are the regression coefficients. The optimal thermal amplitude for the growth of thallus at mean temperature of 20°C was estimated to be ± 3.69°C. Analysis of biochemical composition at the final stages of thaulls growth revealed that diel fluctuating temperature caused various influences (P < 0.05). The content of chlorophyll, protein and total solute carbohydrate at (20 ± 2)°C and (20 ± 4)°C were slightly higher than those at constant temperature of 20°C, however no statistically significant differences were found among them (P > 0.05). While osmolytes (total solute carbohydrate and free proline) at (20 ± 10)°C were significantly higher than that at 20°C (P < 0.05). Therefore, more chlorophyll and carbohydrate production might account for the enhancement in the growth of macroalga at the diel fluctuating temperatures in the present study. Handling editor: S. M. Thomaz  相似文献   

Atlantic cod populations live in a wide thermal range and can differ genetically and physiologically. Thermal sensitivity of metabolic capacity and swimming performance may vary along a latitudinal gradient, to facilitate performance in distinct thermal environments. To evaluate this hypothesis, we compared the thermal sensitivity of performance in two cod stocks from the Northwest Atlantic that differ in their thermal experience: Gulf of St Lawrence (GSL) and Bay of Fundy (BF). We first compared the metabolic, physiological and swimming performance after short-term thermal change to that at the acclimation temperature (7°C) for one stock (GSL), before comparing the performance of the two stocks after short-term thermal change. For cod from GSL, standard metabolism (SMR) increased with temperature, while active metabolism (AMR, measured in the critical swimming tests), EMR (metabolic rate after an exhaustive chase protocol), aerobic scope (AS) and critical swimming speeds (U crit and U b–c) were lower at 3°C than 7 or 11°C. In contrast, anaerobic swimming (sprint and burst-coasts in U crit test) was lower at 11 than 7 or 3°C. Factorial AS (AMR SMR−1) decreased as temperature rose. Time to exhaustion (chase protocol) was not influenced by temperature. The two stocks differed little in the thermal sensitivities of metabolism or swimming. GSL cod had a higher SMR than BF cod despite similar AMR and AS. This led factorial AS to be significantly higher for the southern stock. Despite these metabolic differences, cod from the two stocks did not differ in their U crit speeds. BF cod were better sprinters at both temperatures. Cod from GSL had a lower aerobic cost of swimming at intermediate speeds than those from BF, particularly at low temperature. Only the activity of cytochrome C oxidase (CCO) in white muscle differed between stocks. No enzymatic correlates were found for swimming capacities, but oxygen consumption was best correlated with CCO activity in the ventricle for both stocks. Overall, the stocks differed in their cost of maintenance, cost of transport and sprint capacity, while maintaining comparable thermal sensitivities.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic and respiratory responses to irradiance, salinity and temperature of the red alga, Gracilaria vermiculophylla, collected from Kumamoto, Shizuoka and Iwate in Japan were studied using an electronic Dissolved Oxygen sensor. The parameters derived from the photosynthesis versus irradiance relationship indicated the potential to acclimate to broad irradiance variations in all of the populations of G. vermiculophylla collected from these three sites. In addition, the light-saturated photosynthesis rate (P max) and the dark respiration rate of all populations increased with increasing temperature up to 20–30°C, while the P max decreased at 35°C. All populations also showed a broad variation of photosynthetic responses to salinity changes in the range from 10 to 30 psu. On the other hand, the population from Iwate showed high photosynthetic efficiency, especially in the temperature range of 5–10°C, and showed low values of saturation irradiance compared to the populations from Shizuoka and Kumamoto. These results suggest that there is greater potential to acclimate to low irradiance and low temperature in the population from Iwate compared to those from the Shizuoka and Kumamoto populations. However, the P max of the populations from Iwate and Shizuoka was reached at 20°C and 25°C, respectively, while the Kumamoto population reached P max at 30°C. This implies that the latter population has greater potential to tolerate higher temperatures than the former. Such characteristics in photosynthesis and respiration of G. vermiculophylla collected from the three locations probably indicate an acclimation to prevailing environmental conditions in their respective habitats.  相似文献   

The presence of a widespread exotic raises the question as to whether the successful invasion can be attributed to spread after a single introduction or is the product of multiple introductions. The plains killifish, Fundulus zebrinus, is native to the western Great Plains of the United States but is also found throughout the Colorado River basin. We surveyed five introduced populations for genetic variation in allozymes and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in order to compare the genetic structure of these populations with those from across the native range. Our survey revealed two genetically distinct stocks of introduced F. zebrinus, one in the San Juan and one in the Yampa and Colorado drainages. Each stock corresponds to at least one unique introduction event. In addition, data available from a genetic survey of the native range allowed us to identify the sources of these introduced populations. The combination of allozyme and mtDNA data for the San Juan population indicated that the most probable source for this population was the Pecos drainage of New Mexico and Texas. The Yampa and Colorado populations seem to be derived from the western Arkansas drainage, although the allozyme data indicated that another nearby drainage(s) might have also served as a source for the Colorado population.  相似文献   

Although muskellunge, Esox masquinongy, fisheries in northern US states and Canadian provinces are increasingly being managed by introduction of restrictive harvest regulations (e.g. 1370-mm (54′′) minimum length limits), many southern US muskellunge fisheries continue to be managed with comparatively liberal regulations (e.g. 762-mm (30′′) minimum length limits) that are implemented statewide. We studied the population dynamics of the New River, Virginia, muskellunge fishery and used predictive modeling to determine whether restrictive harvest regulations also might prove beneficial for this southern latitude fishery. A creel survey was also conducted to learn more about angler attitudes to the New River muskellunge fishery. Muskellunge grew quickly, with fish reaching harvestable lengths (762 mm, 30′′) in 2–3 years. Muskellunge fishing pressure, harvest rates, and voluntary release rates were low compared with reports for more northern areas. Most anglers, irrespective of how often they fished for muskellunge, defined “trophy” muskellunge to be approximately 1050–1100 mm (41–43′′) in length. Although angler support for restrictive harvest regulations was low, abundance of memorable-length (≥1070 mm, 42′′) muskellunge was predicted to increase under all evaluated length limits. Muskellunge yield would remain static at 914-mm (36′′) and 1016-mm (40′′) length limits, because of the rapid growth of fish, but yield would decline dramatically with a 1143-mm (45′′) length limit, because male muskellunge rarely exceeded 1100 mm (43′′). Because of rapid growth and low release rates, implementation of higher length limits (e.g. 965–1067 mm, 38–42′′) may indeed prove beneficial for augmenting “trophy” muskellunge production on the New River. Angler support for higher minimum length limits might be increased by educating anglers about the rapid growth rates of muskellunge and the expected size structure changes that will result from a length-limit increase. Size structure changes resulting from an increase in the minimum length limit may be difficult to detect because of potential increases in fishing pressure or reduced fish growth as a result of competition for food resources. Long-term monitoring of muskellunge growth and angling pressure may therefore be needed to ensure that new regulations are indeed benefitting the fishery.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of meiobenthic copepods was investigated within muddy sediments of a eutrophic lagoon (fish ponds of Arcachon Bay, France). The aim of the study was to determine if in muddy sediments, as previously established in sandy sediments, meiobenthic copepods migrate vertically according to the seasons or diel periods. Two experimental approaches were used, viz: a three-season comparison was made of the diel vertical distribution of the harpacticoid Canuella perplexa T. & A. Scott (1893) and secondly the depth distribution of a meiobenthic copepod assemblage was followed for a 24 h period, in shallow water subtidal locations. The harpacticoid C. perplexa vertically migrated through the top three centimeters of the sediment, showing diel and seasonal variations in depth distribution. The differential vertical distributions shown by the dominant meiobenthic populations suggest that emergence into the water column may mainly concern surface dwelling copepods. The physical and biological factors affecting seasonal and diel changes in the copepod assemblage of the fish ponds are discussed.  相似文献   

We tested for variation in longevity, senescence rate and early fecundity of Drosophila buzzatii along an elevational transect in Argentina, using laboratory-reared flies in laboratory tests performed to avoid extrinsic mortality. At 25 °C, females from lowland populations lived longer and had a lower demographic rate of senescence than females from highland populations. Minimal instead of maximal temperature at the sites of origin of population best predicted this cline. A very different pattern was found at higher test temperature. At 29.5 °C, longevity of males increased with altitude of origin of population. No clinal trend was apparent for longevity of females at 29.5 °C. There was evidence for a trade-off between early fecundity and longevity at non-stressful temperature (25 °C) along the altitudinal gradient. This trait association is consistent with evolutionary theories of aging. Population-by-temperature and sex-by-temperature interactions indicate that senescence patterns are expressed in environment specific ways.  相似文献   

Food limitation was tested in the laboratory by individual growth and reproduction of two cladoceran species, Ceriodaphnia richardi and Daphnia gessneri, from the shallow tropical Brazilian Lake Monte Alegre. The cladocerans were fed cultivated green alga Scenedesmus spinosus in concentrations of 0.20, 0.10, 0.05, and 0.025 mg C l−1. Higher biomass and growth rates occurred in the two highest-food concentrations; the two lowest ones negatively affected clutch size and first reproduction. The threshold food concentration is lower than 0.025 mg C l−1 and the incipient limiting level is a value between 0.10 and 0.20 mg C l−1. The largest species, D. gessneri, was more sensitive to low food concentrations. The effects of low and high temperatures (19 and 27°C) were evaluated by life table experiments with three cladocerans from the lake—Daphnia ambigua, D. gessneri, and Moina micrura—with no food limitation (1 mg C l−1 of S. spinosus). Higher population growth rates for the three species were found at 27°C; better performance in most life table parameters was observed for the former two species at the highest temperature, D. gessneri being the most sensitive to the lowest temperature. There are indications that temperature is an important abiotic factor that constrains populations of cladocerans for a short period in winter in the lake, when temperature decreases to 18–19°C. However, its influence cannot be separated from a biotic factor such as food, whose effect is stronger in the cool season, when concentrations are lower and contribution of inedible algae is relatively higher.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is a common phenomenon in animals and varies widely among species and among populations within species. Much of this variation is likely due to variance in selection on females vs. males. However, environmental variables could have different effects on females vs. males, causing variation in dimorphism. In this study, we test the differential‐plasticity hypothesis, stating that sex‐differential plasticity to environmental variables generates among‐population variation in the degree of sexual dimorphism. We examined the effect of temperature (22, 25, 28, and 31 °C) on sexual dimorphism in four populations of the cockroach Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker (Blattaria: Polyphagidae), collected at various latitudes. We found that females were larger than males at all temperatures and the degree of this dimorphism was largest at the highest temperature (31 °C) and smallest at the lowest temperature (22 °C). There is variation in the degree of SSD among populations (sex*population interaction), but differences between the sexes in their plastic responses (sex*temperature interaction) were not observed for body size. Our results indicated that sex‐differential plasticity to temperature was not the cause of differences among populations in the degree of sexual dimorphism in body size.  相似文献   

Supercooling points were estimated for seven populations of >Aphelinus albipodus, five populations of >Aphelinus asychis, and four populations of >Diaeretiella rapae to assess whether their supercooling points were sufficiently low to provide the potential for overwintering survival in colder temperate climatic areas. Test individuals from all 16 of the parasitoid populations were collected originally from mummies of the Russian wheat aphid, >Diuraphis noxia. Mummies containing parasitoid pupae were maintained for 1 wk under three different temperature conditions (treatments): at room temperature (24.8 ± 0.2 °C), 1 wk at 0 °C, and 1 wk –5 °C, and the supercooling points across treatments, and within and among species were compared. Statistical differences in supercooling points were found among populations of >A. albipodus for each treatment, and for >A. asychis when maintained for 1 wk at room temperature. No differences in supercooling points were found among populations of >D. rapae mummies maintained under the three temperature treatments. The lowest supercooling points obtained for the three parasitoid species maintained at room temperature were the >A. albipodus population from Montana (–31.68 °C), the >A. asychis population from Greece (–32.04 °C), and the >D. rapaepopulation from the Caucasus (–33.12 °C). Preconditioning the parasitoid mummies to cold had no effect on the supercooling points for >A. albipodus, and in some cases unexpectedly increased the supercooling points for >A. asychisand >D. rapae. In comparing the overall mean supercooling points of the three parasitoid species, no differences were found within species (among temperature treatments), nor among species (within temperature treatments). It was concluded that observed differences in supercooling points of only a few degrees Centigrade among parasitoid populations and species would not be expected to cause differences in their overwintering success, especially given the expected variability in temperatures within and among overwintering sites.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on population characteristics of Artemia parthenogenetica Gahai from the Gahai Salt Lake, Qinghai Province, China, were studied in the laboratory at a salinity of 60‰. The major conclusions are as follows: (1) It was found that the adaptive temperature for the development of brine shrimp ranged from 10°C to 39°C. The threshold temperature of development (TD) and the effective accumulative temperature (TA) for hatching were 9.94°C·d and (22.91±2.08)°C·d, respectively. The TD and TA for the larva were 10.33°C·d and (261.26±24.1)°C·d, respectively, and for the whole generation were 10.28°C and (458.68±57.60)°C·d, respectively. (2) It showed that the population’s net reproduction rate (Ro), the intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm), the mean generation time (T), the finite rate of increase (λ), and the days for population to double (t) of the brine shrimp were determined over temperatures ranging from 19°C to 34°C by analyzing the life table and numerical model. In the temperature range of 14.3°C to 37.3°C for Ro>1, the optimum temperature (°C) for Ro, rm, λ, and t were 25.8°C, 29.8°C, 30.5°C, and 29.02°C, respectively. The maximum values of Ro, rm and λ were 54.86 ind., 0.106138/d, and 1.1070/d, respectively. The minimum value of t was 4.73 d. The value of T was in a range of 96.77 to 16.10 d. (3) Based on the 1993–1994 and 1997 data of the water temperature in the Gahai Salt Lake, Qinghai Province, it was estimated that the number of generation of A. parthenogenetica Gahai and the number of the reproductive peak value were 2.67±0.34 and 4.69±0.43 in a year, respectively. The peak of nauplii of the first generation was on April 20 to 28. The last whole generation began on August 10. The first reproductive peak was on June 18 to 25. The last reproductive peak was on September 12 to 17. The nauplii that hatched after September 1 cannot complete the development from nauplii to adults because of insufficient habitat effective accumulative temperature. During the period from July 11 to September 20, there was a relatively high productivity of the population. In this case, doubling the population would take less than 30 d, and the intrinsic rate of natural increase was over 0.02/d. Therefore, the value of resource exploitation would be maximal during that period annually.  相似文献   

We acclimated adults of Takydromus septentrionalis (northern grass lizard) from four localities (populations) under identical thermal conditions to examine whether local thermal conditions have a fixed influence on thermal preference and thermal tolerance in the species. Selected body temperature (Tsel), critical thermal minimum (CTMin), and critical thermal maximum (CTMax) did not differ between sexes and among localities in lizards kept under identical laboratory conditions for ∼5 months, and the interaction effects between sex and locality on these measures were not significant. Lizards acclimated to the three constant temperatures (20, 25, and 35°C) differed in Tsel, CTMin, and CTMax. Tsel, CTMin, and CTMax all shifted upward as acclimation temperature increased, with Tsel shifting from 32.0 to 34.1°C, CTMin from 4.9 to 8.0°C, and CTMax from 42.0 to 44.5°C at the change-over of acclimation temperature from 20 to 35°C. Lizards acclimated to the three constant temperatures also differed in the range of viable body temperatures; the range was widest in the 25°C treatment (38.1°C) and narrowest in the 35°C treatment (36.5°C), with the 20°C treatment in between (37.2°C). The results of this study show that local thermal conditions do not have a fixed influence on thermal preference and thermal tolerance in T. septentrionalis.  相似文献   

Colonization rate and community structure of periphyton assemblages was examined on aluminium and glass substrata and compared to populations on four submerged macrophyte species in three temperature zones in Cholla Lake, Arizona, U.S.A. Higher densities were achieved over shorter incubation intervals in the warmer zones (26–35° C). Representatives from the planktonic diatom community were first to colonize artificial substrata during the initial two hour incubation period in all temperature zones. Two periphyton diatom representatives, Amphora coffeiformis and Cocconeis placentula var. lineata were the numerical dominants after one week. Cocconeis placentula var. lineata was most competitive on natural substrata at temperatures <26°C, while Amphora coffeiformis dominated temperature zones >26°C with no significant preferences for artificial or natural substrata. The significance of temperature, specific conductance and availability of living hosts is discussed with respect to regulating populations of these two common periphytic diatom species in alkaline waters in southwestern U.S.A. Similarity indices (SIMI) were used to compare algal assemblages on various natural and artificial substrata pairs. Periphyton assemblages were very similar on all natural substrata within similar temperature zones, with little or no preference for macrophyte species displaying similar leaf morphology. Diatom assemblages were quite similar on aluminium and glass substrata throughout the incubation period in all temperature zones, while blue-green algal populations were significantly different, particularly in the higher temperature zones (>28°C). Natural periphyton communities were best represented after four weeks incubation with aluminium substrata in warmer temperature zones (>28°C) or where filamentous blue-green algae dominated. The selection of adequate incubation time when employing artificial substrata to evaluate natural assemblages for different environmental conditions and algal populations is discussed.  相似文献   

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