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Background and Aims

The gene flow through pollen or seeds governs the extent of spatial genetic structure in plant populations. Another factor that can contribute to this pattern is clonal growth. The perennial species Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. petraea (Brassicaceae) is a self-incompatible, clonal species found in disjunctive populations in central and northern Europe.


Fourteen microsatellite markers were employed to study the level of kinship and clonality in a high-altitude mountain valley at Spiterstulen, Norway. The population has a continuous distribution along the banks of the River Visa for about 1·5 km. A total of 17 (10 m × 10 m) squares were laid out in a north–south transect following the river on both sides.

Key Results

It is shown that clonal growth is far more common than previously shown in this species, although the overall size of the genets is small (mean diameter = 6·4 cm). Across the whole population there is no indication of isolation by distance, and spatial genetic structure is only visible on fine spatial scales. In addition, no effect of the river on the spatial distribution of genotypes was found.


Unexpectedly, the data show that populations of small perennials like A. lyrata can behave like panmictic units across relatively large areas at local sites, as opposed to earlier findings in central Europe.  相似文献   

R Y Shirk  J L Hamrick  C Zhang  S Qiang 《Heredity》2014,112(5):497-507
Genetic diversity, and thus the adaptive potential of invasive populations, is largely based on three factors: patterns of genetic diversity in the species'' native range, the number and location of introductions and the number of founding individuals per introduction. Specifically, reductions in genetic diversity (‘founder effects'') should be stronger for species with low within-population diversity in their native range and few introductions of few individuals to the invasive range. We test these predictions with Geranium carolinianum, a winter annual herb native to North America and invasive in China. We measure the extent of founder effects using allozymes and microsatellites, and ask whether this is consistent with its colonization history and patterns of diversity in the native range. In the native range, genetic diversity is higher and structure is lower than expected based on life history traits. In China, our results provide evidence for multiple introductions near Nanjing, Jiangsu province, with subsequent range expansion to the west and south. Patterns of genetic diversity across China reveal weak founder effects that are driven largely by low-diversity populations at the expansion front, away from the introduction location. This suggests that reduced diversity in China has resulted from successive founder events during range expansion, and that the loss of genetic diversity in the Nanjing area was mitigated by multiple introductions from diverse source populations. This has implications for the future of G. carolinianum in China, as continued gene flow among populations should eventually increase genetic diversity within the more recently founded populations.  相似文献   

Genetic rescue, in which the introduction of one or more unrelated individuals into an inbred population results in the reduction of detrimental genetic effects and an increase in one or more vital rates, is a potentially important management tool for mitigating adverse effects of inbreeding. We used molecular techniques to document the consequences of a male wolf (Canis lupus) that immigrated, on its own, across Lake Superior ice to the small, inbred wolf population in Isle Royale National Park. The immigrant's fitness so exceeded that of native wolves that within 2.5 generations, he was related to every individual in the population and his ancestry constituted 56 per cent of the population, resulting in a selective sweep of the total genome. In other words, all the male ancestry (50% of the total ancestry) descended from this immigrant, plus 6 per cent owing to the success of some of his inbred offspring. The immigration event occurred in an environment where space was limiting (i.e. packs occupied all available territories) and during a time when environmental conditions had deteriorated (i.e. wolves' prey declined). These conditions probably explain why the immigration event did not obviously improve the population's demography (e.g. increased population numbers or growth rate). Our results show that the beneficial effects of gene flow may be substantial and quickly manifest, short-lived under some circumstances, and how the demographic benefits of genetic rescue might be masked by environmental conditions.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Plants show patterns of spatial genetic differentiation reflecting gene flow mediated by pollen and seed dispersal and genotype × environment interactions. If patterns of genetic structure are determined largely by gene flow then they may be useful in predicting the likelihood of inbreeding or outbreeding depression but should be less useful if there is strong site-specific selection. For many Australian plants little is known about either their population genetics or the effects on mating systems of variation in pollen transfer distances. Experimental pollinations were used to compare the reproductive success of bird-adapted Grevillea mucronulata plants mated with individuals from a range of spatial scales. A hierarchical survey of microsatellite DNA variation was also conducted to describe the scale of population differentiation for neutral markers.


The effects of four pollen treatments on reproductive performance were compared. These treatments were characterized by transfer of pollen from (a) neighbouring adults; (b) an adjacent cluster of adults (30–50 m distant); (c) a distant cluster (>5 km distant); and (d) open pollination. Sets of 17·9 ± 3·3 leaves from each of 15 clusters of plants were genotyped and spatial autocorrelation and F statistics were used to describe patterns of genetic structure.

Key Results

Grevillea mucronulata displayed evidence of both inbreeding and outbreeding depression, with ‘intermediate’ pollen producing consistently superior outcomes for most aspects of fitness including seed set, seed size, germination and seedling growth. Significant genotypic structuring was detected within clusters (spatial autocorrelation) and among adjacent clusters and clusters separated by >5 km distance (FST = 0·07 and 0·10).


The superior outcome of intermediate pollen transfer and genetic differentiation of adjacent clusters suggests that G. mucronulata selection disfavours matings among closely and distantly related neighbours. Moreover, the performance of open-pollinated seedlings was poor, implying that current mating patterns are suboptimal.  相似文献   

Disease-mediated inbreeding depression is a potential cost of living in groups with kin, but its general magnitude in wild populations is unclear. We examined the relationships between inbreeding, survival and disease for 312 offspring, produced by 35 parental pairs, in a large, open population of cooperatively breeding American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos). Genetic analyses of parentage, parental relatedness coefficients and pedigree information suggested that 23 per cent of parental dyads were first- or second-order kin. Heterozygosity–heterozygosity correlations suggested that a microsatellite-based index of individual heterozygosity predicted individual genome-wide heterozygosity in this population. After excluding birds that died traumatically, survival probability was lower for relatively inbred birds during the 2–50 months after banding: the hazard rate for the most inbred birds was 170 per cent higher than that for the least inbred birds across the range of inbreeding index values. Birds that died with disease symptoms had higher inbreeding indices than birds with other fates. Our results suggest that avoidance of close inbreeding and the absence of inbreeding depression in large, open populations should not be assumed in taxa with kin-based social systems, and that microsatellite-based indices of individual heterozygosity can be an appropriate tool for examining the inbreeding depression in populations where incest and close inbreeding occur.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Interspecific gene flow can occur in many combinations among species within the genus Quercus, but simultaneous hybridization among more than two species has been rarely analysed. The present study addresses the genetic structure and morphological variation in a triple hybrid zone formed by Q. hypoleucoides, Q. scytophylla and Q. sideroxyla in north-western Mexico.


A total of 247 trees from ten reference and 13 presumed intermediate populations were characterized using leaf shape variation and geometric morphometrics, and seven nuclear microsatellites as genetic markers. Discriminant function analysis was performed for leaf shape variation, and estimates of genetic diversity and structure, and individual Bayesian genetic assignments were obtained.

Key Results

Reference populations formed three completely distinct groups according to discriminant function analysis based on the morphological data, and showed low, but significant, genetic differentiation. Populations from the zone of contact contained individuals morphologically intermediate between pairs of species in different combinations, or even among the three species. The Bayesian admixture analysis found that three main genetic clusters best fitted the data, with good correspondence of reference populations of each species to one of the genetic clusters, but various degrees of admixture evidenced in populations from the contact area.


The three oak species have formed a complex hybrid zone that is geographically structured as a mosaic, and comprising a wide range of genotypes, including hybrids between different species pairs, backcrosses and probable triple hybrids.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Knowledge on how climate-induced range shifts might affect natural selection is crucial to understand the evolution of species ranges.


Using historical demographic perspectives gathered from regional-scale phylogeography on the alpine herb Biscutella laevigata, indirect inferences on gene flow and signature of selection based on AFLP genotyping were compared between local populations persisting at the trailing edge and expanding at the leading edge.

Key Results

Spatial autocorrelation revealed that gene flow was two times more restricted at the trailing edge and genome scans indicated divergent selection in this persisting population. In contrast, no pattern of selection emerged in the expanding population at the leading edge.


Historical effects may determine different architecture of genetic variation and selective patterns within local populations, what is arguably important to understand evolutionary processes acting across the species ranges.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

A reduction in offspring fitness resulting from mating between neighbours is interpreted as biparental inbreeding depression. However, little is known about the relationship between the parents'' genetic relatedness and biparental inbreeding depression in their progeny in natural populations. This study assesses the effect of kinship between parents on the fitness of their progeny and the extent of spatial genetic structure in a natural population of Rhododendron brachycarpum.


Kinship coefficients between 11 858 pairs of plants among a natural population of 154 R. brachycarpum plants were estimated a priori using six microsatellite markers. Plants were genotyped, and pairs were selected from among 60 plants to vary the kinship from full-sib to unrelated. After a hand-pollination experiment among the 60 plants, offspring fitness was measured at the stages of seed maturation (i.e. ripening) under natural conditions, and seed germination and seedling survival under greenhouse conditions. In addition, spatial autocorrelation was used to assess the population''s genetic structure.

Key Results

Offspring fitness decreased significantly with increasing kinship between parents. However, the magnitude and timing of this effect differed among the life-cycle stages. Measures of inbreeding depression were 0·891 at seed maturation, 0·122 (but not significant) at seed germination and 0·506 at seedling survival. The local population spatial structure was significant, and the physical distance between parents mediated the level of inbreeding between them.


The level of inbreeding between individuals determines offspring fitness in R. brachycarpum, especially during seed maturation. Genetic relatedness between parents caused inbreeding depression in their progeny. Therefore, biparental inbreeding contributes little to reproduction and instead acts as a selection force that promotes outcrossing, as offspring of more distant (less related) parents survive better.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Although many studies have reported that clonal growth interferes with sexual reproduction as a result of geitonogamous self-pollination and inbreeding depression, the mating costs of clonal growth are expected to be reduced when genets are spatially intermingled with others. This study examined how clonal growth affects both female and male reproductive success by studying a population of a mass-flowering plant, Sasa veitchii var. hirsuta, with a high degree of clonal intermingling.


In a 10 × 10 m plot, genets were discriminated based on the multilocus genotypes of 11 nuclear microsatellite loci. The relationships between genet size and the components of reproductive success were then investigated. Male siring success and female and male selfing rates were assessed using paternity analysis.

Key Results

A total of 111 genets were spatially well intermingled with others. In contrast to previous studies with species forming distinct monoclonal patches, seed production linearly increased with genet size. While male siring success was a decelerating function of genet size, selfing rates were relatively low and not related to genet size.


The results, in conjunction with previous studies, emphasize the role of the spatial arrangement of genets on both the quantity and quality of offpsring, and suggest that an intermingled distribution of genets can reduce the mating costs of clonal growth and enhance overall fitness, particularly female fitness.  相似文献   

Twelve polymorphic allozyme loci were employed to assess the genetic change in a captive breeding population of the endangered killifish Aphanius baeticus in the Doñana National Park, south‐western Spain. The initial founder event did not significantly reduce the allelic richness or the expected heterozygosity. No genetic bottleneck signature was detected by tests for deviation from mutation‐drift equilibrium. The F ST between the wild source and captive population, however, was relatively high (0·053 or 0·122 when excluding or including the locus IDHP‐1 * respectively), after just two to three generations in captivity. Two generations after the incorporation of 68 new wild specimens (greater than five generations after founding) decreased the genetic differences and the F ST(0·041 excluding IDHP‐1 *). The restoration efforts appeared to be helpful and the study of 12 polymorphic loci and a sensitive parameter such as F ST were useful for monitoring genetic changes in captivity. Nonetheless, future monitoring should include additional highly polymorphic loci (microsatellites) to achieve higher power to detect genetic change. Such restoration and monitoring efforts should help to avoid rapid inbreeding, adaptation to captivity, and to maintain the long‐term evolutionary potential in small isolated populations.  相似文献   

The long-term study of animal populations facilitates detailed analysis of processes otherwise difficult to measure, and whose significance may appear only when a large sample size from many years is available for analysis. For example, inbreeding is a rare event in most natural populations, and therefore many years of data are needed to estimate its effect on fitness. A key behaviour hypothesized to play an important role in avoiding inbreeding is natal dispersal. However, the functional significance of natal dispersal with respect to inbreeding has been much debated but subject to very few empirical tests. We analysed 44 years of data from a wild great tit Parus major population involving over 5000 natal dispersal events within Wytham Woods, UK. Individuals breeding with a relative dispersed over several-fold shorter distances than those outbreeding; within the class of inbreeding birds, increased inbreeding was associated with reduced dispersal distance, for both males and females. This led to a 3.4-fold increase (2.3-5, 95% CI) in the likelihood of close (f=0.25) inbreeding relative to the population average when individuals dispersed less than 200m. In the light of our results, and published evidence showing little support for active inbreeding avoidance in vertebrates, we suggest that dispersal should be considered as a mechanism of prime importance for inbreeding avoidance in wild populations.  相似文献   

Nothotsuga longibracteata, a relic and endangered conifer species endemic to subtropical China, was studied for examining the spatial-temporal population genetic variation and structure to understand the historical biogeographical processes underlying the present geographical distribution. Ten populations were sampled over the entire natural range of the species for spatial analysis, while three key populations with large population sizes and varied age structure were selected for temporal analyses using both nuclear microsatellites (nSSR) and chloroplast microsatellites (cpSSR). A recent bottleneck was detected in the natural populations of N. longibracteata. The spatial genetic analysis showed significant population genetic differentiation across its total geographical range. Notwithstanding, the temporal genetic analysis revealed that the level of genetic diversity between different age class subpopulations remained constant over time. Eleven refugia of the Last Glacial Maximum were identified, which deserve particular attention for conservation management.  相似文献   

In species with large geographic ranges, genetic diversity of different populations may be well studied, but differences in loci and sample sizes can make the results of different studies difficult to compare. Yet, such comparisons are important for assessing the status of populations of conservation concern. We propose a simple approach of using a single well-studied reference population as a ‘yardstick'' to calibrate results of different studies to the same scale, enabling comparisons. We use a well-studied large carnivore, the brown bear (Ursus arctos), as a case study to demonstrate the approach. As a reference population, we genotyped 513 brown bears from Slovenia using 20 polymorphic microsatellite loci. We used this data set to calibrate and compare heterozygosity and allelic richness for 30 brown bear populations from 10 different studies across the global distribution of the species. The simplicity of the reference population approach makes it useful for other species, enabling comparisons of genetic diversity estimates between previously incompatible studies and improving our understanding of how genetic diversity is distributed throughout a species range.  相似文献   

Many ectothermic species are currently expanding their geographic range due to global warming. This can modify the population genetic diversity and structure of these species because of genetic drift during the colonization of new areas. Although the genetic signatures of historical range expansions have been investigated in an array of species, the genetic consequences of natural, contemporary range expansions have received little attention, with the only studies available focusing on range expansions along a narrow front. We investigate the genetic consequences of a natural range expansion in the Mediterranean damselfly Coenagrion scitulum, which is currently rapidly expanding along a broad front in different directions. We assessed genetic diversity and genetic structure using 12 microsatellite markers in five centrally located populations and five recently established populations at the edge of the geographic distribution. Our results suggest that, although a marginal significant decrease in the allelic richness was found in the edge populations, genetic diversity has been preserved during the range expansion of this species. Nevertheless, edge populations were genetically more differentiated compared with core populations, suggesting genetic drift during the range expansion. The smaller effective population sizes of the edge populations compared with central populations also suggest a contribution of genetic drift after colonization. We argue and document that range expansion along multiple axes of a broad expansion front generates little reduction in genetic diversity, yet stronger differentiation of the edge populations.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Ongoing and previous range expansions have a strong influence on population genetic structure of plants. In turn, genetic variation in the new range may affect the population dynamics and the expansion process. The annual Ceratocapnos claviculata (Papaveraceae) has expanded its Atlantic European range in recent decades towards the north and east. Patterns of genetic diversity were investigated across the native range to assess current population structure and phylogeographical patterns. A test was then made as to whether genetic diversity is reduced in the neophytic range and an attempt was made to identify source regions of the expansion.


Samples were taken from 55 populations in the native and 34 populations in the neophytic range (Sweden, north-east Germany). Using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers an analysis was made of genetic variation and population structure (Bayesian statistical modelling) and population differentiation was quantified. Pollen/ovule ratio was analysed as a proxy for the breeding system.

Key Results

Genetic diversity at population level was very low (mean He = 0·004) and two multilocus genotypes dominated large parts of the new range. Population differentiation was strong (FST = 0·812). These results and a low pollen/ovule ratio are consistent with an autogamous breeding system. Genetic variation decreased from the native to the neophytic range. Within the native range, He decreased towards the north-east, whereas population size increased. According to the Bayesian cluster analysis, the putative source regions of the neophytic range are situated in north-west Germany and adjacent regions.


Ceratocapnos claviculata shows a cline of genetic variation due to postglacial recolonization from putative Pleistocene refugia in south-west Europe. Nevertheless, the species has expanded successfully during the past 40 years to southern Sweden and north-east Germany where it occurs as an opportunistic neophyte. Recent expansion was mainly human-mediated by single long-distance diaspore transport and was facilitated by habitat modification.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation has been shown to disrupt ecosystem processes such as plant-pollinator mutualisms. Consequently, mating patterns in remnant tree populations are expected to shift towards increased inbreeding and reduced pollen diversity, with fitness consequences for future generations. However, mating patterns and phenotypic assessments of open-pollinated progeny have rarely been combined in a single study. Here, we collected seeds from 37 Eucalyptus incrassata trees from contrasting stand densities following recent clearance in a single South Australian population (intact woodland=12.6 trees ha−1; isolated pasture=1.7 trees ha−1; population area=10 km2). 649 progeny from these trees were genotyped at eight microsatellite loci. We estimated genetic diversity, spatial genetic structure, indirect contemporary pollen flow and mating patterns for adults older than the clearance events and open-pollinated progeny sired post-clearance. A proxy of early stage progeny viability was assessed in a common garden experiment. Density had no impact on mating patterns, adult and progeny genetic diversity or progeny growth, but was associated with increased mean pollen dispersal. Weak spatial genetic structure among adults suggests high historical gene flow. We observed preliminary evidence for inbreeding depression related to stress caused by fungal infection, but which was not associated with density. Higher observed heterozygosities in adults compared with progeny may relate to weak selection on progeny and lifetime-accumulated mortality of inbred adults. E. incrassata appears to be resistant to the negative mating pattern and fitness changes expected within fragmented landscapes. This pattern is likely explained by strong outcrossing and regular long-distance pollen flow.  相似文献   

A new genus of oak gallwasp, Coffeikokkos Pujade-Villar & Melika, gen. n., is described from Costa Rica. Diagnostic characters and generic limits of the new genus are discussed in detail. The new genus includes Coffeikokkos copeyensis Pujade-Villar & Melika, sp. n., which induces galls on stems of Quercus bumelioides, an endemic oak to Costa Rica, Honduras and Panama. The new species and galls are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

A Sánchez-Gracia  J Rozas 《Heredity》2011,106(1):191-201
Chromosomal inversion polymorphism play a major role in the evolutionary dynamics of populations and species because of their effects on the patterns of genetic variability in the genomic regions within inversions. Though there is compelling evidence for the adaptive character of chromosomal polymorphisms, the mechanisms responsible for their maintenance in natural populations is not fully understood. For this type of analysis, Drosophila subobscura is a good model species as it has a rich and extensively studied chromosomal inversion polymorphism system. Here, we examine the patterns of DNA variation in two natural populations segregating for chromosomal arrangements that differentially affect the surveyed genomic region; in particular, we analyse both nucleotide substitutions and insertion/deletion variations in the genomic region encompassing the odorant-binding protein genes Obp83a and Obp83b (Obp83 region). We show that the two main gene arrangements are genetically differentiated, but are consistent with a monophyletic origin of inversions. Nevertheless, these arrangements interchange some genetic information, likely by gene conversion. We also find that the frequency spectrum-based tests indicate that the pattern of nucleotide variation is not at equilibrium; this feature probably reflects the rapid increase in the frequency of the new gene arrangement promoted by positive selection (that is an adaptive change). Furthermore, a comparative analysis of polymorphism and divergence patterns reveals a relaxation of the functional constraints at the Obp83b gene, which might be associated with particular ecological or demographic features of the Canary island endemic species D. guanche  相似文献   

The population outcrossing rate (t) and adult inbreeding coefficient (F) are key parameters in mating system evolution. The magnitude of inbreeding depression as expressed in the field can be estimated given t and F via the method of Ritland (1990). For a given total sample size, the optimal design for the joint estimation of t and F requires sampling large numbers of families (100–400) with fewer offspring (1–4) per family. Unfortunately, the standard inference procedure (MLTR) yields significantly biased estimates for t and F when family sizes are small and maternal genotypes are unknown (a common occurrence when sampling natural populations). Here, we present a Bayesian method implemented in the program BORICE (Bayesian Outcrossing Rate and Inbreeding Coefficient Estimation) that effectively estimates t and F when family sizes are small and maternal genotype information is lacking. BORICE should enable wider use of the Ritland approach for field-based estimates of inbreeding depression. As proof of concept, we estimate t and F in a natural population of Mimulus guttatus. In addition, we describe how individual maternal inbreeding histories inferred by BORICE may prove useful in studies of inbreeding and its consequences.  相似文献   

We present the outcome of a century of post-bottleneck isolation of a long-lived species, the little spotted kiwi (Apteryx owenii, LSK) and demonstrate that profound genetic consequences can result from protecting few individuals in isolation. LSK were saved from extinction by translocation of five birds from South Island, New Zealand to Kapiti Island 100 years ago. The Kapiti population now numbers some 1200 birds and provides founders for new populations. We used 15 microsatellite loci to compare genetic variation among Kapiti LSK and the populations of Red Mercury, Tiritiri Matangi and Long Islands that were founded with birds from Kapiti. Two LSK native to D''Urville Island were also placed on Long Island. We found extremely low genetic variation and signatures of acute and recent genetic bottleneck effects in all four populations, indicating that LSK have survived multiple genetic bottlenecks. The Long Island population appears to have arisen from a single mating pair from Kapiti, suggesting there is no genetic contribution from D''Urville birds among extant LSK. The Ne/NC ratio of Kapiti Island LSK (0.03) is exceptionally low for terrestrial vertebrates and suggests that genetic diversity might still be eroding in this population, despite its large census size.  相似文献   

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