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采用传统的分离培养方法和分子生物学技术对我国高产杂交水稻(OryzasativaL.)金优611种子固有细菌进行研究,从而了解其中可培养细菌群落的多样性。对分离得到的91株细菌进行16SrDNA扩增、ARDRA分型和16SrDNA系统发育分析,结果表明,分离得到的91株细菌分属于10个属16个种。其中γ-变形杆菌(Gammaproteobacteria)(53.85%)占据优势地位,其次为α-变形杆菌(Alphaproteobacteria)(20.88%),其它分属放线菌门Actinobacteria(15.39%)及厚壁菌门Firmicutes(9.88%)。其中的泛菌属(Pantoea sp.)和鞘氨醇单胞菌属(Sphingomonas sp.)、假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas sp.)、微杆菌属(Microbacterium sp.)为分离到的优势种群,且在种子这一特殊的生存空间中有4株潜在的新种存在。首次报道了杂交水稻金优611种子具有丰富的微生物群落多样性,为进一步探索植物种子际微生态环境中微生物群落的形成和生态功能提供了基础信息。  相似文献   

Intron length polymorphisms (ILPs) have been used as geneticmarkers in some studies. However, a systematic investigationand large-scale exploitation of ILP markers has not been reported.In this study, we performed a genome-wide search of ILPs betweentwo subspecies (indica and japonica) in rice using the draftgenomic sequences of cultivars 93-11 (indica) and Nipponbare(japonica) and 32 127 full-length cDNA sequences of Nipponbareobtained from public databases. We identified 13 308 putativeILPs. Based on these putative ILPs, we developed 5811 candidateILP markers via electronic-PCR with primers designed in flankingexons. We further conducted experiment to verify the candidateILP markers. Out of 215 candidate ILP markers tested on 93-11,Nipponbare and their hybrid, we successfully exploited 173 codominantILP markers. Further analyses on 10 rice accessions showed thatthese ILP markers were widely applicable and most (71.1%) exhibitedsubspecies specificity. This feature suggests that ILPs wouldbe useful for the studies of genome evolution and inter-subspeciesheterosis and for cross-subspecies marker-assisted selectionin rice. In addition, by testing 51 pairs of the ILP primerson five Gramineae plants and three dicot plants, we found anotherdesirable characteristic of rice ILP markers that they havehigh transferability to other plants.  相似文献   

以粳稻Azucena为父本与灿稻IR64杂交发展的一双单倍体(DH) 本,与灿稻IR1552杂交发展的一重组自交系(RI)群体为材料,应用分子标记图说对2个群体在大田答舅栽2个环境下的穗长进行QTLs及上位性效应分析,DH群体中共检测6个穗长QTLs,位于第1、4长染色体上的3个QTLs,,在2个环境中稳定表达,未检测一闰性效应,加性效应为穗长遗传主效应,RI群体中,共检测到3个穗长QTLs及6对  相似文献   

利用RIL和CSSL群体检测水稻种子休眠性QTL   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
利用由梗稻品种Asominori与籼稻品种IR24的杂交组合衍生的重组自交F10。家系(Recombinant Inbred Lines,RIL)群体及其衍生的染色体片段置换系(Chromosome Segment Substitution Lines,CSSL)群体,进行了种子休眠性QTL的检测和遗传效应分析。其中CSSL群体有2个,即CSSLl(以Asominori为背景,置换片段来自IR24)和CSSL2(以IR24为背景,置换片段来自Asominori)。在RIL群体上共检测到3个种子休眠性QTL,分别位于第3、6和9染色体上;在CSSL1群体中检测到分布在第1、3和7染色体上的3个休眠性QTL;而在CSSl2群体上检测到的3个QTL则分别位于第1、2和7染色体上。同时在两套CSSL群体上,分别检测到位于第1、7染色体上位置相近且效应一致的休眠性QTL,分析表明其所在的Asominori片段含对种子休眠性的增效基因,相应的IB24段含有减效基因。  相似文献   

利用染色体片段置换系定位水稻落粒性主效QTL   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
水稻落粒性是与其生产密切相关的重要性状之一。以7个染色体片段置换系为材料,采用重叠群代换作图法对控制落粒性的2个主效QTL进行定位。结果表明,104个SSR标记在亲本间具有多态性,多态率为68.0%;4个置换系的落粒性与亲本日本晴的落粒性相似,表现难落粒。3个置换系与亲本93-11的落粒性相似,表现易落粒;7个染色体片段置换系在第1和第6染色体上检出7个置换片段,其长度分别为23.6、16.5、6.6、9.9、10.4、20.2和7.1 cM;qSH-1-1被定位在第1染色体RM472-RM1387之间,遗传距离约为6.6 cM。qSH-6-1为新发现的落粒性主效QTL,被定位在第6染色体RM6782-RM3430之间,遗传距离约为4.2 cM。利用染色体片段置换系能准确地定位水稻落粒性QTL,qSH-1-1与qSH-6-1的鉴定和初步定位为其进一步的精细定位、图位克隆及分子标记辅助选择奠定了基础。  相似文献   

用江西东乡普通野生稻(简称东乡普野)和桂朝2号的115株的BC1群体,构成了1张长度为1418.2cM.包含120个RFLP标记的遗传图谱,该图谱除第1染色体短臂上的标记的顺序与日本水稻基因组计划发表的图谱不同外,其他染色体上相对应的标记的顺序及标记之间的遗传距离基本一致。对控制花药长度和柱头外露率这两个栽培稻和野生稻的重要分类性状的QTL分析结果表明,控制花药长度的2个QTLs分别位于第2染色体C424~G39和第9染色体C2807~C1263间;控制柱头外露率的2个QTLs分别位于第5染色体R2289~R1553间和第8染色体G1149~R1963间。这两个重要分类性状的QTLs定位,为进一步研究野生稻进化到栽培稻的分子进化机理提供了有益的信息。  相似文献   

水稻米粒延伸性的遗传剖析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以籼稻ZYQ8与粳稻JX17为亲本的DH群体作为研究材料,考察DH群体及双亲的米粒延伸率相关性状,并使用该群体的分子连锁图谱进行QTL分析.共检测到14个与稻米延伸性有关的QTL,包括2个粒长QTL、7个饭粒长QTL和5个米粒延伸率QTL,分别位于第1、2、3、5、6、7、10、11和12染色体.所有QTL的LOD值介于2.26~9.25,分别解释性状变异的5.31%~17.21%.在第3染色体上的G249~G164、第6染色体上的G30~RZ516和第10染色体上的G1082~GA223区间同时检测到控制饭粒长和米粒延伸率的QTL.米粒延伸性受多基因控制,Wx基因与位于第6染色体上的qCRE-6的G30~RZ516区间相近,对米饭的延伸性具重要影响.  相似文献   

应用微卫星标记鉴别水稻籼粳亚种   总被引:55,自引:2,他引:55  
应用70个微卫星标记分析了3个籼稻测验种和3个粳稻测验种的多态性,发现其中36个标记可以区分籼粳测验种。再以18个籼粳品种进一步筛选,找到了分布于12条染色体的21个籼粳特异性微卫星标记。在这21个标记中,20个在籼粳亚种间带型相异,其中7个在亚种内带型一致,13个在亚种内带型不一致;1个标记在12个籼稻品种和1个粳稻品种检测到相同的带型,其余11个粳稻品种具有另一种带型。微卫星标记和RFLP标记检测籼粳亚种不仅具有一致性,而且还有互补性。 Abstract:Six indica and japonica testers were assayed using 70 microsatellite markers.Thirty-six markers distinguishing indicas from japonicas were detected.By further-screening among 18 indica and japonica varieties,21 markers distributed on 12 rice chromosomes were found to be indica-japonica differentiated.No indica varieties shared same patterns with any japonica varieties at 20 marker loci,of which identical patterns were observed within subspecies at 7 loci while within-subspecies variations were observed at 13 loci.At the remaining locus,12 indica and 1 japonica varieties had the same allele,while other 11 japonica varieties had another allele.It also showed that SSLP was not only consistent,but also complementary,to RFLP for the subspecies identification.  相似文献   

Polymorphism at the Hor 1 locus of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Hor 1 locus of barley encodes a group of seed storage polypeptides called C hordein. Two-dimensional electrophoretic analysis of C-hordein fractions from six cultivars with different alleles at the Hor 1 locus showed extensive polymorphism. A total of 34 major polypeptides was mapped, with between 4 and 18 present in each cultivar. There was less variation among the same cultivars in the numbers (6 to 10) of restriction fragments of genomic DNA which hybridized to a cDNA clone related to C hordein. The total number of restriction fragments was also lower (22), and most pairs of cultivars had more restriction fragments than polypeptides in common. A total number of about 20–30 C-hordein genes per haploid genome was estimated. The results indicate that cultivars differ mainly in the extent of gene and polypeptide divergence, rather than in the degree of gene reiteration. They are consistent with the proposed origin of the multiple structural genes at the Hor 1 locus by the duplication and divergence of a single ancestral gene.NACB was supported by a grant from the Home Grown Cereals Authority.  相似文献   

Enzymatically modified proteins (EMP) with different methionine levels were produced from soy protein isolate using an improved plastein reaction. The products having methionine at approximate levels of 4%, 7%, and 14%, designated as EMP4, EMP7, and EMP14, respectively, were investigated to characterize their chemical properties particularly in terms of the state and location of the methionine residues. Leucine aminopeptidase treatment of the EMP products did not find any significant amount of methionine residues at the N-terminals, but carboxypeptidase A treatment liberated methionine efficiently in accordance with the methionine levels in the EMP products. Treatment with LiBH4 reduced the methionine content of EMP14 by approximately 64%. A significant amount of homoserine was produced when EMP14 was treated with BrCN. All these data indicate that the covalently attached methionine molecules are localized at or near the C-terminals of the EMP molecules, probably as oligomers.  相似文献   

Cytokinin activity was determined in dry mature rice seeds,in endosperm and embryo tissues 24, 48 and 72 over imbibitionand in radicles 96 h after germination. Cytokinins with chromatographicproperties similar to zeatin, zeatin riboside, zeatin glucosideand zeatin riboside glucoside were datected in embryo and endosperm,but only the latter two were detected in mature seeds. Cytokininactivity was low during early toges of germination. Qualitativeand quantitative changes in cytokinins were observed in bothembryo and endosperm. The presence of higher cytokinin activityin the endosperm than in the embryo during the first 24 h aftergermination suggests that the endosperm may supply cytokininsuntil the embryo is able to synthaize its own cytokinins. Thepossible significance of high cytokinin glucoside activity inthe embryo early during germination and high cytokinin activityin the radicle during the later stages is discussed. Oryza sativa L., rice, cytokinin, germination, seed  相似文献   

水稻Ds插入纯合体的筛选和鉴定   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用Basta抗性鉴定、潮霉素抗性鉴定和PCR检测相结合的方法筛选和鉴定了水稻Ds插入纯合体。在T1代236个转化株系中,有16个株系的全部植株表现出对Basta的敏感,其余220个株系的植株表现出对Basta的抗性。经过3代的纯合筛选,共鉴定出Ds插入纯合体203个.这些Ds插入纯合体可用于构建Ac/Ds系统和对Ds插入突变体进行筛选和鉴定,为水稻功能基因组学研究提供了材料。  相似文献   

水稻体细胞无性系变异   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
水稻体细胞无性系变异研究取得了很大进展 ,获得了大量抗病、抗逆、优质、矮杆等突变体。对这些突变体遗传分析表明 ,大多数突变性状由 1对或 2对基因控制。水稻体细胞无性系变异的发生与基因型、性状、继代时间、培养方式等有关 ,并具有内在的机制 ,点突变和反转录转座子插入可能是引起水稻无性系变异的两个重要原因。  相似文献   

Coleoptile Senescence in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We investigated the cellular events associated with cell deathin the coleoptile of rice plants (Oryza sativa L.). Seeds germinatedunder submergence produced coleoptiles that were more elongatedthan those grown under aerobic conditions. Transfer of seedlingsto aerobic conditions was associated with coleoptile opening(i.e. splitting) due to death of specific cells in the sideof the organ. Another type of cell death occurred in the formationof lysigenous aerenchyma. Senescence of the coleoptile was alsonoted, during which discolouration of the chlorophyll and tissuebrowning were apparent. DNA fragmentation was observed by deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediateddUTP nick end labelling (TUNEL) assay, and further confirmedby the appearance of oligonucleosomal DNA ladders in senescentcoleoptile cells. Two nucleases (Nuc-a and Nuc-b) were detectedby in-gel-assay from proteins isolated from coleoptiles. Nuc-a,commonly observed in three cell death phases required eitherCa2+or Mg2+, whereas Nuc-b which appeared during senescencerequired both Ca2+and Mg2+. Both nucleases were strongly inhibitedby Zn2+. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Aerenchyma, rice, cell death, coleoptile, fragmentation, nuclease, Oryza sativa, senescence, split, submergence, TUNEL  相似文献   

T-DNA插入产生的水稻迟抽穗突变体的遗传分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在筛选和鉴定水稻T-DNA插入纯合体的过程中,观察到一个迟抽穗的突变体.对该突变体进行遗传分析的结果表明,分离群体后代中出现正常抽穗、迟抽穗和特迟抽穗3种类型,分离比率为1:2:1,符合一对基因的不完全显性遗传;对突变体及其后代分离群体做Basta抗性检测及PCR分子检测,证实该突变体是由T-DNA插入所引起的,突变性状与T-DNA共分离.该材料可用于插入座位的基因克隆.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the occurrence of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in three cultivars of rice in Barak valley. Three cultivars of rice were Pankaj, Malati and Ranjit. The results revealed the association of VAM fungi in all the cultivars of rice. The association was maximum in Pankaj cultivar followed by Malati, and Ranjit, respectively, in all the three sampling phases. All the three cultivars of rice crop showed maximum soil spore population and number of VAM fungal species at the harvesting phase (135 DAS) and minimum at the phase of maturation (90 DAS). Glomus species were found dominating followed by Acaulospora species. Glomus microcarpum, Glomus claroideum, Glomus mosseae and Acaulospora scrobiculata were found in all the three fields.  相似文献   

籼稻糙米厚度的发育遗传研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
樊龙江  石春海  吴建国  朱军  吴平 《遗传学报》2000,27(10):870-877
应用包括3套遗传体系基因效应的数量性状发育遗传模型,分析了12个籼稻亲本在4个不同稻米发育时期的糙米厚性状。结果表明,三倍体胚乳、二倍体母体植株基因的加性和显性效应以及细胞质效应均可以明显影响各个稻米发育时期的糙米厚度,其中灌浆始期以二倍体母体植株效应为主,灌浆中后期以三倍体胚乳效应为主,成熟期则以细胞质效应为主。在4个不同发育时期中,控制糙米厚的基因加性效应和显性效应交替为主。胚乳显性方差和母体  相似文献   

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