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The arenavirus Junin virus (JUNV) is the etiologic agent of Argentine hemorrhagic fever. We characterized the JUNV infection of human peripheral blood-derived plasmacytoid dendritic cells (hpDC), demonstrating that hpDC are susceptible to infection with the C#1 strain (attenuated) and even more susceptible to infection with the P (virulent) JUNV strain. However, hpDC elicited different responses in terms of viability, activation, maturation, and cytokine expression after infection with both JUNV strains.  相似文献   

Thermal proteome profiling is a powerful energetic‐based chemical proteomics method to reveal the ligand‐protein interaction. However, the costly multiplexed isotopic labeling reagent, mainly Multiplexed isobaric tandem mass tag (TMT), and the long mass spectrometric time limits the wide application of this method. Here a simple and cost‐effective strategy by using dimethyl labeling technique instead of TMT labeling is reported to quantify proteins and by using the peptides derived from the same protein to determine significantly changed proteins in one LC‐MS run. This method is validated by identifying the known targets of methotrexate and geldanamycin. In addition, several potential off‐targets involved in detoxification of reactive oxygen species pathway are also discovered for geldanamycin. This method is further applied to map the interactome of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the 293T cell lysate by using ATP analogue, adenylyl imidodiphosphate (AMP‐PNP), as the ligand. As a result, a total of 123 AMP‐PNP‐sensitive proteins are found, of which 59 proteins are stabilized by AMP‐PNP. Approximately 53% and 20% of these stabilized candidate protein targets are known as ATP and RNA binding proteins. Overall, above results demonstrated that this approach could be a valuable platform for the unbiased target proteins identification with reduced reagent cost and mass spectrometric time.  相似文献   

Environmental adaptability is critical for survival of the fungal human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus in the immunocompromised host lung. We hypothesized that exposure of the fungal pathogen to human serum would lead to significant alterations to the organism''s physiology, including metabolic activity and stress response. Shifts in functional pathway and corresponding enzyme reactivity of A. fumigatus upon exposure to the human host may represent much needed prognostic indicators of fungal infection. To address this, we employed a multiplexed activity-based protein profiling (ABPP) approach coupled to quantitative mass spectrometry-based proteomics to measure broad enzyme reactivity of the fungus cultured with and without human serum. ABPP showed a shift from aerobic respiration to ethanol fermentation and utilization over time in the presence of human serum, which was not observed in serum-free culture. Our approach provides direct insight into this pathogen''s ability to survive, adapt, and proliferate. Additionally, our multiplexed ABPP approach captured a broad swath of enzyme reactivity and functional pathways and provides a method for rapid assessment of the A. fumigatus response to external stimuli.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Cystic Fibrosis associated liver disease (CFLD) develops in approximately 30% of CF patients. However, routine sensitive diagnostic tools for CFLD are lacking. Within this study, we aimed to identify new experimental biomarkers for the detection of CFLD.


45 CF patients were included in the study and received transient elastography. Differential regulation of 220 different serum proteins was assessed in a subgroup of patients with and without CFLD. Most interesting candidate proteins were further quantified and validated by ELISA in the whole patient cohort. To assess a potential relation of biomarker expression to the degree of hepatic fibrosis, serum biomarkers were further determined in 18 HCV patients where liver histology was available.


43 serum proteins differed at least 2-fold in patients with CFLD compared to those without liver disease as identified in proteome profiling. In ELISA quantifications, TIMP-4 and Endoglin were significantly up-regulated in patients with CFLD as diagnosed by clinical guidelines or increased liver stiffness. Pentraxin-3 was significantly decreased in patients with CFLD. Serum TIMP-4 and Endoglin showed highest values in HCV patients with liver cirrhosis compared to those with fibrosis but without cirrhosis. At a cut-off value of 6.3 kPa, transient elastography compassed a very high diagnostic accuracy and specificity for the detection of CFLD. Among the biomarkers, TIMP-4 and Endoglin exhibited a high diagnostic accuracy for CFLD. Diagnostic sensitivities and negative predictive values were increased when elastography and TIMP-4 and Endoglin were combined for the detection of CFLD.


Serum TIMP-4 and Endoglin are increased in CFLD and their expression correlates with hepatic staging. Determination of TIMP-4 and Endoglin together with transient elastography can increase the sensitivity for the non-invasive diagnosis of CFLD.  相似文献   

Analysis of protein complexes provides insights into how the ensemble of expressed proteome is organized into functional units. While there have been advances in techniques for proteome‐wide profiling of cytoplasmic protein complexes, information about human nuclear protein complexes are very limited. To close this gap, we combined native size exclusion chromatography (SEC) with label‐free quantitative MS profiling to characterize hundreds of nuclear protein complexes isolated from human glioblastoma multiforme T98G cells. We identified 1794 proteins that overlapped between two biological replicates of which 1244 proteins were characterized as existing within stably associated putative complexes. co‐IP experiments confirmed the interaction of PARP1 with Ku70/Ku80 proteins and HDAC1 (histone deacetylase complex 1) and CHD4. HDAC1/2 also co‐migrated with various SIN3A and nucleosome remodeling and deacetylase components in SEC fractionation including SIN3A, SAP30, RBBP4, RBBP7, and NCOR1. Co‐elution of HDAC1/2/3 with both the KDM1A and RCOR1 further confirmed that these proteins are integral components of human deacetylase complexes. Our approach also demonstrated the ability to identify potential moonlighting complexes and novel complexes containing uncharacterized proteins. Overall, the results demonstrated the utility of SEC fractionation and LC–MS analysis for system‐wide profiling of proteins to predict the existence of distinct forms of nuclear protein complexes.  相似文献   

Fusarium oxysporum includes nonpathogenic strains and pathogenic strains that can induce necrosis or tracheomycosis in plants. The objective of this study was to compare the abilities of a pathogenic strain (Foln3) and a nonpathogenic strain (Fo47) to colonize flax roots and to induce early physiological responses in flax cell culture suspensions. Both strains colonized the outer cortex of the root; however, plant defense reactions, i.e., the presence of wall appositions, osmiophilic material, and collapsed cells, were less frequent and less intense in a root colonized by Foln3 than by Fo47. Early physiological responses were measured in flax cell suspensions confronted with germinated microconidia of both strains. Both pathogenic (Foln3) and nonpathogenic strains (Fo47) triggered transient H2O2 production in the first few minutes of the interaction, but the nonpathogenic strain also induced a second burst 3 h postinoculation. Ca2+ influx was more intense in cells inoculated with Fo47 than in cells inoculated with Foln3. Similarly, alkalinization of the extracellular medium was higher with Fo47 than with Foln3. Inoculation of the fungi into flax cell suspensions induced cell death 10 to 20 h postinoculation, with a higher percentage of dead cells observed with Fo47 than with Foln3 beginning at 14 h. This is the first report showing that early physiological responses of flax cells can be used to distinguish pathogenic and nonpathogenic strains of the soil-borne fungus F. oxysporum.  相似文献   

Cucurbit yellow vine disease (CYVD) is caused by disease-associated Serratia marcescens strains that have phenotypes significantly different from those of nonphytopathogenic strains. To identify the genetic differences responsible for pathogenicity-related phenotypes, we used a suppressive subtractive hybridization (SSH) strategy. S. marcescens strain Z01-A, isolated from CYVD-affected zucchini, was used as the tester, whereas rice endophytic S. marcescens strain R02-A (IRBG 502) was used as the driver. SSH revealed 48 sequences, ranging from 200 to 700 bp, that were present in Z01-A but absent in R02-A. Sequence analysis showed that a large proportion of these sequences resembled genes involved in synthesis of surface structures. By construction of a fosmid library, followed by colony hybridization, selection, and DNA sequencing, a phage gene cluster and a genome island containing a fimbrial-gene cluster were identified. Arrayed dot hybridization showed that the conservation of subtracted sequences among CYVD pathogenic and nonpathogenic S. marcescens strains varied. Thirty-four sequences were present only in pathogenic strains. Primers were designed based on one Z01-A-specific sequence, A79, and used in a multiplex PCR to discriminate between S. marcescens strains causing CYVD and those from other ecological niches.  相似文献   

The production of cytokinin-like substances by different strains of Cylindrocarpon destructans either pathogenic or non pathogenic to fir (Abies alba Mill.) was studied. The cytokinins were extracted from the fungal culture media and separated by means of column chromatography. The biological activities in different fractions were assayed by callus growth of soybean (Glycine max Merill var. Acme). The amount of these substances was calculated on the basis of fresh weight of callus obtained from cultures containing authentic cytokinin. Cytokinin-like substances were detected in 5 of 6 pathogenic isolates tested and in 2 of 5 non-pathogenic isolates. On the basis of their occurrence in particular column fractions, most of the substances seem to be identical or similar to zeatin and zeatin riboside. In addition the fungi studied produced other, not identified cytokinin-like substances. The synthesis of Ri P can not be excluded. However the method applied did not allow to separate Ri P from zeatin and zeatin riboside.  相似文献   

HIV immune pathogenesis is postulated to involve two major mechanisms: 1) chronic innate immune responses that drive T cell activation and apoptosis and 2) induction of immune regulators that suppress T cell function and proliferation. Both arms are elevated chronically in lymphoid tissues of non-natural hosts, which ultimately develop AIDS. However, these mechanisms are not elevated chronically in natural hosts of SIV infection that avert immune pathogenesis despite similarly high viral loads. In this study we investigated whether minocycline could modulate these pathogenic antiviral responses in non-natural hosts of HIV and SIV. We found that minocycline attenuated in vitro induction of type I interferon (IFN) and the IFN-stimulated genes indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO1) and TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL) in human plasmacytoid dendritic cells and PBMCs exposed to aldrithiol-2 inactivated HIV or infectious influenza virus. Activation-induced TRAIL and expression of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4) in isolated CD4+ T cells were also reduced by minocycline. Translation of these in vitro findings to in vivo effects, however, were mixed as minocycline significantly reduced markers of activation and activation-induced cell death (CD25, Fas, caspase-3) but did not affect expression of IFNβ or the IFN-stimulated genes IDO1, FasL, or Mx in the spleens of chronically SIV-infected pigtailed macaques. TRAIL expression, reflecting the mixed effects of minocycline on activation and type I IFN stimuli, was reduced by half, but this change was not significant. These results show that minocycline administered after infection may protect against aspects of activation-induced cell death during HIV/SIV immune disease, but that in vitro effects of minocycline on type I IFN responses are not recapitulated in a rapid progressor model in vivo.  相似文献   

The minimal set of proteins necessary to maintain a vertebrate cell forms an interesting core of cellular machinery. The known proteome of human red blood cell consists of about 1400 proteins. We treated this protein complement of one of the simplest human cells as a model and asked the questions on its function and origins. The proteome was mapped onto phylogenetic profiles, i.e. vectors of species possessing homologues of human proteins. A novel clustering approach was devised, utilising similarity in the phylogenetic spread of homologues as distance measure. The clustering based on phylogenetic profiles yielded several distinct protein classes differing in phylogenetic taxonomic spread, presumed evolutionary history and functional properties. Notably, small clusters of proteins common to vertebrates or Metazoa and other multicellular eukaryotes involve biological functions specific to multicellular organisms, such as apoptosis or cell-cell signaling, respectively. Also, a eukaryote-specific cluster is identified, featuring GTP-ase signalling and ubiquitination. Another cluster, made up of proteins found in most organisms, including bacteria and archaea, involves basic molecular functions such as oxidation-reduction and glycolysis. Approximately one third of erythrocyte proteins do not fall in any of the clusters, reflecting the complexity of protein evolution in comparison to our simple model. Basically, the clustering obtained divides the proteome into old and new parts, the former originating from bacterial ancestors, the latter from inventions within multicellular eukaryotes. Thus, the model human cell proteome appears to be made up of protein sets distinct in their history and biological roles. The current work shows that phylogenetic profiles concept allows protein clustering in a way relevant both to biological function and evolutionary history.  相似文献   

The characterization of the target proteins of drug molecules has become an important goal in understanding its mode of action and origin of side effects due to off-target binding. This is especially important for covalently binding drugs usually containing electrophilic moieties, which potentially can react with nucleophilic residues found in many proteins. This review gives a comprehensive overview of the use of activity-based protein profiling (ABPP) as an efficient tool for the target identification of covalently binding drugs.  相似文献   



The influence of prior seasonal influenza vaccination on the antibody response produced by natural infection or vaccination is not well understood.


We compared the profiles of antibody responses of 32 naturally infected subjects and 98 subjects vaccinated with a 2009 influenza A(H1N1) monovalent MF59-adjuvanted vaccine (Focetria®, Novartis), with and without a history of seasonal influenza vaccination. Antibodies were measured by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay for influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and by protein microarray (PA) using the HA1 subunit for seven recent and historic H1, H2 and H3 influenza viruses, and three avian influenza viruses. Serum samples for the infection group were taken at the moment of collection of the diagnostic sample, 10 days and 30 days after onset of influenza symptoms. For the vaccination group, samples were drawn at baseline, 3 weeks after the first vaccination and 5 weeks after the second vaccination.


We showed that subjects with a history of seasonal vaccination generally exhibited higher baseline titers for the various HA1 antigens than subjects without a seasonal vaccination history. Infection and pandemic influenza vaccination responses in persons with a history of seasonal vaccination were skewed towards historic antigens.


Seasonal vaccination is of significant influence on the antibody response to subsequent infection and vaccination, and further research is needed to understand the effect of annual vaccination on protective immunity.  相似文献   

The development of vaccines against malaria and serodiagnostic tests for detecting recent exposure requires tools for antigen discovery and suitable animal models. The protein microarray is a high‐throughput, sample sparing technique, with applications in infectious disease research, clinical diagnostics, epidemiology, and vaccine development. We recently demonstrated Qdot‐based indirect immunofluorescence together with portable optical imager ArrayCAM using single isotype detection could replicate data using the conventional laser confocal scanner system. We developed a multiplexing protocol for simultaneous detection of IgG, IgA, and IgM and compared samples from a controlled human malaria infection model with those from controlled malaria infections of Aotus nancymaae, a widely used non‐human primate model of human malaria. IgG profiles showed the highest concordance in number of reactive antigens; thus, of the 139 antigens recognized by human IgG antibody, 111 were also recognized by Aotus monkeys. Interestingly, IgA profiles were largely non‐overlapping. Finally, on the path toward wider deployment of the portable platform, we show excellent correlations between array data obtained in five independent laboratories around the United States using the multiplexing protocol (R2: 0.60–0.92). This study supports the use of this platform for wider deployment, particularly in endemic areas where such a tool will have the greatest impact on global human health.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced protein-8 like-3 (TNFAIP8L3, TIPE3) is a newly discovered member of TNFAIP8 family and regarded as a lipid second messenger transfer protein that promotes cancer. Yet the nature of the cells and tissues that express TIPE3 protein has not been determined. In this study, we examined TIPE3 expression in various murine and human tissues by immunohistochemistry and quantitative PCR. We found that TIPE3 expression was almost identical in most organs from human and mice. TIPE3 is a cytoplasmic protein expressed preferentially in epithelial-derived cells with secretory functions. Furthermore, TIPE3 protein is highly expressed in most human carcinoma cell lines. These results suggest that TIPE3 may play important roles in carcinogenesis and cell secretion.  相似文献   

Prokaryotic ubiquitin-like protein (Pup) in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is the first known post-translational small protein modifier in prokaryotes, and targets several proteins for degradation by a bacterial proteasome in a manner akin to ubiquitin (Ub) mediated proteolysis in eukaryotes. To determine the extent of pupylation in Mtb, we used tandem affinity purification to identify its “pupylome”. Mass spectrometry identified 55 out of 604 purified proteins with confirmed pupylation sites. Forty-four proteins, including those with and without identified pupylation sites, were tested as substrates of proteolysis in Mtb. Under steady state conditions, the majority of the test proteins did not accumulate in degradation mutants, suggesting not all targets of pupylation are necessarily substrates of the proteasome under steady state conditions. Four proteins implicated in Mtb pathogenesis, Icl (isocitrate lyase), Ino1 (inositol-1-phosphate synthase), MtrA (Mtb response regulator A) and PhoP (phosphate response regulator P), showed altered levels in degradation defective Mtb. Icl, Ino1 and MtrA accumulated in Mtb degradation mutants, suggesting these proteins are targeted to the proteasome. Unexpectedly, PhoP was present in wild type Mtb but undetectable in the degradation mutants. Taken together, these data demonstrate that pupylation regulates numerous proteins in Mtb and may not always lead to degradation.  相似文献   

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