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The host plant acceptance of the phytophagous mite Tetranychus urticae was experimentally quantified. Host plant acceptance is described as the proportion of adult females settling on the test plant on which they have been placed. On the other hand, the host plant suitability of T. urticae on different plant species is expressed as the mean number of eggs produced by the females within 5 days (hereafter 'fecundity'). An inbred T. urticae line was tested with regard to host plant acceptance and fecundity on 11 potential host plants. These two variables were positively correlated across host plants; host plant species on which the fecundity was low were also those on which females settled less readily compared to host plants with high fecundity. The characteristics of host plant acceptance of the T. urticae are discussed in light of their potential food resource under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Nuclear effector proteins released by bacteria, oomycete, nematode, and fungi burden the global environment and crop yield. Microbial effectors are key weapons in the evolutionary arms race between plants and pathogens, vital in determining the success of pathogenic colonization. Secreted effectors undermine a multitude of host cellular processes depending on their target destination. Effectors are classified by their localization as either extracellular (apoplastic) or intracellular. Intracellular effectors can be further subclassified by their compartment such as the nucleus, cytoplasm or chloroplast. Nuclear effectors bring into question the role of the plant nucleus' intrinsic defence strategies and their vulnerability to effector-based manipulation. Nuclear effectors interfere with multiple nuclear processes including the epigenetic regulation of the host chromatin, the impairment of the trans-kingdom antifungal RNAi machinery, and diverse classes of immunity-associated host proteins. These effector-targeted pathways are widely conserved among different hosts and regulate a broad array of plant cellular processes. Thus, these nuclear sites constitute meaningful targets for effectors to subvert the plant defence system and acquire resources for pathogenic propagation. This review provides an extensive and comparative compilation of diverse plant microbe nuclear effector libraries, thereby highlighting the distinct and conserved mechanisms these effectors employ to modulate plant cellular processes for the pathogen's profit.  相似文献   

Agriculture played a significant role in increasing the number of pathogen species and in expanding their geographic range during the last 10,000 years. We tested the hypothesis that a fungal pathogen of cereals and grasses emerged at the time of domestication of cereals in the Fertile Crescent and subsequently speciated after adaptation to its hosts. Rhynchosporium secalis, originally described from rye, causes an important disease on barley called scald, although it also infects other species of Hordeum and Agropyron. Phylogenetic analyses based on four DNA sequence loci identified three host-associated lineages that were confirmed by cross-pathogenicity tests. Bayesian analyses of divergence time suggested that the three lineages emerged between approximately 1200 to 3600 years before present (B.P.) with a 95% highest posterior density ranging from 100 to 12,000 years B.P. depending on the implemented clock models. The coalescent inference of demographic history revealed a very recent population expansion for all three pathogens. We propose that Rhynchosporium on barley, rye, and Agropyron host species represent three cryptic pathogen species that underwent independent evolution and ecological divergence by host-specialization. We postulate that the recent emergence of these pathogens followed host shifts. The subsequent population expansions followed the expansion of the cultivated host populations and accompanying expansion of the weedy Agropyron spp. found in fields of cultivated cereals. Hence, agriculture played a major role in the emergence of the scald diseases, the adaptation of the pathogens to new hosts and their worldwide dissemination.  相似文献   

Many biotrophic fungal and oomycete pathogens share a common infection process involving the formation of haustoria, which penetrate host cell walls and form a close association with plant membranes. Recent studies have identified a class of pathogenicity effector proteins from these pathogens that is transferred into host cells from haustoria during infection. This insight stemmed from the identification of avirulence (Avr) proteins from these pathogens that are recognized by intracellular host resistance (R) proteins. Oomycete effectors contain a conserved translocation motif that directs their uptake into host cells independently of the pathogen, and is shared with the human malaria pathogen. Genome sequence information indicates that oomycetes may express several hundred such host-translocated effectors. Elucidating the transport mechanism of fungal and oomycete effectors and their roles in disease offers new opportunities to understand how these pathogens are able to manipulate host cells to establish a parasitic relationship and to develop new disease-control measures.  相似文献   

Hemipteran and dipteran insects have behavioral,cellular and chemical strategies for evading or coping with the host plant defenses making these insects particularly destructive pests worldwide. A critical component of a host plant's defense to herbivory is innate immunity. Here we review the status of our understanding of the receptors that contribute to perception of hemipteran and dipteran pests and highlight the gaps in our knowledge in these early events in immune signaling. We also highlight recent advances in identification of the effectors that activate pattern-triggered immunity and those involved in effector-triggered immunity.  相似文献   

  • 1 The densities of insect herbivores in fertilized and unfertilized field plots of goldenrods, Solidago altissima (Compositae), were monitored over a period of 4 years.
  • 2 A total of seventeen insect taxa occurred on the plots over the course of the study, including sap feeders, leaf chewers, leaf miners, leaf gallers and stem gallers with multiple representatives in each of these feeding guilds.
  • 3 Nine of the seventeen taxa significantly increased in density on fertilized plots in at least one year of the study, two taxa showed marginally significant increases on fertilized plots, two significantly decreased in density on fertilized plots in at least one year, and the remaining taxa were unaffected by the fertilizer treatment.
  • 4 The effects of fertilization on the insects were not strongly related to feeding guild; the group of insects that increased on fertilized plots was functionally diverse, and for the most part members of the same guild did not respond to the fertilizer treatment in consistent ways.
  • 5 Differences between fertilized and unfertilized plots were greatest in the fourth year. The insects that showed delayed responses to fertilizer treatment may have been affected by changes in microclimate that developed slowly over the course of the study, suggesting that long-term studies may be necessary to detect effects of host plant stress on insect herbivores.

Host genotype specificity in interactions between biotrophic fungal pathogens and plants in most cases complies with the gene-for-gene model. Success or failure of infection is determined by absence or presence of complementary genes, avirulence and resistance genes, in the pathogen and the host plant, respectively. Resistance, expressed by the induction of a hypersensitive response followed by other defence responses in the host, is envisaged to be based on recognition of the pathogen, mediated through direct interaction between products of avirulence genes of the pathogen (the so-called race-specific elicitors) and receptors in the host plant, the putative products of resistance genes. The interaction between the biothrophic fungusCladosporium fulvum and its only host tomato is a model system to study fungus-plant gene-for-gene relationships. Here we report on isolation, characterization and biological function of putative pathogenicity factors ECP1 and ECP2 and the race-specific elicitors AVR4 and AVR9 ofC. fulvum and cloning and regulation of their encoding genes. Disruption ofecp1 andecp2 genes has no clear effect on pathogenicity ofC. fulvum. Disruption of theavr9 gene, which codes for the race-specific 28 amino acid AVR9 elicitor, in wild type avirulent races, leads to virulence on tomato genotypes carrying the complementary resistance geneCf9. The avirulence geneavr4 encodes a 105 amino acid race-specific elicitor. A single basepair change in the avirulence geneavr4 leads to virulence on tomato genotypes carrying theCf4 resistance gene.  相似文献   

南美斑潜蝇寄主选择性与植物次生化合物及叶毛的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用非自由选择法,以刺伤孔(包括取食孔和产卵孔)数为指标,在室内测定了南美斑潜蝇对6科、16种、22个蔬菜品种的寄主选择性。结果表明,南美斑潜蝇对供试蔬菜品种的选择性存在显著差异,选择性大小依次为豆科>菊科>葫芦科>茄科>伞形科>十字花科; 菜豆和茼蒿是南美斑潜蝇最喜欢产卵和取食的寄主,而甘蓝和番茄是其选择性最差的寄主。化学分析和解剖镜观察表明,叶片单宁酸、黄酮含量及叶毛密度在供试品种间存在显著差异: 苦瓜的单宁酸含量最高,其次为豌豆、番茄和青椒,含量最低的为金丝搅瓜、茼蒿、菜豆和美国西芹; 黄酮含量最高的为甘蓝和番茄,其次为苦瓜,最低为茼蒿、菜豆和美国西芹; 南瓜和小白菜的叶毛密度最高,其次为西葫芦、金丝搅瓜和甘蓝,最低为青椒、莴苣和苦瓜。相关分析表明,南美斑潜蝇寄主选择性与叶片单宁酸和黄酮含量呈显著的负相关关系,相关系数分别为-0.4425( P=0.0392)和 -0.5728( P=0.0053),而与叶毛密度相关关系不显著( R=-0.1807,P=0.4211)。说明黄酮和单宁酸对南美斑潜蝇产卵和取食具有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

For the biological control of diamondback moth (DBM) larvae in commercial greenhouses, we have previously identified a blend of volatiles that attracted Cotesia vestalis, a parasitoid of DBM larvae. Here, we tested the effects of an artificial volatile blend on the attractiveness of komatsuna plants (Japanese mustard spinach; Brassica rapa var. perviridis) to C. vestalis under greenhouse conditions. First, we showed that female C. vestalis preferred infested komatsuna plants to uninfested plants in the greenhouse. Under the same conditions, placing the artificial attractants near both infested and uninfested plants did not affect the wasps’ preference. However, when comparing infested komatsuna plants coupled with the artificial attractants with infested plants without them, significantly more female C. vestalis were attracted to the former. The possible use of artificial C. vestalis attractants for the biological control of DBM is discussed.  相似文献   

普通大蓟马Megalurothrips usitatus(Bagnall)是我国华南地区豆科植物上的重要害虫,并已对多种农药产生严重的抗药性,为减少化学农药的使用,探寻基于寄主植物挥发物的化学生态调控技术,针对不同寄主植物及其挥发性信息化合物对普通大蓟马的行为影响进行研究和探讨.本研究采用"Y"型嗅觉仪测定了普通大蓟马对豇豆花和四季豆花的选择行为,在此基础上再利用"Y"型嗅觉仪和四臂嗅觉仪测定了普通大蓟马对不同生理期及不同为害程度的豇豆花的选择行为,筛选该虫的嗜好寄主及其生理状态.分别以正己烷和甲醇作为溶剂,应用顶空动态吸附法和溶剂浸取法提取寄主植物挥发物,利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)对其成分进行分析和鉴定.通过"Y"型嗅觉仪测定普通大蓟马对上述挥发物的不同浓度的标样及其混配物的行为反应,结果表明豇豆花对普通大蓟马的引诱活性显著高于四季豆花,后续试验进一步表明健康豇豆花对普通大蓟马的引诱效果好于花蕾、虫蕾和虫花.利用GC-MS从普通大蓟马嗜好寄主健康豇豆花中初步鉴定出42个挥发性信息化合物主要化学成分,购买标样对普通大蓟马进行不同浓度的行为活性测定,发现10-4β-石竹烯、10-2植物醇、10-6棕榈酸乙酯和10-6邻二甲苯具极显著的引诱作用,10-4罗勒烯、10-4亚油酸甲酯、10-4棕榈酸甲酯、10-4甲酯、10-62-甲基-3-羟基-4-吡喃酮具极显著的驱避作用,而棕榈酸乙酯在高浓度时表现出驱避作用,低浓度时表现出引诱作用.此外,当邻二甲苯和β-石竹烯、邻二甲苯和棕榈酸乙酯浓度为10-6时,其混配物对普通大蓟马表现出极显著的驱避作用,本试验尚未发现可增强引诱活性的配方.健康豇豆花为普通大蓟马的嗜好寄主,从其挥发性信息化合物中鉴定筛选出一批对普通大蓟马具显著引诱或驱避活性的化合物,为探明普通大蓟马对寄主植物的反应机制提供了信息基础,亦为今后研发高活性引诱剂或驱避剂提供理论基础.  相似文献   

【目的】亚洲柑桔木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama的虫口密度及活动与柑桔黄龙病的田间传播、流行有十分密切的关系,寻找合适的室内饲养条件能够便于观察和研究其生物学特性和传病机制。【方法】本文以九里香Murraya exotica(L.)Mant.、酸桔Citrus sunki Hort.ex Tanaka和马水桔Citrus reticulata Blanco.cv.Mashuiju 3种寄主植物不同成熟度离体梢为研究材料,(1)比较亚洲柑桔木虱卵分别在3种寄主植株和离体嫩梢上的孵化率;(2)比较3种寄主不同成熟度离体梢对各龄若虫存活率和蜕皮的影响;(3)比较3种寄主不同成熟度离体梢对成虫存活率的影响。【结果】(1)亚洲柑桔木虱在植株嫩梢上卵的孵化率高于离体嫩梢,九里香表现最明显;(2)低龄若虫在叶片未完全展开的离体嫩梢上存活率最高,而高龄若虫在完全展开的嫩梢上最高;(3)用离体成熟梢饲养柑桔木虱成虫存活率高于离体嫩梢,酸桔和马水桔离体梢饲养的存活率较九里香高。【结论】用寄主植物离体梢饲养的亚洲柑桔木虱卵孵化率和若虫、成虫存活率都较高而且较稳定,该方法可用于这种木虱的室内繁殖中。  相似文献   

Suppression of host photosynthesis by the parasitic plant Rhinanthus minor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Parasitism is well understood to have wide-ranging deleterious effects on host performance in species thus far characterized. Photosynthetic performance reductions have been noted in the Striga-Zea mays association; however, no such information exists for facultative hemiparasitic plants and their hosts, nor are the effects of host species understood. METHODS: Chlorophyll fluorimetry was used to study the effects of parasitism by the hemiparasite Rhinanthus minor on the grass Phleum bertolinii and the forb Plantago lanceolata, and the effects of host species on the photosynthetic apparatus of R. minor. KEY RESULTS: Parasitism by Rhinanthus led to a significant decrease in the host, and total (host + parasite) biomass in Phleum; however, in Plantago, no significant repression of growth was noted. Maximum quantum yield (F(v)/F(m)) was reduced in parasitized Plantago, relative to control plants, but not in Phleum. F(v)/F(m) was significantly lower in R. minor parasitizing Phleum than Plantago, suggesting Phleum to be a superior host to Plantago for R. minor. Steady-state quantum yield (Phi(PSII)) was significantly depressed in parasitized Phleum, but only at low irradiances in Plantago. Phi(PSII) was very low for R. minor grown on Plantago, but not Phleum. CONCLUSIONS: Shown here is the first evidence of the suppression of host photosynthesis by a facultative hemiparasitic plant, which has significant effects on total biomass production. Host identity is a significant factor in parasite success, with the forb Plantago lanceolata exhibiting apparent chemical as well as previously identified physical defences to parasitism. It is proposed that the electron transport rate (as denoted by Phi(PSII)) represents the limiting factor for biomass accumulation in this system, and that Plantago is able to suppress the growth of Rhinanthus by suppressing the electron transport rate.  相似文献   

Many parasitic wasps (parasitoids) exploit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by herbivore-infested plants in order to locate their hosts, but it remains largely unknown which specific compounds within the volatile blends elicit the attractiveness to parasitoids. One way of studying the importance of specific VOCs is to test the attractiveness of odor blends from which certain compounds have been emitted. We used this approach by testing the attraction of naive and experienced females of the two parasitoids Cotesia marginiventris and Microplitis rufiventris to partially altered volatile blends of maize seedlings (Zea mays var. Delprim) infested with Spodoptera littoralis larvae. Adsorbing filter tubes containing carbotrap-C or silica were installed in a four-arm olfactometer between the odor source vessels and the arms of the olfactometer. The blends breaking through were tested for chemical composition and attractiveness to the wasps. Carbotrap-C adsorbed most of the sesquiterpenes, but the breakthrough blend remained attractive to naive C. marginiventris females. Silica adsorbed only some of the more polar VOCs, but this essentially eliminated all attractiveness to naive C. marginiventris, implying that among the adsorbed compounds there are some that play key roles in the attraction. Unlike C. marginiventris, M. rufiventris was still attracted to the latter blend, showing that parasitoids with a comparable biology may employ different strategies in their use of plant-provided cues to locate hosts. Results from similar experiments with modified odor blends of caterpillar-infested cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) indicate that key VOCs in different plant species vary greatly in quality and/or quantity. Finally, experienced wasps were more strongly attracted to a specific blend after they perceived the blend while ovipositing in a host. Considering the high number of distinct adsorbing materials available today, this in situ modification of complex volatile blends provides a new and promising approach pinpointing on key attractants within these blends. Advantages and disadvantages compared to other approaches are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. In a laboratory experiment, the influence of host plant diversity and food quality, in terms of nitrogen content, on the larval survival of two oligophagous bug species (Heteroptera, Miridae: Leptopterna dolobrata L., Notostira erratica L.) was investigated. Both species are strictly phytophagous and capable of feeding on a wide range of grass species. Moreover, they typically change their host plants during ontogenesis; it has been suggested that this behaviour is a response to the changing protein content of the hosts.
2. To investigate the importance of host plant diversity for these insects, the development of insects reared on grass monocultures was compared with that on mixtures of four grass species. In addition, the host grasses were grown under two nitrogen regimes to test whether nitrogen content is the key factor determining host plant switching.
3. Both species had a significantly higher survival rate when feeding on several host plants but only L. dolobrata showed a significant response to food nitrogen content. Furthermore, there was no correlation between the nitrogen content of the host plants and the survival rate of N. erratica larvae.
4. The study suggests that at least some Stenodemini need a variety of host plants during larval development but that the level of host plant nitrogen is not the main factor responsible for the observed diversity effect.  相似文献   

The induction of resistance to disease during plant development is widespread in the plant kingdom. Resistance appears at different stages of host development, varies with plant age or tissue maturity, may be specific or broad-spectrum and is driven by diverse mechanisms, depending on plantpathogen interactions. Studies of these forms of resistance may help us to evaluate more exhaustively the plethora of levels of regulation during development, the variability of the defense potential of developing hosts and may have practical applications, making it possible to reduce pesticide applications. Here, we review the various types of developmental resistance in plants and current knowledge of the molecular and cellular processes involved in their expression. We discuss the implications of these studies, which provide new knowledge from the molecular to the agrosystem level.  相似文献   

Although sexual reproduction implies a cost, it represents an evolutionary advantage for the adaptation and survival of facultative sexual pathogens. Understanding the maintenance of sex in pathogens requires to analyse how host resistance will impact their sexual reproduction through the alteration of their life-history traits. We explored this experimentally using potato (Solanum tuberosum) and one of its pathogens, the heterothallic oomycete Phytophthora infestans. Sexual reproduction was highest on hosts favouring asexual multiplication of the pathogen, suggesting similar nutritional requirements for both sexual and asexual sporulation. Sexual reproduction was also highest on hosts decreasing the latent period, probably because of a trade-off between growth and reproduction. Distinguishing host effects on each pathogenic trait remains however uneasy, as most life-history traits linked to pathogenicity were not independent of each other. We argue that sexual reproduction of P. infestans is an adaptation to survive when the host is susceptible and rapidly destroyed.  相似文献   

美洲斑潜蝇的寄主植物种类、适合度及其为害性的评价   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
在山西省调查结果,美洲斑潜蝇的寄生有29种栽培植物,11种野生植物,它们分属16个科,其中以葫芦科,茄科和豆科的种类居多。应用选择系数法和适合性指数法定量测定了16种常见寄生对美洲斑潜蝇的适合度,建立了选择强度与适合度估测模。根据适合度将美洲斑潜蝇的寄生植物划分为3个类型,即适宜寄主、较适宜寄主和次要寄主,在上述研究的基础上,测定了该在不同寄主上的虫道面积和蛹的重量,明确了不同寄主植物对害虫发育的  相似文献   

植物挥发性物质在蚜虫寄主定位中的作用   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
周琼  梁广文 《昆虫知识》2001,38(5):334-336
本文综述了植物挥发性物质的化学性质、研究方法及其在蚜虫寄主定位中的作用  相似文献   

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