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The wobble base of Escherichia coli elongator tRNA(Met) is modified to N(4)-acetylcytidine (ac(4)C), which is thought to ensure the precise recognition of the AUG codon by preventing misreading of near-cognate AUA codon. By employing genome-wide screen of uncharacterized genes in Escherichia coli ('ribonucleome analysis'), we found the ypfI gene, which we named tmcA (tRNA(Met) cytidine acetyltransferase), to be responsible for ac(4)C formation. TmcA is an enzyme that contains a Walker-type ATPase domain in its N-terminal region and an N-acetyltransferase domain in its C-terminal region. Recombinant TmcA specifically acetylated the wobble base of E. coli elongator tRNA(Met) by utilizing acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) and ATP (or GTP). ATP/GTP hydrolysis by TmcA is stimulated in the presence of acetyl-CoA and tRNA(Met). A mutation study revealed that E. coli TmcA strictly discriminates elongator tRNA(Met) from the structurally similar tRNA(Ile) by mainly recognizing the C27-G43 pair in the anticodon stem. Our findings reveal an elaborate mechanism embedded in tRNA(Met) and tRNA(Ile) for the accurate decoding of AUA/AUG codons on the basis of the recognition of wobble bases by the respective RNA-modifying enzymes.  相似文献   

N-1 Methylation of the nearly invariant purine residue found at position 9 of tRNA is a nucleotide modification found in multiple tRNA species throughout Eukarya and Archaea. First discovered in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the tRNA methyltransferase Trm10 is a highly conserved protein both necessary and sufficient to catalyze all known instances of m1G9 modification in yeast. Although there are 19 unique tRNA species that contain a G at position 9 in yeast, and whose fully modified sequence is known, only 9 of these tRNA species are modified with m1G9 in wild-type cells. The elements that allow Trm10 to distinguish between structurally similar tRNA species are not known, and sequences that are shared between all substrate or all nonsubstrate tRNAs have not been identified. Here, we demonstrate that the in vitro methylation activity of yeast Trm10 is not sufficient to explain the observed pattern of modification in vivo, as additional tRNA species are substrates for Trm10 m1G9 methyltransferase activity. Similarly, overexpression of Trm10 in yeast yields m1G9 containing tRNA species that are ordinarily unmodified in vivo. Thus, yeast Trm10 has a significantly broader tRNA substrate specificity than is suggested by the observed pattern of modification in wild-type yeast. These results may shed light onto the suggested involvement of Trm10 in other pathways in other organisms, particularly in higher eukaryotes that contain up to three different genes with sequence similarity to the single TRM10 gene in yeast, and where these other enzymes have been implicated in pathways beyond tRNA processing.  相似文献   

Guanosines are important for biological activities through their specific functional groups that are recognized for RNA or protein interactions. One example is recognition of N(1) of G37 in tRNA by S-adenosyl-methionine (AdoMet)-dependent tRNA methyltransferases to synthesize m(1)G37-tRNA, which is essential for translational fidelity in all biological domains. Synthesis of m(1)G37-tRNA is catalyzed by TrmD in bacteria and by Trm5 in eukarya and archaea, using unrelated and dissimilar structural folds. This raises the question of how dissimilar proteins recognize the same guanosine. Here we probe the mechanism of discrimination among functional groups of guanosine by TrmD and Trm5. Guanosine analogs were systematically introduced into tRNA through a combination of chemical and enzymatic synthesis. Single turnover kinetic assays and thermodynamic analysis of the effect of each analog on m(1)G37-tRNA synthesis reveal that TrmD and Trm5 discriminate functional groups differently. While both recognize N(1) and O(6) of G37, TrmD places a much stronger emphasis on these functional groups than Trm5. While the exocyclic 2-amino group of G37 is important for TrmD, it is dispensable for Trm5. In addition, while an adjacent G36 is obligatory for TrmD, it is nonessential for Trm5. These results depict a more rigid requirement of guanosine functional groups for TrmD than for Trm5. However, the sensitivity of both enzymes to analog substitutions, together with an experimental revelation of their low cellular concentrations relative to tRNA substrates, suggests a model in which these enzymes rapidly screen tRNA by direct recognition of G37 in order to monitor the global state of m(1)G37-tRNA.  相似文献   

PaOrf2 and γ-toxin subunits of Pichia acaciae toxin (PaT) and Kluyveromyces lactis zymocin are tRNA anticodon nucleases. These secreted ribotoxins are assimilated by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, wherein they arrest growth by depleting specific tRNAs. Toxicity can be recapitulated by induced intracellular expression of PaOrf2 or γ-toxin in S. cerevisiae. Mutational analysis of γ-toxin has identified amino acids required for ribotoxicity in vivo and RNA transesterification in vitro. Here, we report that PaOrf2 residues Glu9 and His287 (putative counterparts of γ-toxin Glu9 and His209) are essential for toxicity. Our results suggest a similar basis for RNA transesterification by PaOrf2 and γ-toxin, despite their dissimilar primary structures and distinctive tRNA target specificities. PaOrf2 makes two sequential incisions in tRNA, the first of which occurs 3' from the mcm(5)s(2)U wobble nucleoside and depends on mcm(5). A second incision two nucleotides upstream results in the net excision of a di-nucleotide. Expression of phage and plant tRNA repair systems can relieve PaOrf2 toxicity when tRNA cleavage is restricted to the secondary site in elp3 cells that lack the mcm(5) wobble U modification. Whereas the endogenous yeast tRNA ligase Trl1 can heal tRNA halves produced by PaOrf2 cleavage in elp3 cells, its RNA sealing activity is inadequate to complete the repair. Compatible sealing activity can be provided in trans by plant tRNA ligase. The damage-rescuing ability of tRNA repair systems is lost when PaOrf2 can break tRNA at both sites. These results highlight the logic of a two-incision mechanism of tRNA anticodon damage that evades productive repair by tRNA ligases.  相似文献   

The N(6)-(isopentenyl)adenosine (i(6)A) modification of some tRNAs at position A37 is found in all kingdoms and facilitates codon-specific mRNA decoding, but occurs in different subsets of tRNAs in different species. Here we examine yeasts' tRNA isopentenyltransferases (i.e., dimethylallyltransferase, DMATase, members of the Δ(2)-isopentenylpyrophosphate transferase, IPPT superfamily) encoded by tit1(+) in Schizosaccharomyces pombe and MOD5 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, whose homologs are Escherichia coli miaA, the human tumor suppressor TRIT1, and the Caenorhabditis elegans life-span gene product GRO-1. A major determinant of miaA activity is known to be the single-stranded tRNA sequence, A36A37A38, in a stem-loop. tRNA(Trp)(CCA) from either yeast is a Tit1p substrate, but neither is a Mod5p substrate despite the presence of A36A37A38. We show that Tit1p accommodates a broader range of substrates than Mod5p. tRNA(Trp)(CCA) is distinct from Mod5p substrates, which we sort into two classes based on the presence of G at position 34 and other elements. A single substitution of C34 to G converts tRNA(Trp)(CCA) to a Mod5p substrate in vitro and in vivo, consistent with amino acid contacts to G34 in existing Mod5p-tRNA(Cys)(GCA) crystal structures. Mutation of Mod5p in its G34 recognition loop region debilitates it differentially for its G34 (class I) substrates. Multiple alignments reveal that the G34 recognition loop sequence of Mod5p differs significantly from Tit1p, which more resembles human TRIT1 and other DMATases. We show that TRIT1 can also modify tRNA(Trp)(CCA) consistent with broad recognition similar to Tit1p. This study illustrates previously unappreciated molecular plasticity and biological diversity of the tRNA-isopentenyltransferase system of eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Bacterial TrmD and eukaryotic-archaeal Trm5 form a pair of analogous tRNA methyltransferase that catalyze methyl transfer from S-adenosyl methionine (AdoMet) to N(1) of G37, using catalytic motifs that share no sequence or structural homology. Here we show that natural and synthetic analogs of AdoMet are unable to distinguish TrmD from Trm5. Instead, fragments of AdoMet, adenosine and methionine, are selectively inhibitory of TrmD rather than Trm5. Detailed structural information of the two enzymes in complex with adenosine reveals how Trm5 escapes targeting by adopting an altered structure, whereas TrmD is trapped by targeting due to its rigid structure that stably accommodates the fragment. Free energy analysis exposes energetic disparities between the two enzymes in how they approach the binding of AdoMet versus fragments and provides insights into the design of inhibitors selective for TrmD.  相似文献   

Trm1 catalyzes a two-step reaction, leading to mono- and dimethylation of guanosine at position 26 in most eukaryotic and archaeal tRNAs. We report the crystal structures of Trm1 from Pyrococcus horikoshii liganded with S-adenosyl-l-methionine or S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine. The protein comprises N-terminal and C-terminal domains with class I methyltransferase and novel folds, respectively. The methyl moiety of S-adenosyl-l-methionine points toward the invariant Phe27 and Phe140 within a narrow pocket, where the target G26 might flip in. Mutagenesis of Phe27 or Phe140 to alanine abolished the enzyme activity, indicating their role in methylating G26. Structural analyses revealed that the movements of Phe140 and the loop preceding Phe27 may be involved in dissociation of the monomethylated tRNA•Trm1 complex prior to the second methylation. Moreover, the catalytic residues Asp138, Pro139, and Phe140 are in a different motif from that in DNA 6-methyladenosine methyltransferases, suggesting a different methyl transfer mechanism in the Trm1 family.  相似文献   

Chemical modifications of transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules are evolutionarily well conserved and critical for translation and tRNA structure. Little is known how these nucleoside modifications respond to physiological stress. Using mass spectrometry and complementary methods, we defined tRNA modification levels in six yeast species in response to elevated temperatures. We show that 2-thiolation of uridine at position 34 (s2U34) is impaired at temperatures exceeding 30°C in the commonly used Saccharomyces cerevisiae laboratory strains S288C and W303, and in Saccharomyces bayanus. Upon stress relief, thiolation levels recover and we find no evidence that modified tRNA or s2U34 nucleosides are actively removed. Our results suggest that loss of 2-thiolation follows accumulation of newly synthesized tRNA that lack s2U34 modification due to temperature sensitivity of the URM1 pathway in S. cerevisiae and S. bayanus. Furthermore, our analysis of the tRNA modification pattern in selected yeast species revealed two alternative phenotypes. Most strains moderately increase their tRNA modification levels in response to heat, possibly constituting a common adaptation to high temperatures. However, an overall reduction of nucleoside modifications was observed exclusively in S288C. This surprising finding emphasizes the importance of studies that utilize the power of evolutionary biology, and highlights the need for future systematic studies on tRNA modifications in additional model organisms.  相似文献   

Methyltransferases from the m1A58 tRNA methyltransferase (TrmI) family catalyze the S-adenosyl-l-methionine-dependent N1-methylation of tRNA adenosine 58. The crystal structure of Thermus thermophilus TrmI, in complex with S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine, was determined at 1.7 Å resolution. This structure is closely related to that of Mycobacterium tuberculosis TrmI, and their comparison enabled us to enlighten two grooves in the TrmI structure that are large enough and electrostatically compatible to accommodate one tRNA per face of TrmI tetramer. We have then conducted a biophysical study based on electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, site-directed mutagenesis, and molecular docking. First, we confirmed the tetrameric oligomerization state of TrmI, and we showed that this protein remains tetrameric upon tRNA binding, with formation of complexes involving one to two molecules of tRNA per TrmI tetramer. Second, three key residues for the methylation reaction were identified: the universally conserved D170 and two conserved aromatic residues Y78 and Y194. We then used molecular docking to position a N9-methyladenine in the active site of TrmI. The N9-methyladenine snugly fits into the catalytic cleft, where the side chain of D170 acts as a bidentate ligand binding the amino moiety of S-adenosyl-l-methionine and the exocyclic amino group of the adenosine. Y194 interacts with the N9-methyladenine ring, whereas Y78 can stabilize the sugar ring. From our results, we propose that the conserved residues that form the catalytic cavity (D170, Y78, and Y194) are essential for fashioning an optimized shape of the catalytic pocket.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that the nature and characteristics of transport across eukaryotic membranes are so complex as to defy intuitive understanding. In these circumstances, quantitative mathematical modeling is an essential tool, both to integrate detailed knowledge of individual transporters and to extract the properties emergent from their interactions. As the first, fully integrated and quantitative modeling environment for the study of ion transport dynamics in a plant cell, OnGuard offers a unique tool for exploring homeostatic properties emerging from the interactions of ion transport, both at the plasma membrane and tonoplast in the guard cell. OnGuard has already yielded detail sufficient to guide phenotypic and mutational studies, and it represents a key step toward ‘reverse engineering’ of stomatal guard cell physiology, based on rational design and testing in simulation, to improve water use efficiency and carbon assimilation. Its construction from the HoTSig libraries enables translation of the software to other cell types, including growing root hairs and pollen. The problems inherent to transport are nonetheless challenging, and are compounded for those unfamiliar with conceptual ‘mindset’ of the modeler. Here we set out guidelines for the use of OnGuard and outline a standardized approach that will enable users to advance quickly to its application both in the classroom and laboratory. We also highlight the uncanny and emergent property of OnGuard models to reproduce the ‘communication’ evident between the plasma membrane and tonoplast of the guard cell.  相似文献   

tRNA molecules contain 93 chemically unique nucleotide base modifications that expand the chemical and biophysical diversity of RNA and contribute to the overall fitness of the cell. Nucleotide modifications of tRNA confer fidelity and efficiency to translation and are important in tRNA-dependent RNA-mediated regulatory processes. The three-dimensional structure of the anticodon is crucial to tRNA-mRNA specificity, and the diverse modifications of nucleotide bases in the anticodon region modulate this specificity. We have determined the solution structures and thermodynamic properties of Bacillus subtilis tRNATyr anticodon arms containing the natural base modifications N6-dimethylallyl adenine (i6A37) and pseudouridine (ψ39). UV melting and differential scanning calorimetry indicate that the modifications stabilize the stem and may enhance base stacking in the loop. The i6A37 modification disrupts the hydrogen bond network of the unmodified anticodon loop including a C32-A38+ base pair and an A37-U33 base-base interaction. Although the i6A37 modification increases the dynamic nature of the loop nucleotides, metal ion coordination reestablishes conformational homogeneity. Interestingly, the i6A37 modification and Mg2+ are sufficient to promote the U-turn fold of the anticodon loop of Escherichia coli tRNAPhe, but these elements do not result in this signature feature of the anticodon loop in tRNATyr.  相似文献   

The N1-methyl-Adenosine (m1A58) modification at the conserved nucleotide 58 in the TΨC loop is present in most eukaryotic tRNAs. In yeast, m1A58 modification is essential for viability because it is required for the stability of the initiator-tRNAMet. However, m1A58 modification is not required for the stability of several other tRNAs in yeast. This differential m1A58 response for different tRNA species raises the question of whether some tRNAs are hypomodified at A58 in normal cells, and how hypomodification at A58 may affect the stability and function of tRNA. Here, we apply a genomic approach to determine the presence of m1A58 hypomodified tRNAs in human cell lines and show how A58 hypomodification affects stability and involvement of tRNAs in translation. Our microarray-based method detects the presence of m1A58 hypomodified tRNA species on the basis of their permissiveness in primer extension. Among five human cell lines examined, approximately one-quarter of all tRNA species are hypomodified in varying amounts, and the pattern of the hypomodified tRNAs is quite similar. In all cases, no hypomodified initiator-tRNAMet is detected, consistent with the requirement of this modification in stabilizing this tRNA in human cells. siRNA knockdown of either subunit of the m1A58-methyltransferase results in a slow-growth phenotype, and a marked increase in the amount of m1A58 hypomodified tRNAs. Most m1A58 hypomodified tRNAs can associate with polysomes in varying extents. Our results show a distinct pattern for m1A58 hypomodification in human tRNAs, and are consistent with the notion that this modification fine tunes tRNA functions in different contexts.  相似文献   

Enzymes of the Trm5 family catalyze methyl transfer from S-adenosyl methionine (AdoMet) to the N1 of G37 to synthesize m1G37-tRNA as a critical determinant to prevent ribosome frameshift errors. Trm5 is specific to eukaryotes and archaea, and it is unrelated in evolution from the bacterial counterpart TrmD, which is a leading anti-bacterial target. The successful targeting of TrmD requires detailed information on Trm5 to avoid cross-species inhibition. However, most information on Trm5 is derived from studies of the archaeal enzyme Methanococcus jannaschii (MjTrm5), whereas little information is available for eukaryotic enzymes. Here we use human Trm5 (Homo sapiens; HsTrm5) as an example of eukaryotic enzymes and demonstrate that it has retained key features of catalytic properties of the archaeal MjTrm5, including the involvement of a general base to mediate one proton transfer. We also address the protease sensitivity of the human enzyme upon expression in bacteria. Using the tRNA-bound crystal structure of the archaeal enzyme as a model, we have identified a single substitution in the human enzyme that improves resistance to proteolysis. These results establish conservation in both the catalytic mechanism and overall structure of Trm5 between evolutionarily distant eukaryotic and archaeal species and validate the crystal structure of the archaeal enzyme as a useful model for studies of the human enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary A model primitive tRNA with the nucleotide sequence GGCCAAAAAAAGGCCp was synthesized using T4 RNA ligase. The nucleotide sequence of this newly synthesized oligonucleotide was confirmed by ladder analysis of several enzymatic digestion products. The secondary structure of the oligonucleotide was examined by comparison of the products of its digestion by single- and double-strand-specific nucleases with those of the digestion of the intermediate oligonucleotide GGCCAAAAAAAOH. The results indicated that the two GGCC segments of the 5 and 3 ends of the model tRNA may form base pairs in solution. The same conclusion was derived from the result of affinitycolumn chromatography of the model oligonucleotide. When32pGGCCAAAAAAAGGCCOH was passed through a poly(U)-agarose column, about 70% of the applied sample bound to the poly(U)-agarose. In contrast, when the model oligonucleotide was passed through a poly(C)-agarose column, only 15% of the sample bound to the poly(C)-agarose. These results indicate that the newly synthesized oligonucleotide adopts a hairpin structure in solution. Two aspects of a potential biological activity of the synthetic model tRNA were examined. It was found that the oligonucleotide can bind to poly(U)-programmed 30S ribosomes and is recognized by Q replicase as a template for RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

In the protist Euglena gracilis, the cytosolic small subunit (SSU) rRNA is a single, covalently continuous species typical of most eukaryotes; in contrast, the large subunit (LSU) rRNA is naturally fragmented, comprising 14 separate RNA molecules instead of the bipartite (28S + 5.8S) eukaryotic LSU rRNA typically seen. We present extensively revised secondary structure models of the E. gracilis SSU and LSU rRNAs and have mapped the positions of all of the modified nucleosides in these rRNAs (88 in SSU rRNA and 262 in LSU rRNA, with only 3 LSU rRNA modifications incompletely characterized). The relative proportions of ribose-methylated nucleosides and pseudouridine (∼ 60% and ∼ 35%, respectively) are closely similar in the two rRNAs; however, whereas the Euglena SSU rRNA has about the same absolute number of modifications as its human counterpart, the Euglena LSU rRNA has twice as many modifications as the corresponding human LSU rRNA. The increased levels of rRNA fragmentation and modification in E. gracilis LSU rRNA are correlated with a 3-fold increase in the level of mispairing in helical regions compared to the human LSU rRNA. In contrast, no comparable increase in mispairing is seen in helical regions of the SSU rRNA compared to its homologs in other eukaryotes. In view of the reported effects of both ribose-methylated nucleoside and pseudouridine residues on RNA structure, these correlations lead us to suggest that increased modification in the LSU rRNA may play a role in stabilizing a ‘looser’ structure promoted by elevated helical mispairing and a high degree of fragmentation.  相似文献   

Familial dysautonomia (FD) is a recessive neurodegenerative genetic disease. FD is caused by a mutation in the IKBKAP gene resulting in a splicing defect and reduced levels of full length IKAP protein. IKAP homologues can be found in all eukaryotes and are part of a conserved six subunit protein complex, Elongator complex. Inactivation of any Elongator subunit gene in multicellular organisms cause a wide range of phenotypes, suggesting that Elongator has a pivotal role in several cellular processes. In yeast, there is convincing evidence that the main role of Elongator complex is in formation of modified wobble uridine nucleosides in tRNA and that their absence will influence translational efficiency. To date, no study has explored the possibility that FD patients display defects in formation of modified wobble uridine nucleosides as a consequence of reduced IKAP levels. In this study, we show that brain tissue and fibroblast cell lines from FD patients have reduced levels of the wobble uridine nucleoside 5-methoxycarbonylmethyl-2-thiouridine (mcm5s2U). Our findings indicate that FD could be caused by inefficient translation due to lower levels of wobble uridine nucleosides.  相似文献   

Cellular RNA is decorated with over 170 types of chemical modifications. Many modifications in mRNA, including m6A and m5C, have been associated with critical cellular functions under physiological and/or pathological conditions. To understand the biological functions of these modifications, it is vital to identify the regulators that modulate the modification rate. However, a high‐throughput method for unbiased screening of these regulators is so far lacking. Here, we report such a method combining pooled CRISPR screen and reporters with RNA modification readout, termed CRISPR integrated gRNA and reporter sequencing (CIGAR‐seq). Using CIGAR‐seq, we discovered NSUN6 as a novel mRNA m5C methyltransferase. Subsequent mRNA bisulfite sequencing in HAP1 cells without or with NSUN6 and/or NSUN2 knockout showed that NSUN6 and NSUN2 worked on non‐overlapping subsets of mRNA m5C sites and together contributed to almost all the m5C modification in mRNA. Finally, using m1A as an example, we demonstrated that CIGAR‐seq can be easily adapted for identifying regulators of other mRNA modification.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial biogenesis and energy metabolism are essential for regulating the inflammatory state of monocytes. This state is partially controlled by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PGC-1α), a coactivator that regulates mitochondrial biogenesis and energy metabolism. Disruption of these processes can also contribute to the initiation of chronic inflammatory diseases, such as pulmonary fibrosis, atherosclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Methyltransferase-like 3 (METTL3)-dependent N6-methyladenosine (m6A) methylation has recently been shown to regulate a variety of inflammatory processes. However, the role of m6A mRNA methylation in affecting mitochondrial metabolism in monocytes under inflammation is unclear, nor is there an established relationship between m6A methylation and PGC-1α. In this study, we identified a novel mechanism by which METTL3 acts during oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL)-induced monocyte inflammation, where METTL3 and YTH N6-methyladenosine RNA binding protein 2 (YTHDF2) cooperatively modify PGC-1α mRNA, mediating its degradation, decreasing PGC-1α protein levels, and thereby enhancing the inflammatory response. METTL3 coordinated with YTHDF2 to suppress the expression of PGC-1α, as well as that of cytochrome c (CYCS) and NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit C2 (NDUFC2) and reduced ATP production and oxygen consumption rate (OCR). This subsequently increased the accumulation of cellular and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the levels of proinflammatory cytokines in inflammatory monocytes. These data may provide new insights into the role of METTL3-dependent m6A modification of PGC-1α mRNA in the monocyte inflammation response. These data also contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the pathogenesis of monocyte-macrophage inflammation-associated diseases, such as pulmonary fibrosis, atherosclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

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