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S ummary . A collection of 100 strains of Gram negative anaerobic bacteria isolated from the alimentary tract of the pig has been divided into four groups on morphological and physiological grounds. The four groups resemble the genera Bacteroides, Sphaerophorus, Veillonella and Peptostreptococcus as described in Bergey's Manual (Breed, Murray & Smith, 1957).  相似文献   


Background & Aims

Hydrogen sulphide (H2S), nitric oxide (NO), and carbon monoxide (CO) are involved in transitional microvascular tone dysregulation in the preterm infant; however there is conflicting evidence on the interaction of these gasotransmitters, and their overall contribution to the microcirculation in newborns is not known. The aim of this study was to measure the levels of all 3 gasotransmitters, characterise their interrelationships and elucidate their combined effects on microvascular blood flow.


90 preterm neonates were studied at 24h postnatal age. Microvascular studies were performed by laser Doppler. Arterial COHb levels (a measure of CO) were determined through co-oximetry. NO was measured as nitrate and nitrite in urine. H2S was measured as thiosulphate by liquid chromatography. Relationships between levels of the gasotransmitters and microvascular blood flow were assessed through partial correlation controlling for the influence of gestational age. Structural equation modelling was used to examine the combination of these effects on microvascular blood flow and derive a theoretical model of their interactions.


No relationship was observed between NO and CO (p = 0.18, r = 0.18). A positive relationship between NO and H2S (p = 0.008, r = 0.28) and an inverse relationship between CO and H2S (p = 0.01, r = -0.33) exists. Structural equation modelling was used to examine the combination of these effects on microvascular blood flow. The model with the best fit is presented.


The relationships between NO and H2S, and CO and H2S may be of importance in the preterm newborn, particularly as NO levels in males are associated with higher H2S levels and higher microvascular blood flow and CO in females appears to convey protection against vascular dysregulation. Here we present a theoretical model of these interactions and their overall effects on microvascular flow in the preterm newborn, upon which future mechanistic studies may be based.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the association between several anthropometric measurements of obesity with the incidence of hypertension. Research Methods and Procedures: Participants were 592 individuals free of hypertension, selected at random from the community. In the baseline evaluation, they were submitted to completed measures of demographics, anthropometrics, blood pressure, and other risk factors for hypertension. Incident hypertension was defined by blood pressure equal or higher than 140/90 mm Hg or use of blood pressure‐lowering drugs. Results: During a mean follow‐up time of 5.6 ± 1.1 years, 127 developed hypertension. The hazard ratios for the development of hypertension, adjusted for age, baseline blood pressure, gender, and alcohol consumption, were 1.042 (p = 0.091) for BMI, 1.023 (p = 0.028) for waist circumference, 1.042 (p = 0.013) for waist‐to‐height ratio, 1.061 (p = 0.014) for waist‐to‐height2 index, 1.079 (p = 0.022) for waist‐to‐height3 index, and 1.033 (p = 0.006) for the waist‐to‐hip ratio. Discussion: The correction of the circumference of waist for stature or hip circumference improves its performance in the prediction of the incidence of hypertension.  相似文献   

The time course and nature of the pulmonary inflammatory and antioxidant responses, both during and after hyperoxic-induced acute lung injury were studied in the preterm guinea pig. Three-day preterm (65 days gestation) guinea pigs were randomly exposed to either 21% O2 (control) or 95% O2 (hyperoxia) for 72 hours. All pups were then maintained in ambient conditions for up to a further 11 days, during which time lung damage was monitored. In animals exposed to hyperoxia, evidence of acute lung injury and inflammation was characterized by a marked increase in microvascular permeability and elevated numbers of neutrophils in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Protein concentration, elastase-like activity and elastase-inhibitory capacity in lavage fluid were at a maximum at the end of the 72 hours hyperoxic exposure. Four days later, all values had returned to control levels. In contrast, increased numbers of neutrophils, macrophages and lymphocytes were recovered in the lavage fluid during this early recovery period. Coinciding with the influx of inflammatory cells, there was a significant increase in glutathione peroxidase, manganese superoxide dismutase and catalase activities in immature lung. Lung copper/zinc superoxide dismutase activity remained unchanged during both experimental periods. The strong temporal relationship between the influx of inflammatory cells to the lung and the induction of pulmonary antioxidant enzyme defences suggests that a common mechanism underlies both responses. These findings have led us to regard inflammation in the hyperoxic-injured immature lung as a beneficial event and not, as previously suggested, as part of the injurious process.  相似文献   

Women with a history of excisional treatment (conization) for cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia (CIN) are at increased risk of preterm birth, perinatal morbidity and mortality in subsequent pregnancy. We aimed to develop a screening model to effectively differentiate pregnancies post-conization into low- and high-risk for preterm birth, and to evaluate the impact of suture material on the efficacy of ultrasound indicated cervical cerclage. We analysed longitudinal cervical length (CL) data from 725 pregnant women post-conization attending preterm surveillance clinics at three London university Hospitals over a ten year period (2004–2014). Rates of preterm birth <37 weeks after targeted cerclage for CL<25mm were compared with local and national background rates and expected rates for this cohort. Rates for cerclage using monofilament or braided suture material were also compared. Of 725 women post-conization 13.5% (98/725) received an ultrasound indicated cerclage and 9.7% (70/725) delivered prematurely, <37weeks; 24.5% (24/98) of these despite insertion of cerclage. The preterm birth rate was lower for those that had monofilament (9/60, 15%) versus braided (15/38, 40%) cerclage (RR 0.7, 95% CI 0.54 to 0.94, P = 0.008). Accuracy parameters of interval reduction in CL between longitudinal second trimester screenings were calculated to identify women at low risk of preterm birth, who could safely discontinue surveillance. A reduction of CL <10% between screening timepoints predicts term birth, >37weeks. Our triage model enables timely discharge of low risk women, eliminating 36% of unnecessary follow-up CL scans. We demonstrate that preterm birth in women post-conization may be reduced by targeted cervical cerclage. Cerclage efficacy is however suture material-dependant: monofilament is preferable to braided suture. The introduction of triage prediction models has the potential to reduce the number of unnecessary CL scan for women at low risk of preterm birth.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure the long-term growth of the mandible in miniature pigs using 3D Cone-Beam Computerized Tomography (CBCT). The mandibles of the pigs were scanned monthly over 12 months using CBCT and the 3D mandibular models were reconstructed from the data. Seventeen anatomical landmarks were identified and classified into four groups of line segments, namely anteroposterior, superoinferior, mediolateral and anteroinferior. The inter-marker distances, inter-segmental angles, volume, monthly distance changes and percentage of changes were calculated to describe mandibular growth. The total changes of inter-marker distances were normalized to the initial values. All inter-marker distances increased over time, with the greatest mean normalized total changes in the superoinferior and anteroposterior groups (p<0.05). Monthly distance changes were greatest during the first four months and then reduced over time. Percentages of inter-marker distance changes were similar among the groups, reaching half of the overall growth around the 4th month. The mandibular volume growth increased non-linearly with time, accelerating during the first five months and slowing during the remaining months. The growth of the mandible was found to be anisotropic and non-homogeneous within the bone and non-linear over time, with faster growth in the ramus than in the body. These growth patterns appeared to be related to the development of the dentition, providing necessary space for the teeth to grow upward for occlusion and for the posterior teeth to erupt.  相似文献   

Since its introduction in early 1950s, electroencephalography (EEG) has been widely used in the neonatal intensive care units (NICU) for assessment and monitoring of brain function in preterm and term babies. Most common indications are the diagnosis of epileptic seizures, assessment of brain maturity, and recovery from hypoxic-ischemic events. EEG recording techniques and the understanding of neonatal EEG signals have dramatically improved, but these advances have been slow to penetrate through the clinical traditions. The aim of this presentation is to bring theory and practice of advanced EEG recording available for neonatal units. In the theoretical part, we will present animations to illustrate how a preterm brain gives rise to spontaneous and evoked EEG activities, both of which are unique to this developmental phase, as well as crucial for a proper brain maturation. Recent animal work has shown that the structural brain development is clearly reflected in early EEG activity. Most important structures in this regard are the growing long range connections and the transient cortical structure, subplate. Sensory stimuli in a preterm baby will generate responses that are seen at a single trial level, and they have underpinnings in the subplate-cortex interaction. This brings neonatal EEG readily into a multimodal study, where EEG is not only recording cortical function, but it also tests subplate function via different sensory modalities. Finally, introduction of clinically suitable dense array EEG caps, as well as amplifiers capable of recording low frequencies, have disclosed multitude of brain activities that have as yet been overlooked.In the practical part of this video, we show how a multimodal, dense array EEG study is performed in neonatal intensive care unit from a preterm baby in the incubator. The video demonstrates preparation of the baby and incubator, application of the EEG cap, and performance of the sensory stimulations.  相似文献   

The use of the pig for studies of food intake and obesity is reviewed. Effects of ambient temperature and taste on food intake as well as satiety factors impicating both neural and hormonal mechanisms originating in the gastrointestinal tract are considered; the integration of information in the central nervous system for both internal and external sources is hypothesized. Special concerns of food intake controls in the neonate are discussed, including effects of neonate sweet preference on food intake, gastrointestinal satiety factors, and hypoglycemia as a stimulus for food ingestion.For obesity studies, pigs offer several advantages, including their general physiological similarity to humans, similar fat cell size, and body fat distribution. Lipogenesis, lipolysis, and lipid mobilization are under intensive study in swine and the information obtained may have important application in studies of human obesity. The voluminous literature on metabolic differences between genetically lean versus obese populations of pigs suggests possibilities for application in humans. Greater characterization of differences and similarities between pigs and humans in important metabolic parameters related to regulation of food intake and obesity should facilitate better understanding and control of human obesity.  相似文献   

The placental glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is central to glucocorticoid signalling and for mediating steroid effects on pathways associated with fetal growth and lung maturation but the GR has not been examined in the guinea pig placenta even though this animal is regularly used as a model of preterm birth and excess glucocorticoid exposure. Guinea pig dams received subcutaneous injections of either vehicle or betamethasone at 24 and 12 hours prior to preterm or term caesarean-section delivery. At delivery pup and organ weights were recorded. Placentae were dissected, weighed and analysed using Western blot to examine GR isoform expression in nuclear and cytoplasmic extracts. A comparative examination of the guinea pig GR gene identified it is capable of producing seven of the eight translational GR isoforms which include GRα-A, C1, C2, C3, D1, D2, and D3. GRα-B is not produced in the Guinea Pig. Total GR antibody identified 10 specific bands from term (n = 29) and preterm pregnancies (n = 27). Known isoforms included GRγ, GRα A, GRβ, GRP, GRA and GRα D1-3. There were sex and gestational age differences in placental GR isoform expression. Placental GRα A was detected in the cytoplasm of all groups but was significantly increased in the cytoplasm and nucleus of preterm males and females exposed to betamethasone and untreated term males (KW-ANOVA, P = 0.0001, P = 0.001). Cytoplasmic expression of GRβ was increased in female preterm placentae and preterm and term male placentae exposed to betamethasone (P = 0.01). Nuclear expression of GRβ was increased in all placentae exposed to betamethasone (P = 0.0001). GRα D2 and GRα D3 were increased in male preterm placentae when exposed to betamethasone (P = 0.01, P = 0.02). The current data suggests the sex-specific placental response to maternal betamethasone may be dependent on the expression of a combination of GR isoforms.  相似文献   

Preterm birth is the single biggest cause of significant neonatal morbidity and mortality, and the incidence is rising. Development of new therapies to treat and prevent preterm labour is seriously hampered by incomplete understanding of the molecular mechanisms that initiate labour at term and preterm. Computational modelling provides a new opportunity to improve this understanding. It is a useful tool in (i) identifying gaps in knowledge and informing future research, and (ii) providing the basis for an in silico model of parturition in which novel drugs to prevent or treat preterm labour can be “tested”. Despite their merits, computational models are rarely used to study the molecular events initiating labour. Here, we present the first attempt to generate a dynamic kinetic model that has relevance to the molecular mechanisms of preterm labour. Using published data, we model an important candidate signalling pathway in infection-induced preterm labour: that of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) -induced activation of Nuclear Factor kappa B. This is the first model of this pathway to explicitly include molecular interactions upstream of Nuclear Factor kappa B activation. We produced a formalised graphical depiction of the pathway and built a kinetic model based on ordinary differential equations. The kinetic model accurately reproduced published in vitro time course plots of Lipopolysaccharide-induced Nuclear Factor kappa B activation in mouse embryo fibroblasts. In this preliminary work we have provided proof of concept that it is possible to build computational models of signalling pathways that are relevant to the regulation of labour, and suggest that models that are validated with wet-lab experiments have the potential to greatly benefit the field.  相似文献   



The aim of this systematic review of randomized controlled trials was to compare the effects of aerobic training (AET), resistance training (RT), and combined aerobic and resistance training (CT) on anthropometric parameters, blood lipids, and cardiorespiratory fitness in overweight and obese subjects.


Electronic searches for randomized controlled trials were performed in MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Cochrane Trial Register. Inclusion criteria were: Body Mass Index: ≥25 kg/m2, 19+ years of age, supervised exercise training, and a minimum intervention period of 8 weeks. Anthropometric outcomes, blood lipids, and cardiorespiratory fitness parameters were included. Pooled effects were calculated by inverse-variance random effect pairwise meta-analyses and Bayesian random effects network meta-analyses.


15 trials enrolling 741 participants were included in the meta-analysis. Compared to RT, AET resulted in a significantly more pronounced reduction of body weight [mean differences (MD): -1.15 kg, p = 0.04], waist circumference [MD: -1.10 cm, p = 0.004], and fat mass [MD: -1.15 kg, p = 0.001] respectively. RT was more effective than AET in improving lean body mass [MD: 1.26 kg, p<0.00001]. When comparing CT with RT, MD in change of body weight [MD: -2.03 kg, p<0.0001], waist circumference [MD: -1.57 cm, p = 0.0002], and fat mass [MD: -1.88 kg, p<0.00001] were all in favor of CT. Results from the network meta-analyses confirmed these findings.


Evidence from both pairwise and network meta-analyses suggests that CT is the most efficacious means to reduce anthropometric outcomes and should be recommended in the prevention and treatment of overweight, and obesity whenever possible.  相似文献   

豚鼠高脂血症模型的建立及机制探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的建立豚鼠高脂血症模型,探讨模型形成机制并与大鼠模型进行比较。方法豚鼠模型和大鼠模型1组用低胆固醇(0.1%)饲料诱导,大鼠模型2组用高胆固醇(1%)饲料诱导,连续诱导4周。第3、4周分别取血测定血清脂质水平及CETP表达,4周末剖取肝脏检测肝脏FC、TG、ACAT、CYP7A1等指标。动态观察两种动物形成高脂血症状况。结果与对照组比较,豚鼠模型组于第3周血清TC、LDL-C、TG分别升高3.92倍、3.75倍和1.24倍,4周末血清CETP表达、肝脏ACAT活性明显增加,但肝CYP7A1水平变化不大。大鼠模型1组经低胆固醇饲料诱导4周,血脂水平变化不明显,模型2组经高胆固醇饲料诱导于第3周血清TC、LDL-C分别升高1.24倍和1.54倍,明显低于同期豚鼠模型组,4周末大鼠两个模型组肝CYP7A1活性显著增强,血清TG、CETP水平、肝ACAT活性均未见明显变化。结论豚鼠对高脂饲料较大鼠敏感,是一种比大鼠更理想的高血脂模型动物,模型形成机制与血清CETP表达、肝ACAT及CYP7A1活性变化密切相关。  相似文献   

滇韭的B-染色体及抗逆生理特性研究初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对B-染色体在滇韭二倍体和四倍体中的分布进行了调查,并测定了不同海拔高度二倍体植株的抗氧化酶系活力、丙二醛和脯氨酸的含量,探索B-染色体对滇韭形态、育性及抗逆性的影响。结果表明:B-染色体在二倍体和四倍体滇韭中的分布和数量存在较大差异;B-染色体的存在对二倍体滇韭的形态和育性具有明显影响;SOD酶活及MDA含量与海拔高度呈一定的相关性。  相似文献   

Objective: The visceral compartment is a surrogate for visceral adipose tissue. Cross‐sectional visceral compartment area (VCA) has been approximated from waist circumference using a circular model. However, the two‐dimensional shape of the abdomen is rarely circular. This study validated an elliptical model of cross‐sectional total abdominal area (TAA), subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) area, and VCA at the L4–L5 level. Research Methods and Procedures: We analyzed magnetic resonance images (MRIs) at the level of the L4–L5 intervertebral space from 35 subjects with a wide range of abdominal adiposity. Waist circumference, abdominal thickness (midline sagittal diameter), abdominal width (coronal diameter at one‐half of abdominal thickness), and abdominal SAT thickness at four sites (front, back, right, and left) were measured from MRI images using an image analysis software. The same anatomical regions were also estimated from anthropometrics purely by geometric formulae of circular and elliptical models. A simple linear regression model was used to interpret the association strength between anthropometric estimates and MRI measures. Results: Estimated TAA by either model was strongly related to MRI TAA (r2 = 0.98, p < 0.0001). The SAT and VCA by MRI analysis showed a stronger association with calculation from an elliptical model (r2 = 0.95 and 0.88, respectively; p < 0.001) than a circular model (r2 = 0.69 and 0.25, respectively; p < 0.001). The absolute prediction residuals and variances were significantly smaller with an elliptical model than a circular model (p < 0.0001). Discussion: An elliptical anthropometric model might be superior to a circular model to estimate abdominal SAT and VCA.  相似文献   



Buruli ulcer (BU) is a slowly progressing, necrotising disease of the skin caused by infection with Mycobacterium ulcerans. Non-ulcerative manifestations are nodules, plaques and oedema, which may progress to ulceration of large parts of the skin. Histopathologically, BU is characterized by coagulative necrosis, fat cell ghosts, epidermal hyperplasia, clusters of extracellular acid fast bacilli (AFB) in the subcutaneous tissue and lack of major inflammatory infiltration. The mode of transmission of BU is not clear and there is only limited information on the early pathogenesis of the disease available.

Methodology/Principal Findings

For evaluating the potential of the pig as experimental infection model for BU, we infected pigs subcutaneously with different doses of M. ulcerans. The infected skin sites were excised 2.5 or 6.5 weeks after infection and processed for histopathological analysis. With doses of 2×107 and 2×106 colony forming units (CFU) we observed the development of nodular lesions that subsequently progressed to ulcerative or plaque-like lesions. At lower inoculation doses signs of infection found after 2.5 weeks had spontaneously resolved at 6.5 weeks. The observed macroscopic and histopathological changes closely resembled those found in M. ulcerans disease in humans.


Our results demonstrate that the pig can be infected with M. ulcerans. Productive infection leads to the development of lesions that closely resemble human BU lesions. The pig infection model therefore has great potential for studying the early pathogenesis of BU and for the development of new therapeutic and prophylactic interventions.  相似文献   

Methods for immobilizing champagne yeasts, physiological and biochemical characteristics of the immobilized cells, and problems of their utilization in the production of quality champagne wines are reviewed. Studies aimed at the development of efficient biocatalysts for champagnizing wines using bottle fermentation (methode champenoise) and tank processing (bulk, or Charmat process) based on the use of immobilized yeast cells are described. Data on the industrial use of such biocatalysts in countries manufacturing champagne wines are presented. Problems and prospects of further research in this field are discussed.  相似文献   



The mechanism by which megakaryocytes (Mks) proliferate, differentiate, and release platelets into circulation are not well understood. Growing evidence indicates that a complex regulatory mechanism, involving cellular interactions, composition of the extracellular matrix and physical parameters such as oxygen tension, may contribute to the quiescent or permissive microenvironment related to Mk differentiation and maturation within the bone marrow.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Differentiating human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) into osteoblasts (hOSTs), we established an in vitro model for the osteoblastic niche. We demonstrated for the first time that the combination of HSCs, Mks and hypoxia sustain and promote bone formation by increasing type I collagen release from hOSTs and enhancing its fibrillar organization, as revealed by second harmonic generation microscopy. Through co-culture, we demonstrated that direct cell-cell contact modulates Mk maturation and differentiation. In particular we showed that low oxygen tension and direct interaction of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) with hOSTs inhibits Mk maturation and proplatelet formation (PPF). This regulatory mechanism was dependent on the fibrillar structure of type I collagen released by hOSTs and on the resulting engagement of the alpha2beta1 integrin. In contrast, normoxic conditions and the direct interaction of HSCs with undifferentiated hMSCs promoted Mk maturation and PPF, through a mechanism involving the VCAM-1 pathway.


By combining cellular, physical and biochemical parameters, we mimicked an in vitro model of the osteoblastic niche that provides a physiological quiescent microenvironment where Mk differentiation and PPF are prevented. These findings serve as an important step in developing suitable in vitro systems to use for the study and manipulation of Mk differentiation and maturation in both normal and diseased states.  相似文献   

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