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Rotylenchulus reniformis is rapidly becoming the most economically important pest associated with cotton in the southeastern United States. Incentive programs have been implemented to support sampling of production fields to determine the presence and abundance of R. reniformis. These sampling programs have dramatically increased the number of soils samples submitted to nematology laboratories during autumn. The large numbers of samples overwhelm most labs and require placement in cold storage until extraction. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the length of time soils infested with R. reniformis can be stored before nematode extraction without compromising the accuracy of estimates of population densities. A sandy loam and a silty loam were the two cotton production soils used in this study. Rotylenchulus reniformis numbers decreased 61%during the first 180 days of storage in both soils. Rotylenchulus reniformis numbers from the initial sampling through 180 days decreased as a linear function. The decline of R. reniformis numbers during storage was estimated as 0.28% of the population lost daily from the maximum population through 180 days. The diminution of nematode numbers from 180 through 1,080 days in storage continued, but at a slower rate. Numbers of R. reniformis declined to less than 89%, 93%, and 99% of the initial population within 360, 720, and 1,080 days, respectively, of storage. The reduction of R. reniformis numbers over 180 days can be adjusted, allowing a more accurate estimation of R. reniformis levels in soil samples stored at 4 °C.  相似文献   

The effects of soil type and initial inoculum density (Pi) on the reproductive and damage potentials of Meloidogyne incognita and Rotylenchulus reniformis on cotton were evaluated in microplot experiments from 1991 to 1993. The equilibrium nematode population density for R. reniformis on cotton was much greater than that of M. incognita, indicating that cotton is a better host for R. reniformis than M. incognita. Reproduction of M. incognita was greater in coarse-textured soils than in fine-textured soils, whereas R. reniformis reproduction was greatest in a Portsmouth loamy sand with intermediate percentages of clay plus silt. Population densities of M. incognita were inversely related to the percentage of silt and clay, but R. reniformis was favored by moderate levels of clay plus silt (ca. 28%). Both M. incognita races 3 and 4 and R. reniformis effected suppression of seed-cotton yield in all soil types evaluated. Cotton-yield suppression was greatest in response to R. reniformis at high Pi. Cotton maturity, measured as percentage of open bolls at different dates, was affected by the presence of nematodes in all 3 years.  相似文献   

The effects of soil type, irrigation, and population density of Rotylenchulus reniformis on cotton were evaluated in a two-year microplot experiment. Six soil types, Fuquay sand, Norfolk sandy loam, Portsmouth loamy sand, Muck, Cecil sandy loam, and Cecil sandy clay, were arranged in randomized complete blocks with five replications. Each block had numerous plots previously inoculated with R. reniformis and two or more noninoculated microplots per soil type, one half of which were irrigated in each replicate for a total of 240 plots. Greatest cotton lint yields were achieved in the Muck, Norfolk sandy loam, and Portsmouth loamy sand soils. Cotton yield in the Portsmouth loamy sand did not differ from the Muck soil which averaged the greatest lint yield per plot of all soil types. Cotton yield was negatively related to R. reniformis PI (initial population density) in all soil types except for the Cecil sandy clay which had the highest clay content. Supplemental irrigation increased yields in the higher yielding Muck, Norfolk sandy loam, and Portsmouth loamy sand soils compared to the lower yielding Cecil sandy clay, Cecil sandy loam, and Fuquay sand soils. The Portsmouth sandy loam was among the highest yielding soils, and also supported the greatest R. reniformis population density. Cotton lint yield was affected more by R. reniformis Pi with irrigation in the Portsmouth loamy sand soil with a greater influence of Pi on lint yield in irrigated plots than other soils. A significant first degree PI × irrigation interaction for this soil type confirms this observation.  相似文献   

The interrelationships between reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis) and the cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) seedling blight fungus (Rhizoctonia solani) were studied using three isolates of R. solani, two populations of R. reniformis at multiple inoculum levels, and the cotton cultivars Dehapine 90 (DP 90) and Dehapine 41 (DP 41). Colonization of cotton hypocotyl tissue by R. solani resulted in increases (P ≤ 0.05) in nematode population densities in soil and in eggs recovered from the root systems in both 40- and 90-day-duration experiments. Increases in soil population densities resulted mainly from increases in juveniles. Enhanced reproduction of R. reniformis in the presence of R. solani was consistent across isolates (1, 2, and 3) of R. solani and populations (1 and 2) and inoculum levels (0.5, 2, 4, and 8 individuals/g of soil) of R. reniformis, regardless of cotton cultivar (DP 90 or DP 41). Severity of seedling blight was not influenced by the nematode. Rhizoctonia solani caused reductions (P ≤ 0.05) in cotton growth in 40- and 90-day periods. Rotylenchulus reniformis reduced cotton growth at 90 days. The relationship between nematode inoculum levels and plant growth reductions was linear. At 90 days, the combined effects of these pathogens were antagonistic to plant growth.  相似文献   

A 2-year study with six soils and four levels of Meloidogyne incognita in microplots was designed to determine the effects of these parameters on nematode activity and tobacco yield and quality. Key components under study were affected by soil, nematode level, and season (year-cultivar). In 1980, low initial nematode numbers (1,250) enhanced tobacco yield in Cecil clay loam, but caused slight to moderate yield losses in the other soils. Yield losses to M. incognita were generally greatest in sandy and muck soils. In 1980, regression analyses of the independent parameters Pi - clay-sand vs. yield gave an R² of 0.40. Examples of other coefficients of determination for yield vs. selected factors were root-necrosis index, 0.40; root-gall index, 0.18; root-gall index-cation exchange capacity (CEC), 0.34; root-necrosis index-CEC, 0.56; and root-necrosis index-sand-soil acidity-calcium, 0.62. In contrast, the R² for Pi alone versus yield in 1981 was 0.84. Soil also affected nematode reproduction with the greatest increases occurring in the sandy soils. In both years, low nematode numbers enhanced the synthesis of sugar in tobacco, whereas leaves from all other nematode treatments had low sugar levels. A low nicotine content was associated with nematode infection. Tobacco from sandy soils had a higher nicotine content than tobacco from clay soils.  相似文献   

Rotylenchulus reniformis is a major problem confronting cotton production in the central part of the cotton belt of the United States of America. In this study, the hypothesis that natural antagonists in some cases are responsible for unusually low densities of the nematode in certain fields was tested by assaying soils from 22 selected fields for the presence of transferable agents in pots containing cotton plants. In one field, soil from four different depth ranges was tested. In the first of two types of assays, 1 part nematode infested soil was added to 9 parts test soil that was left untreated or autoclaved before mixing; this mixture was used to fill pots. In the second type of assay, 1 part test soil was added to 9 or 19 parts pasteurized fine sand, and nematodes were introduced in aqueous suspension. In three experiments representing both types of assay, transferable or autoclavable agent(s) from four fields in South Texas suppressed nematode populations by 48, 78, 90 and 95%. In one experiment, transferable agents in five fields in Louisiana suppressed populations from 37 to 66%. Identification and evaluation of these agents for biological control of R. reniformis merits further study.  相似文献   

The effects of soil types and soil water matric pressure on the Heterodera glycines-Glycine max interaction were examined in microplots in 1988 and 1989. Reproduction of H. glycines was restricted in fine-textured soils as compared with coarse-textured ones. Final population densities of this pathogen in both years of the study were greater in nonirrigated soils than in irrigated soils. The net photosynthetic rate of soybean (per unit area of leaf) was suppressed only slightly or not at all in response to infection by H. glycines and other stresses. Relative soybean-yield suppression in response to H. glycines was not affected by water content in fine-textured soils, but slopes of the damage functions were steepest in sand, sandy loam, and muck soils at high water content (irrigated plots). Yield restriction of soybean in response to this pathogen under irrigation was equal to or greater than the yield suppression under dry conditions. Although yield potential may be elevated by irrigation when soil-water content is inadequate, supplemental irrigation cannot be used to circumvent nematode damage to soybean.  相似文献   

The possible impact of Rotylenchulus reniformis below plow depth was evaluated by measuring the vertical distribution of R. reniformis and soil texture in 20 symptomatic fields on 17 farms across six states. The mean nematode population density per field, 0 to 122 cm deep, ranged from 0.4 to 63 nematodes/g soil, and in 15 fields more than half of the R. reniformis present were below 30.5 cm, which is the greatest depth usually plowed by farmers or sampled by consultants. In 11 fields measured, root density was greatest in the top 15 cm of soil; however, roots consistently penetrated 92 to 122 cm deep by midseason, and in five fields in Texas and Louisiana the ratio of nematodes to root-length density within soil increased with depth. Repeated sampling during the year in Texas indicated that up to 20% of the nematodes in soil below 60 cm in the fall survived the winter. Differences between Baermann funnel and sugar flotation extraction methods were not important when compared with field-to-field differences in nematode populations and field-specific vertical distribution patterns. The results support the interpretation that R. reniformis below plow depth can significantly impact diagnosis and treatment of cotton fields infested with R. reniformis.  相似文献   

The microbial degradation of aldicarb was examined in the greenhouse using soil from four cotton fields with a history of aldicarb use. The addition of aldicarb at 0.59 kg a.i./ha to natural soil increased Rotylenchulus reniformis numbers 6.6% in one soil and decreased R. reniformis numbers only 25.8% in another soil as compared to the corresponding natural soil without aldicarb. The use of increasing rates of aldicarb did not increase the efficacy of aldicarb in these soils. Rotylenchulus reniformis numbers were reduced 39.8, 22.6, and 6.8%, and increased 5.7% for aldicarb applied at 0.29, 0.59, 0.85, and 1.19 kg a.i./ha, respectively, in one natural soil. In another natural soil, R. reniformis numbers were reduced 42.5 and 21.9% for aldicarb applied at 0.29 and 1.19 kg a.i./ha, respectively, but increased 19.1 and 10.6% for aldicarb applied at 0.59 and 0.85 kg a.i./ha, respectively. Autoclaving the soils restored aldicarb toxicity in both soils, and R. reniformis numbers were reduced 96 and 99%, respectively, as compared to autoclaved soil without aldicarb. Bacterial populations were greater in the natural soils where aldicarb did not reduce R. reniformis numbers relative to the same soils that were autoclaved. However, no bacterial species was consistently associated with aldicarb degradation.  相似文献   

Vermiform Rotylenchulus reniformis were anesthetized in water by 10-40% CO₂ but were fully motile for 24 hours in water below 5% CO₂. When air containing 2.5% CO₂ was blown onto agar, nematodes accumulated at the point of highest CO₂ concentration. Nematodes also accumulated when chilling (0.2-1 C) of agar by the gas flow at the accumulation point was offset with heat from a fiber optic. In Baermann funnels containing R. reniformis in silt loam and sandy clay loam soils, CO₂ in funnel water increased during 24 hours from 0 to ca. 1%; more CO₂ accumulated below the soil layer than above. Bubbling air with 2.5% CO₂ into water below soil in covered funnels increased the CO₂ gradient and increased nematode extraction, whereas bubbling air without CO₂ below soil purged CO₂ from the water and decreased nematode extraction. Manipulation of CO₂ within funnels usually increased extraction by only 30% and never by more than 3-fold. Controlling temperature gradients consistently increased extraction by 2-30-fold.  相似文献   

Baermann funnels were modified to eliminate or reverse the small temperature gradient (1-2 C/cm) across the soil layer that normally results from water evaporation. Effects of modifications on extraction efficiency were examined at various ambient temperatures and after overnight adaptation of three nematode species at 20 and 30 C. Extraction of Meloidogyne incognita from sandy loam, Tylenchulus semipenetrans from sandy clay loam, and Rotylenchulus reniformis from silt was greatly accelerated simply by covering funnels to prevent evaporation. In most cases, covering increased the nematodes extracted by 10-100 times after 5.5-48 hours. Faster and more efficient extraction of R. reniformis occurred over a wide range of ambient temperature (18-29 C). Effects of ambient temperature and temperature gradient direction on Baermann funnel extraction of R. reniformis were partly inconsistent with the behavior of R. reniformis in agar. Nematodes in agar moved toward cold at some ambient temperatures and toward heat at other temperatures. They always appeared to move toward cold on Baermann funnels. Differences were not attributable to blockage of gas exchange by covers. In agar and in funnels, the patterns of response to ambient temperature were shifted in the direction of the storage temperature.  相似文献   

From infestation of lettuce with preinfective females to egg deposition, populations of Rotylenchulus reniformis from Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Lubbock and Weslaco, Texas; and Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, required 41, 13, 7, and 7 days at 15, 20, 25, and 34 C, respectively. No nematode infection occurred at 10 C with any R. reniformis population, and the population from Puerto Rico did not reproduce at 15 C. Nematode survival was not influenced by temperature, since populations from Texas and Louisiana survived for 6 months without a host at - 5 , - 1 , 4, and 25 C. Survival of R. reniformis was substantially influenced by soil moisture. Soil moistures greater than 7% (< 1 bar) aided nematode survival at storage temperature of 25 C, whereas moisture adversely affected nematode survival below freezing. Soil moisture below 4% (> 15 bars) favored nematode survival below freezing but adversely affected nematodes in soils stored at 25 C. Soil moisture effects on nematode survival were less accentuated at 4 and 0 C.  相似文献   

The effects of culture filtrates of Rhizoctonia solani and root exudates of R. solani-infected cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) seedlings on hatching of eggs and infectivity of females of Rotylenchulus reniformis were evaluated in an attempt to account for the enhanced nematode reproduction observed in the presence of this fungus. Crude filtrates of R. solani cultures growing over sterile, deionized distilled water did not affect egg hatching. Exudates from roots of cotton seedlings increased hatching of R. reniformis eggs over that observed in water controls. Exudates from cotton seedling roots not infected or infected with R. solani did not differ in their effect on egg hatching. However, infection of cotton seedlings by reniform females was increased in the presence of R. solani, resulting in the augmented egg production and juvenile population densities in soil observed in greenhouse studies.  相似文献   

The effect of various edaphic factors on Meloidogyne incognita population densities and cotton yield were evaluated from 2001 to 2003 in a commercial cotton field in southeastern Arkansas. The 6.07-ha field was subdivided into 512 plots (30.5 m × 3.9 m), and each plot was sampled for M. incognita prior to fumigation (Ppre), at planting (Pi), at peak bloom (Pm) and at harvest (Pf) each year. Soil texture (percent sand fraction) and the pre-plant soil fertility levels each year were determined from each plot. To ensure that a range of nematode population densities was available for study, 1,3-dichloropropene was applied in strips (3.9-m wide) at rates of 14.1, 29.2 and 42.2 liter/ha (128 plots each) each year 2 wk prior to planting. Data were evaluated using both stepwise and multiple regression analyses to determine relationships among edaphic factors, nematode population densities and yield. Although Pi and the percent sand fraction of the soil were the most important factors in explaining the variation in cotton yield, regression models only accounted for <26% of the variation in yield. When the same data were evaluated on a more homogeneous large-scale platform based on similar geographic locations, soil types and nematicide treatments, regression models that included both Pi and sand content explained 65%, 86% and 83% of the variability in yield for 2001, 2002 and 2003, respectively. Prediction profiles of the combined effects also demonstrated that damage potential for M. incognita on cotton in this study varied by soil texture.  相似文献   

Sunn hemp (SH), Crotolaria juncea, is known to suppress Rotylenchulus reniformis and weeds while enhancing free-living nematodes involved in nutrient cycling. Field trials were conducted in 2009 (Trial I) and 2010 (Trial II) to examine if SH cover cropping could suppress R. reniformis and weeds while enhancing free-living nematodes if integrated with soil solarization (SOL). Cover cropping of SH, soil solarization, and SH followed by SOL (SHSOL) were compared to weedy fallow control (C). Rotylenchulus reniformis population was suppressed by SHSOL at the end of cover cropping or solarization period (Pi) in Trial I, but not in Trial II. However, SOL and SHSOL did not suppress R. reniformis compared to SH in either trial. SH enhanced abundance of bacterivores and suppressed the % herbivores only at Pi in Trial II. At termination of the experiment, SH resulted in a higher enrichment index indicating greater soil nutrient availability, and a higher structure index indicating a less disturbed nematode community compared to C. SOL suppressed bacterivores and fungivores only in Trial II but not in Trial I. On the other hand, SHSOL enhanced bacterivores and fungivores only at Pi in Trial I. Weeds were suppressed by SH, SOL and SHSOL throughout the experiment. SHSOL suppressed R. reniformis and enhanced free-living nematodes better than SOL, and suppressed weeds better than SH.  相似文献   

The effects of intercycle cover crops on Rotylenchulus reniformis population densities in pineapple were evaluated in one greenhouse and two field experiments. In the greenhouse, Crotalaria juncea, Brassica napus, and Tagetes erecta were planted for 3 months and then incorporated. These treatments were compared to weedy fallow with or without 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) in three soils (Makawao fallow, Wahiawa fallow, and Wahiawa pineapple) naturally infested with R. reniformis. All cover crop incorporation suppressed R. reniformis numbers in cowpea more than did the weedy treatment in the Makawao (P < 0.05) but not in the Wahiawa soils. Crotalaria juncea treatment increased bacterivorous nematodes and nematode-trapping fungal population densities more than the other treatments in Makawao fallow and Wahiawa pineapple-planted soils. The field trials included the same plants as well as Sinapis alba. Treatments with Crotalaria juncea and 1,3-D maintained lower R. reniformis population densities on pineapple longer than other cover crops or weedy fallow treatments. Crotalaria juncea could have suppressed R. reniformis because it is a poor host and because it enhances nematode-trapping fungi when incorporated into soil. Treatment with 1,3-D reduced microbial activities but produced the greatest pineapple yield.  相似文献   

Sting nematode (Belonolaimus longicaudatus) is recognized as a pathogen of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), but the expected damage from a given population density of this nematode has not been determined. The objective of this study was to quantify the effects of increasing initial population densities (Pi) of B. longicaudatus on cotton yield and root mass. In a field plot study, nematicide application and cropping history were used to obtain a wide range of Pi values. Cotton yields were regressed on Pi density of B. longicaudatus to quantify yield losses in the field. In controlled environmental chambers, cotton was grown in soil infested with increasing Pi''s of B. longicaudatus. After 40 days, root systems were collected, scanned on a desktop scanner, and root lengths were measured. Root lengths were regressed on inoculation density of B. longicaudatus to quantify reductions in the root systems. In the field, high Pi''s (>100 nematodes/130 cm³ of soil) reduced yields to near zero. In controlled environmental chamber studies, as few as 10 B. longicaudatus/130 cm³ of soil caused a 39% reduction in fine cotton roots, and 60 B. longicaudatus/130 cm³ of soil caused a 70% reduction. These results suggest that B. longicaudatus can cause significant damage to cotton at low population densities, whereas at higher densities crop failure can result.  相似文献   

Reproduction of reniform nematode Rotylenchulus reniformis on 139 soybean lines was evaluated in a greenhouse in the summer of 2001. Cultivars and lines (119 total) were new in the Arkansas and Mississippi Soybean Testing Programs, and an additional 20 were submitted by C. Overstreet, Louisiana State Extension Nematologist. A second test of 32 breeding lines and 2 cultivars from the Clemson University soybean breeding program was performed at the same time under the same conditions. Controls were the resistant cultivars Forrest and Hartwig, susceptible Braxton, and fallow infested soil. Five treatment replications were planted in sandy loam soil infested with 1,744 eggs and vermiform reniform nematodes, grown for 10 weeks in 10 cm-diam.- pots. Total reniform nematodes extracted from soil and roots was determined, and a reproductive factor (final population (Pf)/ initial inoculum level (Pi)) was calculated for each genotype. Reproduction on each genotype was compared to the reproduction on the resistant cultivar Forrest (RF), and the log ratio [log₁₀(RF + 1) is reported. Cultivars with reproduction not significantly different from Forrest (log ratio) were not suitable hosts, whereas those with greater reproductive indices were considered suitable hosts. These data will be useful in the selection of soybean cultivars to use in rotation with cotton or other susceptible crops to help control the reniform nematode and to select useful breeding lines as parent material for future development of reniform nematode resistant cultivars and lines.  相似文献   

Nine sources of resistance to Rotylenchulus reniformis in Gossypium (cotton) were tested by measuring population density (Pf) and root-length density 0 to 122 cm deep. A Pf in the plow layer less than the autumn sample treatment threshold used by consultants was considered the minimum criterion for acceptable resistance, regardless of population density at planting (Pi). Other criteria were ample roots and a Pf lower than on the susceptible control, as in pot studies. In a Texas field in 2001 and 2002, no resistant accessions had Pf less than the control but all did in microplots into which nematodes from Louisiana were introduced. An environmental chamber experiment ruled out nematode genetic variance and implicated unknown soil factors. Pf in field experiments in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama were below threshold for zero, six and four of the accessions and above threshold in the control. Gossypium arboreum A2–87 and G. barbadense GB-713 were the most resistant accessions. Results indicate that cultivars developed from these sources will suppress R. reniformis populations but less than in pots in a single season.  相似文献   

The relationships between densities of all members of a plant-parasitic nematode community and yield of ''Davis'' soybean and between final and preplant population levels were examined in small plots on sandy soils in north-central Florida. Plant-parasitic nematodes present in the community included Belonolaimus longicaudatus, Criconemella sphaerocephala, Meloidogyne incognita, Paratrichodorus minor, Pratylenchus brachyurus, and Xiphinema sp. Plant growth, including stand count, soybean yield (kg/ha), and size of young plants, was occasionally inversely correlated (P ≤ 0.05) with densities of B. longicaudatus or P. brachyurus, but not with densities of other species or with a range of soil variables. The nature of this relationship varied with season, with more severe stand losses noted during 1987 than in 1988. Final population densities (Pf) of most nematode species showed significant (P ≤ 0.05) linear relationships to densities measured at planting or earlier (Pi). These relationships were stronger (higher r²) with the ectoparasite B. longicaudatus than with the endoparasites M. incognita and P. brachyurus. Criconemella sphaerocephala declined under soybean cultivation, reaching levels near zero after two seasons. A quadratic model showed an improvement (P ≤ 0.05) over the linear model in describing the relationship between Pf and Pi measured at planting for B. longicaudatus, and gave a better indication of the leveling off of Pf at high values of Pi.  相似文献   

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