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FST is frequently used as a summary of genetic differentiation among groups. It has been suggested that FST depends on the allele frequencies at a locus, as it exhibits a variety of peculiar properties related to genetic diversity: higher values for biallelic single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) than for multiallelic microsatellites, low values among high-diversity populations viewed as substantially distinct, and low values for populations that differ primarily in their profiles of rare alleles. A full mathematical understanding of the dependence of FST on allele frequencies, however, has been elusive. Here, we examine the relationship between FST and the frequency of the most frequent allele, demonstrating that the range of values that FST can take is restricted considerably by the allele-frequency distribution. For a two-population model, we derive strict bounds on FST as a function of the frequency M of the allele with highest mean frequency between the pair of populations. Using these bounds, we show that for a value of M chosen uniformly between 0 and 1 at a multiallelic locus whose number of alleles is left unspecified, the mean maximum FST is ∼0.3585. Further, FST is restricted to values much less than 1 when M is low or high, and the contribution to the maximum FST made by the most frequent allele is on average ∼0.4485. Using bounds on homozygosity that we have previously derived as functions of M, we describe strict bounds on FST in terms of the homozygosity of the total population, finding that the mean maximum FST given this homozygosity is 1 − ln 2 ≈ 0.3069. Our results provide a conceptual basis for understanding the dependence of FST on allele frequencies and genetic diversity and for interpreting the roles of these quantities in computations of FST from population-genetic data. Further, our analysis suggests that many unusual observations of FST, including the relatively low FST values in high-diversity human populations from Africa and the relatively low estimates of FST for microsatellites compared to SNPs, can be understood not as biological phenomena associated with different groups of populations or classes of markers but rather as consequences of the intrinsic mathematical dependence of FST on the properties of allele-frequency distributions.DIFFERENTIATION among groups is one of the fundamental subjects of the field of population genetics. Comparisons of the level of variation among subpopulations with the level of variation in the total population have been employed frequently in population-genetic theory, in statistical methods for data analysis, and in empirical studies of distributions of genetic variation. Wright’s (Wright 1951) fixation indices, and FST in particular, have been central to this effort.Wright’s FST was originally defined as the correlation between two randomly sampled gametes from the same subpopulation when the correlation of two randomly sampled gametes from the total population is set to zero. Several definitions of FST or FST-like quantities are now available, relying on a variety of different conceptual formulations but all measuring some aspect of population differentiation (e.g., Charlesworth 1998; Holsinger and Weir 2009). Many authors have claimed that one or another formulation of FST is affected by levels of genetic diversity or by allele frequencies, either because the range of FST is restricted by these quantities or because these quantities affect the degree to which FST reflects population differentiation (e.g., Charlesworth 1998; Nagylaki 1998; Hedrick 1999, 2005; Long and Kittles 2003; Jost 2008; Ryman and Leimar 2008; Long 2009; Meirmans and Hedrick 2011). For example, Nagylaki (1998) and Hedrick (1999) argued that measures of FST may be poor measures of genetic differentiation when the level of diversity is high. Charlesworth (1998) suggested that FST can be inflated when diversity is low, arguing that FST might not be appropriate for comparing loci with substantially different levels of variation. In a provocative recent article, Jost (2008) used the diversity dependence of forms of FST to question their utility as differentiation measures at all.One definition that is convenient for mathematical assessment of the relationship of an FST-like quantity and allele frequencies is the quantity labeled GST by Nei (1973), which for a given locus measures the difference between the heterozygosity of the total (pooled) population, hT, and the mean heterozygosity across subpopulations, hS, divided by the heterozygosity of the total population:GST=hThShT.(1)In terms of the homozygosity of the total population, HT = 1 − hT, and the mean homozygosity across subpopulations, HS = 1 − hS, we can writeGST=HSHT1HT.(2)The Wahlund (1928) principle guarantees that HSHT and, therefore, because HS ≤ 1 and for a polymorphic locus with finitely many alleles, 0 < HT < 1, GST lies in the interval [0,1].Using GST for their definition of FST, Hedrick (1999, 2005) and Long and Kittles (2003) pointed out that because hT < 1, FST cannot exceed the mean homozygosity across subpopulations, HS:FST = 1 ? hS/hT < 1 ? hSHS.(3)Hedrick (2005) obtained this result by considering a set of K equal-sized subpopulations, in which each allele is private to a single subpopulation. In the limit as K → ∞, a stronger upper bound on FST as a function of HS and K reduces to Equation 3 (see also Jin and Chakraborty 1995 and Long and Kittles 2003).While Hedrick (1999, 2005) and Long and Kittles (2003) have clarified the relationship between FST and the mean homozygosity HS across subpopulations, their approaches do not easily illuminate the connection between FST and allele frequencies themselves. A formal understanding of the relationship between FST and allele frequencies would make it possible to more fully understand the behavior of FST in situations where markers of interest differ substantially in allele frequencies or levels of genetic diversity. Our recent work on the relationship between homozygosity and the frequency of the most frequent allele (Rosenberg and Jakobsson 2008; Reddy and Rosenberg 2012) provides a mathematical approach for formal investigation of bounds on population-genetic statistics in terms of allele frequencies. In this article, we therefore seek to thoroughly examine the dependence of FST on allele frequencies by investigating the upper bound on FST in terms of the frequency M of the most frequent allele across a pair of populations. We derive bounds on FST given the frequency of the most frequent allele and bounds on the frequency of the most frequent allele given FST. We consider loci with arbitrarily many alleles in a pair of subpopulations. Using theory for the bounds on homozygosity given the frequency of the most frequent allele, we obtain strict bounds on FST given the homozygosity of the total population. Our analysis clarifies the relationships among FST, allele frequencies, and homozygosity, providing explanations for peculiar observations of FST that can be attributed to allele-frequency dependence.  相似文献   

We propose a multilocus version of FST and a measure of haplotype diversity using localized haplotype clusters. Specifically, we use haplotype clusters identified with BEAGLE, which is a program implementing a hidden Markov model for localized haplotype clustering and performing several functions including inference of haplotype phase. We apply this methodology to HapMap phase 3 data. With this haplotype-cluster approach, African populations have highest diversity and lowest divergence from the ancestral population, East Asian populations have lowest diversity and highest divergence, and other populations (European, Indian, and Mexican) have intermediate levels of diversity and divergence. These relationships accord with expectation based on other studies and accepted models of human history. In contrast, the population-specific FST estimates obtained directly from single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) do not reflect such expected relationships. We show that ascertainment bias of SNPs has less impact on the proposed haplotype-cluster-based FST than on the SNP-based version, which provides a potential explanation for these results. Thus, these new measures of FST and haplotype-cluster diversity provide an important new tool for population genetic analysis of high-density SNP data.GENOME-WIDE data sets from worldwide panels of individuals provide an outstanding opportunity to investigate the genetic structure of human populations (Conrad et al. 2006; International Hapmap Consortium 2007; Jakobsson et al. 2008; Auton et al. 2009). Populations around the globe form a continuum rather than discrete units (Serre and Paabo 2004; Weiss and Long 2009). However, notions of discrete populations can be appropriate when, for example, ancestral populations were separated by geographic distance or barriers such that little gene flow occurred.FST (Wright 1951; Weir and Cockerham 1984; Holsinger and Weir 2009) is a measure of population divergence. It measures variation between populations vs. within populations. One can calculate a global measure, assuming that all populations are equally diverged from an ancestral population, or one can calculate FST for specific populations or for pairs of populations while utilizing data from all populations (Weir and Hill 2002). One use of FST is to test for signatures of selection (reviewed in Oleksyk et al. 2010).FST may be calculated for single genetic markers. For multiallelic markers, such as microsatellites, this is useful, but single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) contain much less information when taken one at a time, and thus it is advantageous to calculate averages over windows of markers (Weir et al. 2005) or even over the whole genome. The advantage of windowed FST is that it can be used to find regions of the genome that show different patterns of divergence, indicative of selective forces at work during human history.Another measure of human evolutionary history is haplotype diversity. Haplotype diversity may be measured using a count of the number of observed haplotypes in a region or by the expected haplotype heterozygosity based on haplotype frequencies in a region. Application of this regional measure to chromosomal data can be achieved by a haplotype block strategy (Patil et al. 2001) or by windowing (Conrad et al. 2006; Auton et al. 2009).One problem with the analysis of population structure based on genome-wide panels of SNPs is that a large proportion of the SNPs were ascertained in Caucasians, potentially biasing the results of the analyses. Analysis based on haplotypes is less susceptible to such bias (Conrad et al. 2006). This is because haplotypes can be represented by multiple patterns of SNPs; thus lack of ascertainment of a particular SNP does not usually prevent observation of the haplotype. On a chromosome-wide scale, one cannot directly use entire haplotypes, because all the haplotypes in the sample will almost certainly be unique, thus providing no information on population structure. Instead one can use haplotypes on a local basis, either by using windows of adjacent markers or by using localized haplotype clusters, for example those obtained from fastPHASE (Scheet and Stephens 2006) or BEAGLE (Browning 2006; Browning and Browning 2007a).Localized haplotype clusters are a clustering of haplotypes on a localized basis. At the position of each genetic marker, haplotypes are clustered according to their similarity in the vicinity of the position. Both fastPHASE and BEAGLE use hidden Markov modeling to perform the clustering, although the specific models used by the two programs differ.Localized haplotype clusters derived from fastPHASE have been used to investigate haplotype diversity, to create neighbor-joining trees of populations, and to create multidimensional scaling (MDS) plots (Jakobsson et al. 2008). It was found that haplotype clusters showed different patterns of diversity to SNPs, while the neighbor-joining and MDS plots were similar between haplotype clusters and SNPs.In this work, we apply windowed FST methods to localized haplotype clusters derived from the BEAGLE program (Browning and Browning 2007a,b, 2009). We consider population-average, population-specific, and pairwise FST estimates (Weir and Hill 2002). Population-average FST''s either assume that all the populations are equally diverged from a common ancestor, which is not realistic, or represent the average of a set of population-specific values. This can be convenient in that the results are summarized by a single statistic; however, information is lost. A common procedure is to calculate FST for each pair of populations, and these values reflect the degree of divergence between the two populations. Different levels of divergence are allowed for each pair of populations but each estimate uses data from only that pair of populations. On the other hand, population-specific FST''s allow unequal levels of divergence in a single analysis that makes use of all the data.We compare results from the localized haplotype clusters to those using SNPs directly. The results of applying localized haplotype clusters to population-specific FST estimation are very striking, showing better separation of populations and a more realistic pattern of divergence than for population-specific FST estimation using SNPs directly. We also use BEAGLE''s haplotype clusters in a haplotype diversity measure and investigate the relationship between this measure of haplotype-cluster diversity and the recombination rate.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) is an important regulator of fibrogenesis in heart disease. In many other cellular systems, TGF-β1 may also induce autophagy, but a link between its fibrogenic and autophagic effects is unknown. Thus we tested whether or not TGF-β1-induced autophagy has a regulatory function on fibrosis in human atrial myofibroblasts (hATMyofbs). Primary hATMyofbs were treated with TGF-β1 to assess for fibrogenic and autophagic responses. Using immunoblotting, immunofluorescence and transmission electron microscopic analyses, we found that TGF-β1 promoted collagen type Iα2 and fibronectin synthesis in hATMyofbs and that this was paralleled by an increase in autophagic activation in these cells. Pharmacological inhibition of autophagy by bafilomycin-A1 and 3-methyladenine decreased the fibrotic response in hATMyofb cells. ATG7 knockdown in hATMyofbs and ATG5 knockout (mouse embryonic fibroblast) fibroblasts decreased the fibrotic effect of TGF-β1 in experimental versus control cells. Furthermore, using a coronary artery ligation model of myocardial infarction in rats, we observed increases in the levels of protein markers of fibrosis, autophagy and Smad2 phosphorylation in whole scar tissue lysates. Immunohistochemistry for LC3β indicated the localization of punctate LC3β with vimentin (a mesenchymal-derived cell marker), ED-A fibronectin and phosphorylated Smad2. These results support the hypothesis that TGF-β1-induced autophagy is required for the fibrogenic response in hATMyofbs.Interstitial fibrosis is common to many cardiovascular disease etiologies including myocardial infarction (MI),1 diabetic cardiomyopathy2 and hypertension.3 Fibrosis may arise due to maladaptive cardiac remodeling following injury and is a complex process resulting from activation of signaling pathways, such as TGF-β1.4 TGF-β1 signaling has broad-ranging effects that may affect cell growth, differentiation and the production of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins.5, 6 Elevated TGF-β1 is observed in post-MI rat heart7 and is associated with fibroblast-to-myofibroblast phenoconversion and concomitant activation of canonical Smad signaling.8 The result is a proliferation of myofibroblasts, which then leads to inappropriate deposition of fibrillar collagens, impaired cardiac function and, ultimately, heart failure.9, 10Autophagy is necessary for cellular homeostasis and is involved in organelle and protein turnover.11, 12, 13, 14 Autophagy aids in cell survival by providing primary materials, for example, amino acids and fatty acids for anabolic pathways during starvation conditions.15, 16 Alternatively, autophagy may be associated with apoptosis through autodigestive cellular processes, cellular infection with pathogens or extracellular stimuli.17, 18, 19, 20 The overall control of cardiac fibrosis is likely due to the complex functioning of an array of regulatory factors, but to date, there is little evidence linking autophagy with fibrogenesis in cardiac tissue.11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22Recent studies have demonstrated that TGF-β1 may not only promote autophagy in mouse fibroblasts and human tubular epithelial kidney cells15, 23, 24 but can also inhibit this process in fibroblasts extracted from human patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.25 Moreover, it has recently been reported that autophagy can negatively15 and positively25, 26, 27 regulate the fibrotic process in different model cell systems. In this study, we have explored the putative link between autophagy and TGF-β1-induced fibrogenesis in human atrial myofibroblasts (hATMyofbs) and in a model of MI rat heart.  相似文献   

Neuropeptides induce signal transduction across the plasma membrane by acting through cell-surface receptors. The dynorphins, endogenous ligands for opioid receptors, are an exception; they also produce non-receptor-mediated effects causing pain and neurodegeneration. To understand non-receptor mechanism(s), we examined interactions of dynorphins with plasma membrane. Using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and patch-clamp electrophysiology, we demonstrate that dynorphins accumulate in the membrane and induce a continuum of transient increases in ionic conductance. This phenomenon is consistent with stochastic formation of giant (~2.7 nm estimated diameter) unstructured non-ion-selective membrane pores. The potency of dynorphins to porate the plasma membrane correlates with their pathogenic effects in cellular and animal models. Membrane poration by dynorphins may represent a mechanism of pathological signal transduction. Persistent neuronal excitation by this mechanism may lead to profound neuropathological alterations, including neurodegeneration and cell death.Neuropeptides are the largest and most diverse family of neurotransmitters. They are released from axon terminals and dendrites, diffuse to pre- or postsynaptic neuronal structures and activate membrane G-protein-coupled receptors. Prodynorphin (PDYN)-derived opioid peptides including dynorphin A (Dyn A), dynorphin B (Dyn B) and big dynorphin (Big Dyn) consisting of Dyn A and Dyn B are endogenous ligands for the κ-opioid receptor. Acting through this receptor, dynorphins regulate processing of pain and emotions, memory acquisition and modulate reward induced by addictive substances.1, 2, 3, 4 Furthermore, dynorphins may produce robust cellular and behavioral effects that are not mediated through opioid receptors.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 As evident from pharmacological, morphological, genetic and human neuropathological studies, these effects are generally pathological, including cell death, neurodegeneration, neurological dysfunctions and chronic pain. Big Dyn is the most active pathogenic peptide, which is about 10- to 100-fold more potent than Dyn A, whereas Dyn B does not produce non-opioid effects.16, 17, 22, 25 Big Dyn enhances activity of acid-sensing ion channel-1a (ASIC1a) and potentiates ASIC1a-mediated cell death in nanomolar concentrations30, 31 and, when administered intrathecally, induces characteristic nociceptive behavior at femtomolar doses.17, 22 Inhibition of endogenous Big Dyn degradation results in pathological pain, whereas prodynorphin (Pdyn) knockout mice do not maintain neuropathic pain.22, 32 Big Dyn differs from its constituents Dyn A and Dyn B in its unique pattern of non-opioid memory-enhancing, locomotor- and anxiolytic-like effects.25Pathological role of dynorphins is emphasized by the identification of PDYN missense mutations that cause profound neurodegeneration in the human brain underlying the SCA23 (spinocerebellar ataxia type 23), a very rare dominantly inherited neurodegenerative disorder.27, 33 Most PDYN mutations are located in the Big Dyn domain, demonstrating its critical role in neurodegeneration. PDYN mutations result in marked elevation in dynorphin levels and increase in its pathogenic non-opioid activity.27, 34 Dominant-negative pathogenic effects of dynorphins are not produced through opioid receptors.ASIC1a, glutamate NMDA (N-methyl-d-aspartate) and AMPA (α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid)/kainate ion channels, and melanocortin and bradykinin B2 receptors have all been implicated as non-opioid dynorphin targets.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, 35, 36 Multiplicity of these targets and their association with the cellular membrane suggest that their activation is a secondary event triggered by a primary interaction of dynorphins with the membrane. Dynorphins are among the most basic neuropeptides.37, 38 The basic nature is also a general property of anti-microbial peptides (AMPs) and amyloid peptides that act by inducing membrane perturbations, altering membrane curvature and causing pore formation that disrupts membrane-associated processes including ion fluxes across the membrane.39 The similarity between dynorphins and these two peptide groups in overall charge and size suggests a similar mode of their interactions with membranes.In this study, we dissect the interactions of dynorphins with the cell membrane, the primary event in their non-receptor actions. Using fluorescence imaging, correlation spectroscopy and patch-clamp techniques, we demonstrate that dynorphin peptides accumulate in the plasma membrane in live cells and cause a profound transient increase in cell membrane conductance. Membrane poration by endogenous neuropeptides may represent a novel mechanism of signal transduction in the brain. This mechanism may underlie effects of dynorphins under pathological conditions including chronic pain and tissue injury.  相似文献   

Neutral sphingomyelinase (nSMase) activation in response to environmental stress or inflammatory cytokine stimuli generates the second messenger ceramide, which mediates the stress-induced apoptosis. However, the signaling pathways and activation mechanism underlying this process have yet to be elucidated. Here we show that the phosphorylation of nSMase1 (sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 2, SMPD2) by c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling stimulates ceramide generation and apoptosis and provide evidence for a signaling mechanism that integrates stress- and cytokine-activated apoptosis in vertebrate cells. An nSMase1 was identified as a JNK substrate, and the phosphorylation site responsible for its effects on stress and cytokine induction was Ser-270. In zebrafish cells, the substitution of Ser-270 for alanine blocked the phosphorylation and activation of nSMase1, whereas the substitution of Ser-270 for negatively charged glutamic acid mimicked the effect of phosphorylation. The JNK inhibitor SP600125 blocked the phosphorylation and activation of nSMase1, which in turn blocked ceramide signaling and apoptosis. A variety of stress conditions, including heat shock, UV exposure, hydrogen peroxide treatment, and anti-Fas antibody stimulation, led to the phosphorylation of nSMase1, activated nSMase1, and induced ceramide generation and apoptosis in zebrafish embryonic ZE and human Jurkat T cells. In addition, the depletion of MAPK8/9 or SMPD2 by RNAi knockdown decreased ceramide generation and stress- and cytokine-induced apoptosis in Jurkat cells. Therefore the phosphorylation of nSMase1 is a pivotal step in JNK signaling, which leads to ceramide generation and apoptosis under stress conditions and in response to cytokine stimulation. nSMase1 has a common central role in ceramide signaling during the stress and cytokine responses and apoptosis.The sphingomyelin pathway is initiated by the hydrolysis of sphingomyelin to generate the second messenger ceramide.1 Sphingomyelin hydrolysis is a major pathway for stress-induced ceramide generation. Neutral sphingomyelinase (nSMase) is activated by a variety of environmental stress conditions, such as heat shock,1, 2, 3 oxidative stress (hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), oxidized lipoproteins),1 ultraviolet (UV) radiation,1 chemotherapeutic agents,4 and β-amyloid peptides.5, 6 Cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α,7, 8, 9 interleukin (IL)-1β,10 Fas ligand,11 and their associated proteins, also trigger the activation of nSMase.12 Membrane-bound Mg2+-dependent nSMase is considered to be a strong candidate for mediating the effects of stress and inflammatory cytokines on ceramide.3Among the four vertebrate nSMases, nSMase1 (SMPD2) was the first to be cloned and is localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi apparatus.13 Several studies have focused on the potential signaling roles of nSMase1, and some reports have suggested that nSMase1 is important for ceramide generation in response to stress.5, 6, 14, 15 In addition, nSMase1 is responsible for heat-induced apoptosis in zebrafish embryonic cultured (ZE) cells, and a loss-of-function study showed a reduction in ceramide generation, caspase-3 activation, and apoptosis in zebrafish embryos.16 However, nSMase1-knockout mice showed no lipid storage diseases or abnormalities in sphingomyelin metabolism.17 Therefore, the molecular mechanisms by which nSMase1 is activated have yet to be elucidated.Environmental stress and inflammatory cytokines1, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 stimulate stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK)/c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling, which involves the sequential activation of members of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) family, including MAPK/ERK kinase kinase (MEKK)1/MAPK kinase (MKK)4, and/or SAPK/ERK kinase (SEK)1/MKK7, JNK, and c-jun. Both the JNK and sphingomyelin signaling pathways coordinately mediate the induction of apoptosis.1 However, possible crosstalk between the JNK and sphingomyelin signaling pathways has not yet been characterized. Previously, we used SDS-PAGE to determine that nSMase1 polypeptides migrated at higher molecular masses,16 suggesting that the sphingomyelin signaling pathway might cause the production of a chemically modified phosphorylated nSMase1, which is stimulated under stressed conditions in ZE cells.16 Here, we demonstrate that JNK signaling results in the phosphorylation of Ser-270 of nSMase1, which initiates ceramide generation and apoptosis. We also provide evidence for a signaling mechanism that integrates cytokine- and stress-activated apoptosis in vertebrate cells. We studied stress-induced ceramide generation in two cell types: ZE cells and human leukemia Jurkat T-lymphoid cells. Stress-induced apoptosis has been investigated in these systems previously.16, 28  相似文献   

The DNA mismatch repair (MMR) system is a major DNA repair system that corrects DNA replication errors. In eukaryotes, the MMR system functions via mechanisms both dependent on and independent of exonuclease 1 (EXO1), an enzyme that has multiple roles in DNA metabolism. Although the mechanism of EXO1-dependent MMR is well understood, less is known about EXO1-independent MMR. Here, we provide genetic and biochemical evidence that the DNA2 nuclease/helicase has a role in EXO1-independent MMR. Biochemical reactions reconstituted with purified human proteins demonstrated that the nuclease activity of DNA2 promotes an EXO1-independent MMR reaction via a mismatch excision-independent mechanism that involves DNA polymerase δ. We show that DNA polymerase ε is not able to replace DNA polymerase δ in the DNA2-promoted MMR reaction. Unlike its nuclease activity, the helicase activity of DNA2 is dispensable for the ability of the protein to enhance the MMR reaction. Further examination established that DNA2 acts in the EXO1-independent MMR reaction by increasing the strand-displacement activity of DNA polymerase δ. These data reveal a mechanism for EXO1-independent mismatch repair.

The mismatch repair (MMR) system has been conserved from bacteria to humans (1, 2). It promotes genome stability by suppressing spontaneous and DNA damage-induced mutations (1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11). The key function of the MMR system is the correction of DNA replication errors that escape the proofreading activities of replicative DNA polymerases (1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12). In addition, the MMR system removes mismatches formed during strand exchange in homologous recombination, suppresses homeologous recombination, initiates apoptosis in response to irreparable DNA damage caused by several anticancer drugs, and contributes to instability of triplet repeats and alternative DNA structures (1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18). The principal components of the eukaryotic MMR system are MutSα (MSH2-MSH6 heterodimer), MutLα (MLH1-PMS2 heterodimer in humans and Mlh1-Pms1 heterodimer in yeast), MutSβ (MSH2-MSH3 heterodimer), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), replication factor C (RFC), exonuclease 1 (EXO1), RPA, and DNA polymerase δ (Pol δ). Loss-of-function mutations in the MSH2, MLH1, MSH6, and PMS2 genes of the human MMR system cause Lynch and Turcot syndromes, and hypermethylation of the MLH1 promoter is responsible for ∼15% of sporadic cancers in several organs (19, 20). MMR deficiency leads to cancer initiation and progression via a multistage process that involves the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes and action of oncogenes (21).MMR occurs behind the replication fork (22, 23) and is a major determinant of the replication fidelity (24). The correction of DNA replication errors by the MMR system increases the replication fidelity by ∼100 fold (25). Strand breaks in leading and lagging strands as well as ribonucleotides in leading strands serve as signals that direct the eukaryotic MMR system to remove DNA replication errors (26, 27, 28, 29, 30). MMR is more efficient on the lagging than the leading strand (31). The substrates for MMR are all six base–base mismatches and 1 to 13-nt insertion/deletion loops (25, 32, 33, 34). Eukaryotic MMR commences with recognition of the mismatch by MutSα or MutSβ (32, 34, 35, 36). MutSα is the primary mismatch-recognition factor that recognizes both base–base mismatches and small insertion/deletion loops whereas MutSβ recognizes small insertion/deletion loops (32, 34, 35, 36, 37). After recognizing the mismatch, MutSα or MutSβ cooperates with RFC-loaded PCNA to activate MutLα endonuclease (38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43). The activated MutLα endonuclease incises the discontinuous daughter strand 5′ and 3′ to the mismatch. A 5'' strand break formed by MutLα endonuclease is utilized by EXO1 to enter the DNA and excise a discontinuous strand portion encompassing the mismatch in a 5''→3′ excision reaction stimulated by MutSα/MutSβ (38, 44, 45). The generated gap is filled in by the Pol δ holoenzyme, and the nick is ligated by a DNA ligase (44, 46, 47). DNA polymerase ε (Pol ε) can substitute for Pol δ in the EXO1-dependent MMR reaction, but its activity in this reaction is much lower than that of Pol δ (48). Although MutLα endonuclease is essential for MMR in vivo, 5′ nick-dependent MMR reactions reconstituted in the presence of EXO1 are MutLα-independent (44, 47, 49).EXO1 deficiency in humans does not seem to cause significant cancer predisposition (19). Nevertheless, it is known that Exo1-/- mice are susceptible to the development of lymphomas (50). Genetic studies in yeast and mice demonstrated that EXO1 inactivation causes only a modest defect in MMR (50, 51, 52, 53). In agreement with these genetic studies, a defined human EXO1-independent MMR reaction that depends on the strand-displacement DNA synthesis activity of Pol δ holoenzyme to remove the mismatch was reconstituted (54). Furthermore, an EXO1-independent MMR reaction that occurred in a mammalian cell extract system without the formation of a gapped excision intermediate was observed (54). Together, these findings implicated the strand-displacement activity of Pol δ holoenzyme in EXO1-independent MMR.In this study, we investigated DNA2 in the context of MMR. DNA2 is an essential multifunctional protein that has nuclease, ATPase, and 5''→3′ helicase activities (55, 56, 57). Previous research ascertained that DNA2 removes long flaps during Okazaki fragment maturation (58, 59, 60), participates in the resection step of double-strand break repair (61, 62, 63), initiates the replication checkpoint (64), and suppresses the expansions of GAA repeats (65). We have found in vivo and in vitro evidence that DNA2 promotes EXO1-independent MMR. Our data have indicated that the nuclease activity of DNA2 enhances the strand-displacement activity of Pol δ holoenzyme in an EXO1-independent MMR reaction.  相似文献   

A 5.5-y-old intact male cynomolgus macaque (Macaca fasicularis) presented with inappetence and weight loss 57 d after heterotopic heart and thymus transplantation while receiving an immunosuppressant regimen consisting of tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, and methylprednisolone to prevent graft rejection. A serum chemistry panel, a glycated hemoglobin test, and urinalysis performed at presentation revealed elevated blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels (727 mg/dL and 10.1%, respectively), glucosuria, and ketonuria. Diabetes mellitus was diagnosed, and insulin therapy was initiated immediately. The macaque was weaned off the immunosuppressive therapy as his clinical condition improved and stabilized. Approximately 74 d after discontinuation of the immunosuppressants, the blood glucose normalized, and the insulin therapy was stopped. The animal''s blood glucose and HbA1c values have remained within normal limits since this time. We suspect that our macaque experienced new-onset diabetes mellitus after transplantation, a condition that is commonly observed in human transplant patients but not well described in NHP. To our knowledge, this report represents the first documented case of new-onset diabetes mellitus after transplantation in a cynomolgus macaque.Abbreviations: NODAT, new-onset diabetes mellitus after transplantationNew-onset diabetes mellitus after transplantation (NODAT, formerly known as posttransplantation diabetes mellitus) is an important consequence of solid-organ transplantation in humans.7-10,15,17,19,21,25-28,31,33,34,37,38,42 A variety of risk factors have been identified including increased age, sex (male prevalence), elevated pretransplant fasting plasma glucose levels, and immunosuppressive therapy.7-10,15,17,19,21,25-28,31,33,34,37,38,42 The relationship between calcineurin inhibitors, such as tacrolimus and cyclosporin, and the development of NODAT is widely recognized in human medicine.7-10,15,17,19,21,25-28,31,33,34,37,38,42 Cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fasicularis) are a commonly used NHP model in organ transplantation research. Cases of natural and induced diabetes of cynomolgus monkeys have been described in the literature;14,43,45 however, NODAT in a macaque model of solid-organ transplantation has not been reported previously to our knowledge.  相似文献   

Necroptosis is a form of regulated necrotic cell death mediated by receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 (RIPK1) and RIPK3. Necroptotic cell death contributes to the pathophysiology of several disorders involving tissue damage, including myocardial infarction, stroke and ischemia-reperfusion injury. However, no inhibitors of necroptosis are currently in clinical use. Here we performed a phenotypic screen for small-molecule inhibitors of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF)-induced necroptosis in Fas-associated protein with death domain (FADD)-deficient Jurkat cells using a representative panel of Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drugs. We identified two anti-cancer agents, ponatinib and pazopanib, as submicromolar inhibitors of necroptosis. Both compounds inhibited necroptotic cell death induced by various cell death receptor ligands in human cells, while not protecting from apoptosis. Ponatinib and pazopanib abrogated phosphorylation of mixed lineage kinase domain-like protein (MLKL) upon TNF-α-induced necroptosis, indicating that both agents target a component upstream of MLKL. An unbiased chemical proteomic approach determined the cellular target spectrum of ponatinib, revealing key members of the necroptosis signaling pathway. We validated RIPK1, RIPK3 and transforming growth factor-β-activated kinase 1 (TAK1) as novel, direct targets of ponatinib by using competitive binding, cellular thermal shift and recombinant kinase assays. Ponatinib inhibited both RIPK1 and RIPK3, while pazopanib preferentially targeted RIPK1. The identification of the FDA-approved drugs ponatinib and pazopanib as cellular inhibitors of necroptosis highlights them as potentially interesting for the treatment of pathologies caused or aggravated by necroptotic cell death.Programmed cell death has a crucial role in a variety of biological processes ranging from normal tissue development to diverse pathological conditions.1, 2 Necroptosis is a form of regulated cell death that has been shown to occur during pathogen infection or sterile injury-induced inflammation in conditions where apoptosis signaling is compromised.3, 4, 5, 6 Given that many viruses have developed strategies to circumvent apoptotic cell death, necroptosis constitutes an important, pro-inflammatory back-up mechanism that limits viral spread in vivo.7, 8, 9 In contrast, in the context of sterile inflammation, necroptotic cell death contributes to disease pathology, outlining potential benefits of therapeutic intervention.10 Necroptosis can be initiated by death receptors of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) superfamily,11 Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3),12 TLR4,13 DNA-dependent activator of IFN-regulatory factors14 or interferon receptors.15 Downstream signaling is subsequently conveyed via RIPK116 or TIR-domain-containing adapter-inducing interferon-β,8, 17 and converges on RIPK3-mediated13, 18, 19, 20 activation of MLKL.21 Phosphorylated MLKL triggers membrane rupture,22, 23, 24, 25, 26 releasing pro-inflammatory cellular contents to the extracellular space.27 Studies using the RIPK1 inhibitor necrostatin-1 (Nec-1) 28 or RIPK3-deficient mice have established a role for necroptosis in the pathophysiology of pancreatitis,19 artherosclerosis,29 retinal cell death,30 ischemic organ damage and ischemia-reperfusion injury in both the kidney31 and the heart.32 Moreover, allografts from RIPK3-deficient mice are better protected from rejection, suggesting necroptosis inhibition as a therapeutic option to improve transplant outcome.33 Besides Nec-1, several tool compounds inhibiting different pathway members have been described,12, 16, 21, 34, 35 however, no inhibitors of necroptosis are available for clinical use so far.2, 10 In this study we screened a library of FDA approved drugs for the precise purpose of identifying already existing and generally safe chemical agents that could be used as necroptosis inhibitors. We identified the two structurally distinct kinase inhibitors pazopanib and ponatinib as potent blockers of necroptosis targeting the key enzymes RIPK1/3.  相似文献   

Billions of inflammatory leukocytes die and are phagocytically cleared each day. This regular renewal facilitates the normal termination of inflammatory responses, suppressing pro-inflammatory mediators and inducing their anti-inflammatory counterparts. Here we investigate the role of the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) Mer and its ligands Protein S and Gas6 in the initial recognition and capture of apoptotic cells (ACs) by macrophages. We demonstrate extremely rapid binding kinetics of both ligands to phosphatidylserine (PtdSer)-displaying ACs, and show that ACs can be co-opsonized with multiple PtdSer opsonins. We further show that macrophage phagocytosis of ACs opsonized with Mer ligands can occur independently of a requirement for αV integrins. Finally, we demonstrate a novel role for Mer in the tethering of ACs to the macrophage surface, and show that Mer-mediated tethering and subsequent AC engulfment can be distinguished by their requirement for Mer kinase activity. Our results identify Mer as a receptor uniquely capable of both tethering ACs to the macrophage surface and driving their subsequent internalization.Many diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, pulmonary fibrosis, adult respiratory distress syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease,1, 2, 3, 4 are commonly marked by impaired resolution of inflammation that is linked to defects in the phagocytic clearance of apoptotic cells.5, 6, 7 Apoptotic cell (AC) clearance normally eliminates a plethora of pro-inflammatory stimuli,8, 9 and the recognition of ACs by phagocytes10 limits progression to necrosis,11 suppresses pro-inflammatory mediator production, and induces IL-10 and TGF-β release.12, 13 As defective clearance of ACs is associated with the development of inflammatory disease and autoimmunity,14, 15 new therapeutic approaches designed to increase the capacity of phagocytes to remove ACs could effectively promote the resolution of inflammation.Phagocytosis of ACs can be regulated by soluble mediators, including cytokines,16, 17 prostaglandins and lipoxins,17, 18, 19 serum proteins,20 agonists of Liver X receptors (LXRs),17, 21 and glucocorticoids (GC).17, 22 In particular, LXR agonists and GCs promote phagocytosis of ACs predominantly via a Tyro3/Axl/Mer (TAM) receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)-dependent pathway.17, 21, 23 There are two established ligands for the TAM RTKs, Protein S (gene name Pros1), which activates Tyro3 and Mer, and Gas6, which activates all three TAMs,24, 25 although other ligands have been suggested.26, 27 The amino terminal Gla domains of Protein S and Gas6 bind to phosphatidylserine (PtdSer) on the plasma membrane of ACs,28 a potent ‘eat-me'' signal by which ACs are recognized by phagocytes.29 TAM receptors bind to the carboxy terminal domains of Protein S and Gas6, which effectively act as molecular ‘bridges'' between PtdSer on the AC and TAM receptors on the phagocyte.17, 30, 31 TAM receptor- and ligand-deficient mice exhibit defective phagocytic pruning of photoreceptor outer segments by retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells of the eye,32, 33, 34 defective clearance of apoptotic germ cells by Sertoli cells of the testis,35 and defective clearance of ACs by macrophages/dendritic cells in lymphoid organs.36 These phenotypes are also detectable in Mer (gene name Mertk) single knockouts.37 In addition to phagocytic clearance, TAM signaling also has a pivotal role in controlling the innate immune response to pathogenic stimuli.13, 17, 38Although the importance of Mer in the internalization of ACs by macrophages is now well-established, this receptor has been thought not to have a significant role in the initial ‘tethering'' of ACs to the macrophage surface.36, 39 In their studies, Scott et al.36 used peritoneal macrophages for which tethering of ACs has now been shown to be mediated by T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain-containing molecule 4 (TIM4).39 Subsequent internalization of tethered ACs is then mediated by either integrin αvβ3- or Mer-mediated signaling.39, 40 Similarly, for RPE cells, the initial capture of photoreceptor outer segments by RPE cells required the integrin αvβ5,41 with Mer-dependent signaling necessary for subsequent internalization. To further probe the mechanistic role of Mer in AC recognition and engulfment, we have now examined macrophages that predominantly use a Mer-dependent AC phagocytosis mechanism.17, 23 We show that in these cells, which do not express TIM4, Mer has the capacity to serve a unique dual role in mediating both tethering of ACs to the macrophage surface as well as subsequent AC engulfment.  相似文献   

In the oxidative stress hypothesis of aging, the aging process is the result of cumulative damage by reactive oxygen species. Humans and chimpanzees are remarkably similar; but humans live twice as long as chimpanzees and therefore are believed to age at a slower rate. The purpose of this study was to compare biomarkers for cardiovascular disease, oxidative stress, and aging between male chimpanzees and humans. Compared with men, male chimpanzees were at increased risk for cardiovascular disease because of their significantly higher levels of fibrinogen, IGF1, insulin, lipoprotein a, and large high-density lipoproteins. Chimpanzees showed increased oxidative stress, measured as significantly higher levels of 5-hydroxymethyl-2-deoxyuridine and 8-iso-prostaglandin F, a higher peroxidizability index, and higher levels of the prooxidants ceruloplasmin and copper. In addition, chimpanzees had decreased levels of antioxidants, including α- and β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, and tocopherols, as well as decreased levels of the cardiovascular protection factors albumin and bilirubin. As predicted by the oxidative stress hypothesis of aging, male chimpanzees exhibit higher levels of oxidative stress and a much higher risk for cardiovascular disease, particularly cardiomyopathy, compared with men of equivalent age. Given these results, we hypothesize that the longer lifespan of humans is at least in part the result of greater antioxidant capacity and lower risk of cardiovascular disease associated with lower oxidative stress.Abbreviations: 5OHmU, 5-hydroxymethyl-2-deoxyuridine; 8isoPGF, 8-iso-prostaglandin F; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; IGF1, insulin-like growth factor 1; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; ROS, reactive oxygen speciesAging is characterized as a progressive reduction in the capacity to withstand the stresses of everyday life and a corresponding increase in risk of mortality. According to the oxidative stress hypothesis of aging, much of the aging process can be accounted for as the result of cumulative damage produced by reactive oxygen species (ROS).6,21,28,41,97 Endogenous oxygen radicals (that is, ROS) are generated as a byproduct of normal metabolic reactions in the body and subsequently can cause extensive damage to proteins, lipids, and DNA.6,41 Various prooxidant elements, in particular free transition metals, can catalyze these destructive reactions.6 The damage caused by ROS can be counteracted by antioxidant defense systems, but the imbalance between production of ROS and antioxidant defenses, over time, leads to oxidative stress and may contribute to the rate of aging.28,97Oxidative stress has been linked to several age-related diseases including neurodegenerative diseases, ophthalmologic diseases, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.21,28,97 Of these, cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of adult death in the United States and Europe.71 In terms of cardiovascular disease, oxidative stress has been linked to atherosclerosis, hypertension, cardiomyopathy, and chronic heart failure in humans.55,78,84 Increases in oxidant catalysts (prooxidants)—such as copper, iron, and cadmium—have been associated with hypertension, coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, and sudden cardiac death.98,102,106 Finally, both endogenous and exogenous antioxidants have been linked to decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, although the mechanisms behind this relationship are unclear.11,52,53 However, the oxidative stress hypothesis of aging aims to explain not only the mechanism of aging and age-related diseases (such as cardiovascular disease) in humans but also the differences between aging rates and the manifestations of age-related diseases across species.The differences in antioxidant and ROS levels between animals and humans offer promise for increasing our understanding of human aging. Additional evidence supporting the oxidative stress hypothesis of aging has come from comparative studies linking differences in aging rates across taxa with both antioxidant and ROS levels.4,17-21,58,71,86,105 In mammals, maximum lifespan potential is positively correlated with both serum and tissue antioxidant levels.17,18,21,71,105 Research has consistently demonstrated that the rate of oxidative damage varies across species and is negatively correlated with maximum lifespan potential.4,19,20,58,71,86 However, few studies involved detailed comparisons of hypothesized biochemical indicators of aging and oxidative stress between humans and animals.6 This type of interspecies comparison has great potential for directly testing the oxidative stress hypothesis of aging.Much evolutionary and genetic evidence supports remarkable similarity between humans and chimpanzees.95,100 Despite this similarity, humans have a lifespan of almost twice that of chimpanzees.3,16,47 Most comparative primate aging research has focused on the use of a macaque model,62,81,88 and several biochemical markers of age-related diseases have been identified in both humans and macaque monkeys.9,22,28,81,93,97 Several other species of monkeys have also been used in research addressing oxidative stress, antioxidant defenses, and maximum lifespan potential.18,21,58,105 However, no study to date has examined biochemical indicators of oxidative stress and aging in chimpanzees and humans as a test of the oxidative stress hypothesis for aging. The purpose of this study is to compare biochemical markers for cardiovascular disease, oxidative stress, and aging directly between male chimpanzees and humans. Given the oxidative stress hypothesis for aging and the known role of oxidative stress in cardiovascular disease, we predict that chimpanzees will show higher levels of cardiovascular risk and oxidative stress than humans.  相似文献   

Hearing loss and balance disorders affect millions of people worldwide. Sensory transduction in the inner ear requires both mechanosensory hair cells (HCs) and surrounding glia-like supporting cells (SCs). HCs are susceptible to death from aging, noise overexposure, and treatment with therapeutic drugs that have ototoxic side effects; these ototoxic drugs include the aminoglycoside antibiotics and the antineoplastic drug cisplatin. Although both classes of drugs are known to kill HCs, their effects on SCs are less well understood. Recent data indicate that SCs sense and respond to HC stress, and that their responses can influence HC death, survival, and phagocytosis. These responses to HC stress and death are critical to the health of the inner ear. Here we have used live confocal imaging of the adult mouse utricle, to examine the SC responses to HC death caused by aminoglycosides or cisplatin. Our data indicate that when HCs are killed by aminoglycosides, SCs efficiently remove HC corpses from the sensory epithelium in a process that includes constricting the apical portion of the HC after loss of membrane integrity. SCs then form a phagosome, which can completely engulf the remaining HC body, a phenomenon not previously reported in mammals. In contrast, cisplatin treatment results in accumulation of dead HCs in the sensory epithelium, accompanied by an increase in SC death. The surviving SCs constrict fewer HCs and display impaired phagocytosis. These data are supported by in vivo experiments, in which cochlear SCs show reduced capacity for scar formation in cisplatin-treated mice compared with those treated with aminoglycosides. Together, these data point to a broader defect in the ability of the cisplatin-treated SCs, to preserve tissue health in the mature mammalian inner ear.Hearing loss affects more than 360 million people worldwide and is often irreversible.1 Mechanosensory hair cells (HCs), the receptor cells of hearing and balance, are not regenerated in the adult mammal and their death results in permanent hearing loss.2, 3 HCs are surrounded by glia-like supporting cells (SCs) that are necessary for HC survival and function (reviewed in Monzack et al.).4 SCs perform many functions, including providing critical trophic factors, preventing excitotoxicity, and mediating regeneration in those systems (non-mammalian vertebrates) capable of replacing lost HCs.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 When HCs die, SCs also preserve the integrity and function of the remaining tissue by forming scars and clearing dead HCs.2, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Maintaining a fluid barrier at the surface of the sensory epithelium after damage is necessary to preserve the electro-chemical gradient that drives HC depolarization and therefore sensory transduction after the onset of hearing (reviewed in Wangemann).18Several major stressors cause HC death,19, 20, 21, 22 including aging, noise trauma, and exposure to therapeutic drugs with ototoxic side effects. When a HC is killed by noise or aminoglycoside antibiotics, surrounding SCs form a filamentous actin (F-actin) cable that constricts the HC at its apex.2, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 This process separates the apical portion of the cell, including the stereocilia bundle, from the HC body and preserves a sealed reticular lamina.23 In the chick utricle, following the apical constriction of dead HCs, the SCs engulf and phagocytose the remaining HC corpse.15 Additional data from the chick indicate that the ototoxic drug cisplatin impairs some SC functions, including regeneration of HCs or clearance of HC debris.24 We hypothesized that SCs would have significant phagocytic activity in the mature mammalian inner ear, and that cisplatin would impair this activity. To examine these dynamic processes, we live-imaged SC phagocytic activity in the adult mouse utricle and compared the SC responses with HC stress and death caused by aminoglycosides versus cisplatin.  相似文献   

Reductions in hippocampal neurite complexity and synaptic plasticity are believed to contribute to the progressive impairment in episodic memory and the mild cognitive decline that occur particularly in the early stages of Alzheimer''s disease (AD). Despite the functional and therapeutic importance for patients with AD, intervention to rescue or normalize dendritic elaboration and synaptic plasticity is scarcely provided. Here we show that overexpression of neuritin, an activity-dependent protein, promoted neurite outgrowth and maturation of synapses in parallel with enhanced basal synaptic transmission in cultured hippocampal neurons. Importantly, exogenous application of recombinant neuritin fully restored dendritic complexity as well as spine density in hippocampal neurons prepared from Tg2576 mice, whereas it did not affect neurite branching of neurons from their wild-type littermates. We also showed that soluble recombinant neuritin, when chronically infused into the brains of Tg2576 mice, normalized synaptic plasticity in acute hippocampal slices, leading to intact long-term potentiation. By revealing the protective actions of soluble neuritin against AD-related neural defects, we provide a potential therapeutic approach for patients with AD.Efficient neuronal communications through synapses are crucial for normal brain functions, whereas alterations in synapse numbers, dendritic spine morphology, and dendritic complexity are thought to be reflected by different forms of synaptic plasticity and are also causally associated with a variety of neurological disorders.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 For example, synapse loss and neurite atrophy are the major neurobiological substrates underlying memory impairment in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer''s disease (AD).6, 7 The increased dendritic mislocalization of hyperphosphorylated tau protein, a microtubule-associated protein enriched at axons of mature neurons,8 and abundance of soluble oligomeric forms of β-amyloid (Aβ) appear to cause the synaptic defects and disruption of synaptic plasticity involving the progression of AD pathology.6, 9, 10 The apparent decreases in neurotrophic factors observed in brains of patients with AD11 have prompted several trials for administration of neurotrophic factors, such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), to attenuate and possibly reverse synaptic defects.11, 12, 13 However, the truncation or decreased expression of its cognate receptors in AD brains have limited their potential usage as AD therapeutics.12, 14, 15Neuritin, also known as the candidate plasticity gene 15, was originally identified in a screening study for activity-regulated genes and was subsequently found to be one of the signaling molecules downstream to BDNF and its receptor tropomyosin-related kinase receptor type B.16, 17 Ensuing studies indicated that neuritin could also be induced by experimental seizure or by normal life experiences, such as sensory stimulation and exercise.17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Located in the 6p24-p25 interval on chromosome 6,23 the neuritin gene encodes a small, highly conserved protein containing a secretory signal sequence at the N-terminus and a consensus sequence for glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) at the C-terminus.16 This GPI linkage enables neuritin to anchor at cell surfaces, and upon cleavage of GPI by phospholipase the resultant soluble neuritin is released into the extracellular space.16, 20, 24, 25, 26During embryonic neural development, neuritin is mainly expressed in brain regions that undergo a rapid proliferation of neuronal progenitor pools, suggesting a protective role of neuritin for differentiated neurons.26, 27 Interestingly, the expression level of neuritin remains elevated after birth or even increases, especially in brain regions presumably exhibiting high neural activity and synaptic plasticity, such as the hippocampus, visual cortex, and external granular layer of the cerebellum.16, 19, 20, 26 In addition, neuritin promotes neuritic arbor growth and synaptic formation.16, 20, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31 Although various studies have suggested these potent neuritogenetic activities of neuritin, the contribution of neuritin expression to or its effectiveness against neurodegenerative diseases that display neurite atrophy and synapse loss has been largely unexplored.Here we determined that neuritin expression increased neurite complexity and promoted the maturation of individual spines in cultured hippocampal neurons. Consistent with these findings, basal synaptic transmission was enhanced by transient expression of neuritin. Importantly, when exogenously applied, the soluble neuritin peptide rescued the dendrite complexity of neurons prepared from Tg2576 mice, a transgenic mouse model of AD, such that the complexity was comparable to that in wild-type (WT) mice and also normalized synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus of the Tg2576 mice. Taken together, these results suggest that neuritin, particularly a soluble form of neuritin, reverses synaptic defects manifest in Tg2576 mice and that manipulations to increase neuritin levels may be beneficial therapeutic approaches in AD.  相似文献   

Overgrowth of white adipose tissue (WAT) in obesity occurs as a result of adipocyte hypertrophy and hyperplasia. Expansion and renewal of adipocytes relies on proliferation and differentiation of white adipocyte progenitors (WAP); however, the requirement of WAP for obesity development has not been proven. Here, we investigate whether depletion of WAP can be used to prevent WAT expansion. We test this approach by using a hunter-killer peptide designed to induce apoptosis selectively in WAP. We show that targeted WAP cytoablation results in a long-term WAT growth suppression despite increased caloric intake in a mouse diet-induced obesity model. Our data indicate that WAP depletion results in a compensatory population of adipose tissue with beige adipocytes. Consistent with reported thermogenic capacity of beige adipose tissue, WAP-depleted mice display increased energy expenditure. We conclude that targeting of white adipocyte progenitors could be developed as a strategy to sustained modulation of WAT metabolic activity.Obesity, a medical condition predisposing to diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and complicating other life-threatening diseases, is becoming an increasingly important social problem.1, 2, 3 Development of pharmacological approaches to reduction of body fat has remained a daunting task.4 Approved obesity treatments typically produce only moderate and temporary effects.2,5 White adipocytes are the differentiated cells of white adipose tissue (WAT) that store triglycerides in lipid droplets.6,7 In contrast, adipocytes of brown adipose tissue (BAT) dissipate excess energy through adaptive thermogenesis. Under certain conditions, white adipocytes can become partially replaced with brown-like ‘beige'' (‘brite'') adipocytes that simulate the thermogenic function of BAT adipocytes.7,8 Obesity develops in the context of positive energy balance as a result of hypertrophy and hyperplasia of white adipocytes.9Expansion and renewal of the white adipocyte pool in WAT continues in adulthood.10,11 This process is believed to rely on proliferation and self-renewal of mesenchymal precursor cells12 that we term white adipocyte progenitors (WAPs). WAPs reside within the population of adipose stromal cells (ASCs)13 and are functionally similar to bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs).14, 15, 16 ASCs can be isolated from the stromal/vascular fraction (SVF) of WAT based on negativity for hematopoietic (CD45) and endothelial (CD31) markers.17,18 ASCs support vascularization as mural/adventitial cells secreting angiogenic factors5,19 and, unlike bone marrow MSCs, express CD34.19,20 WAPs have been identified within the ASC population based on expression of mesenchymal markers, such as platelet-derived growth factor receptor-β (PDGFRβ, aka CD140b) and pericyte markers.17,18 Recently, a distinct ASC progenitor population capable of differentiating into both white and brown adipocytes has been identified in WAT based on PDGFRα (CD140a) expression and lack of PDGFRβ expression.21,22 The physiological relevance of the two precursor populations residing in WAT has not been explored.We have previously established an approach to isolate peptide ligands binding to receptors selectively expressed on the surface of cell populations of interest.23, 24, 25, 26, 27 Such cell-targeted peptides can be used for targeted delivery of experimental therapeutic agents in vivo. A number of ‘hunter-killer'' peptides28 composed of a cell-homing domain binding to a surface marker and of KLAKLAK2 (sequence KLAKLAKKLAKLAK), a moiety inducing apoptosis upon receptor-mediated internalization, has been described by our group.26,29 Such bimodal peptides have been used for depletion of malignant cells and organ-specific endothelial cells in preclinical animal models.26,30,31 Recently, we isolated a cyclic peptide WAT7 (amino acid sequence CSWKYWFGEC) based on its specific binding to ASCs.20 We identified Δ-decorin (ΔDCN), a proteolytic cleavage fragment of decorin, as the WAT7 receptor specifically expressed on the surface of CD34+PDGFRβ+CD31-CD45- WAPs and absent on MSCs in other organs.20Here, we investigated whether WAPs are required for obesity development in adulthood. By designing a new hunter-killer peptide that directs KLAKLAK2 to WAPs through WAT7/ΔDCN interaction, we depleted WAP in the mouse diet-induced obesity model. We demonstrate that WAP depletion suppresses WAT growth. We show that, in response to WAP deficiency, WAT becomes populated with beige adipocytes. Consistent with the reported thermogenic function of beige adipocytes,32,33 the observed WAT remodeling is associated with increased energy expenditure. We identify a population of PDGFRα-positive, PDGFRβ-negative ASCs reported recently22 as a population surviving WAP depletion and responsible for WAT browning.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) triggers necroptotic cell death through an intracellular signaling complex containing receptor-interacting protein kinase (RIPK) 1 and RIPK3, called the necrosome. RIPK1 phosphorylates RIPK3, which phosphorylates the pseudokinase mixed lineage kinase-domain-like (MLKL)—driving its oligomerization and membrane-disrupting necroptotic activity. Here, we show that TNF receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF2)—previously implicated in apoptosis suppression—also inhibits necroptotic signaling by TNFα. TRAF2 disruption in mouse fibroblasts augmented TNFα–driven necrosome formation and RIPK3-MLKL association, promoting necroptosis. TRAF2 constitutively associated with MLKL, whereas TNFα reversed this via cylindromatosis-dependent TRAF2 deubiquitination. Ectopic interaction of TRAF2 and MLKL required the C-terminal portion but not the N-terminal, RING, or CIM region of TRAF2. Induced TRAF2 knockout (KO) in adult mice caused rapid lethality, in conjunction with increased hepatic necrosome assembly. By contrast, TRAF2 KO on a RIPK3 KO background caused delayed mortality, in concert with elevated intestinal caspase-8 protein and activity. Combined injection of TNFR1-Fc, Fas-Fc and DR5-Fc decoys prevented death upon TRAF2 KO. However, Fas-Fc and DR5-Fc were ineffective, whereas TNFR1-Fc and interferon α receptor (IFNAR1)-Fc were partially protective against lethality upon combined TRAF2 and RIPK3 KO. These results identify TRAF2 as an important biological suppressor of necroptosis in vitro and in vivo.Apoptotic cell death is mediated by caspases and has distinct morphological features, including membrane blebbing, cell shrinkage and nuclear fragmentation.1, 2, 3, 4 In contrast, necroptotic cell death is caspase-independent and is characterized by loss of membrane integrity, cell swelling and implosion.1, 2, 5 Nevertheless, necroptosis is a highly regulated process, requiring activation of RIPK1 and RIPK3, which form the core necrosome complex.1, 2, 5 Necrosome assembly can be induced via specific death receptors or toll-like receptors, among other modules.6, 7, 8, 9 The activated necrosome engages MLKL by RIPK3-mediated phosphorylation.6, 10, 11 MLKL then oligomerizes and binds to membrane phospholipids, forming pores that cause necroptotic cell death.10, 12, 13, 14, 15 Unchecked necroptosis disrupts embryonic development in mice and contributes to several human diseases.7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22The apoptotic mediators FADD, caspase-8 and cFLIP suppress necroptosis.19, 20, 21, 23, 24 Elimination of any of these genes in mice causes embryonic lethality, subverted by additional deletion of RIPK3 or MLKL.19, 20, 21, 25 Necroptosis is also regulated at the level of RIPK1. Whereas TNFα engagement of TNFR1 leads to K63-linked ubiquitination of RIPK1 by cellular inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (cIAPs) to promote nuclear factor (NF)-κB activation,26 necroptosis requires suppression or reversal of this modification to allow RIPK1 autophosphorylation and consequent RIPK3 activation.2, 23, 27, 28 CYLD promotes necroptotic signaling by deubiquitinating RIPK1, augmenting its interaction with RIPK3.29 Conversely, caspase-8-mediated CYLD cleavage inhibits necroptosis.24TRAF2 recruits cIAPs to the TNFα-TNFR1 signaling complex, facilitating NF-κB activation.30, 31, 32, 33 TRAF2 also supports K48-linked ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of death-receptor-activated caspase-8, curbing apoptosis.34 TRAF2 KO mice display embryonic lethality; some survive through birth but have severe developmental and immune deficiencies and die prematurely.35, 36 Conditional TRAF2 KO leads to rapid intestinal inflammation and mortality.37 Furthermore, hepatic TRAF2 depletion augments apoptosis activation via Fas/CD95.34 TRAF2 attenuates necroptosis induction in vitro by the death ligands Apo2L/TRAIL and Fas/CD95L.38 However, it remains unclear whether TRAF2 regulates TNFα-induced necroptosis—and if so—how. Our present findings reveal that TRAF2 inhibits TNFα necroptotic signaling. Furthermore, our results establish TRAF2 as a biologically important necroptosis suppressor in vitro and in vivo and provide initial insight into the mechanisms underlying this function.  相似文献   

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