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细菌利用不同碳、氮源共代谢降解脱色偶氮染料研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要综述了细菌利用碳、氮源等不同共代谢基质降解脱色偶氮染料的研究进展。综合文献结果表明,在单一碳源、单一氮源、复合碳氮源等不同共代谢基质条件下,细菌降解脱色偶氮染料的效能存在较大差异。其影响因素主要包括碳源种类、氮源种类、浓度、碳氮源复合比例等,其中碳、氮源种类影响最为显著。针对偶氮染料,只有提供合适的碳、氮源共代谢基质,才能对细菌降解脱色的效果起到明显的促进作用。同时,在不同碳、氮源共代谢基质条件下,细菌菌群群落结构及优势功能菌种差异较大,而不同碳、氮源共代谢基质作为偶氮染料还原脱色的电子供体,产生的脱色效能也有显著不同。最后,对利用碳、氮源共代谢降解脱色偶氮染料的研究方向进行了展望,认为复合合适的碳、氮源在提高细菌菌群降解脱色效率方面具有较大潜力,另一方面,细菌混合菌群利用碳、氮源共代谢降解脱色偶氮染料的微观分子生态学机制,酶学作用机制,功能菌种与功能蛋白之间相互作用机制等还有待深入研究。  相似文献   

余洋  徐晴  李霜 《微生物学报》2013,53(11):1189-1194
【目的】解析氮源浓度对米根霉木糖代谢途径及产物的影响,提高木糖利用率。【方法】以木糖为碳源,考察不同氮源浓度下米根霉的生物量、有机酸积累量、木糖代谢关键酶(木糖还原酶、葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶)活力以及胞内还原力(NADH/NAD+、NADPH/NADP+)的差异。【结果】富氮条件下(2.4 g/L尿素),木糖代谢速率达2.03 g/(L·h),木糖还原酶、葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶的活力以及胞内还原力较高,生物量达18.01g/L,几乎不积累有机酸;限氮条件下(0.15 g/L尿素),木糖还原酶、葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶的活力以及胞内还原力水平降低,生物量仅4.02 g/L,富马酸积累量为6.55 g/L,残余木糖量较高;氮源浓度为0.6 g/L时,木糖还原酶和葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶的活力以及NADPH/NADP+处于前二者之间,此时生物量9.11 g/L,有机酸积累量较大,其中富马酸为12.28 g/L。【结论】充足的氮源可使米根霉通过木糖代谢关键酶与胞内还原力的协同效应强化木糖代谢活力,通过优化氮源浓度后,米根霉可积累更多有机酸。  相似文献   

线粒体Ca~(2 )转运与细胞代谢调节   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
线粒体具有一套完整的Ca2 转运系统 ,包括两条摄取途径和三条释放途径。生理条件下 ,它们在细胞胞质与线粒体钙稳态维持以及细胞能量代谢中起重要作用 ,线粒体从胞质摄取的Ca2 可激活某些Ca2 敏感的呼吸酶和代谢过程。病理条件下 ,线粒体Ca2 转运发生紊乱 ,通过线粒体通透性转换导致细胞坏死或凋亡  相似文献   

在厌氧条件下, Actinobacillus succinogenes能够利用单糖、双糖和糖醇等碳水化合物发酵生成丁二酸, 其中以山梨醇为碳源时丁二酸的产量最高。代谢流量分析结果表明: 与葡萄糖发酵相比较, 由于代谢系统中积累了更多的NADH, 使得代谢网络关键节点PYR和AcCoA处的代谢流量分配有了较大的变化, 导致更多的碳源流向丁二酸和乙醇, 而乙酸和甲酸的分泌相对减少。  相似文献   

采用GC-MS法对一种粒毛盘菌(Lachnum sp.)在不同碳源、生长因子条件下发酵代谢产物的挥发性成分组成与差异进行分析。结果显示,不同碳源和生长因子条件下产生的代谢产物不同,主要包括有机酸、胺类、烷烃类、酯类、醇类、吡咯等物质。分别以20 g/L的葡萄糖、蔗糖、淀粉为碳源的发酵液中检测到的挥发性代谢产物为7、7、10种;添加1 mg/L的V_C、V_(B1)、甘氨酸、色氨酸作为不同生长因子的发酵液中检测到的挥发性代谢产物分别为6、7、7、12种。结果显示粒毛盘菌YM406发酵代谢产物具有丰富的多样性,并且在不同的培养条件下产生的代谢产物存在一定的差异。  相似文献   

环腺苷酸反应元件结合蛋白(cyclic AMP responsive element-binding protein,CREB)是受cAMP和Ca2+共同激活的转录因子,其目的基因产物涉及广泛的生理过程,如细胞增殖与存活、糖与脂类代谢、类固醇激素合成、学习与记忆等.新近发现的CREB活性调节转导子(transducer of regulated CREB activity,TORC)通过核-质穿梭调节CREB的活性而控制目的基因的转录与表达.盐诱导激酶(salt-inducible kinase,SIK)是一组丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶,包含SIK1、SIK2和SIK3.这些蛋白激酶通过影响TORC的磷酸化水平,改变其在核-质中的分布,间接影响CREB目的基因的转录与表达.在某些器官与组织中,SIK(SIK1)也是CREB目的基因之一,因此SIK与TORC-CREB复合体形成一个完整的负反馈调节环路.TORC-CREB复合体广泛存在于多种器官与组织,如胰岛β-细胞、肝脏、肾上腺皮质和骨骼肌中,与胰岛β-细胞存活、肝脏糖异生、类固醇激素合成、骨骼肌线粒体增生与脂肪酸β氧化密切相关.将重点讨论SIK对TORC-CREB复合体的反馈调节及其与高血压、糖尿病发生的关系.  相似文献   

活性氧(reactive oxygen species, ROS)在植物生长发育中扮演着十分重要的角色。适当浓度的ROS是植物所必需的,而在逆境胁迫下ROS会大量积累,从而抑制植物的生长发育甚至杀死植物。为了维持体内ROS的动态平衡,植物进化出了一系列的ROS产生及清除机制。本文对近年来植物在逆境下的ROS产生、清除及其调节机制的研究进展予以综述,重点介绍转录及翻译后水平的ROS清除及其调节机制,并对植物ROS代谢及调控机理的研究提出了进一步展望。  相似文献   

植物体内成分是实时反映其生理状态的最直接指标,是其遭受生物或非生物胁迫应激状态的体现,微生物与植物的共生抗逆亦由代谢的重置与调控得以实现.内生菌可以自身细胞功能或代谢产物调控宿主代谢,其自身可产生独特的、显著区别于宿主的代谢成分参与抗逆;而宿主内环境的长期“驯化”亦可改变内生菌的表型和代谢.较全面地分析了植物与微生物共...  相似文献   

细菌有活力但不可培养状态及其机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
有活力但不可培养(viable but non-culturable,VBNC)状态是细菌遭遇逆境时进入的一种特殊状态,该状态下的菌体在条件适宜时可复苏并恢复其致病性,被认为是细菌躲避不良环境的一种生存策略。VBNC状态菌体对人类医学和工农业生产具有巨大的潜在威胁,开展关于VBNC状态的检测及诱导、复苏及其机制研究可为减少或避免该状态细菌的危害提供理论基础。本文简要综述了细菌VBNC状态在诱导、复苏及致病性等方面的研究进展,并结合本实验室及国内外相关团队近年来在植物病原细菌VBNC状态研究中的结果,详细总结了VBNC状态细菌的形成和复苏机制,对植物病原细菌在环境胁迫下的存活机制、病害田间初侵染来源分析及VBNC状态菌体在病害循环中的作用等相关研究具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

铁调素调节蛋白(HJV)———一个新的铁代谢调节蛋白   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
铁调素调节蛋白 (hemojuvelin,HJV) 是最近发现的一种重要的铁代谢调节蛋白. HJV基因突变是年轻型血色素沉着症 (Juvenile hemochromatosis,JH ) 的重要原因之一. 研究显示,HJV可能是一种极为重要的铁调素 (hepcidin) 表达的调节蛋白,通过参与铁调素表达的调节从而在铁代谢中发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

1.  The effect of intracellularly injected cAMP on the amplitude of excitatory postsynaptic potentials was studied using identified neurons of the snailHelix pomatia.
2.  In 25% of the experiments, postsynaptic cAMP elevation caused a pronounced augmentation of the excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) amplitude, lasting up to 15–30 min.
3.  The results suggest that a cAMP increase in the postsynaptic neuron may be involved in the enhancement of synaptic efficiency.

The intrinsic activity of the C‐terminal catalytic (C) domain of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)‐dependent protein kinases (PKG) is inhibited by interactions with the N‐terminal regulatory (R) domain. Selective binding of cGMP to cyclic nucleotide binding (CNB) domains within the R‐domain disrupts the inhibitory R–C interaction, leading to the release and activation of the C‐domain. Affinity measurements of mammalian and plasmodium PKG CNB domains reveal different degrees of cyclic nucleotide affinity and selectivity; the CNB domains adjacent to the C‐domain are more cGMP selective and therefore critical for cGMP‐dependent activation. Crystal structures of isolated CNB domains in the presence and absence of cyclic nucleotides reveal isozyme‐specific contacts that explain cyclic nucleotide selectivity and conformational changes that accompany CNB. Crystal structures of tandem CNB domains identify two types of CNB‐mediated dimeric contacts that indicate cGMP‐driven reorganization of domain–domain interfaces that include large conformational changes. Here, we review the available structural and functional information of PKG CNB domains that further advance our understanding of cGMP mediated regulation and activation of PKG isozymes.  相似文献   


During the cell communication process, endogenous and exogenous signaling affect normal as well as pathological developmental conditions. Exogenous influences such as extra-low-frequency electromagnetic field (EMF) have been shown to effect pain and inflammation by modulating G-protein receptors, down-regulating cyclooxygenase-2 activity, and affecting the calcium/calmodulin/nitric oxide pathway. Investigators have reported changes in opioid receptors and second messengers, such as cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), in opiate tolerance and dependence by showing how repeated exposure to morphine decreases adenylate cyclase activity causing cAMP to return to control levels in the tolerant state, and increase above control levels during withdrawal. Resonance responses to biological systems using exogenous EMF signals suggest that frequency response characteristics of the target can determine the EMF biological response. In our past research we found significant down regulation of inflammatory markers tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and nuclear factor kappa B (NFκB) using 5?Hz EMF frequency. In this study cAMP was stimulated in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells transfected with human mu-opioid receptors, then exposed to 5?Hz EMF, and outcomes were compared with morphine treatment. Results showed a 23% greater inhibition of cAMP-treating cells with EMF than with morphine. In order to test our results for frequency specific effects, we ran identical experiments using 13?Hz EMF, which produced results similar to controls. This study suggests the use of EMF as a complementary or alternative treatment to morphine that could both reduce pain and enhance patient quality of life without the side-effects of opiates.  相似文献   

Simultaneous limitation of microbial growth by two or more nutrients is discussed for dual carbon/nitrogen-limited growth in continuous culture. The boundaries of the zone where double-limited growth occurs can be clearly defined from both cultivation data and cellular composition and they can be also predicted from growth yield data measured under single-substrate-limited conditions. It is demonstrated that for the two nutrients carbon and nitrogen the zone of double nutrient limitation is dependent on both the C:N ratio of the growth medium and the growth (dilution) rate. The concept on double-(carbon/nitrogen)-limited growth presented here can be extended to other binary and multiple combinations of nutrients.  相似文献   

An experimental protocol to evaluate the structured biomass model proposed by Lavallée (Lavallée, Lessard, and Vanrolleghem, J Environ Eng Sci 2005;4:517-532) is presented. The protocol was devised to induce transient behavior and characterize the evolution of several internal biomass components. The proposed model is based on biochemical principles, and was fitted to the collected data. In these experiments, it was observed that filling the storage capacity of cells leads to special transient behavior, including a temporarily reduced metabolic activity. The model-based interpretation of the results showed that the observed transient behavior can be explained by cross-regulation of carbon and nitrogen metabolism. Hence, according to an extensive literature review, the cross-regulation of carbon and nitrogen can be used to model some observed transient behaviors and regulation of the storage process in activated sludge.  相似文献   

【目的】通过比较不同碳氮营养及其消耗对产漆酶的影响,了解白腐菌模式种黄孢原毛平革菌解除营养阻遏产漆酶代谢的生理生态特性,揭示白腐菌合成漆酶的碳氮生理调控机理。【方法】分别利用限碳限氮(CL-NL)、限碳富氮(CL-NS)、富碳限氮(CS-NL)与富碳富氮(CS-NS)4种条件培养黄孢原毛平革菌野生型(WT)与突变株,比较两者产漆酶动力学、菌体生长、葡萄糖与氨氮消耗差异及其相关性来揭示解除营养阻遏产漆酶调控生理特性,明确C、N营养对产漆酶的生理调控途径。【结果】突变菌株除消耗速率比野生型略慢外,两者氨消耗趋势一致,但对葡萄糖的消耗比野生型快且氨氮浓度对葡萄糖的消耗影响不大。在CL-NL、CL-NS、CS-NL、CS-NS 4种培养条件下,野生型分别在培养后期的第11、14、19和19天的次生代谢时期产生0.107、0.029、12.84和18.05U/L漆酶,启动漆酶合成及酶峰值出现的时间与基质中葡萄糖耗尽或接近耗尽的时刻,或同氨氮消耗至最低值的时刻相对应;与WT产漆酶特性不同,突变株产漆酶伴随整个培养过程且均有两个产酶高峰,分别在培养的第8、7、12天和12天出现298.83、343.14、271.22、251.49U/L漆酶第一个产酶高峰,在培养的第12、13、19和19天产生257.69、298.78、213.81、216.93U/L漆酶的第二个产酶高峰。碳氮营养对产酶的影响显示:两菌株只要初始碳源浓度相同(限碳或富碳),各自产酶动力学趋势基本一致;相反,即使初始氮源浓度相同但其产酶动力学趋势却不同,说明碳源对黄孢原毛平革菌产漆酶的影响比氮源更为重要。【结论】野生型黄孢原毛平革菌产漆酶受碳或氮饥饿调控,碳、氮各自独立发挥作用且在不同的营养条件下由不同营养素所调控,如在限碳条件下产漆酶主要由葡萄糖饥饿启动,而在富碳条件下则由氨氮饥饿所激发,以碳或氮菌体负荷表示是否达到启动酶合成的调控阀值比单纯碳或氮浓度更为合理。突变菌株漆酶合成的启动不受碳、氮营养所阻遏,可能涉及一个全局调控的改变,解除了漆酶合成的营养阻碍。  相似文献   

The motility of salmonid spermatozoa initiated by dilution of the milt with ovarian fluid or isotonic saline is brief duration; it was believed that it can be activated only once in the life of the spermatozoon. Dilution of the milt with an equal volume of isotonic saline (0.12 M-NaCl) containing 5 mM-3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (MIX) prolonged and intensified sperm motiliy. When motility had stopped after initial mobilization with saline or ovarian fluid, it could be reactivated by addition of MIX; reactivated spermatozoa fertilized eggs. Dilution with saline containing K+ (24 mEq/liter) did not initiate sperm motility even in the presence of MIX. The spermatozoa were mobilized by subsequent with 0.12 M-NaCl. The concentration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in sperm suspensions dropped on dilution with saline and rose as motility ceased, but declined without subsequent recovery following dilution with MIX-saline. The concentration of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) rose and fell sharply on initiation of motility and rose again after motility had declined. While salmonid spermatozoa can be mobilized by dilition with saline alone, the effectiveness of MIX in reactivating “spent” spermatozoa supports the assumption that cAMP plays a role in the initiation of sperm motility.  相似文献   

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) N-sufficient plants were fed 1·5 mM N in the form of NO3, NH4+ or NO3 in conjunction with NH4+, or were N-deprived for 2 weeks. The specific activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) from the non-nodulated roots of N-sufficient plants was increased in comparison with that of N-deprived plants. The PEPC value was highest with NO3 nutrition, lowest with NH4+ and intermediate in plants that were fed mixed salts. The protein was more abundant in NO3-fed plants than in either NH4+- or N mixed-fed plants. Nitrogen starvation decreased the level of PEPC mRNA, and nitrate was the N form that most stimulated PEPC gene expression. The malate content was significantly lower in NO3-deprived than in NO3-sufficient plants. Root malate accumulation was high in NO3-fed plants, but decreased significantly in plants that were fed with NH4+. The effect of malate on the desalted enzyme was also investigated. Root PEPC was not very sensitive to malate and PEPC activity was inhibited only by very high concentrations of malate. Asparagine and glutamine enhanced PEPC activity markedly in NO3-fed plants, but failed to affect plants that were either treated with other N types or N starved. Glutamate and citrate inhibited PEPC activity only at optimal pH. N-nutrition also influenced root nitrate and ammonium accumulation. Nitrate accumulated in the roots of NO3- and (NO3 + NH4+)-fed plants, but was undetectable in those administered NH4+. Both the nitrate and the ammonium contents were significantly reduced in NO3- and (NO3 + NH4+)-starved plants. Root accumulation of free amino acids was strongly influenced by the type of N administered. It was highest in NH4+-fed plants and the most abundant amides were asparagine and glutamine. It was concluded that root PEPC from alfalfa plants is N regulated and that nitrate exerts a strong influence on the PEPC enzyme by enhancing both PEPC gene expression and activity.  相似文献   

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