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The tuco-tuco Ctenomys aff. knighti is a subterranean rodent which inhabits a semi-arid area in Northwestern Argentina. Although they live in underground burrows where environmental cycles are attenuated, they display robust, 24 h locomotor activity rhythms that are synchronized by light/dark cycles, both in laboratory and field conditions. The underground environment also poses energetic challenges (e.g. high-energy demands of digging, hypoxia, high humidity, low food availability) that have motivated thermoregulation studies in several subterranean rodent species. By using chronobiological protocols, the present work aims to contribute towards these studies by exploring day-night variations of thermoregulatory functions in tuco-tucos, starting with body temperature and its temporal relationship to locomotor activity. Animals showed daily, 24 h body temperature rhythms that persisted even in constant darkness and temperature, synchronizing to a daily light/dark cycle, with highest values occurring during darkness hours. The range of oscillation of body temperature was slightly lower than those reported for similar-sized and dark-active rodents. Most rhythmic parameters, such as period and phase, did not change upon removal of the running wheel. Body temperature and locomotor activity rhythms were robustly associated in time. The former persisted even after removal of the acute effects of intense activity on body temperature by a statistical method. Finally, regression gradients between body temperature and activity were higher in the beginning of the night, suggesting day-night variation in thermal conductance and heat production. Consideration of these day-night variations in thermoregulatory processes is beneficial for further studies on thermoregulation and energetics of subterranean rodents.  相似文献   

South American subterranean rodents (Ctenomys aff. knighti), commonly known as tuco-tucos, display nocturnal, wheel-running behavior under light-dark (LD) conditions, and free-running periods >24 h in constant darkness (DD). However, several reports in the field suggested that a substantial amount of activity occurs during daylight hours, leading us to question whether circadian entrainment in the laboratory accurately reflects behavior in natural conditions. We compared circadian patterns of locomotor activity in DD of animals previously entrained to full laboratory LD cycles (LD12:12) with those of animals that were trapped directly from the field. In both cases, activity onsets in DD immediately reflected the previous dark onset or sundown. Furthermore, freerunning periods upon release into DD were close to 24 h indicating aftereffects of prior entrainment, similarly in both conditions. No difference was detected in the phase of activity measured with and without access to a running wheel. However, when individuals were observed continuously during daylight hours in a semi-natural enclosure, they emerged above-ground on a daily basis. These day-time activities consisted of foraging and burrow maintenance, suggesting that the designation of this species as nocturnal might be inaccurate in the field. Our study of a solitary subterranean species suggests that the circadian clock is entrained similarly under field and laboratory conditions and that day-time activity expressed only in the field is required for foraging and may not be time-dictated by the circadian pacemaker.  相似文献   

Biological odours that convey cues regarding individual identity can provide valuable information mediating many aspects of mammalian social relationships such us dominance hierarchies, group memberships, territorial and mating activities. The ability of the subterranean rodent, tuco‐tuco (Ctenomys talarum), to discriminate between soiled shavings, urine and faeces from different individuals was investigated using the habituation–discrimination paradigm. Discrimination by both males and females was tested using scents obtained from same‐ and opposite‐sex individuals. Each test subject was habituated for three consecutive days to odour samples from the same individual; on the fourth day a scent from a novel individual was provided. For all odour sources, animals spent significantly less time investigating the habituation scent over successive trials, indicating that animals perceived the stimulus as familiar. For all stimuli, test subjects spent more time investigating the novel odour, rather than the familiar one. Animals spent more time investigating soiled shavings than urine or faeces. Both males and females discriminated novel from familiar odours in shavings and urine regardless of the gender of the odour donors. In contrast, test animals discriminated between familiar and novel odours in feces only when the fecal donors were of different sex from subjects. Possible territorial and reproductive functions of individual scent discrimination are discussed.  相似文献   

To test for the hypothesis that Ctenomys talarum can use the earth's magnetic field for spatial orientation, we carried out field and laboratory experiments to analyse if C. talarum burrows present any geomagnetic orientation in their natural habitat, if C. talarum show any spontaneous directional preference when starting to excavate their burrows and if this subterranean rodent is capable to use the earth's magnetic field to orient towards a goal in a complex maze. No correlation between the burrowing direction and the earth's magnetic field was found. We could not find any evidence for any spontaneous directional preference when starting to excavate the burrows in C. talarum. The change of the horizontal vector of the geomagnetic field did not affect the ability of this rodent to orient towards a goal in an artificial labyrinth. Explanations for these results and other possible mechanisms of orientation that could be used by C. talarum are discussed.  相似文献   

Predation is a strong selective force, and prey species may show specific adaptations that allow recognition, avoidance, and defense against predators. Facing a situation of predatory risk, anxiety constitutes a reaction of adaptive value, allowing to evaluate the potential risk of this encounter as well as to generate a physiological and behavioral response. Previous studies in the subterranean rodent Ctenomys talarum revealed that exposure to predator odors (urine or fur) generates an anxiety state and induces behavioral changes. However, no differences between the responses generated by both odor sources were observed, although fur odors may indicate a higher level of predatory immanence. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the behavioral and physiological responses of C. talarum to different intensities of predator odors (urine and fur) and to the repeated exposition to the same odorous stimulus. When comparing the highest behavioral effects elicited by both predatory odors on C. talarum, our study supports the assumption that fur odors are more anxiogenic than urine, while the former provoked significant changes in the distance traveled, the number of arm entries and time in transparent arms in the elevated plus maze; cat urine only caused slight changes on those behavioral parameters. Furthermore, we also found that the intensity of natural predator odor presented to tuco‐tucos has a role on the appearance of defensive behaviors, although an amount‐dependent relationship between predator odor and anxiety levels was not observed. Finally, while individuals exposed for 1 day to fur odor displayed an evident anxiety state, those exposed repeatedly for 5 consecutive days did not differ with the control group in their behavioral response, indicating a clear habituation to the predatory cue. In our intensity and habituation experiments, we did not find differences in the measured physiological parameters among control individuals, exposed to different cues intensity (urine and fur odor) and exposed only once or for 5 days to fur odor. These results provide valuable evidence that the types of predatory odor, along with the frequency of exposition, are important determinants of the appearance, strength, and extinction of defensive behaviors in the subterranean rodent C. talarum.  相似文献   

Despite an important role of subterranean rodents as ecosystem engineers, their belowground mobility is poorly documented. It is supposed that their underground burrow systems, once established, are relatively stable because of high-energy costs of digging. We chose the silvery mole-rat, Heliophobius argenteocinereus (Bathyergidae, Rodentia) from mesic Afrotropics as a representative of solitary subterranean rodents to investigate how, and how fast these rodents process their established burrow systems. We combined radio-tracking of individual animals with subsequent mapping of their burrow systems, and we developed a new method for assessing the rate of burrowing. Mole-rats continuously rebuilt their burrow systems; they excavated approx. 0.7 m of new tunnels per day and backfilled on average 64% of all tunnels. On average, every 32 d they established a new nest. They often completely backfilled newly excavated peripheral burrows, while other parts of their burrow systems were more permanent. Their home-ranges were dynamic and continuously shifted in space. Burrow system processing continued even in the advanced dry season, when soil is difficult to work.  相似文献   

Spatial learning, the cognitive ability that allows animals to efficiently locate food, partners or avoid predators, can be affected by various factors such as stress. Stressors represent a threat to the animal's homeostasis and trigger a set of physiological and behavioral changes known as stress response. The herbivorous rodent Ctenomys talarum (tuco‐tuco) inhabits underground complex gallery systems. Dispersal as well as food collection occurs on the surface, where they are exposed to terrestrial and aerial predators. We evaluated the effect of a natural stress factor, predation, on spatial learning of C. talarum. Additionally, we collected data on neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio, hematocrit, blood glucose, and plasma cortisol to assess physiological levels of stress. The acute exposure to direct cues indicating the presence of a predator (immobilization + cat urine) increased the time needed to reach the goal in a longitudinal labyrinth. The number of errors also increased albeit the difference was only marginally significant. The chronic exposure to predator cues (immobilization, cat urine, and cat fur) presented in an unpredictable order significantly increased both time and errors committed by tuco‐tucos during learning trials in the labyrinth. Results show the strong impact of predatory stress on the spatial abilities of C. talarum, a key cognitive process involved in most of their vital activities. They also highlight the importance of investigating wild species as regards the development of antipredatory defensive behaviors that contribute both to the avoidance of deleterious consequences of a direct attack and the influence on food search and mate localization performance.  相似文献   

In this review, we describe six lines of evidence that reveal a modulatory role for serotonin (5-HT) in the regulation of the response of suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) neurons to retinal illumination in the Syrian hamster. Electrical stimulation of the median raphe nucleus, sufficient to elicit the release of 5-HT in the SCN, inhibits light-induced phase shifts of the hamster circadian activity rhythm. Two 5-HT receptors capable of mediating the effects of 5-HT on photic responses, the 5-HT7 receptor and the 5-HT1B receptor, are present in the hamster SCN. Light-induced phase shifts are attenuated by systemic and local administration of two 5-HT receptor agonists, 8-OH-DPAT, and TFMPP, and these agents attenuate photic phase shifts by acting on pharmacologically distinct receptors. Furthermore, both compounds also attenuate light-induced Fos expression and photic suppression of pineal melatonin content, indicating that serotonergic modulation of photic signal transduction in the SCN is not limited to the regulation of circadian phase. Finally, both 8-OH-DPAT and TFMPP inhibit RHT neurotransmission in the hypothalamic slice preparation. Further, TFMPP fails to attenuate responses to exogenous glutamate on retinorecipient SCN neurons, consistent with a presynaptic site of action for the drug. Based on these data, we propose that 5-HT modulates RHT neurotransmission in the SCN through at least two distinct mechanisms: (1) via activation of 5-HT7 receptors probably located on retinorecipient neurons; and (2) via activation of presynaptic 5-HT1B receptors leading to reduced release of glutamate from RHT terminals in the SCN.  相似文献   

In this review, we describe six lines of evidence that reveal a modulatory role for serotonin (5-HT) in the regulation of the response of suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) neurons to retinal illumination in the Syrian hamster. Electrical stimulation of the median raphe nucleus, sufficient to elicit the release of 5-HT in the SCN, inhibits light-induced phase shifts of the hamster circadian activity rhythm. Two 5-HT receptors capable of mediating the effects of 5-HT on photic responses, the 5-HT7 receptor and the 5-HT1B receptor, are present in the hamster SCN. Light-induced phase shifts are attenuated by systemic and local administration of two 5-HT receptor agonists, 8-OH-DPAT, and TFMPP, and these agents attenuate photic phase shifts by acting on pharmacologically distinct receptors. Furthermore, both compounds also attenuate light-induced Fos expression and photic suppression of pineal melatonin content, indicating that serotonergic modulation of photic signal transduction in the SCN is not limited to the regulation of circadian phase. Finally, both 8-OH-DPAT and TFMPP inhibit RHT neurotransmission in the hypothalamic slice preparation. Further, TFMPP fails to attenuate responses to exogenous glutamate on retinorecipient SCN neurons, consistent with a presynaptic site of action for the drug. Based on these data, we propose that 5-HT modulates RHT neurotransmission in the SCN through at least two distinct mechanisms: (1) via activation of 5-HT7 receptors probably located on retinorecipient neurons; and (2) via activation of presynaptic 5-HT1B receptors leading to reduced release of glutamate from RHT terminals in the SCN.  相似文献   

Acoustic signalling is one of the most common communication mediums in a broad range of social animals, and it often encodes attributes of the signaller such as sex, kin relatedness and dominance rank. Particularly, antiphonal vocalization has been regarded to have an important function in animals living in an environment where visual cues are unreliable. Antiphony enables to acknowledge that one's signal was received with certainty. We show the first evidence of such acoustic signals among rodents: the naked mole‐rat. The society of this eusocial subterranean species is organized hierarchically according to body size. Naked mole‐rats are functionally blind, and rely highly on acoustic communication. We focused on one of their vocalizations: the soft chirp (SC). SCs are the most frequent sounds, and are often emitted upon physical contact. We expected the SC to be antiphonal, and if so, SC may function to distinguish colony members from intruders, and/or identify social rank and individuality. To examine our predictions, we placed pairs of individuals of different size together, and recorded their vocal behaviour. The intervals between the SCs of two individuals were shorter than expected intervals which were based on the assumption that animals vocalized without reference of the preceding SC. The acoustic properties of SCs varied among individuals according to body weight and colony of origin. The emission rate was positively related to the relative difference in body weight. Therefore, SCs have an antiphonal nature and may function as expected. These characteristics of SC were highly similar to those of antiphonal sounds in other social species.  相似文献   

Aim We analysed body‐size variation in relation to latitude, longitude, elevation and environmental variables in Ctenomys (tuco‐tucos), subterranean rodents in the Ctenomyidae (Caviomorpha). We tested the existence of inter‐ and intraspecific size clines to determine if these rodents follow Bergmann's rule, to compare intra‐ and interspecific size trends and to assess the relevance of the subterranean lifestyle on these trends. Location South America, south of 15° latitude. Methods This paper is based on 719 specimens of tuco‐tucos from 133 localities of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, representing 47 named species and 32 undescribed forms. Intraspecific analyses were performed for Ctenomys talarum Thomas, 1898 and the Ctenomys perrensi Thomas, 1896 species complex. Head and body length and weight were used for estimating body size. Geographical independent variables included latitude, longitude and altitude. Environmental independent variables were mean minimal and maximal monthly temperature, mean annual temperature, mean minimal and maximal precipitation, and total annual precipitation. To estimate seasonality, the annual variability of the climatic factors was calculated as their coefficients of variation and the difference between maximum and minimum values. Mean annual actual evapotranspiration (AET), and mean annual, January (summer) and July (winter) potential evapotranspiration (PET) values were also calculated for each locality, as well as annual, summer and winter water balance (WB). Statistical analyses consisted of simple and multiple regression and nonparametric correlation. Results Body size of Ctenomys decreases interspecifically from 15°00′ S to 48°15′ S and from 56°33′ W to 71°46′ W, and is positively correlated with ambient temperature and precipitation. The best predictors of body size according to multiple regression analyses were mean annual temperature, the difference between mean maximum and minimum annual temperatures, annual PET, the difference between summer and winter PET, and annual and winter water balance. These patterns are repeated, but not identically, at a smaller geographical scale within the species C. talarum and the superspecies C. perrensi. Main conclusions Tuco‐tucos follow the converse to Bergmann's rule at the interspecific level. At the intraspecific level some parallel trends were observed, but the smaller scale of these analyses, involving a very reduced variation of environmental factors, necessitates caution in interpreting results. The subterranean lifestyle probably insulates these rodents from the external temperature. The observed latitudinal body‐size gradients are more probably related to seasonality, ambient energy, primary productivity and/or intensity of predation.  相似文献   

Several rodent species that are diurnal in the field become nocturnal in the lab. It has been suggested that the use of running-wheels in the lab might contribute to this timing switch. This proposition is based on studies that indicate feed-back of vigorous wheel-running on the period and phase of circadian clocks that time daily activity rhythms. Tuco-tucos (Ctenomys aff. knighti) are subterranean rodents that are diurnal in the field but are robustly nocturnal in laboratory, with or without access to running wheels. We assessed their energy metabolism by continuously and simultaneously monitoring rates of oxygen consumption, body temperature, general motor and wheel running activity for several days in the presence and absence of wheels. Surprisingly, some individuals spontaneously suppressed running-wheel activity and switched to diurnality in the respirometry chamber, whereas the remaining animals continued to be nocturnal even after wheel removal. This is the first report of timing switches that occur with spontaneous wheel-running suppression and which are not replicated by removal of the wheel.  相似文献   

Fossilized flowers and fruits from the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian, ca. 90 million years [my] before present) Raritan Formation of New Jersey are described as the new genus Divisestylus with two species, D. brevistamineus and D. longistamineus. The fossils are fusainized and three-dimensionally preserved. Morphological characteristics suggest affinities with extant Saxifragaceae and Iteaceae, two closely related families in Saxifragales. Similarities include a pentamerous perianth, calyx fused below into a hypanthium with free sepal lobes above, haplostemonous androecium with stamens situated opposite the calyx lobes, inferior ovary, bicarpellate gynoecium, numerous ovules on axile placentas, conspicuous intrastaminal nectary ring, and capsulate fruit opening apically. The unique fusion of the gynoecium, with carpels and stigmas fused but styles free, indicates closer affinities with extant Iteaceae, whereas other characters, such as basifixed anthers in D. brevistamineus, tricolpate and striate pollen grains, and anomocytic stomata, indicate closer affinities to Saxifragaceae. Cladistic analyses utilizing molecular data from a previously published analysis and morphological data as well as morphological data alone demonstrate the fossils share a more recent common ancestor with Iteaceae than Saxifragaceae, thereby making Divisestylus the oldest fossils known with clear affinities to Iteaceae.  相似文献   

Disturbances, both human-induced and natural, may re-shape ecosystems by influencing their composition, structure, and functional processes. Plateau zokor (Eospalax baileyi) is a typical subterranean rodent endemic to Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP), which are considered ecosystem engineers influencing the alpine ecosystem function. It is also regarded as a pest aggravating the degradation of overgrazed grassland and subject to regular control in QTP since 1950s. Climate change has been predicted in this region but little research exists exploring its impact on such subterranean rodent populations. Using plateau zokor as a model, through maximum entropy niche-based modeling (Maxent) and sustainable habitat models, we investigate zokor habitat dynamics driven by the future climate scenarios. Our models project that zokor suitable habitat will increase by 6.25% in 2050 in QTP. The predication indicated more threats in terms of grassland degradation as zokor suitable habitat will increase in 2050. Distribution of zokors will shift much more in their southern range with lower elevation compare to northern range with higher elevation. The estimated distance of shift ranges from 1 km to 94 km from current distribution. Grassland management should take into account such predictions in order to design mitigation measures to prevent further grassland degradation in QTP under climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

The seasonal diet of Ctenomys mendocinus was determined in a habitat of the Andean Precordillera, through microhistological analyses of stomach contents and in relation to food availability. Diet included 23 genera of plants and only 6 of them were consumed with frequencies higher than 4%. The grasses Stipa and Elymus comprised about 80% of the diet. A high proportion of aerial plant material was registered throughout the year suggesting a tendency to forage on the surface. Dietary selectivity was evidenced by a preferential consumption of grasses and avoidance of shrubs. Moreover, most dietary items frequently used were eaten in proportions that differed from their availabilities. This non-opportunistic feeding behavior, specialized in a few dietary items, did not agree with the one expected for a subterranean rodent inhabiting an environment with severe climatic conditions, low food availability and patchy distribution of food resources.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine if the mistletoe Struthanthus aff. polyanthus shows host specificity, and if host abundance and twig architecture influence this specificity in Cerrado (senso strictu). An area of 1.3 ha of natural savanna was sampled for the occurrence of the mistletoe. The twigs of the hosts were classified as vertical or horizontal, and the bark as smooth or rough. We sampled a total of 666 trees in the study site and 118 individuals (17.7%) hosted S. aff. polyanthus. The abundance of mistletoe was significantly affected by the bark type, but not by the twigs inclination. In the cerrado, S. aff. polyanthus seems to be a generalist, with a tendency to be more common on some hosts (Kielmeyera coriacea, Pouteria ramiflora and Styrax ferrugineus), prefering that with rough bark type.  相似文献   

自然生态条件下鼠类数量与天敌数量的平衡关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
近些年,越来越多的科学家将天敌对鼠害的控制作用纳入综合防治的总体方案之中,大部分学者倾向认为,天敌是鼠类种群数量调节的主要因素之一。研究天敌在鼠类种群动态中所起的作用,不仅对鼠害防治工作具有重要意义,而且有助于生态学理论的发展。本文在有关天敌对鼠类种...  相似文献   

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