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Because of the significant industrial, agricultural and biotechnological importance of serine protease proteinase K, it has been extensively investigated using experimental approaches such as X-ray crystallography, site-directed mutagenesis and kinetic measurement. However, detailed aspects of enzymatic mechanism such as substrate binding, release and relevant regulation remain unstudied. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the proteinase K alone and in complex with the peptide substrate AAPA were performed to investigate the effect of substrate binding on the dynamics/molecular motions of proteinase K. The results indicate that during simulations the substrate-complexed proteinase K adopt a more compact and stable conformation than the substrate-free form. Further essential dynamics (ED) analysis reveals that the major internal motions are confined within a subspace of very small dimension. Upon substrate binding, the overall flexibility of the protease is reduced; and the noticeable displacements are observed not only in substrate-binding regions but also in regions opposite the substrate-binding groove/pockets. The dynamic pockets caused by the large concerted motions are proposed to be linked to the substrate recognition, binding, orientation and product release; and the significant displacements in regions opposite the binding groove/pockets are considered to play a role in modulating the dynamics of enzyme-substrate interaction. Our simulation results complement the biochemical and structural studies, highlighting the dynamic mechanism of the functional properties of proteinase K.  相似文献   

Bacterial resistance is a serious threat to human health. The production of β-lactamase, which inactivates β-lactams is most common cause of resistance to the β-lactam antibiotics. The Class A enzymes are most frequently encountered among the four β-lactamases in the clinic isolates. Mutations in class A β-lactamases play a crucial role in substrate and inhibitor specificity. SHV and TEM type are known to be most common class A β-lactamases. In the present study, we have analyzed the effect of inhibitor resistant S130G point mutation of SHV type Class-A β-lactamase using molecular dynamics and other in silico approaches. Our study involved the use of different in silico methods to investigate the affect of S130G point mutation on the major physico-chemical properties of SHV type class A β-lactamase. We have used molecular dynamics approach to compare the dynamic behaviour of native and S130G mutant form of SHV β-lactamase by analyzing different properties like root mean square deviation (RMSD), H-bond, Radius of gyration (Rg) and RMS fluctuation of mutation. The results clearly suggest notable loss in the stability of S130G mutant that may further lead to decrease in substrate specificity of SHV. Molecular docking further indicates that S130G mutation decreases the binding affinity of all the three inhibitors in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Although the crystal structures of the HIV-1 gp120 core bound and pre-bound by CD4 are known, the details of dynamics involved in conformational equilibrium and transition in relation to gp120 function have remained elusive. The homology models of gp120 comprising the N- and C-termini and loops V3 and V4 in the CD4-bound and CD4-unbound states were built and subjected to molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to investigate the differences in dynamic properties and molecular motions between them. The results indicate that the CD4-bound gp120 adopted a more compact and stable conformation than the unbound form during simulations. For both the unbound and bound gp120, the large concerted motions derived from essential dynamics (ED) analyses can influence the size/shape of the ligand-binding channel/cavity of gp120 and, therefore, were related to its functional properties. The differences in motion direction between certain structural components of these two forms of gp120 were related to the conformational interconversion between them. The free energy calculations based on the metadynamics simulations reveal a more rugged and complex free energy landscape (FEL) for the unbound than for the bound gp120, implying that gp120 has a richer conformational diversity in the unbound form. The estimated free energy difference of ∼−6.0 kJ/mol between the global minimum free energy states of the unbound and bound gp120 indicates that gp120 can transform spontaneously from the unbound to bound states, revealing that the bound state represents a high-probability “ground state” for gp120 and explaining why the unbound state resists crystallization. Our results provide insight into the dynamics-and-function relationship of gp120, and facilitate understandings of the thermodynamics, kinetics and conformational control mechanism of HIV-1 gp120.  相似文献   


Reaching the experimental time scale of millisecond is a grand challenge for protein folding simulations. The development of advanced Molecular Dynamics techniques like Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics (REMD) makes it possible to reach these experimental timescales. In this study, an attempt has been made to reach the multi microsecond simulation time scale by carrying out folding simulations on a three helix bundle protein, Villin, by combining REMD and Amber United Atom model. Twenty replicas having different temperatures ranging from 295 K to 390 K were simulated for 1.5 μs each. The lowest Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) structure of 2.5 Å was obtained with respect to native structure (PDB code 1VII), with all the helices formed. The folding population landscapes were built using segment-wise RMSD and Principal Components as reaction coordinates. These analyses suggest the two-stage folding for Villin. The combination of REMD and Amber United Atom model may be useful to understand the folding mechanism of various fast folding proteins  相似文献   

Advances in computational methods that allow for exploration of the combinatorial mutation space are needed to realize the potential of synthetic biology based strain engineering efforts. Here, we present Constrictor, a computational framework that uses flux balance analysis (FBA) to analyze inhibitory effects of genetic mutations on the performance of biochemical networks. Constrictor identifies engineering interventions by classifying the reactions in the metabolic model depending on the extent to which their flux must be decreased to achieve the overproduction target. The optimal inhibition of various reaction pathways is determined by restricting the flux through targeted reactions below the steady state levels of a baseline strain. Constrictor generates unique in silico strains, each representing an “expression state”, or a combination of gene expression levels required to achieve the overproduction target. The Constrictor framework is demonstrated by studying overproduction of ethylene in Escherichia coli network models iAF1260 and iJO1366 through the addition of the heterologous ethylene-forming enzyme from Pseudomonas syringae. Targeting individual reactions as well as combinations of reactions reveals in silico mutants that are predicted to have as high as 25% greater theoretical ethylene yields than the baseline strain during simulated exponential growth. Altering the degree of restriction reveals a large distribution of ethylene yields, while analysis of the expression states that return lower yields provides insight into system bottlenecks. Finally, we demonstrate the ability of Constrictor to scan networks and provide targets for a range of possible products. Constrictor is an adaptable technique that can be used to generate and analyze disparate populations of in silico mutants, select gene expression levels and provide non-intuitive strategies for metabolic engineering.  相似文献   

We studied the structure and mechanical properties of DNA i-motif nanowires by means of molecular dynamics computer simulations. We built up to 230 nm-long nanowires, based on a repeated TC5 sequence from crystallographic data, fully relaxed and equilibrated in water. The unusual C⋅C+ stacked structure, formed by four ssDNA strands arranged in an intercalated tetramer, is here fully characterized both statically and dynamically. By applying stretching, compression, and bending deformations with the steered molecular dynamics and umbrella sampling methods, we extract the apparent Young’s and bending moduli of the nanowire, as well as estimates for the tensile strength and persistence length. According to our results, the i-motif nanowire shares similarities with structural proteins, as far as its tensile stiffness, but is closer to nucleic acids and flexible proteins, as far as its bending rigidity is concerned. Furthermore, thanks to its very thin cross section, the apparent tensile toughness is close to that of a metal. Besides their yet to be clarified biological significance, i-motif nanowires may qualify as interesting candidates for nanotechnology templates, due to such outstanding mechanical properties.  相似文献   

We studied the structure and mechanical properties of DNA i-motif nanowires by means of molecular dynamics computer simulations. We built up to 230 nm-long nanowires, based on a repeated TC5 sequence from crystallographic data, fully relaxed and equilibrated in water. The unusual C⋅C+ stacked structure, formed by four ssDNA strands arranged in an intercalated tetramer, is here fully characterized both statically and dynamically. By applying stretching, compression, and bending deformations with the steered molecular dynamics and umbrella sampling methods, we extract the apparent Young’s and bending moduli of the nanowire, as well as estimates for the tensile strength and persistence length. According to our results, the i-motif nanowire shares similarities with structural proteins, as far as its tensile stiffness, but is closer to nucleic acids and flexible proteins, as far as its bending rigidity is concerned. Furthermore, thanks to its very thin cross section, the apparent tensile toughness is close to that of a metal. Besides their yet to be clarified biological significance, i-motif nanowires may qualify as interesting candidates for nanotechnology templates, due to such outstanding mechanical properties.  相似文献   

An algorithm for the efficient calculation of macromolecular force fields on the Connection Machine is described. The full force field is separated into bond interactions and non-bonding interactions. Only the latter are implemented on the Connection Machine, the former, less computationally intensive tasks are performed by an existing, conventional molecular dynamics code on the front end. Parallelization of the evaluation of non-bonding interactions is achieved by the Replicated Systolic Loop algorithm introduced in this paper. The algorithm is a variant of the Systolic Loop scheme often used for the computation of 2-particle forces for the classical N-particle problem.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 virion infectivity factor (Vif) inhibits the innate viral immunity afforded by the APOBEC3 family of cytidine deaminases. Vif targets the APOBEC3 family for poly-ubiquitination and subsequent proteasomal degradation by linking the Elongin-BC-dependent ubiquitin ligase complex with the APOBEC3 proteins. The interaction between Vif and the heterodimeric Elongin BC complex, which is mediated by Vif's viral suppressor of cytokine signaling box, is essential for Vif function. The biophysical consequences of the full-length Vif:Elongin BC interaction have not been extensively reported. In this study, hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry was used to dissect the Vif:Elongin BC interaction. Elongin C was found to be highly dynamic in the Elongin BC complex while Elongin B was much more stable. Recombinant full-length Vif interacted with the Elongin BC complex in vitro with a Kd of 1.9 μM and resulted in observable changes in deuterium uptake in both Elongin C and B. Upon binding to Elongin BC, no significant global conformational changes were detected in Vif by hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry, but a short fragment of Vif that consisted of the viral suppressor of cytokine signaling box showed decreased deuterium incorporation upon Elongin BC incubation, suggesting that this region folds upon binding.  相似文献   

Equinatoxin II (EqtII) is a soluble, 20 kDa pore-forming protein toxin isolated from the sea anemone Actinia equina. Although pore formation has long been known to occur in distinct stages, including monomeric attachment to phospholipid membranes followed by detachment of the N-terminal helical domain and oligomerization into the final pore assembly, atomistic-level detail of the protein-lipid interactions underlying these events remains elusive. Using high-resolution solution state NMR of uniformly-15N-labeled EqtII at the critical micelle concentration of dodecylphosphocholine, we have mapped the lipid-binding site through chemical shift perturbations. Subsequent docking of an EqtII monomer onto a dodecylphosphocholine micelle, followed by 400 ns of all-atom molecular dynamics simulation, saw several high-occupancy lipid-binding pockets stabilized by cation-π, hydrogen bonding, and hydrophobic interactions; and stabilization of the loop housing the conserved arginine-glycine-aspartate motif. Additional simulation of EqtII with an N-acetyl sphingomyelin micelle, for which high-resolution NMR data cannot be obtained due to aggregate formation, revealed that sphingomyelin specificity might occur via hydrogen bonding to the 3-OH and 2-NH groups unique to the ceramide backbone by side chains of D109 and Y113; and main chains of P81 and W112. Furthermore, a binding pocket formed by K30, K77, and P81, proximate to the hinge region of the N-terminal helix, was identified and may be implicated in triggering pore formation.  相似文献   

Many bacteria amass compatible solutes to fend-off the detrimental effects of high osmolarity on cellular physiology and water content. These solutes also function as stabilizers of macromolecules, a property for which they are referred to as chemical chaperones. The tetrahydropyrimidine ectoine is such a compatible solute and is widely synthesized by members of the Bacteria. Many ectoine producers also synthesize the stress protectant 5-hydroxyectoine from the precursor ectoine, a process that is catalyzed by the ectoine hydroxylase (EctD). The EctD enzyme is a member of the non-heme-containing iron(II) and 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase superfamily. A crystal structure of the EctD protein from the moderate halophile Virgibacillus salexigens has previously been reported and revealed the coordination of the iron catalyst, but it lacked the substrate ectoine and the co-substrate 2-oxoglutarate. Here we used this crystal structure as a template to assess the likely positioning of the ectoine and 2-oxoglutarate ligands within the active site by structural comparison, molecular dynamics simulations, and site-directed mutagenesis. Collectively, these approaches suggest the positioning of the iron, ectoine, and 2-oxoglutarate ligands in close proximity to each other and with a spatial orientation that will allow the region-selective and stereo-specific hydroxylation of (4S)-ectoine to (4S,5S)-5-hydroxyectoine. Our study thus provides a view into the catalytic core of the ectoine hydroxylase and suggests an intricate network of interactions between the three ligands and evolutionarily highly conserved residues in members of the EctD protein family.  相似文献   

The human vitreous contains primarily water, but also contains proteins which have yet to be fully characterized. To gain insight into the four vitreous substructures and their potential functions, we isolated and analyzed the vitreous protein profiles of three non-diseased human eyes. The four analyzed substructures were the anterior hyaloid, the vitreous cortex, the vitreous core, and the vitreous base. Proteins were separated by multidimensional liquid chromatography and identified by tandem mass spectrometry. Bioinformatics tools then extracted the expression profiles, signaling pathways, and interactomes unique to each tissue. From each substructure, a mean of 2,062 unique proteins were identified, with many being differentially expressed in a specific substructure: 278 proteins were unique to the anterior hyaloid, 322 to the vitreous cortex, 128 to the vitreous base, and 136 to the vitreous core. When the identified proteins were organized according to relevant functional pathways and networks, key patterns appeared. The blood coagulation pathway and extracellular matrix turnover networks were highly represented. Oxidative stress regulation and energy metabolism proteins were distributed throughout the vitreous. Immune functions were represented by high levels of immunoglobulin, the complement pathway, damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), and evolutionarily conserved antimicrobial proteins. The majority of vitreous proteins detected were intracellular proteins, some of which originate from the retina, including rhodopsin (RHO), phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6), and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). This comprehensive analysis uncovers a picture of the vitreous as a biologically active tissue, where proteins localize to distinct substructures to protect the intraocular tissues from infection, oxidative stress, and energy disequilibrium. It also reveals the retina as a potential source of inflammatory mediators. The vitreous proteome catalogues the dynamic interactions between the vitreous and surrounding tissues. It therefore could be an indirect and effective method for surveying vitreoretinal disease for specific biomarkers.  相似文献   

Marine Biotechnology - The present study focused on the cloning, expression, and characterization of L-asparaginase of marine Pseudomonas aeruginosa HR03 isolated from fish intestine. Thus, a gene...  相似文献   

The bacterial replicative helicases known as DnaB are considered to be members of the RecA superfamily. All members of this superfamily, including DnaB, have a conserved C- terminal domain, known as the RecA core. We unearthed a series of mycobacteriophage encoded proteins in which the RecA core domain alone was present. These proteins were phylogenetically related to each other and formed a distinct clade within the RecA superfamily. A mycobacteriophage encoded protein, Wildcat Gp80 that roots deep in the DnaB family, was found to possess a core domain having significant sequence homology (Expect value < 10-5) with members of this novel cluster. This indicated that Wildcat Gp80, and by extrapolation, other members of the DnaB helicase family, may have evolved from a single domain RecA core polypeptide belonging to this novel group. Biochemical investigations confirmed that Wildcat Gp80 was a helicase. Surprisingly, our investigations also revealed that a thioredoxin tagged truncated version of the protein in which the N-terminal sequences were removed was fully capable of supporting helicase activity, although its ATP dependence properties were different. DnaB helicase activity is thus, primarily a function of the RecA core although additional N-terminal sequences may be necessary for fine tuning its activity and stability. Based on sequence comparison and biochemical studies we propose that DnaB helicases may have evolved from single domain RecA core proteins having helicase activities of their own, through the incorporation of additional N-terminal sequences.  相似文献   

H5N1 is a subtype of the influenza A virus that can cause disease in humans and many other animal species. Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) is a potent and selective antiviral drug employed to fight the flu virus in infected individuals by inhibiting neuraminidase (NA), a flu protein responsible for the release and spread of the progeny virions. However, oseltamivir resistance has become a critical problem. In particular, influenza strains with a R292K NA mutation are highly resistant to the oseltamivir. Though the biological functions of the mutations have previously been characterized, the structural basis behind the reduced catalytic activity and reduced protein level is not clear. In this study, molecular docking and molecular dynamics (MD) approach were employed to investigate the structural and dynamical effects throughout the protein structure and specifically, at the drug-binding pocket. Furthermore, potential of mean force was analyzed using explicit solvent MD simulations with the umbrella sampling method to explore the free energy of binding. It is believed that this study provides valuable guidance for the resistance management of oseltamivir and designing of more potent antiviral inhibitor.  相似文献   

Transport Protein Particle complexes (TRAPP) are evolutionarily conserved regulators of membrane trafficking, with this mediated by their guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) activity towards Rab GTPases. In metazoans evidence suggests that two different TRAPP complexes exist, TRAPPII and TRAPPIII. These two complexes share a common core of subunits, with complex specific subunits (TRAPPC9 and TRAPPC10 in TRAPPII and TRAPPC8, TRAPPC11, TRAPPC12, TRAPPC13 in TRAPPIII). TRAPPII and TRAPPIII have distinct specificity for GEF activity towards Rabs, with TRAPPIII acting on Rab1, and TRAPPII acting on Rab1 and Rab11. The molecular basis for how these complex specific subunits alter GEF activity towards Rab GTPases is unknown. Here we have used a combination of biochemical assays, hydrogen deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) and electron microscopy to examine the regulation of TRAPPII and TRAPPIIII complexes in solution and on membranes. GEF assays revealed that TRAPPIII has GEF activity against Rab1 and Rab43, with no detectable activity against the other 18 Rabs tested. The TRAPPIII complex had significant differences in protein dynamics at the Rab binding site compared to TRAPPII, potentially indicating an important role of accessory subunits in altering the active site of TRAPP complexes. Both the TRAPPII and TRAPPIII complexes had enhanced GEF activity on lipid membranes, with HDX-MS revealing numerous conformational changes that accompany membrane association. HDX-MS also identified a membrane binding site in TRAPPC8. Collectively, our results provide insight into the functions of TRAPP complexes and how they can achieve Rab specificity.  相似文献   


A diet deficient in choline can cause liver cancer in rats. The previous work since 1932 emphasized the fat-removing ability of choline from the liver. There are other dietary factors, including methionine, which, like choline, can remove fat from the liver. These factors were termed as lipotropes. Since then, choline deficiency and lipotrope deficiency are used synonoumously. Recent work since 1980 has clearly demonstrated that choline deficiency (CD) and lipotrope deficiency (LD) are not the same. Generation of free radicals, DNA alterations, liver cell death, and liver cancer that occur due to CD are not generated by LD. Generation of free radicals due to CD diet and some of the agents that counteract free radical action also prevent CD effects except for lipid accumulation in the liver. Despite the recent observations on the role of phospholipase A, (PLA) as the protector of the membranes, it has been found that by preventing the rise of PLA, in the liver, cell death can be prevented. These new findings give choline a distinct role in liver cell death and cancer rather than the role of lipotrope. A new hypothesis linking dietary choline deficiency and liver cancer has been discussed.  相似文献   


The hypothesis of structural alteration in transmembrane helices for signal transduction process is viewed by molecular dynamics simulation techniques. For the c-erbB-2 transmembrane domain involved in oncogenicity, the occurrence of conformational changes has been previously described as transition from the α to π helix. This dynamical feature is thoroughly analyzed for the wild phenotype and oncogenic sequences from a series of 18 simulations carried out on one nanosecond time scale. We show that these structural events do not depend upon the conditions of simulations like force field or starting helix coordinates. We demonstrate that the oncogenic mutations Val659 Glu, Gin and Asp do not prevent the transition. Furthermore, we show that β branched residues, in conjunction with Gly residues in the c-erbB-2 sequence, act as destabilizers for the α helix structure, π deformations are tightly related to other local structural motifs found in soluble and membrane proteins. These structural alterations are discussed in term of structure-activity relationships for the c-erbB-2 activating mechanism mediated by transmembrane domain dimerization.  相似文献   

α-Glucosidase is a critical metabolic enzyme that produces glucose molecules by catalyzing carbohydrates. The aim of this study is to elucidate biological toxicity of Cd2+ based on α-glucosidase activity and conformational changes. We studied Cd2+-mediated inactivation as well as conformational modulation of α-glucosidase by using kinetics coupled with simulation of molecular dynamics. The enzyme was significantly inactivated by Cd2+ in a reversibly binding behavior, and Cd2+ binding induced a non-competitive type of inhibition reaction (the K i was calculated as 0.3863 ± 0.033 mM). Cd2+ also modulated regional denaturation of the active site pocket as well as overall partial tertiary structural change. In computational simulations using molecular dynamics, simulated introduction of Cd2+ induced in a depletion of secondary structure by docking Cd2+ near the saccharides degradation at the active site, suggesting that Cd2+ modulating enzyme denaturation. The present study elucidated that the binding of Cd2+ triggers conformational changes of α-glucosidase as well as inactivates catalytic function, and thus suggests an explanation of the deleterious effects of Cd2+ on α-glucosidase.  相似文献   

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