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The characterization of phosphotyrosine mediated protein-protein interactions is vital for the interpretation of downstream pathways of transmembrane signaling processes. Currently however, there is a gap between the initial identification and characterization of cellular binding events by proteomic methods and the in vitro generation of quantitative binding information in the form of equilibrium rate constants (Kd values). In this work we present a systematic, accelerated and simplified approach to fill this gap: using cell-free protein synthesis with site-specific labeling for pull-down and microscale thermophoresis (MST) we were able to validate interactions and to establish a binding hierarchy based on Kd values as a completion of existing proteomic data sets. As a model system we analyzed SH2-mediated interactions of the human T-cell phosphoprotein ADAP. Putative SH2 domain-containing binding partners were synthesized from a cDNA library using Expression-PCR with site-specific biotinylation in order to analyze their interaction with fluorescently labeled and in vitro phosphorylated ADAP by pull-down. On the basis of the pull-down results, selected SH2’s were subjected to MST to determine Kd values. In particular, we could identify an unexpectedly strong binding of ADAP to the previously found binding partner Rasa1 of about 100 nM, while no evidence of interaction was found for the also predicted SH2D1A. Moreover, Kd values between ADAP and its known binding partners SLP-76 and Fyn were determined. Next to expanding data on ADAP suggesting promising candidates for further analysis in vivo, this work marks the first Kd values for phosphotyrosine/SH2 interactions on a phosphoprotein level.  相似文献   

Synthetic biologists construct complex biological circuits by combinations of various genetic parts. Many genetic parts that are orthogonal to one another and are independent of existing cellular processes would be ideal for use in synthetic biology. However, our toolbox is still limited with respect to the bacterium Escherichia coli, which is important for both research and industrial use. The site-specific incorporation of unnatural amino acids is a technique that incorporates unnatural amino acids into proteins using a modified exogenous aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase/tRNA pair that is orthogonal to any native pairs in a host and is independent from other cellular functions. Focusing on the orthogonality and independency that are suitable for the genetic parts, we designed novel AND gate and translational switches using the unnatural amino acid 3-iodo-l-tyrosine incorporation system in E. coli. A translational switch was turned on after addition of 3-iodo-l-tyrosine in the culture medium within minutes and allowed tuning of switchability and translational efficiency. As an application, we also constructed a gene expression system that produced large amounts of proteins under induction conditions and exhibited zero-leakage expression under repression conditions. Similar translational switches are expected to be applicable also for eukaryotes such as yeasts, nematodes, insects, mammalian cells, and plants.  相似文献   

New tools are needed to study the intracellular pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the causative agent of tuberculosis (TB), to facilitate new drug discovery and vaccine development. We have developed methodology to genetically incorporate unnatural amino acids into proteins in Mycobacterium smegmatis, BCG and Mtb, grown both extracellularly in culture and inside host cells. Orthogonal mutant tRNATyr/tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase pairs derived from Methanococcus jannaschii and evolved in Escherichia coli incorporate a variety of unnatural amino acids (including photocrosslinking, chemically reactive, heavy atom containing, and immunogenic amino acids) into proteins in response to the amber nonsense codon. By taking advantage of the fidelity and suppression efficiency of the MjtRNA/pIpaRS pair in mycobacteria, we are also able to use p-iodophenylalanine to induce the expression of proteins in mycobacteria both extracellularly in culture and inside of mammalian host cells. This provides a new approach to regulate the expression of reporter genes or mycobacteria endogenous genes of interest. The establishment of the unnatural amino acid expression system in Mtb, an intracellular pathogen, should facilitate studies of TB biology and vaccine development.  相似文献   

We report on the first, to our knowledge, successful detection of a fluorescent unnatural amino acid (fUAA), Lys(BODIPYFL), incorporated into a membrane protein (the muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, nAChR) in a living cell. Xenopus oocytes were injected with a frameshift-suppressor tRNA, amino-acylated with Lys(BODIPYFL) and nAChR (α/β19′GGGU/γ/δ) mRNAs. We measured fluorescence from oocytes expressing nAChR β19′Lys(BODIPYFL), using time-resolved total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. Under conditions of relatively low receptor density (<0.1 receptors/μm2), we observed puncta with diffraction-limited profiles that were consistent with the point-spread function of our microscope. Furthermore, diffraction-limited puncta displayed step decreases in fluorescence intensity, consistent with single-molecule photobleaching. The puncta densities agreed with macroscopic ACh-induced current densities, showing that the fUAA was incorporated, and that receptors were functional. Dose-response relations for the nAChR β19′Lys(BODIPYFL) receptors were similar to those for wild-type receptors. We also studied nAChR β19′Lys(BODIPYFL) receptors labeled with α-bungarotoxin monoconjugated with Alexa488 (αBtxAlexa488). The nAChR has two αBtx binding sites, and puncta containing the Lys(BODIPYFL) labeled with αBtxAlexa488 yielded the expected three discrete photobleaching steps. We also performed positive control experiments with a nAChR containing enhanced green fluorescent protein in the γ-subunit M3-M4 loop, which confirmed our nAChR β19′Lys(BODIPYFL) measurements. Thus, we report on the cell-based single-molecule detection of nAChR β19′Lys(BODIPYFL).  相似文献   

Cell-free protein synthesis is a powerful method to explore the structure and function of membrane proteins and to analyze the targeting and translocation of proteins across the ER membrane. Developing a cell-free system based on cultured cells for the synthesis of membrane proteins could provide a highly reproducible alternative to the use of tissues from living animals. We isolated Sf21 microsomes from cultured insect cells by a simplified isolation procedure and evaluated the performance of the translocation system in combination with a cell-free translation system originating from the same source. The isolated microsomes contained the basic translocation machinery for polytopic membrane proteins including SRP-dependent targeting components, translocation channel (translocon)-dependent translocation, and the apparatus for signal peptide cleavage and N-linked glycosylation. A transporter protein synthesized with the cell-free system could be functionally reconstituted into a lipid bilayer. In addition, single and double labeling with non-natural amino acids could be achieved at both the lumen side and the cytosolic side in this system. Moreover, tail-anchored proteins, which are post-translationally integrated by the guided entry of tail-anchored proteins (GET) machinery, were inserted correctly into the microsomes. These results showed that the newly developed cell-free translocation system derived from cultured insect cells is a practical tool for the biogenesis of properly folded polytopic membrane proteins as well as tail-anchored proteins.  相似文献   

蛋白质是生命的物质基础,在生物体中行驶着极为重要的功能,各种细胞活动和生命过程的发生都需要蛋白质的参与。例如,DNA复制转录,RNA翻译,以及信号传导等过程中发挥关键作用的聚合酶、翻译复合物、信号传导受体等都是蛋白质。正常细胞体内的所有蛋白质都由20种天然存在的氨基酸组成,它们通过立体构象变化及翻译后修饰等来控制其功能的发挥。而在实际应用中,学者们为了实现不同的研究目的,发展了很多在蛋白质中引入20种自然氨基酸之外的非自然氨基酸(unnatural amino acid,UAA)的方法,如化学修饰合成、体外翻译、遗传密码扩展等,从而将蛋白质的性质根据研究和应用的需要进行拓展。本文综述了各类化学与生物中引入非自然氨基酸的方法,并介绍了非自然氨基酸在化学生物学研究中的最新应用。  相似文献   

植物是可以生产不同生物药剂品的成本低廉的生物反应器,综述了稳定转化系统、瞬时表达系统以及叶绿体基因组转化方法,这三种不同的植物表达系统的特点和研究现状,并对其存在的问题及未来的前景进行了分析。  相似文献   

The ability to site-specifically incorporate unnatural amino acids (UAAs) into proteins is a powerful tool in protein engineering. While dozens of UAAs have been successfully introduced into proteins expressed by Escherichia coli cells, it has been much more challenging to create tRNA and tRNA-Synthetase pairs that enable UAAs incorporation, for use in mammalian systems. By altering the orthogonality properties of existing unnatural pairs, previously evolved pairs for use in E. coli could be used in mammalian cells. This would bypass the cumbersome step of having to evolve mutant synthetases and would allow for the rapid development of new mammalian pairs. A major limitation to the amount of UAA-containing proteins that can be expressed in the cell is the availability of UAA-charged orthogonal suppressor tRNA. By using a natural mammalian tRNA promoter, the amount of functional suppressor tRNA can be greatly increased. Furthermore, increasing recognition of the suppressor tRNA by the mutant synthetase will ultimately lead to the appearance of more UAA-charged tRNA.  相似文献   

Disordered regions of proteins are highly abundant in various biological processes, involving regulation and signaling and also in relation with cancer, cardiovascular, autoimmune diseases and neurodegenerative disorders. Hence, recognizing disordered regions in proteins is a critical task. In this paper, we presented a new feature encoding technique built from physicochemical properties of residues selected as per the chaotic structure of related protein sequence. Our feature vector has been tested with various classification algorithms on an up-to-date data set and also compared to other methods. The proposed method shows better classification performance than many methods in terms of accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. Our results suggest that the new method that links the residues and their physicochemical properties using Lyapunov exponents is highly effective in recognition of disordered regions.  相似文献   

One decade after the sequencing of the Plasmodium falciparum genome, 95% of malaria proteins in the genome cannot be expressed in traditional cell-based expression systems, and the targets of the best new leads for antimalarial drug discovery are either not known or not available in functional form. For a disease that kills up to 1 million people per year, routine expression of recombinant malaria proteins in functional form is needed both for the discovery of new therapeutics and for identification of targets of new drugs. We tested the general utility of cell-free systems for expressing malaria enzymes. Thirteen test enzyme sequences were reverse amplified from total RNA, cloned into a plant-like expression vector, and subjected to cell-free expression in a wheat germ system. Protein electrophoresis and autoradiography confirmed the synthesis of products of expected molecular masses. In rare problematic cases, truncated products were avoided by using synthetic genes carrying wheat codons. Scaled-up production generated 39 to 354 μg of soluble protein per 10 mg of translation lysate. Compared to rare proteins where cell-based systems do produce functional proteins, the cell-free yields are comparable or better. All 13 test products were enzymatically active, without failure. This general path to produce functional malaria proteins should now allow the community to access new tools, such as biologically active protein arrays, and lead to the discovery of new chemical functions, structures, and inhibitors of previously inaccessible malaria gene products.  相似文献   

The canonical set of amino acids leads to an exceptionally wide range of protein functionality. Nevertheless, the set of residues still imposes limitations on potential protein applications. The incorporation of noncanonical amino acids can enlarge this scope. There are two complementary approaches for the incorporation of noncanonical amino acids. For site-specific incorporation, in addition to the endogenous canonical translational machineries, an orthogonal aminoacyl-tRNA-synthetase-tRNA pair must be provided that does not interact with the canonical ones. Consequently, a codon that is not assigned to a canonical amino acid, usually a stop codon, is also required. This genetic code expansion enables the incorporation of a noncanonical amino acid at a single, given site within the protein. The here presented work describes residue-specific incorporation where the genetic code is reassigned within the endogenous translational system. The translation machinery accepts the noncanonical amino acid as a surrogate to incorporate it at canonically prescribed locations, i.e., all occurrences of a canonical amino acid in the protein are replaced by the noncanonical one. The incorporation of noncanonical amino acids can change the protein structure, causing considerably modified physical and chemical properties. Noncanonical amino acid analogs often act as cell growth inhibitors for expression hosts since they modify endogenous proteins, limiting in vivo protein production. In vivo incorporation of toxic noncanonical amino acids into proteins remains particularly challenging. Here, a cell-free approach for a complete replacement of L-arginine by the noncanonical amino acid L-canavanine is presented. It circumvents the inherent difficulties of in vivo expression. Additionally, a protocol to prepare target proteins for mass spectral analysis is included. It is shown that L-lysine can be replaced by L-hydroxy-lysine, albeit with lower efficiency. In principle, any noncanonical amino acid analog can be incorporated using the presented method as long as the endogenous in vitro translation system recognizes it.  相似文献   

Recombinant production of complex eukaryotic proteins for structural analyses typically requires a profound screening process to identify suitable constructs for the expression of ample amounts of properly folded protein. Furthermore, the evaluation of an optimal expression host has a major impact on protein yield and quality as well as on actual cost of the production process. Here we present a novel fast expression system for multiple hosts based on a single donor vector termed pFlp-Bac-to-Mam. The range of applications of pFlp-Bac-to-Mam comprises highly efficient transient transfection of HEK293-6E in serum-free suspension culture and subsequent large-scale production of challenging proteins expressing in mg per Liter level using either the baculoviral expression vector system or stable CHO production cell lines generated by Flp-mediated cassette exchange. The success of the multi-host expression vector to identify the optimal expression strategy for efficient production of high quality protein is demonstrated in a comparative expression study of three model proteins representing different protein classes: intracellular expression using a fluorescent protein, secretion of a single-chain-Fv-hIgG1Fc fusion construct and production of a large amount of highly homogeneous protein sample of the extracellular domain of a Toll-like receptor. The evaluation of the production efficiency shows that the pFlp-Bac-to-Mam system allows a fast and individual optimization of the expression strategy for each protein class.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of Simian Virus 40 Proteins in a Cell-Free System   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
We have shown previously that all the structural proteins of simian virus 40 (SV40) are phosphoproteins. Virus phosphorylated in vivo could be further phosphorylated with exogenous cellular protein kinases in a cell-free system containing gamma-(32)P-ATP as phosphate donor. In intact infectious virus only polypeptides 1 and 2 (mol wt 49,000 and 40,800, respectively) were further phosphorylated in vitro. However, when infectious SV40 was partially disrupted, treated with nucleases, and then phosphorylated in vitro, all five structural polypeptides accepted additional phosphate groups. Similarly, all polypeptides of intact empty capsids, derived from infected cells, were further phosphorylated in vitro. Phosphorylation of empty capsids and infectious SV40 in vitro was enhanced from 4- to 11-fold after prior treatment of virus with alkali. The phosphate group was linked only to serine residues of the viral polypeptides phosphorylated both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

The production of complex multidomain (membrane) proteins is a major hurdle in structural genomics and a generic approach for optimizing membrane protein expression is still lacking. We have devised a selection method to isolate mutant strains with improved functional expression of recombinant membrane proteins. By fusing green fluorescent protein and an erythromycin resistance marker (ErmC) to the C-terminus of a target protein, one simultaneously selects for variants with enhanced expression (increased erythromycin resistance) and correct folding (green fluorescent protein fluorescence). Three evolved hosts, displaying 2- to 8-fold increased expression of a plethora of proteins, were fully sequenced and shown to carry single-site mutations in the nisK gene. NisK is the sensor protein of a two-component regulatory system that directs nisin-A-mediated expression. The levels of recombinant membrane proteins were increased in the evolved strains, and in some cases their folding states were improved. The generality and simplicity of our approach allow rapid improvements of protein production yields by directed evolution in a high-throughput way.  相似文献   

The N-Terminal Amino Acids of Human Plasma Proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A study has been made of the N-terminal amino acid pattern of human plasma proteins under normal and pathological conditions. The normal pattern shows the following N-terminal amino acids in order of diminishing quantities: aspartic acid, glutamic acid, valine, alanine, tyrosine, leucines, and glycine. In healthy individuals this pattern is qualitatively stable with moderate quantitative differences between individuals. On the other hand radical quantitative changes in the pattern have been observed under pathological conditions.  相似文献   

目的:研究非天然氨基酸突变的小鼠RANKL(m RANKL)蛋白的原核表达,并以表达的蛋白制备抗m RANKL蛋白的抗血清。方法:从小鼠的骨髓中提取总RNA,经PCR扩增m RANKL的胞外段,逆转录合成目的 DNA片段。将目的基因中编码第234位酪氨酸的密码子(TAT)突变成可编码非天然氨基酸p-硝基苯丙氨酸(p NO2Phe)的琥珀密码子(TAG),构建p ET28a-p NO2Phe234m RANKL重组表达载体,与p EVOL质粒共转化至表达菌E.coli BL-21(DE3),诱导表达并纯化。以纯化的蛋白免疫小鼠,制备小鼠抗m RANKL抗血清。采用ELISA测定抗血清效价,用Western Blot测定其特异性。结果:RT-PCR扩增出750bp的RANKL基因,并成功构建了p ET28a-p NO2Phe234m RANKL重组表达载体;p-硝基苯丙氨酸突变的m RANKL蛋白获得成功表达和纯化;以纯化的蛋白免疫小鼠,获得抗m RANKL抗血清,ELISA检测效价为1:6400,Western Blot结果显示该抗血清既可与p-硝基苯丙氨酸突变的m RANKL结合,也可与野生型m RANKL结合。结论:原核表达并纯化了p-硝基苯丙氨酸突变的m RANKL,制备了小鼠抗m RANKL的抗血清,为进一步研究阻断RANKL-RANK通路的新方法奠定了基础。  相似文献   

巴斯德毕赤酵母(Pichia pastoris)表达系统是基因工程研究中广泛使用的外源蛋白表达系统.但外源基因在该系统中表达时,由于受自身特性及环境等诸多因素的影响,在表达过程中出现表达量不够稳定或较低,甚至不表达的情况.本文对影响巴斯德毕赤酵母表达的各种可能因素进行了分析,并就如何提高外源基因在巴斯德毕赤酵母中表达量的问题进行了简要的综述.  相似文献   

The art of producing recombinant proteins with complex post-translational modifications represents a major challenge for studies of structure and function. The rapid establishment and high recovery from transiently-transfected mammalian cell lines addresses this barrier and is an effective means of expressing proteins that are naturally channeled through the ER and Golgi-mediated secretory pathway. Here is one protocol for protein expression using the human HEK293F and HEK293S cell lines transfected with a mammalian expression vector designed for high protein yields. The applicability of this system is demonstrated using three representative glycoproteins that expressed with yields between 95-120 mg of purified protein recovered per liter of culture. These proteins are the human FcγRIIIa and the rat α2-6 sialyltransferase, ST6GalI, both expressed with an N-terminal GFP fusion, as well as the unmodified human immunoglobulin G1 Fc. This robust system utilizes a serum-free medium that is adaptable for expression of isotopically enriched proteins and carbohydrates for structural studies using mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Furthermore, the composition of the N-glycan can be tuned by adding a small molecule to prevent certain glycan modifications in a manner that does not reduce yield.  相似文献   

Hemiasterlin is a tripeptide with highly alkylated unnatural amino acids. It acts as a potent tumor cell growth inhibitor. From the comparison of the N-terminal between hemiasterlin and its analogues, a further modification was conducted on this position for a SAR study. Some unnatural amino acids with aryl or ureido groups were introduced into the N-terminal of hemiasterlin analogues to improve their hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity. Here 14 hemiasterlin analogues were synthesized. And their activities against tumor cell lines were evaluated. Discussions on SAR preliminarily indicated that no matter whether the N-terminals come from the aryl or alkyl units, sufficient steric bulk, lipophilicity and methylation of the N-terminal should be crucial factors to the cytotoxic activity.  相似文献   

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