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Due to their high degree of polymorphism, microsatellites are considered useful tools for studying population genetics. Nevertheless, studies of genetic diversity in stingless bees by means of these primers have revealed a low level of polymorphism, possibly the consequence of the heterologous primers used, since in most cases these were not specifically designed for the species under consideration. Herein we compared the number of polymorphic loci and alleles per locus, as well as observed heterozygosity in Melipona rufiventris and M. mondury populations, using specific and heterologous primers. The use of specific primers placed in evidence the greater frequency of polymorphic loci and alleles per locus, besides an expressive increase in observed heterozygosity in M. rufiventris and M. mondury, thereby reinforcing the idea that populational studies should be undertaken by preferably using species-specific microsatellite primers.  相似文献   

Summary In most Hymenoptera species the queen mates once but in a small number of species, multiple matings can occur normally. So, in this study, physogastric M. quadrifasciata queens were mated with a second male to investigate how these queens, naturally inseminated and laying eggs, use spermatozoa stored in their spermatheca, when they are mated with a second male. Results demonstrate that spermatozoa of different males mix in the spermatheca of M. quadrifasciata queens and that there is a gradual increase in the utilisation of spermatozoa of the second male, which could be explained by a competition among spermatozoa of different drones over the way in which spermatozoa are stored in the spermatheca.  相似文献   

Melipona quadrifasciata is a stingless bee widely found throughout the Brazilian territory, with two recognized subspecies, M. quadrifasciata anthidioides, that exhibits interrupted metasomal stripes, and M. quadrifasciata quadrifasciata, with continuous metasomal stripes. This study aimed to estimate the genetic variability of these subspecies. For this purpose, 127 colonies from 15 Brazilian localities were analyzed, using nine species-specific microsatellite primers. At these loci, the number of alleles ranged from three to 15 (mean: 7.2), and the observed heterozygosity (Ho) ranged from 0.03–0.21, while the expected heterozygosity (He) ranged from 0.23–0.47. The genetic distances among populations ranged from 0.03–0.45. The FST multilocus value (0.23) indicated that the populations sampled were structured, and the clustering analysis showed the formation of two subgroups and two more distant populations. The first group contained the subspecies M. quadrifasciata quadrifasciata, and the other, the subspecies M. quadrifasciata anthidioides and the two M. quadrifasciata populations with continuous metasomal stripes from northern Minas Gerais. These results confirmed that the yellow metasomal stripes alone are not a good means for correctly identifying the different subspecies of M. quadrifasciata.  相似文献   

For a study of diversity and genetic structuring in Melipona quadrifasciata, 61 colonies were collected in eight locations in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. By means of PCR analysis, 119 ISSR bands were obtained, 80 (68%) being polymorphic. He and H B were 0.20 and 0.16, respectively. Two large groups were obtained by the UPGMA method, one formed by individuals from Januária, Urucuia, Rio Vermelho and Caeté and the other by individuals from São João Del Rei, Barbacena, Ressaquinha and Cristiano Otoni. The Φst and θB values were 0.65 and 0.58, respectively, thereby indicating high population structuring. UPGMA grouping did not reveal genetic structuring of M. quadrifasciata in function of the tergite stripe pattern. The significant correlation between dissimilarity values and geographic distances (r = 0.3998; p < 0.05) implies possible geographic isolation. The genetic differentiation in population grouping was probably the result of an interruption in gene flow, brought about by geographic barriers between mutually close geographical locations. Our results also demonstrate the potential of ISSR markers in the study of Melipona quadrifasciata population structuring, possibly applicable to the studies of other bee species.  相似文献   

Two stingless bees species of the genus Melipona, M. beecheii and M. yucatanica, are the only ones reported for the Yucatan Peninsula. The natural distribution of M. beecheii ranges from southern Mexico to Costa Rica, that of M. yucatanica from south Mexico to Guatemala. Colonies of both species occur in a variety of habitats and show adaptations to local conditions denoting the occurrence of ecotypes. The ITS2 of ribosomal DNA has been characterized in both species and its utility to discriminate among colonies has been investigated through RFLP experiments. The ITS2 region is unusually long, 1788 bp in M. beecheii and 1845 bp in M. yucatanica (including the 3′ end of the 5.8S gene and partial 5′ of the 28S gene). Mean nucleotide divergence between both ITS2 sequences is 16% (excluding sites with insertions/deletions) and 20% when the insertions/deletions are taken into account. The G+C content in both sequences is close to 53%. The PCR-RFLP assay was performed with 12 restriction enzymes on colonies of M. beecheii from Mexico (Yucatan, Campeche and Chiapas) Costa Rica, El Salvador and Guatemala, and of M. yucatanica from Mexico (Yucatan) and Guatemala. The restriction patterns obtained allow to discriminating colonies of both species with different origins. Both kinds of data are thus useful for assessing intra and interspecific genetic variability and for developing appropriate conservation strategies for these species. Received 20 June 2007; revised 31 August 2007; accepted 12 September 2007.  相似文献   

Summary. Internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS-1) sequences of the nuclear rDNA of eight bee species of the genus Melipona were studied. Complete ITS-1 sequence and flanking regions from three Melipona species were PCR-amplified, cloned, sequenced, and their variability compared. These sequences show length variation (1391 to 1417 bp), several repeated elements of one, two, three, and four nucleotides, and a repeated tandem sequence of approximately 80 bp. The low variation level between M. quadrifasciata and M. mandacaia sequences supports the hypothesis that they diverged recently. PCR-amplification, cloning, and sequencing of a partial ITS-1 sequence (394 to 496 bp) of eight Melipona species and two outgroups were performed and the obtained sequences used for phylogenetic analysis. The single tree estimated from parsimony analysis recovered four well-defined clades and monophyly of the genus Melipona. The phylogenetic relationships derived from sequences of ITS-1 fragments corroborate the taxonomic classification of Melipona based on morphological characters.Received 17 July 2003; revised 10 May 2004; accepted 1 June 2004.  相似文献   

Eight microsatellite primers were developed from ISSR (intersimple sequence repeats) markers for the stingless bee Melipona rufiventris. These primers were tested in 20 M. rufiventris workers, representing a single population from Minas Gerais state. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 5 (mean = 2.63) and the observed and expected heterozygosity values ranged from 0.00 to 0.44 (mean = 0.20) and from 0.05 to 0.68 (mean = 0.31), respectively. Several loci were also polymorphic in M. quadrifasciata, M. bicolor, M. mandacaia and Partamona helleri and should prove useful in population studies of other stingless bees.  相似文献   

Stingless bee colonies typically consist of one single-mated mother queen and her worker offspring. The stingless bee Melipona bicolor (Hymenoptera: Apidae) shows facultative polygyny, which makes this species particularly suitable for testing theoretical expectations concerning social behavior. In this study, we investigated the social structure and genetic relatedness among workers from eight natural and six manipulated colonies of M. bicolor over a period of one year. The populations of M. bicolor contained monogynous and polygynous colonies. The estimated genetic relatedness among workers from monogynous and polygynous colonies was 0.75 ± 0.12 and 0.53 ± 0.16 (mean ± SEM), respectively. Although the parental genotypes had significant effects on genetic relatedness in monogynous and polygynous colonies, polygyny markedly decreased the relatedness among nestmate workers. Our findings also demonstrate that polygyny in M. bicolor may arise from the adoption of related or unrelated queens.  相似文献   

Partamona is a Neotropical genus of stingless bees that comprises 33 species distributed from Mexico to southern Brazil. These bees are well-adapted to anthropic environments and build their nests in several substrates. In this study, 66 colonies of Partamona helleri from five localities in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais (São Miguel do Anta, Teixeiras, Porto Firme, Viçosa and Rio Vermelho) were analyzed using nine microsatellite loci in order to assess their genetic variability. Low levels of observed (Ho = 0.099-0.137) and expected (H e = 0.128-0.145) heterozygosity were encountered and revealed discrete genetic differentiation among the populations (F ST = 0.025). AMOVA further showed that most of the total genetic variation (94.24%) in P. helleri was explained by the variability within local populations.  相似文献   

The possible significance of nestmate recognition in prevention of robbing and parasitism in three species of stingless bees was assessed. Nestmate discrimination abilities vary among them; Melipona quadrifasciataworkers attacked 74% of nonnestmate conspecifics that were encountered, while M. scutellarisand M. rufiventriswere less discriminating, attacking only 14 and 60% of non-nestmates, respectively. In tests of interspecific interactions, M. quadrifasciataand M. scutellariswere the least mutually tolerant of all species pairs tested. Tests with Apis melliferashowed a high degree of intolerance by two of the three Meliponaspecies.  相似文献   

The pollen present in honey in colonies of Melipona seminigra merrillae and Melipona interrupta bred in Manaus was analysed. Between August and October 2012, honey samples were collected from the Sucupira meliponary, located in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. We identified a total of 70 pollen types belonging to 35 botanical families. In the samples from Melipona seminigra merrillae, the most represented pollen types were: Miconia-type (Melastomataceae) was the dominant pollen (DP) in August (51.19%), September (76.83%) and October (58.33%); Triplaris-type (Polygonaceae) was an accessory pollen (AP) in August (20.5%); and the remaining pollen types were classified as isolated pollen (IP), with Talisia macrophylla (Sapindaceae) exhibiting the highest percentage in August (12.92%). For Melipona interrupta, the most frequent pollen types were as follows: Miconia-type was the DP in August (59.33%) and October (61.33%) and an AP in September (37.5%); and Triplaris-type was an AP in August (35.83%), September (34.16%) and October (23.33%). The diversity of pollen types was not significantly different between the bees in the months evaluated. However, there was a large significant niche overlap in the months studied, August (Oik = 0.95), October (Oik = 0.89) and September (Oik = 0.69), revealing that of the 70 pollen types found in the samples, 22 were shared by the two bee species in large proportions, 28 were exploited exclusively by Melipona seminigra merrillae and 20 were collected only by Melipona interrupta.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analyses of the stingless bee Partamona helleri collected in the state of Bahia, Northeast Brazil revealed the chromosome numbers n = 18 in the haploid males and 2n = 35 in the diploid females. All karyotypes displayed one large acrocentric B chromosome, which differs from the minute B chromosomes previously described in the populations from southeastern Brazil. Giemsa staining, C-banding and DAPI/CMA(3) fluorochrome staining also revealed a remarkable interpopulational divergence regarding both the regular karyotype and the B chromosomes. The B chromosomes found in the samples from Jequié, Bahia, were entirely heterochromatic, while those found in Cravolandia, Bahia, displayed a euchromatic portion at the telomeric end of the long arm. CMA (3) labeling sites varied from seven to eight between the two localities in Bahia, due to the presence of an extra GC-rich block in the karyotype of the samples from Jequié. This is the first report of a large B chromosome in P. helleri and reveals the occurrence of a geographic differentiation within this species.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the ability of stingless bees to recruit nest mates to a food source (i) in group foraging species laying pheromone trails from the food to the nest (Trigona recursa Smith, T. hypogea Silvestri, Scaptotrigona depilis Moure), (ii) in solitary foraging species with possible but still doubtful communication of food location inside the nest (Melipona seminigra Friese, M. favosa orbignyi Guérin), and (iii) in species with a less precise (Nannotrigona testaceicornis Lep., Tetragona clavipes Fab.) or no communication (Frieseomelitta varia Lep.). The bees were allowed to collect food (sugar solution or liver in the necrophageous species) ad libitum and the forager number to accumulate, as it would do under normal unrestrained conditions. The median number of bees collecting differed considerably among the species (1.0–1436.5). It was highest in the species employing scent trails. The time course of recruitment was characteristic for most of the species and largely independent of the number of foragers involved. The two Melipona species recruited other bees significantly faster than T. recursa, S. depilis, and N. testaceicornis during the first 10 to 30 minutes of an experiment. In species laying a scent trail to guide nestmates to a food source the first recruits appeared with a delay of several minutes followed by a quick increase in forager number. The median time required to recruit all foragers available differed among the species between 95.0 and 240.0 min. These differences can at least partly be explained by differences in the recruitment mechanisms and do not simply follow from differences in colony biomass.  相似文献   

The cytogenetic analysis of Frieseomelitta dispar and F. francoi revealed the chromosome numbers 2n = 30 and n = 15 and a karyotypic formula 2K = 4M+2M(t)+4A+20A(M). The number of chromosomes observed was consistent with those reported for other Frieseomelitta species. The occurrence of the M(t) chromosome and other features of the karyotype formulae suggest a close relationship between F. dispar, F. francoi and F. varia. Nevertheless, it was possible to differentiate the karyotypes of the species by DAPI/CMA(3) staining, which revealed GC-rich regions on two chromosome pairs of F. dispar: one acrocentric and one pseudoacrocentric. In F. francoi, the same kinds of regions were observed on a pair of metacentrics and on a pair of acrocentrics. Our analysis also confirmed the chromosome number conservation in Frieseomelitta and suggests that infrequent pericentric inversion could constitute a synapomorphy for the group including F. dispar, F. francoi, and F. varia.  相似文献   

The stingless bee Melipona rufiventris is an important pollinator in several Brazilian ecosystems. Originally widely distributed in Minas Gerais (MG) state, this species is becoming very rare. Therefore this species was included in the endangered species list of MG. We used isoenzyme data for a better understanding of the genetic structure of several M. rufiventris colonies. Samples of 35 colonies were collected from 12 localities and evaluated by nine enzymatic systems, which yielded 17 loci. M. rufiventris genetic variation was found to be low, typical of an endangered species. The proportion of polymorphic loci was 5.88% in both ecosystems. Only Est-4 was polymorphic in colonies from the Forest and Mdh-1 in colonies from the Cerrado. The expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.0068 in the Cerrado to 0.0078 in the Forest. Despite this, enzyme electrophoretic analyses provided a good idea of the diversity between samples from Cerrado and Forest which reinforce the existence of two different forms of M. rufiventris in MG, one present in the Cerrado and the other in Forest. This information is of great importance for the conservation of, M. rufiventris in MG.  相似文献   

Four colonies of the stingless bee Partamona cupira (Hymenoptera: Apidae) were cytogenetically analyzed using conventional staining and the fluorochromes CMA(3) e DAPI. The females have 2n = 34 chromosomes (2K = 32 Mˉ+2 Aˉ). Some females, however, presented an additional large B acrocentric chromosome, to a total of 2n = 35. Chromosome B and the chromosomal pairs 2, 9 and 10 showed CMA (3) (+) bands, indicating an excess of CG base-pairs. A clear association was verified between the P. helleri B chromosome SCAR marker and the presence of a B chromosome in P. cupira. The data obtained suggests that B chromosomes in P. helleri and P. cupira share a common origin.  相似文献   

Tetragonisca angustula and Tetragonisca fiebrigi have recently been listed as valid species. This study aimed to cytogenetically investigate both species, emphasizing the new registry of B chromosomes in the tribe Meliponini. We analyzed colonies of T. angustula and T. fiebrigi collected at Tangará da Serra, Mato Grosso, Brazil, through conventional Giemsa staining, C-banding, and base-specific fluorochrome staining (CMA(3)/DAPI). T. angustula showed 2n = 34 chromosomes in females and n = 17 in males, with karyotype formula 2K = 34A(M). T. fiebrigi showed numeric variation, with chromosome number varying from 2n = 34 to 2n = 36 in females and from n = 17 to n = 18 in males, with karyotype formula 2K = 32A(M)+2A(Mc) and 2K = 32A(M)+2A(Mc) + 1 or 2 B-chromosomes. The B chromosomes are heterochromatic. In T. fiebrigi, the CMA(3)/DAPI staining revealed four chromosomes with a CMA(3) positive band. All individuals from the same colony showed the same number of B chromosomes. T. angustula and T. fiebrigi showed karyotype divergence, principally due to the presence of B chromosomes, which are found only in T. fiebrigi. Our data corroborate the status of valid species for both T. angustula and T. fiebrigi, as recently proposed.  相似文献   

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