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The class 1 equilibrative glucose transporters GLUT1 and GLUT4 are structurally similar but catalyze distinct modes of transport. GLUT1 exhibits trans-acceleration, in which the presence of intracellular sugar stimulates the rate of unidirectional sugar uptake. GLUT4-mediated uptake is unaffected by intracellular sugar. Using homology-scanning mutagenesis in which domains of GLUT1 are substituted with equivalent domains from GLUT4 and vice versa, we show that GLUT1 transmembrane domain 6 is both necessary and sufficient for trans-acceleration. This region is not directly involved in GLUT1 binding of substrate or inhibitors. Rather, transmembrane domain 6 is part of two putative scaffold domains, which coordinate membrane-spanning amphipathic helices that form the sugar translocation pore. We propose that GLUT1 transmembrane domain 6 restrains import when intracellular sugar is absent by slowing transport-associated conformational changes. 相似文献
We previously identified Asn331 in transmembrane segment 7 (TM7) as a key residue determining substrate affinity in Hxt2, a moderately high-affinity facilitative glucose transporter of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To gain further insight into the structural basis of substrate recognition by yeast glucose transporters, we have now studied Hxt7, whose affinity for glucose is the highest among the major hexose transporters. The functional role of Asp340 in Hxt7, the residue corresponding to Asn331 of Hxt2, was examined by replacing it with each of the other 19 amino acids. Such replacement of Asp340 generated transporters with various affinities for glucose, with the affinity of the Cys340 mutant surpassing that of the wild-type Hxt7. To examine the structural role of Asp340 in the substrate translocation pathway, we performed cysteine-scanning mutagenesis of the 21 residues in TM7 of a functional Cys-less Hxt7 mutant in conjunction with exposure to the hydrophilic sulfhydryl reagent p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonate (pCMBS). The transport activity of the D340C mutant of Cys-less Hxt7, in which Asp340 is replaced with Cys, was completely inhibited by pCMBS, indicating that Asp340 is located in a water-accessible position. This D340C mutant showed a sensitivity to pCMBS that was ∼70 times that of the wild-type Hxt7, and it was protected from pCMBS inhibition by the substrates d-glucose and 2-deoxy-d-glucose but not by l-glucose. These results indicate that Asp340 is situated at or close to a substrate recognition site and is a key residue determining high-affinity glucose transport by Hxt7, supporting the notion that yeast glucose transporters share a common mechanism for substrate recognition. 相似文献
Christina M. Naula Flora M. Logan Pui Ee Wong Michael P. Barrett Richard J. Burchmore 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2010,285(39):29721-29728
Sugars, the major energy source for many organisms, must be transported across biological membranes. Glucose is the most abundant sugar in human plasma and in many other biological systems and has been the primary focus of sugar transporter studies in eukaryotes. We have previously cloned and characterized a family of glucose transporter genes from the protozoan parasite Leishmania. These transporters, called LmGT1, LmGT2, and LmGT3, are homologous to the well characterized glucose transporter (GLUT) family of mammalian glucose transporters. We have demonstrated that LmGT proteins are important for parasite viability. Here we show that one of these transporters, LmGT2, is a more effective carrier of the pentose sugar d-ribose than LmGT3, which has a 6-fold lower relative specificity (Vmax/Km) for ribose. A pair of threonine residues, located in the putative extracellular loops joining transmembrane helices 3 to 4 and 7 to 8, define a filter that limits ribose approaching the exofacial substrate binding pocket in LmGT3. When these threonines are substituted by alanine residues, as found in LmGT2, the LmGT3 permease acquires ribose permease activity that is similar to that of LmGT2. The location of these residues in hydrophilic loops supports recent suggestions that substrate recognition is separated from substrate binding and translocation in this important group of transporters. 相似文献
Edward B. Maryon Shannon A. Molloy Kristin Ivy Huijun Yu Jack H. Kaplan 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2013,288(25):18035-18046
Human copper transporter 1 (hCTR1) is a homotrimer of a 190-amino acid monomer having three transmembrane domains believed to form a pore for copper permeation through the plasma membrane. The hCTR1-mediated copper transport mechanism is not well understood, nor has any measurement been made of the rate at which copper ions are transported by hCTR1. In this study, we estimated the rate of copper transport by the hCTR1 trimer in cultured cells using 64Cu uptake assays and quantification of plasma membrane hCTR1. For endogenous hCTR1, we estimated a turnover number of about 10 ions/trimer/s. When overexpressed in HEK293 cells, a second transmembrane domain mutant of hCTR1 (H139R) had a 3-fold higher Km value and a 4-fold higher turnover number than WT. Truncations of the intracellular C-terminal tail and an AAA substitution of the putative metal-binding HCH C-terminal tripeptide (thought to be required for transport) also exhibited elevated transport rates and Km values when compared with WT hCTR1. Unlike WT hCTR1, H139R and the C-terminal mutants did not undergo regulatory endocytosis in elevated copper. hCTR1 mutants combining methionine substitutions that block transport (M150L,M154L) on the extracellular side of the pore and the high transport H139R or AAA intracellular side mutations exhibited the blocked transport of M150L,M154L, confirming that Cu+ first interacts with the methionines during permeation. Our results show that hCTR1 elements on the intracellular side of the hCTR1 pore, including the carboxyl tail, are not essential for permeation, but serve to regulate the rate of copper entry. 相似文献
Christopher P. Corpe Peter Eck Jin Wang Hadi Al-Hasani Mark Levine 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2013,288(13):9092-9101
Intestinal vitamin C (Asc) absorption was believed to be mediated by the Na+-dependent ascorbic acid transporter SVCT1. However, Asc transport across the intestines of SVCT1 knock-out mice is normal indicating that alternative ascorbic acid transport mechanisms exist. To investigate these mechanisms, rodents were gavaged with Asc or its oxidized form dehydroascorbic acid (DHA), and plasma Asc concentrations were measured. Asc concentrations doubled following DHA but not Asc gavage. We hypothesized that the transporters responsible were facilitated glucose transporters (GLUTs). Using Xenopus oocyte expression, we investigated whether facilitative glucose transporters GLUT2 and GLUT5–12 transported DHA. Only GLUT2 and GLUT8, known to be expressed in intestines, transported DHA with apparent transport affinities (Km) of 2.33 and 3.23 mm and maximal transport rates (Vmax) of 25.9 and 10.1 pmol/min/oocyte, respectively. Maximal rates for DHA transport mediated by GLUT2 and GLUT8 in oocytes were lower than maximal rates for 2-deoxy-d-glucose (Vmax of 224 and 32 pmol/min/oocyte for GLUT2 and GLUT8, respectively) and fructose (Vmax of 406 and 116 pmol/min/oocyte for GLUT2 and GLUT8, respectively). These findings may be explained by differences in the exofacial binding of substrates, as shown by inhibition studies with ethylidine glucose. DHA transport activity in GLUT2- and GLUT8-expressing oocytes was inhibited by glucose, fructose, and by the flavonoids phloretin and quercetin. These studies indicate intestinal DHA transport may be mediated by the facilitative sugar transporters GLUT2 and GLUT8. Furthermore, dietary sugars and flavonoids in fruits and vegetables may modulate Asc bioavailability via inhibition of small intestinal GLUT2 and GLUT8. 相似文献
Previous results suggested that specific point mutations in human anion exchanger 1 (AE1) convert the electroneutral anion exchanger into a monovalent cation conductance. In the present study, the transport site for anion exchange and for the cation leak has been studied by cysteine scanning mutagenesis and sulfhydryl reagent chemistry. Moreover, the role of some highly conserved amino acids within members of the SLC4 family to which AE1 belongs has been assessed in AE1 transport properties. The results suggest that the same transport site within the AE1 spanning domain is involved in anion exchange or in cation transport. A functioning mechanism for this transport site is proposed according to transport properties of the different studied point mutations of AE1. 相似文献
Zhang X He X Baker J Tama F Chang G Wright SH 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2012,287(33):27971-27982
The x-ray structure of the prototypic MATE family member, NorM from Vibrio cholerae, reveals a protein fold composed of 12 transmembrane helices (TMHs), confirming hydropathy analyses of the majority of (prokaryotic and plant) MATE transporters. However, the mammalian MATEs are generally predicted to have a 13(th) TMH and an extracellular C terminus. Here we affirm this prediction, showing that the C termini of epitope-tagged, full-length human, rabbit, and mouse MATE1 were accessible to antibodies from the extracellular face of the membrane. Truncation of these proteins at or near the predicted junction between the 13(th) TMH and the long cytoplasmic loop that precedes it resulted in proteins that (i) trafficked to the membrane and (ii) interacted with antibodies only after permeabilization of the plasma membrane. CHO cells expressing rbMate1 truncated at residue Gly-545 supported levels of pH-sensitive transport similar to that of cells expressing the full-length protein. Although the high transport rate of the Gly-545 truncation mutant was associated with higher levels of membrane expression (than full-length MATE1), suggesting the 13(th) TMH may influence substrate translocation, the selectivity profile of the mutant indicated that TMH13 has little impact on ligand binding. We conclude that the functional core of MATE1 consists of 12 (not 13) TMHs. Therefore, we used the x-ray structure of NorM to develop a homology model of the first 12 TMHs of MATE1. The model proved to be stable in molecular dynamic simulations and agreed with topology evident from preliminary cysteine scanning of intracellular versus extracellular loops. 相似文献
Mike M. Mueckler Paul W. Hruz 《Molecular membrane biology》2013,30(3):183-193
The structure of the human erythrocyte facilitative glucose transporter (GLUT1) has been intensively investigated using a wide array of chemical and biophysical approaches. Despite the lack of a crystal structure for any of the facilitative monosaccharide transport proteins, detailed information regarding primary and secondary structure, membrane topology, transport kinetics, and functionally important residues has allowed the construction of a sophisticated working model for GLUT1 tertiary structure. The existing data support the formation of a central aqueous channel formed by the juxtaposition of several amphipathic transmembrane-spanning α-helices. The results of extensive mutational analysis of GLUT1 have elucidated many of the structural determinants of the glucose permeation pathway. Continued application of currently available technologies will allow further refinement of this working model. In addition to providing insights into the molecular basis of both normal and disordered glucose homeostasis, this detailed understanding of structure/function relationships within GLUT1 can provide a basis for understanding transport carried out by othermembers of the major facilitator super family. 相似文献
Alex J. Freemerman Amy R. Johnson Gina N. Sacks J. Justin Milner Erin L. Kirk Melissa A. Troester Andrew N. Macintyre Pankuri Goraksha-Hicks Jeffery C. Rathmell Liza Makowski 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2014,289(11):7884-7896
Glucose is a critical component in the proinflammatory response of macrophages (MΦs). However, the contribution of glucose transporters (GLUTs) and the mechanisms regulating subsequent glucose metabolism in the inflammatory response are not well understood. Because MΦs contribute to obesity-induced inflammation, it is important to understand how substrate metabolism may alter inflammatory function. We report that GLUT1 (SLC2A1) is the primary rate-limiting glucose transporter on proinflammatory-polarized MΦs. Furthermore, in high fat diet-fed rodents, MΦs in crown-like structures and inflammatory loci in adipose and liver, respectively, stain positively for GLUT1. We hypothesized that metabolic reprogramming via increased glucose availability could modulate the MΦ inflammatory response. To increase glucose uptake, we stably overexpressed the GLUT1 transporter in RAW264.7 MΦs (GLUT1-OE MΦs). Cellular bioenergetics analysis, metabolomics, and radiotracer studies demonstrated that GLUT1 overexpression resulted in elevated glucose uptake and metabolism, increased pentose phosphate pathway intermediates, with a complimentary reduction in cellular oxygen consumption rates. Gene expression and proteome profiling analysis revealed that GLUT1-OE MΦs demonstrated a hyperinflammatory state characterized by elevated secretion of inflammatory mediators and that this effect could be blunted by pharmacologic inhibition of glycolysis. Finally, reactive oxygen species production and evidence of oxidative stress were significantly enhanced in GLUT1-OE MΦs; antioxidant treatment blunted the expression of inflammatory mediators such as PAI-1 (plasminogen activator inhibitor 1), suggesting that glucose-mediated oxidative stress was driving the proinflammatory response. Our results indicate that increased utilization of glucose induced a ROS-driven proinflammatory phenotype in MΦs, which may play an integral role in the promotion of obesity-associated insulin resistance. 相似文献
Koumanov F Richardson JD Murrow BA Holman GD 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2011,286(19):16574-16582
AS160 (TBC1D4) is a known Akt substrate that is phosphorylated downstream of insulin action and that leads to regulated traffic of GLUT4. As GLUT4 vesicle fusion with the plasma membrane is a highly regulated step in GLUT4 traffic, we investigated whether AS160 and 14-3-3 interactions are involved in this process. Fusion was inhibited by a human truncated AS160 variant that encompasses the first N-terminal phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB) domain, by either of the two N-terminal PTB domains, and by a tandem construct of both PTB domains of rat AS160. We also found that in vitro GLUT4 vesicle fusion was strongly inhibited by the 14-3-3-quenching inhibitors R18 and fusicoccin. To investigate the mode of interaction of AS160 and 14-3-3, we examined insulin-dependent increases in the levels of these proteins on GLUT4 vesicles. 14-3-3γ was enriched on insulin-stimulated vesicles, and its binding to AS160 on GLUT4 vesicles was inhibited by the AS160 tandem PTB domain construct. These data suggest a model for PTB domain action on GLUT4 vesicle fusion in which these constructs inhibit insulin-stimulated 14-3-3γ interaction with AS160 rather than AS160 phosphorylation. 相似文献
Jennifer J. Paynter Isabelle Andres-Enguix Philip W. Fowler Stephen Tottey Wayland Cheng Decha Enkvetchakul Vassiliy N. Bavro Yoshio Kusakabe Mark S. P. Sansom Nigel J. Robinson Colin G. Nichols Stephen J. Tucker 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2010,285(52):40754-40761
The superfamily of prokaryotic inwardly rectifying (KirBac) potassium channels is homologous to mammalian Kir channels. However, relatively little is known about their regulation or about their physiological role in vivo. In this study, we have used random mutagenesis and genetic complementation in K+-auxotrophic Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae to identify activatory mutations in a range of different KirBac channels. We also show that the KirBac6.1 gene (slr5078) is necessary for normal growth of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC6803. Functional analysis and molecular dynamics simulations of selected activatory mutations identified regions within the slide helix, transmembrane helices, and C terminus that function as important regulators of KirBac channel activity, as well as a region close to the selectivity filter of KirBac3.1 that may have an effect on gating. In particular, the mutations identified in TM2 favor a model of KirBac channel gating in which opening of the pore at the helix-bundle crossing plays a far more important role than has recently been proposed. 相似文献
Zhou Y Madej MG Guan L Nie Y Kaback HR 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2011,286(35):30415-30422
Helix V in LacY, which abuts and crosses helix I in the N-terminal helix bundle of LacY, contains Arg144 and Trp151, two residues that play direct roles in sugar recognition and binding, as well as Cys154, which is important for conformational flexibility. In this study, paired Cys replacement mutants in helices V and I were strategically constructed with tandem factor Xa protease cleavage sites in the loop between the two helices to test cross-linking. None of the mutants form disulfides spontaneously; however, three mutants (Pro28 → Cys/Cys154, Pro28 → Cys/Val158 → Cys, and Phe29 → Cys/Val158 → Cys) exhibit cross-linking after treatment with copper/1,10-phenanthroline (Cu/Ph) or 1,1-methanediyl bismethanethiosulfonate ((MTS)2-1), 3–4 Å), and cross-linking is quantitative in the presence of ligand. Remarkably, with one mutant, complete cross-linking with (MTS)2-1 has no effect on lactose transport, whereas quantitative disulfide cross-linking catalyzed by Cu/Ph markedly inhibits transport activity. The findings are consistant with a number of previous conclusions suggesting that sugar binding to LacY causes a localized scissors-like movement between helices V and I near the point where the two helices cross in the middle of the membrane. This ligand-induced movement may act to initiate the global conformational change resulting from sugar binding. 相似文献
Amanda J. Scopelliti Renae M. Ryan Robert J. Vandenberg 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2013,288(12):8250-8257
The ASCTs (alanine, serine, and cysteine transporters) belong to the solute carrier family 1 (SLC1), which also includes the human glutamate transporters (excitatory amino acid transporters, EAATs) and the prokaryotic aspartate transporter GltPh. Despite the high degree of amino acid sequence identity between family members, ASCTs function quite differently from the EAATs and GltPh. The aim of this study was to mutate ASCT1 to generate a transporter with functional properties of the EAATs and GltPh, to further our understanding of the structural basis for the different transport mechanisms of the SLC1 family. We have identified three key residues involved in determining differences between ASCT1, the EAATs and GltPh. ASCT1 transporters containing the mutations A382T, T459R, and Q386E were expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, and their transport and anion channel functions were investigated. A382T and T459R altered the substrate selectivity of ASCT1 to allow the transport of acidic amino acids, particularly l-aspartate. The combination of A382T and T459R within ASCT1 generates a transporter with a similar profile to that of GltPh, with preference for l-aspartate over l-glutamate. Interestingly, the amplitude of the anion conductance activated by the acidic amino acids does not correlate with rates of transport, highlighting the distinction between these two processes. Q386E impaired the ability of ASCT1 to bind acidic amino acids at pH 5.5; however, this was reversed by the additional mutation A382T. We propose that these residues differences in TM7 and TM8 combine to determine differences in substrate selectivity between members of the SLC1 family. 相似文献
Matthias P. Müller Alexander V. Shkumatov Lena K. Oesterlin Stefan Schoebel Philip R. Goody Roger S. Goody Aymelt Itzen 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2012,287(42):35036-35046
After the pathogenic bacterium Legionella pneumophila is phagocytosed, it injects more than 250 different proteins into the cytoplasm of host cells to evade lysosomal digestion and to replicate inside the host cell. Among these secreted proteins is the protein DrrA/SidM, which has been shown to modify Rab1b, a main regulator of vesicular trafficking in eukaryotic cells, by transfer of adenosine monophosphate (AMP) to Tyr77. In addition, Legionella provides the protein SidD that hydrolytically reverses the covalent modification, suggesting a tight spatial and temporal control of Rab1 function by Legionella during infection. Small angle x-ray scattering experiments of DrrA allowed us to validate a tentative complex model built by combining available crystallographic data. We have established the effects of adenylylation on Rab1 interactions and properties in a quantitative way. In addition, we have characterized the kinetics of DrrA-catalyzed adenylylation as well as SidD-catalyzed deadenylylation toward Rab1 and have determined the nucleotide specificities of both enzymes. This study enhances our knowledge of proteins subverting Rab1 function at the Legionella-containing vacuole. 相似文献
Hairat Sabit Sairam S. Mallajosyula Alexander D. MacKerell Jr. Peter W. Swaan 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2013,288(45):32394-32404
Human apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter (hASBT, SLC10A2) is responsible for intestinal reabsorption of bile acids and plays a key role in cholesterol homeostasis. We used a targeted and systematic approach to delineate the role of highly conserved transmembrane helix 2 on the expression and function of hASBT. Cysteine mutation significantly depressed transport activity for >60% of mutants without affecting cell surface localization of the transporter. All mutants were inaccessible toward chemical modification by membrane-impermeant MTSET reagent, strongly suggesting that transmembrane 2 (TM2) plays an indirect role in bile acid substrate translocation. Both bile acid uptake and sodium dependence of TM2 mutants revealed a distinct α-helical periodicity. Kinetic studies with conservative and non-conservative mutants of sodium sensitive residues further underscored the importance of Gln75, Phe76, Met79, Gly83, Leu86, Phe90, and Asp91 in hASBT function. Computational analysis indicated that Asp91 may coordinate with sodium during the transport cycle. Combined, our data propose that a consortium of sodium-sensitive residues along with previously reported residues (Thr134, Leu138, and Thr149) from TM3 may form the sodium binding and translocation pathway. Notably, residues Gln75, Met79, Thr82, and Leu86 from TM2 are highly conserved in TM3 of a putative remote bacterial homologue (ASBTNM), suggesting a universal mechanism for the SLC10A transporter family. 相似文献
Sumie Manno Narla Mohandas Yuichi Takakuwa 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2010,285(44):33923-33929
Human erythrocytes are continuously exposed to glucose, which reacts with the amino terminus of the β-chain of hemoglobin (Hb) to form glycated Hb, HbA1c, levels of which increase with the age of the circulating cell. In contrast to extensive insights into glycation of hemoglobin, little is known about glycation of erythrocyte membrane proteins. In the present study, we explored the conditions under which glucose and ribose can glycate spectrin, both on the intact membrane and in solution and the functional consequences of spectrin glycation. Although purified spectrin could be readily glycated, membrane-associated spectrin could be glycated only after ATP depletion and consequent translocation of phosphatidylserine (PS) from the inner to the outer lipid monolayer. Glycation of membrane-associated spectrin led to a marked decrease in membrane deformability. We further observed that only PS-binding spectrin repeats are glycated. We infer that the absence of glycation in situ is the consequence of the interaction of the target lysine and arginine residues with PS and thus is inaccessible for glycation. The reduced membrane deformability after glycation in the absence of ATP is likely the result of the inability of the glycated spectrin repeats to undergo the obligatory unfolding as a consequence of interhelix cross-links. We thus postulate that through the use of an ATP-driven phospholipid translocase (flippase), erythrocytes have evolved a protective mechanism against spectrin glycation and thus maintain their optimal membrane function during their long circulatory life span. 相似文献
Tuan Hoang Matthew D. Smith Masoud Jelokhani-Niaraki 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2013,288(51):36244-36258
Uncoupling protein-1 (UCP1) is abundantly expressed in the mitochondrial inner membrane of brown adipose tissues and has an important role in heat generation, mediated by its proton transport function. The structure and function of UCP1 are not fully understood, partially due to the difficulty in obtaining native-like folded proteins in vitro. In this study, using the auto-induction method, we have successfully expressed UCP1 in Escherichia coli membranes in high yield. Overexpressed UCP1 in bacterial membranes was extracted using mild detergents and reconstituted into phospholipid bilayers for biochemical studies. UCP1 was folded in octyl glucoside, as indicated by its high helical content and binding to ATP, a known UCP1 proton transport inhibitor. Reconstituted UCP1 in phospholipid vesicles also exhibited highly helical structures and proton transport that is activated by fatty acids and inhibited by purine nucleotides. Self-associated functional forms of UCP1 in lipid membranes were observed for the first time. The self-assembly of UCP1 into tetramers was unambiguously characterized by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy, analytical ultracentrifugation, and semi-native gel electrophoresis. In addition, the mitochondrial lipid cardiolipin stabilized the structure of associated UCP1 and enhanced the proton transport activity of the protein. The existence of the functional oligomeric states of UCP1 in the lipid membranes has important implications for understanding the structure and proton transport mechanism of this protein in brown adipose tissues as well as structure-function relationships of other mammalian UCPs in other tissues. 相似文献
Alessandra Castegna Pasquale Scarcia Gennaro Agrimi Luigi Palmieri Hanspeter Rottensteiner Iolanda Spera Lucrezia Germinario Ferdinando Palmieri 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2010,285(23):17359-17370
Mitochondrial carriers are a family of transport proteins that shuttle metabolites, nucleotides, and coenzymes across the mitochondrial membrane. The function of only a few of the 35 Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial carriers still remains to be uncovered. In this study, we have functionally defined and characterized the S. cerevisiae mitochondrial carrier Yhm2p. The YHM2 gene was overexpressed in S. cerevisiae, and its product was purified and reconstituted into liposomes. Its transport properties, kinetic parameters, and targeting to mitochondria show that Yhm2p is a mitochondrial transporter for citrate and oxoglutarate. Reconstituted Yhm2p also transported oxaloacetate, succinate, and fumarate to a lesser extent, but virtually not malate and isocitrate. Yhm2p catalyzed only a counter-exchange transport that was saturable and inhibited by sulfhydryl-blocking reagents but not by 1,2,3-benzenetricarboxylate (a powerful inhibitor of the citrate/malate carrier). The physiological role of Yhm2p is to increase the NADPH reducing power in the cytosol (required for biosynthetic and antioxidant reactions) and probably to act as a key component of the citrate-oxoglutarate NADPH redox shuttle between mitochondria and cytosol. This protein function is based on observations documenting a decrease in the NADPH/NADP+ and GSH/GSSG ratios in the cytosol of ΔYHM2 cells as well as an increase in the NADPH/NADP+ ratio in their mitochondria compared with wild-type cells. Our proposal is also supported by the growth defect displayed by the ΔYHM2 strain and more so by the ΔYHM2ΔZWF1 strain upon H2O2 exposure, implying that Yhm2p has an antioxidant function. 相似文献
da Silva TC Hussainzada N Khantwal CM Polli JE Swaan PW 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2011,286(31):27322-27332
The human apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter (hASBT, SLC10A2) plays a critical role in the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids, as well as in cholesterol homeostasis. ASBT reclaims bile acids from the distal ileum via active sodium co-transport, in a multistep process, orchestrated by key residues in exofacial loop regions, as well as in membrane-spanning helices. Here, we unravel the functional contribution of highly conserved transmembrane helix 1 (TM1) on the hASBT transport cycle. Consecutive cysteine substitution of individual residues along the TM1 helix (Ile(29)-Gly(50)), as well as exofacial Asn(27) and Asn(28), resulted in functional impairment of ~70% of mutants, despite appreciable cell surface expression for all but G50C. Cell surface expression of G50C and G50A was rescued upon MG132 treatment as well as cyclosporine A, but not by FK506 or bile acids, suggesting that Gly(50) is involved in hASBT folding. TM1 accessibility to membrane-impermeant MTSET remains confined to the exofacial half of the helix along a single, discrete face. Substrate protection from MTSET labeling was temperature-dependent for L34C, T36C, and L38C, consistent with conformational changes playing a role in solvent accessibility for these mutants. Residue Leu(30) was shown to be critical for both bile acid and sodium affinity, while Asn(27), Leu(38), Thr(39), and Met(46) participate in sodium co-transport. Combined, our data demonstrate that TM1 plays a pivotal role in ASBT function and stability, thereby providing further insight in its dynamic transport mechanism. 相似文献